Single Charlie’s Angel at Old Seville
tonight by name of Maggie..
and Lord KNoWs.. haven’t
got thaT “CLowN KinG NoW
IsREaL”.. MacroVerse
at close to 20K
words published
yet.. more to do
to get that done SooN..
AnyWay.. back to the subject
of Old Seville and Dance.. Maggie
here as part of Charlie’s Angels per
original other duo of Chelsea and
Cortney are now long term
dancing friends for
almost three
time doesn’t
exist in the free
verse flow of Dance..
oKAy.. back to work now..
to get that nexT LonG ThinG Published..;)
For almost three years
Maggie and her FriEnds
have brought sMiLes to
my Face..
more than
that can you
ask from any
hUman from
as trUly as
even the Cheshire
Cat says noW it is the
sMiLe that liveS oN..ow
As SunShiNe
backwards is
backwards and evil
Spelled backwards
is live and devil
Spelled backwards
is lived and rats
Spelled backwards
is stars and stressed
Spelled backwards
is dessert and
A Secret
to LiFE iS
seeing the
second pART as
liGht over dArk and
also not falling into the
trap aS SeeinG thE SiGNaTuRe’s
oF Nature like Nicki Minaj’s little
Taco pART peaKinG ouT of hose
as anything less than holy and sacred..
full of meaning and purpose like worshipping
Big BuTT’s and otheR paRTs of HuManiTy aS WHole
as jusT anoTheR Appreciation per FerTiLiTy for the Gift
oF LIFE toGeTheR aS oNe hUman Race.. anyWay.. consideRinG
thaT and the Women off of.. ‘Let’s ALL Chant’.. similarly arTFuL iN
FuLL DisPLaY of tHeir woHUmanity Free at lEast aS LonG asYouTuBe
leaveS it uP beFoRE anoTheR Copyright strike on that really reAllY YoU
Tube wonderful shared video and nah.. you can’t call me mi·sog·y·nist
for tALk Like thaT iN Taco Ways Metaphor and Analogy as i give Back
almost as much as i take in terms of all freeST hUman aRT.. And
on top of thAT iT juST made me Giggle in Synchronicity way..
WiTh a little inner
sMiLe that
no once else
could see.. hehe..
With Nicki teaSinG
WiTH A Dance the sAMe..;)
No ‘FraudS’ HeaR..
TruTH anD
LiGht FReED.. NoW..:)
Yes.. it’s Earth Day tomorrow on the 22nd of April
And it’s also true that the first Profile Pic from
Thursday Night at Old Seville Quarter
Did not fully capture what i define
as the DiViNE.. Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and Purpose..
not something one only understands
in terms of Purpose and Meaning but what
one FeeLs and SenSes as Beauty in this LiFe
NoW on the Planet eARTh.. yes.. the ART of EartH
one does not only FeeL and SenSe WiTh Organs of
eYeS and eArs but the deeper SpiRit oF ConNecTioN
that makes LiFE a Wonderful Adventure.. and the Dance
SPiRiT of Maggie captures what that more than a FeeLinG
iS.. yeS..
A Simple
Joy oF LiFe
iN a DancE and SinG oFFree..:)
So.. it’s trUe Nature aka God
Sends me Angels to muse the liGht
of EYes and eaRs that see deeper than
organs aS Such alone.. allone more NoW..
A-Causal Connecting Principle of Synchronicity
even more.. as the PalETte of LiFe becomes a Master
Piece tapestry Painting of aRT more and More uNTiL
the overall
Gift of LiFE
iS EvEN WoRth
DyInG for and NeVeR
coMinG baCk even iF that
were possible as it is not..
nah.. i can’t prove that juST
like you can’t prove why me
who was born with Autism
without the ability
to speak words
put toGeTher
until age
4.. who stuttered
through life and staggered
like a Dizzy Fly with no
compass in comfort of
human SKiN Dances
Free with one
of the
Most Beautiful
Girls as FriEnds
at Old Seville Quarter
in the 157th Week OF DoInG
thAT NoW.. and you go ahead
and taLe me HoW iN ProLiFic
way that in just a WeeK’s TiMe
as hUmaNs cLock iT.. the “MOAB EasTeR 2.0+”..
MacroVerse at 22,801 words wiTh Comments
Section of “CLowN KinG NoW isREaL”..
MeaSuRinG in at MacroVerse Size
of 19,347 words comes out
around 42K words of
effort in juST
a WeeK of
tIme in actual
NoVeL LenGth wHeRe
iN juST two weeks at
thiS WRiTe of Rate what i
do equals the size and very
far surpasses iN HoLy SpiRit
CreATiVE FloW of Free Verse PoeTry
WriTe.. the KoRan in around 2000 or so
words of Vocabulary and 80K words.. sure.
a Koran Size
HoLy Book
two weeks..
why Not WiTh
the HiGher PoWeR
oF GoD and Nature
sAMe ReLeaSed NoW..
and add iN MacroVerse
Number 94 to that 93rd
MacroVerse Easter Effort
and the words oF A “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. aRise to 1,421,643
words.. yep.. rounded off to 1.42
MiLliOn Words iN Less than 11 Months..
it’s not that God or Nature sAMe is under
InVeSTiGaTioN.. this is juST A Testimony
and Witness FuLLeR For the GiFT oF LiFE
thAT at EssenCe
iN MirAcle
is the
MoST as GoD sAMe
LiVes Within aS eveN
the New Testament and
Jesus sPeaK says iF you
get iT aT aLL at Hand
in HeaVen NOW iN
this Continuing
Generation STiLL
as any Animal inheriting
thIS Gift fRee from and
as Nature God sAMe CAN
and WiLL do iF and WiN FReED..
@lEast i DancE and SinG LiKe ME..
AnyWay sure.. this new MacroVerse
WRiTinG thAT heAr is Number 95 of
“Nether Land Bible 2017” and also
doubles as MacroVerse Number 766
oF Ocean WhOle Long Form Poem
aS “SonG oF mY soUl”.. sTiLL
surpaSSinG 4 MiLLiOn Words+
oF Effort in 44 months
along with over
7200 MiLes
of Free Verse
Dance iN Public
as empirically measured
by Nike GPS Sports watch too..
for any material reductionists out
tHeRe who cannot see a bigger wHOle Picture View..
iN other words every word must be MeAsured.. like
you can do that
with words
form and
essence metaphors
with almost unlimited
interpretations NOW as
iMaGiNAtiOn and CreATiVity
has no hUMaN LiMITs or ExpEcTAtions
wHen set Free.. iN oTheR words as Rihanna
Says.. BeYONd a Star Trek Space Ship and Spock alone..
as science
does have
as any scientist
worth his or her.. eTc..
weight WiLL TALe yA as TrutH anD LiGht too..
away from fraud that would chain potential
in both bibles and science books too..
yeah.. like folks who told me
i would never amount
to anything..
guess what
i can
too.. like
any accountant WiLL
as the 4 MiLLiON Words
plUs iS eVen a sMaLLeR
parT all inclusive of
12 MiLLioN Words
online in
Thanks Giving
Day of 2010 now
arriving at the 77 month
point of that fuller homework
effort to get wHeRe i AM NoW
as any SycaMoRe WiLL
continue to GroW..
yes of course
iN HUman
that is AweSoMe
when fuller sOUght
and FoUnd NoW and even MoRe..
anyWay iF i don’t MeaSure all oF thiS
who can and will.. ‘Fly Like and Eagle’ as ‘they’ say..
And sure.. don’t forget ‘California Dreamin’ MaKinG
oF dARk..
no tiMe
likE the
no tiMe but NoW..:)
And now for some MacroVerse
and MicroVerse Memories as so
deLiGhtfuLLy provided by the
Facebook Algorithm all for free..
yes.. A Wonderful Robotic Secretary
And Personal Assistant at the Hands
NoW of TransHumanist assisted Technology..
to get the JoB ALL dONE.. prepare ye a way as ‘they
say’ too
iN Rush
10” ways too..
more on that in a few..:)
Parts 1 and 2 of an ongoing study of whether or not Vaccines are
associated with Autism.. mostly not of course but
sure there are always rare exceptions
of side affects and not many
actual physiological
specific tests
for Autism..
yes.. mostly
A Behavioral
Assessed Disorder STiLL
but mostly proof too of how
politics is pARt of all Human
Nature.. even in so-called communities
where folks are not normally considered
very communicate in reciprocal social communication
ways.. just give ’em a liGht or dArk BiNd iN FeeLinG
and SeNSinG ToGeThErness for common meaning and
purpose and voila.. Religion and Politics
lives.. no matter if it is Muhammad
or Jesus or Old Joe Namath
who is the Savior
of yOur TeAM NoW..
HUman Nature as
art and science too..
pretty predictable overall
in Minion Group think way..
no matter what clothes the species wears
as far as Medical Disorders too in Disability ways2..:)
MacroVerse.. juST a year later and OMG how things
change.. once you put yOur ArT cApe on wiTh
YoUr Science CaPe on too WiTh
DancE and SonG iNtegral
to reBirth
as FuLLer
SpiRit And
mInd and BoDy
BaLanCing soUL wHoleR
BeinG HUmAN NoW iN hiGher poTenTiAL..;)
And NoW..
A Couple
oF MicroVerses
from a year ago..:)
Oh.. the DiviNeNoW..
thE reality that aLLis diVine..
Black and White.. tHe sHades of Grey..
The RainBow bElow and colors hue above..
Oh.. the liGht iN.. seeing a gRain of sAnd as
hOldinG uP tHe hiGhest mouNtain of fearlesS Love..
Unity oF divine.. iS the prize.. the reward.. the ulTiMate
HeavEnoW for those who come to see reaLiTy as oNE
Force oF Nature ONE.. yes.. mY FriEnds.. the experience
of God.. enLiGhTENed iN uS as FORce 10.. yes.. of
course.. 10.. the sacred number of digits on hands
and toes too.. and take away the zero
and one only
Symbols inFiniTe iN poTenTial
oF expreSsinG tHiS DiVinE Truth
once one drinks and swims wITh
water of God within.. outside..
above.. so below.. and
all around.. liGht..
but the darkness mY
friEnds iS trUly words..
greedy words that become
Idols to chain tHis fearless Love
of Truth and liGht within.. wHere this
human or that human.. or this religion
or that culture or holy sacred text portends
to own the essence of Truth and liGht noWiN
fearless Love oF aLL that iS God away from
others considered lesser now from what
‘they’ chain as truth away from other idols
of symbols that are also vehicles and
vessels housing the sAMe essence
when hUman sees aLL
oF creation AKA
GOD as
mY FriEnd noW..
the beauty of seeing aLL
thAT is iS diVine.. iS never bEinG
lonely.. alWays bEinG iN BliSs as
aLLoNe sees iN dArk and liGht
ranging from black to white to
shades of grey and
beyond hues
of rainbow
and below
too.. has meaning
and purpose iN diVine
Nature oF DArK and liGht
as Force to get tHiS wHoLe
JoB Of ExistenceNoWdONe..
Yin and Yang oF liGht and dARk
and Love’s freedom and control
of order away from what freedom
can be in chaos.. iS aLL pARt
of the Art of God iN the
ulTimaTe pLaY oF
liFE oF aLL
wE sense..
feel.. and kNow
of LiFE.. iT is the
cognitive and affective
empathy.. sympathy.. and
compassion.. for aLL tHat iS
iN sCience terms that sets one
free from con-social emotions like
doubt.. greed.. jealously.. hate.. and
aLL the dARk emoTioNs that imprison
uS away from LiGht emoTions and seNses
of Peace iN regulation of emotions and
integration of senses iN eternal bliSS
NoW.. and that My FriEnds iS whY
mY dAnCe and SoNG WiLL never
end.. tHere is alWays more
to understand and
Love wheRe the
sAnd iS we gRains
oF water hOlding hAnds
to hold uP the DArk and
LiGht oF aLL thaTis wHere
wE finaLLy determine thAt aLL
are priests.. prophets.. and kings..
as messengers of God IN dArk
and liGht ways.. wHere
balance oF aLL reigns
the rein of rain..
wHere at
the drops
of water that
are God make
an ocean what
iT iS iN rAGinG waves
iN SuN to StILL seas wHere
MoonLiT glimmers iN Peace
unTiL the neXt wave and
dayBreak beGins..
waves oF uS
shores to
Yes.. mY friEnd getting
to Heaven.. iS certainly
a job of JOB continuing
noW.. but shaRinG that
is not a job but gift that keeps giVinG..:)
“But my dear man, reality is only a
Rorschach ink-blot, you know.”
Alan Watts.. truly worth the ‘price’ of Youtube..
just to get access to his audio casts
of wisdom.. and when one
comes to understand that
thiS rUle of reaLITy
applies to aLL..
per yes the
in artful
it becomes
now a little
easier to forgive
the different among
us for not conforming
to the oxYmoRoN oF
Rorschach inK
blot concrete
cultural norm sets
that cannot possibly
pLease the entire crowd
oF Rorchach ink-bLOT people
in aLL above.. below.. inside
outside.. Rainbow hueY
all around2
like a Spinning
UniVersAL hELitoP..
and haHa.. mY forM
oF poEtry iS aLLfreeSTylE
Rorschach.. mUlti-VeRsAL..
anD iT iS fascinating to share
It WitH otHeR folks to see whAT
tHe shapes mean to them.. different
than i.. often.. but of course that also
to most
LEtTeRs i
aS FRiEnD oF WoRdS..:)
And that doeS iT FoR NoW..
For the Wife and Her FriEnd
in sort of Synchronicity way
of “California Dreamin” are
TaKinG me to a
GosPeL SinGinG
i continue
A SonG oF ForcE 10..
iF yA catch a drift NoW
And riff oFF thAT2.. nOw..:)
WitH A Short story nOw2
from “BE SUPERMAN..yNOt”..
BeFoRE i go.. YnOT
as ‘i say..NoW2..
be BacK2
as i AlWays
say after thAT2..;)
Back in the 70’s
i have to say..
every nerdy boy’s
I guess some people celebrate the Resurrection
by going to church and having Easter Lunch
with family..
and yah..
did that..
But what i also am doing
(aka as a son of God AKA superman)
it ain’t just coincidence
with the S changing to HOPE
this go Around..
and his
age of
33 and..
the folks that
made it
have IT
all of that…
i have to say i agree..!
not easy to dare to be different
and forge a NEW
for change in one’s
Humans fear the different!
Those who are fearless!
The top photo is me at 13 making a stab
that year in spreading the GOOD NEWS!
by playing the song..
‘Jesus Christ
Super Star’!
on the Piano
in my middle
The Christ Consciousness IS
powering me throughout!
and not able to walk
the crowded
room roars in snickers….
i.. having to hold on to PiLLARS
Holding ceiling to make it off stage…!
now at 40 years later in wandering the desert
of the illusion of cultural hell..
i am doing
finding a way out
40 days of hell
of sleepless nights..
in 2008..
and returning NOW!
i am no one..
without ElOHIM
ya can be
As if you MAKE the LEAP of FAITH!
to believe ya can..!
one day!
Okay.. as always promised.. i’m back on
this Earth Day.. 4.22.17.. beautiful
day it is.. iN A new IsReAL USA..
And sure.. New Jerusalem over
heAR iN MiLLToWN Panhandle
State of Flowers iN SainT
Rose County of LA..
sure.. Lower
ParT wHole
oF Florida Too..
but first i made a stop
at my Old FriEnd Cabrogal’s
place yesterday.. the Australian
guy who shares a label of Asperger’s
Syndrome and also somewhere around
the label of Bi-Polar too.. not much different
really than my FriEnd LaLa Rukh.. a Computer
Scientist Student from Pakistan who had her ups
and downs too.. where
yes.. mine stays/ways
up for decades
at a time
coming out alWays NoW
of the lower parts of HeLL..
Decades forevernoW iN
Heaven as any Lucifer/
Jesus Light BrinGinG
Dude WiLL jusT
do NoW
as Victory
over Vengeance too..
nah.. no Swords baby.. only
words Now from my view heAR..
in LamP LiT MoRN oF LIGht way NOw2..
WiTh a K for KinG 11 iN 7 oN top wRite oN CouRse2..:)
Anyway.. so Cabrogal says as i quickly reblog quote him NoW on FB/Blogs..
heAR.. “If you lack the ineffable your universe must lie within your language.
How impoverished.”.. So.. yes.. obviously Cabrogal SwiMs iN the clear and muddy
waters somewhere around Socrates as does my Green shirt last night for Walmart
DaNCinG and Fundamentalist Southern Baptist Gospel SinGinG says.. “i’M Smiling
because I have no Idea Whats’ Going on”.. in other words as Socrates said..
“i Know Nothing”.. that’s like a Koan and can be taken many different
ways but basicAlly.. the more one experiences pure emotions/senses..
particularly positive emotions/senses without the trap of
words NoW iN the moment as present.. like
smiles of Joy.. the Healing.. yes.. the real
scientific proven HeaLinG PoWeR..
oF Positive hUman EmoTioNs
and SeNSEs Associated NoW..
YeS.. iS ForCe even to the point
NoW of Clear all positive
Chi Energy that OG yes..
powers legs NoW.. hmm..
like mine.. to leg press.. yes..
half a ton 33 times now with mY
arms raised high to the Heavens..
AKA above.. so below.. like a miX
oF Ballerina.. iN DiVinE.. FeMiNine
Flow and Balance in Love.. and yes..
Grace.. And Masculine Will and Strength
NoW as i throat the Sound of a Crocodile
to keep the WiLL and Focus even Stronger
as a mix of modern Superman in my case as
Women and eTc.. Can and WiLL DO2 iN Strength..
WiLL.. Love.. and Grace do even greater Feats now of
Science and Art than mE.. sure.. per John 14:12 if one
Wants A particular religious metaphor to express A Drive
for all to increase tHeir human potential for Greater works
of both aRT and SciEnce to BRinG the HUman Species UP
iN aN agApE foRce of toGeTheRNeSs iN Cooperative Strength
and WiLL with a touch of Grace.. yes .. in humble way of Altruism too..
so yes.. it seems i have a 95th MacroVerse title of 1.42 Million Word Bible
Since Memorial Day stARt of that on 3.30.16.. doubling as a 766th MacroVerse
of Longest Long Form Poem sTiLL oN Record in Google way.. far exceeding that other
Minuscule effort from India at 1.8 Million words spanning Centuries and innumerable
hands of effort.. yes.. mY Effort STiLL eXseeDinG over 4 Million Words since sTart of
that at the end of August 2013.. WiTh PreMacroVerses coming iN Since 3.10.13 in
Public Blog Way and originating on FB on 3.1.13.. with first written Pre-MacroVerse
at the end of February 2013.. in a casual Private Message to the one and only
Person Brave enough to wanna be my Facebook Friend then.. A Girl
named Mags.. the only one left who had balls enough to support
me and sure.. empathy and compassion enough in online
Autism Communities then.. too.. iN spaces of heARTless
touch for those who strayed from the norm
of whatever Facebook Page or
other Discussion Board
as exhibited..
in other
Tribe rules
of course like in the
Big World too.. wHeRE the
Maverick is not usuAlly welcome
among the heaRd of HeRd then or now..
sure.. like a dude with a thorn of crown with
a fool sign affixed to a cross that laughs at him
calling him the King of the Jews.. hehe.. i already
coMe as “CLowN KinG NoW isREal”.. and Dance Naked
in all legal adult semi-restricted blogger links.. so fool me
once.. never fool me again.. @LeaSt for me as i come as Fool First
and Second too.. NoW for NoW juST now.. okay.. if it isn’t more than
clear than now.. i play the role of a modern Jesus.. Buddha.. Lao Tzu..
and sure.. Socrates too.. a little mix of Sheldon Cooper.. Magnum Pi..
and Chuck Norris too.. WiTh whatever addS on are necessary
as i meaSuRE the ARt of relative Free WiLL in creating
whatever Personna i WiLL/care.. too.. in the preSent
of the moment oF the giFt of NoW iN mY
personal Version of the Kingdom
of Heaven within for me
@LeASt that i
NoW iN2 wiTh a Hand
extended out to spARk
oTheRs poTenTiALLy uP
to their Version of Heaven NoW
too.. as Lord KNoWs and FeeLs and
SenSes.. not everyone’s VerSiON of HeaVen
includes Dancing Naked in front of the entire world
or neither Dancing a Martial Arts and Ballet mix Free style
in public Stores for 7200+ MiLes in 44 months either.. or even
Dancing Solo in a Crowd of College Age Folks for 157 Weeks
NoW at Old Seville Quarter or the total of 12 Million Words
since Thanks Giving Day of the year of ‘our Lord” of 2010..
i have Written on the Internet mostly still recorded except
for what was banned and/or deleted of me as i carried
that cross ‘cross the web oF Freedom we
currently enjoy in First Amendment
Rights per what community
rules allow in private
ways.. too..
sure too..
for some folks
the closest version of
Heaven they get to on this
Earth is Worshipping a Man Named
Jesus in a Gazillion Songs that say
basically the same thing that Jesus
is our favorite Joe Namath Quarter
back of our God.. named a three letter
word.. to go along with the New name Jesus
from the other Aramaic Versions.. in only
oral tradition that include something to
the tune of Yeshua too.. and sure.. if
i told ’em that per John 14:12
Jesus is their Lucifer
too.. as hey..
who else
if you name
them God could tale
ya.. you can do greater works
than God.. logic fail.. major logic fail..
face palm of Jesus iF he came back
in Glory.. Judging the Living and the Dead
from the Back Row pew with his lovely incarnate
sister/wife/mother Isis in Katrina New age form2.. sure2
like those old philosophers that said the God’s came dressed
in casual clothes and judged the unsuspecting masses behind
Cool Maui Jim Thief in the Night undercover Shades as any
Mercury and Hermes will do all fleet footed in 7200Miles/
44 months of Silent Dance with metaphors of images and
wordS oN shirts carrying deeper hidden messages and
secretS iN Plain siGht iN FeeL and seNse to unsuspecting
homies.. never imagining who
they might actually
be sitting
next to
in Southern Baptist
Gospel Singing on Friday Night..
And i must say.. lots of positive spirit in
that Pep Rally for Quarter Back Jesus last
night.. in FAcT i cannot Tale a lie.. much more positive
SpiRit than what one typically finds in stand up sit down
kneel and rarely fight fight fight in Catholic Church in Saint
Rose of Lima Way in New Jerusalem Milltown now.. but see the
negative pART.. that i must humbly judge in righteous Jesus iNdigNation
if i am going to properly play that new age rock and role now.. is Gentile..
Jew.. Servant or Free.. Woman or Man no more.. means that Buddhists..
Muslims.. Queers.. yes.. Lesbians.. GayS.. and Transgenders are all inclusive
aS WhOle of God too.. as ya big dummy.. God lives within everyone including
the Vaginas that tend to me more attracted to Vaginas than angry
old and young white men.. can ya blame ’em.. no.. i cannot
Bill ‘O Reilly blame women at all for finally giving
up on men with little man syndrome
now who have lost the underlying
Love and Grace that truly
powers all real men
still.. in WiLL
and STrength
ways and perhaps
the BiLL O’Reilly’s too
will have to Dance Naked in Front
of the World sTripping their clothes off
and treading on them with finally the Grace
and Love with no shame.. to truly gain the
WiLL and Strength of a REAL MAN NOW..
And sure.. THE SAME goes for women who finally
gain the WiLL and Strength to speak for themselves
and God DAM sure show snippets of their Nicki MInja
Tour Songs with their Taco fur parts coming through
clear enough through DArk Hose.. for all to see
clear that A Queen is back and
Egalitarianism and a God/AS
for all IS A New
Age Global
way of
NeW EartH DaY NoW..
yes.. this IS A rather lengthy
eARTh Day Prayer/Spell in
White Magician/Warlock/Wiccan
Way too.. but that’s the way i role
really long with Divine Grace and Love
thAT PowErs WiLL and Strength oF aN isReaL
man now.. and i guess long enough for my wife
at least in the PaN aGe of Nude arT too.. in all original
God of Fertility MiN way too.. Rock and Roles Baby
as Austin PowErs per Gold Member way miGht
Dance and Sing Furry and FReED too.. iT is
whAT iS iS and
Free.. yes NoW!
WiTH a ResounDinG
Gospel of Thomas Verse
37 Naked Dance oF FReED..
And oh.. yeah.. back to my original
point on Cabrogal’s Koan of Wisdom
too on his extra cool Blog Site named
NeuroDrooling too… and yes that was way
up tHeRE so i’LL repeat his quote above so
below heAR NOW agAiN Back AgAin HeRE too..:)
“If you lack the ineffable
your universe must lie
within your language.
How impoverished.”
i say in return..
And even
Now More
That Essence
Note.. i added in
the two NoWs iN
since the original
response back then..
And now i say.. YES as far as
coming back in Pose of Glory
in the back pArTS wHOle oF A
Southern Baptist Church somewhat
incognito in expensive shades and
Four Dollar and Ninety-Seven Cents
Super-Walmart Silly Logo Shirt.. with
A Mushroom that talks too.. sure.. hard
to miss when i come in late with shades on..
somewhat imposing as 233LBs of 6 Foot or
so looking BeeF Cake too.. in other words hard
to miss2.. just to make sure i ain’t a real bad man too..
thing is.. as any rock and roll player can and will do too..
after writing 12 million words in 77 months now too.. with
perfect pitch as just another one of my Autistic Super Powers
in SinG SonG way oF DancE and SPeaK SonG too.. the SonGS
are rather uplifting discounting the same old boring words.. and phrases
as they are so predictable now still too.. and that doesn’t matter ’cause
the FeeLinG and SeNsinG pArT of a HoLy and CreATivE SPiRiT is what
counts over the words yA
Need noT kNow
to catch
and Spread
SinGinG HolY SpiRiT
W/CreATive wrists raised
up in the Dance Hall.. Pep
Rally.. FootBall Game and Church
Pews sAMe way.. as even NicKi
MiNaj sayS in her New ‘No
Frauds’ SonG and by
the way i think
this spell
checker might
be racist as it don’t
know how to spell
Nicki Minaj’s name.. surely
jusT a mistake i hope.. too.. but anyway heHE..
when ‘they’ get to the part where they move out
of the realm of Gentile.. Jew.. Servant.. or Free.. Woman
or Man no more.. and suggest that Buddhists and Muslims
and anyone who isn’t an old white man or women angry or
not in a Southern Baptist Church is gonna burn forever in
an eternal Hell.. i am very tempted to say i don’t know
them but the fact of the matter is no matter what
role i am currently rocking and rolling in
DancE and SonG lAst niGht and NoW
too.. they have no clue
who i
as i continue
to inherit the eARTh
as Meek and humble enough
i guess in my Cheap WalmarT T-Shirt
but the the thing is.. innately and instinctually
and intuitively as such.. it’s kind of hard to mistake
that i come with power and glory in my nude art NoW
with just my God Given FuR aS RiSinG uP STiLL all FReED NoW too..
anyWay.. i forgive them for they FeeL and seNse not what they never kNew now..
in other words.. they lack cognitive empathy and sympathy and basicAlly Love for
tHeir fellow human beings who were/are born and raised different than them now too..
so.. is tHeir anyway i can come in as a thief in the NiGht and raise a Mount of Olives
at the front of the church in lightening and thunder liKe voice last niGht to
change their minds at all that they too are no greater than a grain
of sand that is Jesus whoever that Five foot one or so
Hundred or so Pound Syrian looking Brown Dude
who their newly elected Anti-T-Love would NOT
let over the Ocean border to
speak to them
even if
he tried to
come back from
there again.. now in
original little brown man way
with great human spirit now STiLL
as size matters not in hUman sPiRit
and NaTuRE GoD sAMe way.. WeLL ..
considering that my Mother who was all about
Love.. in her older more conservative ages managed
to get brain washed by Faux News too.. And Bill O’Reilly
Heavy Breathing Priest like Molestor ways through phone
lines too.. in Cable TV way too.. and no matter what i did she
would never agree that a World of One Love is greater than one
Nation with borders closed off to on eARTh of HUman Love now..
not likely.. not likely even a thief in the NiGht could Force them to Love like
a New
Jesus now.. YeS..
iN all eARTh agAPe
NeW age way NoW too..
so it’s true While i kNow them
they don’t kNow me.. and perHaps
it will be another lifetime before Jesus lives as them..
i’LL let Nature and God sAMe determine that in judging
way.. but it’s clear these folks have no idea what Love can and
iN TrutH anD LiGht
for NoW.. i CaN and WiLL
Hope and sure pray without
even words.. aS positive Force
of emoTiOns and SeNses they WiLL
change Now.. the eARTh could sure use
a BAnd-AiD like that NoW too.. the Medicine
is Love.. aS Sure it works for the Congregation but the rest of the world
needs a shot of it too.. from those who would exclude and from those
who would take more of the resources of the eaRTh and Humanity and never give back..:)
The Message is
easy in form as a
four letter word LOVE..
The Essence oF Love
worK iN UNconditional
cRaP.. i Never tOld yA the
title of this MacroVerse 95/766..
yes.. all i had was a SMiLe then
and NoW i HaVE aNoTheR Title/labEL..
eARTh DaY hUMaN PoTeNTiaL oVe..:)
And now to the second Profile Pic of the
NiGht as fully disPlaYed on Facebook too..
but first a note.. as Facebook FriEnd and Super
Nice and Beautiful Woman Maggie drops by long
enough yesterday in on our FB Dance Profile Pics..
AS Dance Friends we continue.. to say and i quote.. her..
So glad to still have you as a dance partner, 3 years strong!!
i return with..
Love it!!.. NoW
Dance need
Never Grow
Old.. DFF..
(i added the
now in now by a way)
And now i say2.. you see.. really
NoW anything that binds folks can be
sports.. religion or politics as religion
too.. and yes.. that includes dance without
even any words.. as i’ve really never sat down
with Maggie to have much of a conversation at all..
but sure.. hehe.. everything about me as far as uploading
all of my soUL.. yes.. from head to toe too.. i jusT a click a way..
no secrets to withhold.. so when i have A Facebook Friend i truly
have a Facebook Friend.. as folks get a load of all of me.. in Joker way too..
as this kind of leads up to the next muse of FB profile pic too.. but regarding the
last so-called ‘i smile’ FB Profile pic at the Southern Baptist Church.. obviously
i am not really smiling i am just baring my primate and canine teeth.. as a
wild and free animal will do to greet you.. sort of letting ‘it all out’.. without
turning any money chaining tables over.. yes.. in other words it is
a Yoga Pose that in due affect and eventual effect regulates
emotions and integrates sense.. voila.. the Kingdom
of Heaven comes now or comes again iF
it ever came before in your life
then or now.. in other
words Peace
of Mind baby..
Bliss.. Nirvana.. yes..
the kind at Hand that is Heaven
in this Generation always NOW for
those who SeeK iT FiND it and NoW aRE KeePinG
iT in a Unity Yoga WiTh NatuRE GoD sAME.. yes..
NoW.. butt you see that sounds too much like the
real Gnostic Version of Jesus not adulterated by
the Trump Constantine and his Catholic Full oF
Swamp friEnds way back then in 325 AD too..
same basic characters.. just new political
actors and clothes of camels now
far far away from the ultiMate
SMiLeStoNe oF Heaven
LiVinG WiThin
aS GoD
TrUE and LiGht NoW2..
so no.. i did not turn any money
changing tables over last night either
when little men judged greater works
of MaN as Buddha and Jesus and
Lao TZu and such last
niGht iN
lies of KnoWinG
NoT the FucKinG
CluE of what they do STiLL lasT niGht2..
never the less and yes.. i did come back in Power and Glory
a little more too.. with a Non-Verbal MeSaGE AS SucH iN PlaIN SiTe for
those wiTh eYes and eaRs to see deeper than thaT dude is FucKinG NuTs..
and yes..
if they
to kNow me
FeeL mE
SeNSe ME..
better i could
have given them some LiNk(S)..
but of course.. they kept a safe distance… HeheX2..;)
Okay and about that second FB Profile Pic and iN a
continuing New age Bible and Parable story way too..
in closing in on double the size of that good old but
yes antiquated old and new testament version
of the King James Bible in just a year
of completing time coming
this Memorial Day or
so of 2017 too..
compared to the Centuries
and 3 or 4 Hundred thousand
Scribe Mistakes to Bring a Good
and pArTly Bad Cop Jesus archetype
of human to the Book we have in Pews now too..
Andrew.. my newest Facebook Friend of a total now
of 68.. even brave enough to be associated with someone
as uncanny boy and girl valley way as me.. you know Katy
Perry ET and all of that way too.. yes.. Andrew comes up to
me in the Walmart Parking lot and says with a real human sincere
smile.. did you have fun at Seville Quarter last night and as any new
age Sheldon Cooper will empirically measure events i immediately
report yes.. i’ve actually done that for 157 times now except for
deaths in family and runs from intestinal bugs in a couple
of weeks in three years missed too.. and go on to Sheldon
Cooper explain too.. i’ve written 1.4 to 4 to 12 Million
Words on the Internet and how physiologically
the Dance BringS the Focus and
WiLL to accomplish
that human
potential too..
and next he says my
children love to watch you
dance.. what’s your Facebook name..
and i hesitate a bit.. as if this nice bearded
young man is anywhere close to the Pace
Assembly of God Church as far as a Jesus
photo in every other Profile Status on FB..
there is a very good chance that
what i do on Facebook
is gonna seriously
offend him as
truth and light be told
what i do in life doesn’t make
many real friends or acquaintances
as usually i piss off Christian and Atheist
folks in equal measure of that dude is FucKinG
Zealot Nuts.. a little ironic i might add in Both
Zealous Nature of Einstein and so-called
Jesus too.. but never the less and more
i cautioned him that i am way way out
there and what i do is only adult
friendly too.. as even though
that part is adult
restricted not
all folks
make sure
their kids Electronic
Devices are set to kid friendly..
but obviously to this point it is more than
evident and clear that Mr. Andrew is a free
spirited and kind gentleman too.. and in reviewing
what i found on his Facebook Page.. all is love all is
kind.. hmm.. maybe i met the real Jesus dude last night
without still any clues if he goes to church at all.. and truth
be told in effect and affect of Love and very Loving looking
family.. and everything he does as a Barber for Peaden’s Barber
shop.. the place i went for over a Decade to See the original owner
Howard who gave me my first California Concept Hair cut in about
the year ’75.. this dude seems as Good Cop Jesus as any dude i’ve
met iN New Jerusalem yet.. ya never know i guess and truth is all you really
need to do
is feel
spirit of the
person standing
next to you.. good feels
good bottom line.. and anything
but love doesn’t feel as good.. top line now..:)
And that ends today’s New Bible story.. foR NoW..
‘they’ say..;)
AS thiS Bible growS EvEN BiGGEeR.. NoW heHe..
NoW iN
“eARTh DaY HuMaN PoTenTiAL LoVE NoW”.. aLL thE WaY bAbY..;)
Happy Earth Day.. with yes.. much Love
as the previous Photo indicates.. before
the EclipSinG bY the eARTh heAR with the
17 year old Version of Katrina.. only difference
reAlly is.. she wore make-up then in High School..
And went all natural after that sTiLL until today with no make-up too..
Hmm.. alWays thought she looks older with Make-up on anyway.. and
TBH.. when we first got married.. she at 19 and me at 29.. i couldn’t wait
for her to get older to get that fine wine aged look as Women do with years
of Love.. what!.. you’ve never heard of being aged by Love.. it hapPens aS WeLL
As MaGiCaL Love SpeLLs by Husbands with certain potions.. hmm.. as the
evidence indicates at lEast.. WeLL.. we were going to do one of two things
to Celebrate eARTh Day today.. and that was going to be either Nude
Beach Day out or in.. i gave the Katrina her choice.. as that goes
to retain a healthy glow of Youth iN Sun And Sand FReED..
after all.. as ‘they’ say.. Humans from dust and formed by
clay are yes.. according to science shows.. actually
even Star Stuff too in Sagan Cosmos way unTiL
Star Burst Death comes and from duSt
Of Crucible Fire.. eveNTuaLLy SeNTieNt
StAR DuST pLuS uS arrives iF A Star Burst
FloWer theNoW Successfully Seeds us
NoW2.. as we eventuAlly Seed oTheRS
iN StAR BurST InsPirATioNs too.. noW..
noT uNlike the Birth oF uNiVerSes Now
too.. wHo kNows and FeeLs anD SenSeS
PerHapS iN BeYOnd InFiniTE cycles oF BirTh
too as wE sEE iN pArT aS WhOle aS NaTuRE
pArTS oF NaTuRE whOle NoW on EaRTh NoW2..
AnyWay.. yeS.. wE are the Cosmos StanDinG TaLL
H InFiniTy as eARTh and WhOle paRT too.. as i do Love
to say.. yes.. we are the beST we CaN Be and even MoRE iN
what ‘they’ caLL John 14:12 ways of liFE in aT leASt one area
of Global collected Sacred Texts do date in Google way.. when
yes.. the K oF 11 iN Alpha Numerical way.. Bridges as two ones
tOGeTher and BeCoMes thaT H8 StanDinG tALL BeYOnd H InFiNiTy waY foR
US NoW as juST anoThEr HoLy and SacRed DiViNe Symbol FuLL of Meaning
and Purpose created JuST for yoU and FuN too.. as hUmans continUe NoW to
joiN Hands as Neurons around the Globe iN BoTh HeMIsPHEres of 1’s and
all ARouNd LonGiTudes and LaTiTudes for meTaPHoR too.. iN Quantum
UnLeasH and ReLeaSe of BeinG hUman PoTenTiaL as MiNd and BoDY
BaLanCinG ForcE oF wHole SoUL and WorLd soULs SoUL oNe Force2
As CreAtioN too.. anYwaY as Katy Perry SinGs that’s the way we do iT..
FuN FuN FuN FuN NaKeD SanD anD SuN DancE and SinG too.. aLL
NoW oN
eARTH Day2
And more on thaT
iN a FeW oF CourSe
As LeAVe no FB Profile Pic
Description Section less than
TSuNaMi FuLL of Words NoW too…:)
Preparing another Free Facebook Algorithm
Special Video Slide Presentation of Weekend
Dance Activities.. ETc.. And the Facebook Algorithm
Automatically Tagged Dance Friend Maggie.. so.. since
i haven’t figured out how to turn that off.. so other Facebook
FriEnds WiLL not also be deluged by word play in Ocean WhOle
Poem way.. i am gonna cut this short.. as no one probably wants
on their
Facebook Page
hehe.. for all to see..
enough said over HeAR
iN Ocean wHole Poem way
in terms of 130K FB words a month..
too.. and Jesus.. i’ll never get as many
views on my FB Video noW as Maggie
gets.. in terms of 1.2K views of that
Fabulous Pensacola Beach
Princess Leia-like
bathing suit
in all
Bathing Beauty..
Glory too.. anyWay..
once again.. now from the
Southern Baptist Back Pews
of Gospel SinGinG thaT stARts
oUt this Dance Weekend Extravaganza..
as usual.. off to do something else somewhere else..
now.. oh.. the joys of ADHD four views at once.. and more..;)
Oh yeaH.. and sPeaKinG of more Beautiful Women.. per the
Katrina in uncanny valley looks of 30 years ago sTiLL today
at 47 past 17 since then.. i’ll CaLL iT what iT iS.. yeS ‘TiS MaGiC..;)
True No Fear
6 Word
Yes.. NoW aS inspiRed
by Poet Blogger FriEnD..
Victoria.. originally meeting this
Nice Woman on the dVerse Poet’s
Pub Trail wHeRE she was one of some
wHo were and sTiLL are open to my poetic
method of responding to all prompts and links
tHeRe as wax on and wax off WiLL Do iN InCreASinG
hUman PoTenTiaL sTiLL.. forevermorenow.. more now more..
So.. AdditionAlly.. Victoria responds back with encouraging words oF..
I always love your comments – thank you, you’re an inspiration..:)
And i return aGaiN.. wiTh..
Thanks.. my FriEnd..
And i alWAys
Love it when
The Poetry
Of your
Shows up
On MyBlog..:)
She says..
Red HeART EmoTiCoN…
And finAlly.. i say..
Regular UnLeaded.. SMiLe EmoTiCoN..:)
And regarding the Grey DancE T-ShirT for
Saturday NiGht Public Store Dance that says..
“Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want to Come”.. Hopefully
i WiLL be on time enough NoW to relate thAT much more..
On Sunday Morning.. BeForE Roman Catholic Church.. so for now.. nite nite..;)
“eARTh DaY hUMaN PoTeNTiaL oVE”.. A Title of a 95th/766th MacroVerse shadoWed
HeaR by A “Guardians of the Galaxy II’.. Promo at the MaLL with mE iN
a T-Shirt in the forEground that says.. “I’m Not Lazy, I Just Really
Enjoy Doing Nothing”.. and sure.. that’s A way of the world..
if whatever you are doing in our Western Civilizations
does not earn actual money in terms of
spendable stuff on consumables..
it is considered nothing or
as one of my Gym
FriEnds i like
a whole lot
except for unavoidable
ignorance on how important
play is… feels that if play is not
earned through rules of before.. it is
just play and meaningless as it is out of
order in what was done before.. that’s really
sad as i am the one who enjoys constant bliss
through a play of life.. including.. writing 42,000 plus
words last week.. Dancing in Public for 42 Miles in those
7 days ending on 4.20..too… Building a 10 and A Half Month Bible
to 1.42 Million words.. by George with all these forty-two’s.. i must
have got in touch.. somEhow.. with the Meaning of LiFe.. at lAast as a
Hi-Jacker of my own perSoNal UniVerse.. anyWay.. on the World Wide Web
Free.. beYOnd the SAndS oF Earth and sure.. A PaRt aS WhoLe originating
from Silicone Valley in furthering this do nothing for dollar ills.. shall i say bILLs
as Zero Green BLack Washington Dollars and Lincoln Cents of copper stuff
that makes me ill the way Money runs the world and ruins people’s human
poTenTial/heART too.. along with all the stuff.. like words and made
up only God men and last prophets and other limiting stuff like
that.. that yes.. reduces human potential
to keep us in the dARk ages of
caves iN the GreAtEST
GiFT oF ALL and
that mY
FriEnds IS A
Naked and AGaPe
Love for All ThAT iS.. AKA
YeS.. GoD wHOle excluding no paRT
of Creation as less/more important than a gRain
oF SAnD that as i Love to say over and over iN A Galaxy
oF the Guardians DancE and SonG.. sure.. Version 2.0 or so.. too..
Yes.. the GRain of SAnd that HOlds uP.. Both Mountains and Mountains
of hUman Beings FiLLeD WiTh and ExPreSsinG HoLY SpiRiT oF aGaPe Love NoW…
it’s a far cry and sadness too.. worth tears for those who exclude others as present
ears of me.. hears that against the Buddhists and Muslims separate among uS iN excluding
ways from the Southern Baptist Church and where a man who no one really knows for
sure what he even said in life according to science more than Belief and Faith in
the Authority of Trumps before expanding Constantine Roman Empires.. no
Different reAlly than MOAB ways of LiFE noW too.. as the one who has
the biggest bomb influences whatever folks Do.. STiLL NoW
in large enough pockets to win.. National Elections
at LeASt.. now too.. And yes again.. as usual..
per this morning.. the Roman Catholic
Church proves itself.. a much
kinder and gentler
way of doing
at least
some Good
News to Spread..
but if you wanna really
learn some at least positive lessons
about life in teaching way.. you’ll probably
have to go see an Osteen way of preaching
more in light than ignorance still.. although..
10 million dollar homes is usually an
indication that one hasn’t
really found A Kingdom
oF Heaven within..
yes.. of course at Hand NoW
iN tHis Generation STiLL promised..
by whoever the Original Greek Scribe was
who cherry picked whatever Good PaRTS he
Liked from Decades of Illiterate Aramaic Oral
Round Table Desert Road Tradition of
passing whatever flavor of the
story sells each day
to those who
will or not
listen.. depending
on if enough EmoTioNal Hyperbole..
is added in the mix as HouSinGs of Myths
as Vehicles and Vessels of MesSaGEs to
geT some TrUtH and LIGht FuLL to
whatever uneducated or better
educated folks are still
around then and
now too..
anyWay.. the Catholic
Church does some stuff correct
butt as far as leading folks to Heaven
NoW.. the one at Hand.. not much to say
but Love.. Love Love.. without hate butt not to keep your
shame for not being Good enough from Birth to be Happy
now without unwavering belief and faith in so and so said
it was true too.. when the answers lie as truth WiThiN.. oh yeah..
and so rare are even wavering hips of DancE WatcH Spotted at Church..
MoVinG.. ConNecTinG.. Co-Creating WiTh and aS NaTuRE wHoLe..
trUe.. wHo has time these days in camel way to enter
into aN EYE of HeaVeN isREAL NoW..
WeLL.. TrUth is.. since i’m Lazy
enough to be laser focused
on what i do do.. 24/7/365
for zero Bucks.. i
found the
time as
so-called Lazy
to come to Heaven NoW..
in works works works and more works
as Dedicated Covenant.. juST BeTWeeN
Me and NatUre aka GoD and all the somEtimes
Erie CoINcIDeNCes iN ACausal ConNectinG Principle..
otherWisE KNoWn as Snchronicity II.. hapPeNs noW too..
IT iS whaT iT IS as All ThAT iS for folks who experience
And exPreSS Allthatis as God too..NoW iN Synchronicity
WaYs oF LiFe’s all Fortune NoW2.. AnyWay.. getting
to Heaven NoW And.. SaVinG a real flesh and
Blood soUL that may be out of EmoTioNaL
And SeNsoRy BaLanCInG ForCE iS
HoW i AiM To hELp oTheRs too..
As any Guardian
WiLL try and cry
as ‘they’ say to do thiS NoW..
AnyWay.. bed is CaLLinG agAiN
after more than 40 MiLes of Public
DancE iN JuST three days too.. as hey..
i have an answer foR iT aLL @LeASt FoR NoW iN Lazy way..
meek.. and humble.. with never MaKinG A Penny oFF mY soUL2..
THeRe is Mercy
And it is the Mercy
thAT Lives within.. the Lord
and Savior that is our real flesh
And blood soUL.. a PlAce that has
no one name only NoW as Energy Synergy
EmOTiOns and SENSes tHaT fLaMe A LiFe TorcH
ForCE thaT SPiRiTs HiGher iN MiNd and BoDy BaLancinG HeaLinG isREaL Power
more than any book or phrase but Music as Force can relate more fully NOW..AFAIKFS..
yeP.. As Far aS i KNow FeeL and SenSE iN DAncE and SinG oF LIFE aLL FReED NoW2..:)
Good Evening.. FriEnd SoHeir from over heAr
iN A Morning State of Flowers iN Panhandle
way over HeRE in the U S of A.. And this
Video you share on our
still antiquated systems
of schooling children IS A bit
of a deeper problem too as those who
make rules STiLL for the Schools to operate
are naturally rule makers and resistant to change..
And sure.. we have A Vice-President who doesn’t believe
in Evolution and both guys at the head of the class of political
rule who don’t
give Climate
Grain as
salt of attention
as science proves it is
a real thing without a doubt..
Grades one through twelve for me
were great as far as acing multiple choice
tests and achieving rank 11 out of 381 students
but it left me with no creative ability to express myself..
no school of emotional and physical artful intelligence.. in otHeR
words.. right brain desert school.. where analytical thinking was mostly
math and algebra that’s good for solving the problem of a check book now..
And that’s about it in the real world of living life out of school jail prison
of sitting still and rotting behind a desk.. while a third of school age
children are assessed these days in clinical studies with
pre-type two diabetes.. a third of the adult population
actually addicted to Opiates and Skyrocketing
rates of Psychotropic Medications
for Children who no longer
even play in the
Natural World
glue tHeir eYes
and all of what’s left of
a body and mind that miGht
otherwise be BaLanCinG in A Play
after the ending bell of school.. yeS.. oN
scream of brightly lit screen that has little
to no MoVinG CoNnecTinG CreATing ways of liFe
in the Face to Face World that includes grass and
dirt too.. and trees and flowers and imagination more
in developing the ability to critically think now other than
what is data download brain.. in left brain thinking ways..
Poverty of the hearT.. mY FriEnd.. PoVerTy of the SpiRiT that
no longer NoW has the abiLiTy to say more than 140 characters
of either oral verbal or Non-Verbal Language of Attention.. oF looK uP
inTo my eYes and connect as being human.. yes.. hugs and handshakes of
greeting left..failed as arms hung to concrete floor.. A Zombie Apocalypse NoW
not only within desks of priSon schools.. yes.. designed to make humans nice little
cogs fitting in with the machine of society that no longer even resembles what
the rule makers had in mind as the video you share.. so nicely shows.. humans no
longer even need apply for jobs unless it’s what’s left of Walmart and
Health Care for all the Sick Humans out of MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG..
Sure.. an epidemic of Zombies.. and a Brave New Experiment
of Culture out of whack as the World of Capitalism
is not human and a buck made and a human
put out of work with a Robot
Information Technology
replacement is
still a buck
and that word
that rhymes with buck
about the rest of humanity..
who is not in charge of the machines
that replace the rest of humanity so far removed
from what humans once did for thousands of years..
pretty simple really.. forAge For Subsistence.. and Love
each other hand in hand in a flesh and blood coopeRation
that means life to Death.. LiVinG.. wHeRe every second was/is Hands
and heARTs oN FuLL oF Holy and Sacred meaning and purpose as to live
means toGeTheR holding hands in what we are evolved to be as Altruistic
BeinGs.. hELping each other day to day.. second to second iN a Breath of life..
it’s true.. one can’t reAlly much effectivELy fiGht
city hall or the folks
who vote city hall
in as they insist
on not changing
and that is also part of
Nature as science shows too
among the sitters of us.. comfortable
to safely sit inside desks and screens of life..
but sure.. tHeRE are the Rovers leFt who invented the Internet..
who moved outside the cave.. who look for greener meadows NoW
and LiVe A Garden of Eden nOw.. iN otHeR words.. A Solution is iN the
iNdividuaL AS The system is broke by those who refuse to change..
Save yOUrsELf
as ‘tHey’ say
as rules
no heArt
and those who make
them are the problem unto itself..
AnyWay.. A short term individual solution if tHeRE
is any long term solution ever in a hUmaN woRld STiLL TurNinG into a RoBoT..
other than that.. Hello SOHEIR.. with much Love iN A World of Being Human..
And over heAR
Home Schooling
is an option one can
still do in the back yard
and at the park at least avoiding
type-two diabetes if one can unplug long enough to move..
unlike Computers.. Human Tin Cans STiLL require Oil that moves..
and nah.. not only side walks in repetitive ergonomic injury way..
yeS iNvisible
the way
we used
to escape predators
and capture prey.. not
a leaf moved and never
a step in the same direction
as leaves move and humans continue to fall..
And.. oh yeah.. berries on bushes and fruit on trees
requires a stretch of arms and a twist of torso more than
and sitting still..
We are both God and
UniVerSE wHOle when we
Swirl like Galaxies aS means to be..
sure.. those Sufi Dervishes had/have a clue
other than doing it the same way in uniSon
as Stars
Fire and Shine Free..
wearing clothes now
without them..
BreatHing MoRE..
LiVinG LiVinG NoW..:)
Dedicated Effective Meditation
is proven by science as 27% more
Effective in Yoga way than Opiates..
ONE CAN Internally in much greater PoTEnTiaL..
God Given as HiGheR PoWer of Nature
And HUman Nature sAMe turn off the
Thalamus and bypass pain all together
FREE and the otHeR examples of LooKinG
witHin sAMe/DifFeREnt as the original
Gnostic Jesus said to find the
hiGher PoWeRs
of God/NaTuRE
tHeir are aLmost
InFiniTE for those who SeeK
and FiNd InNaTE.. InSTinCtual
all INtuitive HUman Nature
iNtelligenceS NoW as otHeR
ReaLLy smARt Animals alREady
Master to Heal themselves Free..
It’ll never happen over heAR unTiL
folks move out of books that help them
still say.. it’s the work of the Devil or such non-sense as that..
As alWays..
Thanks for the
insPiRaTioNs.. Dear.. SOHEIR.. wiTh Love..:)
As FriEndshiP
ExPreSsinG LeTTerS WiLL juST DO.. NoW2..;)
Common eYes
Common Love
ComMon BeinG
hUmaN LovE..:)
OtHeR thaN
thaT Hi Frank..
Hope you are eNjoYinG
SpRinG FloWers thATwHo oNly DancE and SinG LoVe..:)
i’Ve been TrYinG to write Facebook Statuses
LatELy thaT fiT iN A New formaT
oF BiG PRinT FredKu2..
So.. sure..
Thanks for the
iNspiRaTioN too.. mY FriEnD..;)
Seaweeds of LoVinG eARTh..
Dogs smell more hear more
than Clothes
of hUman
Culture.. NoW HeAR..
Seas RiSinG FaLLinG
WiTh Ocean and RiveR
tIdes.. streAMs oF GiVinG
MoRe.. RiVerS of TaKinG BaCK
Cycles iN and ouT.. ShorEs DAncE and
SinG.. EVeNinG RiSe and MoRninG FaLL..
SPRinG WiNteRs MoRE SuMmeR FLowErs
Bee A
SonG oF Birds….
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd
iN CeLeBraTioN wE
HUmaNs as DrOp oF
WatEr AiR.. wE
StAR duST plUs
From CruCiBle FiRe
ResurrecTinG aLL from stAR
DEaTh BirTh uS WiTh eYes oF DoG
to Sea.. EaRth DaY aLWaYs NoW..:)
OtHeR than thAT..
Hi.. With Love..
FriEnd.. Xenia Tran..:)
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
Xenia.. remiNds me
of Childhood with First
TV.. then at age 7 or so..
all bLack And White too..
beFoRE that only NaTure..
pLay and DreAms With Land
Kids on the River.. yes.. Children
with that last name too.. soon after
TV.. i imagined Brutus and Popeye and
Olive oiL too.. Under RaiLroad Trestle Play2..
Funny.. how TwiLiGht DanceS and SinGs2
foreVernoW as thaT point
foRever is
TwiLiGht LiFe..2
And it’s also true
eventually i married
Olive Oil and became Popeye too..
just visualize it.. write it down.. so let it be2
FruiTioNs DreAM LuciD GuidEd WaKinG pLaY1..:)
To be eARTh
To be ART
To be SeA
Below To Be
A GRain oF Sand
aLLone BeHOlds
MounTaiNs.. hUmans.. Love..:)
Ivory Tower
PoeticAlly Free Verse
Including Dance per Do iT..;)
SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. NoW
alWays inspiRation HeAr..
And consideRing just one of
mY MacroVerses to read is like
reading the average poetic output
of a year.. hehe.. perHaps one day.. i’LL
come around and poeticAlly
respond to every
thing you’ve done
heAr2.. but please..
if i ever do..
me.. haha..
as i give my
wife headaches
when i let iT aLL out
in vocal verbal SonG too..
hehex2.. anyWay2.. i’ll find some
way to pay you back for just visiting
one of what i do NoW oN anY giVen three
Day Desert Island Tour.. Gilligan’s Island
Paradise for me at LEASt as the Act of Art
is aLways
Divine FeeLinG DaNCinG FinGeRs FeaT
And SenSinG to me2.. my friEnd.. Xenia..:)
JuSt AnoThEr Neo-liKe Classic
Fred Pose of Divine Feminine
Grace and Love with
Strength by the
Reddy alWays Reddy
Freddy Ice Machine By
A Six Pointed Star Logo
of SuperWalmart Middle Wide
Dance HaLL World… with unsuspecting
normal herd juST ouT of HeARd Reach
of me around the corner of entrance
way.. it’s trUe.. juSt AnoTher
Lazy i don’t wanna
Do nothing
me to
do.. Peter Pan..
with an Assistant
Isis Katrina sister mother
wife enabler to get the job oF Peter
Modern Pan all done to T of ART iN WalmART more..
yes.. of course it’s trUe.. i Live in an Ivory Tower that’s isREaL..
And sure.. i invite oTheRs to cOMe ouT and DancE and SinG Free
Verse FReED too.. buTT iT’s not so hard CoMinG ouT of the Ivory Tower
FReED as iT iS TaKinG
Folks uP to wHeRE i LiVe
iN much greater HuMaN PoTenTiaL
InTeLLigenceS moRe than eARTh Bound Misfit
as i continue to jusT Do IT Fly.. oH.. Free.. as
NAtuRe GoD WiThiN Me.. yes.. oN cOURse..
iNside.. ouTside.. aBove.. so beLow
and all around forevermore
NoW iN Never Land Never
Ending StorY aLL
juSt for Now
butt more
coMe NoW2
eVEN MoRE NoW2..:)
Facebook Friend Sherri and
Dancing partner from way back
in the mid 80’s.. reMarks.. regarding
the Dance Photo from Walmart.. as pose..
LOL…..I’m thinking the Santa Claus Is
Coming to Town cartoon…..LOL…Great pic, Katie Mia!!
And.. i return.. with..
cRap.. i forgot
mY HaT and BearD..
SMiLeS and Thanks.. Sherri..;)
Sherri.. clarifies..
I was talking about
the Abominable Snowman….LOL…Reminded me
of that with the ice in the background, but then
again “Ice, Ice Baby”…LOL…Yeah, you could do
Vanilla Ice!!…Have a great day!!
i return.. once agAin.. with..
Haha.. now you’re taking
me back to 1984..;)
Sherri.. says.. back too..
Gotta keep ourselves young!
i say.. in affirmation..
Amen.. whatever it takes..;)
Sherri.. returns again.. with..
Yes! All of a sudden, I’m feeling like an old woman!…
Kids are grown and now, my “thrill” for the week is
going to the grocery store and the mall…LOL……Oh Lord,
let me go to Disney World soon and be a big kid again!….LOL
i go.. even further.. with..
Haha.. my wife calls me
Disney World.. nice to
visit like a ride but
much harder
to live with
year ’round..;)
And finally.. Sherri.. says..
Agreed! Just need an escape from time to time…
Imagination and creativity there!
And finAlly iN Summary of
Dance and SonG i go..
DanCinG And SinGinG FReED2..:)
Hi.. Frank.. thanks NoW as alWays
for stopping by and Cartoons Do say
so much more in ease of non-verbal
communication that
can and will
be lost
in a World
of Science away
from SpiRit of HeART
yes.. more ART as hUman
soUl NoW FeeLinG SenSinG..
MoRe.. REguLaTinG InteGraTinG
than just FiLLinG uP WiTh excitement
of Video Games and the such aWay
and Blood
MoVinG ConNecTinG
CreATinG sTreAms NoW
iN RiVerS WaVes RiSinG
HiGher and LoWeR as TiDes
exPaNd OceaN ShoRes aS WeLL
as reCeDinG dARk aWay from LiGht moRe
for LIFE oF LiGht HeAR NoW Today.. oTheR
than that Hi aGAin my FriEnd.. as wAveS RoLL oNger.. heHe2..;)
Frank.. remarks at his blog
that he is finally enjoying
Beautiful Spring Weather
where he writes and lives..
And i come back.. to say..
Haha.. interestingly..
Fall 60F Temps in FL..
Today.. And OBTW..
Enjoyed your
With Sabio..
Never had
With him..
As Poetic Comments
Were among those not
Allowed to his taste…
Hmm.. Without a little
Holy MaGiC iN
Life.. iT iS
Rather stale..
And just anoThER
Side of existence..
i for one FeeL..
WHole alWays
From Separation
SenSinG all as
One.. even
More than
A FeeLinG
As ‘they’ say..
Sad A Separation
iN A Word as WHoly..:)
Frank goes on to say
is it great being whole
and therefore he can
see himself
in Sabio’s
Views and
i say further..
As ‘they’ say..
Namaste.. to
exclude no one no
thing and include nothing
iN A MiX of everYthing is Bliss..
Can and
WiLL FeeL iT..
With DarKneSS
And Pain as
LiGht OnE Can
And WiLL FeeL anD
SeNSe to Better Understand NoW
HoLy as wHOle CaN and WiLL Be..:)
aS Whole..
No Pun
juST FuN
For NoW@LeASt..;)
But with all seriousness.. Castes
from where even Namaste
coMes From iN Hindu way..
CaN and WiLL
oF aLL liGht..
iN LiFE Archetype..
And sure as Nature..
when that happens..
usuAlly an ‘Aghori Trickster’
coMes to set the Castes Free.. sMiLes
mY FriEnD.. LiVe.. trULY LiVe WHoLY
LonG enough and iT beCoMes more than
clear thaT aLL oF eXistence at core is Meaning and Purpose..
Follows as uS..
iN A Humble Lead too..:)
This is a very difficult pose
to keep and as the wife/
Isis says.. my figure is
stARTinG to
look like
in Hour Glass Way..
but remember.. it’s true..
My Mother was voted with
the best hour glass figure..
iN 11th and 12th grade.. hmm..
Good thing.. i got my Head from my Father..
at leASt
the pARt
outside it Seems..
Anyway this MacroVerse
aLL aBouT.. eARTH Day
hUman PotenTial is FiXinG
to get hOur glAss LonGer afTer
A MiX of Martial Arts and Ballet-like
Military Gym Dance and Leg Pressing
1020LBs as pArT of EXtrEME Strength
Training too.. and if i am ever gonna
moRe fulFiLL thAT MiLeSToNe more
as 8th SoN as David in terms
InFiniTy as hUmaN
i muST
as they say
a little more iN
MicheLanGeLo Pose Style too..
Sure ‘they’ say.. work iT.. Baby too..
With so many MacroVerses and MicroVerses
And oTheR relaTEd STuFF to ShaRe from Facebook
Memories from Algorithm Art years.. GroWiNG pAss
CoMinG BAcK agAIn SooN as aLWays proMiSinG too..:)
Hmm.. 9 Earth Day Weekend MacroVerses and associated
MacroVerses coming from years ago now in Facebook Memory
way along with 4 Pre-MacroVerses as well and a variety
of MicroVerses from a year ago too.. as again as they
say work what ever it is yA GoT.. StePs or Words WiLL
Do iN DancE
and SinG
SinGinG waY agAIn..
“Burnout on the Autism Spectrum”.. kind of a Gateway All Natural Drug in
Google Search way to my old Katie Mia Aghogday BlogSpot Blog aRiSinG
toward 6 thousand Single Pre-MacroVerse views out of 207 or so
total thousand views on that whole archive blog too.. so far
aS iNtroduction to what Autistic Burn-out is and how
to poTentiaLLy Avoid it too.. to save your
isReaL MiNd And BoDy SoUL all out
of whack out of BaLanCinG
ForCe too.. and sure..
a few more million
words available
free at the
touch of
all the links
as nows and days
and months and years go by..
anyWay.. it rates toward the top of
Google Search way on this specific topic
per the Canaries in the Coal Mine who BRinG
a warning to the rest of So-CAlled Neuro-typical
Society.. heHe.. like tHeRe are any so-called Normal
BeinGS HUman.. anyWAy.. HeLp is on the way iN so many
ways of
too as we Give
our Joys and MiSeries
and find ways to Share the
Joy and overcome the miseRies too..
for those who are Altruistic enough
to JuST gET thE wHOle JoB dONE NoW..:)
“AWESOME Power of GOD MANiFEST wITh GOD”.. bottom and top lines as moving from
four years ago to three years ago heAR.. Any MacroVerse.. NoW or then.. stARTinG
ouT with Katrina.. in a Black Bikini.. has to be a keeper worth visiting aGaiN..;)
“true.. LOVERS only..”.. Rather Modest size MacroVerse
from three years ago too.. as alWays doing my best NoW
to insPiRE and MuSE oThER Bloggers/Poets/People too..:)
Again.. Small MacroVerse from only two years ago.. yes..
small enough to quote again heaR.. as “Farthest Star to Earth day”.. ThenoW2..:)
Yes.. tomorrow is Earth Day.. April 22nd.. and i seriously do not think that human is God’s favorite animal.. considering how many species no longer live here now.. as a direct result of human cultural byproducts…
In fact.. when re-entering the atmosphere.. when coming back from space.. those cultural by-products.. from a distance.. do look like.. a cancer upon the earth…
If humans are not careful.. to live in balance with GOD given Nature.. as they used to in hunter and gatherer days.. as foragers and sharers.. rather than laying claim and ownership.. in rule over Earth and GOD too..
God may place an iron fist.. in a place.. that is not very comfortable for humans.. at all…
But alas.. i am human too.. so if i do not become the change i want to be.. i too.. am
just as guilty.. as the other species killers.. of cultural byproduct way…
On that note.. in a brighter.. lighter way.. Love ya..:)
And hope one enjoys humans.. for the rest of the day..:)
AS best ya can.. on Earth day.. too..:)
“LOVING Mother Earth DAY”.. also celebrating eARTh Day from two
years ago.. as longer version with Wonderful Beach Photos too..:)
“E-scape” and the Tree”.. Celebrating eARTh through a Tree
from four years ago in Pre-MacroVerse Fashion FReED too..:)
“hOMe oF LiGht”.. MacroVerse from A Year ago..
wHeRE i WiLL Borrow a Theme SonG to add heAR too..
with lots of Free Verse Poetry and Dance Photos too..:)
“DANCING FOR EARTH DAY!”.. Festival Band at Pensacola Beach.. three years ago..
Starring my First Cousin Teddy.. as a Blue’s Brother.. while i accompany Free style
in the
of course.. WiTh DancE..:)
“FAREWELL to the Wrong Planet!”.. First time ‘they’ kicked me out
of Hell and i went all StayCation Heaven.. then went back to
Hell after three months and basicAlly said
FucK that place a year later.. wHere ‘they
said’.. basicallY.. A Lucifer LiGht BrinGer
iN aLL WhiTE MaGiC
SpeLLs was
per my Style
oF BeinG FReED..;)
“April Sunshine Vines”.. MacroVerse from two years ago.. as aLways poEtry
and PoeTry iN MicroVerse to MicroMicroVerse size with
DancE Photos sure
iN end
ways too..:)
Pre-MacroVerse from four years ago… per “Autism and the Broader Biological Gender Spectrum”..
as it’s true.. even science shows higher rates of androgynous folks who are HiGher
Functioning ..
Autistic Folks too..:)
“Autism and “Neuroextraterrestrialdiversity”..
A really long word and i bet if you Google
it.. the only result you will find is all this sTuFF HeAR..
as also Pre-MacroVerse from four years ago too.. from.. Katie Mia Aghogday Blog..:)
And now as far as Getting back to eARTh Nature Within
we.. BeinGS HUmaN.. “KUNDALINI dancing!”.. from three years ago.. heaR..:)
And now off to the MicroVerses from a year ago.. with a little
Madonna “Frozen” to accompany thAT too.. iN KUNDALINI dancing! ways too..:)
Arriving at the dance hall tonight..
with my psychedelic Kitty
shirt.. and as promised
by wife Katrina.. it
brought ‘my friends’
out and these very nice
under age.. yes.. somewhere
between 18 and 21 year old
girls.. by mark of X that prevents
them from buying drinks.. were
yes very nice to dance with.. and
at one point.. i was dancing in the
middle of somewhere between
six and nine girls.. but i lost
count.. somewhere
in heaven.. as usual..
yes.. even for
me.. it was a little
overwhelming as i did
not want to show any favoritism..
providing equal attention.. i don’t
think i would ever survive a real concubine..
with sMiLes.. and WiNks.. one woman is enough..
anyway.. more fun dance photos coming to my
latest blog post.. titled.. hOMe oF liGht.. and
OMG.. plenty
of iT galore
Well.. it’s Earth Day and first of note..
when composing words in free verse
stream of consciousness writing..
it is so much easier to do that..
in the post section rather than
the comments section on
Facebook.. as you do
not have to
do that crappy
shift and enter thingie..
and the opposite applies
for Word Press as when
you compose stuff in
the comments section
there.. you don’t have to
do that crappy shift and
enter thingy to
get the dam
lines to
single space and
as one might guess
with my style of short line
long line and the ‘tween writing
anything other than go go go in
flow flow flow.. disrupts the stream
as iT flows in to rivers and becoming
ocean whole.. oh.. isn’t poetry beautiful
when iT flows away from structure and becomes
as free as God iS when form becomes essence
one as free.. to use an old metaphor in reverse..
yes.. the word becomes a living thing instead
of the flesh becoming word but yes..
it’s truly the same dam thingy
one way or the other as
the essence of
my spirit
becomes sign
language online..
in so many ways..
including the art of i as
i sees the Earth and Sky
around me in living color
of photography too..
and in doing this..
true my
soul is Epic
as it has experienced
so much of the daRk and liGht..
shades of grey.. and yes rainbow
hues of colors above.. below.. inside..
outside and all around.. and today is Earth
Day as the dam Facebook Algorithm attempts
to auto put in one of my favorite bands ManFred
Mann’s Earth band and of course if ya kNow what
my real last name is.. much synchronicity in that one..
including the silly rhetorical argument on the Big Bang
TV show last night about manbat or batman.. in who
would be called what if one came before the other
and no that will not make sense unless ya have
a brain like me and
frigging Sheldon
Coooper.. hehe..
and yes.. i can relate
to the Dark Knight as
dark night of the soul..
as of course Batman dropped
off the face of the Earth for five
years and came back in synchronicity
way during my shut-in days too.. coming
back when his mentor of martial arts tales
him the highest honor is to be Legend over
fame.. and in a relative few months into my
dance at Old Seville Quarter i was named
that by the viewing audience within
a year of start.. so on this Earth
Day as Facebook does that
dam auto like thingy
again.. and i have
to space before
the flow of
i continues
in art instead
of mechanical cognition
per se.. i wiLL celebrate
my most favorite part of Earth
yes.. Katrina’s rear view..
as it is mY favorite form
of Earth/God currently
now generated first
from the remains of Star
Dust Explosions.. the Water
of the Oceans Earth and trust
me if i could provide the naked
view of this beauty.. i would have
millions of hits.. on Facebook and
my Blogs alike.. compared to the
hairy creature i am to compliment
as beauty and
the beast.. although
one nice African American
girl smiled at the End of the Night
as i was making my photography
’round the Seville Complex last
night and said hi Gorgeous..
and for a man fixing to
turn 56 years
old from
a beautiful
young woman..
My Favorite pArts
of Earth Day do Ring
true in the Art of uS Free
together riSinG when we
continue to make the most
of our living God Given human
potential across the life span..
and do not just sit
and rust in front
of the TV.. as Wife
Katrina.. is the only
one per female
at age 46 who can
get away with that
and retain the same
dammm ‘perky’ body
of a 16 year girl.. if you
get my Earth Day Drift..
yes.. her body looks even
younger than her face if that
is even possible and true it is..
and looking over the joyous faces
of all the positive energy of female
faces last night.. including even some
of their male friends.. in my dance photos
life is magic when free.. bold and expresSinG
all of life from head to toe.. noticing the youth
fuLL breasts of one young free spirited absolutely
gorgeous young woman.. going without a bra.. defying
gravity.. all natural silicon free.. as yes..
somehow God given
Nature of God still
allows the Goddess
of Sky.. my wife
Isis to do.. now..
as so often portrayed
in images of her too..
let’s face it.. a human
body.. like Jane Seymour
too at even 70 stays beautiful
when upkeep stays beautiful
in respect of God’s Nature
that lives within the
Temple of Earth
and human
who walks
OUT of Ocean
waters.. in brilliant
smiles and body mind
from head to toe FREE
iN sKeYes.. and hips of God
that do not lie.. taLinG the Truth ALIVE..
this art should be shared free.. and that
my friends is why i do Nude photography
in the most ArtfuLL of PaSSioN WaYS noW
plus yes.. haha.. my middle name is ARThur..
too.. to celebrate God
who lives within
i free
as Temple
oF God mE..
and i have to say..
i am moving toward
those works of art now
on the Sistine Chapel ceiLinG
Free noW As iN the flesh
oF God
head to toe..
inside.. outside..
above.. so below
and all around..
blesSeD bE
Earth Day
when iT
lives.. God
Free as WE..
Free FloWinG StreAMs
Rivers Oceans toGeThEr..
are wE.. to give to share
iS to bRinG everyone
up wITh tHe graViTy
oF God sET FREE..:)
“Once you’ve seen the face of god,
You see that same face on everyone you meet.”
~~ Deng Ming-Dao ~~
Well.. Lord.. truly
the Golden
Rule in Reality
is we all are the
face of God and all
the rest of creation
real.. seen and unseen
too.. and last night celebrating
the eve ’till morning of FuLL
Moon Earth Day the female
form of God in Dance
was shining extra
briGht as
fuLL moons
WiLL bRinG
to the water
oF us.. my
friend Gigoid..
here on a forecast
Rainy Friday.. wHere
Sun has replaced that
lie of potential truth..
as reality
wITh God
eYe oF Sun2..
If and when folks
finally figure out that
Nature is God more.. then
perhaps.. more folks WiLL
finAlly recognize God iN Each
other as the naked FucKinG TrUth..
as so many pioneers ranging from the
Gnostic Jesus.. to Buddha.. to Lao Tzu..
and sorry i have to discount Muhammad
as truly he did NOT despise human slavery
in keeping God as human slave.. and that
slavery continues on through nearly
half of the world wHere women
do not even retain
rights to
who they
choose to have
children with.. wHere
marriage is instutionalized
rape when not consensual
as such.. a bone of contention
of mine that has been groWinG
greater as i have friends who have
been driven down by human slavery..
pasted in words of religious lies.. so i
WiLL continue to champion the free oF
Women’s eYes wherever i go and freely
Love them in whatever consensual way
that my wife agrees to in shaRinG
hehe.. the liGht of mE..
with the fairer
Love of
the human
God iN Species
REAL.. but anyway..
as a child at age.. 3 i saw
the face of God in Nature..
Religion tried to take that away
but the naked beach of i brought it
back.. and last niGht celebrating Earth
day.. God.. sHe sMiLes back to mE in so
many myriad ways of beauty and liGht of Truth..:)
Oh.. Tree oF LiFe.. you greet
me with Rainbow colors of
hope thaT iS reAl.. theRe is no
pot of Gold at the end of the
Rainbow but now.. story
of a majestic Oak
felleD by
a Hurricane
Named Ivan.. trULy
grounding me to the
real God of Mother Nature
and Earth trUe of Heaven
nOw.. when one becomes
free of the Hurricane stresses
of Life that are also all too real..
but no.. not the earth inherent.. as
after every storm comes a potENTial
Rainbow of Hope that iS real Now.. and
no illusory prize at the end of the Rainbows
of hope that are death instead of Life..
sadly.. close to half the World’s
Population are looking
forward more to
death in sacred
text way..
but of course
most who have
any sanity make the
best of what iS reAl NoW..
regardless of religious text
as that iS what the God of Nature
who lives in uS demands iN relative
free wiLL more than pain and suffering..
yes… animal homeostasis.. in balance..
pleaSure.. and even JoY..
iN sMiles oF hUman
bEinG.. WeLL.. anyWay..
after Hurricane Ivan made
once what was a Beautiful
Oak into a skeleton of a Dinosaur
iN Bones left standing.. and the tree
folks came home.. cut the rest of the
bones down.. and hauled them off
to the graveyard of tree
remains across the
hometown here..
a stump was
and then a leaf..
a twig.. and another
Tree oF Life grew from
what was left of that stump..
free with whatever seeds of liFe
in addition to that stump that GoDWinds
would blow tHeir as the magic of Nature’s
eYes WiLL do for Tree of Life.. Wife Katrina..
also a Tree oF LiFe for mE.. saving me from
utter destruction from the Tree of Culture that
is empty knowledge far far from what Living
even means in empathic sensing hUman
way.. putting the shards of almost
infinite broken back together
as 66 months would
be the sPaN
of i
to come
back aLive
on that end of
July 2013.. day
oF bliss.. once again
feeLinG the waves of
God in the particles of Water
i had become now long ago..
in Rain Drops separated from
Ocean fuLL.. i liVe then..
once aGaiN.. noW and
that Oak
that was once
only one thing before..
iN back yard beauty lone..
there is the dARk.. LiGht..
the shades of Grey.. and aLL
the Black and WhiTe oF RainBow
Hues that color mE real and DiVErse
foR noW.. Earth day inspires mE because
iT iS mY Real HeaveNoW.. Real hOMeNow
oF liGht NoW.. and iF oTheRs WiLL Love the
God of Nature wITh aLL tHeir heARt liKe i do aS
noW wITh No exception.. eitHeR felLed by Hurricanes
Of Life.. or new groWth oF liGht nOW.. tHeRE iS tRuLY
Hope for more folks to liVe iN thE Heaven oF NoW Real..
a Rainbow of liFe.. with trUly no end or Beginning beyond
INfinIty noW.. as broad as the SMiLeS oF God oN a Dog’s Face
or a cat curLed in comfort.. oNe wITh GoD oF NatUre TruSt NoW..
iN LoVinG
KiNd oF
HUmaNoW.. oh..
And yes.. honorAble
mention goes to Katy
Perry too.. iN Tree oF Life
as thiS SonG of SoUL named
Firework then.. was/iS the
only faint whisper mY
heARt.. mY SpiRit.. mY
soUl of Spark
hear that
day in 2010.. sTiLL at
the bottom of Hell then..
so sure.. tHeRe iS some water
iN HeLL for me then.. namely
Katy Perry.. as droPLet and that man sTiLL
tattooed on her wrist.. wHo lives as mENoW..
noWin metaphor iN Fearless Love oF NatUre TrUe..
iN liGht.. as Root and ViNe oF i.. Spreading FReED..:)
eriously.. taming a feral male cat and having him as a house friend..
is truly no different than taming a Panther/Cougar/Mountain Lion/Leopard..
except for the difference in size..and of course the operation to remove
the super reproductive drive that certainly mellows most any male
out of course.. in Animal Kingdom way..
but so much of his Nature stayS in the
wild sTiLL liVinG
Free iN noW..
and this cat
iS a Natural
iN God’s Balance..
and in finding comfort
within his own arms.. as
God Lives in those arms of
he in paws wITh cLaws of
oxytocin comfort too.. no
different than a young
couple’s Love..
except his
iS free
and never ending
noW wITh the God oF
Nature iN comfort of God’s
fur oF he.. and yes.. the other
technical.. science related explanation
for this Yogi-Like pose.. is.. Yellow Boy..
like all other Cats.. cools his internal
body temperature.. by raising his
soft side to the air
all around him
above.. so below..
spelling greater comfort
inside and outside real iN hiS
view oF his own UniVerse noW..
but when a cat snuggles up to ya..
or even other cats when raised together
with furry Love.. it is truly no different than
a child and mother’s Love.. or young romantic
Love.. as it is normal to social bond with the nurturing
neurohormone oxytocin.. for greater potential of survival
in cooperation.. rather that without help from the
other cats and human beings.. in giving sharing
way… Cats.. no friend to Yellow Boy.. too many
fights with other males for reproductive
rights in his WiLd Forest back yard
past.. but when it comes to
humans.. he is aLL about
touch and hugs
of paws in
and additionally..
a lesson many adult
humans could learn about
keeping on moving.. connecting
and creating.. as a play iN dance
oF LiFe.. wHeRe every move iS sacred
and holy iN God oF Nature way.. invisible
to both potential predator and prey.. and
the only way to move Now without making
a sound.. truly starts with one foot balanCinG
with the other now.. or in his case.. four paws
oF skill iN real Ninja Balance sKills.. no myths here..:)
SMiLes.. blesSed bE..
the pain.. the sorrow..
the outcasts lonely.. for
they may
become artists
and change the world
in a lonely heARts club
band of genius that not many
share.. and yes.. folks Like Prince..
Jimi Hendrix.. and the movers and
shakers like the Beatles.. and folks
like Rihanna and others today
with never a dance
but a way
to move folks
that many others
cannot do..
a blue personality..
they call it in Simulated
Society Leadership classes
in counties.. painters like Vincent
Van Gogh.. in troubled soUl.. and
there is the Yellow bird perched..
Personality.. the cautious.. the rule
makers.. judges.. then green.. the
social.. the sales person.. the
politician.. often
with a mix
of Yellow
too.. and
then the Red..
the enforcers of the
laws.. often with smaller
amounts of Loving colors
that come with empathy.. yes..
stop what you are doing in the
name of the law.. and then there
are the multi-colored nuts among
us that share all colors.. and
entirely different..
in Princes.. Kings
and Queens.. oF
Elvis.. Marilyn.. oh..
Freddie Mercury
and yes
again.. Princes
who change the world..
Oh.. by A
way.. theRe
was/is nothing
‘short’.. noWin the
liGht of that guitar
solo by Prince..
iS even too long..
too deep.. for words..
and that my friend..
iS why i dance
A message
than words..:)
WeLL.. wiTh all that said noW..
i’m sTILL celebrating Earth
day all year now.. all nows..
including all the wild stuff
that goes along with that
and with Katrina
ready for
a baby shower
or something like
that noW i’m going to
the beach and finding
the wild things about liFe
alWays now.. no matter iF
that comes in Human form
or only A dance oF
liFe iS great
WiLd and Free
any other thing
other than that
is not
to me.. perhaps
it is more of a lonely
route 66 but it is wild and
Free no less than Yellow
Boy and others who have
tasted true freedom at least
once in tHeir life.. and truly
to taste iT iS to juST DO aLL
ya can
to give iT.. share
it Free aS weLL..
no matter iF theRe
are no other takers
or givers in the vicinity
oF Heaven NoWreAL..:)
And this reminds me.. i was a
very cautious boy and young
man.. totally domesticated i
was and surprisingly
enough.. i had a
couple of
friends who
were the wildest
ones of all in high school..
at one point talking me
into buying beer for
them.. me
at age..
16.. as back
then ironically
enough i looked older
than my age.. with
a mustache.. and
even mistaken
for A
at times
at high school..
and no.. i didn’t drink
at all then.. either nor was
there any possibility then of
me breaking any rules at all..
except for buying the beer as i really
liked the idea of having at least some ‘friends’..
and yes.. i believed in the standard
story of Jesus being an actually
only begotten son of God..
while my two friends
were relatively
atheist about
all that
stuff then..
but one of them
went to Jail after
selling some LSD.. then..
and got converted over
in there.. stayed wild for
a while in some ways and now
is a total fundamentalist stiff
collared ‘Christian’.. along with his/
my other friend.. and no.. they are ‘too
good’ to even be a casual acquaintance
friend with me on Facebook..
but it’s quite
to me..
as although
one of ’em really
screwed up for selling
drugs.. they were happy
and free at least
one point
in their
life with
not too many
worries.. with
a lot of heart left..
at least in passionate
wild and free spirit of
feeling the wind in their hair..
and truly this happens to many folks
when they age.. and it’s not really even the
age so much.. as the worries of a modern
technological society
that will take away
the free
and even
parts of
human beings..
as stress is a cumulative
assault of acid like cortisol
impact on all the systems of
the body.. day in day out..
now to now.. and for some
folks like me.. close
to fight
or flight
type stress
of being in a
frigging Lion’s
cage who is not all
too happy about tHeir presence
there.. but overall.. Lions in
the Wild do better.. and
so do so-called
human beings
who retain tHeir
all natural God of
Nature given spiRit
of heARt in MiNd and
BoDy BalanCinG SoUl..
expreSsinG emoTioNs
and seNses FREElY..
so while my
are laid
up on their
couches.. easy
chairs.. or watching
TV.. etc.. today.. i will
be dancing at the beach.. or
like Thursday night in a crowd
of Joyous female sMiLes.. It’s truly sad
when a domesticating culture takes
all of this away.. as i didn’t have
much of it to start with
after age 3 and
when Kindergarden
started for sure..
and after.. but dam..
if i can get it back..
and OMG more more more..
it’s truly sad to see
some folks who had it so
strong and lose it almost completely
in pews of truly lost from wild and Free with GOD
Day Nature
alWays noWiN uS
and trUly WiLd and FreeNoW
okay.. it’s afternoon enough
wHere i can roam the beach
now.. without
frying the
on my
face.. Sun and
God screen FREe..;)
STiLL trying
to teach dance
to Batman and
Superman but difficult
it is as both are
kinda stiff
Affection.. peace.. compassion.. and mercy..
aka Aloha.. from the so-called primitives
of Hawaii.. before the modern
world conquered
it with the
way modern Christianity
practices life through the
Materialism of Trump over
the words of the humble similar
Pan Jesus of the desert of Nature..
sadly in the middle east that did not
include the Natural Abundance of
Hawaii.. before the buildings
became more of Nature
than beauty…
Truly the Golden
age is imprinted in the
breast of human.. the eyes
the hips.. yes.. the soft breast that
provides the milk of life.. and hips
wide bearing children with ease
yeah.. the year of the
butt is back again..
but plastic reins
stIll faux news
now in bottles
of rubber
where even
nipples are considered
dirty and something in females
that warrants a restricted rating
in videos where blood freely flowing
from violence is considered viewable
by all but a nipple shown will be evidence
of evil.. rather than the message that sex
is sold rather than shared consensually
with affection.. peace..
compassion and
mercy.. like
our closet cousin
the Bonobo does..
to ward off the guns of
modern humans.. where most
people miss the deeper message
of artists like Rihanna who is nothing
like the art she presents about the
darker side of culture
where the nipple
becomes an
object of
rather than just
a fact
of feeding life..
and sacred as such
instead of an object
to buy
or F iN
Victoria’s secret..
anyway.. as predictable
in the comments section
of YouTube.. some of ‘these’
more ignorant folks of social
messages in art.. totally missed
the forest for the trees of what they
see as evil nipples.. where life becomes
for sale instead of free the way it is on
beaches around the world where
the Golden Age
of the true representative
of the God.. the Naturist Jesus
from the Gnostic Gospels.. and the
mythological.. true representative of
God man of the Forest.. Pan.. in affection..
compassion.. mercy
and peace
lives free again
for those who freely
enter back into the Golden
Age of human.. where the fertility
associated with human being was
sacred and not reduced to a frigging
dollar bill in a strip
bar… When
the human body
becomes holy and
free in all its reproductive
functions.. and shared as
such consensually in arts of
culture as once was the case
when humanity was valued over
tools.. the golden age will come
back again.. yes.. the Kingdom of God will
rain.. Gold.. in peace.. compassion.. mercy
and true
of sacred human
flesh again.. where
every day is Earth Day..
Human Day.. and God day
one in same.. and Gold Finger
is from
head to toe..
where no longer
will the Anti-God folks
call Rihanna’s life giving
an evil
over even guns..
violence.. and the
spilling of human blood..:)
And for now and more.. “Where the Wild Things Are”..:)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
4 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Nether Land Bible 2017
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)