SasQuatch LoVe Feat sKeYes

He HE..
no comment..
YeTi.. noW yes Now..
oKay.. more comment from ‘then’..
noW.. i mean.. Jesus F. iN Christ..
this online publishing stuff can get
very mechanically oriented in cognition..
once one copies and pasties all of this
sTuFF i create to many different places..
hmm.. and have you ever noticed..
that in the forms of art
iN iMaGiNaTioN and
creativity.. for
example iN A
Wookiee shirt
i wore last year
to date.. all white
except for Wookiee T-
shirted tattoo.. sayin’ FREE
HUGS at the Catholic Church
celebratory event for a new wing
in education building of sorts last
year.. pictured with the Catholic Monsignor
tHeRe i do.. kinda look like a White Clothed
Wookiee.. i guess.. weLL at least compared
to the Monsignor in the photo.. heHe.. as
stereotypes of beast vs human goes.. haha..
as WeLL.. mY FriendS.. in Sasquatch waYaass WeLL..;)
WeLL.. the En name test thingy on Facebook..
celebrates my current then.. Cardinal Climber
hybrid mix of vine and red morning glory.. pro
file pic.. and says no.. the type of Flower
i Am iS SunFloWeR.. and
suRe i FloW iN ZonE too..
at ease.. at ease..
as Golden
SpiRal Sun FloWer
pArts toGeTheR aLL
oNe for NoW..
aT leAst
mE now..;)
WeLL.. i understand tHeRe IS A
dVerse prompt all about daytime
skies in classic Haibun and Haiku
form available now for me to poeticAlly
respond to in my own style of Fredbun and
Fred Ku.. but for noW iT’s noW for work-out
at my favorite and only military Gym.. for a little
Fred Fu Martial arts.. aS iN the case of this foot
feat oF aRt tHeRe iS no conFORMiTy for mE WiTH
Art as yA can caLL
mE Free Verse
Fred in aLL i do
FloWinG iN A ZonE
oF onLY noW iN
wHatEver Now
i care to FLY..
Free jUST foR
Money as Art oF aLL
i do iS SonG oF mY SouL
FuLLy alWays For FReED anD
never for sale for Green bLack Bucks..
or likes and shares and follows per.. ugh..
the equivalent of modern bucks2.. noW..;)
WeLL i reAlly gotta go BeFore the gym closes in a few hours
heRe.. but juSt to gEt warmed uP here.. surE.. this IS
A birth of Angel in skies oF day.. and heLL
yes.. it’s kinda ficTion/fACt as poetry
IS AlWays a miX noW ofF
reAlity and iMAginatTiON
sAme for what wECreate iN
the reaL World TrUe too.. noW
as A child of Skies iS
iN Our eYes as skeYes too..
for eTernal liFe oF noW iN A
ReaL eARth HeaVen foR those
who rise.. ascend.. AgAin.. if noW
they lived iN this HeaVen BeFore
noW in or noT in liFe beFore.. as
rEborn in lucid DreAming waYs now
wHere Goddess/Father/Kundalini
riSinG Chakra SpiRit.. Satori..
the great ancestral SpiRit.. eTc..
or as science says witH
self actualization noW iN
potenTiaL iNFiniTe
numBers of otHeR
for what some
nAMe as A Christ
Consciousness noW2
as Co-Creator WitH GoD
as leFT haNd and RighT
Hand woman/man/etc..
teAM liGht wE hoPe
for noW as wE
lucid guide
ouR dReams
toGether to
FruiTion iN aWakinG
stylE of RiSinG aScenDinG
Re-Born noW as Buttefly
from niGhtmares drOwning
uP to dArk niGht oF soUL
oF beFore.. wE Breathe
God of Nature’s Air
more fully Free
once aGain
we fLoW iN ZoNe
as air and water GoD sAme..
in silent to Explosive Lucidity noW..:)
Oh.. how.. deliciously sweet..
the Facebook Slide show/Video
maker algorithm.. provides a sentimental
shoWing of late August afternoon to evening
in Garden and pre-workout Face way
too.. in yes.. Karmic eYe2.. aS wELL
for noW at LEast and wEst yeye..
i mean hehe.. haha.. oKay..
Well.. even catching
butterflies in the
maTinG act
aS Jesus
F. iN Christ
even cocooned
butterflies of beFore..
do some kindA Wild thing
noW too.. what else.. yeah..
more blue skies too.. i’M kinda
sleepy and blUe sKeYes of God
are very inspirational to mE TrUe
and liGht sAMe duRinG aLL day NoW2..
i could fall asleep now and wake uP early
and stArt then.. but oh no.. i have an ophthalmologist
test tomorrow.. and it is gonna be too hard to see those
letters on the screen if do not get in some horizon scanning
before that appointment comes.. in early afternoon way..
and oh no.. if they put those drops in my eye.. i will
jUST have to take even more of a break from
writing with dilated wide pupils..
until after i visit my Mother..
on Tuesday visiting
Mother day
as a routine
there too.. anyWay..
as far as i kNow and FeeL
blue skies are forecast for tomorrow..
so sure.. juST more for InspiRatiON iF
then i do not get around to that day sky prompt
until even after a Tuesday prompt may come
too.. yes.. StiLL.. noWs to spRead soMe Love..
coMinG soon enough.. to a Facebook Theater
some more2.. even iF onlY iN more Fun Face
Book Algorithm slide show videos to document
some fun out of these four walls of somEwhat priSon
stuck in this 27 inch iMaC Desk toP work-horse
robot too.. assisting me aS WeLL as creAtioN
GroWs oN
iN this noW
697th VersE..
i’M worKing anD
pracTiCinG oN aS
noW GoeS oN for NoW..;)
With a second WiNd of BlUe skeYes
within i’M off to spRead some
sUnshine oF
at dVerse
prompt for day
skies now.. at
11:47 pm on 8222016..;)
Skies of Nature for
Love.. beach grains
of Free in Love that
takes no hold from Free..
Love Sings
Far north skies burn a little
bright in summer days.. dimming
in fall to drought lights
of Winter
days so
in warming hearts
for happy hope of Love..
Southern skies
Love noW..:)
sMiLes.. immediately
with talk of Grasshopper
and Guru within.. i’M taken
back to the Old Kung Fu TV series..
wHeRe all the most important answers
come iN miNd and boDy
BaLanCe wHOle
of BLuE
no matter
color of eYe
of skY above.. so
below.. inside.. outside..
all around.. the color of
Heaven skeYes withiN
alWays Blue Free noW
And Sun BriGht wiTh liGht..
There muSt be an
Invisible Sun
inSide.. by Sting2..:)
Oh.. the quiet fathers…
with the green
of sunshine eyes
that sparkle in lake
day memories for
me.. and
one day on
his dock.. a
father drown
off a boat only
yards from uS..
and sadly i had to
wonder would i miss
a daddy.. i never got to
kNow/feeL.. from lips that
could not express
that one
now when
his decades old
cat died that he
called Son.. anyway..
decades later as we all
do with parents if the child does
live long enough.. i did miss him..
particularly.. the fAct he wouldn’t
let me feel who he was inside ever
no matter how hard i tried.. and sure
enough.. eventuAlly.. i figured out.. i too..
could be like him.. too.. if enough stress
came like his in law enforcement for 46
years to take
the feelings
away.. later..
oh.. the environment
of love.. makes or breaks
a word of Love..
lesSon lEarned
for/by me.. my
to always
say i Love.
and so much more..
no longer speechless at
age 4.. no longer stuttering
in middle school.. and no longer
dead and mute from stress in middle
Thanks my friEnd..
Even science shows now..
The heart IS A Love muscle
That can grow like the
Grinch HeArt and more..
Perhaps.. than 10 x 10
More with a practice
Of PoEtry..
With words
And Dance
Music of
From head
To toe in mind
And body balancing
Spirit that SinGs a Recipe
For Fearless Loving SoUL
And for
Now that’s
aLL i
TrUly FeeL
As LiGht oF
LiFe Of LoVe..
Thanks Lillian..
WiTh sMiLes More
Hurricane skies
of mid-2000’s
Gulf Coast
swirLing water..
iN billoWing omens
of floods to come.. Sun
is gone.. Wind as come..
Battering hatches uP..
as Shingles fly.. gone..
Roofs go bare..
StiLL a home
aT lEast for
uS.. to west
to south..
Floods drOwn
so many steads
of homes.. under fLow..
line.. everyone
lived.. anotHeR sKy oF BlUe..:)
sMILes.. A pAint
with never numbers..
God skeYeS on FiRe…
oF breathinG
Canvas.. blue
skieS old.. Colors FLow..
c l O U D S BLoom.. morE..
Even Michelangelo..
would never
sculpt.. God skeYes change..:)
Toward Equinox.. of FaLL
and rise of SpRing.. Gulf
skies sinG
set the
color red..
so deep in Love
of beauty hOld..
so give oF
never seLL..
Beach skies
Beauty’s Blood..:)
Nature hOlds
atmoSphere BriGht
skies so bRoad..
yes.. a secret
tHeRE wE FeeL
the suffering and
misery of each other
as far as miles connect
us withdrawn inside..
in wither
Nature kNows/FeeLs
no sound of footprintS iN
doors so closed of heARt
SpiRit young and cOld..
no SonG of sad..:)
Hi Nan..
just in case
no one has come
by to let you kNow..
the link’s not working
on dVerse.. but typing
your name in Google is
not hard to do..
for me..
Oh skies
Now to your poem..
and number two.. hmm..
can’t help but to think of the
Beautiful Escambia bay here
iN Florida west panhandle
by smoke
stacks and
once polluted
as F.. as a place
you didn’t wanna
Bring your date..
it stink
stank.. stunk..
of Panhandle..
Monsanto.. Chemstrand..
Paper Mills.. the F iN List
oF old Yellow smoke goeS oN
and on a Fall day.. Jesus F.
iN Christ iT sTiLL stInks
in what they
oh cRap..
My Fredbun
and Fredku
is polluting your Blog..;)
God IS A Rorschach test.. noW..
you kNOw and FeeL the wHole
thing noW.. aka allthatis too..
and cLouds and sKy thaT too..
and all aRound tHat ThREE..
but trUly all IS A
Rorschach test..
even words
are metaphor
for essence more..
of course.. wRiTe oN course.. but don’t
tale that to chains outside
that never see more
within now more..
of whatever
now oF
and Love
or Fear
Wins FEarless..
iF wE beLieve and maKe iT So..:)
My first loss..
of the human
kind.. was an
Uncle too.. but
not a blood relative..
and the closest thing
to a Father then.. sad
when blood feels less..
yet truth
is tHeRe
are no
coffins for Love..
for mE @lEast..
and west..
WitH no
EYes oF Love Linger FeeLed FilLed..
kNows no distance.. space..
Blood.. or death..:)
Mirror beauty
Pond eYes Water..
Clouds above so below..
trees shape birds inside
outside.. all around symmetry
swirls.. Nature whole reflectS ouR LiFe..
EyEs oF sKeYes
Nature Love echoes..
LiVe iN i..:)
Dog day afternoons
of abuse never
spell a blue sky..
Not alWays easy
being a weathered
branch human
as often
the cOldest
of disabilities..
are in the able
to judge..
some skY perspectives..:)
SMiles.. i suppose
that tales a tall
of arid
as clouds less
high.. noW..
i understand
it works the sAMe
with drOught and floWers..
from Struggle..
Beauty TaLLs
noW off
Ah.. to lEArn
to Love Deeper
As Nature and wE
change on.. FeeLinGs
more noW
iF E-scaping
iN Golden
yEars oF Beauty..
sKeYes SonGs SinG
re-Tired wheels coveRed..:)
So truE.. no E-scaping
NatUre iN liFe.. and
sAdly the end sits
oF life iN liFe.. noW..
theN.. comes too short
from even
to move
away from
chairs of priSons
thaT bEcome carts
at WalmaRt to
Freedom’s open skeyes..
Elder care
ain’t gonna be
easy on/for generations of sitters.. who forget/ot to move..:)
Finished for noW @lEast
and west around the World..
@2:09 am
sMiLes.. i think this ‘one’ is
worth repeating aGain..
with a few more
iN side
note longer narration..
as prose and poEtry
and trUth and
a little
than same
stories one has
heard before.. now..:)
Oh.. the quiet fathers…
with the green
of sunshine eyes
that sparkle in lake
day memories for
me.. and
one day on
his dock.. a
father drown
off a boat only
yards from uS..
and sadly i had to
wonder would i miss
a daddy.. i never got to
kNow/feeL.. from lips that
could not express
that one
now when
his decades old
cat died that he
called Son.. anyway..
decades later as we all
do with parents if the child does
live long enough.. i did miss him..
particularly.. the fAct he wouldn’t
let me feel who he was inside ever
no matter how hard i tried.. and sure
enough.. eventuAlly.. i figured out.. i too..
could be like him.. too.. if enough stress
came like his in law enforcement for 46
years to take
the feelings
away.. later…
Oh.. the environment
of love.. makes or breaks
a word of Love..
lesSon lEarned
for/by me.. my
to always
say i Love.
and so much more..
no longer speechless at
age 4.. no longer stuttering
in middle school.. and no longer
dead and mute from stress in middle
Thanks my friEnd..
Even science shows now..
The heart IS A Love muscle
That can grow like the
Grinch HeArt and more..
Perhaps.. than 10 x 10
More with a practice
Of PoEtry..
With words
And Dance
Music of
From head
To toe in mind
And body balancing
Spirit that SinGs a Recipe
For Fearless Loving SoUL
And for
Now that’s
aLL i
TrUly FeeL
As LiGht oF
LiFe Of LoVe..
Thanks Lillian..
WiTh sMiLes More
i listen to the voices of discontent.. of
misery and suffering around the world..
i have no pills to solve the root ’cause of tHeir
illness but i feel it from before.. in all the shoes
i for one have won and lost in the battle field for
FearLess Love..
Experience in ways
of human emotions and
senses is the only way to
earn a progress of human heARt
and SpiRit and sOul that are simply
and sadly often vague metaphors for
the human emotional.. sensory and
yes sensual within life of being that
extends out as shine of our emotions
senses and sensuality to inspire
others and to bRinG them
uP for greater social
cooperation and
peace and
in interactions
for the survive in
human subsistence and
the play of Life for SMiLes
laughter and yes.. adult games
for fun too.. as the naked tribe of
hUmans DancE around a moonlit
fire of midnight liGht naked and
toGetHer free with each oTheR
and NatUre oNe as inter
connecting inter
oF all thaT iS
also known as being
one with God as Nature
and wE sAMe aS oNE
FoRce toGeThER
to gEt the
joB dONe
A oKaY for a survive
to thrive in work and play
and love and lust BaLanCinG
in MoVinG.. CoNnecTinG and
creAtinG liFE as co-CreaTors witH
NatuRe GoD oNe as FoRce of LiVinG
onE all within… inside.. outside.. so above..
below and all around.. regulating emotions
and integrating senses and sensuality sAMe
from birth to death hOlding hands and never letting
go From GoD toGeTHeR oNe.. so what does modern
cultures have to say about this in first world schools and
work and all stuff related to the tools we make and extend
of our selves to become as pARt of Brick Houses.. metal cars..
guns.. knives.. tools that become a pArt of we to gain greater creature
comforts for subsistence in day to day liFE.. including shelter from environmental
elements.. of course too.. sure.. it comforts us.. but in many ways disables use from
MoVinG… ConnecTinG CreAtinG with Others as AC takes the place of front porch neighbors
in Summer days.. and TV and Radio.. etc.. etc.. etc.. now in Electronic Entertainment
replaces couches of conversation in Living Rooms with Great Room mirror neuron
ways of vicariously and virtually experiencing life.. in a play with actors and
directors in someone else’s life.. and in work instead of foraging in
hunt and gather toGether in MoVinG.. ConneCting.. CreaTinG
ways with each otHer iN toGETher ways in flesh and
blood wHere most of our social reciprocal social
communication innately tells the truth
in flesh and blood
non-verbal language..
we become keystrokes and
flat screen boxes.. parts of
machines no more no less
than cogs of Robot
of a big
machine that
once just sought
food and shelter and
toGeTheRness with each
other and NaTure sAMe.. weLL..
the TRUth is with human imagination
and creativity we can create great dreams
come to fruition but in the opposite twilight
zone end of that as means.. we can create
LiVinG hells that snowball and never
melt and just keep getting
in covering
up what beFore we
once were as children
of God who could Feel the
God of Nature in naked skin
of feelings and touch
with each
and God
as Nature ONE
with never even any
need to question an existence
of God as all that is is God then..
as God oF all was then something
we alWays could touch and feel with
the comfort of fearless Love that kNows/
FeeLs no boundaries and chains of the human
that are
now us…
Anyway.. as ‘they’
say Holy shit i escaped
all that cRap and live in
the iSREAL Kingdom of God
thAT is simply noW and no.. never
again..complexly that.. i can SinG a
SonG about Hell but i know longer feel
tHeRe.. a place of cOld and distant theN
so far aWay from the God AS Nature iSREAL..
it’s simple.. if you are missing something it is likely
this God
thAT is ALL
and iSREAL NoW..
and if one wonders what all
the sages of the ages were
attempting to get at and out of
as they continued to become aware
vaguely and more saliently that they
were missing a paRt of liFE as wHOle..
we now have more plain language than theN
the metaphors of beFore and complex parables
as well.. to rise aGain bEfore the rise of machines
that have
become now
we as tools
of illusion living dead..
wHeRe no flesh and Blood
of God.. no longer Free to Be..
more than A Zombie Apocalypse iSrael…
Signed F Now STiL..L..
A Yellow Canary iN
A coal mine noW
wHo literAlly
E-scaped thiS
heLL of
and boDy soUl
aS WeLL noW in HeaRt
oF liVinG SpiRiT Water..
oF God NoW FReED onE..:)
sMiLes .. mY FriEnd
Hank.. thanks so much for
stopping by today.. and yes.. so
happy you enjoyed the pics.. and
as you say.. particularly the cat pics..
as of course all the cat pics are pics of Yellow
Boy.. and yes they are all new in photo stream way..
unless i highlight a memory
photo from years gone by..
and did you know.. my FriEnd
that God Created Humans just
to be caretakers of cats.. hehe
as they don’t seem to be able
to handle the job of being
stewards of the
Earth.. and
then God
tOld human do
go and co-create the
Internet to House
the beauty and
affection for God’s
Favorite oF aLL animals..
who truly FeeL the secret of
Being Tai-Chi Masters ONE WitH
GoD oF aLL NatuRe.. anyWay.. aT
lEast thaT iS.. what Yellow Boy has
tOld me in his non-verbal Language of
Animal Superiority over We Humans who
now continue to Masterfully Serve our Cats..
With Equitable attention online Worthy of Thanks and Cat Praise..:)
Lullaby view..
as presented by
the Facebook Algorithm
Video Voyeur..:)
Beauty and..
Drum Roll Please..
And next Facebook Profile
photo.. oKAy..;)
Drumroll over.. and..
yes.. who would yoU
ratHeR meet in a dArk ALLey.. he..HE..;)
Yes.. per Drumroll..
And Drumstick too..
And last two Profile Pics
on Facebook too.. Yes..
Special K.. in honor now of
ALpha K in many languages
and stArt of KinG oF course..
and KA for the spirit continuing
iN Form of Nautilus sheLL aFter
liFe aS WeLL in KinG Tut’s Tomb
of Form.. or a SonG on YouTube
by Elvis Presley gyrating his hips
for a male first in
the 50’s to show
more SpiRit in SenSes..
EmoTioNs and SeNsuaLiTy Now
oF beinG hUman FReED iN noW
like mE heHe.. in how i Dance so
Brave and Free in all the places i
for one go neXt too.. anyWay.. the
Letter K.. hOlds.. a Very SpeCiaL
place.. in mY heARt.. as THere
were so many days.. wHeRe
leTters and words were the
only place i could fiNd A
friEnd with never an
end of Holy SpiRit
Father oNe and
mE as surely
wE aLL
can FiNd
this trinity within
to express outside
and shine wiTh otHers
wHoLe as heArt noW and
SpiRit.. ExpresSinG heARt
as miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUl aS oNE.. noW.. Force WiTh
GoD.. iN MoVinG ConNecTinG now
Co-CreAtinG ways noW of EmoTioNal
Regulation and SeNsoRy InTeGrAtioN
the sAme noW.. iN Honor and Glory.. And
Praise to this GreaT GiFt oF liFe bEsToWed
to uS By MotHer NaTuRe wHOle also kNoWn
aS GoD aLLThAtiS ONE FoRce WiThin.. inSiDe..
outSide.. AboVe.. so beLow and All aRounD noW..:)
And MoVinG here.. from Special K in 2013..
as Facebook Algorithm generated Macro-
Verse memory as truly first and somewhat
very abstract original Macro-Verse on
my Ocean whole poem.. SonG oF
mY soUL.. as the first three were
basicAlly copy and paste oF
Macro-Verses i had
already written
on my blogger blog
beFore moVinG over
to Word Press too.. and
now hEre 4000 Miles of DANCE
to date.. celebrating title same.. with
now surpassing 5800 miles today and
moVinG on to a 6000 miles of DANCE
WALKING! NOW!.. potentiAlly celebrating
thAT Gala event toward the end of September
2016.. shortly after i celebrate my Witness for
God all that is.. on 9112016 for a full 42 months
as my witness for God all started on March 10, 2013
and that day will complete the 42 months whole for a
SonG of My soUL wHole StiLL Approaching 4 million words
then.. and also approaching 12 million words whole.. including
the prelude of analytical writing to poetry on the Wrong Planet
there in somewhere around 8 million words too.. as sure.. i con-
tinue to meAsure mileStoNes to empiricAlly meaSure hUman
poTenTial achieved in case-Fred-study here as it looks like
hehe.. no one could be qualified in quantifiable way to
accomplish that but me.. heheX2.. even if someone
gave a crap now to even care about all i do as
arT oF i.. iN SonG oF mY SoUL floWs oN
iN RiVer’s i View as Waves SinG
Ocean wHole poem
oF Y i.. juST
For FuN
as Y not
liVe liFE as F iN
Epic as yA can.. a
trULy no bRainer for
mE hE heX3.. just foR noW..:)
And more here from a year ago..
on my favorite and ever eXpaNdinG
toPiC sAMe
oF Thou SAND
MiL LioNs Love…
Through Sickness and
do us part..
and the rest
iS uP to GoD aLL
thAt iS of Course
as alWays gifT oF noW..:)
WeLL.. A very long day.. of Dance to Haircut to ophthalmologist and
visit with beautiful ducks on manmade PondS and Hospital
way too.. a photo-op with Sasquatch.. to follow
uP on the beginning of this Micro-Verse
in Wookiee way and Yeti too as
basic metaphor same for
wild and FreeSt BiPed
hAiry.. unLeAshED
and reLeaSed too..
iN Verse oF SonG.. poEtry
DanCe as Free as Free RinGs on..
noW of courSe sTiLL wRite oN couRSe FoR NoW..:)
WeLL thAT sayS it aLL buT
more interesting iS iN all the dVerse
ways that otHeRs see/feel a hUman bEinG
as WiLd and Free as mE.. some folks heRE
even in the WiLd of Seville Quarter in DancE hALL
ways say i am the nicest Dance Legend and Icon sAme
of the Pensacola Area they’ve ever met.. while others
try to convince me of what kinda drug i AM on.. to
the nice Customer Service Lady at Walmart
who said she always defends me sTiLL
wiTh the ‘Deliverance’ kinda characters
who inhabit the Lower Alabama LA
section of Florida Panhandle same..
ugh.. let’s juSt say a little too
uptight and conservative
for me.. and she tales
folks i dance like i
am skating with
only Nike Shox
shoes.. without
a care and free too..
while a tobacco spittin’
image of the ‘Large Marge’
Truck Driver Character looks
at me with daggers in her eyes
tonight while 233 LB me is ballet
a spinning in the Middle Aisle as
approved by the Super-Walmart
Management extra cool team
since Fall of 2013.. and i
kinda wanna invite her
to take a photo or
a video like
everyone else
does to peruse me
in her spare time too..
and share me on Facebook..
more iF that iS what floats her
boat too.. to be free.. to share and
give her little liGht too.. yes.. ii hate
to stereotype but sure.. there is
a kinda person.. who is Funda-
mentalist Religious.. who
wears a truck driver T-
shirt with long dress
too.. iF you remember
fully the Large Marge
Character on Pee Wee
Herman too.. trying to
convince me.. like some
of the similar flavor of young
folks at Old Seville who haven’t
a clue about the ‘higher’ pARts of
HuMan NatuRe sEt Free.. iN noW hoW
to reach and be with God.. is not explained
very well at all in the New T.. to juSt F iN Do iT
noW in the Heaven at Hand that Can and WiLL bE
noW for those who seeK and FiNd and Practice A
liFE of Heaven noW iN the Real Kingdom iSREAL
of God oF Nature as hUman NatuRe sEt free noW
as Goddess.. or Father deeper super-conciousness
or whatever the F.. other metaphor YA wanna use
for this hiGher poweR.. AnD Force oF GoD oF aLL
oF Nature coMes to Fruition as an iSREAL reaLiTy
oF liFe noW.. and then.. tHere are those who WilL
never visit me as a friEnd no matter how nice
i Am to poetiCaLLy respond to tHeir d-
Verse offeRinGS.. and anoThEr
very special friEnd who fELt
comfortable enough with
me to ask to stay
with me and
Katrina for
two to four weeks..
where unfortunately
that goes beyond Katrina’s
comfort zone as she doesn’t
even invite her own relatives to
spend the night over.. as it is an
OCD thing.. associated with folks
breaking into their home and folks
with knives standing over beds.. where
she has difficulty sTiLL trusting most anyone
now in more intimate connections that allowing
someone to stay over at your home demands
in being comfortable enough in your own skin
and environment to let someone you don’t kNow
too WeLL iN.. or perHaps even someone close.. too..
aNyway.. mY friEnd.. she understood.. and Katrina
understands too.. in way of her comfort Zone.. and
no.. Katrina is never jealous of another woman
as the history certainly shows here.. but
she is still rather shy when it comes
to all of her personal space..
and that is what different
means.. tolerate.. accept
and live in Peace and
Harmony.. where my
Friend can visit..
and we will go out
on the town and beach
and celebrate liFE Free
as aLL can be as free as they
care to be for now.. in FreeDoM’s liGht..:)
And finAlly as just anoTher
Lullaby comes here for sweet
slEep.. ‘tiLL the neXt SonG anD
DanCe iN words Of PoEtry and
steps oF Feet comE in FeAT oF aRT..
fully circLinG back to the Terminator series..
of Movies and Salvation as associated with
CAN YOU SEE ME NOW?.. WeLL.. the same
dam Allegory from the Camel that is very large
and the tools of culture same.. to the Matrix that
is that same Camel.. to the Machines of the IT Revolution
OF the Terminator Movie series.. to the Zombie Apocalypse
THAT iS beCominG iSREAL more as wE SpEak as even science
shows that in empirical meaSures of Empathy college age adults
have lost about 30% of previous meaSuRed empirical ways oF HU-
man nature iN the last several decades REAL too.. so the Bibles..
and the other books of Literature.. and Movies and Plays and
aLL oTHer arts of millennia on end.. have seen and felt
the problems of culture of Environment VS God GiVeN
Free GiFT of HuMan at odds in terms of who
is Free or imprisoned in culture of old
and antiquated now.. in whAT
cAn bE much Greater Human
eMoTioNs.. seNses and seNsuALiTy
sET FreE from oPresSinG and rePreSsinG
CulTurAL.. and REligous ways
of old timey FundAmenTalist
waYs of yeArs GoNe so fAR
in the preSent aS weLL as
pASt.. sAdly enough
noW iN a self-
made prison
and challenge
HeLL.. iN SepAration from
GoD whOle as ArT and SciEnce
oF liFe noW and many many more InTelligences
to break free and FinALLy EnjOY the iNheRiTance
more from GoD of NaTuRe aLL WitH zero guilt and
Sin for Golden Rule with consuming others with no
harm in a oneness with GoD anD NAtuRe sAME..
the FooD
anD DriNk
and necessary
ShelTers oF liFe
to RiSE and ThriVe
ReBorn.. in all the metaphors
and more for that.. ranGinG
from Holy Ascension in SpiRit
Ways.. to Father inside revealed
moRE fuLLy as We.. to Satori..
to Kundalini RiSinG.. to the
Great SpiRit more fully
BeinG oNe iN uS
iSREaL.. to
the self-actualization
of BeinG hUman as described
in Maslow’s Hierarchy of BeinG
HUMAn PoTenTial in And As The
potentiAl oF hUman BeinG onE WiTh GoD noW..:)
Yes.. WiNks..
bottom line..
Yes.. i would
most likely
be more than
lost now.. without
Facebook FriEnd Glenn.. says..
then.. in return.. to the Profile
Pic of Katrina standing proudly
with SasQuatch aT Feed and Grain store..
she likes muscular men, Fred.
And i say in return to Glenn too..
This.. Glenn.. to
Be true as
One of my Facebook
Friends who
Was and is
A Body Builder
Introduced me to her first
As her Boy
Of Love
All that is..:)
Facebook Friend.. Nicole..
shares a Faceboook
Status acknowledging
the consequences of
reading comments on
a Hank William’s You Tube
Video per Country and Western
Music of Good Old boy ways..
highlighting the normal
conservative red
state way..
of anything
different than
we see and say
just plain sucks..
so then i say..
In this way
You are lucky..
You don’t live
iN Milton.. noW..
Wait.. oh.. You
Do.. Ignorance
Is bred in Red
State Spread..
And science
Way of
Roots too..
That not all
Share.. Credit
Of social peers
And family most
as culture..
People are
Alike and Different
Everywhere Now..
On Earth.. Sadly
Some places are
hide or die noW..
And or do or die.. NoW
Culture can be the greatest
Shared virus and
Or Gift
oF aLL..:)
And as added note here..
of course this reminds me of
my Large Marge Experience while
free style dancing martial arts and
ballet last night in the Center Aisle of
Super Walmart as i’Ve been doing now
for close to three years next month approaching
6,000 miles in all the deep South Pensacola Metro
Area Red State spread.. and it is quite an adventure
but the fAct that i can also pass for Yeti.. per Sasquatch
and Big Foot Wookiee too.. lends a certain white middle
age.. Military and Law Enforcement privilege where let’s just
say.. the Matriarchs who think men will not hit women are usually
the only one’s who act in defiance of my Freedoms as allowed by
Store management for F. iN Jesus Christ exercise.. just a little more
advanced than the 50’s something other early retirees do in their power
walking in the Mall when they no longer after to go to Navy Bases or
Chemical plants to punch in from 9 to 5 as their Golden Feathered
nest retirements have finAlly come in to play in their
power walking mall time.. and dining
in fine cuisine of Fried
Seafood restaurants
during the day..
when everyone else
is still busy punching punching
the clocks of modern cultural
robot prisons to fill up the
garage with more
junk from
WalmARt that
is only a FucKinG
Place of Art of Dance
for mE.. he HE.. where i
even take their ads free
to muse the free stuff i do
Free for ALL in poEtry in LOngest
Long Form ever poeTry contest in the
hiStory of HuMan now.. that i already woN
as tHere ain’t no competition noW in Fred Land
that sure.. is kinda like Pee Wee HeRmaN Land
too.. iN so.. so many play land ways of Pan and Apollo
More human noW.. in never land never ending story now..
anyway.. BEEN studying Anthropology in degree way of college
and free style after that in a perfect FucKinG American work environment
to do that and get paid a little bit too.. up to Manager in a Military Bowling Center
too.. for close to 2 decades and somewhere around 100K folks per direct social
reciprocal interaction where somedays that numbered literally over 100’s in an
8 hour work day for me.. that was oh my God.. so much fun for me.. as human
is my special interest to study now for 56 years whole in holy and sacred
fun too.. wHere now approaching 6 years of online wordy wordy ways
of close to 12 million words spells a lot of God Dam Human Interaction
too.. definitely rising in the scores of thousands in
connecting at least one way in human
interaction to potentially
over 100K points
of contact
there too..
and sure
close to 1.5 million
views on my Kate
Mia clearing house
on Google Plus.. juST
there for the reach of
my LioN pawS of Pen iS
goNe noW oH so.. LonG.. he HE..
sure in so many Free and WiLd ChIld of God
WiN ways noW for Heaven’s reign online too..;)
God iS alWays
iNside noW
Now To Be
As no more
No less
NoW Than
Peace and
The FoRage
Of the day noW
Is Done foR Now..
Humans are one of
The few animals who
Do not live this Heaven’s
Inheritance of being as
Only rare in the case
Of clothed culture
Separated NoW
From God
Of Nature
Credit Modern
CultureS noW and
All.. the Byproducts..
IF.. tools wE become
NoW As Machine and
Words noW iNstead
Of BeinG NoW onE
Alive Allnow Allone AllthaTiS
The way of NatUre GoD oNe Now..:)
SMILes as alWays.. mY FriEnd.. Zee.. take a wonderful dArk tint of
what male oF liGhter colors miGht
intice to see iN a girl oF dArker
sHades of Grey..
so i will turn the
tAbles heRe and
try my poetic
hand iN
oF Verse
iN TaKing
the opposite
Gender role too..
and say.. yes.. that
juSt happens to be the
prompt at dVerse too that
i may peruse juSt for fun later
on.. so yOuR muSe heAR.. too..
mY FriEnd from Pakistan.. noW
wHere Dark Haired girls eYes2
with often
dARk sKin2
can rule the
eYes of men..
and sure.. i am
a Pacific Islander Girl dArk2
wandering in a Bowling place..
and i have had such a hard life..
from knives standing over beds
to thieves breaking into home..
to Step Father’s and same
as Mom’s boyfriend who
knew the Queen of
England and
for the
FBI or
whatever..i then
kNew.. and tHeRe
is this man with bright
eyes handing out shoes
the ocean green or blue
i am not sure.. but what i
know and feel for sure is
he always smiles as all
he do.. and how
could anyone
be as
happy as
that i cannot
fathom.. from
my beautiful place
of dark.. that longs
for innocence lost in
places with no water or
even anything other than
wash cloths for that time of
month.. one in a million he must
be as he has no predator dark in
eyes of Love.. so much want those
eyes of Love.. so deep the ache for
Love i FeeL.. heARt Strings pleASe
play for me a Love forever
more now
that never
hurts now
please take
me away to
heaven noW..
dear.. please.. so..
she got more than
she asked for mY fRiend..
but i am
bottom line..
Love Survives..
iN Storms and Ocean eyes..
Fire and Ice too.. tHere WiLL
never be anOther girl like that for mE.. too..:)
Thank you
Now my
FriEnd.. Zee..
for the mEmory
And tEars oF LifE noW iSReAL..:)
Well.. i have to say
that Sarah Song brinGs
tears to me freely without any
of my words to accompany it at all..
and how lucky and fortunate i am for
the vicious circle of my Father’s coldness
bred too he.. as culture
whole in Love for
stuff more
than hUman
heArt.. in all
the bLack Dollar
green back ways that
came way back when he
decided that a Mother who
would stay home to Nurture is
less than his mother who said put
that child down when he is crying
or he will never be able
to stand his
ground in
ways of being..
well.. he left and
she stayed and she
my mother was with me
for free without work for
those three years from 0
to 3.. wHere now even
science shows is
the make
or break
of Loving
Empathic HUman
BeinGS attached to
breast more than
cold and
nipples of
stuff of stuff of
stuff away from
breast and hugs of Love..
it always makes me smile when
i see these women who carry their
children like the Indians when they picked
corn close to the body.. and even modern
child birth ways know and feel to have the
father take his shirt off and hold that babies skin
to breast of man too.. to release the neurohormone
oxytocin for the loving bond to change the diapers of
Love comes inspiring ways of Love with nothing more
great of Art to do then raise a child oF Love.. the FACT THAT
God dam
this words
exist aT aLL..
and even FucKinG
Science says this is True
and liGht as wELL that refrigerator
parents do FucKinG KiLL eYes of LoVe..
but true it is often a vicious cycle wHere no
one is at fault trUly but culture wHOle aS onE..
that says people are tools and machines of dead eYes SoUl..
anyway.. the briGht noTe of sMILes iS mY MOtHers Love LiVes
Forever online.. and the relatively small amount of money.. my
Father the big time consumer left compared to me who never
needed retail therapy.. as my soUL was/is FuLL of the
Unconditional Love of a Mother who holds
Love above
all stuff
and religion
now.. was nothing
compared to what i saved
both in the bank and in eYes
of Love that went aWay with
Pain and eventuAlly came
Back as
iN OrGAnic
eYes of SpiRit
oF SoUL Words..
woman is sacred to me..
Thanks to a Mother who Loves
beYond all stuff of green bLack
dollars of oiLed TarREd Bird.. the
Star of Love aBove lives bEyond
of Hell
sMiLes.. my Friend.. Prajakta..
welcome back from your
vacation iN ancestral
Lands of HeARt
FeLt iSREAL now..
in old Tibet too..
the first name for
God that Humans
create is Lahmu and
Lahamn for Water and
Earth miXed as SiLT then
and perHaps iF they kepT
God as original Nature before
‘Sin’ of Abstract Written Language..
Collective Intelligence and Complex
Cultures.. NDD or Nature Deficit Disorder
also kNown as GDD.. GoD DaM Disorder
too hehe.. as NatURe OnE whOle too..
hUman.. would not be eating aWay @
eARTh iN footprints
of hUman
tools.. as
space ships
show IS A cancer
of the PlaneT eArth
on re-entry to the air
we breathe FReED.. oh..
the world of NDD.. but what
iF everyone suddenly grew a
SpiRit.. a HeARt.. a SoUL.. a MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG way of empathy
and hugs and eYes of Unconditional Love
for each other all around the Globe now like
a Love Virus FReED.. WeLL.. the other thing is
then other folks came along and created a God for
them.. yes.. a tribal one that would expand the human
domination of Nature from Sea to Sea.. the destroyer
of God iF yOu WiLL or they WiLL of course.. from
continents East.. West.. South and North all.. but
perHaps they don’t see as Godzilla clearly
FeeLs aLL innately.. instinctually and
even ‘Blue Oyster Cult’ by
intuition now2.. yes..
sAMe nAMe of
Godzilla too..
Nature and or
God depending on
semantics of the silt
of the day.. is alWayS in control
as Nature lives from subatomic
spiraling flow allone to galaxies
and UniVerses BeYond.. as Free
WiLL DanCe and SinG in moVinG..
ConNecTing InteRdependent CreAtinG
ways.. so.. all the pain and suffering around
uS humans wE do feel and see as iSREAL noW..
is juSt Karma my friEnd.. the action and consequence
of getting out of BaLancE wiTh Nature God samE now..
as alWays Force that seeks Balance over all otHeR opposing
Forces now.. Nature has no nAMe but Balance.. and mosT aLL
oF hUman Suffering and Misery can be attributed to GDD mY FriEnd..
TrUly sorry you had to go back to work.. but sure.. that IS A way of a world..
that says.. there is enough human beings destroying We rest oF Nature
NOw.. so get back to work you humans and do anything but making
of misery
and suffering
for the reST of wE
oF NaTuRe noW.. from
STD’s to Mosquito DisEases
to all the rest of God OF Nature
checks and Balances my FriEnd noW
iN Karma’s eYes of NatuRE God SamE..
only the individual can possibly escape now
in tHeir own way of TrUth and liGht iN BaLanCinG Force..
the taste
of your
in silt
of Mountain
Lake mirror flows view..
as oPen mY friEnd.. a Vacation
worth more than a stones throw oF work..
WiNkS in jUST my opinion of course as
when i re-TiRed work.. somehow i wanted
to go back then if i ever could… noW
oh.. no one
is immune
the way
of the World.. mY FriEnd..
so.. so.. hard to E-sCapE noW..:)
HeHE.. i’ll juSt Steal these quotes from mE.. haHA!
and otHeRs too of course.. namely Michelangelo..
and Wiki.. and Gospel oF Thomas2.. from
Dead Sea Scrolls.. and online Sacred
Text resource as WeLL..
as a great
clearing house
too of all stuff sacred
text from cultures around
the world then.. and yes noW2..
anD my source too.. haHE2..
from Donald Duck Lost in a
a family mini-
Vacation with
photos too..
from Ponce
De Leon FL..
wHere Jesus F. iN Christ
that water is so dAM Cold2..;)
“What spirit is so empty and blind,
that it cannot recognize the fact that the
foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin
more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed?”
37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”
“I dare do all that may become a man;
he who dares do more is none.”
-My Father’s identical twin Brother
“Never do today what
you can put off tomorrow”
-My Father
AnyWay.. with Katrina Bikini photos to
BooTie too.. Beautiful Nature photos
and BEast of me too..
to go along
with the
Beauty of
all the rest of all that is
God tHeRe from Head to toe
and BEyond iN Temples of God TrUE
all through out Nature FormS noW eSsEnCE
of GoD iSREAL noW
worth re-visiting
for mE
and west too..
hmm.. and don’t
forget North and
too.. FReED noW..
iN wonderful Facebook
Algorithm Memory ways
BRinGinG back to liFE
anotHeR Macro Verse
oF Ocean WHole Poem
noW from two yEars ago.. StiLL FReED noW..:)
I Am amazed and mystified how
the science iN God oF Nature’s
Synchronicity works in A-Causal
connecting principle ways from simple
all shared mostly human phenomenon..
like the consistent coincidence where a
person tales themselves before bed to wake
up at 6 am.. and as soon as that second hand hits
6 am.. no matter if the clock is correct or not..
the numbers and dreams of let it
be sAid or written first
and let it be done
by then the power of
suggestion.. prayer..
placebo.. WTF yA wanna
caLL this Synchronicity in terms
of Science or Art.. iT iSREAL..and
wE moST all acknowledge the reAliTy oF iT
as wE FeeL eYes up on uS across distances
too far from sight or sound sAMe iN a ForCe thaT
science simply has no tools to meaSuRe noW..
WeLL aGaIn.. noW out of close to 500 themed T-shirts
hanging in my closet a theme shirt oF Can
You See Me noW cAMe heRe too.. two years
ago in poetic Macro-Verse way too.. and the
best pARt to me is the SupER F iN Epic
Sunset hEre that i WiLL add aGain.. that
reAlly says a lot about the dVerse
current Macro Verse used prompt
on Daytime left skies of Sunset too..
as parKinG lots angle on.. noW iN
straight square.. lines.. of buildings..
concrete floors of asphalt..
light poles and metal cars too..
But GoD’s ArT in SkEYes WiLL
never be fingerprinted or copyrighted
by Humans with their tiny flea BrAins that
sadly most often.. have lost the paint of GoD
in Eyes that see stuff they make over the Beauty
oF GoD oF Nature
FReED.. and i wonder
iF i was the only person Re-Tired
enough with rubber added back to
mY hEarT and Spirit and miNd and
BoDy reNeWinG StiLL reBorn mE..
then.. to snap a photo and share then
iT wiTh the rest of the world.. for perHaps
a thouSand years to cOme or when
servers die first then.. whenever
then is.. in SpiRit lEft KA oF i..
as my King TuT tomb
IS An Art as HeARt and
spiRiT of the SonG oF mY
soUL noW then StilL noW.. eTched
iN Love iS Written in the StoNe of a Heaven
with no moon or Sun of Day that shines 24/7 as
Art of online can and will do to defeat the Entropy
of Things
fALL apARt
oF BefoRE in relative
HUman terms forever noW
oF course as Love goeS oN
iN StArs oF eYeS of TwiLiGht iSREAL noW..;)
WeLL iT’so trUe.. aLonG
the liNes of DarkNess and liGht
are one when dReams are guided
in Lucid Waking days aLiVe in TwiliGht’s FruiTioN
SonGs that Never ends in ever more story oF noW..
So.. perHaps iF i had liNked a poem to
dVerse oF TwiLiGht it would have
been deleted on the basis
that iT was
neither Day
or not.. weLL the
trUth is tHerE iS nuThinG
in BeTweeN for mE as allThAtiS
iS Free FoR All haha.. juST noW..
aliVe.. so yes.. i’ve provided a way for
oTHeRs to Steal mY miNd and moRE noW impoRT
anTly mY SoUL aLL for FReED as i say Y
LiFe is NoW.. maKe the mosT oF iT and FucKinG sHare
it or sure.. copyright it.. sell it and buy it for dEvil Green bLack
bucks that have little.. to no.. hUman heARt.. SpiRit eXpreSsinG
tHat HeARt.. as MiNd and BoDy SoUl beCoMeS BaLanCinG FoRcE Now
of wE wiTh GoD wHole as NatURe sAMe oNe foRcE of liFe noW.. and
sad sad SonG folks value a destination of money.. or likes.. or shares or
followers.. or publishing in print.. to motivate juST more KillinG of Life giVing
Breathe of Air Trees.. for sure.. tHeir Kilroy way of KA of HUman
sPiRit ForCe energy to liVe on after they die too..
or maybe they have been told
God and stuff is money
all theiR lives and
Heaven is a place
of pearly gates and Jaded
Emerald Floors same with old
Gold linings for reaLiTy beYond
a DiaMonD OnE hUman heArt.. WitH
SpiRit and miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
SoUL noW juSt Now.. anyWay.. it’s nice to
be totAlly FReED as all of whAT mY God Given
HUman NatuRe Can and Will bRing Free without
haVing to FucKinG jusTiFY the aRt oF Y i.. to otHeR
folks who simply have noT traveled the full journey oF
Y i and paths of tHat with no hOlds given in repression
and oppression iN all oF hUman
poTenTial NOW..
and that’s
oF course iT iS oKay.. And
thaT iS pARt oF mY mesSage Now
to new SAges oF heARtists sAMe..
JuSt do iT aLL.. yA cannot change
the literal thinking conservative
miNds among uS.. iN most
everYday standardized
occurrence.. but yA
can juST duSt Ya
oFF and
go wHeRe Greater
FreeDoms are aT lEast
toleRated and even accepted
as free Can and WiLL coMe to Be noW..
aNYway.. mY LAmp oF FeARless LoVe noW
liVeS on without any clear beGinninG or End..
And now for more Day liGht prompts from the
Quadrille iNspiration on MoNday aT dVerse noW..
hehe.. as i continue to giVe mY BRain and soUL
aWay for free.. never noW FucKinG for Sale.. BAbe..
aS iN mY.. liFe noW.. Fredbuns and FredkuS and
Martial Arts FredFu’s Rule.. noW
For FReED..:)
DRoWSinG oFF to sleep
second wiNd coMes aGain..
off to dVerse noW iN Daylight..
waYs of FiNding muSe moRe noW..
@3:59 pm..
FindinG neW in memories trUe..
spReading dayliGht noW.. traveLinG
further aS hiGhlights thaT groW oN Now..
SinGinG NatURe SonGs oF RiSinG sunsHine
Tides.. RiVers StreAms oF FiRe
waTeRs dreAms to Air
oF Stars as SuN sHiNes RiSe..
noW oF
LoVinG AiR..:)
Rorschach Tests
oF Sunrise Sunset
Clouds.. sAme reflecting
inner clouds and sunshine
saMe.. environment within
pasted on
Paint of Nature..
but sure.. either
way of liFe iS equAlly
ReaL for those who paint
EmoTions sky wide noW iN
shadEs of GreY beComing
coloRed hues of Rain
sAMe as
sHadE Sun Blooms..
Body bReathE
oF liGht sKeyeS SonG..
SinGs.. sunsetrise.. BluE..:)
A FaLL Fair
Ferris Wheel
Day is cooLinG
to a Panhandle Air
In Florida now heRE..
oF heat cLoud grey..
As Hurricane
spinS uP
iN Atlantic
speLLs cooLinG
EarTh iN bLasting Fashion..
Forboding skies
oF Ferris WheeL Hermine
eYe.. pLayS SonG CooLinG..:)
Winter cLouds of separation..
Snows of Winter BRing Love..
cold and
arms oF Love
WiNter FeeLs
as wE LoVe
moRe than
Winter Leaves oF FaLL..
reaL as SnoW..:)
Oh.. the pain
of needing
practice for
necks gOne straighTer..
years of pain.. but trUly
none now.. since noW..
i too..
as Galaxy..
noW.. pain Free..
of human
arms and legs..
Ya kNow.. i watched
those Sea Gulls for
decades with a ‘tween
of vacate in work of decades
too.. and youth came back more..
as i fiNally leArned
i too Now
can fly A
DancE oF seaGull
iN deep white sands
with sure.. a lot more effort
thaT Took but so much more
noW in Flying
on Terrestrial
shoreS onE..
i create noW
as Ocean
sketching shores
of Beach.. even noW..
odd on concrete floors..
SMiLes.. Seagulls
never ever never noW
complain.. FlYinG’s FuN FReED..:)
Quick side note here..
The fun oF Love iS in
the Labor..
no different..
as work of Birthing Babies..
WiNkS..iT can be a thankless
effort but so what.. LiFE noW
is AlWays worTH iT when NeW..:)
sMIles.. i couldn’t
help but to notice
your antenna.. if that
is yours.. suggests you
are off the pay for views..
and if i for one lived alone..
i wouldn’t have pay for views either..
ugh.. nothing on TV worth watching much..
are bRighter above
antenna eYes of Love..:)
Clouds noW..
God’s ParAdise
PaiNt SonG foR hUmans
wHo peRuse FiNger
oF GoD
Free withiN..
From huMan..
NewS.. ImAgiNation
SinGs Co-Creation
iN pasTels
pAint cLouds..
WitH.. GoDs eYes..:)
and arT
iN hUman
eYes oF iMAginATioN
In moVinG.. ConNecTinG
CreAtinG waYs seems to sTArt
WiTh sKies of Day SuN and niGhts
oF Moon.. Stars.. iN NatURe Art AS SamE
and ever changing more.. even bEyond
hUman made
sTuFF Of NoW
careful not to
Lose sPrinG..
NatURE goiNG
BeYond BookS
thAt GreenS a LiVinG SonG..:)
SonGs SinG aS
NaTUre’s sPawn..:)
iF i could do aWay
with all words.. witH
all collective intelligence..
with all culture.. and what
is left of me
the rest..
mY friEnd..
iS juSt iCinG
oN A Cake of GoD FReED..
i paint freely as onLY arT
beYond science wiLL
LiFe.. GoD
As NaTuRe oNE..:)
Clouds of Romance in
fertile lands of more..
Clouds of ominous
in midwest twister
lore of real..
Oh.. the Hurricanes..
they spread cLouds of Flood..
Winds of fluffy ones.. harmless
oF FiRes as
Harmless SuN..
DrOught of Hurricanes
iN Florida noW.. WinD oF
HerMiNE iS BreWinG noW..:)
Clouds toleRate Sun..
Sun accepts cLouds
and we humans
can be yes..
samE now
in heated
reins undone
iN cLouds bEfore
rains come again..
cooLinG Sun down..
as clouds
no longer reign..
SuN cLouds
liVe toGetHeR
FReED noW..:)
So trUe..
iF wE weren’T
heRe.. nOne oF ouRs
eXist.. as this unique
world painted by i.. wE
is only
BeYond uniQue
oF Finger prints ash..
A UniVerse multi-
iN aLL
eYes oF sKeYes..
Precious stOnE
oF FeeLinG
Star duST noW..:)
And that’s all
Day liGht skies
bRing foR noW..
as Dinner and
work-out E-scape
from words so FReED..:)
5:47 pm..:)
WeLL.. the best thing to mE about Witnessing for God
Three and a half Years now.. per this 42nd month of
doing jUSt thAT online in New Age E-World Online
Kingdom of Heaven way in a place with no
moon or Sun iSREAL.. iS my little..
personal Bible effort sTiLL
pushing 4 Million words..
that WiLL go way
past any prophecy
of two folks witnessing
for God for 42 months..
and hell no.. just getting
ignored.. deleted and banned
for me.. no hanging in the streets
as i AM a prophet of God who2 iS
clever as a FucKinG FoX too.. hehe..
who appreciates the Gift oF LiFE and
kNowS oNly real fools squander this Gift oF
liFe for words of weaker men and or women
etc.. who would subjugate and dominate others
through illusory fears and promises empty same..
sure.. this is a tidal wave.. a TSuNaMi in lEft Hand
JuStifCaTioN waY continuing heRe.. but i dare say..
no one ever has coMe thiS fAR in aN iSREAL parable
and poEtry sAMe for GOD iSReAL noW.. and nah.. i
had plenty of hELp aLonG the wAy thaT inCreAses aS
i go As tHiS FronTier of Heaven has no measure of liMits
of what humans dreAMed bEFoRe.. bottom liNe.. i JuSt did iT..
hEard the cALL of goD on February 28.. 2013.. gave my microcosm
Macro Verse Perspective first to be published on March 10th that now
makes that public witness sTArt tHere of course but yes.. the witness
wHole sTarts with the new name GoD Gave mE on February
28.. 2013.. as KATiE MiA.. ain’t no gender nAMe aT aLL for iT..
means pure and close to God as that goes noW iN books
that Metaphor meanings for NEW baby names.. and yes..
the Frederick paRt came iN this month oF August
oF 2013 replacing the Aghogday Blur
of no day but hell day noW
for 66 months of a pain
as assessed by
science as
Type Two.. Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. worse than F iN
Crucifixion wHere my JOB
trial lasted 66 months wHole
from wake to sleep with Dentist
Drill like pain with no novocaine
in right eye and ear loss as pain..
from wake to sleep that no pill pain
killer could touch.. and only eventually
close to 6 million words would take away
in prelude for 6 million more to come.. as of
Thanks GiVing in estimate thereof to this point
then in 2016.. 6 years to date when all these words
sTArted then.. 2010.. as the only out that God gave me
to F in Survive.. this went down for iSREAL Baby.. and
tHere was no one available to write it all down but me..
Bible doer and Bible bEer and Bible WriTer GoD cALLed
me to be.. after 50 years of school.. work.. and real life Education
until that point then.. and hehe.. it doesn’t matter who said what or
when said that or this.. once aGaiN tHis sHit IS Going Down foR iSREaL..
and when 911 goes down of 2016.. whatever was prepared ye a way for
someone got done by me.. ’cause i juST sAid FucK iT iF no one else has got
what iT taKes then..
i’LL FucKinG picK
up the FucKinG iF yOu
sEeK in God for iSREaL
BaLL and geT the joB dOne..
no matter iF anyone else giVes
a FucK abouT.. thAT or NOT..
and here’s the thing about thaT
Thief in the night thingy.. no one
WiLL believe iT anyWay even iF iT
did Go down for real.. as hiStory sHows
OnCe aGaIn.. And the greAtesT paRt of
tHis story oF ALL iS no one tOld mE whaT
the FucK i could make my own perSonAL Bible
to Be.. incluDinG Humor.. and even FucKinG seX
aS God is Free and i AM FReED from lies of Culture
by weaker
men.. particularly
oF beFore who were
AFraidy Cat to WaLk Naked
IN FronT oF GoD with no hOlds
TaKen fRoM beFore.. anyWay iT
Works out for those who tRuLy Love
mE so what else is tHeir but Love iN iT
aLL for mE.. trULy noThing but LiVing F iN Epic NoW..
which means i can put up FucKinG sAsquatch photos
of Katrina and her FriEnd heRe by named species NEW..
1000 times.. with no need to GiVe a FucKinG FucK buT mE and GOD iSReaL
wHere God is more than
a Pain in the FucK.. GoD
IS A Laugh for iSREaL2
going down noW
and uP doWn uP..
For iSREALNOW.. yes..
best pARt2 oF aLL noW
no trees are harmed iN
JuSt doing a 30,000 plus
page Bible with 70,000 or
so photo pages.. ugh.. i can’t
think about all the Tree Pain
and ergo O2 gone.. in 100K
pages from tHis sHit Baby.. Goin’ DOwn
in Print.. haha..
hehe.. juSt Fun
iS GoD foR ISREaL..
alReady Got the HeLL
pArt over first this go’
Merry round NoW..
iT aka GOD aLL
BaLaNceS ouT.. any WAY..;)
WeLL.. it’s 11 0’clock pm..
STiLL noW 8242016..
perHaps noW i’LL
dVerse wHere
as mentioned earlier
there is a Poetic prompt
to take the gender bender role
of the spouse behind the man.. per se..
in describing the efforts of the man of the hour..
hmm.. already did it with Katrina in how she saw me..
so.. perhaps
i’LL go all mythological
and make the prospective Hurricane
Hermine the Messenger Wife of Hermes
AKA Mercury the Universal Messenger of
all God is.. in form of feminine
messenger as Hermine
too.. so sure.. i blow
iN as Hurricane HerMine
miNd yA kNoW iN Winds of Fury
coming more.. that Hermes iS in
town again.. you kNow Jesus F. iN
Christ that Hermes gets around.. yes..
it’s like he’s in bed with all sides and
no sides at all.. almost like he has no place
to place his head for rest in total social acceptance
by any
tribe on
Earth.. except
for a few women he
meets along his path
of laying down stones
of wisdom as he goes as
Messenger of GoD or Gods
WiLL do all one.. to gEt
the Job down in Global
Messenger way
of coming
to town
all around
again.. as note
keeper and giver to
spread some news all around
now2.. in E-Land3 too.. as sure
noWs change.. and no matter how
gold and fleet footed ya may be..
tHere is only so far that Hermes
can travel on foot.. when online
provides such a sweet avenue of
mass communication today..
anyway.. i’Ve
come to town
and around to
Let you kNoW the
Hermes iS on the Loose
again.. as yes.. unleashed
and released i’Ve let him
go to do what he does
best noW in dance
of messenger NoW..
anyway.. got winds to blow..
see ya later.. and gotta catch
up to Hermes
for noW..
bye BlowwwWW..;)
Somewhat coincidentally..
Adam’s first wife Lilith.. no..
not Lillian but Lilith
IS portrayed
as a Demon
woman.. but
i’LL take her place
now and say that’s just
another dam patriarchal lie..
as i forged my way as first women’s
rights champion as matriarch of more
primitive free days.. when human was in
charge instead of Culture with ribbons in my hair..
i Am
hEar me roar..
and if you F WiTh
AdAM i’LL have yA GoLd
nuggets iF yA gEt mY DriFt…;)
Hello.. i Am Einstein’s wife but i will
not tale you which one.. it’s a secret.. hehe..
but dam that man was something else.. seriously..
something entirely else.. laid all these rules and
regulations in the marriage home.. had to go by his
book.. dam the man was just like Sheldon Cooper too..
as future form of that dude in essence back then2..
hmm.. wonder what became of
him after
i took
prize money
to the bank
for free hehe..
whatever iT takes.. yA kNoW noW2..;)
i must say.. the
wife was/iS Humpty
Dumpty’s wife and
Osiris’ too as Isis
now incarnate
as such
as Katrina
too or iS it
tHree by noW
buT anyWay..
Osiris and Humpty
were so hard to put toGetHeR
that noT only did Isis.. Humpty’s
wiFe.. me.. get no help from all the
King’s Men and Horsies.. not even
the King’s royal court of Psychiatrists
could budge or glue a piece ToGether
AgaIn as iSis and i the sAMe had
to do the
allone as
best as alone doES2..
ugH..and that gOld pArt
was so hard to fiNd aGain..;)
Ugh gotta get
some sleep.. see ya
later on Sacred and
Holy Thursday and NiGht
@ 11:37 pm..;)
So.. Facebook FriEnd Kim shares
a free numerology link and i say..
There used to be a site that gave
aLL the information for free and
required no E-mail information..
and i haven’t been able to
find another one like
it but i must say there
are too many coincidences
in my full report already done..
not to suggest that there is something
going on here more than so-called woo..
Positive suggestions believed and taken
action on for positive consequences is always iSREAL..
And not to believe in positive beliefs in thoughts that
lead to positive actions and consequences and
go the other direction of cynicism of the light
or fear of the dark is a sure way
to darker beliefs as default
and darker actions
and consequences
as well..
no less than
the electron that
swirls consistently around
the nucleus of life.. tHeRe are
laws of human nature no less
than laws
of electrons
atoms.. planets
and stars of life as
above so below and
for those material reductionists
who think that all of life is a random
glob of dust making life.. they are not
seeing the bigger picture of life that is
and art..
yes.. the art
we co-create with
Nature God the sAme
or the stagnate wayS now
of disbelief.. anyway.. my
life challenges are also full
of three ones that start with a zero
that says i can do what ever i want
in life with relative free will that not every
one now exercises strong in life.. and after
that there are the three ones that just say
affirm and amplify your chosen challenges
of life.. and that is what i do now with the art of
journey and paths of life.. and i am fortunate
enough to escape the normal demands of
a life that revolves around earning
money where money and houses
and cars and other bank loans
become the master
instead of the
freedom of we
or oh yeah.. affirmation
from others is required in ways
of fame.. including more and more
and always more money.. and likes
and shares and followers in new
age ways of money online that
says you are good enough
you are good enough
haha.. i am Good
for God
of Nature
allthatis and
that is good enough
for me without falling to
be a slave to others.. whether
that be what they give or what
material culture suggests you have
to have.. there is an abundance of what
we do have in the United States that is far
more than i for one will ever need at the most
basic levels of what society provides with little
resources of mine extended at all other than
what i give.. give.. give.. and share share
share.. simply ’cause i have the
heARt.. the SpiRit and the
SoUl wHo enjoys doing
that as the all the
joy is in the
with God no matter
how it is received by others…
and sure if someone names me
a dance icon of the area.. a legend..
inspiring.. amazing.. or whatever that
is nice as it means i am inspiring them
and that is what humans do when they
give and share the most.. they liGht folks
uP iN positive belief.. action and poTenTial
Consequence as well.. no dollars needed
for my cheap thrills.. just the DancE of liFe
and hEaRinG the heARt beat of God noWin
co-creativity oF SonG.. iS enough for ME..
with a ‘little’ help from those i meet noW..
and being self sufficient
means i can tale the
trUth and the wHole
trUth without being
afraid of getting
outcast as
i’Ve already
been tHere down
the outcast pARt
way too many times
to be afraid to live one
with God without the approval
oF oTHers.. mY Strength noW
iS GoD oF NatURE allone with
and as me as Father oF super
consciousness miNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG soUL
or iF ya wanna call iT
Kundalini Rising..
Goddess miNd
the Great
or even Maslow’s
scientific explanation
of self actualization
the father inside is
me and God the same..
call it Goddess or a Blue
turtle.. the form matters noT
the i of Director oF I as actor
mE with exclamation point!
SpiRit expresses that heARt
tHat is the miNd and BoDy
BaLancing soUL that iS mE
allone with Nature GoD sAMe..
same experience and vision
quest’s fruition as described
cross culturally and easily studied now
in almost unlimited separate and validated
sources online now.. across history and even
in the artifacts of prehistory too before so-called
human written words.. and the archetypes from
Jesus to Buddha to Krishna to Shiva to Kali to
Lucifer to Apollo to Hercules and so many more
all liVe in We who remember the archetypes of
more of our human potential as written in the
stone of our DNA.. Fearless Love rules noW
remembered after being sought and found
and practiced self affirming self actualizing
the rest of life.. i put my science yearS iN
and visit them often.. but art of LiFE
oF SoUl and the SonG of that iS
mY liFe’s
practice noW
on a Journey of
Never ending noW
in a Never Land i for
one create allone with God
that is no less realiTy than
the home and car you may Love
More than the potential heaven found
within.. but as numerology goes the electrons
and planets spiral iN balance with the nucleus
and stars of God that too will exist in Balance
as Nature Dances and Sings on iN sKeYes of GoD FReED..
@lEAst and west and north and south noW and inside.. outside..
above so below and all around.. MaGiC.. yES.. @least for mE noW..:)
Dutifully consistent.. the
Facebook Algorithm provides
a Macro Verse memory of allasLIGHT
from two years ago.. as i continue to
see cross-cultural similarities in the
ways some folks see and feel
God as a more mysterious
Force than a literal
man in a book..
that has become
myth instead of
the more of magic
of iSREAL liFe noW..
and while the violent
rapey pArts of all Abrahamic
core religions leave a very sour
and nasty taste in my mouth.. sure
they include liGht too.. that we as Humans
can eliminate with relative free will the dark
violent and rapey parts that harm other folks
through illusory fears and empty promises
of subjugation and dominance in authority
that no one truly has but the God oF nature
that exist as our hUman NatUre within that
‘normally’ seeks to bE free in fearless LoVe
WitH all otHeRS inCluDinG NatURe all
as empire of God’s eYes seT free aS
hUman eYes trUe and allasLIGHT noW2..:)
And yes as the 2 year Macro Verse memories continue..
Culture/religion is definitely A virus of
harm to other humans and
the rest oF Nature in
the dArk pArts
that rape and
kill.. the innate
hUman NatURE when
liVinG in relatively smAll
groups of hUmans who forage..
give and SHARE toGeTHEr for subsistence
and shelter in survival for liFe.. survive and thrive in
fearless LovE noW.. sAdly most folks liVe
out of thiS BaLancE of GoD
Given sTiLL evolving
hUman Nature that
IS A core cause
StiLL of HuMan
suffERinG noW..
E-Scape toGetHer
wHole Unified or suffer
in misery in divided way of
hUman BeinG as Caesar noW
of the New edition of the Planet
of the Apes movie series says..
yes!.. APES STRONGER TOGeTheR noW!!..:)
And now here.. a Macro-Verse of
a year ago… as God of NatUre’s
Synchronicity will have it flows with
what i’Ve already been saying
evidenced with words aCross
the yeARs of hUmanity..
as the unabridged Bible
oF humaNiTy SinGinG
the eYes of God in huWoManiFest
Form comes in all forms of human art..
and never ever limited to just this book that
book that one cloud up tHeRe.. or Song down
here.. and the Emerald Forest movie from 1985..
in my most favorite and eye opening scene is
where the children of God who wear loin cloth
are kidnapped and forced as sex slaves in
Modern African culture.. and when they
escape they tear the clothes off given
them like they are the disgust of
modern man away from the
flesh of Freedom
as God’s
free from
head to toe..
we have a sick culture
as i’ve said before.. that
honors headless bloody violence
ridden religions in the evil that comes
with that and says that a mother feeding
a child with breast is obscene and should
be censored.. and that my friEnds is why
i take it one FULL STEP FURTHER IN
MY OWN freest fullest nude art..
to highlight the hypocrisy of
modern cultures that
has made a God
of innocent
flesh in us
evil.. and
violence the
God that deserves
all the attention.. sorry
i call ’em as i see ’em and
that is just pure FucKinG
evil when humans make
a Violent warring God of EVIL..:)
WeLL.. my FriEnd Rafiah.. you have
beautiful words here and they do now
speak your heARt youR SpiRit youR groWinG
soUl as youR body2 in feet here as heARt SinGinG
BaLanCinG miNd out too.. as fuller soUl mY FriEnd..
and i was happy to see YoUr freedom in doing that
as i was so happy to see your beautiful dArk eYes
when you finAlly revealed them a year and a half
after your shared my seagull as your avatar
of you on your Facebook when you first
suggested i had a beautiful
heart then.. you see
my FriEnd i remember
a FriEnd so deeply and
Love so deeply that i scare
most people away as they seem
to think i want something now other
than the EmoTiOn of Love Free as birds
with WinGs fly in Unison spiraLIng With
SuN.. and sure.. i miss you too.. and have
often come back here waiting for a heARt felT
response as that iS what Feeds our soUls MoSt
mY FriEnd.. the HeARt of BeinG Human this Gift
that God gives HUman that HUman has the poTenTial
of doing real miracles with.. even saving the rest of NaTURe..
So that is my gift to you.. as Dr. wHo.. aS an RX iN prescription
for your soUl Dear and HeARt and SpiRit more and yes.. noW in
left hand jusTification the letter R for Angel Rafiah in female
form as you know/feel the male form for that is Rafael.. they
didn’t have female Angels back in the old days..
but that is only ’cause they hid them then..
as they were the most powerful
Angels of all
and they still are
my friEnd as you were
the only one brave and kind
enough to reach.. out to me..
when most everyone else left then..
whatever side they shared with me.. Now
you never have to miss me.. as i am noW
alWays here for you.. just a text away
and of course if you lived here just
a touch a way in
kiss of HeArt..
and art the sAMe mY
FriEnd noW iN a tear
the hUman soUl..:)
Other than that school noW and
work kills the heart.. the spirit
and the soul.. i wandered that
desert for 40 years of culture
and religion the same..
and i will
to wait 40 more
years if that is what
it takes for your soul
to more fully come back
to you my friEnd.. as hey..
you keep coming back and
there are others who don’t come back at all..:)
Bottom line.. my FriEnd.. is the soUl when GroWing
never ages.. as wrinkled as i may be then.. crippled
with no longer Sasquatch fearless HeARt.. the soUL
for you
bE in the
shine iN the
SpiRit of My eYes..
and wiNks.. hopefully
my Fingers WiLL StiLL work..
to say that in words of poEtry.. mY FriEnd..:)
Facebook Friend
Candice and
very nice
noted author
shares a status
and thoughts on
life before it all became
public online in the 90’s
of last Century
and i say
in return..
SMiLes.. i
Must admit
i miss the days
Of Bowling together but
in aLL oF liGht and dArk
Exists the other yin and yang pArt..
And with great social positive empathy..
Can bRing
The dArk
To save
The Tribe
From different..
Heartless folks tend to
ignore me and let me BE
Free.. Oh the ironies now of
what some folks name Love..
Love is Brave..
Love kNows and
Feels Real Hell
of Separation..
Love earns
noW and
Free of
Different noW..:)
And now i say.. it’s
all worth it as i meet
nice folks like Rafiah..
Himali and Candice.. yes..
and gigoid.. Zee.. etc.. too..
and no i haven’t forgot you
either.. Leah.. and Lala too..
and more others than i can count now2..
and yes.. they are mostly women but sure
most men don’t do poetry.. and i do what
most males don’t Do in terms oF Love.. i Give iT
Share iT. And..
yes.. get iT
And with that said.. Now..
for some Sacred and Holy
Thursday R and R activities for
me.. along with Dance later tonight..
Celebrating my 124th dance week night
at Old Seville Quarter with all the cool college
age folks.. yes.. of course.. mostly women as
i kinda like to dance more than mostly men do too..
and more fun Dance photos from that coming in the
wee hours of August 26.. after the Dance of Rave has
ended somewhere around 3 AM.. added to this 697th
Macro Verse Here of Ocean Whole poem.. to be named..
hmm.. yes! oF course.. wRite oN CouRSE..
‘Sasquatch Love Feat sKeYes’
iT aLL cAMe toGeTheR
liKe maGiC
FeeT.. iT
the way..
the name of the
Sasquatch is Manning..
according to the Feed and
Seed store that told me.. Manning..
the Sasquatch is not for sale.. and
whether or not people can see me now
or not.. i
for sale
either.. no
dollar bills
required for me
to jUST dO iT aLL4FuN..;)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)