NOT THE invisible man
YoUr troubles will soon cease
And good fortune will smile upon you..
You will win favors when you expand your social circle..
WeLL that’s the take away from the take
out Chinese Food with
Fortune Cookies
For Fred and
and as often
whaT happens..
she says i care not for
my particular fortune so
it’s all yours Husband pal
do what you will with it.. hmm..
weLL..oFT to Dance at Old Seville Quarter
toniGht.. so will check out the expanding
smiles of social circles after the
dance is over in photography
way and meanwhile
the wife says
take out the
trash first before
you go play.. she already
fed me the After Chinese Dinner
so.. i’M all fueLed uP for Dance wiTh
soMe presents and some kitty kats noW
in T-Shirt Merry way too.. as the Grand
Old ChristMas Celebration continues in LA..
yes.. Lower Alabama Panhandle of Florida wHere
a Cheers Bar-like atmosphere wiTh Familiar sMiLinG
Beautiful fAces IS A Green Acres for.. the Pan of mE
with innocent Forest/Beach nymphs.. pArking close To
120th Church Street… with a portrait of old Arcadia Mill to
go in photo way too.. so.. see yA lAter as ForTunes as written
to juST
Be dOnE
With WiLL
and harming
no other other..
WiTh Force of Fearless
smARt Unconditional Love..
as juSt anoTher headliner here
for continuing 3.3 MilLioN Word
plus Longest Long Form Free Verse
Poem with plenty of what the professional
poets name as ‘concrete shapes’ in words
with deeper human archetypal symbolic meanings
as all of this continues to flow with what other parable
makers name as Holy SpiRit as Creativity in streAM of
Consciousness writing from way way deep down in hUman
collective consciousness in what some folks call cosmic consciousness
and still others name as Christ Consciousness.. eTc.. as the sHow muSt
go on further and further and hiGher and HiGher per John 14:12 too.. noW
as prophecies
do sTilLL
coMe trUe
iN very very
sElf and raTheR
long long fulfiLLinG ways
heHe.. as what’s anew Bible
without humor and red luke fun..
as the 138th dance niGht cOmes.. AgAiN
wRite before Christmas STilL iN thiS new
728th MacroVerse tonigHT as Fortunes DO iT juST roLL oNG..;)
And good fortune will smile upon you..
You will win favors when you expand your social circle..
WeLL that’s the take away from the take
out Chinese Food with
Fortune Cookies
For Fred and
and as often
whaT happens..
she says i care not for
my particular fortune so
it’s all yours Husband pal
do what you will with it.. hmm..
weLL..oFT to Dance at Old Seville Quarter
toniGht.. so will check out the expanding
smiles of social circles after the
dance is over in photography
way and meanwhile
the wife says
take out the
trash first before
you go play.. she already
fed me the After Chinese Dinner
so.. i’M all fueLed uP for Dance wiTh
soMe presents and some kitty kats noW
in T-Shirt Merry way too.. as the Grand
Old ChristMas Celebration continues in LA..
yes.. Lower Alabama Panhandle of Florida wHere
a Cheers Bar-like atmosphere wiTh Familiar sMiLinG
Beautiful fAces IS A Green Acres for.. the Pan of mE
with innocent Forest/Beach nymphs.. pArking close To
120th Church Street… with a portrait of old Arcadia Mill to
go in photo way too.. so.. see yA lAter as ForTunes as written
to juST
Be dOnE
With WiLL
and harming
no other other..
WiTh Force of Fearless
smARt Unconditional Love..
as juSt anoTher headliner here
for continuing 3.3 MilLioN Word
plus Longest Long Form Free Verse
Poem with plenty of what the professional
poets name as ‘concrete shapes’ in words
with deeper human archetypal symbolic meanings
as all of this continues to flow with what other parable
makers name as Holy SpiRit as Creativity in streAM of
Consciousness writing from way way deep down in hUman
collective consciousness in what some folks call cosmic consciousness
and still others name as Christ Consciousness.. eTc.. as the sHow muSt
go on further and further and hiGher and HiGher per John 14:12 too.. noW
as prophecies
do sTilLL
coMe trUe
iN very very
sElf and raTheR
long long fulfiLLinG ways
heHe.. as what’s anew Bible
without humor and red luke fun..
as the 138th dance niGht cOmes.. AgAiN
wRite before Christmas STilL iN thiS new
728th MacroVerse tonigHT as Fortunes DO iT juST roLL oNG..;)
So last night after i am changing
into my Kitten Presents T-shirt for
the Gala Dance event that is coming
to town.. P’cola town that is
as a Santa
of Dance..
oF Dance
iF you like
or Bond.. Fred
Bond.. as no body
does it like i do dance
heHe.. anyWay.. the wife
ALERTS ME.. Jesus F. iN
Christ and no she does not
use the man who she was told is
God’s name in vain.. kinda ironic
huh.. but anyway.. other than making
men and language and books and such
as that into Idols of God alone.. if i haven’t
LOST you yET.. the wife says this Chuck Lorre
guy writes about the same dam stuff you’ve told
me over and over about until i always get a Fred
Ache in an extra long kinda way too.. it’s really
weird.. it’s like
you are F
or something..
like there’s something
in the atmosphere that’s
catching while you are talking
about iT too.. well.. can’t take all the
credit for my philosophy that matches
precisely the philosophy that the very very
Prolific writer for TV sitcoms including the
Big Bang TV Show.. Chuck Lorre.. presents
here about human culture.. including religion too
as being the virus and humans who are the innocent
ones where the real FALL is the virus of both cultures and
religions same that have coincided in helping to dominate
and kill the rest of Mother Nature trUe.. here on earth in
thousands upon thousands of extinct species so far..
killing the Forests that supply clean air to breathe
and that list goes on as all we tree huggers
fully understand with the scribe
of science at our back..
yes.. we educated
folks who
than what
we are instructed
to say at church and
such as that in places
with walls and veils of ignorance
to bring the liGht of the original
Greek Definition of Apocalypse
that yes.. as i always say
means lifting
the veils
of ignorance..
so.. the TrUTh
and liGht of the
GoD oF Nature instead
of the God of Man can reign
free with reins that rain balance
again instead of imbalance in destruction
of the rest of Nature and us too.. as best
as we can and could do iN dARk iF we don’t
stop this D Train with headlight in the tunnel
from coming like a Bad Santa will.. too.. iF we
don’t come toGeTheR and get a handle on all the
ShiT out of balance.. anyway back to a point somewhere
back tHEre.. i can’t take all the credit for my philosophy as for one
thing it’s common sense for anyone who gets back to Nature.. whether
that be a man in the desert.. a man in a cave or a man on the beach or
a man who goes without sleep for 40 days like me too.. during the
lent period of 2008.. except for 1 hour of cardboard shallow sleep
the first 35 of 40 of those days and zero sleep the last 5 of 40..
yep.. really happened both in medical documentation
and witness of the really honest person..
my wife named Katrina who again
very much reflects the
Egyptian mythical
Goddess Isis
as she
helped put
the pieces of me
back toGether like
an incarnate version
of that Goddess now..
on Mother Earth too of course..
and on top of that i have college degrees
in an associate one that took me two years
at Pensacola Junior college before that became
a State College and spent 4 years at the University
of West Florida.. gaining degrees in Anthropology..
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary and Health Science
including some Graduate Study in Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary until my school resources
ran out.. and by the way that’s 6
years of college not the typo
of 8 that i made in a couple
of blog posts back
if i remember
to correct
that at
some date in
the future too.. hehe..
anyway.. i had a clear cut
path to come to this understanding
and perhaps i could have done something
big then to get the word out.. but i did not have
these tools or the resources to go any higher in school..
or even the writing and oral presentation skills to do anything
about it then really.. than go on to the University of Bowling Center
to get more Participant Anthropology Observer experience in terms
of direct contact and interaction with well over 100K flesh and blood
humans in the military and general public.. for over two decades total..
and then moving
online and
coming into
contact with
close to hundred
thousand more at
least vicariously into
looking into their mind
by what they wrote online on the
Wrong Planet site for the unwanted
toys and outcasts same of society to
see what the canaries in the coal mine
had to say all about the human condition.. too..
that’s a lot of credential but most oF it Free Lance
and not done so called professional for making bucks..
but you see.. i’m in this to help.. not to make bucks.. already
did that part almost miraculously in terms of dollar bills saved
to make all this possible now.. including all that suffering and
misery that makes me so-called too disabled to do anything but
my little parT to help save the world as Nature aka GOD’s BaLanCinG
way on
eARTh aGaiN..
anyWay.. enough
for now.. and more
to come in the next
Facebook Slide.. Class.. oKay..;)
into my Kitten Presents T-shirt for
the Gala Dance event that is coming
to town.. P’cola town that is
as a Santa
of Dance..
oF Dance
iF you like
or Bond.. Fred
Bond.. as no body
does it like i do dance
heHe.. anyWay.. the wife
ALERTS ME.. Jesus F. iN
Christ and no she does not
use the man who she was told is
God’s name in vain.. kinda ironic
huh.. but anyway.. other than making
men and language and books and such
as that into Idols of God alone.. if i haven’t
LOST you yET.. the wife says this Chuck Lorre
guy writes about the same dam stuff you’ve told
me over and over about until i always get a Fred
Ache in an extra long kinda way too.. it’s really
weird.. it’s like
you are F
or something..
like there’s something
in the atmosphere that’s
catching while you are talking
about iT too.. well.. can’t take all the
credit for my philosophy that matches
precisely the philosophy that the very very
Prolific writer for TV sitcoms including the
Big Bang TV Show.. Chuck Lorre.. presents
here about human culture.. including religion too
as being the virus and humans who are the innocent
ones where the real FALL is the virus of both cultures and
religions same that have coincided in helping to dominate
and kill the rest of Mother Nature trUe.. here on earth in
thousands upon thousands of extinct species so far..
killing the Forests that supply clean air to breathe
and that list goes on as all we tree huggers
fully understand with the scribe
of science at our back..
yes.. we educated
folks who
than what
we are instructed
to say at church and
such as that in places
with walls and veils of ignorance
to bring the liGht of the original
Greek Definition of Apocalypse
that yes.. as i always say
means lifting
the veils
of ignorance..
so.. the TrUTh
and liGht of the
GoD oF Nature instead
of the God of Man can reign
free with reins that rain balance
again instead of imbalance in destruction
of the rest of Nature and us too.. as best
as we can and could do iN dARk iF we don’t
stop this D Train with headlight in the tunnel
from coming like a Bad Santa will.. too.. iF we
don’t come toGeTheR and get a handle on all the
ShiT out of balance.. anyway back to a point somewhere
back tHEre.. i can’t take all the credit for my philosophy as for one
thing it’s common sense for anyone who gets back to Nature.. whether
that be a man in the desert.. a man in a cave or a man on the beach or
a man who goes without sleep for 40 days like me too.. during the
lent period of 2008.. except for 1 hour of cardboard shallow sleep
the first 35 of 40 of those days and zero sleep the last 5 of 40..
yep.. really happened both in medical documentation
and witness of the really honest person..
my wife named Katrina who again
very much reflects the
Egyptian mythical
Goddess Isis
as she
helped put
the pieces of me
back toGether like
an incarnate version
of that Goddess now..
on Mother Earth too of course..
and on top of that i have college degrees
in an associate one that took me two years
at Pensacola Junior college before that became
a State College and spent 4 years at the University
of West Florida.. gaining degrees in Anthropology..
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary and Health Science
including some Graduate Study in Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary until my school resources
ran out.. and by the way that’s 6
years of college not the typo
of 8 that i made in a couple
of blog posts back
if i remember
to correct
that at
some date in
the future too.. hehe..
anyway.. i had a clear cut
path to come to this understanding
and perhaps i could have done something
big then to get the word out.. but i did not have
these tools or the resources to go any higher in school..
or even the writing and oral presentation skills to do anything
about it then really.. than go on to the University of Bowling Center
to get more Participant Anthropology Observer experience in terms
of direct contact and interaction with well over 100K flesh and blood
humans in the military and general public.. for over two decades total..
and then moving
online and
coming into
contact with
close to hundred
thousand more at
least vicariously into
looking into their mind
by what they wrote online on the
Wrong Planet site for the unwanted
toys and outcasts same of society to
see what the canaries in the coal mine
had to say all about the human condition.. too..
that’s a lot of credential but most oF it Free Lance
and not done so called professional for making bucks..
but you see.. i’m in this to help.. not to make bucks.. already
did that part almost miraculously in terms of dollar bills saved
to make all this possible now.. including all that suffering and
misery that makes me so-called too disabled to do anything but
my little parT to help save the world as Nature aka GOD’s BaLanCinG
way on
eARTh aGaiN..
anyWay.. enough
for now.. and more
to come in the next
Facebook Slide.. Class.. oKay..;)
Okay.. as the Philosophy..
Science and Art Class continues
in BA.. another BA.. and BS and
Associates degree ways with University
of Bowling Center and Community Activities
Director and Athletic Director.. with a few stints
as Book Store Clerk.. Janitor.. and Research Associate
of Archeology with the Book Store Job in University way too..
even the Government getting me a security clearance
to do support assistance for a Captain of Navy base..
along with thousands and thousands
of poetic responses in free verse
to online Blogger poets as such..
and 12 million words recorded
online total with about 8 million
or so on the Wrong Planet
Website along with
many other
Autism associated
websites and so many
other ‘miscellaneous’
places too.. yeah 138 weeks
moving into 139 weeks now next
week documenting dance experience
with college age folks.. in the longest long
form poem ever.. still exceeding 3.3 million
words in witness for God oF aLL Nature All
Natural as such and mysterious and even what
some might call a Nature plus with the metaphor
of occult unknown elements.. thaT we can come
to feel and sense.. with direct life experience too..
yes that witness now exceeding the 42 month point
on 9112016.. and nah.. i don’t blaspheme the Christian
religion by saying in my own little way i have surpassed the
historical record of what the Jesus did per John 14:12 either
as i can back it up.. even the 1020 LBs.. i leg press in leg strength
all Natural as such.. as hey.. i am a pretty wirey ape here at around
6 Feet tall and 233LBS of Dense bone.. muscle.. ligament and tendon
strength as this ain’t no steroid dude presented here for Christmas of 2016
with Kitty Cats too.. on shirt.. this is the real thing going down.. wild and free
and if you don’t believe i’m strong and viril as such.. sure i even present the
science project all naked as such as skin don’t lie.. behind clothes and neither
does strength or virility too.. hey.. a scientist has to do what he has to do or her
like any doctor
would WHO
ever the Doctor
be or not to BE..
yeah i did 40 reps
or so.. one day last week
as i measure it in terms of songs
i make it through and minutes of doing
it as i am in another world of focus when
i do it in all parallel way with arms raised in
to the skies for ‘perfect’ balance with legs in strength..
yes.. this is a lifelong very comprehensive science project
that i am personally involved with the God of Nature to JuST
get heR done.. yes.. this is the trim and fit Incredible hulk off
the fucking
steroids.. OKay..
ain’t no bulked up
lizard man here.. hehe..
i even tend to store fat around
the middle off and on during the week..
before the next marathon dance begins..
while i’m writing in the interim to do the
art and science of the DancE and SonG
oF LiFE too.. heHEr or WhATever comes next..;)
Science and Art Class continues
in BA.. another BA.. and BS and
Associates degree ways with University
of Bowling Center and Community Activities
Director and Athletic Director.. with a few stints
as Book Store Clerk.. Janitor.. and Research Associate
of Archeology with the Book Store Job in University way too..
even the Government getting me a security clearance
to do support assistance for a Captain of Navy base..
along with thousands and thousands
of poetic responses in free verse
to online Blogger poets as such..
and 12 million words recorded
online total with about 8 million
or so on the Wrong Planet
Website along with
many other
Autism associated
websites and so many
other ‘miscellaneous’
places too.. yeah 138 weeks
moving into 139 weeks now next
week documenting dance experience
with college age folks.. in the longest long
form poem ever.. still exceeding 3.3 million
words in witness for God oF aLL Nature All
Natural as such and mysterious and even what
some might call a Nature plus with the metaphor
of occult unknown elements.. thaT we can come
to feel and sense.. with direct life experience too..
yes that witness now exceeding the 42 month point
on 9112016.. and nah.. i don’t blaspheme the Christian
religion by saying in my own little way i have surpassed the
historical record of what the Jesus did per John 14:12 either
as i can back it up.. even the 1020 LBs.. i leg press in leg strength
all Natural as such.. as hey.. i am a pretty wirey ape here at around
6 Feet tall and 233LBS of Dense bone.. muscle.. ligament and tendon
strength as this ain’t no steroid dude presented here for Christmas of 2016
with Kitty Cats too.. on shirt.. this is the real thing going down.. wild and free
and if you don’t believe i’m strong and viril as such.. sure i even present the
science project all naked as such as skin don’t lie.. behind clothes and neither
does strength or virility too.. hey.. a scientist has to do what he has to do or her
like any doctor
would WHO
ever the Doctor
be or not to BE..
yeah i did 40 reps
or so.. one day last week
as i measure it in terms of songs
i make it through and minutes of doing
it as i am in another world of focus when
i do it in all parallel way with arms raised in
to the skies for ‘perfect’ balance with legs in strength..
yes.. this is a lifelong very comprehensive science project
that i am personally involved with the God of Nature to JuST
get heR done.. yes.. this is the trim and fit Incredible hulk off
the fucking
steroids.. OKay..
ain’t no bulked up
lizard man here.. hehe..
i even tend to store fat around
the middle off and on during the week..
before the next marathon dance begins..
while i’m writing in the interim to do the
art and science of the DancE and SonG
oF LiFE too.. heHEr or WhATever comes next..;)
Hmm.. Feral Face on a 233 LB
ballet/martial arts body..who yes..
leg presses 1020 Lbs sTiLL regularly
3 times a week now at 33 times as let’s
just call 40 reps as somewhat of an anomaly
to date.. sure.. do not mistake my kindness and grace
for weakness as yes.. i surely can do the Karmic eye
too.. kinda like
that wirey tall Lucifer
Pretty Boy does on the
Fox Chanel too.. particularly
amusing the show was where
the street corner evangelist who was
selling snake oil of illusory fears and empty
promises met
his own
when pretty
boy Lucifer showed
his red face eyes.. anyWay.
we are animals.. make no mistake
about that.. and we can be morphed
into trained cold blooded killers when
human empathy and compassion is erased
from the human mix.. but on the other hand when
tHeir is abundance in resources in so-called primitive
savage naked way.. we cooperate better aS oNe somewhat
small social group of human beings dancing close to naked
totally free one in being with each other and God sAMe around
moonlit campfires of niGht wHere the Sun of we in fiRe of EmoTiOns
pro-social and seNsory too.. sparkle in every cell of our bodies and
trillions of peptide connections of positive neurochemical and neuro
hormone flow from the Vagal Nerve aka Kudalini serpent that runs
from Brain to Gut and branches out to head to toe and BeyOnd
in conNecTedness in moVinG and CreATinG ways toGeTheR
wE humans DancE and SinG oNE.. with goD WhoLe as
Ocean wHole poem continues to flow as streams
move to rivers.. and waves of Ocean reach
further and further and shores continue
to expand and recede and change
forevermore now.. in the
bliss and nirvana..
satori.. eTc.. yes
the Heaven
iS noW when
we DancE and
SinG Naked iN BaLanCe
away from Feral FroWny uGy
Trump Face as i so ‘eloquently’
dARk disPlay here.. and no.. truST
me.. you wouldn’t wanna really see a
male who has undomesticated himself
angry.. neither cat or human.. as i am juST
playiNg a split-second ‘funny face’ here
as any clown can do too.. boTh dARk
and liGht.. sHades of Grey.. and BeYond
rainbow colors too.. but as they say.. the crazy
eYe WiLL avoid many fights.. better than turn the
other cheek as the other person high tails it as such
eye of the
Bad Santa comes
to town.. either iN
aCt or iSREaL Feral SonG..
and DancE of poTential Death
as any Wookiee can do now with
no FucKinG rules but win for FiGhting..
hehe.. like one so-called big man told me
one time.. i’ll break your arm.. hmm.. he didn’t
see me beat the 260 LB law enforcement dude “then”..
in arm wrestling when i was just 19 years old.. me
at 170lbs.. and all that was back before i undomesticated
myself.. Wookiees and other Undomesticated apes.. don’t
break arms
they FucKinG
rip faces off
iF need be..
for me..
Lover not a fighter
but on the other hand
i don’t have to fight with
A Karmic eye like this.. hehe..
And speaking of Karma.. this is
how the rest of Nature and God the
sAMe overall feels about the human species..
no favorites baby.. just pissed.. and trust me
Fuck WiTh
God as GoD ISREaL
and all that is with no
FucKinG escape.. not even
after death.. sure.. i fear going
against the gravity of GoD iN BaLAnce
i did it with no nefarious intent already by
jusT being too afraid to say no.. and getting
out of balance as a slave to human culture now
and religion same.. God ape slapped my ass down..
and for those who think they are immune.. juST wait..
as the
his and her eTc.. DO
as action.. consequence
liGht and dArk in Positive and
Negative way is the rule of Nature GoD sAMe
forevermore now at leASt and MoSt and ‘tween
that is
aka GOD
wHole with
no separation@aLL..:)
ballet/martial arts body..who yes..
leg presses 1020 Lbs sTiLL regularly
3 times a week now at 33 times as let’s
just call 40 reps as somewhat of an anomaly
to date.. sure.. do not mistake my kindness and grace
for weakness as yes.. i surely can do the Karmic eye
too.. kinda like
that wirey tall Lucifer
Pretty Boy does on the
Fox Chanel too.. particularly
amusing the show was where
the street corner evangelist who was
selling snake oil of illusory fears and empty
promises met
his own
when pretty
boy Lucifer showed
his red face eyes.. anyWay.
we are animals.. make no mistake
about that.. and we can be morphed
into trained cold blooded killers when
human empathy and compassion is erased
from the human mix.. but on the other hand when
tHeir is abundance in resources in so-called primitive
savage naked way.. we cooperate better aS oNe somewhat
small social group of human beings dancing close to naked
totally free one in being with each other and God sAMe around
moonlit campfires of niGht wHere the Sun of we in fiRe of EmoTiOns
pro-social and seNsory too.. sparkle in every cell of our bodies and
trillions of peptide connections of positive neurochemical and neuro
hormone flow from the Vagal Nerve aka Kudalini serpent that runs
from Brain to Gut and branches out to head to toe and BeyOnd
in conNecTedness in moVinG and CreATinG ways toGeTheR
wE humans DancE and SinG oNE.. with goD WhoLe as
Ocean wHole poem continues to flow as streams
move to rivers.. and waves of Ocean reach
further and further and shores continue
to expand and recede and change
forevermore now.. in the
bliss and nirvana..
satori.. eTc.. yes
the Heaven
iS noW when
we DancE and
SinG Naked iN BaLanCe
away from Feral FroWny uGy
Trump Face as i so ‘eloquently’
dARk disPlay here.. and no.. truST
me.. you wouldn’t wanna really see a
male who has undomesticated himself
angry.. neither cat or human.. as i am juST
playiNg a split-second ‘funny face’ here
as any clown can do too.. boTh dARk
and liGht.. sHades of Grey.. and BeYond
rainbow colors too.. but as they say.. the crazy
eYe WiLL avoid many fights.. better than turn the
other cheek as the other person high tails it as such
eye of the
Bad Santa comes
to town.. either iN
aCt or iSREaL Feral SonG..
and DancE of poTential Death
as any Wookiee can do now with
no FucKinG rules but win for FiGhting..
hehe.. like one so-called big man told me
one time.. i’ll break your arm.. hmm.. he didn’t
see me beat the 260 LB law enforcement dude “then”..
in arm wrestling when i was just 19 years old.. me
at 170lbs.. and all that was back before i undomesticated
myself.. Wookiees and other Undomesticated apes.. don’t
break arms
they FucKinG
rip faces off
iF need be..
for me..
Lover not a fighter
but on the other hand
i don’t have to fight with
A Karmic eye like this.. hehe..
And speaking of Karma.. this is
how the rest of Nature and God the
sAMe overall feels about the human species..
no favorites baby.. just pissed.. and trust me
Fuck WiTh
God as GoD ISREaL
and all that is with no
FucKinG escape.. not even
after death.. sure.. i fear going
against the gravity of GoD iN BaLAnce
i did it with no nefarious intent already by
jusT being too afraid to say no.. and getting
out of balance as a slave to human culture now
and religion same.. God ape slapped my ass down..
and for those who think they are immune.. juST wait..
as the
his and her eTc.. DO
as action.. consequence
liGht and dArk in Positive and
Negative way is the rule of Nature GoD sAMe
forevermore now at leASt and MoSt and ‘tween
that is
aka GOD
wHole with
no separation@aLL..:)
Oh.. what a relief
and you thought
the dance hall
was a wild and
crazy thingie.. hehe..
anyWay.. yeah.. i did the
6 years of college and ‘this’
very sweet and smart young
lady is an excellent role model
for her species.. she is not afraid of
different although her boyfriend looked a little
bit wary as we are getting our selfie thing and dance
on at the club but sure the grace and all brings a sense
of ballet safety
as you don’t
have to
a ballet
guy stealing
your girl friend.. huh..
well.. i’m married and that’s
the only reason that young man
didn’t have anything to worry about
as i was no longer his age in college as
i am now old enough to be this girl’s father
and close to grandfather age too.. and plus
that.. i wasn’t undomesticated in college but
oh God.. if i was.. my grades surely would have suffered
the sheets
of liFE.. no doubt..
and that’s okay noW
as i am a monogamous
dude when it comes to
the Bill Clinton Definition of sex for sure..
but a bootie dance.. i will engage in now and
then if brought to me first.. as a married man i
never approach a female first for dance.. but
even at
56.. i
seem to
be somewhat
stiLL in deMaNd
hehe.. as lonG as
no one noW sees the
Karmic Feral eye.. i guess..
Now.. i gotta go back to that
Video i shared last night and provide
a few more words about the Rave Dance
Experience.. speaKing from a Participant
Anthropologist observer view of course.. haha..
not to
i don’t
enjoy my ‘works’..;)
and you thought
the dance hall
was a wild and
crazy thingie.. hehe..
anyWay.. yeah.. i did the
6 years of college and ‘this’
very sweet and smart young
lady is an excellent role model
for her species.. she is not afraid of
different although her boyfriend looked a little
bit wary as we are getting our selfie thing and dance
on at the club but sure the grace and all brings a sense
of ballet safety
as you don’t
have to
a ballet
guy stealing
your girl friend.. huh..
well.. i’m married and that’s
the only reason that young man
didn’t have anything to worry about
as i was no longer his age in college as
i am now old enough to be this girl’s father
and close to grandfather age too.. and plus
that.. i wasn’t undomesticated in college but
oh God.. if i was.. my grades surely would have suffered
the sheets
of liFE.. no doubt..
and that’s okay noW
as i am a monogamous
dude when it comes to
the Bill Clinton Definition of sex for sure..
but a bootie dance.. i will engage in now and
then if brought to me first.. as a married man i
never approach a female first for dance.. but
even at
56.. i
seem to
be somewhat
stiLL in deMaNd
hehe.. as lonG as
no one noW sees the
Karmic Feral eye.. i guess..
Now.. i gotta go back to that
Video i shared last night and provide
a few more words about the Rave Dance
Experience.. speaKing from a Participant
Anthropologist observer view of course.. haha..
not to
i don’t
enjoy my ‘works’..;)
Yes.. i included ‘the wild things’ in the Facebook
Algorithm Video Production assisted slide
presentation.. wild things me.. yes..
and sweet and smARt thingies too..
all for the science and art project
in Health.. Social Sciences
and Anthropology
and God
of Nature
way sAMe too..
trivia note.. when the
Pensacola News Journal..
interviewed my Mother.. my
Sister and me in 1983 when
we were all graduating the same
year.. me with the three degrees and
those two with a Social Work degree each..
Sister later moving on to earn a Management
Master’s Degree while working in her thirties..
and back to ’83.. i really didn’t know what to do/
say when they asked me what my goal was in life..
so i just blurted out.. my ultimate goal is to become
an Anthropologist.. knoWing full well then that it wasn’t
A feasible or realistic goal to do for money at least.. hehe..
as i continued my studies and free lance work for decades on end..
anyWay back to rave dance
my favorite part as both
your typical paRt
of the male
part of
the gender
leaning propensities..
as the trend continues.. more
and MORE females are engaging in bootie
dances with each other.. yes.. very very feminine
beautiful young women.. no stereotypes here of
cultural sexual orientation leaning pre-conceived
notions about that in purely gender look way.. as
yes.. these girls were HOT.. and considering some
of my favorite preferences are the among the dark eyed
and darker skin type of Pacific Islander and Asian and other
yeah.. sure South Asian.. particularly too… even clothed with
only exotic
brown eyes
in malls and
such as that..
as beauty all packaged
up like that is like the most
alluring thing to me ever.. as it’s
just another feral like challenge and if
you have to be feral to understand that too..
butt in only a consensual way of course as i am
human too.. as the human animal mix is a complicated one too..
anyway.. oh my God.. beautiful young asian girls so innocent and
scantily dressed.. probably 21 or so .. or perhaps even down to
the tender age of 18.. all legal as such with ID to get in the door
not only are they booting dancing but they are even doing the front
to front grind like no one’s watching.. and that’S how you do
the DancE of liFE
and SonG when
you are trULy
free and
let your
loose on the world
without a care.. anyWay
as the Bonobo Closest female
cousin regularly engages in genital
rubbing up on each other for both pleasure
and maintaining social bonds.. and sure in primitive
so-called savage human cultures too.. freedom rings
and those two girls were having really great fun not giving
an F what anyone thought.. and truth is not a single person
complained as our sex don’t lie.. like lady Gaga and Miley
says too
when the
naked TruTh
and liGht hits
God of Nature’s
Human Dance Floor of LiFe
with no dances barred clothed enough
to keep
the Seville
Dance Dress
code fully intact still
too.. it’s no secret i appreciate
the beauty and erotic nature of women
and it’s no secret that a good looking guy
catches the eye of the Katrina either.. it’s no
secret at least now that we have both viewed porn
togEther with vicarious activities as such.. and the truth
is tHeir is no greater art than human sensuality set free in the
liGht of day when all legal and consensual as such.. thing is..
it’s more interesting on the dance floor when consensual
with little
real pleasure
as truly for us empaths
who feel both pleasure and
pain the total experience of life
toGeTher is much more than sKin deep..
and that is why the Bonobo does engage
in tongue kissing and face to face sex and
oral sex too.. for the simple fAct they have enough
inherent empathy and compassion to feel the other
well beyond
what is viewed
as just a flesh and
blood mechanical act
of ins and outs and beYond
of Stuff like that.. a human who freely
exercises all stuff associated with libido as
science now sHows.. is more creative.. more
productive.. and more cooperative in all pro-social
ways of
take that away
and the simple is..
you get FucKinG
Christian Sword and
Burning at the stake war
parties and head hunting
Isis folks too.. who think they
have to wait until after death to enjoy
as the
flesh as such
and to be clear
that ain’t in the Koran
but folks take Hadith’s with
as much credence as folks take
all the shit the Catholic Church made
up in rules that ain’t in the big black book too..
and beyond that as any poet knows.. both books
are poetry books.. and as poet readers know and feel
a poem
can be
in both literal
and metaphorical
almost infinite ways
down to a letter.. a number
or any other abstract symbol
humans sTilLL are engaged in creating
and producing same.. thing is.. when two
women are grinding their genitals together
on the dance floor.. they are just in heaven now..
a place
that sadly
close to half
the population of the
earth believes happens in
a star dust dirt nap.. before the
next star burst happens and the next
batch of sentient star dust plus is created like
oF aLL
of Nature LiFe..
Ignorance isboth dangerous
to the living earth and just plain
is as ignorant
don’t do in hell now..
a place self-fulfilling as the
used car Trumps person sales
goeS on
iN the ignorance
of the dARk in
and hell
on earth
in LA Lower
Alabama too in
Souther Baptist
frOwny faces.. yeS in
the Panhandle sTiLL NoW
of Super Walmart Aisles too..
And to be clear.. yes.. there are
frOwny faces in Catholic Church too..
and even worse than that in Atheist Science class..
as been tHeRe and done the Participant Observer
Anthropologist thingie on the Wrong Planet2
Hell Like a Lucifer attempting to bring
the militant atheists some liGht
yes.. they even had a club
named the
with a club
of hell as it were
overall already.. and
thing is they were just
another sort of angry old
white men in young adult
males who FucKinG hated
women too.. ’cause they too
domesticate to get ’em some..
AND ON top of that almost no
emotional intelligence as such expressed
in verbal communication with little to no understanding
that a
orgasm staRts
with EmoTions
and noT this wham
bam thanks for nothing
shit ma’am stuff that little
boys with pre-grinch heARts
never groW into Oh God More..
i see these males at Old Seville too..
and that my friends is pARt of the reason
we are seeing these delicate sweet things
rubbing all over each other.. as the males are
extinct in
their own way
in having no clue
what the poetry of female
means coming straight from the
hEArt and ending up in a womb of lOve..
hey.. Werewolves
can be
and HeARt feLt uP too..
as Jesus F iN Christ kNows
even Vampires like the newest
Dracula movie dude can be the most
Romantic oF aLL Lovers let loose WilD and Rogue one
side note
to see that
Star wars movie
in self note reminder..
coming soon to a theater already HeRe..
and you can see it in real time.. as case study
evidence in selfie-like way.. i am always more creative
after A
niGht of
WiLd and
free at the
core and essence
of what it means to
be a Flower named human
in all the birds and bees wax way..
waves of pleaSure and fearLess and smARt coMes neXt..
bottom lines..
this is how you
write a bible baby..
NO Lies.. aS our seX tales the truTh..
noW WiTh
UncoNDitioNal LOVE aS LiGht iNoW oF eYes..:)
Algorithm Video Production assisted slide
presentation.. wild things me.. yes..
and sweet and smARt thingies too..
all for the science and art project
in Health.. Social Sciences
and Anthropology
and God
of Nature
way sAMe too..
trivia note.. when the
Pensacola News Journal..
interviewed my Mother.. my
Sister and me in 1983 when
we were all graduating the same
year.. me with the three degrees and
those two with a Social Work degree each..
Sister later moving on to earn a Management
Master’s Degree while working in her thirties..
and back to ’83.. i really didn’t know what to do/
say when they asked me what my goal was in life..
so i just blurted out.. my ultimate goal is to become
an Anthropologist.. knoWing full well then that it wasn’t
A feasible or realistic goal to do for money at least.. hehe..
as i continued my studies and free lance work for decades on end..
anyWay back to rave dance
my favorite part as both
your typical paRt
of the male
part of
the gender
leaning propensities..
as the trend continues.. more
and MORE females are engaging in bootie
dances with each other.. yes.. very very feminine
beautiful young women.. no stereotypes here of
cultural sexual orientation leaning pre-conceived
notions about that in purely gender look way.. as
yes.. these girls were HOT.. and considering some
of my favorite preferences are the among the dark eyed
and darker skin type of Pacific Islander and Asian and other
yeah.. sure South Asian.. particularly too… even clothed with
only exotic
brown eyes
in malls and
such as that..
as beauty all packaged
up like that is like the most
alluring thing to me ever.. as it’s
just another feral like challenge and if
you have to be feral to understand that too..
butt in only a consensual way of course as i am
human too.. as the human animal mix is a complicated one too..
anyway.. oh my God.. beautiful young asian girls so innocent and
scantily dressed.. probably 21 or so .. or perhaps even down to
the tender age of 18.. all legal as such with ID to get in the door
not only are they booting dancing but they are even doing the front
to front grind like no one’s watching.. and that’S how you do
the DancE of liFE
and SonG when
you are trULy
free and
let your
loose on the world
without a care.. anyWay
as the Bonobo Closest female
cousin regularly engages in genital
rubbing up on each other for both pleasure
and maintaining social bonds.. and sure in primitive
so-called savage human cultures too.. freedom rings
and those two girls were having really great fun not giving
an F what anyone thought.. and truth is not a single person
complained as our sex don’t lie.. like lady Gaga and Miley
says too
when the
naked TruTh
and liGht hits
God of Nature’s
Human Dance Floor of LiFe
with no dances barred clothed enough
to keep
the Seville
Dance Dress
code fully intact still
too.. it’s no secret i appreciate
the beauty and erotic nature of women
and it’s no secret that a good looking guy
catches the eye of the Katrina either.. it’s no
secret at least now that we have both viewed porn
togEther with vicarious activities as such.. and the truth
is tHeir is no greater art than human sensuality set free in the
liGht of day when all legal and consensual as such.. thing is..
it’s more interesting on the dance floor when consensual
with little
real pleasure
as truly for us empaths
who feel both pleasure and
pain the total experience of life
toGeTher is much more than sKin deep..
and that is why the Bonobo does engage
in tongue kissing and face to face sex and
oral sex too.. for the simple fAct they have enough
inherent empathy and compassion to feel the other
well beyond
what is viewed
as just a flesh and
blood mechanical act
of ins and outs and beYond
of Stuff like that.. a human who freely
exercises all stuff associated with libido as
science now sHows.. is more creative.. more
productive.. and more cooperative in all pro-social
ways of
take that away
and the simple is..
you get FucKinG
Christian Sword and
Burning at the stake war
parties and head hunting
Isis folks too.. who think they
have to wait until after death to enjoy
as the
flesh as such
and to be clear
that ain’t in the Koran
but folks take Hadith’s with
as much credence as folks take
all the shit the Catholic Church made
up in rules that ain’t in the big black book too..
and beyond that as any poet knows.. both books
are poetry books.. and as poet readers know and feel
a poem
can be
in both literal
and metaphorical
almost infinite ways
down to a letter.. a number
or any other abstract symbol
humans sTilLL are engaged in creating
and producing same.. thing is.. when two
women are grinding their genitals together
on the dance floor.. they are just in heaven now..
a place
that sadly
close to half
the population of the
earth believes happens in
a star dust dirt nap.. before the
next star burst happens and the next
batch of sentient star dust plus is created like
oF aLL
of Nature LiFe..
Ignorance isboth dangerous
to the living earth and just plain
is as ignorant
don’t do in hell now..
a place self-fulfilling as the
used car Trumps person sales
goeS on
iN the ignorance
of the dARk in
and hell
on earth
in LA Lower
Alabama too in
Souther Baptist
frOwny faces.. yeS in
the Panhandle sTiLL NoW
of Super Walmart Aisles too..
And to be clear.. yes.. there are
frOwny faces in Catholic Church too..
and even worse than that in Atheist Science class..
as been tHeRe and done the Participant Observer
Anthropologist thingie on the Wrong Planet2
Hell Like a Lucifer attempting to bring
the militant atheists some liGht
yes.. they even had a club
named the
with a club
of hell as it were
overall already.. and
thing is they were just
another sort of angry old
white men in young adult
males who FucKinG hated
women too.. ’cause they too
domesticate to get ’em some..
AND ON top of that almost no
emotional intelligence as such expressed
in verbal communication with little to no understanding
that a
orgasm staRts
with EmoTions
and noT this wham
bam thanks for nothing
shit ma’am stuff that little
boys with pre-grinch heARts
never groW into Oh God More..
i see these males at Old Seville too..
and that my friends is pARt of the reason
we are seeing these delicate sweet things
rubbing all over each other.. as the males are
extinct in
their own way
in having no clue
what the poetry of female
means coming straight from the
hEArt and ending up in a womb of lOve..
hey.. Werewolves
can be
and HeARt feLt uP too..
as Jesus F iN Christ kNows
even Vampires like the newest
Dracula movie dude can be the most
Romantic oF aLL Lovers let loose WilD and Rogue one
side note
to see that
Star wars movie
in self note reminder..
coming soon to a theater already HeRe..
and you can see it in real time.. as case study
evidence in selfie-like way.. i am always more creative
after A
niGht of
WiLd and
free at the
core and essence
of what it means to
be a Flower named human
in all the birds and bees wax way..
waves of pleaSure and fearLess and smARt coMes neXt..
bottom lines..
this is how you
write a bible baby..
NO Lies.. aS our seX tales the truTh..
noW WiTh
UncoNDitioNal LOVE aS LiGht iNoW oF eYes..:)
i can’t solve
the World’s
probleM iS
i CaN
And WiLL
WiTh LOVE..:)
the World’s
probleM iS
i CaN
And WiLL
WiTh LOVE..:)
Hmm.. SOULDANCE.. MacroVerse Memory
from three years ago.. sTilLL eXploRinG tHeR
YiN and YanG iN the BaLAnCinG FoRce of
the DiviNE
as JunG says too..
iN deepest Human Archetype
aS WeLLs uP too.. noW
after aLL it’s worth noting
for most everyone
who already
kNows/FeeLs that
males are females
first before the clitoris
grows longer and the reproductive
pArts move inside as eggs inStead
of outside as Seeds.. for maKinG liFE..
in oTheR words both liVe
as We
down fully
expReSsinG thiS
totAl BaLAnCinG Force
of masculine and feminine
when Super men and women
come uP to full speed oF liFe..
as such iN ways oF
odd and even two.. noW..
anyWay i’M glad i picked
a theme song.. both long enough
and appropriate foR All of whAT i juST
did too
in photography
record all buried and
stuff iN somEwhaT ‘hidden’ liNks aS Such2..;)
from three years ago.. sTilLL eXploRinG tHeR
YiN and YanG iN the BaLAnCinG FoRce of
the DiviNE
as JunG says too..
iN deepest Human Archetype
aS WeLLs uP too.. noW
after aLL it’s worth noting
for most everyone
who already
kNows/FeeLs that
males are females
first before the clitoris
grows longer and the reproductive
pArts move inside as eggs inStead
of outside as Seeds.. for maKinG liFE..
in oTheR words both liVe
as We
down fully
expReSsinG thiS
totAl BaLAnCinG Force
of masculine and feminine
when Super men and women
come uP to full speed oF liFe..
as such iN ways oF
odd and even two.. noW..
anyWay i’M glad i picked
a theme song.. both long enough
and appropriate foR All of whAT i juST
did too
in photography
record all buried and
stuff iN somEwhaT ‘hidden’ liNks aS Such2..;)
Here’s the thing.. i kNow this is way too long
to receive much readership immediately but what
you can if you will understand/FeeL/SeNse is i aM writing this
for the longer term total affect and effect BeYond a thouSand
years as such.. and
beyond any desire for so-called
material success.. all for free for Love
of God as Nature sAMe
inherent as such
when a SonG
LiKe McArthur
PARk intiMatED
So WeLL by
Donna Summer
can surely allow
one to FeeL and
sense the effort thAT God
A S T O T A L R E C i P E CaKE iN
aLL oF nAtuRE sAMe has/is put
into this great opportunity for what
can bE Heaven to exist noW on this
beautiful blue and brown and
green and ever shrinking
white polar caps as
hUman cultural
by products are
speedingly killing
that opportunity
for God who liVEs
iN our eYes to continue
to have all this poTenTial
Fun and Happy days iN
HeaVen now isREaL..
iF… we humans get
smARt enough
back to
NOW.. don’t get me wrong..
wE are capable oF iT as iF a bunch
of so-called American Indians can stop
a giant Dakota pipeline from going into effect
with Holy and Sacred Love for Mother Earth and
Nature God and sAMe we could and CAN do iT2
WiTh WiLL and FeARless SmArT LoVE sAMe1..
thing iS.. even some folks who
say they Love God of Nature
support Trump
who would take
all the regulations
of the environment away
if He could AND PUSSY GRAB
DOMESTICATED MAN.. And Faux NewS and friEnds2..;)
to receive much readership immediately but what
you can if you will understand/FeeL/SeNse is i aM writing this
for the longer term total affect and effect BeYond a thouSand
years as such.. and
beyond any desire for so-called
material success.. all for free for Love
of God as Nature sAMe
inherent as such
when a SonG
LiKe McArthur
PARk intiMatED
So WeLL by
Donna Summer
can surely allow
one to FeeL and
sense the effort thAT God
A S T O T A L R E C i P E CaKE iN
aLL oF nAtuRE sAMe has/is put
into this great opportunity for what
can bE Heaven to exist noW on this
beautiful blue and brown and
green and ever shrinking
white polar caps as
hUman cultural
by products are
speedingly killing
that opportunity
for God who liVEs
iN our eYes to continue
to have all this poTenTial
Fun and Happy days iN
HeaVen now isREaL..
iF… we humans get
smARt enough
back to
NOW.. don’t get me wrong..
wE are capable oF iT as iF a bunch
of so-called American Indians can stop
a giant Dakota pipeline from going into effect
with Holy and Sacred Love for Mother Earth and
Nature God and sAMe we could and CAN do iT2
WiTh WiLL and FeARless SmArT LoVE sAMe1..
thing iS.. even some folks who
say they Love God of Nature
support Trump
who would take
all the regulations
of the environment away
if He could AND PUSSY GRAB
DOMESTICATED MAN.. And Faux NewS and friEnds2..;)
AnyWay.. if this doesn’t fit aLL ‘a yoUr
mOld.. don’t blAMe mE..
iT wAs/iS FaceBook
wHo asked
whaT iS on mY miNd..
so WTF..
DiD iT
oops.. AGAin..;)
mOld.. don’t blAMe mE..
iT wAs/iS FaceBook
wHo asked
whaT iS on mY miNd..
so WTF..
DiD iT
oops.. AGAin..;)
And yEs.. consideRing
thiS iS oNe heLL anD
heaVen oF A CaKe
iN tOw..
dEFiNitELy meets
thE meTaphor themE
aS ReciPe foR dVerse
iF i makE iT thAT Far toDay..
noW.. iF noT.. Now..
ouT iN thE
inSpiRinG aS wasH..;)
thiS iS oNe heLL anD
heaVen oF A CaKe
iN tOw..
dEFiNitELy meets
thE meTaphor themE
aS ReciPe foR dVerse
iF i makE iT thAT Far toDay..
noW.. iF noT.. Now..
ouT iN thE
inSpiRinG aS wasH..;)
“Endless Reserves
of Affability”..
by gigoid..
and surELy
a place
with Fearless
and Love too..
smARt of course2..:)
of Affability”..
by gigoid..
and surELy
a place
with Fearless
and Love too..
smARt of course2..:)
“Forbid a man to think for himself or to act for himself
and you may add the joy of piracy and the zest of smuggling to his life.”
and you may add the joy of piracy and the zest of smuggling to his life.”
~~ Elbert Hubbard ~~
By the book..
By the religion..
By the culture..
Buy the language..
And the rest is hiStory..
iN Patriarchal way and like
the Beatles sAid iN A SonG
somEwHeRe iN A
Sgt. Pepper
WiLL Go..
iN books.. iN religions..
iN cultures.. iN collecting
StanDard IQ INteLLigence…
Yes.. bOught by written language..:)
By the religion..
By the culture..
Buy the language..
And the rest is hiStory..
iN Patriarchal way and like
the Beatles sAid iN A SonG
somEwHeRe iN A
Sgt. Pepper
WiLL Go..
iN books.. iN religions..
iN cultures.. iN collecting
StanDard IQ INteLLigence…
Yes.. bOught by written language..:)
May you live all the days of your life.”
~~ Jonathan Swift — Polite Conversation, Dialogue ii ~~
is new..:)
is new..:)
“For wheresoe’er I turn my ravish’d eyes,
Gay gilded scenes and shining prospects rise,
Poetic fields encompass me around,
And still I seem to tread on classic ground.”
Gay gilded scenes and shining prospects rise,
Poetic fields encompass me around,
And still I seem to tread on classic ground.”
~~ Joseph Addison — A Letter from Italy ~~
Walk and rarELy fly..:)
Walk and rarELy fly..:)
“I see my life go drifting like a river
From change to change; I have been many things –
A green drop in the surge, a gleam of light
Upon a sword, a fir tree on a hill,
An old slave grinding at a heavy quern,
A king sitting upon a chair of gold –
And all these things were wonderful and great;
But now I have grown nothing, knowing all.
Ah! Druid, Druid, how great webs of sorrow
Lay hidden in that small slate-coloured thing!”
From change to change; I have been many things –
A green drop in the surge, a gleam of light
Upon a sword, a fir tree on a hill,
An old slave grinding at a heavy quern,
A king sitting upon a chair of gold –
And all these things were wonderful and great;
But now I have grown nothing, knowing all.
Ah! Druid, Druid, how great webs of sorrow
Lay hidden in that small slate-coloured thing!”
~~ William Butler Yeats, “Fergus and the Druid” ~~
Even if one knoWs
a lot preTending
one kNows noThing iS nEw..:)
a lot preTending
one kNows noThing iS nEw..:)
“And, pray tell, whose imagination are you a figment of?”
~~ Solipsist Bee ~~
It’S not tHat everYone
should thiNk liKe me..
iT is thaT
i Can and
WiLL thinK different..:)
should thiNk liKe me..
iT is thaT
i Can and
WiLL thinK different..:)
“It is the little rift within the lute
That by and by will make the music mute,
And ever widening slowly silence all.”
That by and by will make the music mute,
And ever widening slowly silence all.”
~~ Alfred Tennyson — Idylls of the King, Merlin and Vivien ~~
Spaces between the notes..
Spaces between the read..
Spaces between space
most beTween..:)
Spaces between the read..
Spaces between space
most beTween..:)
There is no excellent beauty
that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.
that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.
~~ Sir Francis Bacon, Of Beauty ~~
A new fronTier..
oF jabber whacky..;)
A new fronTier..
oF jabber whacky..;)
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question…
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question…
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
~~ T. S. Eliot, “Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock” ~~
As alWays
juST do iT works..;)
juST do iT works..;)
“Draw the curtain, the fraud is over.”
~~ François Rabelais, last words ~~
Per the
Wizard of
Oz.. Trump
never went
bEhind A curtain too..
aS noW Monkeys Fly..;)
Wizard of
Oz.. Trump
never went
bEhind A curtain too..
aS noW Monkeys Fly..;)
First oF aLL..
soft and lovely
photo of your Grandmother..
with you and your brother in tow..
i love
photos.. they
say so much
oF wHeRe wE
gRoW noW..
iN thE
Genes pool2..;)
soft and lovely
photo of your Grandmother..
with you and your brother in tow..
i love
photos.. they
say so much
oF wHeRe wE
gRoW noW..
iN thE
Genes pool2..;)
“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue.”
Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue.”
~~ Barry Goldwater ~~
i suppose
that makes
some oF us nice..;)
that makes
some oF us nice..;)
“But first, are you experienced?”
~~ Jimi Hendrix ~~
This is so true2..
Jimi did his
hiS oWn
Hand pick oF eXperience..:)
Jimi did his
hiS oWn
Hand pick oF eXperience..:)
Tough Times
Takes Tough
Takes Tough
“…The Universe is thronged with fire and light,
And we but smaller suns, which, skinned, trapped and kept
Enshrined in blood and precious bones, hold back the night.”
And we but smaller suns, which, skinned, trapped and kept
Enshrined in blood and precious bones, hold back the night.”
~~ Ray Bradbury ~~
Per the Police
and Ghost in the
Machine there is
an invisible sun from
outward appearance
thaT gives heat..
for the moment..;)
and Ghost in the
Machine there is
an invisible sun from
outward appearance
thaT gives heat..
for the moment..;)
“It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible,
but also for what we do not do.”
but also for what we do not do.”
~~ Moliere ~~
Without do
liFe iS sTill do Do..
do de
do do
the Police2 iN
Zenyatta Mondatta..;)
liFe iS sTill do Do..
do de
do do
the Police2 iN
Zenyatta Mondatta..;)
“Everyone who lives dies,
but not everyone who dies has lived.”
but not everyone who dies has lived.”
~~ No Fear ~~
WiTh no fear..:)
WiTh no fear..:)
“You can’t just feel happy;
to feel anything you have to feel everything.”
to feel anything you have to feel everything.”
~~ Callan Williams ~~
PLay NaKed..
eVen iF liFe iS
too short to cover iT uP..;)
PLay NaKed..
eVen iF liFe iS
too short to cover iT uP..;)
“If you would know a man,
observe how he treats a cat.”
observe how he treats a cat.”
~~ Subtle Bee ~~
i aM Cat
and purr..
i hEar woMen
rOar.. And i SmiLe..
or noT..
Ocean WhoLe..;)
and purr..
i hEar woMen
rOar.. And i SmiLe..
or noT..
Ocean WhoLe..;)
“We’re tossed by the winds of fate, Maggie Mae.
Once we end where they blow us, we make of ourselves what we will.”
Once we end where they blow us, we make of ourselves what we will.”
~~ Niall Feeney, in Nora Roberts’ “Born In Fire” ~~
A feather
floaT allone..;)
A feather
floaT allone..;)
“It’s so much more friendly with two.”
~~ Piglet, Pooh’s Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne ~~
2 or more
iN A Social
Animal Bible..
foR liFe..
And WiTh that
sAid.. Sleep and
Biloxi CaSino’s coMinG
tomorrow.. my friEnd.. gigoid..
hope you find a float for wHole too..
bandits.. hehe2..;)
iN A Social
Animal Bible..
foR liFe..
And WiTh that
sAid.. Sleep and
Biloxi CaSino’s coMinG
tomorrow.. my friEnd.. gigoid..
hope you find a float for wHole too..
bandits.. hehe2..;)
Thanks for correcting my
Memory fail last night as i
Do remember reading it that way first
go around yesterday.. before the end of the night..
beautiful woman your Grandmother and handsome lads..
dad and his brother.. looking forward to Reading your
next post on
the casino tour bus..:)
Memory fail last night as i
Do remember reading it that way first
go around yesterday.. before the end of the night..
beautiful woman your Grandmother and handsome lads..
dad and his brother.. looking forward to Reading your
next post on
the casino tour bus..:)
‘A thousand deaths’
my friEnd Zee..
a thousAnd
yeArs iN
a second
in Hell.. McArthur’s
PaRk a metaphor too
for so much oF liFe moVinG
around the DaRk oF paRk
iN siT
wHeRE pain
breaks feeliGht
trUth IS A recipe
for liFe alWays changing
alWays makIng a new cake
of LIFe with layers uPon lAyers
of roots that steep us deep in
a brew oF liFe..
hmmm.. anyWay..
juSt hope tHis sonG
WiLL BrinG a liGht oF all
thAT iS for you foR noW myYFriEnd..
And it’s kind of a nice way to end something
else and begin something anew i continue to work
iN pArt by
mY friEnd Zee..:)
my friEnd Zee..
a thousAnd
yeArs iN
a second
in Hell.. McArthur’s
PaRk a metaphor too
for so much oF liFe moVinG
around the DaRk oF paRk
iN siT
wHeRE pain
breaks feeliGht
trUth IS A recipe
for liFe alWays changing
alWays makIng a new cake
of LIFe with layers uPon lAyers
of roots that steep us deep in
a brew oF liFe..
hmmm.. anyWay..
juSt hope tHis sonG
WiLL BrinG a liGht oF all
thAT iS for you foR noW myYFriEnd..
And it’s kind of a nice way to end something
else and begin something anew i continue to work
iN pArt by
mY friEnd Zee..:)
Facebook FriEnd Ned AKA
blogger poet gigoid..
shares a quote
on Facebook
that says..
blogger poet gigoid..
shares a quote
on Facebook
that says..
“If the King’s English was good enough for
Jesus, it’s good enough for me!”
Jesus, it’s good enough for me!”
— Ma Ferguson, Governor of Texas (circa 1920)
And then Ned goes on to say
as i quote him here…
as i quote him here…
Hmm… this might explain a lot of what is
happening in today’s world. It seems
Americans have been choosing politicians,
by the silliest of methods, for longer than we realize….
happening in today’s world. It seems
Americans have been choosing politicians,
by the silliest of methods, for longer than we realize….
And then i respond with gRains oF
sAnd of wisdom that hOld
uP mountains
of Love..
i reply
sAnd of wisdom that hOld
uP mountains
of Love..
i reply
Yes.. we also desperately need
separation of church and state
in the country of BArAIN..;)
separation of church and state
in the country of BArAIN..;)
And as i love to say.. the original Greek
Definition of Apocalypse that means lifting
the veils of ignorance along with the original
Greek revision of 4 or so decades of illiterate
Aramaic Desert oral tradition that originally
meant A son of God like every other
human and the standard Old T..
ye are all Gods per ‘let’s do coffee’..
but hey.. harder to Slaughter folks
expanding Imperialism that
original smart Greek way..;)
Definition of Apocalypse that means lifting
the veils of ignorance along with the original
Greek revision of 4 or so decades of illiterate
Aramaic Desert oral tradition that originally
meant A son of God like every other
human and the standard Old T..
ye are all Gods per ‘let’s do coffee’..
but hey.. harder to Slaughter folks
expanding Imperialism that
original smart Greek way..;)
Anyway.. bottom lines.. King and or Dictator
for a Yogi who kNows\FeeLs/SeNSes.. tHeir place
IS A humiliating demotion in the scope of all that is..
hell.. even the rank of last prophet.. and that’s why
ALL the revisions do not impress me..
as A gRain of sAnd raises
liFe uP on eARTh
hiGheR than ‘thaT’..;)
for a Yogi who kNows\FeeLs/SeNSes.. tHeir place
IS A humiliating demotion in the scope of all that is..
hell.. even the rank of last prophet.. and that’s why
ALL the revisions do not impress me..
as A gRain of sAnd raises
liFe uP on eARTh
hiGheR than ‘thaT’..;)
And as synchronicity will
have it i move on to a Facebook
share by sweet long term friEnd
Rafiah.. who sticks
by my side
even though
i bet some stuff
i say reddens her
face in several ways
as our friEndship continues
with Unconditional Love per
the Good Cop Jesus way of BeinG..
anyWay.. she shares some social critique
by a popular Resident Psychiatrist from Pakistan
relating that folks should be more tolerant of other
religious type opinions before slandering those folks
making them no better than Isis or Trump.. if that gives you
any purview of how the other side views the current state of
in the
U.S. oF A
too.. can’t bLame
the disappointment
and that’s for sure.. anyway
the social critic ends his wisdom
about tolerating other opinions without
slandering folks that the world would be
a better place with less of you.. hmm.. less
of you means better if you never existed in
a fate
than death
of course.. for
those who tend
to enjoy breathing
on this earth when
one really
all of what
they are wishing..
so i go on in Fred
style reply with the following words..
have it i move on to a Facebook
share by sweet long term friEnd
Rafiah.. who sticks
by my side
even though
i bet some stuff
i say reddens her
face in several ways
as our friEndship continues
with Unconditional Love per
the Good Cop Jesus way of BeinG..
anyWay.. she shares some social critique
by a popular Resident Psychiatrist from Pakistan
relating that folks should be more tolerant of other
religious type opinions before slandering those folks
making them no better than Isis or Trump.. if that gives you
any purview of how the other side views the current state of
in the
U.S. oF A
too.. can’t bLame
the disappointment
and that’s for sure.. anyway
the social critic ends his wisdom
about tolerating other opinions without
slandering folks that the world would be
a better place with less of you.. hmm.. less
of you means better if you never existed in
a fate
than death
of course.. for
those who tend
to enjoy breathing
on this earth when
one really
all of what
they are wishing..
so i go on in Fred
style reply with the following words..
Ironically he contradicted all his wisdom
at the end with ‘less of you’.. but that’s just
the science of logic.. And God where there is NO less of you..:)
at the end with ‘less of you’.. but that’s just
the science of logic.. And God where there is NO less of you..:)
Rafiah replies in defense of the social critic with..
He is bit irritated that’s why. He don’t mean it..:)
And i go on to say with winks
the best i can to avoid offense..
the best i can to avoid offense..
leads to
violence and
murder.. the
tongue is best
mastered before others..;)
leads to
violence and
murder.. the
tongue is best
mastered before others..;)
Hmm.. and now i say being politically
correct enough to suit everyone ain’t easy
and obviously the phrase the world would be
a better place is just a metaphor that similarly
means either more or less of you.. as obviously
now when people say the world would be a better
place with more folks like me.. when i tale the young
folks all about
what i do
in meaning
and purpose
iN a DancE and
SonG oF LIFe they
aren’t literally wishing
anyone dead or never
born.. it’s just something
folks say out of yes.. irritability
or joy as opposing human emotions
expressing themselves as they will..
hey.. hard to be ‘perfect’ if you are human
as we are animals with not only logic but emotions
that precede all logic.. thing is.. though.. with the written
word it at least gives one a better opportunity to review
what can be best said for total peace and harmony and
that IS A Practice for a lifetime that must constantly
be exercised or use or lose applies.. and art iT iS
as emoTions truly are art and never the
science of logic alone.. so Rafiah
was correct when she said
he was just irritated and
literally didn’t mean
he wanted to
wipe those
folks off
the face of the
earth but on the other
hand.. before one starts pointing
out the speck in the other eye it is
wise to master the hand that reflects
the heaRT for potential positive change
in the future to make A Love as hiGher
practice move on to sunny
in the
Art of liFe
that can be
fearLess.. smARt
and more Unconditional
Love for all.. yeah.. it might
sound like pollyanna but
is only
as we make her2..;)
correct enough to suit everyone ain’t easy
and obviously the phrase the world would be
a better place is just a metaphor that similarly
means either more or less of you.. as obviously
now when people say the world would be a better
place with more folks like me.. when i tale the young
folks all about
what i do
in meaning
and purpose
iN a DancE and
SonG oF LIFe they
aren’t literally wishing
anyone dead or never
born.. it’s just something
folks say out of yes.. irritability
or joy as opposing human emotions
expressing themselves as they will..
hey.. hard to be ‘perfect’ if you are human
as we are animals with not only logic but emotions
that precede all logic.. thing is.. though.. with the written
word it at least gives one a better opportunity to review
what can be best said for total peace and harmony and
that IS A Practice for a lifetime that must constantly
be exercised or use or lose applies.. and art iT iS
as emoTions truly are art and never the
science of logic alone.. so Rafiah
was correct when she said
he was just irritated and
literally didn’t mean
he wanted to
wipe those
folks off
the face of the
earth but on the other
hand.. before one starts pointing
out the speck in the other eye it is
wise to master the hand that reflects
the heaRT for potential positive change
in the future to make A Love as hiGher
practice move on to sunny
in the
Art of liFe
that can be
fearLess.. smARt
and more Unconditional
Love for all.. yeah.. it might
sound like pollyanna but
is only
as we make her2..;)
“He who is inclined to lust is merciful and tender-hearted;
those who are inclined to purity are not so.”
those who are inclined to purity are not so.”
~~ Saint John Climacus ~~
Haha! and
as Climacus
‘sayS’ iN
Climax way
withheld too..
as Lord knows
enough Clitorises
have been cut OFF to control..
no different than restrictions to
hold hands for the opposite sexes
in some countries with studied higher rates
of sexual abuse in the immediate family.. the
only place
that touching
the opposite
sex is allowed..
you can fool some of
the folks some of the time
with illusory fears and empty
promises BUTT the God of Nature
with the Karma of action/consequence
in dArk and liGht of positive or negative
as law above
books collecting
written byproducts
of so-called human
standard IQ intelligence
and other variations of bullshit
same.. coming into full blown cultures..
including religions that do the same will
rarely rise above
the Libido
for life gifted
iN an iNnate.. iNstinctual
and iNtuitive balance of lust and love
as even the Bonobo manages life fine
in Peace and Harmony with none of that
only armed
lust for
life and
each other alive..
as love comes all
wayS in Nature Play..:)
as Climacus
‘sayS’ iN
Climax way
withheld too..
as Lord knows
enough Clitorises
have been cut OFF to control..
no different than restrictions to
hold hands for the opposite sexes
in some countries with studied higher rates
of sexual abuse in the immediate family.. the
only place
that touching
the opposite
sex is allowed..
you can fool some of
the folks some of the time
with illusory fears and empty
promises BUTT the God of Nature
with the Karma of action/consequence
in dArk and liGht of positive or negative
as law above
books collecting
written byproducts
of so-called human
standard IQ intelligence
and other variations of bullshit
same.. coming into full blown cultures..
including religions that do the same will
rarely rise above
the Libido
for life gifted
iN an iNnate.. iNstinctual
and iNtuitive balance of lust and love
as even the Bonobo manages life fine
in Peace and Harmony with none of that
only armed
lust for
life and
each other alive..
as love comes all
wayS in Nature Play..:)
Smiles my friend.. sex sex
sex sex far too long has been
off the roundtables of
culure.. and religion
same.. art is still wHere
hUman breathes best
as art is more often
naked of
human lies
iN subjugation and
control painted with
illusory fears and
empty promises
that ultimately
serve to
human potential
as science shows.. now
thank God scribe of God..
that a balance of lust and love
consensually and healthily expressed
free IS A source of all human creativity
and productivity along with social cooperation
too.. in a loving touch that remains satisfied full..
and less likely to fall to con-social emotionS ultimately
FucKinG World War III..
given all that it is more likely
that consensual porn will save the
world than any only savior or last prophet same..
but hey.. at least ‘they’ didn’t neuter Muhammad
and most ironically the other quarter of the world
worships an almost naked man on a cross as God..
as A male
bonobo kicks back
for the day as a female
sex slave all consensual aS Such..;)
sex sex far too long has been
off the roundtables of
culure.. and religion
same.. art is still wHere
hUman breathes best
as art is more often
naked of
human lies
iN subjugation and
control painted with
illusory fears and
empty promises
that ultimately
serve to
human potential
as science shows.. now
thank God scribe of God..
that a balance of lust and love
consensually and healthily expressed
free IS A source of all human creativity
and productivity along with social cooperation
too.. in a loving touch that remains satisfied full..
and less likely to fall to con-social emotionS ultimately
FucKinG World War III..
given all that it is more likely
that consensual porn will save the
world than any only savior or last prophet same..
but hey.. at least ‘they’ didn’t neuter Muhammad
and most ironically the other quarter of the world
worships an almost naked man on a cross as God..
as A male
bonobo kicks back
for the day as a female
sex slave all consensual aS Such..;)
“Make a statue of that”
“I know a lot of people without brains who do an awful lot of talking.”
~~ The Scarecrow, Wizard of Oz ~~
This is true and i have
to admit i almost
i write..
at least not on purpose..
he He and Jesus F iN Christ..
12 MilLion Written wordS noW..
prove this with no doubts aT aLL..;)
to admit i almost
i write..
at least not on purpose..
he He and Jesus F iN Christ..
12 MilLion Written wordS noW..
prove this with no doubts aT aLL..;)
And in regard to
your poem.. i muSt
say.. culture and religion
as children
feel and sense
iT.. it’s almost a given
that everyone sees
and fails
to dance
and SinG
to move out of Matrix..:)
your poem.. i muSt
say.. culture and religion
as children
feel and sense
iT.. it’s almost a given
that everyone sees
and fails
to dance
and SinG
to move out of Matrix..:)
There is such joy
iN liFE when
A triNity
oF MoVinG
and CreAtinG
becomes us
me we ours
i now
God oF liGht..:)
iN liFE when
A triNity
oF MoVinG
and CreAtinG
becomes us
me we ours
i now
God oF liGht..:)
“Do not look for all the answers at once.
A path is formed by placing stones one in front of the other.”
A path is formed by placing stones one in front of the other.”
~~ The Giant from Twin Peaks ~~
True.. it’s
to type two letters
at a time.. now a streAm..
a riVer.. waVes of Ocean wHole kNoW better..
oF dreAms
pARticles sAMe..:)
to type two letters
at a time.. now a streAm..
a riVer.. waVes of Ocean wHole kNoW better..
oF dreAms
pARticles sAMe..:)
“All of a sudden, I want to THROW OVER my promising ACTING CAREER,
… Although I don’t know WHY!!”
… Although I don’t know WHY!!”
~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~
as a Director Plays..:)
as a Director Plays..:)
“If I am Sophocles, I am not mad;
and if I am mad, I am not Sophocles.”
and if I am mad, I am not Sophocles.”
~~ Sophocles — Vit, Anon, p. 64 (Plumptre’s Trans.) ~~
is i
is i..;)
is i..;)
“I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.”
~~ Bumper Sticker ~~
“Yeah.. that guy over there
must be crazy..
he’s dancing
for nothing..
and oh
my God..
he’s smiling
now with all
those beautiful girls.”
must be crazy..
he’s dancing
for nothing..
and oh
my God..
he’s smiling
now with all
those beautiful girls.”
– naysayers/
frOwny haters/
gaining F iN Enlightenment..;)
frOwny haters/
gaining F iN Enlightenment..;)
He thought he saw an albatross
That fluttered ’round the lamp.
He looked again and saw it was
A penny postage stamp.
“You’d best be getting home,” he said,
“The nights are rather damp.”
That fluttered ’round the lamp.
He looked again and saw it was
A penny postage stamp.
“You’d best be getting home,” he said,
“The nights are rather damp.”
~~ Linus Songs Poems #185 of 719 ~~
So.. many lifetimes in one lifetime
now.. so many views
of a letter
number too..
all i can trULy
say now is God
is enjoying
all oF
what i do..
key is maKing
God Happy iN and as i2..:)
now.. so many views
of a letter
number too..
all i can trULy
say now is God
is enjoying
all oF
what i do..
key is maKing
God Happy iN and as i2..:)
“Say goodnight, Gracie.”
~~ George Burns ~~
Let’s do Coffee..;)
Let’s do Coffee..;)
God planted me
here so i can
and most
no one now
will bother
me by
what i write..
Dance IS A different
‘thing’2 as God is merciful2..
when i just DO iT.. noW iN Victory2..;)
here so i can
and most
no one now
will bother
me by
what i write..
Dance IS A different
‘thing’2 as God is merciful2..
when i just DO iT.. noW iN Victory2..;)
Flock of Seagulls maneuvering the Sun
wHere the real free iS in Biloxi OUT
of Casinos.. hehe.. as nothing
matches the non-manmade
stuff when it comes to
the rest of
all that is..
and long long day
of surpassing Half
Marathon oF Public
all around dance.. including
all around Biloxi and back to
Pace’s Version of Super-Walmart..
eTc.. and yes.. back to finish the all dayer
and all evener at my Mother’s Apartment celebrating
her 82nd Birthday on December 10th and honorable mention
goes to Poet Blogger Friend Shawna and her multi-tide of alias
user person names.. also born on December 10th but only reaching
the tender age of 43.. born in ’73.. as what woman who looks
younger for her age cares if the fActs are presented to
support a younger case.. hehe.. same of course with
the Katrina at 46.. anyway.. oh.. Lord.. approaching
2 am.. sTiLL Catholic Church coming in the morning..
Christmas Dinner at the Farm up in the north
part of the county.. yes.. first Sunday
as they call it Special for Christmas
on second Sunday.. and then
likely off to the mall
and eTc.. while
we determine
who is naughty
or nice or juST
don’t ask.. hehe..
as promised to make
A statement at Church as well..
to read between the lines of let’s
juSt toleRate the diffeRent among us
OKaY as God don’t do cookie cutter
do that
God in illusory
ways away from all natural
bio-neuro-diversity.. epigenetics..
neuro-plasticity noW and a bunch oF
otHeR 10 gallon hat words that basicAlly
mean escape Nature Deficit Disorder related
dis of ease as one can skip the Matrix of LiFe2..;)
wHere the real free iS in Biloxi OUT
of Casinos.. hehe.. as nothing
matches the non-manmade
stuff when it comes to
the rest of
all that is..
and long long day
of surpassing Half
Marathon oF Public
all around dance.. including
all around Biloxi and back to
Pace’s Version of Super-Walmart..
eTc.. and yes.. back to finish the all dayer
and all evener at my Mother’s Apartment celebrating
her 82nd Birthday on December 10th and honorable mention
goes to Poet Blogger Friend Shawna and her multi-tide of alias
user person names.. also born on December 10th but only reaching
the tender age of 43.. born in ’73.. as what woman who looks
younger for her age cares if the fActs are presented to
support a younger case.. hehe.. same of course with
the Katrina at 46.. anyway.. oh.. Lord.. approaching
2 am.. sTiLL Catholic Church coming in the morning..
Christmas Dinner at the Farm up in the north
part of the county.. yes.. first Sunday
as they call it Special for Christmas
on second Sunday.. and then
likely off to the mall
and eTc.. while
we determine
who is naughty
or nice or juST
don’t ask.. hehe..
as promised to make
A statement at Church as well..
to read between the lines of let’s
juSt toleRate the diffeRent among us
OKaY as God don’t do cookie cutter
do that
God in illusory
ways away from all natural
bio-neuro-diversity.. epigenetics..
neuro-plasticity noW and a bunch oF
otHeR 10 gallon hat words that basicAlly
mean escape Nature Deficit Disorder related
dis of ease as one can skip the Matrix of LiFe2..;)
WeLL.. anyWay.. back to the rest of the
photos.. the Facebook Algorithm does
most defiNitely make sharing the highlights
of the rest of the photos with the Super Kool..
Video Slide
team and
oF one
and such..
just to help get
ALL the jobs done
and glued uP aLL ToGeTheR2..;)
photos.. the Facebook Algorithm does
most defiNitely make sharing the highlights
of the rest of the photos with the Super Kool..
Video Slide
team and
oF one
and such..
just to help get
ALL the jobs done
and glued uP aLL ToGeTheR2..;)
And now the MacroVerse Facebook
Memories roll in.. first from two years
ago.. GOD’s muse of dance.. yes as Olivia
Newton John says in ‘Magic’.. come take my
hand.. i’ve been inside all of this time.. the innate
instinct and intuition of God oF aLL Nature in our DNA
that is gifted through our ancestors as human archetypes
arise in subconscious mind too.. and no.. this is noT just esoteric
woo.. as science is beginning to be able to measure genetic memories
in so-called lower animals like rats who we share a common rodent ancestor
with around 75 million years ago or so.. and Jungian archetypes are starting to
gain empirical evidential way in science as well.. soft science if you will as the
brain ain’t FucKinG made of bone or concrete hehe.. and the dance of liFE.. yes..
the BaLanCinG Force of left and right feet and sAMeNow WiTh Hands and toes and
fingers and legs and arms as all interline around the left and right hemispheres
of bRain in miNd and BoDy from head to toe too.. and when all of this
is MoVinG CoNNecTinG yes wiTh otHEr Social animals like rats
our cousins in DNA do too.. we become BaLAnCinG FoRcE
oF GoD iN InVisible peoples not much different than
the rain forest folks of South America invisible
to predator and prey iN quiet escape
and capture too.. as nary
a green leaf breaks
as they
across the
forest floor and
yes when one masters
the art of movement away
from instruction and guideline way
whether that mechanical cognition way
of thinking over movement comes in lessons
of ballet or martial arts same.. the body moves the
miNd in baLaNCe all innately.. instinctually and intuitively
smooth.. feather floating.. and Muhammad ali Float like a Butterfly
sTing like A FucKinG Bee in Wookiee FiGht when necessary too as
any ape who FiGhts free WiLL do to show the challenger who is alpha
and cooperative boss.. extinguishing the potential of fight as prospect
of the crazy eye and fight too will do in advance as nah.. i don’t won’t
any pARt of that display of WiLd and Free as that shit could hurt..
and that shit ain’t predictable in any kind of fair fight too.. hmm..
anyway as the Bonobo says sexy dancing is the best
as pleasure and satisfaction comes over
irritability.. frustration.. agression..
violence and even fucking
potential death uP
to World War
FucKinG three..
yeah luSt for liFe
or else is how it sTiLL
works for the wIlD and Free
Animal children of God among
uS for a BaLAnCe oF LuST and loVe aliVE
like i said come take my Hand and let’s juST DAncE..;)!
OH yeah.. and the plus pARt of GOD’s Muse of Dance
as MacroVerse allone.. is it illustrates all the happy smiley
beautiful selfie college aged as such women from my first
8 or 9 months at Old Seville Quarter.. yeah.. March of 2014
until the date of this post in December of 2014.. the sMILes
continue on now.. over a thousand photos and women or so
same as sTiLL DanCinG on in the latest record of all of those
linked Dance Records in my 6000 Miles of Dance Walking
Now Blog Post in September of 2016 that i provide at the
bottom of all my new MacroVerses now.. iF sMiLinG Happy
Dance photos all fun as such make yA sMiLe too.. iF ya can
stomach watching me sMiLe over a thousand times too.. hey..
lifts me
up at
i was tHere
and juSt did it as
Mr. Gump says too..;)
Memories roll in.. first from two years
ago.. GOD’s muse of dance.. yes as Olivia
Newton John says in ‘Magic’.. come take my
hand.. i’ve been inside all of this time.. the innate
instinct and intuition of God oF aLL Nature in our DNA
that is gifted through our ancestors as human archetypes
arise in subconscious mind too.. and no.. this is noT just esoteric
woo.. as science is beginning to be able to measure genetic memories
in so-called lower animals like rats who we share a common rodent ancestor
with around 75 million years ago or so.. and Jungian archetypes are starting to
gain empirical evidential way in science as well.. soft science if you will as the
brain ain’t FucKinG made of bone or concrete hehe.. and the dance of liFE.. yes..
the BaLanCinG Force of left and right feet and sAMeNow WiTh Hands and toes and
fingers and legs and arms as all interline around the left and right hemispheres
of bRain in miNd and BoDy from head to toe too.. and when all of this
is MoVinG CoNNecTinG yes wiTh otHEr Social animals like rats
our cousins in DNA do too.. we become BaLAnCinG FoRcE
oF GoD iN InVisible peoples not much different than
the rain forest folks of South America invisible
to predator and prey iN quiet escape
and capture too.. as nary
a green leaf breaks
as they
across the
forest floor and
yes when one masters
the art of movement away
from instruction and guideline way
whether that mechanical cognition way
of thinking over movement comes in lessons
of ballet or martial arts same.. the body moves the
miNd in baLaNCe all innately.. instinctually and intuitively
smooth.. feather floating.. and Muhammad ali Float like a Butterfly
sTing like A FucKinG Bee in Wookiee FiGht when necessary too as
any ape who FiGhts free WiLL do to show the challenger who is alpha
and cooperative boss.. extinguishing the potential of fight as prospect
of the crazy eye and fight too will do in advance as nah.. i don’t won’t
any pARt of that display of WiLd and Free as that shit could hurt..
and that shit ain’t predictable in any kind of fair fight too.. hmm..
anyway as the Bonobo says sexy dancing is the best
as pleasure and satisfaction comes over
irritability.. frustration.. agression..
violence and even fucking
potential death uP
to World War
FucKinG three..
yeah luSt for liFe
or else is how it sTiLL
works for the wIlD and Free
Animal children of God among
uS for a BaLAnCe oF LuST and loVe aliVE
like i said come take my Hand and let’s juST DAncE..;)!
OH yeah.. and the plus pARt of GOD’s Muse of Dance
as MacroVerse allone.. is it illustrates all the happy smiley
beautiful selfie college aged as such women from my first
8 or 9 months at Old Seville Quarter.. yeah.. March of 2014
until the date of this post in December of 2014.. the sMILes
continue on now.. over a thousand photos and women or so
same as sTiLL DanCinG on in the latest record of all of those
linked Dance Records in my 6000 Miles of Dance Walking
Now Blog Post in September of 2016 that i provide at the
bottom of all my new MacroVerses now.. iF sMiLinG Happy
Dance photos all fun as such make yA sMiLe too.. iF ya can
stomach watching me sMiLe over a thousand times too.. hey..
lifts me
up at
i was tHere
and juSt did it as
Mr. Gump says too..;)
A Tribute to a TRUE FRIEND.. Lala Rukh.. from three years ago..
as i sorta did in the MacroVerse recently titled Torn ViNes oF Love..
as hey.. thank you and gratitude for oThErs and liFE in general moves
one to greater liGht as liFE alWays noW.. tHere cannot be enough thanks
for this overall gift of sentient star dust plus liFE as God separates as whole
iNto pArts to get to kNow and FeeL and SenSE each otheR aLL aS oNe FoRce
oF liGht iN MoVinG DancinG SouNd of SonG as LiFe… you See.. eTc.. God Lives as
a verb and most often in concrete and label way in affect and effect God dies when
only a noun.. or a statue or even a word alone as three letters lone go.. or even in
five per allah as such etC2.. iF oNe does not MoVe and CoNnecT and CreATe
WiTh GoD aS oNe Force aS Such noW iN ForCe thaT iS aLL thAT iS
thAT LIVes iNside.. wiThiN.. outsiDe.. aBove.. so BeLow and
aLL A’round iN what surELy can be heaVen now jusT
by doing GoD as alWays changing evolving
verb of doing now liGht iN DancE and SonG
BriGht as Lamps shine in the dArKest
sPace of groWinG liGht StILL noW
as Multi-Verse UniVerse we.. us..
ours.. me and i as LiVinG
hOlds hands even
more.. so sure
this post
could be
to anyone now..
stranger as friEnd
and Lala inspired it
with the simple words
of i love you friEnd with
no strings attached of need
or want.. as that is the way she
treated everyone who visited her
blog as the record still stands with
her sadly amiss and hopefully happy
in her flesh and blood married life now..
in whatever she does as living this life now..
anyWAy.. not too long as Fred speak GoeS and
worth quoting here to at lEast to me now.. as here’s
the thing.. bottom line.. iF i build all of this dream and
i am the only
one who
it i AM
heRE.. i am
pArt of God
separate and whOle
aS oNe child of God Dances
and SinGS all one.. God is happy
in and as me.. i can’t make that happen
for any othEr paRt as GoD is Free as dARk or
liGht.. or the ‘tween of sHades of grey or even greater
rainbow colors of what i kNow and FeeL and SeNSE as IsREal
noW aliVE iN the WiLd and Free oF oThErs who either DancE
and SinG or do not iN the ‘tween and the behind or beyond of
all thAT
iS i
as liFE iN
my field of
dreAMs continuing
to express all that is
heaR for now or noT
a place thAT others
can see.. sense and FeeL foR noW..:)
as i sorta did in the MacroVerse recently titled Torn ViNes oF Love..
as hey.. thank you and gratitude for oThErs and liFE in general moves
one to greater liGht as liFE alWays noW.. tHere cannot be enough thanks
for this overall gift of sentient star dust plus liFE as God separates as whole
iNto pArts to get to kNow and FeeL and SenSE each otheR aLL aS oNe FoRce
oF liGht iN MoVinG DancinG SouNd of SonG as LiFe… you See.. eTc.. God Lives as
a verb and most often in concrete and label way in affect and effect God dies when
only a noun.. or a statue or even a word alone as three letters lone go.. or even in
five per allah as such etC2.. iF oNe does not MoVe and CoNnecT and CreATe
WiTh GoD aS oNe Force aS Such noW iN ForCe thaT iS aLL thAT iS
thAT LIVes iNside.. wiThiN.. outsiDe.. aBove.. so BeLow and
aLL A’round iN what surELy can be heaVen now jusT
by doing GoD as alWays changing evolving
verb of doing now liGht iN DancE and SonG
BriGht as Lamps shine in the dArKest
sPace of groWinG liGht StILL noW
as Multi-Verse UniVerse we.. us..
ours.. me and i as LiVinG
hOlds hands even
more.. so sure
this post
could be
to anyone now..
stranger as friEnd
and Lala inspired it
with the simple words
of i love you friEnd with
no strings attached of need
or want.. as that is the way she
treated everyone who visited her
blog as the record still stands with
her sadly amiss and hopefully happy
in her flesh and blood married life now..
in whatever she does as living this life now..
anyWAy.. not too long as Fred speak GoeS and
worth quoting here to at lEast to me now.. as here’s
the thing.. bottom line.. iF i build all of this dream and
i am the only
one who
it i AM
heRE.. i am
pArt of God
separate and whOle
aS oNe child of God Dances
and SinGS all one.. God is happy
in and as me.. i can’t make that happen
for any othEr paRt as GoD is Free as dARk or
liGht.. or the ‘tween of sHades of grey or even greater
rainbow colors of what i kNow and FeeL and SeNSE as IsREal
noW aliVE iN the WiLd and Free oF oThErs who either DancE
and SinG or do not iN the ‘tween and the behind or beyond of
all thAT
iS i
as liFE iN
my field of
dreAMs continuing
to express all that is
heaR for now or noT
a place thAT others
can see.. sense and FeeL foR noW..:)
Hope is an ocean..Despair is a see..
Your heart is a Universe..of Love to share…
Never selfish is a heart light this….
tHe heArt is a UnIverse…
GOD IS also you…
ya see..
In the seas.. you are a love true..
to SEaS…
NOis never….
A flood of abyss….
I Love YOU dear friend….
God is ALso BlISs..
and so can you….
be in heaven..
my friend!
Sometimes is time…
Hope can be a vessel…
Even and empty vehicle of word….
to arrive..
ya see…
But when you get tHere!
I will be waiting……………………………..
to hug ya!
LOVE you..
LOVE you..
ShARE th@wITh
reALLy th@counts
my dear WhITe..
ShARE th@wITh
reALLy th@counts
my dear WhITe..
yA sEe
my friend!
yA sEe
my friend!
me
and we others!
in life
and we others!
in life
never L!
for alone
And yah..i will wrITe poems like tHIs!
ya see..
until ya let us kNow
ya see..
until ya let us kNow
And no I wILl never give up on you my friend..
Cause true friends are forever..
Cause true friends are forever..
While this post IS dedicated to an individual that I meet across my three year travels on the internet..
When one attains this thing I describe as the ‘Christ Consciousness’..this is truly how one feels about my best estimation…
Even a grain of sand..a molecule or less than atom…
Well..yah..when I was at the bottom of the abyss of human hell..I wished away the Universe..just so i would not have to commit suicide to escape pain..
So yah..i was the most selfish person in the world at that time in my life…
So nah..i could never ever never ever judge a person personally for any transgression against another..
Even the murderer of my wife..mother ..or child…..
AS my transgression was infinitely greater as a misanthrope against all..even other animals…
But..there is a way ..i think to turn that all around no matter the depth of despair or the coldness of apathy for all others…
But the path is always unique..i we can only share our experiences…
of the LoVe
i personALLy cALL
the Christ Consciousness..
Whatever it is ‘Th@one”
THAT one can reALLy
THAT one can reALLy
ONE’s not just rhetoric..
tHIS sh** IS
Chemistry of Truth and Light from a year ago.. an eclectic
Macro-Verse as most alWays now oF course wRite on course
then.. celebrating my Mother’s Birthday and Shawna’s too as
she pops in and pops out of the months since the Summer of
2015.. and with home schooling 4 children as a stay at home
mom.. no doubt she gets too busy to get engaged in all
the art AND politics of the poetry world.. that
it surely can be as humans are
both art and political
animals of
and liberal mix
of caution and free..
expressing that in almost
all they do.. as tHeRe WiLL alWays
be scaredy cat religions and free noW
and liberal Good Cop-like Jesus one’s
too.. last night my mother asking me noW on
her birthday to read her latest New Jerusalem
version of the Gospel of Luke.. me complying as
Lord knows how many versions i’ve already read
to date.. and oh Lord.. getting into a discussion about
God and Jesus and all of that as we often clash as she
takes it more literally by the book and what she was told
more than lifting the veils of ignorance by scientific and
empirical means of scholarly historical study in biblical
way as all truly accredited divinity colleges do teach
now that the budding pastors usually keep
quiet in church less they lose the
congregation if no longer
seeing the houSing of the
vehicles and the
vessels of myths..
to spread those deeper
mesSages as literal and real
myths like defying the laws of
God and Nature same by actually
walking on water instead of floating
on land in balance of Gravity With God
like any feather will do staying Grounded
WiTh God too.. as humans surELy can do
as invisible people’s still in escape of predator
and capture of prey StILL in Super Walmart too..
wHeRE like Katy Perry’s version of ET juST does
it too.. wHeRE EVERY MOVE IS MAGIC noW and
continuing to awe the public audience more as nows
go by as the DancE and SonG oF LIFe WiLd and Free
continues to move.. all naked at core evolving liGht as
of God
as wE.. uS..
oUrs.. mE and I..
anYway references to
the Matrix Movies.. the
Terminator Movies and the
Book oF Eli movie from this
Century now.. dance photos
too.. yeS an eclectic list
of doing life as thAT
is what God
DancE and
SonG aS Sound
And MoVe oF LIGht noW..:)
Macro-Verse as most alWays now oF course wRite on course
then.. celebrating my Mother’s Birthday and Shawna’s too as
she pops in and pops out of the months since the Summer of
2015.. and with home schooling 4 children as a stay at home
mom.. no doubt she gets too busy to get engaged in all
the art AND politics of the poetry world.. that
it surely can be as humans are
both art and political
animals of
and liberal mix
of caution and free..
expressing that in almost
all they do.. as tHeRe WiLL alWays
be scaredy cat religions and free noW
and liberal Good Cop-like Jesus one’s
too.. last night my mother asking me noW on
her birthday to read her latest New Jerusalem
version of the Gospel of Luke.. me complying as
Lord knows how many versions i’ve already read
to date.. and oh Lord.. getting into a discussion about
God and Jesus and all of that as we often clash as she
takes it more literally by the book and what she was told
more than lifting the veils of ignorance by scientific and
empirical means of scholarly historical study in biblical
way as all truly accredited divinity colleges do teach
now that the budding pastors usually keep
quiet in church less they lose the
congregation if no longer
seeing the houSing of the
vehicles and the
vessels of myths..
to spread those deeper
mesSages as literal and real
myths like defying the laws of
God and Nature same by actually
walking on water instead of floating
on land in balance of Gravity With God
like any feather will do staying Grounded
WiTh God too.. as humans surELy can do
as invisible people’s still in escape of predator
and capture of prey StILL in Super Walmart too..
wHeRE like Katy Perry’s version of ET juST does
it too.. wHeRE EVERY MOVE IS MAGIC noW and
continuing to awe the public audience more as nows
go by as the DancE and SonG oF LIFe WiLd and Free
continues to move.. all naked at core evolving liGht as
of God
as wE.. uS..
oUrs.. mE and I..
anYway references to
the Matrix Movies.. the
Terminator Movies and the
Book oF Eli movie from this
Century now.. dance photos
too.. yeS an eclectic list
of doing life as thAT
is what God
DancE and
SonG aS Sound
And MoVe oF LIGht noW..:)
Sure.. A Lamp too if you sTArt
at ‘to spread those deeper messages’
above as so below here within.. inside..
outside.. and yes.. all around as liFE liGht2..:)
at ‘to spread those deeper messages’
above as so below here within.. inside..
outside.. and yes.. all around as liFE liGht2..:)
And last night as Yellow Boy alerts me to the
latest Bible Verse in the wife’s Big red bible..
he highlights 1 Samuel 4.. all about Eli
and the ark of the covenant
synchronistically as such
with the modern
that the
version in the
Movie.. the 2010 Book oF
Eli does too.. making the bible
that as such remembered by
his own version of blind oral
tradition.. as someone scribes
it in a post apocalyptic world while
he relates it orally from memory not
much different than how it went down
for illiterate Muhammad too in those
desert lands where so-called memory
and scribe mistakes did not happen
but of course they did as even
history shows there too..
as Muhammad’s
closest house
mate argued
that what was written
from what he originally
said was not true to facts
either too.. in spirit of what
he was trying to get across to
others too.. anyway.. this life IS
A practice and the test is what we make
of the God who StiLL lives alive within us
as force isreal now.. with or without human
culture including religion.. bottom lines God lives oN
Free on
a Desert
no different
than a FucKinG
place filled like a ball
of confusion in books
and 3/5 letter words of
hate and discontent mostly
over the love that lives within
free expresSinG in A liGht DancE
And SonG of liFE so much fARTheR aWay
from dARk and the foot prints that make up
all the cultures and religions of humankind so far..
rests iN
ForcE atop the
pages of that
Bible kNows
and FeeLs
and SenSEs
Better as Lamp iSREaL..
Ark of The Convenant oF God WiLd
latest Bible Verse in the wife’s Big red bible..
he highlights 1 Samuel 4.. all about Eli
and the ark of the covenant
synchronistically as such
with the modern
that the
version in the
Movie.. the 2010 Book oF
Eli does too.. making the bible
that as such remembered by
his own version of blind oral
tradition.. as someone scribes
it in a post apocalyptic world while
he relates it orally from memory not
much different than how it went down
for illiterate Muhammad too in those
desert lands where so-called memory
and scribe mistakes did not happen
but of course they did as even
history shows there too..
as Muhammad’s
closest house
mate argued
that what was written
from what he originally
said was not true to facts
either too.. in spirit of what
he was trying to get across to
others too.. anyway.. this life IS
A practice and the test is what we make
of the God who StiLL lives alive within us
as force isreal now.. with or without human
culture including religion.. bottom lines God lives oN
Free on
a Desert
no different
than a FucKinG
place filled like a ball
of confusion in books
and 3/5 letter words of
hate and discontent mostly
over the love that lives within
free expresSinG in A liGht DancE
And SonG of liFE so much fARTheR aWay
from dARk and the foot prints that make up
all the cultures and religions of humankind so far..
rests iN
ForcE atop the
pages of that
Bible kNows
and FeeLs
and SenSEs
Better as Lamp iSREaL..
Ark of The Convenant oF God WiLd
OMG.. Pecan Picking Kiss..
under wild mistletoe at
a Family
does not
belong to us..
and believe it or
not.. i did not have
to beg for this kiss.. hehe..
as Mistletoe IS A tradition
it sTiLL
iN MiLLtown way..;)
under wild mistletoe at
a Family
does not
belong to us..
and believe it or
not.. i did not have
to beg for this kiss.. hehe..
as Mistletoe IS A tradition
it sTiLL
iN MiLLtown way..;)
Record of the day.. as alWays
so nicely video documented in
slide show way by the trusty free
pArts of Facebook and all other online
resources that provide a pre-made path
for art to come
as much aS it
likes juSt
for fun for
the artist hand
that enjoys to paint
a fuller picture of all that is..
or perHaps take several hundred
photos of Nature.. eTc.. and include
that multi-media and other music videos
with an average of 15K words or so per
New Macro-Verse that comeS in FuLL..
And today is surely one that came
in full Eclectic floW iN ZonE from
Catholic Church wHeRe i was/am
don’t ask for naughty or
nice in T-Shirt way..
And sure enough today
was/is pink robe day
at the Catholic
Church.. kinda
ironic as the Preacher
man last week said he didn’t
wear pink.. but surely did when
it was his turn to pastor on Saturday
for the same liturgical symbolism as
the colors change with advent weeks now..
And in today’s homily was a story of Ray Charles
and a suggestion that you need to let folks who suffer
from addiction pull up their own bootstraps in words to that
effect.. sadly.. perhaps the priest doesn’t understand when he
lauded Ray Charles
mom forgoing attention
to her son.. so he could pull
up his own bootstraps and make
his way when he balled his eyes out
looking for mom to hold his blind eyes..
that didn’t effect not only his struggle to
survive but also a potential loss of emotional
trust in close loved ones to give him touchy feely
love.. where science now shows a major ’cause of human
addiction of all sorts is a lack of touchy feely love when
the child cries when young.. as even the potential for being
filled up in warm and fuzzy love without any drugs to escape
the numb hearT and SpiRit SoUL.. can lose its development in
wiring as such from head to toe.. with the addiction as a replacement
for what cannot easily be gained back when lost in a youth that is cold
of the
touchy feely
love that naturally
comes when a whole village
raises a child.. and a child is rarely
ever left out cold now/then from the human
oxytocin bonding neuro-hormone trust of love..
anyway.. if yA don’t understand the root of the
issue.. it’s harder to gain/have the cognitive empathy
to understand why folks do the stuff they
do.. might not make any sense to you..
unless you walk in their shoes..
addiction is not just
drugs for escape..
addiction is a
more often
for Love not watered
as a garden from birth..
in yes.. once.. again.. touchy
feely unconditional Love smARt
enough to feel the loving touch.. now..
other than that the priest preached another
partisan political jab about movie stars going
to Canada to escape the rule of Trump reign now..
nah.. not every Catholic Supports pussy grabbers.. still..
and folks who would destroy the environment to make some more bucks..
yep.. STiLL
Catholics NoW..
at the highest
levels who don’t
understand heaVen
IS At hand noW.. And
FucKinG Protect God’S NOW
Nature rather than dominating
it and destroying and killing so
many of God’s Creations in extinction way..
anyWay.. that’s why i visit.. and can NOT reAlly cALL
that Church Catholic as truly in Catholic which
means Universal Church of God.. All Love would
be sacred and
not just
in an old book
from a desert patch
where patriarchal ignorance
sTiLL continues to rule in ways of Trump BucKs..
so nicely video documented in
slide show way by the trusty free
pArts of Facebook and all other online
resources that provide a pre-made path
for art to come
as much aS it
likes juSt
for fun for
the artist hand
that enjoys to paint
a fuller picture of all that is..
or perHaps take several hundred
photos of Nature.. eTc.. and include
that multi-media and other music videos
with an average of 15K words or so per
New Macro-Verse that comeS in FuLL..
And today is surely one that came
in full Eclectic floW iN ZonE from
Catholic Church wHeRe i was/am
don’t ask for naughty or
nice in T-Shirt way..
And sure enough today
was/is pink robe day
at the Catholic
Church.. kinda
ironic as the Preacher
man last week said he didn’t
wear pink.. but surely did when
it was his turn to pastor on Saturday
for the same liturgical symbolism as
the colors change with advent weeks now..
And in today’s homily was a story of Ray Charles
and a suggestion that you need to let folks who suffer
from addiction pull up their own bootstraps in words to that
effect.. sadly.. perhaps the priest doesn’t understand when he
lauded Ray Charles
mom forgoing attention
to her son.. so he could pull
up his own bootstraps and make
his way when he balled his eyes out
looking for mom to hold his blind eyes..
that didn’t effect not only his struggle to
survive but also a potential loss of emotional
trust in close loved ones to give him touchy feely
love.. where science now shows a major ’cause of human
addiction of all sorts is a lack of touchy feely love when
the child cries when young.. as even the potential for being
filled up in warm and fuzzy love without any drugs to escape
the numb hearT and SpiRit SoUL.. can lose its development in
wiring as such from head to toe.. with the addiction as a replacement
for what cannot easily be gained back when lost in a youth that is cold
of the
touchy feely
love that naturally
comes when a whole village
raises a child.. and a child is rarely
ever left out cold now/then from the human
oxytocin bonding neuro-hormone trust of love..
anyway.. if yA don’t understand the root of the
issue.. it’s harder to gain/have the cognitive empathy
to understand why folks do the stuff they
do.. might not make any sense to you..
unless you walk in their shoes..
addiction is not just
drugs for escape..
addiction is a
more often
for Love not watered
as a garden from birth..
in yes.. once.. again.. touchy
feely unconditional Love smARt
enough to feel the loving touch.. now..
other than that the priest preached another
partisan political jab about movie stars going
to Canada to escape the rule of Trump reign now..
nah.. not every Catholic Supports pussy grabbers.. still..
and folks who would destroy the environment to make some more bucks..
yep.. STiLL
Catholics NoW..
at the highest
levels who don’t
understand heaVen
IS At hand noW.. And
FucKinG Protect God’S NOW
Nature rather than dominating
it and destroying and killing so
many of God’s Creations in extinction way..
anyWay.. that’s why i visit.. and can NOT reAlly cALL
that Church Catholic as truly in Catholic which
means Universal Church of God.. All Love would
be sacred and
not just
in an old book
from a desert patch
where patriarchal ignorance
sTiLL continues to rule in ways of Trump BucKs..
After all these years..
sTill supporting Roman Emperors..
Dictators.. and Trump King’s of the
Universe after A humble Yogi/Zealot
leaning dude as reported in the Gospel
of Thomas suggests around 2K years ago..
God lives
and surely
as God as all that is..
even science.. A honest
Scribe of God as honest
goeS in empirical repeatable
experiment way proves this out
as the
Good GODs News noW
And sure.. a cliP
iN eviDenTial
support thaT
we are
N A T u R E
STiLL forevemorenow..
whaT Can i say.. i WiLL i am
juSt a speck too.. a pArt
oF All that iS God WhoLe
And wE are
all that is as
all “KinGs” noW
iN oF liGht aLL aS onE GoD2…
JUst rePlace A
Word Nature
God Love
iT aLL
And God
Lives happiLY
ever after best
God Can and WiLL
within forevermorenow..
EyEs of God ArE sEEinG wHOle
UniVersaL FloW iN OCean GRoW..:)
sTill supporting Roman Emperors..
Dictators.. and Trump King’s of the
Universe after A humble Yogi/Zealot
leaning dude as reported in the Gospel
of Thomas suggests around 2K years ago..
God lives
and surely
as God as all that is..
even science.. A honest
Scribe of God as honest
goeS in empirical repeatable
experiment way proves this out
as the
Good GODs News noW
And sure.. a cliP
iN eviDenTial
support thaT
we are
N A T u R E
STiLL forevemorenow..
whaT Can i say.. i WiLL i am
juSt a speck too.. a pArt
oF All that iS God WhoLe
And wE are
all that is as
all “KinGs” noW
iN oF liGht aLL aS onE GoD2…
JUst rePlace A
Word Nature
God Love
iT aLL
And God
Lives happiLY
ever after best
God Can and WiLL
within forevermorenow..
EyEs of God ArE sEEinG wHOle
UniVersaL FloW iN OCean GRoW..:)
Hmm.. and the Goddess Isis..
aka Katrina.. is somewhat intimating
that she may cut her hair shorter.. TBD
in length so ‘this photo’ may be iN posterity way
for another thouSand years or so if it were to come
once aGaiN
under the rule
of Isis.. and nah
not the head hunters..
juSt the hair cutter as it
were.. iS and may come soon..
as the
date for hair
surgery comes on
Tuesday.. jusT like
my four week to date
precise routine of getting
my remaining hairs cut too..;)
aka Katrina.. is somewhat intimating
that she may cut her hair shorter.. TBD
in length so ‘this photo’ may be iN posterity way
for another thouSand years or so if it were to come
once aGaiN
under the rule
of Isis.. and nah
not the head hunters..
juSt the hair cutter as it
were.. iS and may come soon..
as the
date for hair
surgery comes on
Tuesday.. jusT like
my four week to date
precise routine of getting
my remaining hairs cut too..;)
Two Macro-Verse memories.. one here
from three years ago.. unusual art..
that most males would be terrified
to do.. as when the Military and Clubs
and so-called Secrets Societies haze ya
in real life selfie way.. it’s to toughen
ya up a bit where your manhood is not threatened
if a Beauty Contestant says something ya might not
agree with
in a Twitter
night of discontent..
hmm.. problem with being
spoiled rotten.. spoiled rotten..
anyway.. i had a long history of
verbal taunting and abuse..
in youth where i wasn’t
that strong
and had
to get
much stronger
to tolerate that
and survive.. so then
i came along after living
in a deadzone for 66 months
and sure God as Nature hazed
me enough then in hell not to worry
too much about what the FucK people thought
was the different of me after i entered into the
bliss of heaven.. as let’s just say i was JOB tested
for that
iN a way
don’t even
touch as severe
hazing as torture can
go too.. to toughen
ya up.. or die
in as and
anyway.. not everyone
can stand the heat.. some
stronger and some weaker and
you can’t do this to little children
or even young adults or even older adults
and except them to survive in well being depending
on what they
can and
cannot handle
in life.. some folks
want to go back to war
and some folks are destroyed
by war.. thing is.. i’m just
having fun in Selfie of the Year
of the Selfie and you can laugh at
or with me all ya like.. thing is i’LL
be laughing
last and
first and
the ‘tween
of that as in
hell there is no laugh
aT all.. so.. i’ll continue
to laugh and play WITH NO RESTRAINT..
within the parameters of local.. state
and federal laws.. but made up rules of
culture and religion.. no thanks.. i’m FREE
and sure.. i can wear pink too without a hItch..;)
from three years ago.. unusual art..
that most males would be terrified
to do.. as when the Military and Clubs
and so-called Secrets Societies haze ya
in real life selfie way.. it’s to toughen
ya up a bit where your manhood is not threatened
if a Beauty Contestant says something ya might not
agree with
in a Twitter
night of discontent..
hmm.. problem with being
spoiled rotten.. spoiled rotten..
anyway.. i had a long history of
verbal taunting and abuse..
in youth where i wasn’t
that strong
and had
to get
much stronger
to tolerate that
and survive.. so then
i came along after living
in a deadzone for 66 months
and sure God as Nature hazed
me enough then in hell not to worry
too much about what the FucK people thought
was the different of me after i entered into the
bliss of heaven.. as let’s just say i was JOB tested
for that
iN a way
don’t even
touch as severe
hazing as torture can
go too.. to toughen
ya up.. or die
in as and
anyway.. not everyone
can stand the heat.. some
stronger and some weaker and
you can’t do this to little children
or even young adults or even older adults
and except them to survive in well being depending
on what they
can and
cannot handle
in life.. some folks
want to go back to war
and some folks are destroyed
by war.. thing is.. i’m just
having fun in Selfie of the Year
of the Selfie and you can laugh at
or with me all ya like.. thing is i’LL
be laughing
last and
first and
the ‘tween
of that as in
hell there is no laugh
aT all.. so.. i’ll continue
to laugh and play WITH NO RESTRAINT..
within the parameters of local.. state
and federal laws.. but made up rules of
culture and religion.. no thanks.. i’m FREE
and sure.. i can wear pink too without a hItch..;)
And finAlly.. from two years ago.. Masterpiece Call
of the Wild and regarding my current nude art..
it’s safe
to say
a ‘little’
somEthing like thaT..
’cause i can and ’cause
i WiLL continue to bE a
WiLD ChiLd of GoD Free
wiTh the CaLL
of God NATure..
Free and
WiLd wiTh
Fearless smARt
And UncoNditional
iN all
ways that
coMes from
dancing a new
art of dance
in the
books aisles
of Barnes and Nobles
listening to ‘Underwater’..
while reading smARt Intellectual
and Philosophical Books too.. lit up
all that
iS sEEs and
seNses and FeeLs
NoW WiTh HuMan
with no regrets..
or doubts about now GoD sAMe..
i swim.. i fly.. i dance.. i sing..
on terrestrial
land free
as any
sET FReED NoW..:)
of the Wild and regarding my current nude art..
it’s safe
to say
a ‘little’
somEthing like thaT..
’cause i can and ’cause
i WiLL continue to bE a
WiLD ChiLd of GoD Free
wiTh the CaLL
of God NATure..
Free and
WiLd wiTh
Fearless smARt
And UncoNditional
iN all
ways that
coMes from
dancing a new
art of dance
in the
books aisles
of Barnes and Nobles
listening to ‘Underwater’..
while reading smARt Intellectual
and Philosophical Books too.. lit up
all that
iS sEEs and
seNses and FeeLs
NoW WiTh HuMan
with no regrets..
or doubts about now GoD sAMe..
i swim.. i fly.. i dance.. i sing..
on terrestrial
land free
as any
sET FReED NoW..:)
“After the first death, there is no other.”
~~ Dylan Thomas ~~
A blessing
death is
as dead..:)
death is
as dead..:)
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word
is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.”
is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.”
~~ Mark Twain ~~
Words.. aLL
metaphors iN
pathetic attempts
to reflect
i’M worKinG
on neW oNe’s
as find the old one’s
not nearly adequate
for all i experience iN
eVen FeeL and SensE aLLONe.:)
metaphors iN
pathetic attempts
to reflect
i’M worKinG
on neW oNe’s
as find the old one’s
not nearly adequate
for all i experience iN
eVen FeeL and SensE aLLONe.:)
SMiLes.. i can/WiLL
to say.. for the last
three years the bliss
has been unbelievable
for reaSon but
iN aLL oF liFE..;)
to say.. for the last
three years the bliss
has been unbelievable
for reaSon but
iN aLL oF liFE..;)
“The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless,
unremembered acts of kindness and love.”
unremembered acts of kindness and love.”
~~ William Wordsworth ~~
I Can/WiLL
to say too..
that labels
of words get in
the way of Kindness and LovE..
sAid too..;)
to say too..
that labels
of words get in
the way of Kindness and LovE..
sAid too..;)
“Where the map differs from the terrain, believe the terrain.”
~~ Swedish Army Manual ~~
kNows more than word..
kNows more than word..
“Do not speak of what men deserve.
For we each of us deserve everything,
every luxury that was ever piled in the tombs of the dead Kings,
and we each of us deserve nothing, not a mouthful of bread in hunger.
Have we not eaten while another starved?
Will you punish us for that?
Will you reward us for the virtue of starving while others ate?
No man earns punishment, no man earns reward.
Free your mind of the idea of *deserving*, of *earning*,
and you will begin to be able to think.”
For we each of us deserve everything,
every luxury that was ever piled in the tombs of the dead Kings,
and we each of us deserve nothing, not a mouthful of bread in hunger.
Have we not eaten while another starved?
Will you punish us for that?
Will you reward us for the virtue of starving while others ate?
No man earns punishment, no man earns reward.
Free your mind of the idea of *deserving*, of *earning*,
and you will begin to be able to think.”
~~ Odo, The Prison Letters ~~
~~ Ursula LeGuin, “The Dispossessed” ~~
works so
much better
without doubt oF Do..;)
works so
much better
without doubt oF Do..;)
“If we could read the secret history of our enemies,
we would find in each man’s life a sorrow
and a suffering enough to disarm all hostility.”
we would find in each man’s life a sorrow
and a suffering enough to disarm all hostility.”
~~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~~
face most
often comes from
WHO HURT you..:)
face most
often comes from
WHO HURT you..:)
“Doubt is the key to knowledge.”
~~ Persian Proverb ~~
Question.. i do..
aged well..;)
aged well..;)
“As knowledge increases, wonder deepens.”
~~ Persian Bee ~~
A favorite
iS new smooth
moves with nouveau
fabulOUs EmoTions
And SeNSEs experienCinG
iS new smooth
moves with nouveau
fabulOUs EmoTions
And SeNSEs experienCinG
4. When you say, “I love you”, mean it.
~~ Instructions for life ~~
without meaning..
when meant..;)
without meaning..
when meant..;)
“Life is not separate from death. It only looks that way.”
~~ Native American Proverb (Blackfoot) ~~
A mELltinG
“It is not the one with many possessions who is rich, but the one who has no needs.”
~~ Philoxenos ~~
SMiLes my FriEnd gigoid..
A best thing about bEinG
A LiVinG DanCinG
SinGinG BreAthInG
LeGenT CreaTuRe
now or
iS oNe
yes more
can sTiLL
be InVisiBle
to liVe FReED..
and that my friEnd
is wHeRe A lasT is
FiRst and mEek
So iN inherit the eARTh
iN Broad FucKinG DaylighT oF Night
as thieves and i spy’s WiLL suReLY juSt do2..;)
A best thing about bEinG
A LiVinG DanCinG
SinGinG BreAthInG
LeGenT CreaTuRe
now or
iS oNe
yes more
can sTiLL
be InVisiBle
to liVe FReED..
and that my friEnd
is wHeRe A lasT is
FiRst and mEek
So iN inherit the eARTh
iN Broad FucKinG DaylighT oF Night
as thieves and i spy’s WiLL suReLY juSt do2..;)
Send Murphy
no lunch money..;)
no lunch money..;)
“Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.”
~~ Smart Bee ~
Stupid can be iNnate
and smArt too
IQ doesn’t
get in the way
of happy.. and
be bliss
an entire
life for a cat
who does not read the paper..
or dog thaT juSt pisseS on it..;)
and smArt too
IQ doesn’t
get in the way
of happy.. and
be bliss
an entire
life for a cat
who does not read the paper..
or dog thaT juSt pisseS on it..;)
So.. who is sMArter..
a cat or a dog..
i saw a
lick a
tail with
love yesternow..
thaT was/is precious..
no one told him/her it
was/is against the rules..
Love Now
And reLeased..;)
a cat or a dog..
i saw a
lick a
tail with
love yesternow..
thaT was/is precious..
no one told him/her it
was/is against the rules..
Love Now
And reLeased..;)
heads or
i spin
A coIn alive..:)
heads or
i spin
A coIn alive..:)
“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations,
if you live near him.”
if you live near him.”
~~ J.R.R. Tolkein, Lord of the Rings ~~
A Serpent
lives within2..
i tAMe
WiTh SeRpent BreAtH..;)
lives within2..
i tAMe
WiTh SeRpent BreAtH..;)
“If you don’t know where you’re going,
when you get there you’ll be lost.”
when you get there you’ll be lost.”
~~ Yogi Berra ~~
i find much later
in life through
the art of
that it’s more
oF wHeRE i’M
aT thaT determines
wHat coMes neXt noW..;)
in life through
the art of
that it’s more
oF wHeRE i’M
aT thaT determines
wHat coMes neXt noW..;)
“Expect everything, and anything seems nothing.
Expect nothing, and anything seems everything.”
Expect nothing, and anything seems everything.”
~~ Samuel Hazo ~~
i am all that is
that’s all for me..:)
that’s all for me..:)
“A belief is not true because it is useful.”
~~ Henri Frederic Amiel ~~
RelativELy sPeaKinG
TrUth and liGht
is what
other than
thaT’s juSt words..:)
TrUth and liGht
is what
other than
thaT’s juSt words..:)
“Love is not something you have;
it is something you do.”
it is something you do.”
~~ Limon ~~
Do Do Love..;)
“The improver of knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such.
For him, skepticism is the highest of duties, blind faith the one unpardonable sin.”
For him, skepticism is the highest of duties, blind faith the one unpardonable sin.”
~~ Thomas Huxley ~~
i see
it is..:)
it is..:)
“The man who carries a cat by the tail
learns something that can be learned in no other way.
He will never be dim, or doubtful.
Chances are, he’ll never carry the cat like that again,
but, I say, if he wants to, let him!”
learns something that can be learned in no other way.
He will never be dim, or doubtful.
Chances are, he’ll never carry the cat like that again,
but, I say, if he wants to, let him!”
~~ Mark Twain ~~
UnTil the Pussy
Grabber iS iN Charge..;)
Grabber iS iN Charge..;)
i am A iNvisible man
NOT THE invisible man..;)
i am A iNvisible man
NOT THE invisible man..;)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
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