Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016

WeLL.. noW thaT the self-fulfilling prophecy
of OvenGate has been totally blessed
and completed with the first
bake of Pizza
in the
Kenmore Oven aka
Range by Sears.. all that is
left to celebrate now.. since
the ‘NOT THE invisible man’
728th MacroVerse is now complete..
is yes.. the 729th Macro-Verse preDestined
to be named now.. ‘Supermoon Trinity
Christmas 2016’.. true.. it arrives
in the so-called time frame of
the 12 days leading
to Christmas but
hell.. never the less..
i will use any occasion for
a feast day and celebration oF
DancE and SinG sAMe.. so.. Trinity
aka Triad of Supermoon is on its
way for December 14th and so
glad that the OvenGate
Prophecy has/is been
self fulfilled
as that
Pizza sure
was/is better
than the burnt
ones in the old
antiquated oven
that can alWays bE improved
as the next model has shipped iN
and ready to bake whatever recipe comes neXt..
and yes.. of note.. 139th Dance Week at Old Seville
also arrives on Thursday niGht WiTh all the cool college
age folks tHeRe.. no recipe needed.. juST DancE oN FReED..:)
of OvenGate has been totally blessed
and completed with the first
bake of Pizza
in the
Kenmore Oven aka
Range by Sears.. all that is
left to celebrate now.. since
the ‘NOT THE invisible man’
728th MacroVerse is now complete..
is yes.. the 729th Macro-Verse preDestined
to be named now.. ‘Supermoon Trinity
Christmas 2016’.. true.. it arrives
in the so-called time frame of
the 12 days leading
to Christmas but
hell.. never the less..
i will use any occasion for
a feast day and celebration oF
DancE and SinG sAMe.. so.. Trinity
aka Triad of Supermoon is on its
way for December 14th and so
glad that the OvenGate
Prophecy has/is been
self fulfilled
as that
Pizza sure
was/is better
than the burnt
ones in the old
antiquated oven
that can alWays bE improved
as the next model has shipped iN
and ready to bake whatever recipe comes neXt..
and yes.. of note.. 139th Dance Week at Old Seville
also arrives on Thursday niGht WiTh all the cool college
age folks tHeRe.. no recipe needed.. juST DancE oN FReED..:)
My Pet Dog Wood Tree that historically
now for three years chronicles the years
spent from fall leaves to spring buds
iN Pan eYes that continue
to DancE and SinG
SpRing in the
interim of
Promise of new
life in colorful lights
of falling dying leaves
soon to fertilize the ground
for greener plants.. next year
to sprout as well.. as i leave ’em
wHEre they FaLL iN God oF Nature
Rules untouched by humankind as God
WiLL Grow without the tainted so-called love
of human culture and religions same.. that say
dominate and i am so disgusted that our higher
levels of
in executive way
branch are becoming
hand-picked to sell God
off iN killing ways to make some
more bucks to stuff Walmart stuff
in Garages and Extra Bedrooms just
to rot a slow death with the rest of killing
ways of species growing extinct by larger numbers
as ignorance grows greater horns of dark force death
way as the
new orange is
surely bLack in more
than one poTenTial
catastrophic way
now from
coming back
to Chinese bombers
with nuclear fall-out poTenTial
iN destructive possibilities too..
if gridlock or closed minds don’t destroy
more than what they can possibly bring back
as humans can and will do.. with a greatest shot
iN own feet oF LiFe now extending far greater than we..
Anyway.. meanwhile.. i will continue to enjoy my beautiful
pet Dogwood tree.. as beautiful in dying and coming to liFe..
as leaves
will fall
and Bud
SpRinG aLwayS
now like an invisible sun
can and will do to.. isReaL now2..:)
now for three years chronicles the years
spent from fall leaves to spring buds
iN Pan eYes that continue
to DancE and SinG
SpRing in the
interim of
Promise of new
life in colorful lights
of falling dying leaves
soon to fertilize the ground
for greener plants.. next year
to sprout as well.. as i leave ’em
wHEre they FaLL iN God oF Nature
Rules untouched by humankind as God
WiLL Grow without the tainted so-called love
of human culture and religions same.. that say
dominate and i am so disgusted that our higher
levels of
in executive way
branch are becoming
hand-picked to sell God
off iN killing ways to make some
more bucks to stuff Walmart stuff
in Garages and Extra Bedrooms just
to rot a slow death with the rest of killing
ways of species growing extinct by larger numbers
as ignorance grows greater horns of dark force death
way as the
new orange is
surely bLack in more
than one poTenTial
catastrophic way
now from
coming back
to Chinese bombers
with nuclear fall-out poTenTial
iN destructive possibilities too..
if gridlock or closed minds don’t destroy
more than what they can possibly bring back
as humans can and will do.. with a greatest shot
iN own feet oF LiFe now extending far greater than we..
Anyway.. meanwhile.. i will continue to enjoy my beautiful
pet Dogwood tree.. as beautiful in dying and coming to liFe..
as leaves
will fall
and Bud
SpRinG aLwayS
now like an invisible sun
can and will do to.. isReaL now2..:)
WeLL.. yeah.. ‘this photo’..
is from the Biloxi Casino
And Beach Dance Trip..
Dance for me..
One armed
for Katrina
as noted already
too.. anyway.. just
beyond these harbor walls
of concrete.. a beautiful bay
and sands approaching sugar
white are juST on the OtHEr side
of this fresh hell of the human careless
way to litter nature with fresh remnants of
where enough
is never enough
as the addictions of
emptiness siNg on a sad
SonG of killing the living paRts
of the Earth too.. in the next photo
i used in the last blog post after this
photos was/IS A sign that said/says please throw
your trash away.. where the Earth is just something
dead to
throw away
even if one
is smARt enough
iN FeeL and SenSe to
even throw away the garbage
oF liFe in appropriate ways of LiVinG LiFE..:)
is from the Biloxi Casino
And Beach Dance Trip..
Dance for me..
One armed
for Katrina
as noted already
too.. anyway.. just
beyond these harbor walls
of concrete.. a beautiful bay
and sands approaching sugar
white are juST on the OtHEr side
of this fresh hell of the human careless
way to litter nature with fresh remnants of
where enough
is never enough
as the addictions of
emptiness siNg on a sad
SonG of killing the living paRts
of the Earth too.. in the next photo
i used in the last blog post after this
photos was/IS A sign that said/says please throw
your trash away.. where the Earth is just something
dead to
throw away
even if one
is smARt enough
iN FeeL and SenSe to
even throw away the garbage
oF liFe in appropriate ways of LiVinG LiFE..:)
But what about when it gets too heavy..
yes.. pick up your trash..
what is dead most
always goes
back to
food for the rest
of Nature Free humans
save the food of their bodies
for ‘another day’ at the end of the
days as they wish they wish tHeir life away..
Sioux.. Cherokee.. Irish.. German.. Spanish..
French.. English.. in my ancestry all of these are
me and back in ’78 when my first College
Philosophy Instructor asked me if i am an
American Indian all blonde and green
to blue eyed depending on
my mood and the
overall atmosphere
of the environment in both
FeeLinGs and seNsory way..
all i could say is German then
as my last name is a German one
that means one who is a carer for the
lands in feudal Lordship way.. or even further
back variations on that same name as first middle
east names for God that mean a mix of Earth and
Water as sand and water become silt as life
begins in planted soil of God all that is
too.. weLL.. anyWay.. this Philosophy
Instructor teacher was big into
the difficulties of humankind
living in a Technological
society.. challenge number
one of specialization and losing
potential human intelligences that wither
away like a vine not producing a variety of fruits..
and how when folks get separated from the rest of Nature
like this in physical and emotional intelligences and sure..
Existential intelligence and so many many more of which i add
to the philosophy here of he.. as he did not put it into terms of words
like this.. he just said specialization but that goes so much farther than
verbal intelligence word think way.. and this instructor who seemed so
old to me then.. my age now.. also went into a stream of consciousness
flow of Holy Spirit Creativity deep within from subconscious logic leap
of way.. wHeRe he himself had no idea wHeRe this deeper voice
was coming from as anyone who first experiences this will
come to see and some folks even imagine it IS a super
natural being speaking through them.. yes.. even a
dude in a cave called this voice within Gabriel
and another dude who went to Egypt called
it superior civilization spirits channeling
through him.. call it what you will..
it is a higher potential power
of the being named human
and all Mr. Hunt the Instructor
could say is.. does anyone have a
recorder as this stuff needs to be recorded..
he didn’t but what he said sunk into me.. and
as i experienced this deeper emotional and sensory
flow transferred into words when i was 13.. winning a Christmas
Story contest back in competition of two home rooms then.. me
having no idea where that came from as it was simply magic then..
and waiting 5 more years to experience this at age 18 writing about
the One Universal Force coming within then.. in that Philosophy class
with Mr. Hunt.. a deeper human potential within that i would not experience
again until i wrote that long side note on my blogger blogs at the end of
February 2013.. publishing that personal message on Facebook i
wrote in FloW iN Zone to my first Facebook Friend and only
one then.. she said she liked to read it again and again
on my Facebook Page and even someone on the
Wrong Planet site said it was the most beautiful
thing they had ever read.. and that was coming
from the literal thinking mind of that place
there.. and it sparked an actual feeling..
a spark of magic inside again.. i wanted
to explore it deeper and come to reality
it helped the phoenix of my spirit
rise from the ashes to actually
make a physical reality
miracle happen
in healing way
as still documented
by professionals.. some of
who wrote i would never recover
to even the most rudimentary levels
of human functionality again when my
fresh hell started back in January of 2008..
bottom lines.. i kept that spArk and MaGiC
and i am not letting it go in what can come
as self-actualization in terms of Maslow and
as Fowler says in a pyramid similar as stages of
Faith when one arises at the top of the pyramid of
agape love when hope and love and all is positive flow
with tolerance and acceptance for dARk and liGht wHeRe
like i love to say all becomes a liFE practice of HoLY and SacREd
all to share and give with all in whatever arT oF LiFE comes neXt
and thaT iS StiLL here now.. and the thing is.. in that Old Native
Indian commercial played by a rugged looking Italian dude back
around 1970 or so.. paddling up in his wilderness canoe and
seeing the trash floating in the river along with the smoke
stack pollution of the air and water same as Earth
of Water and Sand as Silt becomes tarred mud
of human disgrace in destroying the Earth
he did a simple thing.. this actor shed
a tear for MoThER eARth.. supporter
oF LIFE here in whaT iSReal God as
the GreaT sPiRiT lives within.. inside..
outside.. above.. so below and all around..
yes.. the Force is with us and sheds a tear when
the rest of the Force is harmed by an apex predator
so-called Social Animal who has lost empathy and
compassion as tear for the circle of life wHole.. we live
in a trigger itch and destroying nature as dominating old
Abrahamic tribal religion way.. same with any religion or atheistic
culture or whatever that has an ultimate religion as consuming the
Earth as a dead thing owning it over live God as ForcE noW.. this isn’t
news and never will be news to those who live one with God of NAtuRE
now self-actualized as such as Maslow says and at the top of the pyramid
oF Faith Stages as Fowler says too.. but for those still at the bottom levels
of A God that lives somewhere else but here.. or out of basic homeostasis
worried about food and drink to eat.. out of mind and body balance.. constantly
in a state of anxiety.. stress and fear same as a slow burn of every bodily system
of health in stress hormone kill.. rarely any of this ‘higher level being shit’.. means
anything to them at all.. as survive at all costs is what the reptilian serpent brain
will and can do at all costs to the rest of life now.. and those my friend are
overall the Trump of killing Nature.. discontent and fear and hate folks..
but you see.. until their needs are met that are going to more than
likely continue to see life the way of so-called angry old
white men no matter what color.. nationality.. orientation
of sexual preferences.. disabilities.. age.. or whatever
colors tHeiR liFe in dArk and liGht.. ‘Tween sHades of
purgatory grey.. to beYond Rainbow colors
oF Folks like me who eScape this matrix
of distress like an overflown camel
iN the tighTest of needle eYes oF aLL..
so sure.. a rational tear.. an understanding
tear.. and a real tear for Nature not only for
the sand and water and silt mix of God but the
Human beings who are so lost so lost in lower levels
of the Pyramid of Ignorance wHere seriously they are not
in a realistic position to know what they do.. as the snake
brain rules from
pay check
less in the bLack
TaR of Green Back Dollar Bills..
tHeRE are no easy answers but for
each person to sink or swim and save
themselves and loved ones same.. to expand
that circle to all of God is the dreAm of the modern
super-woman-man-etC.. as Fred N.. per overman said
way back when.. when God aLL as NaTuRE liVes aTain real in TruTh and
liGht enlightened above the frey of polluted cultural and religion life aGain..:)
yes.. pick up your trash..
what is dead most
always goes
back to
food for the rest
of Nature Free humans
save the food of their bodies
for ‘another day’ at the end of the
days as they wish they wish tHeir life away..
Sioux.. Cherokee.. Irish.. German.. Spanish..
French.. English.. in my ancestry all of these are
me and back in ’78 when my first College
Philosophy Instructor asked me if i am an
American Indian all blonde and green
to blue eyed depending on
my mood and the
overall atmosphere
of the environment in both
FeeLinGs and seNsory way..
all i could say is German then
as my last name is a German one
that means one who is a carer for the
lands in feudal Lordship way.. or even further
back variations on that same name as first middle
east names for God that mean a mix of Earth and
Water as sand and water become silt as life
begins in planted soil of God all that is
too.. weLL.. anyWay.. this Philosophy
Instructor teacher was big into
the difficulties of humankind
living in a Technological
society.. challenge number
one of specialization and losing
potential human intelligences that wither
away like a vine not producing a variety of fruits..
and how when folks get separated from the rest of Nature
like this in physical and emotional intelligences and sure..
Existential intelligence and so many many more of which i add
to the philosophy here of he.. as he did not put it into terms of words
like this.. he just said specialization but that goes so much farther than
verbal intelligence word think way.. and this instructor who seemed so
old to me then.. my age now.. also went into a stream of consciousness
flow of Holy Spirit Creativity deep within from subconscious logic leap
of way.. wHeRe he himself had no idea wHeRe this deeper voice
was coming from as anyone who first experiences this will
come to see and some folks even imagine it IS a super
natural being speaking through them.. yes.. even a
dude in a cave called this voice within Gabriel
and another dude who went to Egypt called
it superior civilization spirits channeling
through him.. call it what you will..
it is a higher potential power
of the being named human
and all Mr. Hunt the Instructor
could say is.. does anyone have a
recorder as this stuff needs to be recorded..
he didn’t but what he said sunk into me.. and
as i experienced this deeper emotional and sensory
flow transferred into words when i was 13.. winning a Christmas
Story contest back in competition of two home rooms then.. me
having no idea where that came from as it was simply magic then..
and waiting 5 more years to experience this at age 18 writing about
the One Universal Force coming within then.. in that Philosophy class
with Mr. Hunt.. a deeper human potential within that i would not experience
again until i wrote that long side note on my blogger blogs at the end of
February 2013.. publishing that personal message on Facebook i
wrote in FloW iN Zone to my first Facebook Friend and only
one then.. she said she liked to read it again and again
on my Facebook Page and even someone on the
Wrong Planet site said it was the most beautiful
thing they had ever read.. and that was coming
from the literal thinking mind of that place
there.. and it sparked an actual feeling..
a spark of magic inside again.. i wanted
to explore it deeper and come to reality
it helped the phoenix of my spirit
rise from the ashes to actually
make a physical reality
miracle happen
in healing way
as still documented
by professionals.. some of
who wrote i would never recover
to even the most rudimentary levels
of human functionality again when my
fresh hell started back in January of 2008..
bottom lines.. i kept that spArk and MaGiC
and i am not letting it go in what can come
as self-actualization in terms of Maslow and
as Fowler says in a pyramid similar as stages of
Faith when one arises at the top of the pyramid of
agape love when hope and love and all is positive flow
with tolerance and acceptance for dARk and liGht wHeRe
like i love to say all becomes a liFE practice of HoLY and SacREd
all to share and give with all in whatever arT oF LiFE comes neXt
and thaT iS StiLL here now.. and the thing is.. in that Old Native
Indian commercial played by a rugged looking Italian dude back
around 1970 or so.. paddling up in his wilderness canoe and
seeing the trash floating in the river along with the smoke
stack pollution of the air and water same as Earth
of Water and Sand as Silt becomes tarred mud
of human disgrace in destroying the Earth
he did a simple thing.. this actor shed
a tear for MoThER eARth.. supporter
oF LIFE here in whaT iSReal God as
the GreaT sPiRiT lives within.. inside..
outside.. above.. so below and all around..
yes.. the Force is with us and sheds a tear when
the rest of the Force is harmed by an apex predator
so-called Social Animal who has lost empathy and
compassion as tear for the circle of life wHole.. we live
in a trigger itch and destroying nature as dominating old
Abrahamic tribal religion way.. same with any religion or atheistic
culture or whatever that has an ultimate religion as consuming the
Earth as a dead thing owning it over live God as ForcE noW.. this isn’t
news and never will be news to those who live one with God of NAtuRE
now self-actualized as such as Maslow says and at the top of the pyramid
oF Faith Stages as Fowler says too.. but for those still at the bottom levels
of A God that lives somewhere else but here.. or out of basic homeostasis
worried about food and drink to eat.. out of mind and body balance.. constantly
in a state of anxiety.. stress and fear same as a slow burn of every bodily system
of health in stress hormone kill.. rarely any of this ‘higher level being shit’.. means
anything to them at all.. as survive at all costs is what the reptilian serpent brain
will and can do at all costs to the rest of life now.. and those my friend are
overall the Trump of killing Nature.. discontent and fear and hate folks..
but you see.. until their needs are met that are going to more than
likely continue to see life the way of so-called angry old
white men no matter what color.. nationality.. orientation
of sexual preferences.. disabilities.. age.. or whatever
colors tHeiR liFe in dArk and liGht.. ‘Tween sHades of
purgatory grey.. to beYond Rainbow colors
oF Folks like me who eScape this matrix
of distress like an overflown camel
iN the tighTest of needle eYes oF aLL..
so sure.. a rational tear.. an understanding
tear.. and a real tear for Nature not only for
the sand and water and silt mix of God but the
Human beings who are so lost so lost in lower levels
of the Pyramid of Ignorance wHere seriously they are not
in a realistic position to know what they do.. as the snake
brain rules from
pay check
less in the bLack
TaR of Green Back Dollar Bills..
tHeRE are no easy answers but for
each person to sink or swim and save
themselves and loved ones same.. to expand
that circle to all of God is the dreAm of the modern
super-woman-man-etC.. as Fred N.. per overman said
way back when.. when God aLL as NaTuRE liVes aTain real in TruTh and
liGht enlightened above the frey of polluted cultural and religion life aGain..:)
A PeNsive moment.. sitting on the Dock of the Bay..
After what is becoming jUsT aNoTheR half marathon
of public dance last Saturday iN Biloxi.. Hard Rock
CaSinio way.. wheRe the Dollar is God and
people journey far to pray to machines
with fingers crossed for an extra
flow of Golden coins to
come tHeir way.. i saw
the futility of that long long
ago in the computer card game
of 21 or whatever they call it now..
an addiction for those who cannot feel
fill no longer inside.. is it any wonder that
is Trump business.. well fresh hell no.. not when
your wife accuses you of rapey forceful actions be
for after getting pissed off about your bald spot on top..
but you see.. if you could see the Trump soUl.. so Grinch
dArk inSiDe perHaps you too could FeeL some empathy
and compassion for that poorest of Trump Tower soUl.. who
WiLL be the luckiest man in the world.. not much different than
mE.. iF ever he moves to self-actualization of HeARt and SpiRit/
soUL the saMe wHEre a Fred ToweR and it’s worth noting in ironic
way that his Grandfather’s name was Frederick Christ too.. that yes
a Fred Tower iS just A barefoot fully naked free dance wiTh God as
Sand and Water in backyard Eden as Silt comes to play once more
alive as
star duSt
plUs yoU and
i.. and mE and wE
and uS and ourS..
i FeeL Sorry for Trump
and all of those who lead
that labyrinth of Matrix cOld heARt
SpiRit and out of BoDy and MiNd BaLanCe
soUL of one armed bandits alive as terminator
Machine beings now.. and the proof iS in the pudding/
cake mix as i am the only one last Saturday on that dock soaking
SoaKinG iN a peNsive moment for the rest of humanity who can
not bE totAlly fILLed uP in BliSs of the public DanCinG Free Verse
DAncE and SonG of LiFe.. the beach i walked on pristine now and
beautiful wHeRe the only person enJoYinG it on the sand on that
entire strip was a little girl in a pink jumper with her Grandmother
on the SideWalk in the bliss of feeding Nature for FLiGht of LiFe..
iT is safe
to say
on that
beach was the
only one at the Casinos
who fully saw the Joy of God
iN me as she provided a path straight
and narrow curved for those Seagulls to
come into photo view for the inspiration of
words yEt to come.. in HolY SpiRit view of LiFe..
tHeir are some things in LiFe thAT are so priceless
that money will never buy that little girl was richer than
WiLL ever
kNoW oR FeeL
and SeNsE in agape
Love of all indigenous
Indian children of God who
don’t lose the liGht of fearless..
trUly sMArt Unconditional Love..
that little
After what is becoming jUsT aNoTheR half marathon
of public dance last Saturday iN Biloxi.. Hard Rock
CaSinio way.. wheRe the Dollar is God and
people journey far to pray to machines
with fingers crossed for an extra
flow of Golden coins to
come tHeir way.. i saw
the futility of that long long
ago in the computer card game
of 21 or whatever they call it now..
an addiction for those who cannot feel
fill no longer inside.. is it any wonder that
is Trump business.. well fresh hell no.. not when
your wife accuses you of rapey forceful actions be
for after getting pissed off about your bald spot on top..
but you see.. if you could see the Trump soUl.. so Grinch
dArk inSiDe perHaps you too could FeeL some empathy
and compassion for that poorest of Trump Tower soUl.. who
WiLL be the luckiest man in the world.. not much different than
mE.. iF ever he moves to self-actualization of HeARt and SpiRit/
soUL the saMe wHEre a Fred ToweR and it’s worth noting in ironic
way that his Grandfather’s name was Frederick Christ too.. that yes
a Fred Tower iS just A barefoot fully naked free dance wiTh God as
Sand and Water in backyard Eden as Silt comes to play once more
alive as
star duSt
plUs yoU and
i.. and mE and wE
and uS and ourS..
i FeeL Sorry for Trump
and all of those who lead
that labyrinth of Matrix cOld heARt
SpiRit and out of BoDy and MiNd BaLanCe
soUL of one armed bandits alive as terminator
Machine beings now.. and the proof iS in the pudding/
cake mix as i am the only one last Saturday on that dock soaking
SoaKinG iN a peNsive moment for the rest of humanity who can
not bE totAlly fILLed uP in BliSs of the public DanCinG Free Verse
DAncE and SonG of LiFe.. the beach i walked on pristine now and
beautiful wHeRe the only person enJoYinG it on the sand on that
entire strip was a little girl in a pink jumper with her Grandmother
on the SideWalk in the bliss of feeding Nature for FLiGht of LiFe..
iT is safe
to say
on that
beach was the
only one at the Casinos
who fully saw the Joy of God
iN me as she provided a path straight
and narrow curved for those Seagulls to
come into photo view for the inspiration of
words yEt to come.. in HolY SpiRit view of LiFe..
tHeir are some things in LiFe thAT are so priceless
that money will never buy that little girl was richer than
WiLL ever
kNoW oR FeeL
and SeNsE in agape
Love of all indigenous
Indian children of God who
don’t lose the liGht of fearless..
trUly sMArt Unconditional Love..
that little
And jUSt in case anyone thinks the little girl is a figment of my
iMaGinaTioN.. or the cAsino or just me and her enjoying
the strip of beautiful beach along with an older couple
who made tHeir way down as i was traveling back
from the Biloxi Beach Visitor Center
for a cool drink of free water
not much different
than the free
root beer
at the Hard
Rock as i refuse
to spend a penny on that
vice more than free play money
that my wife enjoys and an all you
eat raw oysters still over priced to
me for 40 bucks a couple.. hey.. i danced
for free for them to the joy of all the workers
who slave away tHeRE who always greet me sTiLL like
a free rock star when i come in through the doors.. did
it unscathed by management through a hill of hallway
by a restaurant and pool there until the security
team got gun shy over me.. after a domestic
terror incident in the US earlier this year..
so hey.. i worked a little bit for that
free root beer then.. and the
world IS A big place
for the free God
Dance oF LiFe…
wHeREver i am tOld
i am not welcoMe i juSt
Taylor Swift Shake the dance
off of me somewhere else on this
wonder briGht Blue.. Green.. Brown..
and steadily shrinking white polar cap
ball of love while other folks sink in a self
made ball of confusion in culture and religion
way too.. so sweet it was to see the older couple
taking selfies on the beach.. age teaches you if you
are lucky enough that your life on this earth is heaven NoW..
to appreciate if you escape the matrix of cultures and religions
early enough to find Heaven at Hand now.. i see tHis uPon the golden
agers at Super Walmart with sMILes of ease on faces of retirement
age bliss.. back in the dead zone days of hell wHEre i was the devil
and hunch back of Notre Dame locked in pain and numb isREaL
66 month hell then.. Heaven is only real for those who live iT noW
a taste of honey dew of Xanadu iT STiLL iS noW for those who
FeeL and SeNSe and ExperiEnce heaVen iSREaL NoW.. mean
while the Frowny Face Player Prayer sitting upon thrones oF
the green bLack bAck Dollar slots prey to tHeir
Trump GoD of GoLd not only in words but
past too..
As the lever
in hell iS jusT a Trump aWay..
like those monkeys and the levers
for cocaine and sugar same
life is free when
livedevil or sAMe..:)
iMaGinaTioN.. or the cAsino or just me and her enjoying
the strip of beautiful beach along with an older couple
who made tHeir way down as i was traveling back
from the Biloxi Beach Visitor Center
for a cool drink of free water
not much different
than the free
root beer
at the Hard
Rock as i refuse
to spend a penny on that
vice more than free play money
that my wife enjoys and an all you
eat raw oysters still over priced to
me for 40 bucks a couple.. hey.. i danced
for free for them to the joy of all the workers
who slave away tHeRE who always greet me sTiLL like
a free rock star when i come in through the doors.. did
it unscathed by management through a hill of hallway
by a restaurant and pool there until the security
team got gun shy over me.. after a domestic
terror incident in the US earlier this year..
so hey.. i worked a little bit for that
free root beer then.. and the
world IS A big place
for the free God
Dance oF LiFe…
wHeREver i am tOld
i am not welcoMe i juSt
Taylor Swift Shake the dance
off of me somewhere else on this
wonder briGht Blue.. Green.. Brown..
and steadily shrinking white polar cap
ball of love while other folks sink in a self
made ball of confusion in culture and religion
way too.. so sweet it was to see the older couple
taking selfies on the beach.. age teaches you if you
are lucky enough that your life on this earth is heaven NoW..
to appreciate if you escape the matrix of cultures and religions
early enough to find Heaven at Hand now.. i see tHis uPon the golden
agers at Super Walmart with sMILes of ease on faces of retirement
age bliss.. back in the dead zone days of hell wHEre i was the devil
and hunch back of Notre Dame locked in pain and numb isREaL
66 month hell then.. Heaven is only real for those who live iT noW
a taste of honey dew of Xanadu iT STiLL iS noW for those who
FeeL and SeNSe and ExperiEnce heaVen iSREaL NoW.. mean
while the Frowny Face Player Prayer sitting upon thrones oF
the green bLack bAck Dollar slots prey to tHeir
Trump GoD of GoLd not only in words but
past too..
As the lever
in hell iS jusT a Trump aWay..
like those monkeys and the levers
for cocaine and sugar same
life is free when
livedevil or sAMe..:)
Nah.. on that entire beach that goes further than that desolate strip
there were some other indigenous folks there too.. what the
Christian Religion calls as free loaders like my Priest
last Sunday at church.. who need to pull themselves
up by the laces of their shoe string addictions
of a life in the self help hell
made by
and religion
same.. those who
don’t have the resources
and the paper work skills like
i do to get help when the disability
is invisible and cannot readily be seen
from the outside as the veils of ignorance
about mental illness including the disease of
addiction often from a root cause of neglect
or abuse in youth to middle age to old age way
as the social empathic heARt dies a hard death
alone or jusT plain innate mental disorder out
of balance wHere one can no longer
navigate the labyrinth matrix
of liFE saMe.. a last
resort.. a bridge
for shelter over
head.. perhaps
to fish for food..
perhaps an old
bicycle for travel
to get fresh water..
perhaps a blanket
and a warm friend
to gain warmth from.. two..
perHaps four or five who live
one with Nature again too.. after
eSCaPe from CulTure lies more..
and religious ones too.. anyway.. it
took five cops who support the community
ownership of what they see as human trash
to be removed to tell these homeless folks that
the Earth is not tHeir free home to roam and consume
for basic subsistence as indigenous peoples of the Good
Earth of God for free support before.. and as i walked away
free on the Beach with the help i have personally received as
i am
a smARt
crazy person
yes holy fool
to the fortune
of the merit i aM
to be free now.. the folks
who need the most help will
not receive it as the system is made
by lawyers not folks witH disabilities..
and to be honest it’s not easy to get help
unless you know the ins and outs of lawyer
speak too.. the system doesn’t have time to
care to feel to sense the empathy and compassion
and experience really necessary to help other folks who
need help the most.. we live in insanely large populations
of isolated humans in a matrix and labyrinth of social stress
and insanity real in average life now.. it’s not worKing and as
the reality of Technology taking over jobs in automation way..
as hard as a bullet as it is gonna be for overall survival of the
new world day.. sooner or later give and share more will have
to be the rule of the day more less more these beaches are
populated by the homeless five on two opposite
from the advantages those who own the
earth hold now.. it’s beyond sad
when ‘the man’ says
you can
not be
free here..
but sure..
tHeRE is sTiLL
humanity and empathy
and compassion left in being
human now.. tHeRe will be anotHeR
place for homeless to rest tHeiR head
as long AS God sTiLL lives as love in
a human
oR thEre..
aWay from
the rules
that own
God noW
away From
Freedom noW..
WiLL fiNd a better
way as Love Wins when isReaL..:)
there were some other indigenous folks there too.. what the
Christian Religion calls as free loaders like my Priest
last Sunday at church.. who need to pull themselves
up by the laces of their shoe string addictions
of a life in the self help hell
made by
and religion
same.. those who
don’t have the resources
and the paper work skills like
i do to get help when the disability
is invisible and cannot readily be seen
from the outside as the veils of ignorance
about mental illness including the disease of
addiction often from a root cause of neglect
or abuse in youth to middle age to old age way
as the social empathic heARt dies a hard death
alone or jusT plain innate mental disorder out
of balance wHere one can no longer
navigate the labyrinth matrix
of liFE saMe.. a last
resort.. a bridge
for shelter over
head.. perhaps
to fish for food..
perhaps an old
bicycle for travel
to get fresh water..
perhaps a blanket
and a warm friend
to gain warmth from.. two..
perHaps four or five who live
one with Nature again too.. after
eSCaPe from CulTure lies more..
and religious ones too.. anyway.. it
took five cops who support the community
ownership of what they see as human trash
to be removed to tell these homeless folks that
the Earth is not tHeir free home to roam and consume
for basic subsistence as indigenous peoples of the Good
Earth of God for free support before.. and as i walked away
free on the Beach with the help i have personally received as
i am
a smARt
crazy person
yes holy fool
to the fortune
of the merit i aM
to be free now.. the folks
who need the most help will
not receive it as the system is made
by lawyers not folks witH disabilities..
and to be honest it’s not easy to get help
unless you know the ins and outs of lawyer
speak too.. the system doesn’t have time to
care to feel to sense the empathy and compassion
and experience really necessary to help other folks who
need help the most.. we live in insanely large populations
of isolated humans in a matrix and labyrinth of social stress
and insanity real in average life now.. it’s not worKing and as
the reality of Technology taking over jobs in automation way..
as hard as a bullet as it is gonna be for overall survival of the
new world day.. sooner or later give and share more will have
to be the rule of the day more less more these beaches are
populated by the homeless five on two opposite
from the advantages those who own the
earth hold now.. it’s beyond sad
when ‘the man’ says
you can
not be
free here..
but sure..
tHeRE is sTiLL
humanity and empathy
and compassion left in being
human now.. tHeRe will be anotHeR
place for homeless to rest tHeiR head
as long AS God sTiLL lives as love in
a human
oR thEre..
aWay from
the rules
that own
God noW
away From
Freedom noW..
WiLL fiNd a better
way as Love Wins when isReaL..:)
So.. what can A Jonathan Livingston Seagull who rises
above his counterpARt Birds bEfore Son of
men in myths made in books.. to prepare
ye a path of John 14:12 do more now2..
in tHeiR own ‘little’ ways not done
beFore as Individuals to make
change happen stARting
wiTh mE.. i do what i can..
i am just that little autistic boy
who did not speak until age 4..
the one who was bullied by others
in school.. named girl at McDonald’s
by cashier by matter of fAct that my older
Face now was just prettier in clear green to
blue long eye lash way then.. on a wash board
body that was flat as a board from head to toe.
wondering if there would ever be any meat growing
on those bones except the one pARt that grew out
occasionally then for one sheltered too much to know
what was going on with life’s wet dreams then.. yeah..
iF you’ve been around my writing for more than a Macro-Verse
or too.. you’ve heard the stories of JOB and Miracles iSREaL sAMe
oF me.. but you see.. i have the gift.. i just have the gift to express it
as those who may not.. have likely in all of hiStory and HerStory and
etCstory.. been through more fresh and fresher hell and heaven respectively
than me.. i do what i can.. cause i can and will.. and to save the world from
more suffering and misery and pure insanity in cultural and religious way
sAMe.. it’s gonna take army of ArTiSts of Love more than me.. i don’t
kNow wHere i’M going exactly as the hiGher PoWEr oF God now takes
me tHeir within as Holy Spirit Flow.. i do Know i AM 9 Macro-Verses
beHind in the mechanical cognition activity of backing up all of
what i do on three Facebook pages of text only now.. but you
see that’s juSt anoTHEer opportunity for me as witness oF
hiGhER poTenTial of GoD who even lives in the so-called
permanently disabled holy fools among us.. who no
longer Fit in JoNaThan LiVinGsTon ChRist way
in What society says is the norm
these days now StiLL too..
separation of church
and state is a boon
for free aRt of God
SpiRit iN hUman eYes
And FeeLinGs sEt Free aS HeARt..
iN MiNds and BoDys aS thaT BaLAncing
coMes HiGhER PoWEr ForcE noW iN
ALL rogue one ways aS woRks..
THaT do work.. so.. sure.. whaT
cOmes neXt As a BiRd of
One FLyinG hiGher
CaN And WiLL
above his counterpARt Birds bEfore Son of
men in myths made in books.. to prepare
ye a path of John 14:12 do more now2..
in tHeiR own ‘little’ ways not done
beFore as Individuals to make
change happen stARting
wiTh mE.. i do what i can..
i am just that little autistic boy
who did not speak until age 4..
the one who was bullied by others
in school.. named girl at McDonald’s
by cashier by matter of fAct that my older
Face now was just prettier in clear green to
blue long eye lash way then.. on a wash board
body that was flat as a board from head to toe.
wondering if there would ever be any meat growing
on those bones except the one pARt that grew out
occasionally then for one sheltered too much to know
what was going on with life’s wet dreams then.. yeah..
iF you’ve been around my writing for more than a Macro-Verse
or too.. you’ve heard the stories of JOB and Miracles iSREaL sAMe
oF me.. but you see.. i have the gift.. i just have the gift to express it
as those who may not.. have likely in all of hiStory and HerStory and
etCstory.. been through more fresh and fresher hell and heaven respectively
than me.. i do what i can.. cause i can and will.. and to save the world from
more suffering and misery and pure insanity in cultural and religious way
sAMe.. it’s gonna take army of ArTiSts of Love more than me.. i don’t
kNow wHere i’M going exactly as the hiGher PoWEr oF God now takes
me tHeir within as Holy Spirit Flow.. i do Know i AM 9 Macro-Verses
beHind in the mechanical cognition activity of backing up all of
what i do on three Facebook pages of text only now.. but you
see that’s juSt anoTHEer opportunity for me as witness oF
hiGhER poTenTial of GoD who even lives in the so-called
permanently disabled holy fools among us.. who no
longer Fit in JoNaThan LiVinGsTon ChRist way
in What society says is the norm
these days now StiLL too..
separation of church
and state is a boon
for free aRt of God
SpiRit iN hUman eYes
And FeeLinGs sEt Free aS HeARt..
iN MiNds and BoDys aS thaT BaLAncing
coMes HiGhER PoWEr ForcE noW iN
ALL rogue one ways aS woRks..
THaT do work.. so.. sure.. whaT
cOmes neXt As a BiRd of
One FLyinG hiGher
CaN And WiLL
SUre.. iT can kinda gET lonELy
now and then.. to rise above the
fray of expected and limited ARt..
as my God how many examples of
thaT do wE alrEAdy kNow and FeeL
And SeNSe in the aRt world.. now who has
heard all the sad stories of thaT beFore.. trUth is theRE
is nothing sad about my liFE now.. it’s opposite now from
that but with Joy coMes the heaviest crosses too.. writing
12 million words come ThanksGiving of this year wasn’t
exactly a cake walk since 6 years of ThanksGiving 2010..
And when the Seven Novels of MacroVerse categories of sorts
came into play as of December 26.. 2016 as the New Year of Sun
Bright in the Northern Hemisphere of this place called eArth
stARts on or about that date each year as we celebrate the
Sun in more than one spelling too.. coming back to liFe
in numerous Northern Hemisphere stories of written and
recorded collective historical evidence of
human art intelligence too.. as myths do
Sing a SonG of Essence isREaL too..
As i continue to do that in reaLiTy
sHow real time noW dreAMTime
way noW for anyone who has
what it takes to follow along juSt
A Fraction iN all of whAT a New
Age Jonathan Livingston Seagull
WiLL do when the metaphor of Quantum
mINd and BoDy BaLanCing ForCE iN HuMan
Way is reLeased and UnLeashed foR now.. iSREaL
and sure.. then came ‘GodsUniVerseNovel 2’.. last year
too at 51K words as ‘greater’ than tHaT 41K words of
‘GodsUniVerseNovel’ original then on December 26th
of 2015.. and after than at the end of 3/16.. yes the
31st day of responding to every single prompt and
liNk from dVerse International Poetry Pub and Club
online for an entire year in poetic way.. ‘GodsUniVerseNovel3’
weighs in at E-publish.. Spring of 2016 at 338, 630 words iN a
massive effort that Micro-Soft word said would take over 3K
pages to print.. not counting over 300 high def gorgeous beach
photos from Pensacola Beach and Navarre Beach in Panhandle.. FL..
Sugar White Sand Emerald Water swaying sea oat Sunsets way.. then
sure.. all captured by little old dancing Fred on the Beach as such..
from the year before too.. would that be enough.. nah.. of course not
coming in with a huge Macro-Verse fourth full book as such.. juSt noting
that the entire blog efforts from 3/13 to 9/16 IS A 42 month witness for
God oF aLL ThAT iS NaTuRe and pluS for over 3.3 MilLioN words
that Micro-Soft Word estimates would take 10 times as such
to print in printed way then along with 100K or so photos..
including eXtra restricted adult links and FlicKr unabridged
photo feed for the year.. Summer of 2013 thru 2014 of all
i took pictures of then.. yep.. 30,000 printed pages plus
all them photos too.. and all the videos and other stuff
i add in newest modern age multi-media free
verse way also recording in total multi-verse
way as longest long form poem in the
history of humankind.. too.. nah..
not a centuries long multi-person
effort.. by me.. little old Fred per say
say.. and more say and do DancE and SonG too..
so there is a fifth Novel MacroVerse effort combo
as such with 9 MacroVerses in October of 2016..
as ‘Book oF Ten Sixteen’ and the sixth coming in at
12 MacroVerses total over 181K words as large now
as the older version of A New Testament now new2
named ‘New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen’
and yeS.. inclusive too of the 9 MacroVerses making up
‘Book of Ten Sixteen’ weighing in at 141K words as all
these sorts become a rhetorical exercise as whole and
separate then.. aS iT all fits toGeTheR wHole and separate
with each Macro-Verse.. Micro-Verse.. Micro-Micro-Verse
and yes.. down to words with more than one meaning
in caps rearranged Micro-Micro-Micro-Verse way and
even smaller as each letter and number with multiple
meaning at Micro-Micro-Micro-Micro Verse way.. all
as pARt of Ocean WhOle Poem as witness for GoD
oF Nature all one.. wheRe rearranging the
Physics and Chemistry oF iT all could
be 6000 books or 60,000 books..
as yes the way it is put togeTher
counts aLmost iNfinity more iN
miX of poTentiaL Book Way..
nah.. i could wait a long time before
anyone else could explain to anyone else
full of what i do here each day.. and this rhetorical
exercises in the scope of what i do.. i do provide to
continue the bread and water of this witness in the taste
of all thiS iS too.. in more than bit size amounts.. 120K words
average a month posted in real time now on Facebook each month..
do you have time for a friend like me.. hehe.. i understand if you don’t
completely as i wouldn’t have time for me either if i still lived in a faux
cultural and religious imposed myth of time as slave to cLock of stArt
and stop.. so.. it reAlly won’t hurt my feelings iF you defriend me iF
i am just too much for you to even look at from great distance
from where you are.. or if you kinda go the other way if
you’ve heard my Fred Speak that one time you met
me in the bigger world after dance hall night..
yes.. a TsUnaMi can be little overwhelming
as it sweeps the frEE and priSoNed lands
BeFoRE it.. but never the less A
Jonathan LIvingston Seagull CaN
anD WiLL flY hiGher than ever beFore
loSinG all companion flYheARtists along
the way oF TrUth FilLeD and FeLT liGht way..
2.. iF thaT iS what it takes to gET the WHole
GoD asSiGninG joB ConTinuinG to ForeVer
coME moRE noW.. so.. sure.. i went on with a
symbolic Seventh Book of the year 2016 as Year
of New Sun too.. sTArTinG back on December
26th of 2015.. ’12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016′..
so sure.. the rabbit wHoles of Green over red and blue
GroW Deeper and iN aliCe and wonDerFred way too.. as
a symbolic full unabridged 6 year effort online book including
all my Participant Anthropologist Homework too.. on the Wrong
Planet website coming in around 8 MilLiOn words too.. and sure..
my blogs likely fill uP the pages of 4 MiLLiON or so words too by now..
but hey i juST like the way 3.3 miLLiON Words pluS sounds so i go wiTh
that for 42 month witness for God as of 9/2016 per the 11th 9/11 day then..
so what next.. WeLL.. YNoT.. as i could make this into a Peanut Butter Sandwich
or bake another
cake as a baby pizza
in that New Kenmore Oven
that came yesterday to finish
uP the ‘OvenGate[ story finale
then.. sure.. the next baby book
WiLL be titled ‘2nd New Testament oF TWelEve iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen’.. too..
yeppers.. the 8th book in thE YeAr oF the SuN of 2016.. sure.. all rhetorical
exercise in scope of breadth too.. the 13th MacroVerse of that 180K plus
word effort then.. coming on December 26th of 2016.. one year to date
from ‘GodsUniVerseNovel’ in what now seems way back now.. so how
Deep is YouR Love in Agape Style for all that is as God noW iN aLL
dArk and liGht and sHades of GreY.. and beYond RainBoW colors
thaT i Paint noW WiTh WinGS of GOD as eYEs oF Y i seT FReED..
sure.. unplugged from Terminator Machines and Matrix
oF BeForE in 5 decades gone by before this effort iN
my liFe in the vicinity of Hell stArTinG at the tender
age of 50 years and about 5 months give or take
a few days and 9 months or so from conception
too.. how much do you appreciate in gratitude
way.. no matter disability in either environmental
or innate way.. color.. creed.. nationality.. plUS
sexual orientations.. all the other bio-diversities
and neuro-diversities that come iN human
mix way now.. can we see the floWer oF
God sTiLL ColoRinG our liVes WiTh
EmotiOns and SeNSes saME and
Different in MoVinG and CoNNecTing
And CreaTinG way noW.. sure.. the answer
for that iS For you.. wHoeVer you may be..
noW iN yoUr Experience oF LiFe.. perHaps
the most inspRinG thinG i’LL ever do to liFT
otHeRs a little bit in the flesh and blood way is
through the approaching 40 months of public
dance weighing in at 6666 miles or so of 166.66
miles of average effort spanning that cross of 40
months in mostly joy and sure.. a little struggle of cross
heRe and tHeRe too.. anyWay.. i do whAT i can and suRe DO..
don’t wE aLL as A muSe oF liFE continues to DanCe and SinG
we.. ours.. us.. me.. i.. Cheerleaders for God All that is or less or more FREE..
cALL it GoD
or a Blue Turtle
iT is whAT iT is and
we are alive wE Are aLiVe
to eNjoy HeaVen or BeLow noW iN
all the ways thAT comes for liFe Experience
now give and share or take
to do as we will
with love over fear..
and or owning God all thaT is..
now and then.. to rise above the
fray of expected and limited ARt..
as my God how many examples of
thaT do wE alrEAdy kNow and FeeL
And SeNSe in the aRt world.. now who has
heard all the sad stories of thaT beFore.. trUth is theRE
is nothing sad about my liFE now.. it’s opposite now from
that but with Joy coMes the heaviest crosses too.. writing
12 million words come ThanksGiving of this year wasn’t
exactly a cake walk since 6 years of ThanksGiving 2010..
And when the Seven Novels of MacroVerse categories of sorts
came into play as of December 26.. 2016 as the New Year of Sun
Bright in the Northern Hemisphere of this place called eArth
stARts on or about that date each year as we celebrate the
Sun in more than one spelling too.. coming back to liFe
in numerous Northern Hemisphere stories of written and
recorded collective historical evidence of
human art intelligence too.. as myths do
Sing a SonG of Essence isREaL too..
As i continue to do that in reaLiTy
sHow real time noW dreAMTime
way noW for anyone who has
what it takes to follow along juSt
A Fraction iN all of whAT a New
Age Jonathan Livingston Seagull
WiLL do when the metaphor of Quantum
mINd and BoDy BaLanCing ForCE iN HuMan
Way is reLeased and UnLeashed foR now.. iSREaL
and sure.. then came ‘GodsUniVerseNovel 2’.. last year
too at 51K words as ‘greater’ than tHaT 41K words of
‘GodsUniVerseNovel’ original then on December 26th
of 2015.. and after than at the end of 3/16.. yes the
31st day of responding to every single prompt and
liNk from dVerse International Poetry Pub and Club
online for an entire year in poetic way.. ‘GodsUniVerseNovel3’
weighs in at E-publish.. Spring of 2016 at 338, 630 words iN a
massive effort that Micro-Soft word said would take over 3K
pages to print.. not counting over 300 high def gorgeous beach
photos from Pensacola Beach and Navarre Beach in Panhandle.. FL..
Sugar White Sand Emerald Water swaying sea oat Sunsets way.. then
sure.. all captured by little old dancing Fred on the Beach as such..
from the year before too.. would that be enough.. nah.. of course not
coming in with a huge Macro-Verse fourth full book as such.. juSt noting
that the entire blog efforts from 3/13 to 9/16 IS A 42 month witness for
God oF aLL ThAT iS NaTuRe and pluS for over 3.3 MilLioN words
that Micro-Soft Word estimates would take 10 times as such
to print in printed way then along with 100K or so photos..
including eXtra restricted adult links and FlicKr unabridged
photo feed for the year.. Summer of 2013 thru 2014 of all
i took pictures of then.. yep.. 30,000 printed pages plus
all them photos too.. and all the videos and other stuff
i add in newest modern age multi-media free
verse way also recording in total multi-verse
way as longest long form poem in the
history of humankind.. too.. nah..
not a centuries long multi-person
effort.. by me.. little old Fred per say
say.. and more say and do DancE and SonG too..
so there is a fifth Novel MacroVerse effort combo
as such with 9 MacroVerses in October of 2016..
as ‘Book oF Ten Sixteen’ and the sixth coming in at
12 MacroVerses total over 181K words as large now
as the older version of A New Testament now new2
named ‘New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen’
and yeS.. inclusive too of the 9 MacroVerses making up
‘Book of Ten Sixteen’ weighing in at 141K words as all
these sorts become a rhetorical exercise as whole and
separate then.. aS iT all fits toGeTheR wHole and separate
with each Macro-Verse.. Micro-Verse.. Micro-Micro-Verse
and yes.. down to words with more than one meaning
in caps rearranged Micro-Micro-Micro-Verse way and
even smaller as each letter and number with multiple
meaning at Micro-Micro-Micro-Micro Verse way.. all
as pARt of Ocean WhOle Poem as witness for GoD
oF Nature all one.. wheRe rearranging the
Physics and Chemistry oF iT all could
be 6000 books or 60,000 books..
as yes the way it is put togeTher
counts aLmost iNfinity more iN
miX of poTentiaL Book Way..
nah.. i could wait a long time before
anyone else could explain to anyone else
full of what i do here each day.. and this rhetorical
exercises in the scope of what i do.. i do provide to
continue the bread and water of this witness in the taste
of all thiS iS too.. in more than bit size amounts.. 120K words
average a month posted in real time now on Facebook each month..
do you have time for a friend like me.. hehe.. i understand if you don’t
completely as i wouldn’t have time for me either if i still lived in a faux
cultural and religious imposed myth of time as slave to cLock of stArt
and stop.. so.. it reAlly won’t hurt my feelings iF you defriend me iF
i am just too much for you to even look at from great distance
from where you are.. or if you kinda go the other way if
you’ve heard my Fred Speak that one time you met
me in the bigger world after dance hall night..
yes.. a TsUnaMi can be little overwhelming
as it sweeps the frEE and priSoNed lands
BeFoRE it.. but never the less A
Jonathan LIvingston Seagull CaN
anD WiLL flY hiGher than ever beFore
loSinG all companion flYheARtists along
the way oF TrUth FilLeD and FeLT liGht way..
2.. iF thaT iS what it takes to gET the WHole
GoD asSiGninG joB ConTinuinG to ForeVer
coME moRE noW.. so.. sure.. i went on with a
symbolic Seventh Book of the year 2016 as Year
of New Sun too.. sTArTinG back on December
26th of 2015.. ’12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016′..
so sure.. the rabbit wHoles of Green over red and blue
GroW Deeper and iN aliCe and wonDerFred way too.. as
a symbolic full unabridged 6 year effort online book including
all my Participant Anthropologist Homework too.. on the Wrong
Planet website coming in around 8 MilLiOn words too.. and sure..
my blogs likely fill uP the pages of 4 MiLLiON or so words too by now..
but hey i juST like the way 3.3 miLLiON Words pluS sounds so i go wiTh
that for 42 month witness for God as of 9/2016 per the 11th 9/11 day then..
so what next.. WeLL.. YNoT.. as i could make this into a Peanut Butter Sandwich
or bake another
cake as a baby pizza
in that New Kenmore Oven
that came yesterday to finish
uP the ‘OvenGate[ story finale
then.. sure.. the next baby book
WiLL be titled ‘2nd New Testament oF TWelEve iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen’.. too..
yeppers.. the 8th book in thE YeAr oF the SuN of 2016.. sure.. all rhetorical
exercise in scope of breadth too.. the 13th MacroVerse of that 180K plus
word effort then.. coming on December 26th of 2016.. one year to date
from ‘GodsUniVerseNovel’ in what now seems way back now.. so how
Deep is YouR Love in Agape Style for all that is as God noW iN aLL
dArk and liGht and sHades of GreY.. and beYond RainBoW colors
thaT i Paint noW WiTh WinGS of GOD as eYEs oF Y i seT FReED..
sure.. unplugged from Terminator Machines and Matrix
oF BeForE in 5 decades gone by before this effort iN
my liFe in the vicinity of Hell stArTinG at the tender
age of 50 years and about 5 months give or take
a few days and 9 months or so from conception
too.. how much do you appreciate in gratitude
way.. no matter disability in either environmental
or innate way.. color.. creed.. nationality.. plUS
sexual orientations.. all the other bio-diversities
and neuro-diversities that come iN human
mix way now.. can we see the floWer oF
God sTiLL ColoRinG our liVes WiTh
EmotiOns and SeNSes saME and
Different in MoVinG and CoNNecTing
And CreaTinG way noW.. sure.. the answer
for that iS For you.. wHoeVer you may be..
noW iN yoUr Experience oF LiFe.. perHaps
the most inspRinG thinG i’LL ever do to liFT
otHeRs a little bit in the flesh and blood way is
through the approaching 40 months of public
dance weighing in at 6666 miles or so of 166.66
miles of average effort spanning that cross of 40
months in mostly joy and sure.. a little struggle of cross
heRe and tHeRe too.. anyWay.. i do whAT i can and suRe DO..
don’t wE aLL as A muSe oF liFE continues to DanCe and SinG
we.. ours.. us.. me.. i.. Cheerleaders for God All that is or less or more FREE..
cALL it GoD
or a Blue Turtle
iT is whAT iT is and
we are alive wE Are aLiVe
to eNjoy HeaVen or BeLow noW iN
all the ways thAT comes for liFe Experience
now give and share or take
to do as we will
with love over fear..
and or owning God all thaT is..
Moves away from connections safe..
comfort in warm and
tried and true..
Anew potentials for
Creativity come as
bRingS DArkness
of challenge and liGht
for change.. change oF all
kinds is stress of course as
comes in self-help projects 101..
don’t matter though how one thiNks it
through as much of how much do comes
before thinK in emotional and sensory ways..
SMiLes my FriEnd.. Prajakta..
change is hard.. change
is difficult and
too much
can lead
to harmful ways
of bodily destruction but
with love help comes and your
loved ones will surely help you on your
way of change
away from
comforts home..
sMiLe.. my friEnd i am
a home base kinda rover
dude.. i like my wings but i also
enjoy my common ground of what
i am used to.. to..o in living space comfort..
i’LL never leave that place as longs i for one
can control it too.. is that good or bad.. could be
both a
as dArk
comes liGht2..
best wishes to you
my FriEnd as your dArk
become liGht on a positive ending
note for now.. i for one feel that iT CAN and WiLL..:)
comfort in warm and
tried and true..
Anew potentials for
Creativity come as
bRingS DArkness
of challenge and liGht
for change.. change oF all
kinds is stress of course as
comes in self-help projects 101..
don’t matter though how one thiNks it
through as much of how much do comes
before thinK in emotional and sensory ways..
SMiLes my FriEnd.. Prajakta..
change is hard.. change
is difficult and
too much
can lead
to harmful ways
of bodily destruction but
with love help comes and your
loved ones will surely help you on your
way of change
away from
comforts home..
sMiLe.. my friEnd i am
a home base kinda rover
dude.. i like my wings but i also
enjoy my common ground of what
i am used to.. to..o in living space comfort..
i’LL never leave that place as longs i for one
can control it too.. is that good or bad.. could be
both a
as dArk
comes liGht2..
best wishes to you
my FriEnd as your dArk
become liGht on a positive ending
note for now.. i for one feel that iT CAN and WiLL..:)
“Love is the process of my leading you gently back to yourself.”
~~ Antoine de Saint Exupéry ~~
SMiLes my friEnd gigoid..
i can somewhat sense and
feel this happening to you..
perHaps a sign is the
great new
and layout
of your home
page on Word Press..
WiTh SmiLes of course..
as change new aliGht..:)
i can somewhat sense and
feel this happening to you..
perHaps a sign is the
great new
and layout
of your home
page on Word Press..
WiTh SmiLes of course..
as change new aliGht..:)
“Learn to see in another’s calamity the ills which you should avoid.”
~~ Publius Syrus — Maxim 120 ~~
Easier said than done
when the window
is opaque
and hell isREal now..
and oh God.. purgatory
can be so dAm confuSing
in veil way of difference too..:)
when the window
is opaque
and hell isREal now..
and oh God.. purgatory
can be so dAm confuSing
in veil way of difference too..:)
As science almost clearly
views now.. a side of mind
for yang of reason
and a side
of mind
and BoDy
ForCe for Art of Love..
Amazing how science
is finally catching up to
the philosophy of liFe..
and hUman soUL
both pipes
of bRain to
full extend A gift oF liGht..:)
views now.. a side of mind
for yang of reason
and a side
of mind
and BoDy
ForCe for Art of Love..
Amazing how science
is finally catching up to
the philosophy of liFe..
and hUman soUL
both pipes
of bRain to
full extend A gift oF liGht..:)
“Every man is the architect of his own fortune.”
[Faber est suae quisquae fortunae.]
[Faber est suae quisquae fortunae.]
~~ Sallustius ~~
“Every man is the architect of his own fortune.”
[Faber est suae quisquae fortunae.]
[Faber est suae quisquae fortunae.]
~~ Sallustius ~~
i’LL build
a dance
and song
naked and free..
and all that will be
left is smiles with me..;)
a dance
and song
naked and free..
and all that will be
left is smiles with me..;)
“What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.”
~~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~~
i cannot always say that is
true as sometimes as i record
it takes
66 months
to escape
of weeks and
minutes and
second forevermore
now numb.. pain.. and weak..
anyWay my best advice
from the standpoint
of hell
on eArth
is don’t give
up for heaven’s gate isREaL2..;)
true as sometimes as i record
it takes
66 months
to escape
of weeks and
minutes and
second forevermore
now numb.. pain.. and weak..
anyWay my best advice
from the standpoint
of hell
on eArth
is don’t give
up for heaven’s gate isREaL2..;)
“Who combats bravely is not therefore brave,
He dreads a death-bed like the meanest slave:
Who reasons wisely is not therefore wise,–
His pride in reasoning, not in acting lies.”
He dreads a death-bed like the meanest slave:
Who reasons wisely is not therefore wise,–
His pride in reasoning, not in acting lies.”
~~ Alexander Pope — Moral Essays, Epistle i, Line 115~~
Best lesSon i lEarned
from my son who lived
51 days is life
to live
end and
beginning story
of birth
he didn’t give those
last breaths up easy even
without ever kNowing books oF Fear..:)
from my son who lived
51 days is life
to live
end and
beginning story
of birth
he didn’t give those
last breaths up easy even
without ever kNowing books oF Fear..:)
…every once in a while, you can get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you just look at it right…”
in the strangest of places if you just look at it right…”
~~ Grateful Dead ~~
And the other
lesson lEArned
as pain
ends tHeRE..:)
lesson lEArned
as pain
ends tHeRE..:)
“If you keep on doing what you’ve always done,
you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got.”
you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got.”
~~ W.L. Bateman ~~
The place i lEarned
to never really complain
care and
neither does most
any one else looking
out of Darkest place
and perhaps
that IS
A Good
in ultimate survival.. my FriEnd..
for those who survive of course
as liFE
the greAteSt LeSson
my Son taught me oF aLL Crosses
to rock
hell bottom..a
noW aLLone..:)
to never really complain
care and
neither does most
any one else looking
out of Darkest place
and perhaps
that IS
A Good
in ultimate survival.. my FriEnd..
for those who survive of course
as liFE
the greAteSt LeSson
my Son taught me oF aLL Crosses
to rock
hell bottom..a
noW aLLone..:)
“He who dies with the most toys has missed the point of the game.”
~~ Truly Wise Bee ~~
Hmm.. after the big
Hurricane.. my rich
Uncle said iT is NOT fair..
thaT homeless person has nothing
of a worry.. not a shirt on his back..
oh God.. he said then in chagrin..
i lost a
dock on the
bay and so much more..
later he told me when i had
the worst pain known to humankind
it could be worse.. you could be a Seagull
i fly now.. and
sure.. i would eat
Sushi too but for now i fry big
fish iN
oF liGht i Fly..
oN Terrestrial
eARTh Butterfly DancE and SinG..:)
Hurricane.. my rich
Uncle said iT is NOT fair..
thaT homeless person has nothing
of a worry.. not a shirt on his back..
oh God.. he said then in chagrin..
i lost a
dock on the
bay and so much more..
later he told me when i had
the worst pain known to humankind
it could be worse.. you could be a Seagull
i fly now.. and
sure.. i would eat
Sushi too but for now i fry big
fish iN
oF liGht i Fly..
oN Terrestrial
eARTh Butterfly DancE and SinG..:)
“We are, after all, professionals.”
~~ Hunter S. Thompson ~~
Practice Free
iS enough
for mE..
aMaTeur FReED..;)
iS enough
for mE..
aMaTeur FReED..;)
Hmm.. Karmic eYe makes an appearance
with Meowy Christmas again this
year in somEwhat belying
Grumpy cat
i spy
too.. fashion
style all for the
sHow muSt go On
iN Novel ways never ending
story never land now.. sure.. Fred
iN WonDerland iN Jabberwhacky form2..
what else.. hmm.. next Facebook Profile
Status photo slide please.. as the Video Production
Assistant all free from Facebook is a little slow on the
creative Toad of maKing an appearance iN Art so far toniGht..;)
with Meowy Christmas again this
year in somEwhat belying
Grumpy cat
i spy
too.. fashion
style all for the
sHow muSt go On
iN Novel ways never ending
story never land now.. sure.. Fred
iN WonDerland iN Jabberwhacky form2..
what else.. hmm.. next Facebook Profile
Status photo slide please.. as the Video Production
Assistant all free from Facebook is a little slow on the
creative Toad of maKing an appearance iN Art so far toniGht..;)
Katrina.. is getting a little bored in plaYinG the role
of modern age incarnate Goddess Isis.. iN fAct she’s
tOld me over and over that Goddess Diva doesn’t even
look that attractive in that Katrina long hair and long legged..
armed and fingered and toed Mother
as such from
ages of
sages in houSinG
oF myths as vehicles
and vessels for Truth and liGht
as MoTher of Horus and Wife Sister
of Osiris putting the pieces back togEtheR
as he too had some problems with his eYes too..
anyway Virgin birth of Child Horus as Wisdom eYe
too on December 25th as the actual Sun makes iTs Journey
back toward SpRinG Equinox.. to Summer Solstice back to
Fall Equinox as the liturgical Egyptian ’round comes back full
circle to the Winter Solstice stall of Sun for three days then
coming back full to BriGhter liGhts on December 25th as
Birth of liGht once again..
and as mentioned before..
a common myth ‘cross cultures
near and far.. worth celebrating as
Essence of Sun makinG round oF liGht
iSREal aGaiN.. whether Horus or Jesus
or whatever other story comes next
the Essence and Force and Power
of God lives in all oF Creation all
thAT iS from a gRain of SAnd
holDinG up Mountains and
Humans WiTh loVe the
sAme as HoLy and
sAcred too as the
liFe Giving Suns
in crucible Fire burst
spreading more sentient
star duST plUs like us aCross
the UniVerse plUs more than the
huMan Science Aided eYe can see
alone for allone now.. oh yeah.. what
was the original point i was trying to make
and what does this have to do With Kate Jackson
as pictured here playing Charlie’s Angel Sabrina from
sweet 1976 and after that when the Katrina was jusT
6 years old then.. yes.. she decides that perHaps now
she WiLL BeCome anoTher Fill iN For Seville’s Charlie’s
Angels too.. honorary member of course.. as she is sTiLL
way too shy and sure just a little bit of TomBoy in Beautiful too..
to make iT to the DancE Floor juSt yet.. but hey sHe WiLL Swear the
new hair
do with
valor sAMe..
coming neXt
as Isis plays
anoTher role
iN the Fred Play now..;)
of modern age incarnate Goddess Isis.. iN fAct she’s
tOld me over and over that Goddess Diva doesn’t even
look that attractive in that Katrina long hair and long legged..
armed and fingered and toed Mother
as such from
ages of
sages in houSinG
oF myths as vehicles
and vessels for Truth and liGht
as MoTher of Horus and Wife Sister
of Osiris putting the pieces back togEtheR
as he too had some problems with his eYes too..
anyway Virgin birth of Child Horus as Wisdom eYe
too on December 25th as the actual Sun makes iTs Journey
back toward SpRinG Equinox.. to Summer Solstice back to
Fall Equinox as the liturgical Egyptian ’round comes back full
circle to the Winter Solstice stall of Sun for three days then
coming back full to BriGhter liGhts on December 25th as
Birth of liGht once again..
and as mentioned before..
a common myth ‘cross cultures
near and far.. worth celebrating as
Essence of Sun makinG round oF liGht
iSREal aGaiN.. whether Horus or Jesus
or whatever other story comes next
the Essence and Force and Power
of God lives in all oF Creation all
thAT iS from a gRain of SAnd
holDinG up Mountains and
Humans WiTh loVe the
sAme as HoLy and
sAcred too as the
liFe Giving Suns
in crucible Fire burst
spreading more sentient
star duST plUs like us aCross
the UniVerse plUs more than the
huMan Science Aided eYe can see
alone for allone now.. oh yeah.. what
was the original point i was trying to make
and what does this have to do With Kate Jackson
as pictured here playing Charlie’s Angel Sabrina from
sweet 1976 and after that when the Katrina was jusT
6 years old then.. yes.. she decides that perHaps now
she WiLL BeCome anoTher Fill iN For Seville’s Charlie’s
Angels too.. honorary member of course.. as she is sTiLL
way too shy and sure just a little bit of TomBoy in Beautiful too..
to make iT to the DancE Floor juSt yet.. but hey sHe WiLL Swear the
new hair
do with
valor sAMe..
coming neXt
as Isis plays
anoTher role
iN the Fred Play now..;)
the latest
Charlie’s Angel..
the Katrina
role noW oN
Facebook TheaTer foR Now2..
and of course2.. multi-blog-Macro-Verse way2..;)
the latest
Charlie’s Angel..
the Katrina
role noW oN
Facebook TheaTer foR Now2..
and of course2.. multi-blog-Macro-Verse way2..;)
And now to three MacroVerse Memories..
first.. from three years ago.. and a full play of words..
‘The Sixth Language of LOVE..ALLAHGODALLAH’..
per some literature
that suggests
there is now
5 Languages
of Love per..
acts of service..
physical touch..
receiving gifts..
words now of
quality time too..
And suRE 2.. of course
A Sixth language of Love
that is more esoteric and
usually only shared at highest
levels of both Maslow’s Self-Actualization
top of the Pyramid of human development
iN actually evolving in one lifetime now.. to Fowler’s
Definition of highest level of Faith when Faith becomes
tolerance.. acceptance and love for all of creation whOle..
sure.. like i Love to SaY iN thaT place noW alWays reborn
as Phoenix rises from the Ashes like i also did three years
ago.. at the end of July with Blogger Friend LaLa Rukh as
online witness to that.. in 2013.. same year of this MacroVerse
here.. anyWay thaT iS the 6th Language of Love,, Pure White fAitH as LoVe aS oNe..
other than that some Great photos of Marianna Florida’s Caverns colored in a short
trip we made
there to get
some Cavern
escape Free Fun too..:)
first.. from three years ago.. and a full play of words..
‘The Sixth Language of LOVE..ALLAHGODALLAH’..
per some literature
that suggests
there is now
5 Languages
of Love per..
acts of service..
physical touch..
receiving gifts..
words now of
quality time too..
And suRE 2.. of course
A Sixth language of Love
that is more esoteric and
usually only shared at highest
levels of both Maslow’s Self-Actualization
top of the Pyramid of human development
iN actually evolving in one lifetime now.. to Fowler’s
Definition of highest level of Faith when Faith becomes
tolerance.. acceptance and love for all of creation whOle..
sure.. like i Love to SaY iN thaT place noW alWays reborn
as Phoenix rises from the Ashes like i also did three years
ago.. at the end of July with Blogger Friend LaLa Rukh as
online witness to that.. in 2013.. same year of this MacroVerse
here.. anyWay thaT iS the 6th Language of Love,, Pure White fAitH as LoVe aS oNe..
other than that some Great photos of Marianna Florida’s Caverns colored in a short
trip we made
there to get
some Cavern
escape Free Fun too..:)
Now.. two years ago with ‘Thirteen Days of the Christmas Grinch’..
short enough here to quote at a measly 466 words or so..
And with photos of the first on the Festival Grounds the
St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
Christmas Party as surely i am
accumulating some
fond memories
across nows
iN MacroVerse
way of fun nows STiLL..
as sUre.. more of mY soUL
continues to appear onLine
jusT for FReED SoUL DO..:)
short enough here to quote at a measly 466 words or so..
And with photos of the first on the Festival Grounds the
St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
Christmas Party as surely i am
accumulating some
fond memories
across nows
iN MacroVerse
way of fun nows STiLL..
as sUre.. more of mY soUL
continues to appear onLine
jusT for FReED SoUL DO..:)
start this blogging adventure
March of 2013
on the 10th..
shortly after
a creative
March 1st
died in life
and stayed that way for
5 years…
i knowNOW..
am not afraid
to go with GOD on
somethings that others might not
Okay.. what’s left now
for show and tale.. yes..
of course.. Daddy Polar Bear
sitting all calm and cool with Present
for Christmas STiLL Coming AGain
in 2014.. Mama Polar Bear who lost
her air and fell down to the Ground on the
Day Katrina’s Sister passed away on Christmas
Eve.. yes.. Michelle.. and enough sadness tHeir
wHere she couldn’t bear the replacement Mama Bear
last year in 2015.. when no Christmas Blow-up Decorations
in Polar Bear way got put up then.. but this year.. yes.. as already
highlighted Fresh Mama Polar Bear in sitting way.. and since the
Baby Polar Bear suffered a two year spout of somewhat heavy
Mildew Disease as apparently a distraught stiLL Katrina
put the polar baby in hibernate box still a little wet from
early morning late December dew as much.. anyway..
Mr. Squirrel for Christmas is up for blow uP
Speed as juSt anotHer Welcome
Pet too.. as such for
Christmas seASon
RinGinG LiFe iS Good aGain..:)
for show and tale.. yes..
of course.. Daddy Polar Bear
sitting all calm and cool with Present
for Christmas STiLL Coming AGain
in 2014.. Mama Polar Bear who lost
her air and fell down to the Ground on the
Day Katrina’s Sister passed away on Christmas
Eve.. yes.. Michelle.. and enough sadness tHeir
wHere she couldn’t bear the replacement Mama Bear
last year in 2015.. when no Christmas Blow-up Decorations
in Polar Bear way got put up then.. but this year.. yes.. as already
highlighted Fresh Mama Polar Bear in sitting way.. and since the
Baby Polar Bear suffered a two year spout of somewhat heavy
Mildew Disease as apparently a distraught stiLL Katrina
put the polar baby in hibernate box still a little wet from
early morning late December dew as much.. anyway..
Mr. Squirrel for Christmas is up for blow uP
Speed as juSt anotHer Welcome
Pet too.. as such for
Christmas seASon
RinGinG LiFe iS Good aGain..:)
First oF aLL.. one would hope this 70’s Burt Reynold’s style
Cosmopolitan Male Center-Fold Spread does not offend
anyone as it is even more tame than that as there are
no pubes per say displayed like Burt Did and of
course Burt had to get drunk to do his
J Geil’s thingie and was still too
afraid to show his wee wee..
hehe.. male FULL frontal nudity
still a big taboo back in those days
and did not really come into mainstream
view until the full Monty.. iF you will.. and the
thing about true male confidence STiLL is walKing
now naked in front of the world as the final frontier/
first2 of i ain’t scared.. And WeLL on top of that this pose
is not any more skin than one sees upon A artistically STiLL
designed cross.. albeit a Hairy more than lean dude as the
the JC suffering and never shown in Heaven now at hand
on Earth kicked back in featured bed comfort like this
all sultry and sexy as such.. heHe.. and in absolutely
no suffering at all.. but hey.. although surely the
struggle in life is necessary for adaptation and
positive Epigenetic and Neuroplastic change..
to worship suffering as the mainstream
of a religion sAMe.. IS A great way
to spread a Roman Empire
if you want to make the
suffering of the common
man in vogue as they continue to slave
away the for the expansion of your Empire
in thing to do.. while you promise them
Heaven after-life including some Hadith
related stuff associated with the Muhammad
dude that says you’ll get to have sex with up to
72 Gorgeous Virgins with Perky Breasts right after
you give your life up as a Martyr for the cause of the
flavor of whatever we say.. hey.. if nothing else.. if you
are a male disenfranchised from society and cannot make
a role for yourself as a sexy beast at age 53 or whatever
comes next.. it’s quite amazing what a human being
will do for some kind of hierarchal social role
status.. and for females in other Muslim
countries where the rogue ideology
of cutting off the organ evolved
by God of Nature for
Pleasure and
nothing else..
yes.. the female
Clitoris.. just a smaller
version of the pleasure
parts of the male penis..
is clipped off to so-called prevent
the woman from straying any further
than the ‘work of the night’ with the original
owner of the marriage papers.. the male of course..
who slaves the women away from pleasure as ultimately
cattle to be owned.. but interestingly.. many women totally
accept this practice and would feel a loss of self-esteem2
if they were noT allowed to have tHeir pleasure organ cut off2
from happy stuff as such2.. tingling all from head to toe too..
anyWay.. in this somewhat satirical play of words in
Macro-Verse Memory from three years ago..
as shared on Facebook too fully including
the example of a Happy metaphor of
someone who somewhat reflects
that long face look in shroud
of Turin too.. yah.. more
of a masculine face
than the usual
let’s just
say gay artist
R E N D I T io NS
from those religious
ages making the Jesus Dude
into a woman with a beard as such
particularly like the Last Supper Rendition
in perhaps the most popular current day
off of cross rendition of historical
Roman Catholic Italian
Rendition by
da Vinci who by
many historical reports
of evidence was likely a closeted
gay dude.. not much different than
what is the same case that my Grandfather..
the Irish X-Catholic Priest noted as such when
he too was coming up through Seminary ranks
still way back when last Century as much and
some stuff never changes as if you only recruit
dudes who never wanna get married to a woman
and never have children.. let’s just say.. statistics and
all of that too and a whole lot of homophobia of thou
protests too much that is almost hilarious
and impossible to hide the way i still
document that being done in the
church still today.. seriouSly..
ain’t no truly straight dudes
hating all up on gay dudes as they
are confident enough in their own sexuality/mas
culiNiTy to do the bear rug spread pose like i just did here..
heHE.. and sure.. the adult restricted link of that and much
more is available as this IS A very serious art i do that is the
oldest and most famous art starting with the actual legends
of art like Michelangelo and sure.. Leonardo too.. and you
can be assured that the music leaders of many churches
are on the gay spectrum too.. as the WHolE truth is when
you don’t have kids you have more time to explore
creativity in other ways of life more than the
Bill Clinton Definition of sex.. if i had children.
no way i would be accomplishing most any
pArts of Arts of what i do today.. i would
more than likely be much more conservative
overall as to at least not have my children face
the wrath of their bully boy peers making fun of them
’cause their dad is the dancing village idiot or such as that
in full metro SPREAD HEHe.. but i got A Herman secret.. nah..
not Victoria’s
Secret.. Herman’s
Secret.. and that is that
i am fearless and not afraid
and better yet i ain’t scared to
show my Temple of God in all its
God Given artful beauty in all the dARk
and liGht oF that that could be perceived as
art is life for me in so many ways beyond juST
head to toe too.. and back to the title of the Macro-
Verse as i ramble and digress as usual.. nah.. i ain’t any
of those original dudes.. just another Sperm out of trillions
of seeds that mix around the Human DNA gene pool of great
similarities.. albeit some odd differences heRe and tHEre heHE2..
And the FaCt is what all these folks are speaking of in Born Again..
Nirvana.. Satori.. Kundalini Rising.. the Tao/Dao.. yes.. Heaven Now..
is not a place off this eARTh oF NOW.. iN FACT as Jesus was
reported to promise.. truly Heaven WiLL pass in your lifetime
in this generation now.. problem is.. will it pass you by as
an individual or it will come to you at hand now.. AND thaT
don’t happen as gift of grace alone.. that takes seeKing..
finDing.. and practiCinG the God Given Grace as
STiLL iN Human Evolving now.. to live a liFe
of Fully LiGht which does mean the kind
of Agape Love i have fully referenced
in this 729th Macro-Verse titled now
Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016..
sure.. replace the 00’s for A and
perHaps you get anoTher
modern day metphor
as more than the
norm for now
too as
outliers do do
tend to shoot aCross
the moon… and soar around
one with the Sun.. as Stars WiLL
do as Sentient Star DuST PluS born
from Crucible of Star burst Fire as we
do well to appreciate the grace of gift now
in all of the Struggle visible above.. so below..
inside.. outside.. as heaven comes within noW and
all around where lifeless planets of Rocks eventuAlly
come to the magic of a place juSt like Now for those
who seek and find the all natural gift of Heaven now..
other than that.. when i laid out by the Station Pool at
age 21 or so.. the chatter among the fairest of maidens
back then among women who were not taking birth control
pills and still attracted to secondary sex characteristics on a
male.. specifically the overall animal magnetism of a very STiLL
hairy male body.. i didn’t have to dance back then to get tHeir
attention.. just lay my hairy body up on a lounge chair as
such to see them smile at me.. having no idea why.. then2..
hmm.. in fAct.. shocked i was when a very innocent
Pacific Islander high school friend girl of
mine looked at my open shirt
collar with the John Travolta
Gold chain and said
ooh that looks
so good.. Fred..
i tUrned
aBout 66 sHades of red..
sure.. in more than one place..
and oh by ehe way.. in reference to
OR BUDDHA OR ALLAS1’.. it’s really not fair
to neuter any male.. including Jesus and suggesting
God is NOT the God of ultiMate LuSt for liFE.. i mean Jesus
F. iN Christ.. just look around you.. sex sells life period.. OVERALL..
IT would be AWFUL LONELY to take God and Jesus out of thAT miX..
and basically
neuter them
as already has been
done in religious rule
to take the grace of lust
away as science shows now
IS A greaTest original libido source
of all human creativity and productivity
sAMe.. anyWay when humans are free God
is Free within.. and let’s face it folks no matter
how much we lie to ourselves in prayers in the
confessional booth or in pews of churches.. both
are getting all aired out..
a greater free as freedom rings
A hAiry Hard and MOiST tale of TruTh and liGht..;)
Cosmopolitan Male Center-Fold Spread does not offend
anyone as it is even more tame than that as there are
no pubes per say displayed like Burt Did and of
course Burt had to get drunk to do his
J Geil’s thingie and was still too
afraid to show his wee wee..
hehe.. male FULL frontal nudity
still a big taboo back in those days
and did not really come into mainstream
view until the full Monty.. iF you will.. and the
thing about true male confidence STiLL is walKing
now naked in front of the world as the final frontier/
first2 of i ain’t scared.. And WeLL on top of that this pose
is not any more skin than one sees upon A artistically STiLL
designed cross.. albeit a Hairy more than lean dude as the
the JC suffering and never shown in Heaven now at hand
on Earth kicked back in featured bed comfort like this
all sultry and sexy as such.. heHe.. and in absolutely
no suffering at all.. but hey.. although surely the
struggle in life is necessary for adaptation and
positive Epigenetic and Neuroplastic change..
to worship suffering as the mainstream
of a religion sAMe.. IS A great way
to spread a Roman Empire
if you want to make the
suffering of the common
man in vogue as they continue to slave
away the for the expansion of your Empire
in thing to do.. while you promise them
Heaven after-life including some Hadith
related stuff associated with the Muhammad
dude that says you’ll get to have sex with up to
72 Gorgeous Virgins with Perky Breasts right after
you give your life up as a Martyr for the cause of the
flavor of whatever we say.. hey.. if nothing else.. if you
are a male disenfranchised from society and cannot make
a role for yourself as a sexy beast at age 53 or whatever
comes next.. it’s quite amazing what a human being
will do for some kind of hierarchal social role
status.. and for females in other Muslim
countries where the rogue ideology
of cutting off the organ evolved
by God of Nature for
Pleasure and
nothing else..
yes.. the female
Clitoris.. just a smaller
version of the pleasure
parts of the male penis..
is clipped off to so-called prevent
the woman from straying any further
than the ‘work of the night’ with the original
owner of the marriage papers.. the male of course..
who slaves the women away from pleasure as ultimately
cattle to be owned.. but interestingly.. many women totally
accept this practice and would feel a loss of self-esteem2
if they were noT allowed to have tHeir pleasure organ cut off2
from happy stuff as such2.. tingling all from head to toe too..
anyWay.. in this somewhat satirical play of words in
Macro-Verse Memory from three years ago..
as shared on Facebook too fully including
the example of a Happy metaphor of
someone who somewhat reflects
that long face look in shroud
of Turin too.. yah.. more
of a masculine face
than the usual
let’s just
say gay artist
R E N D I T io NS
from those religious
ages making the Jesus Dude
into a woman with a beard as such
particularly like the Last Supper Rendition
in perhaps the most popular current day
off of cross rendition of historical
Roman Catholic Italian
Rendition by
da Vinci who by
many historical reports
of evidence was likely a closeted
gay dude.. not much different than
what is the same case that my Grandfather..
the Irish X-Catholic Priest noted as such when
he too was coming up through Seminary ranks
still way back when last Century as much and
some stuff never changes as if you only recruit
dudes who never wanna get married to a woman
and never have children.. let’s just say.. statistics and
all of that too and a whole lot of homophobia of thou
protests too much that is almost hilarious
and impossible to hide the way i still
document that being done in the
church still today.. seriouSly..
ain’t no truly straight dudes
hating all up on gay dudes as they
are confident enough in their own sexuality/mas
culiNiTy to do the bear rug spread pose like i just did here..
heHE.. and sure.. the adult restricted link of that and much
more is available as this IS A very serious art i do that is the
oldest and most famous art starting with the actual legends
of art like Michelangelo and sure.. Leonardo too.. and you
can be assured that the music leaders of many churches
are on the gay spectrum too.. as the WHolE truth is when
you don’t have kids you have more time to explore
creativity in other ways of life more than the
Bill Clinton Definition of sex.. if i had children.
no way i would be accomplishing most any
pArts of Arts of what i do today.. i would
more than likely be much more conservative
overall as to at least not have my children face
the wrath of their bully boy peers making fun of them
’cause their dad is the dancing village idiot or such as that
in full metro SPREAD HEHe.. but i got A Herman secret.. nah..
not Victoria’s
Secret.. Herman’s
Secret.. and that is that
i am fearless and not afraid
and better yet i ain’t scared to
show my Temple of God in all its
God Given artful beauty in all the dARk
and liGht oF that that could be perceived as
art is life for me in so many ways beyond juST
head to toe too.. and back to the title of the Macro-
Verse as i ramble and digress as usual.. nah.. i ain’t any
of those original dudes.. just another Sperm out of trillions
of seeds that mix around the Human DNA gene pool of great
similarities.. albeit some odd differences heRe and tHEre heHE2..
And the FaCt is what all these folks are speaking of in Born Again..
Nirvana.. Satori.. Kundalini Rising.. the Tao/Dao.. yes.. Heaven Now..
is not a place off this eARTh oF NOW.. iN FACT as Jesus was
reported to promise.. truly Heaven WiLL pass in your lifetime
in this generation now.. problem is.. will it pass you by as
an individual or it will come to you at hand now.. AND thaT
don’t happen as gift of grace alone.. that takes seeKing..
finDing.. and practiCinG the God Given Grace as
STiLL iN Human Evolving now.. to live a liFe
of Fully LiGht which does mean the kind
of Agape Love i have fully referenced
in this 729th Macro-Verse titled now
Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016..
sure.. replace the 00’s for A and
perHaps you get anoTher
modern day metphor
as more than the
norm for now
too as
outliers do do
tend to shoot aCross
the moon… and soar around
one with the Sun.. as Stars WiLL
do as Sentient Star DuST PluS born
from Crucible of Star burst Fire as we
do well to appreciate the grace of gift now
in all of the Struggle visible above.. so below..
inside.. outside.. as heaven comes within noW and
all around where lifeless planets of Rocks eventuAlly
come to the magic of a place juSt like Now for those
who seek and find the all natural gift of Heaven now..
other than that.. when i laid out by the Station Pool at
age 21 or so.. the chatter among the fairest of maidens
back then among women who were not taking birth control
pills and still attracted to secondary sex characteristics on a
male.. specifically the overall animal magnetism of a very STiLL
hairy male body.. i didn’t have to dance back then to get tHeir
attention.. just lay my hairy body up on a lounge chair as
such to see them smile at me.. having no idea why.. then2..
hmm.. in fAct.. shocked i was when a very innocent
Pacific Islander high school friend girl of
mine looked at my open shirt
collar with the John Travolta
Gold chain and said
ooh that looks
so good.. Fred..
i tUrned
aBout 66 sHades of red..
sure.. in more than one place..
and oh by ehe way.. in reference to
OR BUDDHA OR ALLAS1’.. it’s really not fair
to neuter any male.. including Jesus and suggesting
God is NOT the God of ultiMate LuSt for liFE.. i mean Jesus
F. iN Christ.. just look around you.. sex sells life period.. OVERALL..
IT would be AWFUL LONELY to take God and Jesus out of thAT miX..
and basically
neuter them
as already has been
done in religious rule
to take the grace of lust
away as science shows now
IS A greaTest original libido source
of all human creativity and productivity
sAMe.. anyWay when humans are free God
is Free within.. and let’s face it folks no matter
how much we lie to ourselves in prayers in the
confessional booth or in pews of churches.. both
are getting all aired out..
a greater free as freedom rings
A hAiry Hard and MOiST tale of TruTh and liGht..;)
Also of note… when choosing which tHeMe Song to go along with aLL of thiS..
‘tween ‘Come Get Her’ by Rae Sremmurd.. J Geil’s Band
‘Centerfold’ And ‘HOlding out for a Hero’ by Bonnie Tyler..
The Synchronicity per Cledus as Snowman in ‘Smokey
and the Bandit’ per Burt Reynolds good old
boy Theater Production in ’77.. sealeD
the deal in smuggling Coors way
across borders
too iF yA cATch
thaT oveRAll rift and drift too..;)
‘tween ‘Come Get Her’ by Rae Sremmurd.. J Geil’s Band
‘Centerfold’ And ‘HOlding out for a Hero’ by Bonnie Tyler..
The Synchronicity per Cledus as Snowman in ‘Smokey
and the Bandit’ per Burt Reynolds good old
boy Theater Production in ’77.. sealeD
the deal in smuggling Coors way
across borders
too iF yA cATch
thaT oveRAll rift and drift too..;)
Case in point..
if a dog and
cat can be now
fearless enough
to hug each other
as strangers totally
naked and hairy and
not fight at all.. tHeRe
is some hope for the human
race more naked and free too..
or without
tons of hair..;)
if a dog and
cat can be now
fearless enough
to hug each other
as strangers totally
naked and hairy and
not fight at all.. tHeRe
is some hope for the human
race more naked and free too..
or without
tons of hair..;)
(Good Cop Jesus
Version of a Pussy
Grabber here.. yes2..;)
Version of a Pussy
Grabber here.. yes2..;)
Hmm.. ATLAS Loves in Creative HIVE of GOD..
a little reference tHeir to the Ayn Rand
Macro-Verse from two years ago too..
Philosophy that better reflects
Social Darwinism aS Such..
leaving out the
soft pARted
stuff not tough
of human being
where not only is tHeiR
ROUGH competitive lust
for liFe.. Love BaLanCes the
whole shooting match out like
any Burt Reynolds and Kate Jackson
team can do.. as it is no secret that Burt
had he man issues as his daddy never fully
affirmed his as a man.. military dude away from
the family.. silver stars and all of those kinda warrior
rewards.. so yeah.. he had daddy issues.. which gave
him a little more
insight and he
was no homophobe..
friends with Charles Nelson
Reilly and all of that.. as he didn’t
exactly have to worry if anyone was
gonna question his masculinity all splayed
out on bear
as already
illustrated mostly
fully here as there is
even a Facebook Share link
when you come across the original
Cosmo photo these days as it is considered
ground breaking human art as he was the first
male not unlike Marilyn Monroe to break through
as Adrianna Grande says and Jim Morrison to
the other side aS Such heHE2.. anyWay
human beings have been demonizing
the Temple of God way too long
in fully monty versions of both
male and female and qUiET
honEstly even with
access to Penthouse
and Playboy with no ‘full’
relationship with a more than
a friend girl until 18 years old.. i had
no idea really the depth and pleasure
underneath the fur displayed then.. if
you Will in those old somewhat tame
Centerfold spreads as yes they only
spread so far.. hehe.. if you get the
my mY..
witty am i
when keeping
this all PG rated13.. hehE2..
beyond restricted adult liNks of course..
as wE go by all local.. state.. and federal laws too..
yes.. including PG13 rated Blog and Facebook and
Youtube and Google community rules too.. as that is
what humans do not to offend the rest of the community
TOO MUCH.. as sure i often SKIRT that border too and
nah.. shoot no.. i am not the only one for for for sure.. noW
as to each hiS own and heR when free and tearing dOwn
walls of difference Now
too as i am
to do now
as i add another
VERSE TO uniVerSal FloW iN
all the ways that goes and comes2..
And yes as the social commentary in satire
and parody way goes aLONG in the KATiE
MiA FredericK!iI teAM liGht oF Katrina and
Frederick yes.. Ladies first as always as
any gentleman female sex slave for
them all consensual aS Such
WiLL Burt Reynolds Bear
Rug spread do too..
Charley’s Angels waS and
sTiLL is trUly ground breaKinG
TV and Theater art.. as it defied gender
role expectations of women in pre-defined
destinations in the 70.’s too.. no different than
Burt breaKinG through with the old more feminine
dominated role of Center Fold Marilyn in the 50’s as
often it takes a generation for new stuff to spread across
gender limitations as walls and borders to overall human
freedoms as liGht and TruTh oF our fully FReED God oF
Nature given propensities iN a BaLanCinG of both diVine
masculine and feminine unleashED releasEd for greater hUman
poTenTial in both Creativity and Productivity sAMe once
aGaIN ‘class’.. as i love to DancE and SinG.. the original
Def of Greek Term Apocalypse that means lifting now the
veils of ignorance.. and nah.. this isn’t good new news..
the same general idea can be attributed to what
is left in the historical record as reported per
the dude Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas
as quoted here.. yes.. it does seem that
Jesus was the first male stripper before
women.. even.. over 2K years ago..
And of course the first Egyptian
Mythical God of Fertility MiN
did it a little harder and longer.. iF you WiLL too..
get the longer pARt of that story coming through aGaIN too..
as art WiLL surely do STiLL now as 2016 gets ready for a
more mature
’17 past sweet ’16..
eYes more wIDe oPen
and such as ThaT2..;)
a little reference tHeir to the Ayn Rand
Macro-Verse from two years ago too..
Philosophy that better reflects
Social Darwinism aS Such..
leaving out the
soft pARted
stuff not tough
of human being
where not only is tHeiR
ROUGH competitive lust
for liFe.. Love BaLanCes the
whole shooting match out like
any Burt Reynolds and Kate Jackson
team can do.. as it is no secret that Burt
had he man issues as his daddy never fully
affirmed his as a man.. military dude away from
the family.. silver stars and all of those kinda warrior
rewards.. so yeah.. he had daddy issues.. which gave
him a little more
insight and he
was no homophobe..
friends with Charles Nelson
Reilly and all of that.. as he didn’t
exactly have to worry if anyone was
gonna question his masculinity all splayed
out on bear
as already
illustrated mostly
fully here as there is
even a Facebook Share link
when you come across the original
Cosmo photo these days as it is considered
ground breaking human art as he was the first
male not unlike Marilyn Monroe to break through
as Adrianna Grande says and Jim Morrison to
the other side aS Such heHE2.. anyWay
human beings have been demonizing
the Temple of God way too long
in fully monty versions of both
male and female and qUiET
honEstly even with
access to Penthouse
and Playboy with no ‘full’
relationship with a more than
a friend girl until 18 years old.. i had
no idea really the depth and pleasure
underneath the fur displayed then.. if
you Will in those old somewhat tame
Centerfold spreads as yes they only
spread so far.. hehe.. if you get the
my mY..
witty am i
when keeping
this all PG rated13.. hehE2..
beyond restricted adult liNks of course..
as wE go by all local.. state.. and federal laws too..
yes.. including PG13 rated Blog and Facebook and
Youtube and Google community rules too.. as that is
what humans do not to offend the rest of the community
TOO MUCH.. as sure i often SKIRT that border too and
nah.. shoot no.. i am not the only one for for for sure.. noW
as to each hiS own and heR when free and tearing dOwn
walls of difference Now
too as i am
to do now
as i add another
VERSE TO uniVerSal FloW iN
all the ways that goes and comes2..
And yes as the social commentary in satire
and parody way goes aLONG in the KATiE
MiA FredericK!iI teAM liGht oF Katrina and
Frederick yes.. Ladies first as always as
any gentleman female sex slave for
them all consensual aS Such
WiLL Burt Reynolds Bear
Rug spread do too..
Charley’s Angels waS and
sTiLL is trUly ground breaKinG
TV and Theater art.. as it defied gender
role expectations of women in pre-defined
destinations in the 70.’s too.. no different than
Burt breaKinG through with the old more feminine
dominated role of Center Fold Marilyn in the 50’s as
often it takes a generation for new stuff to spread across
gender limitations as walls and borders to overall human
freedoms as liGht and TruTh oF our fully FReED God oF
Nature given propensities iN a BaLanCinG of both diVine
masculine and feminine unleashED releasEd for greater hUman
poTenTial in both Creativity and Productivity sAMe once
aGaIN ‘class’.. as i love to DancE and SinG.. the original
Def of Greek Term Apocalypse that means lifting now the
veils of ignorance.. and nah.. this isn’t good new news..
the same general idea can be attributed to what
is left in the historical record as reported per
the dude Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas
as quoted here.. yes.. it does seem that
Jesus was the first male stripper before
women.. even.. over 2K years ago..
And of course the first Egyptian
Mythical God of Fertility MiN
did it a little harder and longer.. iF you WiLL too..
get the longer pARt of that story coming through aGaIN too..
as art WiLL surely do STiLL now as 2016 gets ready for a
more mature
’17 past sweet ’16..
eYes more wIDe oPen
and such as ThaT2..;)
37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”
WeLL cRap.. i wished you a 43rd BD wish iN
the online air just for the hell of it over the
weekend.. Shawna Baby.. but somEhow
i got your birthday mixed
up with the old
Brian of dVerse..
and not my mother..
adding 4 years then to
your age but hey now
’77 is as good as ’73 i guess.. at 39..
never the less time more when all feels good..
left a comment on that
time link but my smart
phone was acting
bat shit cave
in the
back yard of
dance.. and not sure
it took.. anyWay now..
nice to see yA.. ’round these
Baby.. no
matter what
your number iS2..;)
the online air just for the hell of it over the
weekend.. Shawna Baby.. but somEhow
i got your birthday mixed
up with the old
Brian of dVerse..
and not my mother..
adding 4 years then to
your age but hey now
’77 is as good as ’73 i guess.. at 39..
never the less time more when all feels good..
left a comment on that
time link but my smart
phone was acting
bat shit cave
in the
back yard of
dance.. and not sure
it took.. anyWay now..
nice to see yA.. ’round these
Baby.. no
matter what
your number iS2..;)
Well.. nah.. it didn’t
take as i said Belated
HPB foR Now..noW..
take as i said Belated
HPB foR Now..noW..
WeLL.. patiently taps
fingers determining
whether to make this
rather modest out put
here on Shawna’s blog into
a separate Micro-Verse with
Micro-Micro-Verses from the rest
of dVerse Time liNks as you kNow
i gotta do
so i’ll work
it if i have to
Walkin After Midnight
more as chocolate dreams
continue to come trUe at lEast
in my
fingers determining
whether to make this
rather modest out put
here on Shawna’s blog into
a separate Micro-Verse with
Micro-Micro-Verses from the rest
of dVerse Time liNks as you kNow
i gotta do
so i’ll work
it if i have to
Walkin After Midnight
more as chocolate dreams
continue to come trUe at lEast
in my
i love
it when
it makes
me wide awake..;)
it when
it makes
me wide awake..;)
WeLL… Shawna
Baby.. i’M glad i found
you aGain as i end our
play date for today earlY aS nows
go on.. and yeah.. after meaSuRing
how long Shawna has been gone.. same
as last year when i sAid i will make Alabama
wiN the
if you
back or
liKe thaT.. Roll
tiDe Again Baby..
your wish is my command..
whether ‘they’ juSt do it..
that’s another story..
And as Steely
Aja goeS2..
iT’s aLL for Deacon BlUes..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Baby..;)
Baby.. i’M glad i found
you aGain as i end our
play date for today earlY aS nows
go on.. and yeah.. after meaSuRing
how long Shawna has been gone.. same
as last year when i sAid i will make Alabama
wiN the
if you
back or
liKe thaT.. Roll
tiDe Again Baby..
your wish is my command..
whether ‘they’ juSt do it..
that’s another story..
And as Steely
Aja goeS2..
iT’s aLL for Deacon BlUes..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Baby..;)
Shawna says i’m probably still wearing Winter Shorts..
with thanks for the BD wishes..
with thanks for the BD wishes..
i respond..
Haha.. haven’t
worn pants since
the Winter of 2013..
much my
BD suit
all year
Happy Holidays Shawna..
to you and all your sweet family too..:)
worn pants since
the Winter of 2013..
much my
BD suit
all year
Happy Holidays Shawna..
to you and all your sweet family too..:)
“When the only choices are win or lose, everyone loses.”
~~ Limon ~~
SMiLes.. my friEnd gigoid.. GLad to see the
continuing enthusiasm and
vigor of the day
as when
we all
and SinG
iN Happy
tuNes we
WiN over Lose
buTt sAdly as liFE goEs
surEly tHeir are Winners and Losers
aLL iN thE gAMe of liFE as liFE goeS oN..
i wanna
or lose
namELy liFE mY friEnd..
as aLL thAT
iS DancEs
and SinGS
oN iN liGht
and dARk eTc.. aS Such2..:)
continuing enthusiasm and
vigor of the day
as when
we all
and SinG
iN Happy
tuNes we
WiN over Lose
buTt sAdly as liFE goEs
surEly tHeir are Winners and Losers
aLL iN thE gAMe of liFE as liFE goeS oN..
i wanna
or lose
namELy liFE mY friEnd..
as aLL thAT
iS DancEs
and SinGS
oN iN liGht
and dARk eTc.. aS Such2..:)
‘Raging at Aging’ as you say
my FriEnd.. i hold
on loose
ride the
tide in and out
and noW it’s hiGh..
’16 at 56 Baby and
it’s never ever been better
at this
alWays noW..:)
my FriEnd.. i hold
on loose
ride the
tide in and out
and noW it’s hiGh..
’16 at 56 Baby and
it’s never ever been better
at this
alWays noW..:)
“We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.”
~~ Kahlil Gibran ~~
aLL iS Beautiful
never ever
mY FriEnd noW..:)
never ever
mY FriEnd noW..:)
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”
~~ Zen proverb ~~
i for one
Do do iN DO..
and that’s enough
when aLL iS Beautiful
never ever better mY
Do do iN DO..
and that’s enough
when aLL iS Beautiful
never ever better mY
“True fearlessness is not the reduction of fear; but going beyond fear.”
~~ Chogyam Trungpa ~~
AS science shows the only
two innate fears of
being human
are loud noises
and falling.. i live
in Florida and i am
a Beach.. ALL iS
two innate fears of
being human
are loud noises
and falling.. i live
in Florida and i am
a Beach.. ALL iS
“This is as true in everyday life as it is in battle:
we are given one life and the decision is ours
whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind,
or whether to act, and in acting, to live.”
we are given one life and the decision is ours
whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind,
or whether to act, and in acting, to live.”
~~ General Omar Bradley ~~
i AM A L over
not a fighter
that settles thAT..
foR noW
with ETC..
stuff fully iN toes
oF DancE and SonG..:)
not a fighter
that settles thAT..
foR noW
with ETC..
stuff fully iN toes
oF DancE and SonG..:)
“Think of doubt as an invitation to think.”
~~ Dubious Bee ~~
i never
Knowledge is gained by learning; trust by doubt; skill by practice; and love by love.”
~~ Thomas Szasz ~~
KSA Knowledge Skills and Abilities..
ISA Instinct Skills and Abilities..
ultiMate dREam
BoAT aS Such.. to
Eternal Freedom noW..:)
ISA Instinct Skills and Abilities..
ultiMate dREam
BoAT aS Such.. to
Eternal Freedom noW..:)
“So ends the bloody business of the day.”
~~ Alexander Pope — The Odyssey of Homer, Book xxii, Line 516 ~~
i totAlly
floaT oN..;)
floaT oN..;)
Now.. off to dVerse with a Muse
of Time FloWinG liKe a River now
by Alan Parson’S and of course.. Lillian..
A nice woman.. an ex-corporate executive
enJoYinG noW her Golden Years with plenty
of Travel and ReJuvenation for rEtirement
in child-like eYes aGain WiTh her Husband..
A somewhat rare Happy Poet she is and of
course for that one reAson wE Do tEnd to click..;)
of Time FloWinG liKe a River now
by Alan Parson’S and of course.. Lillian..
A nice woman.. an ex-corporate executive
enJoYinG noW her Golden Years with plenty
of Travel and ReJuvenation for rEtirement
in child-like eYes aGain WiTh her Husband..
A somewhat rare Happy Poet she is and of
course for that one reAson wE Do tEnd to click..;)
SMiLes mY FriEnd.. Lillian..
first thanks for the timELy
prompt as Christmas Now
suRely IS A never land
and never ending story
oF Love
by StiLL
noW timeless
iN ages oF our eYes..:)
first thanks for the timELy
prompt as Christmas Now
suRely IS A never land
and never ending story
oF Love
by StiLL
noW timeless
iN ages oF our eYes..:)
You kNow/FeeL it’s
strange mY
FriEnd.. once
one reAlly dies
as liFE
iS no
but the
noW oF liFE
and that my
friEnd is why God
Creates HeLL.. so soMe
of uS can go tHEre and
come BACK to tell everyone.. iT’s
trUe.. this hAnd.. thiS tUrn oF
noW.. mY FriEnd..
forevermorenow.. noW Now..
thing is.. and the sAddest
pARt.. perHaps everyone has
to go
to finALLy
see/feel this noW as iSReaL..:)
strange mY
FriEnd.. once
one reAlly dies
as liFE
iS no
but the
noW oF liFE
and that my
friEnd is why God
Creates HeLL.. so soMe
of uS can go tHEre and
come BACK to tell everyone.. iT’s
trUe.. this hAnd.. thiS tUrn oF
noW.. mY FriEnd..
forevermorenow.. noW Now..
thing is.. and the sAddest
pARt.. perHaps everyone has
to go
to finALLy
see/feel this noW as iSReaL..:)
SMiLes.. whether or not
Einstein killed time
or not..
the wife
is alWays
to knock
me back
iN iT.. doeS
iT work.. for
only a second
on a dime
of breeze
as a feather in the Garden of Eden
as Lilith SinGs her Freedom’s wake..
Einstein killed time
or not..
the wife
is alWays
to knock
me back
iN iT.. doeS
iT work.. for
only a second
on a dime
of breeze
as a feather in the Garden of Eden
as Lilith SinGs her Freedom’s wake..
Best of times.. yes..
Worst of time.. no..
i for
and SinG
onLY noW
SeNSes SinGinG
DanCinG toGeThER iN trilLioNs
oF peptide inter-conNecTions
continuinG to gRoW Ocean
Waves RiVers StreAMs wHoLe
aS now
eternal now..:)
Worst of time.. no..
i for
and SinG
onLY noW
SeNSes SinGinG
DanCinG toGeThER iN trilLioNs
oF peptide inter-conNecTions
continuinG to gRoW Ocean
Waves RiVers StreAMs wHoLe
aS now
eternal now..:)
And when people ask me
what i’M on.. Cocaine.. LSD..
Molly.. Mushrooms or whatever
as i float aCross terrestrial Land iN dAnce
as any fish swum by water and bird or bee
i SonG..
i’M oN God..
and they laugh
and weigh on iN aN
iLLusion of TiMe mY FriEnd..
iT iS whAT iT is aS experience..
multi-Verse ViewS unliMiTed UniVerses
through eYes of mYriad God ViEWs.. mY FriEnd2..:)
what i’M on.. Cocaine.. LSD..
Molly.. Mushrooms or whatever
as i float aCross terrestrial Land iN dAnce
as any fish swum by water and bird or bee
i SonG..
i’M oN God..
and they laugh
and weigh on iN aN
iLLusion of TiMe mY FriEnd..
iT iS whAT iT is aS experience..
multi-Verse ViewS unliMiTed UniVerses
through eYes of mYriad God ViEWs.. mY FriEnd2..:)
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
A hardest
oF Love
iS LoVe
thaT noW
Feels the pain
of oTherS and
theE sAMe Love
thaT lastS oN iN tHe
eYes oF oTheRS noW
wheTheR reciProcated or
noT.. Love LiveS on iN Trial and Error..:)
A hardest
oF Love
iS LoVe
thaT noW
Feels the pain
of oTherS and
theE sAMe Love
thaT lastS oN iN tHe
eYes oF oTheRS noW
wheTheR reciProcated or
noT.. Love LiveS on iN Trial and Error..:)
Death is a time
that makes room
for oTheRS
and the
that can
only be
described by otHeRs too..
DeaTh.. A BlesSinG dePends
as gift
oF TiMe
or erase
of HeLL
SoMe Folks
liVe only now
forever Happy
yeS..iN HeaVen noW
but tHeiR BleSsinG Now
IS A curse iN A othER place..:)
that makes room
for oTheRS
and the
that can
only be
described by otHeRs too..
DeaTh.. A BlesSinG dePends
as gift
oF TiMe
or erase
of HeLL
SoMe Folks
liVe only now
forever Happy
yeS..iN HeaVen noW
but tHeiR BleSsinG Now
IS A curse iN A othER place..:)
i am the Walrus..
you are the Walrus..
We are the Walrus..
All is
the Walrus
noW.. it’s
simple as
thaT unTil hUmans
insert written language..
collective so-called intelligence
and complex cultures into A miX oF
the Walrus..
SMiLes wiTh
Credit to
And Lewis Carroll2..;)
you are the Walrus..
We are the Walrus..
All is
the Walrus
noW.. it’s
simple as
thaT unTil hUmans
insert written language..
collective so-called intelligence
and complex cultures into A miX oF
the Walrus..
SMiLes wiTh
Credit to
And Lewis Carroll2..;)
-i am the Walrus2
mY FriEnd..
FEar iS alWays
A eneMy oF aLL
And Father oF All stuff
Love anD
Hope wiNs
aLL iN Victory
oF JuSt DoinG
Love All
mY friEnd.. noW
iN Original Greek
Definition oF New
Apocalypse wayS..Now2..:)
mY FriEnd..
FEar iS alWays
A eneMy oF aLL
And Father oF All stuff
Love anD
Hope wiNs
aLL iN Victory
oF JuSt DoinG
Love All
mY friEnd.. noW
iN Original Greek
Definition oF New
Apocalypse wayS..Now2..:)
Stars of Neurons
connect and
of peptide
head to toe
mini-me UniVerses
Fractal aLL thaT iS we aRE..
no separation all iS wHOle
no wHEre to go..
as Now..
and without
a meadow i refuse
to leave this eARTh anD
noW as ALL iS heRe inSidE..
outsiDe.. aBoVE.. so BeloW
and aLL’roUnd UniveRSaL miNd
wiThiN and BoDy SoUL Quantum
unleashed reLeAsed meta-phor noW
verse sAMe..
God are
all thAT iS
eNouGh foR noW..:)
connect and
of peptide
head to toe
mini-me UniVerses
Fractal aLL thaT iS we aRE..
no separation all iS wHOle
no wHEre to go..
as Now..
and without
a meadow i refuse
to leave this eARTh anD
noW as ALL iS heRe inSidE..
outsiDe.. aBoVE.. so BeloW
and aLL’roUnd UniveRSaL miNd
wiThiN and BoDy SoUL Quantum
unleashed reLeAsed meta-phor noW
verse sAMe..
God are
all thAT iS
eNouGh foR noW..:)
ways oF LiFe
and a Spectrum
oF letters and worDS
thaT WiLL neVer maTch
the EssenCe of the wHOle Thing..
aS noW
and acceptance
makes noW
than TiMe..:)
ways oF LiFe
and a Spectrum
oF letters and worDS
thaT WiLL neVer maTch
the EssenCe of the wHOle Thing..
aS noW
and acceptance
makes noW
than TiMe..:)
sMiLes my FriEnd..
perHaps the only
thing as special
As A LoVinG
is an
Act of
iN all wayS Now
oF DancE and SonG
thaT coMes to bE iN
noW iN FloWiN ZoNe
tHeir is noTiMe DreAMs
noW LuciD FruiTioN guIDe as SAMe..
As Mark Twain said.. do it while you do it.
in anoThEr
perHaps the only
thing as special
As A LoVinG
is an
Act of
iN all wayS Now
oF DancE and SonG
thaT coMes to bE iN
noW iN FloWiN ZoNe
tHeir is noTiMe DreAMs
noW LuciD FruiTioN guIDe as SAMe..
As Mark Twain said.. do it while you do it.
in anoThEr
TiMe iS
As A FloWer..:)
As A FloWer..:)
Time plus
Do it
Do it now..;)
Do it
Do it now..;)
my friEnd..
A reAson too..
i surf terrestrial
Land.. no
as air fly feat..
Dance forevermore
noW.. and.. occasionAllY A SonG2..;)
my friEnd..
A reAson too..
i surf terrestrial
Land.. no
as air fly feat..
Dance forevermore
noW.. and.. occasionAllY A SonG2..;)
aT hand
noW mY FriEnd
iS more oF ‘liGhteNinG
iN original Greek Def
oF Apocalypse
now too..
alWays heRE2..:)
aT hand
noW mY FriEnd
iS more oF ‘liGhteNinG
iN original Greek Def
oF Apocalypse
now too..
alWays heRE2..:)
SMiLes for me
at Least in First
Grade it was the
Pelican’s little league
team.. surely
in boredom
taste.. last
season for me
iN BoRinG Baseball liFe..
anyWay ..thanks for reminding
me of that.. the fearless macho ATF
dad left me with the Apron Strings too..
and much
than you..;)
at Least in First
Grade it was the
Pelican’s little league
team.. surely
in boredom
taste.. last
season for me
iN BoRinG Baseball liFe..
anyWay ..thanks for reminding
me of that.. the fearless macho ATF
dad left me with the Apron Strings too..
and much
than you..;)
SMiLes.. my FriEnd
as Truedessa
Dreamtime noW
no ownerships
Now give and
share wHEre
Art Flows
far and few
‘tween those
who share but
As aLL thAT iS noW2..:)
as Truedessa
Dreamtime noW
no ownerships
Now give and
share wHEre
Art Flows
far and few
‘tween those
who share but
As aLL thAT iS noW2..:)
Hmm.. that’s all for Now
as Gym Work-out after Dinner
coMing Soon noW2.. hmm.. perHaps
back a little later with some Paradise Theater2..;)
as Gym Work-out after Dinner
coMing Soon noW2.. hmm.. perHaps
back a little later with some Paradise Theater2..;)
5:30 pm..
day of the
third of Trinity
as Triad Super Moon 2016 too..;)
day of the
third of Trinity
as Triad Super Moon 2016 too..;)
As promised i’m
back with
‘The Best Of Times’..
back with
‘The Best Of Times’..
10:37 pm
Full Trinity
Third Super Moon Day..
and surEly niGht too..;)
Full Trinity
Third Super Moon Day..
and surEly niGht too..;)
SMiLes mY
FriEnd.. tiMe
IN A DancE
And SonG oF liFe
wiTh no leSsons.. aT aLL..:)
FriEnd.. tiMe
IN A DancE
And SonG oF liFe
wiTh no leSsons.. aT aLL..:)
SMiLes.. my friEnd noW..
iT seems from mY experience..
stress of life.. fear
and anxiety same
oF aLL
iLLusion Now
thAT iS time..
For with zero
lEft IS
A Speed oF liGht..
iN DancE and SonG oF hoMe..:)
iT seems from mY experience..
stress of life.. fear
and anxiety same
oF aLL
iLLusion Now
thAT iS time..
For with zero
lEft IS
A Speed oF liGht..
iN DancE and SonG oF hoMe..:)
So.. TrUe Sanaa..
tHeRE is no
neW Love
or Old
is FeeLinG..:)
tHeRE is no
neW Love
or Old
is FeeLinG..:)
JuSt waiT…..
iF and when
yoU reTire
WiTh trUly
New rubber
oN youR WHeeLs
tiMe WiLL NoW
Die nOw WiTh
Alarm CLocKs
un-Armed and sunK..
iN A RiVer Never Ends noW…
No Ghandi’s heRe friEnd.. now..
onLY neVer ends blisS….Now….:)
iF and when
yoU reTire
WiTh trUly
New rubber
oN youR WHeeLs
tiMe WiLL NoW
Die nOw WiTh
Alarm CLocKs
un-Armed and sunK..
iN A RiVer Never Ends noW…
No Ghandi’s heRe friEnd.. now..
onLY neVer ends blisS….Now….:)
Three BumpS
and your
wiTh no
tiMe outs..;)
and your
wiTh no
tiMe outs..;)
A stitch
iN time
when Surgery
Changes A hitch of liFe oN..:)
iN time
when Surgery
Changes A hitch of liFe oN..:)
Hello Lynn
again.. sort
of near the end
for now.. and oh
Goodness.. the freight train
literal and metaphor has
so many
through tunnels
oF liGht or NoT..;)
again.. sort
of near the end
for now.. and oh
Goodness.. the freight train
literal and metaphor has
so many
through tunnels
oF liGht or NoT..;)
you were juST
in time to publish
this on a third triad
of Supermoon BriGht..
me.. i’M
about it for fun..;)
you were juST
in time to publish
this on a third triad
of Supermoon BriGht..
me.. i’M
about it for fun..;)
sMiLes.. work
and time sit and
go togEThER
like peaS in
a pod iN
WiTh no doors
and even no windows..
noW that AC rules sundials too..;)
and time sit and
go togEThER
like peaS in
a pod iN
WiTh no doors
and even no windows..
noW that AC rules sundials too..;)
sMiLes my FriEnd..
i suppose iT IS A muse
oF art that destroys time for liFe
and liGht
as long as muse
liveS in some way..
timE no lonGer stagnate..:)
i suppose iT IS A muse
oF art that destroys time for liFe
and liGht
as long as muse
liveS in some way..
timE no lonGer stagnate..:)
Couldn’t help to focus on your last comment
as a cat lover and all the time i wished
i wasn’t allergic and had to
wait for the neighbors
inside outside
ones to
over for a pet..
and then i fell to
illness except for the
one part of losing my allergies
to cats so severe inside.. feeding
a wild cat like you talk to above.. feline
leukemia.. and loved too much in 8 years
of life for time
to take
no doubt
it is the love
that keeps him
alive and thriving..
too bad we can’t
be human
like that per
the cat woman analogy
and sure.. man too as it is..
as it were for Love.. timeless as fur..
for me at least.. poetry doesn’t need
form.. just FeeLinGs.. that move uS..:)
as a cat lover and all the time i wished
i wasn’t allergic and had to
wait for the neighbors
inside outside
ones to
over for a pet..
and then i fell to
illness except for the
one part of losing my allergies
to cats so severe inside.. feeding
a wild cat like you talk to above.. feline
leukemia.. and loved too much in 8 years
of life for time
to take
no doubt
it is the love
that keeps him
alive and thriving..
too bad we can’t
be human
like that per
the cat woman analogy
and sure.. man too as it is..
as it were for Love.. timeless as fur..
for me at least.. poetry doesn’t need
form.. just FeeLinGs.. that move uS..:)
i appreciate the Indian
Summers we have been
having lately much..
but now.. sometimes
a little melancholy
of cold memories of
Christmas past
warm noW
more as
past Now
mY friEnd..
may you
Summers we have been
having lately much..
but now.. sometimes
a little melancholy
of cold memories of
Christmas past
warm noW
more as
past Now
mY friEnd..
may you
i’ve come
to lEarn
as hUman
over many
iF not
source of human time..
and sure.. cLocks of course..
to lEarn
as hUman
over many
iF not
source of human time..
and sure.. cLocks of course..
i’M sure someone
sAid iT more than
once for
i kNow
and FeeL
noW oNly
timE hUmanly
Real IS A beat oF heARt..:)
sAid iT more than
once for
i kNow
and FeeL
noW oNly
timE hUmanly
Real IS A beat oF heARt..:)
All done uP
at 11:50 pm..
STiLL 12142016
’til 10 minutes
And bedtime for BoNzo..
past Super Moon Day..:)
at 11:50 pm..
STiLL 12142016
’til 10 minutes
And bedtime for BoNzo..
past Super Moon Day..:)
SMiLes.. my FriEnd Hank from
the dVerse trAil.. heHe.. juSt
about the only
one who
one of my
entire Macro-Verse
Free Verse poems with
multi-media fully in tow
and Draft comments section
for the next Super-Epic Macro-Verse
of Ocean Whole Poem sTiLL exceeding 3.3 million
words paRt of a much larger i spy effort of 12 million
words since Thanks Giving of 2010.. averaging 30K words
from top of current MacroVerse to end of Draft Post comments
section for those folks like you with Twitter Accounts commenting who
do have to scroll
all the way
to like
or comment
as one cannot
just reply in Word
Press to a comment
with a like without ever
reading the post written.. hehe..
anyWay that is amazing in itself
and to be clear while i often cover similar
areas of the world in my photo stream as i metaphorically
and literally upload my soul online that includes what i see
as well as what i feel and sense down to the real all nitty gritty
of life.. all the photos except for the dance reviews are original..
my friend.. still exceeding 100K total since i stArted this journey in
the Summer to Fall of 2013… in all that’s come this far and thanks for
the compliment on what you see as nice photos of the close to 350 that
came your way in ‘NOT THE invisible man’.. heHE.. as sure tHeRe ain’t
not a thing invisible about me anywHeRe i go.. as i am free range noW
in the range of all who see/feel/sense all of who i can will and am
Now today.. other than that sure.. i understand why i rarely
receive likes/comments from the folks on the dVerse traiL..
i play by no cultural rules and say it and feel it.. seNse
iT as i say it complete.. and for one who
points out that the historical
fActs say that Jesus never
said he was the only
begotten son
of God
and for
me who says
Muhammad cannot
possibly be the last prophet
as heAR i go witnessing 3.3 miLion
words for the God oF ALL Nature Wild
and Naked and FReED too.. not unlike
King David’s promise to celebrate the Lord
in more so-called wild and free ‘vile’ ways..noW
and yes.. finAlly in the fActs long WeLL and prEsenTed Now
that sure.. i did noT faLL aSleep noW iN the pARt of the Book of
John 14:12 that says there will be those who a way ‘i’ prepare noW
iN greater Faith Hope Belief and Love the same in agape way wHo Now
WiLL do more than i.. as i am only teacher and sMILe when my students
thrive higher than i as last becomes first and first is last and meek iNheRiT
tHe eARTh
iS FReED2..
oh yeah.. and thanks
for suggesting i am new
coming uP wiTh innovative
ideas.. and surely it noW aLL WiLL
be never be dONe yET and that iS now
what makes all of life a never ending
story in never land my FriEnd as just one
Macro-Verse and comments section per average
of what the usual poet from dVerse does per 300 words
average a poetic expression effort at 3 posts a week for
an entire
year is
i do
in SeVeN
FucKinG turn of
A FriEndly Cards
out oF A full deck
days.. too wiTh 300 or
so photos/eTc.. iF my
all new Temple of God
Review is included too…
bottom line my FriEnd.. i now
continue to rise iN aLL oF whAT
i do and so does ALL aLonG wiTh mE
on the
of Now2..
And WiTh All oF thaT
sAid on a personal sIDe
note now from mE.. NoW Holy
and Sacred Thursday has arrived
with R and R activities aS Such coMiNg
soon.. celebrating too.. the 139th week
oF Dance at old Seville Quarter with all the
cool college age folks.. more fun photos coMiNg
in thE wee hours of 12162016.. somEwheRe around
the MaGiCaL hoUr of 3 AM.. as i’LL Go WiTh Marilyn
Monroe Christmas wishes in Centerfold flow.. sure with
a little
J Geils
to make
iT aLL humorOUs aS Such2..
as God IS A Laugh/Love when
all sexy
oh.. by A way..
And the Katrina
does noT onLY
have A hair
cut like
Kate Jackson
of Sabrina Fashon
off of Charlie’s
don’t forget Trinity off of the
Matrix too.. as surely kaTrinity is here aGain2..
suRe.. Merry FucKinG ChrisTmas to you and all yOurs2..
as i also am close to finishing 6666 miles of public Dance
at the end of 2016 for an average of 166.66 miles a
month for 40 months and hey what can i say while
Forrest Gump was interviewed on CNN for
doing less than that and another
Dude has been worshipped
on a Cross for 2000
years or so for
of less
in reaLiTy
beYond myths
then.. as so many
other folkS iNcluDinG
mythological Forrest have done
too.. per John 14:12.. unless the
reporter for Jesus.. John.. and Jesus
was just kidding us with the part about
heaven promised to us in this generation
now too.. heHE.. can’t get on CNN iF one iS
gonna be a thief in the niGht..
huh.. anyWay.. like i sAid..
i don’t
A sleep
iN class..
i AM noW..
DanCinG and
SinGinG and
fulfilling the prophecies
of John and Jesus sAMe..
the real ones ya kNow and
FeeL noW.. huH or WTF FTW..;)
the dVerse trAil.. heHe.. juSt
about the only
one who
one of my
entire Macro-Verse
Free Verse poems with
multi-media fully in tow
and Draft comments section
for the next Super-Epic Macro-Verse
of Ocean Whole Poem sTiLL exceeding 3.3 million
words paRt of a much larger i spy effort of 12 million
words since Thanks Giving of 2010.. averaging 30K words
from top of current MacroVerse to end of Draft Post comments
section for those folks like you with Twitter Accounts commenting who
do have to scroll
all the way
to like
or comment
as one cannot
just reply in Word
Press to a comment
with a like without ever
reading the post written.. hehe..
anyWay that is amazing in itself
and to be clear while i often cover similar
areas of the world in my photo stream as i metaphorically
and literally upload my soul online that includes what i see
as well as what i feel and sense down to the real all nitty gritty
of life.. all the photos except for the dance reviews are original..
my friend.. still exceeding 100K total since i stArted this journey in
the Summer to Fall of 2013… in all that’s come this far and thanks for
the compliment on what you see as nice photos of the close to 350 that
came your way in ‘NOT THE invisible man’.. heHE.. as sure tHeRe ain’t
not a thing invisible about me anywHeRe i go.. as i am free range noW
in the range of all who see/feel/sense all of who i can will and am
Now today.. other than that sure.. i understand why i rarely
receive likes/comments from the folks on the dVerse traiL..
i play by no cultural rules and say it and feel it.. seNse
iT as i say it complete.. and for one who
points out that the historical
fActs say that Jesus never
said he was the only
begotten son
of God
and for
me who says
Muhammad cannot
possibly be the last prophet
as heAR i go witnessing 3.3 miLion
words for the God oF ALL Nature Wild
and Naked and FReED too.. not unlike
King David’s promise to celebrate the Lord
in more so-called wild and free ‘vile’ ways..noW
and yes.. finAlly in the fActs long WeLL and prEsenTed Now
that sure.. i did noT faLL aSleep noW iN the pARt of the Book of
John 14:12 that says there will be those who a way ‘i’ prepare noW
iN greater Faith Hope Belief and Love the same in agape way wHo Now
WiLL do more than i.. as i am only teacher and sMILe when my students
thrive higher than i as last becomes first and first is last and meek iNheRiT
tHe eARTh
iS FReED2..
oh yeah.. and thanks
for suggesting i am new
coming uP wiTh innovative
ideas.. and surely it noW aLL WiLL
be never be dONe yET and that iS now
what makes all of life a never ending
story in never land my FriEnd as just one
Macro-Verse and comments section per average
of what the usual poet from dVerse does per 300 words
average a poetic expression effort at 3 posts a week for
an entire
year is
i do
in SeVeN
FucKinG turn of
A FriEndly Cards
out oF A full deck
days.. too wiTh 300 or
so photos/eTc.. iF my
all new Temple of God
Review is included too…
bottom line my FriEnd.. i now
continue to rise iN aLL oF whAT
i do and so does ALL aLonG wiTh mE
on the
of Now2..
And WiTh All oF thaT
sAid on a personal sIDe
note now from mE.. NoW Holy
and Sacred Thursday has arrived
with R and R activities aS Such coMiNg
soon.. celebrating too.. the 139th week
oF Dance at old Seville Quarter with all the
cool college age folks.. more fun photos coMiNg
in thE wee hours of 12162016.. somEwheRe around
the MaGiCaL hoUr of 3 AM.. as i’LL Go WiTh Marilyn
Monroe Christmas wishes in Centerfold flow.. sure with
a little
J Geils
to make
iT aLL humorOUs aS Such2..
as God IS A Laugh/Love when
all sexy
oh.. by A way..
And the Katrina
does noT onLY
have A hair
cut like
Kate Jackson
of Sabrina Fashon
off of Charlie’s
don’t forget Trinity off of the
Matrix too.. as surely kaTrinity is here aGain2..
suRe.. Merry FucKinG ChrisTmas to you and all yOurs2..
as i also am close to finishing 6666 miles of public Dance
at the end of 2016 for an average of 166.66 miles a
month for 40 months and hey what can i say while
Forrest Gump was interviewed on CNN for
doing less than that and another
Dude has been worshipped
on a Cross for 2000
years or so for
of less
in reaLiTy
beYond myths
then.. as so many
other folkS iNcluDinG
mythological Forrest have done
too.. per John 14:12.. unless the
reporter for Jesus.. John.. and Jesus
was just kidding us with the part about
heaven promised to us in this generation
now too.. heHE.. can’t get on CNN iF one iS
gonna be a thief in the niGht..
huh.. anyWay.. like i sAid..
i don’t
A sleep
iN class..
i AM noW..
DanCinG and
SinGinG and
fulfilling the prophecies
of John and Jesus sAMe..
the real ones ya kNow and
FeeL noW.. huH or WTF FTW..;)
PS2.. iT bAres NoTinG too..
tHeRe are no longer
any duSty
pAges oF Parachutes
hOlding me Back..
F iN
For whaT iS worth..;)
tHeRe are no longer
any duSty
pAges oF Parachutes
hOlding me Back..
F iN
For whaT iS worth..;)
Anyway.. it’s true.. based on additional evidence from
YouTube.. Hips..Lips..and Eyes Don’t LIE per Let’s
All Chant and everyone move your body and
don’t be so hung up
on being
of it
too.. like
all that exists
is between your
ears and stuff like that
and while i usually only include
Macro-Verse memories coming in
years to date in Facebook Algorithm
Automated Assistant way.. moving all the
way around the seasons to Spring of 2014..
April 17th.. to be precise on publication date..
And additionAlly speaKing of divine feminine
and masculine balance per anima in male and
animus in female in getting aLL BaLanCinG out And
sure.. iN Holy and Sacred way.. yes.. SACRED SELFIE
aS what just happens to be the first documented dance date
at Old Seville Quarter as published in record way on March 28th then2..
as Pan the goat footed dancer comes out iN SpRinG of DancE.. heHE2..
close to 120th Church Street where a portrait of old Arcadia Mill is painted2
on building way too.. anyWay.. the originator of the dVerse poetry site.. Brian..
through his Dead Poet Society promotion of the Robin Williams portrayed way
of looking
at Free
in life in standing
upon the class desk
if necessary to help folks
and students alike see a little
farther out of the culture and or
religious box.. per say more.. too..
i decided to be a soon to be 54 year
old male underwear model.. hehe.. and
sure after that like the Ice Princess said..
no more goody two shoes me for one..
i let it all go and just did the Gospel
of Thomas Verse 37 version of
finding God all naked
within not much
different than
King David
did thiS.. even thouSands
of years before that and how
Michelangelo much later Portrayed King
David too as sculpture and how he Painted
all the rest of the Biblical crew way back then..
up on the Sistine chapel all naturale as such2..
A Lamp is surely lit.. now.. for ‘Supermoon Trinity
Christmas 2016’.. and yes.. my moon is brightly shining2..
hey.. let’s just saY it’s pArt of my convenant with God.. too..
to shine my ass all bright and shiny aS Such as SuperMoons now
WiLL juST Do2.. While i was inspired to do this by Brian’s moving
out of the Box Dead Poet’s Society presentation at dVerse.. the rest of
the somewhat traditionalist poets did not take too kindly that i becAMe
A underwear model.. and they basically didn’t want me participating after
that as totally naked women in visual art.. A..Okay for poetry but cross the
gender line expectations and even go as far as partial nudity and underwear
and no no no.. anyWay.. it was a while longer until they could get me out of the way
and it’s just as well.. aS now i fly free higher and hiGher than ever before naked AND FReED..;)
YouTube.. Hips..Lips..and Eyes Don’t LIE per Let’s
All Chant and everyone move your body and
don’t be so hung up
on being
of it
too.. like
all that exists
is between your
ears and stuff like that
and while i usually only include
Macro-Verse memories coming in
years to date in Facebook Algorithm
Automated Assistant way.. moving all the
way around the seasons to Spring of 2014..
April 17th.. to be precise on publication date..
And additionAlly speaKing of divine feminine
and masculine balance per anima in male and
animus in female in getting aLL BaLanCinG out And
sure.. iN Holy and Sacred way.. yes.. SACRED SELFIE
aS what just happens to be the first documented dance date
at Old Seville Quarter as published in record way on March 28th then2..
as Pan the goat footed dancer comes out iN SpRinG of DancE.. heHE2..
close to 120th Church Street where a portrait of old Arcadia Mill is painted2
on building way too.. anyWay.. the originator of the dVerse poetry site.. Brian..
through his Dead Poet Society promotion of the Robin Williams portrayed way
of looking
at Free
in life in standing
upon the class desk
if necessary to help folks
and students alike see a little
farther out of the culture and or
religious box.. per say more.. too..
i decided to be a soon to be 54 year
old male underwear model.. hehe.. and
sure after that like the Ice Princess said..
no more goody two shoes me for one..
i let it all go and just did the Gospel
of Thomas Verse 37 version of
finding God all naked
within not much
different than
King David
did thiS.. even thouSands
of years before that and how
Michelangelo much later Portrayed King
David too as sculpture and how he Painted
all the rest of the Biblical crew way back then..
up on the Sistine chapel all naturale as such2..
A Lamp is surely lit.. now.. for ‘Supermoon Trinity
Christmas 2016’.. and yes.. my moon is brightly shining2..
hey.. let’s just saY it’s pArt of my convenant with God.. too..
to shine my ass all bright and shiny aS Such as SuperMoons now
WiLL juST Do2.. While i was inspired to do this by Brian’s moving
out of the Box Dead Poet’s Society presentation at dVerse.. the rest of
the somewhat traditionalist poets did not take too kindly that i becAMe
A underwear model.. and they basically didn’t want me participating after
that as totally naked women in visual art.. A..Okay for poetry but cross the
gender line expectations and even go as far as partial nudity and underwear
and no no no.. anyWay.. it was a while longer until they could get me out of the way
and it’s just as well.. aS now i fly free higher and hiGher than ever before naked AND FReED..;)
And hey.. as i provided evidence for in a previous blog post per screen shot.. SACRED SELFIE..
all PG Rated too.. garnered over 300K likes on My Free Lance Stripper Blog as a Satire as play
on words too.. as i dam sure ain’t doing any of this for any kind of material reward.. other than
girly smiles of course as that comes along the way in all the ways it comes.. on course.. sTiLL
sure.. mostly in totally clothed dance of course too.. albeit hairy naked goat like
legs somewhat exposed with shorts.. will not be sharing this one photo on
Facebook as the Burt Reynolds and Fred Hairy lay out PG rated
not much different than what you see on a Sunny day at
the beach are somewhat appropriate even more
so than the headless folks ya come across
on Facebook and all the other violent
and gory stuff folks share and
hell if the fundamentalists
Christians in my area
can elect a pussy
grabber bragger..
i can surely show
a little more of my ass
too.. just consider this my
own little way too.. of mooning that
philosophy of life all free and consensual
aS Such.. as surely my ass ain’t nearly as
sexy as my bear chest from tits up.. heHE..
and as an extra added free perk in the Hips..
Lips.. Eyes Don’t Lie Macro-Verse as linked above..
more information on the science of lust and love.. would
include it here now.. but i thiNk you probably already get iT
neither repressed
or oppressed as free can
go.. other than that.. can’t
imagine anyone too closed minded
passing by the Burt shot from above..
and me too.. hehe.. all furry as such.
if you made it all the way down to my
Super Moon too.. anyWay.. i ain’t scared.. OK..;)
all PG Rated too.. garnered over 300K likes on My Free Lance Stripper Blog as a Satire as play
on words too.. as i dam sure ain’t doing any of this for any kind of material reward.. other than
girly smiles of course as that comes along the way in all the ways it comes.. on course.. sTiLL
sure.. mostly in totally clothed dance of course too.. albeit hairy naked goat like
legs somewhat exposed with shorts.. will not be sharing this one photo on
Facebook as the Burt Reynolds and Fred Hairy lay out PG rated
not much different than what you see on a Sunny day at
the beach are somewhat appropriate even more
so than the headless folks ya come across
on Facebook and all the other violent
and gory stuff folks share and
hell if the fundamentalists
Christians in my area
can elect a pussy
grabber bragger..
i can surely show
a little more of my ass
too.. just consider this my
own little way too.. of mooning that
philosophy of life all free and consensual
aS Such.. as surely my ass ain’t nearly as
sexy as my bear chest from tits up.. heHE..
and as an extra added free perk in the Hips..
Lips.. Eyes Don’t Lie Macro-Verse as linked above..
more information on the science of lust and love.. would
include it here now.. but i thiNk you probably already get iT
neither repressed
or oppressed as free can
go.. other than that.. can’t
imagine anyone too closed minded
passing by the Burt shot from above..
and me too.. hehe.. all furry as such.
if you made it all the way down to my
Super Moon too.. anyWay.. i ain’t scared.. OK..;)
Weird yes.. but hey..
Burt didn’t dance naked
and i jusT do
with ease..
and yes that reminds
me to truly end this current
729th Macro Verse.. a few outstanding
Macro-Verse Memories to date.. including
first.. recognition of the nice Video Slide Presentation
for the record of how i’ve celebrated the last view days in
Facebook way.. as hey.. memories are gold when fun and re-perUsed..:)
Burt didn’t dance naked
and i jusT do
with ease..
and yes that reminds
me to truly end this current
729th Macro Verse.. a few outstanding
Macro-Verse Memories to date.. including
first.. recognition of the nice Video Slide Presentation
for the record of how i’ve celebrated the last view days in
Facebook way.. as hey.. memories are gold when fun and re-perUsed..:)
Godprints iN skeyes.. MacroVerse Memory from a year ago..
highlighting more beach photos then from Biloxi Beaches.. Casinos..
and farm living life in the First Sunday eating at the Southern Baptist
Pastor’s Farm.. as pArt of Katrina’s inlaws too.. Nature.. alWays woRth
shaRinG and rEshArinG iN Hi-Def way.. at lEast for me.. aS it’s all free..
no contingencies of rewards of any kind other than GiVinG and shArinG
as Jesus F. iN Christ.. the reward is the juST doing and LiVinG as journeys
without worrying
over any cultural
and or religious limitations
or expectations beyond local..
state.. and federal laws per lawyer
speak as i like to say too.. but nah..
don’t love to say three.. and by the way
that was the only MacroVerse to share but
sure there are many more poetic pARtS in
that Macro-Verse whole as paRt of Ocean
wHole Poem as expanding my
being hUman
as evolVinG
on seeds
of wayWard bEinG light..:)
Other than that i take one of those
meaww Facebook picker upper laugh
tests that says my three friends who have
been naughty for Christmas are Glenn.. who
stole from Santa.. Ned who fought with Santa
and the Wife Katrina per the original owner of my
Facebook Personal Page as Katrina Mia per her
real name too.. where it says she hits Santa for being
late.. ho.. ho.. true.. but i’m glad Glenn took my photos and
shared them on his photo sharing page.. as he already knows
i neither own Nature or my SouL as printed in E-Way as it’s all
for give and share.. in freeway.. and i like his group sharing page too..
and off and on add some free photos too there.. juST for FuN.. and nah..
can’t blame Ned for fighting with Santa.. it’s kinda hard to believe he’s real these
recent days.. elections all taken into account and recount and stuff like that in orange
and apricot tinted way.. anyWay none of that hurts my feelings as we are all different and
saMe pARts of the WhOle of all Nature all that is.. aka God iN my Epic Book.. groWing2..;)
highlighting more beach photos then from Biloxi Beaches.. Casinos..
and farm living life in the First Sunday eating at the Southern Baptist
Pastor’s Farm.. as pArt of Katrina’s inlaws too.. Nature.. alWays woRth
shaRinG and rEshArinG iN Hi-Def way.. at lEast for me.. aS it’s all free..
no contingencies of rewards of any kind other than GiVinG and shArinG
as Jesus F. iN Christ.. the reward is the juST doing and LiVinG as journeys
without worrying
over any cultural
and or religious limitations
or expectations beyond local..
state.. and federal laws per lawyer
speak as i like to say too.. but nah..
don’t love to say three.. and by the way
that was the only MacroVerse to share but
sure there are many more poetic pARtS in
that Macro-Verse whole as paRt of Ocean
wHole Poem as expanding my
being hUman
as evolVinG
on seeds
of wayWard bEinG light..:)
Other than that i take one of those
meaww Facebook picker upper laugh
tests that says my three friends who have
been naughty for Christmas are Glenn.. who
stole from Santa.. Ned who fought with Santa
and the Wife Katrina per the original owner of my
Facebook Personal Page as Katrina Mia per her
real name too.. where it says she hits Santa for being
late.. ho.. ho.. true.. but i’m glad Glenn took my photos and
shared them on his photo sharing page.. as he already knows
i neither own Nature or my SouL as printed in E-Way as it’s all
for give and share.. in freeway.. and i like his group sharing page too..
and off and on add some free photos too there.. juST for FuN.. and nah..
can’t blame Ned for fighting with Santa.. it’s kinda hard to believe he’s real these
recent days.. elections all taken into account and recount and stuff like that in orange
and apricot tinted way.. anyWay none of that hurts my feelings as we are all different and
saMe pARts of the WhOle of all Nature all that is.. aka God iN my Epic Book.. groWing2..;)
‘i can’t save you’..
aLL ‘A.. i can do iS sHow
yA Now whaT HeaVen iS..
heRe noW oN
PlanET eARTh..
Water.. horseS and
aLL oF thaT hiSheRtoRy too..;)
‘i can’t save you’..
aLL ‘A.. i can do iS sHow
yA Now whaT HeaVen iS..
heRe noW oN
PlanET eARTh..
Water.. horseS and
aLL oF thaT hiSheRtoRy too..;)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
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