From June 14th.. Fred Day.. Ahem...
heHe.. Flag Day aLL FReED
And Just For the Tale of the Tape
Record Book Around 240LBS here
Give or take a couple of Pounds
From Above on 6.7.18
through Below
May 1st, 2018
Starting a New Free Verse Erotic Novel or hehe
what may eventually Turn into a Bible Sized Effort too..
as it will Grow Slowly and Surely too whenever i get in
the Mood to Write some more of it as i go as i will Date the
Efforts and Forget About Word Size now as it is what
Feels and Senses Good
that makes LiFE
what it continues
to be now
JusT NoW anyway
Illustrations below will come and
Go More From Past and Back to the Future Presents too..
For What ever Mood Strikes me up next to Grow more.. oh God Yes..
And iT WiLL Do the GroWinG in Future Present Photographic Efforts
of Blog Posts as i will keep it Going harder and softer and longer
by copying and pasting it in Future Blog Posts as Weeks go
on in additional Efforts of Growing
this Erotic Literature
and Longer
Coming Even Longer
Back to the Future Present more nowthen..
As Hey in a Way i Started this Close to May
Day of 2017 where i just couldn't wait and accidentally came in a Photo
just a
Drop of Life then hehe..
on just the Tip of An Experience Focusing then edging
and coming a little bit and a whole lot more Later then too heHe..;)
Memories From May.. 2017..
Back to the Future
Moving Away From the Present Again
Per all the Incentive i Need to Play Naked..
Summer of 2014
September 2013
18 years ago.. 7.17.2000
Yes.. i used to Have More Tan Lines and no i've never
Had a So-Called Monster Cock and Balls but what
i've always had was is a Golden Tongue and
Fingers to Make Butterfly Wings
Quiver as i Play a Pussy
Like a Piano With
My Tongue
Fingers Like
A Twelve String Guitar
As my First Girl Friend noted to
her Friend long after we Broke up that
i was a Sex Maniac in someways as i did lick
Her Gently All Around Her World Frequently
as Her Hand Jobs Made me come onto my Face
as she giggled with it dripping off my Forehead
but for Her Cleaning up the Rest was no Problem
as her Libido was High enough as nothing Disgusted
her much but when she was gently sucking the Head
all Velvet and Red she did ask me please don't come
in Her Mouth just about the Time her Father Walked
in the Living Room out of their Great Room and walked
away quickly in respect of what he probably did out on
some of his First Dates too.. and yes i did come a little in her
Mouth and it was not a problem for Her as she scampered
up to the Second Floor and Wiped the Rest of me Clean
and some of my Friends from the Past then who were
Girls noted her Body was disgusting it was so sexy
even with Clothes on but hey the Wife now still
has her beat back then in the Teen years now
at 48 even with one hand Injured now as
something about a Mix of Pacific
Islander and American
Indian and Irish
and the
Such as that
that edges out the other Nationalities
of the other Olive Skinned Teen Girl Friend
way way way back in the Late 70's as such then..
anyway.. i wasn't always this comfortable in my skin
as far as doing Nude Art in Fact that was the furthest
thing i ever imagined i would have been Brave enough to
do including Solo Dancing Everywhere i go where i can only
aSSume that Generates some Libido amongst the Newly Legal
Aged College Women at the Dance Hall Still for true quite a few
Have Vigorously Rubbed My Front hmm.. i guess since this is
A Restricted Blog i don't have to be nice anymore for it's true too
as their aim was is to put my Clothed Cock Between their Buns
and Stroke it in hopes that it would come Pulsating Throbbing
on the Sweet Spots of their Vulva all Clothed From the Rear
Bending over aS Such edging left and right and up and down
to get the best feeling out of the moment of heaven then on
the Dance Floor of Strange Cocks they hope to come up
and play with their Pussy Lips all Bent from the Rear
Rubbing harder and longer and moving around like
there is an itch that hasn't quite come yet
full hehe.. and i suppose perhaps a
Memory of the Feeling and
Experience and some
Fingers might
a Dream
come True they
orchestrate Later
for it is rather intoxicating
When a Young Strange Beautiful
Woman decides to Entertain your Cock
Between Her Clothed Buns and Vulva Now
PArts Sweating some Honey as Flowers Desire
to be Pollinated more in Human Female Form as
Essence of Sensual Sexual Bliss and Nirvana on the
Dance Floor and Fantasies at home touching Panties
with Wet Drenching Spots First pulling them down and
Playing their Piano Plucking their Guitar Strings in Synch
of Edging Bliss Deeper and all around Throbbing Parts
Pulsating as Butterfly Wings Quiver more.. i don't know
but hey.. i have imagination and i can dream anything
i like as Imaginary Lovers Never Fail To Please 'tween
the Ears and Edging Throbs with Hands Precipice
of Cliff almost reached but longer holding off
until the raise and fall comes of explosive
Bliss Next as Nirvana Sings her
Sweet Pollination Song
in Male Flowered
Form too hehe..
i love to Write
And this Erotic talk
has always been something
i wanted to try out and the Great
thing about a Wife who Never Ages is
She's never Been Afraid of other Beautiful
Women and from the Very Start of our Marriage
she's always enjoyed Stroking my Cock while we both
Watch Porn as she even remarks on how the Women are
Beautiful as She Strokes me Faster and Harder as a Women
is Sucking on a Strange Man's Hard Cock.. and every once in
a While i'll ask her do you like the way his Cock Looks and how her
Pussy Looks so wet and receptive as he thrusts his throbbing Cock
Deeper in Her.. as i watch her Face as she seems entranced on all the
Body Parts meeting each other in continuing heightened Passion
and what makes it even sweeter is my Wife is so innocent and
Sweet but still she is Human and we Humans who are normal
and are not afraid of Shame do enjoy watching other humans
Get it on as it makes us harder and wetter and more ready
for each other to Pulsate and Throb together as
we watch a variety of Humans do the same..
Yeah.. it's True the Husband and Wife
who Masturbate each other
Watching Porn
get Bored
and there is no need for
Jealously in the Marriage
when both parties acknowledge
they are Human and don't mind getting
off on Variety now and then at least for Harder
and Wetter Life as hey.. could be why she never ages
too for she is not afraid of Nature nor am i.. anyway.. yes
i have a High Libido always have unless i am depressed
and this is just one way to express the Art of that and now do
some Erotic Writing to go aLong with all of that as hey.. my Favorite
Porn is Amateur Porn and Tumblr is a Great Avenue for that and i always
enjoy when folks write about their Personal Experiences too from a distant
View of Strangers as that is how we Nurture our Imagination and Creativity
And Overall Artful Joy For Life..
And yes the Wife and i have
Done some Porn too but
it's not something we
share with People
we know
as the view counts
for that avenue are well
understood high as we imagine
what people are doing when
they are still watching what
we are doing too and i made
it funny so funny on top of
that.. as yes play naked
and i'll never tale
where it's at..
as the
Internet is full of throbbing
Cocks Coming and Pussies
Pulsating as Butterfly Wings Quiver
but you see this is recyclable Human Dopamine
Energy for all the Folks who came while we dreamed they
saw us too.. Couples and every other Variation of Human too
for seriously it's just not fair to take and never give across a
Lifespan now.. and true i started late but at least i had a few
Photos above at age 40 and even a Memorable Hand Job
out in the Back Yard too.. good to have a Privacy Fence
but we did wonder if the Young Couple Next Door
could see us through the slats of the
Fence as they came in their
Back yard then.. hehe..
Oh yeah and
then there
was the
on the Back
Porch when the wife
was straddled on top of me
and the Dude started climbing the
Tree Next Door to Cut Some Limbs
Straining to Look our way.. as sometimes
when i'm Masturbating the Wife in Bed i say
imagine how many Young Men have come to the
Beauty of you.. clothed or not.. as true just the way
some Women have looked At me with shiny eyes has
been enough for me in my Life for the Most Explosive
Fantasy Orgasms of all.. ha.. Not even any Muslim Woman
is safe from that Male Fantasy now for Desire is Deep Pools
in Brown To Green To Blue eyes too Pupils Dilated Lips
Red Fully Reflecting what is below so above now too..
Yes.. the Gift of Life is too Wonderful not to Play
Naked and Share it with the World at least
one time in all legal Avenues to do
that in Freedom's Wings
now for those who
have high
and are not Disgusted
by Free Nature now.. you
do it you move on to other Horizons
of Love and then you do it again to increase
Libido for Creativity and Productivity and even
Greater Social Cooperation as our Cousin Bonobos
have never been afraid to do.. but yeah.. i am monogamous
as far as naked things do go.. but i do have Imagination and
Do enjoy the Art of Erotica and i am no Hypocrite who has
to keep Secrets of Human Nature Closed up in Closets now..
And once again only very selfish People take take take
the art of others and yes naked too and
never give back what
they take
so much
Across a Lifetime now..
and on top of that and bottom
too yes.. it defeats entropy in
Electronic Form as hey
Being an Orgasm
is like
Being a Blood
Donor for Comfort
as Health in Life too..
and in Electronic Form no
Disease and no one gets hurt
in relationships where
Jealousy doesn't
Freedom now..
to each her and hiS oWN
DiffeRent Strokes for DiffeRent
Human Libidos too but yes
Joy of Sex
and Sensuality
and overall Erotica and
the Great Aesthetics in Essence
of all Human Body PartS and Functions
are no less Holy and Sacred than any other
Activity as Nature
is God Free and Wild
as Naked Play NoW ReaL as ArT too..
Hmm.. and what's my Favorite Porn
Women Masturbating as i've always
Loved Loving Pussy
and Heart
and Soul
Spirit and
the rest of a
Body with my
Fingers and Tongue too..
And that reminds me of when i used to
Be a Janitor and my Beautiful Young Female
Helper was Below me as i was standing on top
of a Ladder Cleaning the Top Blind and i just couldn't
Help it as she was so sexy i started getting Erect and she
noticed and Started Giggling and said can i watch you while
You Masturbate and that made my Heart Beat Fast in Taboo
of Sex on the Job but yes she watched me until i came as she
said wow your Cock Gets So Red when it is Hard and she
just watched and that's all that happened then but there
was that Night at the Bowling Center well before i
met Katrina then where a Bowling League
Couple Brought one of their Female
Relatives in her Early Twenties
to come watch them
Bowl then
as Later she stayed
and it was just me and
her in the Bowling Center alone
And she Followed me in the Women's
Bathroom as i went to clean it and i said hey what
are you doing here now.. as she kneeled down and unzipped
my Pants and Pulled out what would quickly Be a Red and Swollen
Cock then and for you Men you know and feel and sense it at least you
should when a Woman who really Loves to Suck Cock like it is the Art of
their Life comes to Hold You In her Mouth like the Sweetest most Delicious
Red Lollipop She has Ever Sucked So hard to get to the Sweetest Parts more..
She asked me to Fuck Her right then and there but that was more than
i was willing to do as hey guys can have limits too so with a sigh
she pulled her Lips off my Cock for True a Cock that
comes is not much for Thrusting
into a Newly Wet Pussy now..
Women have it easy
for they can
and will
come and
come again..
with more than one
man if they so choose too
as some folks do trios and even
more than that too.. one's enough
for me but yeah.. there is Imagination
and Fantasy too.. and that reminds me
of a Respiratory Therapist i dated in
College as she had money and i did not
back then.. and she sucked me
and sucked me and
told me she
could suck
me all
night long and told
me my Cum tasted sweet
and how she didn't like really salty cum..
and she would talk dirty to me saying fuck me
fuck me harder and fuck me dirty now please..
and while she was on a Park Swing she rubbed
My Leg Between Her Legs and Said.. yes Daddy
Rub me Harder now.. yes Daddy Harder and
i met her at a Bar no surprise that she had
a higher than usual libido otherwise
she wouldn't have likely
even been at
the bar
back then..
anyway.. nothing disgusted
her as she enjoyed the taste of me..
and yeah that reminds me of when i was
dancing in my shorts back in my running days
at a Bar and a Woman Told me i had the Best
Man Butt she ever came across then and
that was all but another woman
Actually Grabbed my
Crotch and just
Rubbing my cock
in Public then..
but true i've
never come
from a Clothed
Rub or Bootie Dance either
hehe.. and Wet Dreams they are
almost as Great as Tantric Sex now
as that is the Art of Pleasure too.. Explosive
Pleasure at its Max for the Bio-Feed Back
of Sexual and Sensual Intelligence More
there is Art and Beauty to all of Life
when one looks Deep
enough and
Shares it with
others as that's the purpose of Art in
the First place to Share and Give all
of a Mind and Body Soul now
Thanks for Folks like
and others
who helped pave the way
for the average Joe and Jane
to play Naked like no one is looking and
Everyone may be looking now heHe for ReaL..
but no one will ever say they actually looked
or what they did when they were watching the Screen hehe..
A Few Women From the Bar have smiled ear to ear while they
typed my link into their Cell Phone then.. i don't know what they did
after that
but sure
i can
And WiLL
Even More likely now heHe..:)
Back to the Summer of 2014 Photographically imaged
at the End of all of this stuff still coming.. all the way at the bottom..
May 2nd, 2018
True.. i'm a Grower
More than shower.. too.. hehe..
Anyway back today to Spruce up the Effort with a little
More Organized Form to go along with all of this Essence..
and nah..i don't wanna make this too complicated as we are talking
mostly here about getting Wetter and Harder as Life comes Great..:)
Two Photos Below from April 2014 as the First one was actually
Shared in my PG Rated Blogs as just about the limit to keep it PG there..:)

Photo Below from my Lion King Post in September of 2017 at age 57 then..
i was a little Surprised that one of my Muslim Friends..
A Female wo was married at the Time actually liked the
Blog Post with the First Picture Headlining it but it was
likely the Quality of the Words that she liked most.. hehe..
Anyway.. just Proof that i Dance Naked online.. hAha..
For you Know Folks.. Some Folks
Are always asking for
Proof or it didn't Happen.. heHe..
The Picture from September 2017 as then
Titling a MacroVerse with the Phrase Lion King
is bound to Create a Little MaGiC in Form of Essence too..
is about as Close as i've been able to come at age 57 to meet the
Form of something that Looks like a Greek Statue in what used to be
the Fine Art of Human Straight Male Nude.. not exactly FAP Material is
any of this For Most Females to get Wetter all about but never the less it is
the Art of me Fully dis-clothed without
shame to be..
i used to Show off photos
in Artful Poses when my Penis
was small as it can get as true it is a
Rather Warrior Penis that will Go in Stealth
Mode as necessary in the Environment at Hand
Per Fight and Snow Cold too.. as a Grower and Surely
not a shower in this way true.. but anyway.. i don't show the
smaller feller anymore for hey
if it ever goes viral
i would rather
have the
than the
non-Shower hehe..
or at least a Full Spectrum View
just for the Curiosity of what comes may will..
anyway that's enough about Cock.. let's talk About Pussy
my Favorite pArt at least close to the Beauty of a Woman's eyes
And the kind Hugs
and Kisses
of Love
For a Pussy is a Beautiful
Flower Rose as Butterfly with Wings
Folded Parts Artful and Moist such a Wonderful
Home to House a little Feller Growing Taller and Longer to
Feel and Fill the Wet lit
Walls oF a Home that
Fits Still to come..
Anyway.. as far as any Pictures of
me as my Friend Rafiah Before she got
Married said i look Better with Pants on with
A photo of me Shared from Around 2004..
the most popular Current Photo among
the Women i've recently known is
the one below in Fact the
Wife Jumped my Bones
the night i shared
this one on
Facebook too.. hehe..
Yep.. about 170 LBS no Hercules Hear..
yep about 70 Lbs Less than what i weighed
in the Lion King Photo Above as i've been running
Close to 240LBS lately and no i do not actually run
as that is way too much weigh for 57 Year old Knees now.. hehe..
From the Spring of '83 at 22 Years Old..
Anyway.. back to the Photo Above with the Beard at 22 Years
Old this was from my Bar Days of Dancing at 2001 Club way back
then.. and the Young Woman who said she Loved to Suck me so much
she would suck me all night long
as she just couldn't get enough
of the Velvet Tip
of what was growing
in her Mouth then..
yes.. she was not a Grower she
was a Swallower of all of what might come..
And yes again a Taste Tester of Cum From what she
named mine as Sweet to what She remembered of Salty other
men then.. in the Bar Scenes of Life.. so much more experienced she
then me of course then.. anyway.. she said she Loved my Beard as much
as i enjoyed the scent of her Flower Below
as i remember as she pulled her Skirt
down in the Hotel Room She
and her Friends were staying
at the Beach Hotel
How moist her
Panties Felt and
how Deep and intoxicating
the Smell of Her Fresh Womanhood was then..
she said she enjoyed the Feel of my Beard as it tickled
and stimulated her Rose Petals and Butterfly Wings more until
She Quivered with Delight
as my Tongue explored
all the musky
yes.. the Good Kind of
Musk in Female turned on..
as really i did not care whether or not
if she sucked me or not as i just wanted to Feel her
Pleasure as any Empath Male Will as the Walls of Contractions
Would Massage My Tongue Diving in Deeper and All around those
Butterfly Wings Pulsating then..
And it's true eventually
i could not help it
for i exploded
in her Mouth
And true not a Drop
Was Left as she Looked Deep in
My Eyes with a Satisfaction of i Love all of
you and i will not waste one Drop of you now.. hehe..
And that's the way it was back in the Beard GroWinG Days..
for every Woman i went down on went down on me in full reciprocation then..
not that i had that many Women for there was likely under 10 and some of them
Surely experienced more than me.. yes.. likely some of them
Enjoyed Tasting Licking Delicious Pussy
in Same Sex way too..
for yes..
i remember this Woman
asking Her Nurse Friend to join
in with us in half Jest in the Morning of
Beach Life then.. just the thought of it was enough then.. hehe..
For Round two of divine in yes diving
in the Rose
of her
Petals of Love
Fully open for me..
As Butterfly Wings Quiver in Ecstasy more..
can't say that she ever Masturbated in Front of me
but i can't say she had any need to either.. hAha.:)
Anyway that's enough Write for a Second Day of Doing this
For i need to Space it out in the Future less my PG Rated Blogs don't get
done but i kinda wanted to start it off with somewhat of a Big Bang now..
For there are many More Memories coming to fully illustrate more now too..
as this May 2nd of 2018 Effort concludes for now then..:)
May 4th, 2018
The Old Celtic Festival of Beltane that Survived
the Longest into the 20 Century of where
my Irish Grandfather was born
in Limerick for Home
but of course
no Pagan
Non-Christian Activities
for him for he Became an Irish Priest
yet not too Prude to eventually sire me 2 Generations
Removed on 6.6.60 for me With Spiral Golden PHI Reflections
in Birthday Days too with Numerology Report of 0 For the Fool
of Tarot too at Birth for the Relative Free Will to do what ever i enjoy
in life by the Legend of completing all the other Life Challenges Successfully
in Previous Lives 'Fore where according to my Birth Name and Birth Date the
Next Three Life Challenges are 1 and 1 and 1 after the 0 of Birth Challenge..
which only means
i will affirm
what i already
care to do.. could be
everything or nothing but
the Gift is Everything More for Love
Incarnate Naturally Will Also Give and Share more
so yeah around 3:33 AM on May 1st, 2018 when i staRted
Writing this it is unwittingly
in the same
Artful Effort as
A Fertility Rite of Sorts
And Celebration of FLoWeRinG LiFE
More as A White MaGiC Incantation of Words
Same as a Prayer for Positive Force Energy as Synergy
of Life in Intent more now too.. and verily the Celebration Did
Come Stronger That Usual on the 211th Dance Night Celebration with
all the Cool College Age Folks at
where i Dance each week
for the Women were
Heated more by
May Temperatures of
Summer Coming too as their
Hands Exploring full Grasp of my Ass
and in a couple of Cases the Cheeks of their Buns
Stroking what is always a Half Engorged Cock in any Kundalini
Raising Activity that Ascendent Transcendent Ecstatic Free Verse Dance
will Bring whether or not the Rear of a Pussy becomes excited or not by a Half
Engorged Cock in a Pair
of Dancing Shorts
as Legs are Stroked
first with
Pussy pArts
before the Head of my
Cock is engaged between A
Valley of Ass more.. anyway it's
Play it's what Playful Humans Do in Sensuality
too just a Game as See that Guy down there Dancing Fearless
on the Dance Floor.. bet i can Rub his Cock and Make him Stiff
as a Rock Before i move on to the next
Destination for
and then there were the passing
Caresses of My Chest in Shirt as Young
Women Passed me by in Feel of me when it wasn't
my Ass they had a Handful of too.. it's true it was May
Day Week and perhaps they too were a little Celtic too..
It was a memorable night and one of the
Most Beautiful Women entertained
me last in a White Sun Dress
of Beauty as she
came up
Behind me and
Snuggled with a Stranger
in Tight Hug and a Quick Face to Face
Dance as she pulled my Hips Closer to
Her Woman Hood too..
then she went to
the Deeper
part of the
Dance Hall and i did not
Follow her there but she came
back reaching out for me in a Hand
to Hand Dance..
but as a married
man i never pursue
any woman there
and usually they eventually get
the hint that i am married if not realizing
i'm old enough to be their Grandfather too.. hehe..
but anyway it is surely flattering and in the Moment
i am
Years old for True
i was a Virgin then and still
until 19 years old..
for i remember
the First time
my first
Rubbed my cock
in slow swirling Strokes through
my Corduroy Pants Petting in the Front
Seat of my 1970 Ford Maverick Listening to the
'Song Don't Look Back' by Boston then.. for she was the
Confident one and i was the one whose Heart Beat was Thumping
Both in Chest and
Cock too then..
and this was in Broad Daylight
at an Afternoon Store but it wouldn't
be too much longer Before it would be in the
Woods after a Dance in the same Front Seat Car
Seat for i remember the Milky White Feel of her
Ample Young Breasts then and how Her Pussy
Was Dusted With Baby Powder that made
My Fingers Smell Sweet as i explored
the Deep Pink Glistening Wings
of Her Butterfly Petals
Free.. and the
most amazing thing of all
is that was Nearly 40 Years ago..
and the Girl who obviously wanted me who
was even more Beautiful than her was only Several
Years Older on the Dance Floor of Thursday Night..
Yes.. it's nice
to be in
at any age now..
but seriously a smile given
and shared is enough for me with
Any Dancing Friend now until the other
ones figure out i am not available for too much fun..
anyway.. in that First Love Exploration even though we were
Both Virgins.. obviously she had more overall Experience of Petting
than i did then..
but yes it was fun
Learning for before i met
her all i knew about Pussy was
the Fur Above as in my Day all
the Butterfly Winged Parts
Were Definitely Victoria's
Secret Kept all the way
through Grade Schools for me..
yes.. even in the only access i had to Penthouse
Magazine then.. as now one can view almost as much
on a Mall Advertisement in a Store selling Dildo's New..
i'm Glad i learned Romantic Love For Females from the
Time i was in Kindergarten
to my First Love then at 18..
for it's True
i can and will
be Satisfied STiLL with
Just a smile now to Share with any Woman now..
but still Sexual and Sensual Intelligence is Integral from
Escaping the CLocK Part of Mechanical Cognition Mind and
Surely one way to get Closer to the God of Feel and Sense Living Within
and Free
for the Gift we are
in the Rite of all days as May Day Now More..:)
May 11, 2018
Sexual Sensual Intelligences of Edging in other Words Fantasizing
Where nothing is off Limits Except Coming too much to make
the Experience one of constant Waves of Ecstasy as
Tides go in and out in Waves of Bliss and
Nirvana More When Tip of Cock
Peaks over Precipice in
Drips of Life a little
more each
Cliff is reached
not falling of the edge yet
of Explosive Orgasm in Tantric
Art ways of Biggest Bangs of Human
Sensuality and Sexuality yes Class Nirvana
and Bliss yes.. it's Like a Woman at the Beach
in Long Day Sun as Lips Below Move so Moist
as Ocean Flow More as FloweRed Wings Become
Red as Clit-like Ruby Headed Cock for Size Matters
not for the Loving Button of Clit and Loving Juices
of Life are concentrated into Streams joining of
Bliss more now in Delight Bending over to pick
up Towels as Sunshine Up Below surely to
Arouse Every Cock that Walks by Rising
Girth and Length as Cock Heads
Vibrate Pulsating wanting
connections to
Touching Bikini Bottom
Cotton Drenching Love Wants
yet not met as Thrusting Parts
Meet Willing Art of Massaging Red
More as Matches come together making
Flickers into Torches into Bonfire of Cock
Meeting Pussy Together as Flame Lights
up in uncontrollable Passion come to
Licker Her First tasting all of
what Sunshine Brings
to Light Below
So Impassioned Lip
Stick Red in Life Juices
Delight as Tongues Swirl around
A Pussy Wet of Ocean Whole Around
A World of Pulsating Coming Places More..
As Cock and Pussy Come Together Again as
Left Hand Massages Nipple of Left Breast more
for Women too who are now exploring tHeir Vital
Life in Finger
Tips of Love
round and round
faster in vibrating
style unique to each
Finger of Hands that
Dials up Bliss just an edge
more to precipice in Pussy Pulsating
more to reach yet another edge of Fantasy
more as Cock and Pussy come together Thrusting
and Rubbing more matches lit up Higher and Deeper
Run Away TRain
of Passion
pulsations contractions
gyrations explode as Life
comes again until
the next
around for an opportunity
for even more colors for Orgasms
new.. yes reNeWeD as Fingers and Pussy
Become Best Friends too.. Anew as Every Fantasy
is Lit up in A Biggest Sexual Organ of all Between
the ears of all that is imaginable with all of what Feels
Good now
as Below
oF PleaSurE NoW..
YeaH.. iT's True this kind of intelligence LiGHT
may be too deep now for some or not yet explored
as too shallow for others so it is best that this Blog
goes a separate way from the other 'Bible Blogs' but hey
remember class no Member of Nature as God Any less Holy
And Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose when we use the Imagination
and Creativity of Relative Free Will as Gifted From God Free and that's
the Problem with so many other Bible Texts perhaps except for Sufi
Poetry About Sex and the Divine Feminine Lust of Nature With Male
now too.. and Some other Sacred and Holy Text that is not afraid
of Cock and Pussy
and all the
above so below
of Sexual and Sensual
Holy and Sacred Creative Intelligences
More as Imagination Lives above so below too..
And like they say.. pictures or it did not happen hehe..
for some of us do wake with a stark reminder that
Above now too..
anyway.. the Pictures Below are pArt of
what will come next week too.. as now it's
6:18 PM on 5.11.18 and now a trip to the Gym
for sure i'll visit this place again when i get in the mood again2..
sure.. as usual with a 'little help' from all the Muse that/who comes my way too..:)
May 17th, 2018
One of the Best Things About Sensual/Sexual Intelligences yes that is mostly
An Actual Feeling and Sensing Intelligence Removed from what can and will
sadly 'normally' be a Mechanical Cognition Robot Worry State of Mind is
yes just that
this is
Escape from Worries of
Course or just Re-Creation in
A Different Area of Your Being Human..
in other Words Genital Healing but Really for
Us Free Verse Dancers who get in touch with every
Move of our Body Emotional Feeling and other Sensory
Sensation no Matter
Female and or Male
the Entire Body for all
practical intents and
purposes and even
Mind of Feelings
and Senses
to be
One Whole Penis and or
Clitoris as Organism of Pleasure
or whatever you wanna call that tingly
connecting feeling sensing thingie from Head
to Toe and no i am not talking about ingesting any
Drugs to get in this state of Orgiastic Being for
a Naked Free or Even Clothed Dance when
the Mind and Body Becomes Centered
in Love Next of Belly Balance
Good Vibrations continue
to come from
to Toe Real and even
rising higher into beyond
Reaches of what most folks may
Experience of Bliss and Nirvana of Life
all that is connecting with God Free as
just another Clitoris Penis drop the Science
yes Pussy
and Cock
come to Play
From Head to toe..
God are you Horny
Yes i am Horny for Life
in a Lust of Pleasure from
Head to Toe just Happy as a
Cock doesn't even have to be Hard
but yes usually about half engorged
in Shorts as just a natural way to be
not necessarily
Furry and Moist
Home or as they do
shaved these days
For Butterfly Wings Open
As Flower to accommodate
A Swelling Red Velvet Head of Pleasure more..
Hmm.. yes.. Hmm.. Good
all around
Sure Size Matters
not and a Pussy Button
Will Surely Get Erect too
Leaning into
Flesh Womanhood
comes to connect to clothed
in Dance or in the ins and outs of the Heat of Passion
Naked and Lubricated Wetter than what seems ever
Before From Head to toe as Humans Become Cock
and Pussy Whole too reaching out and touching
God's UniVerse Whole moving connecting
co-creating Waves of Pleasure more..
Yes it's True Life can and will be
A Supraorgasm too.. butt
sure it's Nice to
Be Wanted
at the Dance Halls too
when a 'Strange' Woman Grabs
Your Butt and Caresses Your Chest
as a Drive by Pleasure too..
or yes in the lower
case of
Cock Up and
Down to fit 'tween
the Vulva Valleys of Life
More Pulsating Dreams come
to Fruition Later Fingering
A Dream come
Yes.. i must admit my cock is Getting
Harder Writing this Swelling up and around
a little bit more and i'm not thinking about any
one in particular just the Joy of Sensual and
Sexual Life now.. yes as my Cock continues
to Push hard Against My Underwear
i could almost Pull it out
and start rubbing it
a little bit now
but no
i'll save that until
tomorrow as i don't pleasure
my self that often but when i do yes
i really really really do.. hehe.. for it's
true this is like a way of Masturbation too..
Slow Masturbation as in a way i'm
doing it with whoever is reading this
now too.. for it's also True i once
had a rather Open minded
Facebook Friend
who remarked
Poetic Literature
is what drove her to Pull her Panties
Down as a Facebook Status for all to see..
but no.. the Quoted Text.. hehe was not from me..
for i try my best to keep it PG on Facebook at Least haha..
anyway about the saddest pArt of life is someone who feels guilt
over pleasuring themselves now..
for perhaps a female
who doesn't see
a Pussy
As a Beautiful
Butterfly Flower
With Wings Glistening
Receptive With Lubrication Honey more..
Truly a Gift Worthy to Touch Lightly as Panties
become moist to feel with a certain smell of ready more..
yes more just more and some more as one finger and two
begin to swirl a way around a sticky indention even more..
perhaps not sticky but at least wet and slicker dreaming
that certain person will press their Lips in bottom
more lightly flicking Their Tongue in places
that want even more a desire
to plunge Deeper
until a
date comes
For Velvet Red Cock
to Plunge even Deeper where
Tongue is Driven Before..
anyway i will
as True my Mind and
Body is an oPen Freeway Within
and Free
Inside outside above
So below and OMG all around too..
Sure more coming later whenever more comes..:)
May 17th 2018.. continuing now with a little Science Added in too..
At Least in Measure of Systemizing Science me NoW.. hehe..;)
Okay.. the Two Pictures Above and Below Knocks out two things..
the Part of my Naked Legs that are not visible below
the Bottom of the Mirrors i use for this Masculine and
Somewhat Erotic Art.. and the Heaviest Weight of my
Life With Empirical Evidence in Measure and Naked
Art too
as it is
what is was
back on a Full Day
Evening of Eating on
Sunday when i took my Wife
Katrina to Her Burn Care Appointment
at Mobile as yes that was on 5.12.2018 as the
Tale of the Scales reported back 245.4 LBS as that's
what happens to me at least skipping a Marathon Dance
at Old Seville Quarter for what would have been the 212th
Dance Week with all the Cool College Age Folks as that's
coming tonight
as muse
Art to come too..
but true it was those big meals
that packed on the last 5 LBS as
the photos above with the Really Red
Stiff and Partially Coming Cock
at just 240 LbS
and the more Defined
Muscle parts for
A Hairy Dude Second Removed
From Ireland and Third Removed
From the Black Forest of Germany as
Ancestral Snows do go for smaller ears and yes
Class the rest of the extremities that Survive the Winter
Snows of Cold that Don't other wise Freeze off Dangling aLong
with Balls hung low
in the Hot
Savannah Desert
With Much Darker Natural
Born Skin that dissipates the Heat
With much Larger Longer Extremities too.. specifically
the Length of Flacid Cocks too still.. and on top of that as
(conversely.. iT's Worth Noting that Bigger Upper Heads Retain Heat in cold climates too)
Far as Lion Packages go.. for i remember distinctly a group
of You Tube Ignorant Commenters making fun of how small
A Lion's Package
was/is in comparison
to the size of the
Entire Lion Body
Getting Ready to Mount
A Lioness aS Such in Mutual
Kingdom sHow of Getting iT on..
as yes.. they made Fun of the Smaller Lion
Package that i guess what they anthropomorphized
out of Imaginary Expectation but don't Forget Class..
With Jaws and Claws
what Dangles
gets ripped
off and that's the end
of the Family Jewels and Heritage too..
i have A theory that likely no Social Scientist will likely ever pursue
and not many would likely answer honestly as that's the problem with
Social Science as it is still subjective no matter how hard one tries to
Measure the Human Mind and
HeArt in how we Co-Create
our reaLiTies now
ever changing
as Neuro-Scientists
now show we basically
Hallucinate our reality in what
may or may not be a Sweet Spot of
Coming to Terms in a Reality that Works
best for us as yes.. Class.. smART really in effect
is comprised mostly of Art.. anyway as far as Angry Old
and yes White Dudes from the Northern European Hairy aS
Such Persuasion from the Day that the African American Slaves
First Came over with
much Lower Dangling
so-called Man-hood parts
the Penis Envy Did come more..
and it's true as even Social Science Shows
as best as it can the Highest Levels of Social Esteem
among all Demographics in the United States are the African American
Male as Factors cited are ability to Defend oneself in an actual Physical Fight
And the Confidence
in Sexual
Successfully Bedding
the Opposite Sex more..
and on top of that it is a misconception
that Trump Riches is what actually Turns Women
on the Most as Modern Social Science Shows it is the Confidence
of a Fearless Stance and Show of Life that Gets the Women Juices
Going the
below too...
so no matter what your
Man parts below are.. soft or hard
if you want a 'Strange' Woman to come up
to you in the Dance Hall and put her hands all over you
or in an actual
rage of
Offer you her
Rear in a Vigorous
Up and Down Standing
Lap Top Dance Massaging
Your Cock for the only tip
she gets is a swelling
Head of Shaft extending
more as the actual receptor
Nowthen of Female Passion more..
Yes.. Class.. Dance like no one is looking
for it's true not only will someone be looking
chances are the moist parts will be getting ready as
they are feeling the Fearless in you as the intoxication
of our Animal Natures come out to play more as Bonobo
alive again free..
And if you are really an Artist of Sexuality
and Sensuality more there are as many ways to make
A Woman Tingle from Head to toe as there are Words and
Touches and Delicate
All of Life is Art to me as
Science may Say just put it in and take
it out and put it in again..
i do
Thing More
For Art is no limit
Sex MoRe
anYWay i realize this is a little
Heavy For Erotic Talk but it's True
iN LiGHT every way the Truth Will Set you
Free in Life Fearless without Shame now and
if you wanna get all religious about it the Jesus Dude
as Reported clearly related this in Parable and Poetry talk
for the Gospel
of Thomas
as yes class
Jesus was/is one of the
First Male Strippers who not only
did it without shame but suggested
that his Students Should too to find
as Temple of God
comes alive more
as Nature God MoRe
JuST NaKeD Free
with sure a Free
Lap Top Standing
Dance to go along with
that in ointments that don't Cost a Dam
thing to take Food away from the Poor as every
Bootie Dance
in Ointments
Free as Nature Lives
as God in Every ParT
and Function and
us more
Hard or Soft
as all pArts CoME ToGeTHeR
Holy and Sacred Fully Engorged
too of Meaning and Purpose too..
And if you don't BeLieVE the Jesus the Yeshua
or whatever Meek Man Never Got an
And touched
A Woman's Flesh with it
than in that case he was
Probably of another Sexual Orientation
so be
when one attempts
to Armchair
from the past now..
as True without a Higher Libido
Creativity Usually Dies too for Jesus F
in Christ how many exciting Sermons do you
get from
a Catholic
Priest now..
the ones that are not
Sexually Active at least
As unless they are A-Sexual
of Persuasion what comes out
of the closet
in the Closet now too
Yes Class there is Truth and Light
About Human Sexuality too and while the World
may not be Ready
for a Sexy Jesus
i am
one to try/be that now heHe..
but wait! the Homosexual Artists who
portrayed him as a female with a beard
in mind at least too.. hehe..
not likely he turned over any Real
Money Making Temple Patriarchal
Tables Looking like that any more
than he
coming back
as a bearded long haired female
at the First Baptist Church
like i said we co-create
our realities
and there
is no
steadfast rule
any of this has to make any rational sense at
all but true some of us use more of our NeO-cortex too..
Even those who believe with Faith in NO GOD AT ALL..
hmm.. such a silly
way to co-create
a life that other wise
lasts Eternally now in Heaven Real..
HeaVeN EXisTS NoW ThaT's aLL i NeeD NoT KNoW NoW
ReaL NoW
And one can/will create Illusory
Fears without Hope that
is the Devil and Hell
aS oNe May
be now
forevernow too..
Ha and people say
we don't have Free Will at all..
Yes.. Class the Relative Free Will
of Heaven or Hell we Create now as
Devil more..
But True it's Hard
to Find an Angel with
A Stiff Cock or Clit who
Dreamy eyes
of HeaVeN NoW
And seriously the reason you won't see many
of those 'Professional Body' Builders doing their
poses in original Michelangelo Sculpting ways as they
are not Fearless enough men to fully expose their
now heHe..
or the pArts that made it through
the Cold Winter Snows of Northern
Europe and yes Asia too in one
that continued
and continues
to Reproduce Flesh and Blood now..
it's True your little weenie saved your Ancestors life in the Coldest of Days..
You See it's how you Frame life that counts and let me see to finish this off
if i can find that Burt Reynolds Bear Rug Spread Versus the Fred Rug Furry Spread..
as hey
counts too..
for Female
Googling Giggling Orgasms too..
keeping in mind that for Women who do Search
for Porn.. Social Science Shows that top results
WereWolves too
and oh God yes
Vampires too
who live forever now too
in some form as style of Essence in the Fossil Record online too..
hey.. if all of this don't turn you on.. at least you lEarned something too..;)
Ha.. guess i have a new 'title' too.. "Sex and Body PArts Educator"
as that Anthropology Degree is coming in Handy aLong with
the Health Science Degree and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Degree too (three)
for i do
it Free Hands Baby NoW
in AutoDiDacT aRt and Science2..
Ha! mayBe when i go to my 40th
High School Class Reunion on 8.4.18
and they ask me what i've been doing
i'll give 'em a 'load' of all of this too..;)
Circa Fall of 2013.. Fred in Bed of Bear Rug Spread at age 53 and
yes a couple of weeks away from 58 in the photos above..
Circa 1972..Burt Reynolds at age 36.. note: Burt
said he Drank a Bottle of Vodka to get the Courage
to do this for Cosmopolitan.. me.. i just i laid in
Bed Fully iNtoxicated all Natural with Life..
Perhaps that is pArt of a Bi-Polar
Advantage buT it works for me
heHe.. anyway.. obviously for
what should be obvious this is just
a silly Parody i did and yes while you could
surely see this much of a Dude at most any Beach
Just Relaxing in the Sun and Burt would look much more
like a Fearless man if he wasn't Femininely Covering up
his Privates like a Woman in a Gym Changing Room
when the owner of the Gym comes in as a Man and
or a Woman as such too.. and what's even sadder
as one sees one's libido creep lower covering
up their private parts together even
more as they get Older now
in Burt's Reference
View of an 82 year
old man he now
is ashamed of what he did then
and actually considering he's covering
his Private parts up in this way this shows
a little less than full male confidence no matter what too
although yes it was still off limits in Cosmopolitan to Show
a fully extended
'Monty' then.. hehe.. and even though
the Hairless version of Jesus as far as Body Hair
is exposed even more than this with or without a Cross
in the Front of the Catholic Church then/now even though we all should
Realize Middle Eastern Men are Hairy before the Homosexual leaning Artists
Sculpted Non-Hairy men then along with Painting them too.. as to each his
own eye of the beholder of Art and Sensuality too.. anyway.. an extended family
Member De-Friended me on Facebook Shortly after i did this parody here..
and as i remember another one did too..
but still they worship an almost naked
man on a cross as idol still
that just one man
could possibly comprise
the entire of God although true
we are God too just not the "Full Monty
and or Sheila" and more for metaphor now more too..
Yep.. Burt was considered the Sexiest Man alive then..
but true that was before Women Started Loving Hairless men more..
butt perhaps that is
Changing a little bit to 'the right again' ironicAlly as such not..
in other Words when Stressful times come Women Seek Stronger Fearless Looking Men..
for while some Men focus on their Cock's.. 'Real' Women see the entire Man package STiLL.
More to Come... Later.. and Sooner..;)
May 25th 2018
Presently back to the Future..
In Yesterday's Tantric
Edging 3 Hour
or so
Marathon Activity
of Losing my 'Mind' as such
and getting back into all yes
all pArts
mY Body
to get iT aLL BaLanCeD out
away from the Mechanical Cognition Activities
of Life so i will sprout Higher Wings of Spirituality after
this Earthly Effort of coming just a little here and coming a little
more until
as that came some more..
yes a whole lot more
as that comes
and now too..
And once Again Visiting the Bear Rug Spread
in the Bed of Course from Fall of 2013 which
is me of course at age 53 then..
Anyway overall i'm back as promised and as i was
telling the Nice Woman From the First Baptist
Church in the local area today as i chatted with
(all i did was smile at her as that usually
gets the conversation started
with the opposite Sex
at least for me..
True Ladies man i'LL continue to be
and yes it was totally sincere
as yes Women can tale most
about what is sincere too)
her while Katrina was getting
her Physical and
Therapy as
Her Burned Hand
continues to Recover
along with the movement
included as Hands will do too..
anyway.. i showed her the Form of what
the Essence of my Free Verse Poetry looks like
from a Distance
as nah..
some of
stuff would
likely Blow her Mind
as i do understand who i can open
up a little bit more too and for those
i must keep some of what i am under wraps at
least for now..
anyway..on another toPic as a totally different one
one of my Favorite Positions is for Women to Ride me
Particularly Dainty Flowery Looking Women more specifically
the Wife of Course as i remember when we first got Married and
we used a Mirror to Watch us Having Sex and it was quite the Turn on
me Hairy from Head to toe and her Perfect Eternal 19 year old Body
on top of me pumping
me up and
for it's true
opposites do most definitely
attract like this and yeah it also
reminds me of a Military Woman i met
when i worked for the Navy who took me to
a Hotel on the Destin Beach with Her Friend
as she was Pumping
me up and
While her Friend went to the
Bathroom and stayed in there for
a while as perhaps she wasn't ready to
join in but relieve her self in perhaps
another way but
i'll never know for
sure but hey
if you're Horny
and there is no other Person
to Pump might as well get out the Fingers
and let those Digits Play the Chords of Pussy
Play so moist so deep so swirling Fingers around
a Clit so
Blood as once again
size matters not as all
the Pleasure Points are
concentrated all at one
not Different really
then the head of a Velvet Cock
when edging ecstasy of Sensual Pleasure
just a little more and another Drop of Life
until the Ocean
and Washes the
rest of Mechanical Cognition away
to Bliss
like Rebooting
a Computer all Fresh and ready
to go out and Dance or go to the Beach
Where all the Bikinis are with hints of Nipples
And Vulva PArts coming sort of exposed where you
are not suffering
to pull it
out and
explode again in bliss
as that's already been taken care
of just like on the Dance Floor as you can
take the Bootie Dances if they come or not
to visit a Cock that has already Been Fully
Oiled at Home..
yes.. better to be rebooted than
frustrated in Cock Ways too
for overall release
as the cock
Been unleashed
to come again.. before
and in this case just another
Moment of Ecstasy in Sensual way is
Captured as Long as Servers keep it coming back
for you see this
the issue
of Entropy
as Pleasure to share free
with others is captured for a Free
Dopamine Source to Fuel the Productivity
and Creativity and overall Social Cooperation
of the Human Race for Sensuality Play and Play
in General is the Recreation
that keeps
Vital in Imagination
and Creativity more for there is
an Intelligence too of Sexual Fantasy that
makes more Colors come than just a White Spot
or a Wave of Life Gushing from a Velvet Head of Bliss..
for true the
Sexual Organ
of all is the Brain
and baby this
Grand Piano when it comes
to what i can/will dream up and feel and sense
and sure what i am capable of in Bringing Pleasure
to through the Wife
or just
like Fifty Shades of Grey
where the most feminine Woman
wants to get on top and do her Wild
thing with the
Dude who
between Human and Werewolf too
Throes of Passion as they say.. to ride the
Pony.. yes the Horse of Life that is at core for the will to
carry on..
as the Dainty Flower
ends up musing after the act
is done.. could i just be an animal after all..
Reference another Song named 'Blurred Lines' too..
it doesn't Bother me to come From EartH.. no it doesn't
bother me to share the Fur of other Animals and no
the throes
of Passion
do not
me either
as that is core to all that is
Life From the Big Bang of Theory
to: A
From: coMes neXt..:)
May 30th, 2018
Photo Memories from 4 Years ago.. Memorial Day Weekend.. 2014
Photo Memories from the End of Last July.. 2017..
So when is Naked.. Art that should be easy to determine
for Art is whatever comes as a symbol
that expresses the
Intelligences of Feeling and Sensing
Life Whole for whom all are concerned..
And of Course Beauty
or Disgust lies and
tells the truth
set of eyes to the next..
Since i'm not doing this for Money.. i'm
Definitely doing it for the Muse of Feeling and
Sensing the Potential Intensity of Life and Variety
of Colors
of Emotions
and Senses more
and this Historical Flesh and
Blood Art surely Brings Different Colors
of what i feel and sense to the pallet of Naked
i was living in an Apartment with a Girlfriend and
we had some Next Door Neighbors.. Boy Friend and Girl
Friend too back when i was in my Mid-Twenties and we decided
to go across the Border of Alabama
to an Adult Store to Rent what would
be the First so-called Porn Videos i had
ever seen then and it was a Hot
Bright July that
came next
as the Four
of us watched
the Videos together
Back at the Apartment as
it was surely a hot and bothered
Revelation to me for we all kept our Clothes
on but on the Next Day in the Heat of Mid-July
Sunshine as the Sun was at its Peak at the Middle of the
Day my Girlfriend had gone to Work
and i was
Home alone..
as i was determined to copy
and paste those Videos to one of my own
for Future use as that goes too.. those were the days
when porn was like a Gold Art rarely Viewed to consume
for Human Pleasure then
in a local area
where Women still wear
their dresses to their Ankles
in Certain Christian Sects unless they get out
of the Christian High School off to College and
visit the Back of a Pick up
they had never
been to Heaven before..
Let's Face it humans are Natively Sexual when Free
and the Taboo of Hiding the Gifts Just makes Christmas
of Flesh that much
more Tempting
to touch and
in and all around
the Hot Spots more..
funny it is when you see intense Sexual Art
for what you've never experienced before in acts and
Volume of Acts too.. it's almost like you are Ready to come
before you even touch yourself as that is what i understand
Happens to some
Newly Weds
in Muslim
Gifts are Wrapped
tight until a Man and Woman
who have never Physically met each other
at all in the Flesh get married after all being
Covered up
the Wedding
Bed is Ready to Explode too..
but now in Our Art Porn Industrialized Societies
Tits and Ass and Soft Crotches are almost Stripped in the Mall
haha! Strip Mall as that goes to sell Goods
and i must say i do enjoy the
Aesthetics of it all
but it
convinced me
to buy anything
but take some free photos
for the Joy of Sharing Art more..
Hmm.. if you are coming here to Masturbate
this probably isn't doing it hehe..
A bit Slow on the
Toad i am
and i'm not planning on Getting off to day either.. any
way these days the Male of the Species by the age of even as low
as 18 has probably viewed as Many folks having Sex as most
Folks in previous Centuries saw in a lifetime over all
i too..
for Human
Beings are like this
whether they admit to it or not
keep secrets or get caught..
anyway.. funny the things
that turn you on
most and
for me it's not Necessarily in Form of Female
Beauty for what will turn me on most for me as an
Empath in Feeling and Sensing life is i can tell if it is a genuine
experience of feeling the most pleasure possible free or just
a mechanical
act worked
to get
yeah the difference between a paid lap
dance that i've never paid for in a Strip Club when
Younger and A Wild and Free Young Woman coming
up to you in the Dance Hall Holding Your Clothed
Cock and vigorously
rubbing it up and
down between the cheeks of her
Buns coming
very close
to the sweet
spots of vulva
with just a hint of clit
somewhere too..
yes that
any paid for act of sex i can imagine for sure
for i feel the pleasure of the other person as much and more than
me for focus at least
in Sensuality of Heaven now..
so yeah it's hard to say what comes to be
the so-called Money Shot in the Art of Sensuality
and Sexuality often Referred to as Porn as for me
it might be a Woman who is really enjoying
herself and really showing it
no matter what
she looks
on the outside as such..
and Jesus F in Christ considering how many
Folks in the Art of this have offered it up to me for free
the least i will do is provide a variety of what i have to offer too
if only
for the
the FeeL oF it too..
as i don't try to pre-orchestrate what i do in
this Nude and Sensual Art i just do what the little
Naked Voice in me Naturally wants to move to do next..
sometimes i'm soft and sometimes i'm stiff and sometimes
i am just on the Edge
of Coming
Hours in a Marathon
of Art that takes me away
from all the other thoughts of life
that eXPands my Feelings and Sensuality
of Life
think now..
For it's true this is not just a paid
for act.. i am really enjoying myself for Free
in both the Art and Sensuality of it too
as some folks refer to as
Sexuality too..
for it's true
to give than
receive and i surely
have more than enough to give..
at least
me.. as some of what
i do overall is softer and some of
it is harder too but for sure it
is whatever i am
in the
For Next.. And that reminds me of another Military
Uniformed Girl i Used to Date back in the Mid-Twenties
too and her About 20 then.. as there used to be Wet-T-Shirt
Contests at the Bar i went to on special nights
and she took a Beer Bottle and
simulated some
sex on it to get a little
more attention from the Crowd
as the oral art of sucking every last drop
out of a red and velvety cock not spilling
a drop was surely
an art
enjoyed as
Delicious and never
disgusting to her then..
and yes she was a milk maiden too
hugely busted and amply hipped with a libido that
never quit either as doing it again comes next..
and the funniest thing i
remember her
Well Fuck me running
and it's true i never Fucked her Running
and now ironically it's like Women Try to Fuck
Men in the Cheeks of their Clothed Butts in a Bootie
Dance suitable
for whatever
they choose next..
and it's true i never even
say Fuck me Dancing
they just come
to take my
Cock away from me or
at least get a rise out of me
as that comes and goes too..
anyway it damn sure beats those
Women in the Paid for Dresses on Fox
not to totally
ruin any potential
Moods but Laughter
and Getting Hard and Wet
is still a best method of Healing
days still
and just to think
it requires no Cultural Clothes
at all just a Naked Smile from Head to toe..
seriously if you haven't touched yourself i suggest
you do just touch your thigh and slowly unzip your
Jeans or pull your skirt up enough to feel the
Dampness in the softer
of your Panties now..
and as you loosen your Pants
enough to slide them over the curves of your
Hips spread your Legs a little more to fit more of your
Hand and Fingers in what comes to be more of a drenching
wet and sweet smelling
more.. for true at this
point i would surely be edging
my Head down and extending my
Tongue down into a more open
Heaven this now..
but it's not
me it's
you so let your
Fingers slip down into
the Waist Band of Your Panties
and dive right into Heaven's Nest More..
slowly Massaging Vulva twirling one or two fingers
around more of
an erect
clit now
sure touch the tip
of pleasure more just
a little more pressure of
Finger Bliss now..
and that reminds me do you know there are actual
Masturbatory Specialists in some states that actually
set up clinical appointments to Bring Women to Orgasm
now.. it's true and back in the day of Patriarchy More when Women
were Diagnosed with Hysteria and considered repressed Sexually
Doctors used Vibrator Tools
in their office
to do their
to Bring the Wife
of someone to orgasm then..
hmm.. i suppose whether or not that worked
depended on the Bedside Manner of the Doctor then..
anyway.. i got lost in
the moment
of Science
there now
back to Pussy Play
more.. and it's true i might be
thinking of someone now and i might
not.. that's up to you to figure out not me.. hehe..
yes so now slowly insert one or two or even three fingers it depends
now on how wet and ready
and lubricated you
are now
down the
Tunnel of Your Love more..
Filling the Walls up Tunnel Less
but keep a Hand Free to keep Swirling
a Hot Clit more.. two or three fingers from the
other Hand should keep the trick up..
treat too
as soon as that
comes in waves
of bliss more
comes again
if you aren't late to work by now hehe..
Isn't it wonderful to Have a Pussy to Play
with every day and isn't it fun to fantasize
when you are on the Beach in your Bikini
Dreaming about a special occasion
as your crotch begins
to get wet
the Hot Sunshine too
and just imagine being on a Nude Beach
too Spread out for all to see but no no no
no one can touch but just look now
Lord knows how many men
go home and
to the Memory
of all Your Pussy Glory..
and try not to touch yourself
if you can when you get home
but if you want to i won't tell
anyone just shut the door
and open up
to Loving yourself more..
okay this is starting to work for
me for i for one am Celebrating Writing
a FB Profile Pic Bible 2018 of around 1.37 Million
Words or so in one year and i just needed something to inspire
me more getting
the Dopamine
up all Naturally too..
for that is the Creative Juice
beyond the Cock and Pussy Juices
that is a main Libido Fuel for most all
Human Creativity
and Productivity
yes.. Sexy Beasts male
and female just put out more
in all the ways that comes too..
so have you come yet if so
come come again
if you like
and if
you haven't
best wishes for your Next Big Bang of Life..
as i've got to get writing so i'll dream all about this
and Bring some New Nude Stuff Tomorrow for my Next
Blog Post
a 1.37 or so
Million Out Put of words too..
yes that's really coming a whole lot.. again..:)
June 8th, 2018
i Like the Ring of those Numbers too as a Lust
For Life Travels From Dancing Toes to Hips
to Cock to the Biggest Sexual Organ of all that
is of course
the Mind and
Erotic Fantasies of Adult
Games Never end in potential
Colors of Pleasure as that comes as
Senses and Emotions More Nuanced Mixed with
Everything From Toe to Cock to Pussy to Breast
And Tongue that Desires a Lick oF aLL.. it's true i don't
Do Toes and rarely go Below
the Pussy if at all
but sure
some Women
have Freely Licked me
where the Sun Never Shines
and put their Finger as well as tongue
all up in there and asked me to do the same
with my Finger
butt yeah you'd be surprised
what you will do when your Partner is as Beautiful
and Smooth and Clean as they come butt i have no frigging
idea how any Woman would wanna do that with a Beast
as Hairy as me.. haha..
anyway just
a rare
act but since
we are covering all of sex/sensuality as
'they' say leave nothing out of the Discussion
that can and will feel oh so good too occasionally
in the Very Very Wet and Hard Eternal Pleasure of now..
true too the Closer A Woman is to orgasm the less all Natural
Disgust there is same for Males in Terms of Science too so it's True
to have a Woman
Desire every
Drop is to Bring
A Woman to a Precipice of Pleasure too..
Pussy tastes Great to me and for the Women who say
they Love the taste of my Cum i'll take their word for that too..
as i do love me
some pussy
contests then at least
when i was up for play..
yeah it's been a while
many decades but still my Memory
is a Movie Maker with no time distance or space for sure...
And back to the Biggest Sexual Organ and Fantasy and Creativity
and the Development of all this Human Potential along with Imagination
too erotica online particularly the kind that comes in so much volunteer variety
on Tumblr that is also for
now a Hottest
the real fantasies
of life to come to fruition
as there folks go practically anonymous
where the Greatest Beauty and Sexual Fantasy
Comes alive on the Screen for every one to get Hard
and Wet and to eventually explode like never before in a big
bang of everyone
in Adult Doctor Games
as that comes and goes even more...
True i saw a prettiest Pussy on one site yesterday except for my
Wife as when i indulge in the Art of Erotica and overall Sensuality
it's a Three Hour or So Marathon of that as i also give back in the
same way too in this
avenue too..
particularly more now
With Words as Women do Love
Words more than any photo of what are as
My Wife says are some really Ugly Dicks yes she says
my Dick is a Good Looking one and yeah i remember Nude Sunbathing
With a Beautiful Young Woman who i was Just sort of Friends back then
in my Mid Twenties or so back in my "2001 Dancing Club" Disco Days
as she said well no Your Size is not Tremendous but it's true
You Have a Really Nice Looking Cock Fred she said then..
when we were in the Emerald Green Water and
My Cock was standing to Velvet Red
Attention she said oh Goodness
it would be so easy to
put that in
my mouth
right now
but we managed to stay
sort of just friends but she did enjoy
watching me get off as sure she didn't mind the fact
that she made me Throb in the Hot Sun and often said Fred
Put a Cannon Ball on it as i was pointing far above the Sun..
Yeah and she went naked too
and she won some wet T-Shirt
Contests at the Disco Club
too and
we would
be leaving the Beach
and i don't recommend this at all
but She Would Hold the Steering Wheel Very
Close to my Cock as i brought myself off as she
Said before Your Cock really Gets Red before it comes..
Yeah.. like every Young Man who Stays a so-called Virgin until the age
of 18 and for me i had no idea what Cum was or how to Masturbate
as i stumbled across
how to do it
at age
and Lord it was kind of
a Good Version of that Movie 'Carrie'
as even though i Had Wet Dreams
it didn't Look as White as that
when the First Drop peeked
out over the top..
and yeah for those Virgin Years through actually
19 Years old.. i spent a whole lot of the Next two Years Loving myself
more fully until i met my first Real Love and she did it for me
finally until we did the act that everyone
had been talking about but sure it
was just another act
for the
feel good part
is mostly 'tween the ears in how all of that
Loving Comes Together Free.. it gets better with age
believe it or not Ripley for those who use it and don't lose it too..
anyway.. i do appreciate all the Beautiful Women who truly Love to Share
their Body online for Free just for the thrill of it in Empath ways of turning
other folks on for Free.. and i don't really
see a whole lot of Men really
returning a full
Favor Back
as much if one really
cares about People and truly does
believe in the Golden Rule of Giving
back more than one Takes in Life of Giving others
too.. yes.. this isn't the only Avenue i've participated
in and sure i've noticed i have some repeat customers
here as far as Countries go and specific favorite
Posts people seem to go back to over and over
again too which likely means
a money shot as i've
many times down
sure some repeat
flavors off favorites too..
it's hard to say what will turn a person on
for it's mostly a Mind Game more than Body
Part or one specific theme and meme of Adult
Games next.. in erotica and sensuality in all the
Human iMaGiNaTioN
in Creativity of Fantasy
will Bring to Full Body
and Mind Orgasms
that edge on endlessly
in waves as one becomes an expert in
Bio-Feedback of Controlling and Enhancing their
Pleasure now.. and as an empathy for both feelings and senses
of other folks
this somewhat
may put me
in a different dimension
of Sexual and Sensual and Overall
Erotic Potential than most still now..
at least that's the feedback i've received along the
way for just a touch of my Hand and nothing else..
for it's true there's a whole lot more going on in life
than what
is materially
Visible to sight and hearing now..
and yes even 'regular' touch and smell
and taste too.. but sure i love all of that
as it all interacts as a Synergy of Force Energy
to Make all of what LusT and LoVE is About more now..
And it's true
A Pussy A Flower
Opening Wet and Glistening
as any Rose is a Powerful Muse for
when a Beautiful Pussy opens up freely
for all to see that arouses both Pussy
and Cock alike and most importantly
what lives
the ears now too..
but for me it could she be a word of kindness
that arouses the girth and length of what lives in my underwear still
it can and will be just the Shiny Deep Brown Green to Blue Pools of eyes
that Look Forever in Kindness and Love For me.. as it's True Lust and Love
are connected intrinsically as the Waves of our Growth and Lubrication
come and Go for the
Day and
Together as Loving
and Lusting Team so sure for me
at least a Money Shot could just be a Word
or a Look that says you really count in this life and for
the Young Woman who shared a most beautiful Photo of the
Flower of her Pussy she said
no more until i get
notes complimented
how much you exploded all over
this Pussy now.. Pussy Power Girl Power
it's a Powerful Force for Change too as once again
Class it is an all Natural Resource of Dopamine that
Enhances Creativity and Productivity too also Women Do
Rule the World of Creativity and Productivity over Males too this way..
and yes..
a proven fact
that when Women get
all Horny about a Man Women
Tend to Cooperate with each other more
to show who can care Give/Care more in Social Cooperation
to raise
the Village
oF A Potential
Coming Child too..
Nature is Lovely when one comes to understand more of
their Human Nature and uses it for the Light of Life instead of Darkness
more.. and as long as life is truly consensual and of course legal according
to the laws of the land too it's Good in the Pussy Hood and Rising Neighborhoods
of Cocks soon to
Explode now too..
and yes when it is nuanced and somewhat
Taboo Lust can and will be a greater slower
force rising faster too.. for just perhaps a purposeful
Slip of a Nipple or going without a Bra to sure arouse
folks why not.. or that time in College the somewhat
Attractive Teacher sat down and crossed her Legs and what!
What a Gift
either she forgot her
Panties or you are
Dreaming oF A Paradise Nest now..
Sure our Sensuality and Sexuality can and will
be used as a Weapon or very much an Assisting Tool
of Pleasure to bring oh so many more folks up rather than down..
Freedom of Expression
and the Use of this
All Natural Medicine of Humanity
Done in Moderation is good good good and oh so good
some more.. but for me playing with this Shadow as i do intensely
for around 3 Hours as an Art
Session to Share Free as Free Verse
Streaming Photos and Poetry In Nude way more..
allows me the ability not to be overcome by Natural Lust
that gets in my way of Focusing on many other Arts of my life from day to day
now when i get out in Public From Stores to Dance Halls too for True my
Cock is a Well Behaved Cock that gets Set Free and comes back
home to rest until the next
play date comes..
and that's why
too.. i don't
get too frustrated when
a Beautiful Woman at the Dance Hall
Backs up on the top of my Cock with her
Soft Fair next to nothing Dress Covered in
Bun way
My Cock Hostage
GRoWinG it up and down
until she sets it free just standing
tall illuMiNaTiNG A Powerful Force of Dance
to come more after that as she can surely say
i did that
to him
Force i am too
An illuminating Force
of Lust and Love For all..
Adult Games Played Consensually and Fairly
like this aCross the Lifespan Makes for a Fun Life as is..
to Close YouR Libido all up is one sure way to get pissed off at the
Rest of the
Who are still getting
Regularly Stiff and Lubricated
As tHeir World Turns More As Heat
than Cold.. no.. Life doesn't have to end this way at 21 years old
or 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 as i'll report back on how that goes when
i get there in a couple of years too..
For i'll go as far
as i CaN
WiLL for all of life is worth living
NoW.. Naked Wild and LoVinG Free..
Walking on a Beach Free and Safe in the Afternoon Delight
of a Long Beach Lust.. SWaying Your Hips alerting everyone
that you've come to arouse parts up in Bathing Briefs more..
Blood Flowing Lower tingles here and there
Warmth and Dampness
Soothing and
Crotch almost
Bikini Visible to an un-suspecting eye..
Finding a Private enough Place to lay out and loosen
A Bikini Top enjoying the Sun more as Nipples Grow Erect
Slipping A Bottom Down Slowly Over Vulva Spreading Open
As Rose Petals are Full Exposed to the Heat of the Afternoon Sun..
Spreading Legs Vulnerable But Sweet
Safe and Free
in Nature's Arms
all Beauty of Flower
Exposed Heart Beat of clit
growing more erect.. just waiting
for the touch of a finger to come home..
Left Hand Softy Touches Breast swirling Finger
Around Nipple Ridges come higher than before..
Soft Flesh of Tummy Stroking Down toward Heaven more
Are Paradise
FLoWeR Top come to light
Diving in the Damp of the Deep
Ocean Whole Love Tunnel comes open..
in and out and in and out swirling one two and
three fingers around a Crown of Clit Blood engorged
More erect still losing sight of time distance and space
as Pussy
and Mind
become one
Force of Pleasure
with Loving Breast now..
for this is the Crown of Love the
Center of Human Creation between
your Legs.. let go Touch your Delicate
Flower make it Love you Back like
Never Before.. for it's true
Masturbation is
a Gift
From Nature
AS God the Free Drug
of Lust and Love that Never Gives
up for those who Pursue Nature as God
between their Legs.. edge A Precipice Pleasure
more waves of ecstasy come more for there is a man
somewhere who would love to be tasting all of who and
what are now as Nature Free as Salt Water of Ocean
Taste Delicious in the Moisture of the Lips
of Vulva come open even sweeter
more to kiss your
Pussy home
never come before..
Driving Raging Waves of Bliss
no longer Holding Back Arching small
of Back Gyrating Hips Dreaming of a Red Cock
Thrusting Love in and out Faster and Harder
Turn you own Your Stomach as your Breasts
Come Comfort with Towel and Warm
Sand now Arching Cheeks of
Pleasure Below
up to receive
all of Man Hood Throbbing
now.. Heart Beat of Cock and Pussy
Come Closer than ever before now
as Cock Drives Deeper and Faster
Still Throbbing more now
as Pussy Soaking
Moaning for
Pleasure now..
And at this Moment the Big Bang comes
again as the A of Cock has Found the V of Pussy
and the Home of Star is Created in 6 Point Play..
just resting in a Pool of Wondrous Filled Tunnel
as Semen Filled Love.. it's true you are both the
you May
Birth another Multi-Verse
View of Human soon enough to come again..
or on the other hand just another Big Bang of Play..
anYWay Life is Crazy Good when you Live it to the Potential of all the Gifts now..
some folks are missing out on Heaven but never never land never ending story me....
And just to think
this is only
only one tiny
snippet of all the
gifts in Life available to us
inherited and helped ALonG A
Way with Cooperative Efforts of Creature Comforts
now but
you do don't
NaKeD GiFT LiFE SeT WiLD LusT LoVinG Free..:)
June 19th, 2018
Otherwise known as 6.19.18
Loving that Number as far as Positions
of Mutually and Agreeable Passion of Edging
Bliss too as a 69 of Two Humans come together 1 or
sure when two
Humans Spoon together
Grinding on the Dance
Floor where Hips come up
as Kneeled to the Floor Parts
Tween and Open for the Exotic Dancing
Man to dip stick and check the oil of the Sweet
Toxicity aS Lust
of Passion
up for
Entire Audience to see
as just another Shamanistic Priest
and Priestess comes together MaKinG
Sparks Flame up for the Naked Health
in a Fertility Rite to Match a Torch and Bonfire
for Procreation
that is successful
still to come
the Clothed Grinding ParTy
is over and Folks go their Separate
Ways and a little later come together
making their own sensual dance
'tween loose
of tightly intwined
Body Parts from Head to toe
Flowing as Rivers open Seas to tongues
and fingers and Rising Cocks to enter an
to eventually
come again as the cycle of
Life may be precipitated by whatever
muse in a totally different area of life comes
next to spark the flame the torch the bonfire
Re-Creation in all the ways
that comes from Flesh and Blood to Greater Muse
For Arts and Sciences and as two Women or more Giggle
Together over the Fearless Man Full of Exotica Art as they socially
Cooperate with Loving
to show
who is the most
Virtue for raising
an entire Village of Love Starting of Course
with what may be a Half Engorged Cock in the Dance
Hall Rising to the Allure of Gyrating Hips pointed
upward Kneeling on the Floor for Prayer of a
Hard Cock
to Generate all the
Arts and Sciences and Flesh
and Blood Social Cooperation
that Fertility Rite of Twerks will
Bring for a Cock Rising to the Moon
and Over the Sun of Heat as the Moon
Becomes Lubricated
just waiting
to be
up by the
Grind of an ever
Swelling Velvet Headed
Rocket Heat Seeking a
Moon Sweating Paradise Gulf
just waiting to Strike another Match Made
Heaven now
for the Audience
to View..
OMG an Anthropologist's Dream come True on the
Dance Floors of Life Seriously Indiana Jones never had as Great
a Job of Participant Anthropology Observer with the Native Young
Women of this Beach Environment with an Explosive Fertility Rite
oF A Loaded
Moon opening
up for what comes
will come sooner or later
after that and sure for her likely
Ladies night out for when she gets back
home to Her Husband she will unload all of what i did not do
to her not unlike what the First Baptist Women were Screaming to
the top of their Vagina's after the wife
and i visited the
Magic Mike XL
hehe.. no no one expects
Magic Fred XXL to Dance until
i come aboard the Dance Hall totally wild and
Free come what may never expecting any Woman to come
to me.. for i'm already existing in Heaven on a Float of a Wing
of Dance
true no matter how hard
my cock might be advanced to Grind
a Vulva up to an erecting Clit now.. i can't give
that freest part above to below until they work for that
themselves but sure Heavenly Hips Kneeling to the Floor
Arched up and Ready to lure a Cock Up in synch of Grinding Pleasure
is a first step
up to
amazing place
of Heaven with wet pussy
and stiff cock or not where Nirvana
NoW and Bliss pays no attention to even
the Greatest Twerk inviting Cock to come up and play..
Yeah it's true i'm learning much more about Modern Primitive
Human Nature in all of Culture's Current Roaring 'Teens oF 2K Glory"
but this Woman whose hips visited me was no 19 Year Old for she might
have been pushing closer to 30 still ripe for Pussy Play and Cock Allure to come
but like the First Baptist Women
who stood up and yelled after the Magic
Mike XL Show was finished just wait someone
is gonna get something when i get home fully Lubricated
and open
may more..
so who fathered who later on
as always Humans do a Group effort
and since we all share generally speaking the
same DNA we all do each other a Favor by Lifting
uP and Lubricating the Human Race to do even more and no
not just in creating more Babies as we have enough Humans now for
all this Lust mixed with Love
is once again class
from an
View of Science
the way we advance all Arts
And Sciences and Social Cooperation more
as Long as all is mutually and legally consensual
everyone wins for the Force of 1 yes 'tween 6 and 9
come together when no Children are Made at all but the Love
Child you
and the Progress of all
Human Arts And Sciences that
the Neuro-Chemical and Neuro-Hormonal
Juices of Lust and Love as an Explosive Mix of Human
Synergy of Energy
the Human
Species Well OiLeD
and up up and away for more..
sure it stArted with a little Kiss that Older Girl from
Around the Block Named Jenny who Played Tennis with me
at the City Park.. Free Spirited with out a Bra and with no Concern
for what i couldn't help but to see as Heaven in her Loose Summer Breasted
Shirt then as she told
me in all
of her
Free Spirit
that i looked like an
Artist to her.. and seriously i can't
remember if that started making me hard
or not but it was one of the greater Sensual
as Sexual Experiences of my Life for sure it is the slowest
Foreplays of Life that can and will Last for A Lifetime from School
Ages to more 'advancing' ages of Spirit too.. for yeah there was this
Lovely Artistic Girl and i won't tell you when and who or how and when
but she was so Lovely and Mysterious Never saying a word to me only a shy
and slightly inviting smile as she Brushed Her Athletic Hips up Slightly against
my partially Engorged Cock in Shorts as a Sensual Dance will always do whether
thinking about
or not nah.. she
never grinded me as Bootie
Full Blown Dance Will Do butt
she just Breezed My Cock with Her
Free Spirit and Artistic Dance of Genius
As Womanhood Will do when all Art of Being..
Yeah it was like it was with Jenny a Friendship of a Wild and Free
Spirit without any real Form at all.. just the Fire of Living come close
for Lust
Life Free..
the intoxication
of Free Living with no binds
and bonds butt Love aT aLL..
And this is what the Village Dance
is all 'bout when Fully Free the intoxication
of God from Head to toe come toGeTHeR as aLL
oF uS
an Experience
that lasts forever now so much
more now than just one explosion
Big Bang of Pussy Cock Coming together
yes the 1
6 and 9
the Spiral Energy
Synergy Force of God
as one Living in all of us when
God will be
Wild and Free again
out of all closed Prisons
away from Lust for LoVE.
Full Soul Orgasm as they say for i'll never likely
know her name or even see her again but
as PaRt of mY SoUL..
And that's how they do it in Heaven
for every Jenny is a Feel of God Set Free..
perhaps one day we can and will all be able to Talk
Free About Wild God thaT who Lives within and as us Naked
FReED iN aLL oF uS
but until then as this is too free
to ever actually be published in a Barnes of Noble
for those who are still too closed to see all of Life
And Every Body ParT in GoD LiGhT of Holy Sacred Full
of Meaning and Purpose
in all of life
is Free for you to touch yourself
Freely now and share in all the fruits that Come
Fresh of Humanity now as Spirits Circle Around the Globe
Open and Free in all Legal Ways of Sensual Art Free to Give and
Share for the Greatest Gift is to Lift someone else up no matter who they
are as we
are all
of the
Same Family
of God as Whole now..
so sure pull your Pants Down
Lift Your Skirt up Feel the Smoothness
of the Glow of Your Hips on the Way to Paradise
more.. Play Piano on Your Tummy Lightly Swirling touches
around Belly Button as sure i'm feeling it all now as even now
The Velvet Red
Head of
Cock comes
into Dreams of
Pussy Play Swelling Clit
Streams coming Rivers more of
Dampness Scent of Panties Sliding down more..
Finger Exploring Warm and Wet coming open even more..
Spreading Legs open Vulnerable and Free to all of what might come
to meet
the Heaven
of Paradise
Petals of Butterfly
Melting Pussy opening up
even more.. Spreading Legs
Open even more Falling into a Bed
Arching Hips up as the Entire UniVerse may
come into touch..
no longer afraid
of anything
just open Pussy
Play to Be..
and no
are no longer on the
Bed for now it is the Middle of June
Laying Naked Set Free as Mid Day Sun
is Heating up Spread of Pussy Wet as Ocean
Whole Dream comes
in to be..
Tanned against White
Sands Erecting Nipples
More in Summer Breeze of Salt..
Small Taboo of Vulnerable But still Free and
Open as Goddess Mother to Arouse the Entire World to be..
As Rose Petals of Vulva Glisten for all to see.. as i too like any other
Healthy Male
For True at this Point Your
Mind and Pussy is the Center Point
of all the Erection of the UniVerse MoRe..
A Powerful Force to Bring Life and Arts and Sciences
more for Creature Comforts for it's true you don't have to touch
yourself at this
Point for
around the World
are Exploding as you Give
and Share so much more of the Free
of you to the World and this my FriEnds is what
Folks do all for Free as they share the Beauty and Sensuality
of their Free with the World
as a Naked
Set Naked and Free
When all of Body as Art and
Science Become Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and Purpose more where
all the guilt and shame inspired by those who would otherwise
imprison Freest Wildest God in You Lose their Grip of iLLuSoRy
Fears and Hate for Subjugation and Control.. it's true you are free now to
touch Yourself dive RIGHT end Free and
Love every paRT
of GoD
and Sacred Free
as You sure taste of
God as You iF You Like
too.. Swirl Your Finger Around
Fountain of Seas Erecting Throbbing Clit Even
more for Every Cock Around the World is lifted for the
Holy Space
of you
for all the World to See...
Sure it's Just A Beach and a Private
Place where you are together with all and
your Fantasies
for your Mind is Free
Your Body is Free
the Balance of that with no shame or
Guilt is Your Soul now to Bring to Orgasm Free..
Yeah it's true if i could i would find a way to Free every Woman
to Bring her self to the Joy of an Orgasm of God more.. but sure one by
one i'll go as other folks to Free Women away from the old Rules of Men Before..
Where once
Vagina is Sacred and
Holy Free and Wild Full
of Meaning and Purpose for
all those who Love the Joy
of all
the most
for we've
already found
Heaven and just
Hope the more of that
for all others Wild and Free NoW MoRE..
there is more than one way to leave your lust and love
for others to Have in this World of Free and Wild Giving and Sharing more..
so many
no limits
or expectations
as long as given and
shared Consensually and
Mutually and Legally Free too..
And so many Avenues oPen to Bring Greater Freedoms
now as
the Greatest
is one
who ALL who
Lusts for Love the Most
ToGeTheR AGaiN FReED..
So my Orgasm of Life Never ends how
'bout you believe it or not Horatio and Ripley
it is
Possible to live
A SupraOrgasm oF
LiFE Eternally NoW
ABoVE So BeLoW And aLL
ArouND but so Soft and Dry it is
until you
A Wild Touch oF LiFE AGAiN
Yeah Baby Free YouR
Pussy then Free YouR SoUL..
if you can and will and if you LiKe oF CourSE..:)
'Dedicated to all the 'Southern'
Women i've known who are taught
too much it is Bad to Touch God Free in themselves
And sure every other Woman as Goddess NoW ReaL too'..:)
And as promised
i'll be coming back again
once the
Strikes THiS AGAiN..:)
June 29th, 2018
i'm Here again with Good
Yes.. Are you ready to come..
Well Sure.. YouR'E AlReady Here NoW
to StART off with JusT a Little Sexual iNNuenDo
Likely to Swell JusT A Bit as mY Fingers Tickle the
Ivory tops of these very Erect Nippled Keyboard Letters
Yes it's hard and soft and wet to say just what the trick or treat
will be to Lubricate and Grow a Shaft Like Mine to Velvety Red Head
Rise to come
but anyway
a copy and paste in photos below from one
of my more popular all stripped down and up
Nudie Posts.. for surely repeat views from the Same
Countries Overall may mean a 'money shot' as they say too..
for it's a great addition
to Creating World
Providing the Art of them
and us as Orgasm Donors to Feed
the Hungry and Thirsty to Satisfy Lust
And Feed Creativity and Productivity and yes Orgasm
for Social Cooperation too..
for this Pleasure Profession is surely Noble
once one lifts the Veils of Ignorance that might other wise
suggest that Art like this done legally mutually and consensually is anything else
Than A GreaTesT
Gift of our Humanity
to lift Folks up and Lubricate and Expand
particularly all the Nice Women online in places like Tumblr
Who Spread the Beauty of their Starry Starry Wet Butterfly Wings to
Arouse anyone who comes to play mutually consensually to edge another orgasm
Beyond the Ecstasy of what is felt
the last Sacred and Holy
Full of Meaning
Purpose Art
As Pleasure even more..
yeaH.. it's hard to say and of course coming and coming some more
From the Beautiful Beaches i come From as Native.. many of my Pleasure
Metaphors come from Walking Nearly Naked on the Beach and yes Fully Naked
And Purple Red Erect So Stiff i really Have no choice but to Mount Her Standing up
and no i won't use any names to protect
the privacy of all who might
be concerned
about that
too but no there is
nothing much more exciting than
being down a stretch of beach far
enough to slide a Ready Rod up into a Tunnel
of Love on Sugary White Beaches Dripping with Sweat
and Sweet Pussy Juices as i twirl my tongue in and out just waiting
for fast and hard contractions to pulsate my lips as i drink the Nectar of
the Beauty
come as Ocean
Whole so close to
Tasting Pleasure same
as my Cock Throbs with Desire
even more.. as a most Beautiful Woman
i can even imagine then takes me into her Mouth
and Slowly Sucks the exPaNding Red Head asking me when i am
about to come so she will slow the swirls of her Tongue around the Edge
of the Velvet tip
Sucking Just a little
harder when i beg her to continue
more but not too much just a little as i edge
Close to a Bigger Release than ever before..
as she swallows all of me Whole as i continue to Throb
Hard in her mouth as my Contractions come as hers too..
anyway.. the Aesthetics of my Wife's Body are an amazing Work of Art
with an 18 Year old Figure that never changes
and even gets better as the years go by
Perfect Breasts with always
Erect Nipples
as that is a thing
with Native Born Women of the Pacific Islands
where Half of her Heritage comes from still.. and once she went to the Unofficial
Nude Beach Part of the Area that used to be available shortly after we first were married
with one of her female relatives and while she wasn't brave enough to go Bottomless i was surprised that she was brave
enough to take off her top
and she couldn't help but to notice all of the
Older Naked Men Viewing the Exquisite Beauty of her Always
Erect Nipples and Firm Breasts.. i even have one Girl Friend now who
sees her as so beautiful she jokingly asked me to link her to a Naked Picture of her
Behind.. and oh my God my Wife's Pussy is so Beautiful as Pacific Islander Women
often are down
tHere as when
we first got together
i licked her pussy for hours on
end as i just couldn't get enough of a Pussy
as Beautiful as truly nothing about her body
was/is less than perfect still.. anyway just the sight of Her Firm Breasts
and Erect Nipples were enough to Fill the Blood More of the Older Cocks
Walking by for most of the Women were much older as she was the Ripe Art
of the
Plain View for all to see..
No Doubt those Men either placed their
Lust soon enough on their Wives or Jerked off
in older explosions
of Youth
Beautiful as my
Wife's Perky and Perfect Breasts..
Throbbing to the Sight of a Flower always Blooming
From A Spread of Beauty on the Beach and what's even more amazing
is when a Beautiful Young Woman goes Bottomless too overcoming all fears
of Vulnerability Shining Butterfly Pussy Wings to Glisten More to the Hot Summer
of Freedom
View of Paradise
in Between..
what a Majestic
Art a Pussy is in this way
for lifting Cocks up High in Dreams
to Jerk off more.. for what a Free Spirited Woman
of Beauty will imagine most any man will Dream of Doing
to Her
as Legs
Spread Open
And Vulva Dreams
do come open inviting Cocks
And Tongues and Fingers into play
And Ecstasy still to come edging up to Paradise more..
well it's true Over 100 Thousand Folks have likely Jerked/Fingered off to the
Beauty of my Wife's Body as she engages me and that is what we have Dreamy
Done Anonymous True as we imagine even more have come to what we do..
And That's KinD of a Gift
to Bring that much
Pleasure too to Young
And Old Couples too
Single and all the Varieties too
for again it's not really fair to take and take and take and give nothing from and
to all the Folks who so selflessly and fearlessly escape all Feelings of Vulnerability
to Truly Be Free to offer up the Freedom of their Sensuality and Sexuality to total Strangers
to come to play
Adult Games
of Humanity
that Harm no one and even electronically
Are Free from Disease where no one gets hurt as
Long as all is done legally mutually consensual as Art of Sensuality all Free..
It's True every Lust and Orgasm Fuels the Human World of Creativity and
Productivity even more with yes Friendly Social Cooperation even if no one
is ever
met now
for these are lonely
days for many disconnected in
flesh and blood for who really knows when all
the Love that is ever felt now is that associated with
Fantasies of Sexuality now if one is brave enough to contribute
to A World Pool of
Free Donor Orgasms
of Lust
it's true you could potentially
Save a Life for you too could be the trick or treat
that/who convinced someone to live another day for the Beauty
Nope.. not everyone is cut out for this butt this is the oldest
Art of Humanity and truly in many ways it's sad for those who have forgotten..
ha! if i can/will do this at 58
imagine what
do now when free as this
in whatever ways your Freedom comes Free as Free to Be..
anyway.. it feels and sense like Pure Art to me.. and surely not any less
Sensual and Lustful when a Young Woman Brings the Flower of Her
Hips to take A Hold of my
Cock in Grinding it
to get
Hard.. yeah it's True Ripley Believe it or not Horatio
this is how Some Flowers of Young Women greet 58 Year old
Men on the Dance Floor Like me.. And some of the Horny Men driven almost
to Insanity by the Beauty off my Wife's Existence who have Exposed their Cocks
to her in the Work Place and through Spouse of Relative too.. for it's True
My Wife has Been Raising
Cocks High and Stiff
ever Since she
was barely
A Teenager Walking to School..
And i suppose that's why my Freedom is not that offensive
to her as she is used to the Fact that Men do Get turned on By
Women from
to Old
when they are effectively
Goddesses Like Egyptian Goddess Isis
Never really aging always Perky and Beautiful Now..
anyway.. i'm always surprised when a Young Woman offers her
Butt up to
My Cock
Hard on the Dance Floor
Now.. and only one time did a Group of Young
Women in a Car in the Parking Lot ask me to take my
Shirt off right there and then..
no.. no one has thrown their panties
or Bras at me butt
what's much
more than a Free Standing Lap
Dance Just for the appreciation of the Fearless Man come
to Dance
matter what
age now..
as far as i CaN/WiLL See and Science
too IS A Greatest Intoxication that Brings
A Grinding Butt over to say Cock come out and Play..
it's True we live in interesting times.. i would have never imagined
this would be my life two
years from
Discount Age at the Buffet hehe..
yes.. the All You Will Do Buffet Now too..
And this is jJusT A Way i Give Back for Free too
what better way to Celebrate Independence
a little early
and always now as
iT CoMeS AGaiN FReED..:)
Photos From January of 2018..:)

June 30th, 2018
Swollen and Red Ready to go and oh oh oh God
yes from Young this Cock has no home so what to do..
yes.. then.. such a difficulty it is Male and Growing up
in a Family Full of Women with no one to explain what is going on
with you So Stiff off and on Night and Day.. nah.. no secrets for the Young these
Days for sure as there is no hiding Hard Cocks and Wet Pussies from anyone to see..
but in those days all seemed
taboo.. and in some ways the
mysteriousness of all that went
on below my belt
and what lived
Panties of the Teacher's
Dress as in terms of Basic Instinct
she crossed her legs slowly for all to dream
tall and erect in class jeans aroused to the hilt
for Ms. So and So's Cottony White Crotch that from
a Distance one could swear seemed moist and even drenching wet..
yes.. perhaps it's just what Science calls Incongruent Arousal when subjected
to any lusty Environment
No Matter disgust Body parts
come to act as Nature does without
A Brain or Morals of Ethics as Female Teachers
are not supposed to get aroused by 16 Year Old Males
with Cocks Aroused in Pants for all to View.. anyway.. just some things
i thought about then.. without even
Having any idea what or how to even
Do Sex then.. having no idea from Just a Penthouse
Magazine of Fur to all the intricacies of Pleasure Parts
Housed Beneath
the Folds
of Fur
Black and Inviting
Mysterious and Taboo even more..
and no doubt the reason i even do this is the imagination
of what is hidden becoming even more delicious not even understanding
exactly what lives so wet and
warm and erect as clits
alive underneath
Damp and Drenching Wet..
and even when i was really young and i can't really
remember how young as my Mother would leave me in the
Car while she shopped in our small down town home.. and as Lovely
Young Women Passed by in the Dark i Pulled out my Cock in the Car
even though it was much
too dark for
Woman to see..
and truly i had no idea what
i was doing then it just felt good to
be all hard and opened up to the Female
Environment at hand then.. having no idea
what it even meant to stroke my Cock up and down and
to eventually make
it come then
that would have taken
so much of the mystery
and frustration of cock play away back then..
And Yes the distance from Missionary Positions when
Young is what brings many Fantasies/Fetishes to mind as i remember a Young
Woman who wore a cloth elastic band around her erotic hair and she left it
at our home and i wrapped it around my Hard Cock as it just felt so good and that's
all there was to that..
and my first Kiss of
what i do remember
at age 16 shortly after i did find
a way to Masturbate to Penthouse Magazine
Furry Vagina's as ever since then i've always
Loved Hairy Vagina's more than the Modern
Shaved ones as that is what i grew up to Jerk off to then..
and Lord knows seeing Pussy's
all Spread out on the
Beach from my
First Girlfriend on and
in Free and Legal and Mutually
Consensual Porn is surely a delight
to Rub a Hard Cock slowly to orgasm still..
anyway that
was at the Around the Block
Friends Home for their Cousin
was visiting in the Summer Time then as i remember
the Short Shorts she wore and that night after i had been
Working out in the Sun all day
long as she pulled me
close and dove her
tongue all around
in my Mouth
and OMG
Cock got so hard and so much
Harder than it ever did when jerking
off then.. and we kissed and kissed and
i Ground my Cock into the Mound of her Short Shorts
then as she got a Dreamy Glassy Look in her eyes of Ecstasy
to come as my Cock
in my Shorts
until i was
Sure i was
all in my Pants
up against the Front
Mound Fresh of Her Pussy then..
and that was it the only kiss we ever
had but that is when i found out about how Lust
and Passion will overtake the Logic of Mind as True
A Cock and Tongue
will surely
most sensual
drive to get life done
all Hard and Wet and Sex
Full of
Sweet Taboo..
such a sweet feeling a first time
is and so much or a little guilt and shame mixed
with sex to make that slightly Guilty Pleasure come
to be.. and yeah.. so inexperienced i was with my First
Girl Friend that i was rather Jealous
of her potential
Sexual experiences
for i had none then..
and i guess that is why i felt
i Matured so much by the time the Wife
and i got married for it didn't bother me at all but
A Slight Feeling of Taboo when she watched the other Strange
Cocks and Pussies come to play on the Porn Channel all saved
on the
VCR then..
but as Lust goes after the act
is complete i always felt a little strange
And a little guilty that my wife was Watching Hard
Strange Cocks and Strange Pussies and Milk Filled Breasts
with me so free..
but true
as i can
almost feel
a tinge of taboo now..
the way she stroked and grabbed
my Cock Harder when the Beautiful Pussies
and the Young Hard Cocks came together to play
as i watched her eyes go glossy as she went into a dreamland
of bliss watching cocks swelling and pushing Harder into Hot Pussies
more and it rather surprised me that
she often commented on the Beauty
of the Bodies of Women more than
much to comment about any
of the Men who had their
Cocks exposed all
hard.. for
i even
Teased her asking
her what do you think about
his Cock do you like the way
it looks as that Young Woman
Circles it with Her Lips and she said
ugh his Cock his Ugly and it is way too big
it's like a Bad Cartoon as yours is pretty and just
perfect for my
tight Pussy
yeah it's so True my Wife's
Pussy is so pretty wouldn't you Love
to see a Picture of it with Her Legs Spread open
now well it's true Thousands of other Anonymous Folks
Have Stroked their Cocks to it and Fingered their Pussies
as Couples or alone in places that are anonymous where folks
share for free.. for it is just
A Fantasy to Share
like this
as she lays in bed
late at night and i slowly say
OMG tens of thousands of Views
my Dick and your Pussy and over
100 thousand Views we do have now..
as i continue to Pleasure her and talk dirty
to her saying
I bet
some really
Young Dudes are
Pulling out their Cocks
and Masturbating to Your
Beautiful Pussy right now somewhere
in the World
and she
no it's probably
some Ugly Dudes and i say
no.. for any young Man will get
Hard Looking at the Beauty of Your
Pussy Spread open for all the World to see..
as i play with Her Pussy faster and wetter it becomes
as she breathes Harder and says do you really think those
Young Men
would wanna
off to me..
well.. it's true that is what
i still Masturbate the most to now..
for no one turns me on as much as my Wife
Does still when she spread her Legs open for me
and the
World to see
for a Fantasy of course for
maybe we did this and maybe we didn't
but it's true i'm not very good at making stuff
up still
all of it actually
happens as is.. hehe..
so yeah in one Video i am licking her Pussy for all
to see.. and in another one i am Masturbating by myself
for Couples to enjoy too..
or single
sort of like this.. i guess too.. hehe..
and in another one we are actually watching
Porn as she Masturbates My Red and Swollen Cock
as you can even see the Dreamy Look in Her eyes as she watched
the Hard Cock of a Dude
entertain a
Pussy of a Young
Woman on TV..
sure on one of 'those' sites you've
likely seen with ours just a Needle in a Haystack
of a Million or so Video's of Cocks and Pussies on Play Dates there..
as she continues to stroke me watching the Cock and Pussy and the Breasts
And Pretty Women Butts on TV (Computer Screen) Exploding
Come all over the Face
of the Young
as she sucks
what is remaining
off the Huge Cock Head..
and then occasionally she looks down
at my cock and pays more and more attention
to it as it grows more swollen so close to Throbbing
With Contractions soon to come for me too.. as i try to hold
off as long as i can but
the Taboo and
the excitement
of it all as i'm
Video Taping
what we are doing as i am
imagining then how may folks will
soon be getting off to what we are doing
right there then.. and no longer can i wait for
my Back Arches up and i explode on my Stomach
as what's Left comes on Her Hand as she delights the
rest of the experience for me..
and as i video tape her
with her Rear Raised
up on the Bed i say
Spread Your Legs
for the World
to see.. and
she does and
OMG Her Pussy is as
Beautiful as Possible as any
Pussy Looks with a 10 Plus Ass
that's the Best on any Woman i've ever
seen anywhere too.. and i say put your Fingers
on Your Pussy and stroke it for me and the World to
see and apprehensively she does but soon the Pleasure
takes over the Fear
and Taboo for her
too and i go on to
say imagine how many
Young Men and Women are
getting Hard and Wet now viewing
all the Glory of Your Wet Pussy Lips as Your
Fingers rub your now red and erect clit as passion
comes more as she Arches Her Rear up with so much
sexy and turns and spreads her legs a little more as i say
Your Beautiful Pink and Wet
Pussy as you stroke it
softly is erecting
Hard and Throbbing
Cocks and Making Pussies
Drench around the World even
more as men are rubbing their cocks
now and women are fingering their wet
and soaking pussies more as you turn over
on your Back and Spread Your Legs even more
as the Folds of Your Butterfly come Pink to Red
and even more wet for the entire World to see as
i continue to tell her how much the art of her
Sensuality and Beauty of her Breasts and
Pussy and Rear are exciting the entire
World now to See.. particularly
the way she is stroking her
Pussy as her
come even more
open and Spread for the
Entire World to come in Free
sure the anonymous ones who have no
idea who she or i am too for there is another
Video as my Cock gets Hard and i invite her to suck
it for all the World to see
as her glistening smile
and lips come close
to the Hard
Red Head
and she
teases no i won't
as she smiles more and it comes
even closer to her Lips and finally goes
all the way in and the beauty of Her Lips
and Face ride up and down on the full
Length of the shaft then as she says
now don't come in my mouth
okay... and i say okay
i don't think
i will i will
do my Best not too i promise
you now.. as she begins to suck Harder
and i feel a Geyser coming full of Steam
that i may not be a able to hold back so i warn
i think i'm gonna come.. i'm sorry i just don't think
i can hold back now.. and then she slaps my balls in play
and pulls her lips off
and says you
better not
then i just pull
my cock away as she's not
in the Mood For a Fountain of
Come Explosion in her mouth then..
and i say that's okay there are other
ways to take
of this
Rocket to
get the job all done..
anyway once again this is probably
just a fantasy and is only in my mind
like when 'they' call me a Dance Legend
and my
backs me
up to my relatives
in their state of disbelief..
nah.. i'm too humble to come up with
something like that on my own for i have
a problem with
taling a white one now
for sure i don't keep any secrets
i tale the whole truth and nothing but the story now..
seriously folks every potential human intelligence has its merits
and if you don't think Sexual Intelligence that is mostly best when
it is fantasy mixed with real
is the best to give
and share
perhaps you
don't understand the
actual Healing Power of letting
go and letting the Porn of your Soul Run
Wild perhaps i've already shown my Wife
of Youth
and you can
be the one
to judge
Good whether there is
an entirely Scientific Art
to what some folks might view as madness now..
True Free With God Wild and Free with God is Crazy Good now..
Set yourself Free
or don't
is the
Paradox of being
Free and Wild with
God.. you don't have to for with
Free WiLL you can stay all zipped and
buttoned up and
realize this
room exists within.. inside
outside above so below and all around
in Heaven now and it's true it's like a Hotel
California except you can/will come and Go whenever you like..
with unlimited doors to go and come more..
to just
NoW Wild and Free
It's the Golden Rule and
it dam sure beats Trump Showers hehe.;)
July 4th 2018
Swollen and Red Ready to go and oh oh oh God
yes from Young this Cock has no home so what to do..
yes.. then.. such a difficulty it is Male and Growing up
in a Family Full of Women with no one to explain what is going on
with you So Stiff off and on Night and Day.. nah.. no secrets for the Young these
Days for sure as there is no hiding Hard Cocks and Wet Pussies from anyone to see..
but in those days all seemed
taboo.. and in some ways the
mysteriousness of all that went
on below my belt
and what lived
Panties of the Teacher's
Dress as in terms of Basic Instinct
she crossed her legs slowly for all to dream
tall and erect in class jeans aroused to the hilt
for Ms. So and So's Cottony White Crotch that from
a Distance one could swear seemed moist and even drenching wet..
yes.. perhaps it's just what Science calls Incongruent Arousal when subjected
to any lusty Environment
No Matter disgust Body parts
come to act as Nature does without
A Brain or Morals of Ethics as Female Teachers
are not supposed to get aroused by 16 Year Old Males
with Cocks Aroused in Pants for all to View.. anyway.. just some things
i thought about then.. without even
Having any idea what or how to even
Do Sex then.. having no idea from Just a Penthouse
Magazine of Fur to all the intricacies of Pleasure Parts
Housed Beneath
the Folds
of Fur
Black and Inviting
Mysterious and Taboo even more..
and no doubt the reason i even do this is the imagination
of what is hidden becoming even more delicious not even understanding
exactly what lives so wet and
warm and erect as clits
alive underneath
Damp and Drenching Wet..
and even when i was really young and i can't really
remember how young as my Mother would leave me in the
Car while she shopped in our small down town home.. and as Lovely
Young Women Passed by in the Dark i Pulled out my Cock in the Car
even though it was much
too dark for
Woman to see..
and truly i had no idea what
i was doing then it just felt good to
be all hard and opened up to the Female
Environment at hand then.. having no idea
what it even meant to stroke my Cock up and down and
to eventually make
it come then
that would have taken
so much of the mystery
and frustration of cock play away back then..
And Yes the distance from Missionary Positions when
Young is what brings many Fantasies/Fetishes to mind as i remember a Young
Woman who wore a cloth elastic band around her erotic hair and she left it
at our home and i wrapped it around my Hard Cock as it just felt so good and that's
all there was to that..
and my first Kiss of
what i do remember
at age 16 shortly after i did find
a way to Masturbate to Penthouse Magazine
Furry Vagina's as ever since then i've always
Loved Hairy Vagina's more than the Modern
Shaved ones as that is what i grew up to Jerk off to then..
and Lord knows seeing Pussy's
all Spread out on the
Beach from my
First Girlfriend on and
in Free and Legal and Mutually
Consensual Porn is surely a delight
to Rub a Hard Cock slowly to orgasm still..
anyway that
was at the Around the Block
Friends Home for their Cousin
was visiting in the Summer Time then as i remember
the Short Shorts she wore and that night after i had been
Working out in the Sun all day
long as she pulled me
close and dove her
tongue all around
in my Mouth
and OMG
Cock got so hard and so much
Harder than it ever did when jerking
off then.. and we kissed and kissed and
i Ground my Cock into the Mound of her Short Shorts
then as she got a Dreamy Glassy Look in her eyes of Ecstasy
to come as my Cock
in my Shorts
until i was
Sure i was
all in my Pants
up against the Front
Mound Fresh of Her Pussy then..
and that was it the only kiss we ever
had but that is when i found out about how Lust
and Passion will overtake the Logic of Mind as True
A Cock and Tongue
will surely
most sensual
drive to get life done
all Hard and Wet and Sex
Full of
Sweet Taboo..
such a sweet feeling a first time
is and so much or a little guilt and shame mixed
with sex to make that slightly Guilty Pleasure come
to be.. and yeah.. so inexperienced i was with my First
Girl Friend that i was rather Jealous
of her potential
Sexual experiences
for i had none then..
and i guess that is why i felt
i Matured so much by the time the Wife
and i got married for it didn't bother me at all but
A Slight Feeling of Taboo when she watched the other Strange
Cocks and Pussies come to play on the Porn Channel all saved
on the
VCR then..
but as Lust goes after the act
is complete i always felt a little strange
And a little guilty that my wife was Watching Hard
Strange Cocks and Strange Pussies and Milk Filled Breasts
with me so free..
but true
as i can
almost feel
a tinge of taboo now..
the way she stroked and grabbed
my Cock Harder when the Beautiful Pussies
and the Young Hard Cocks came together to play
as i watched her eyes go glossy as she went into a dreamland
of bliss watching cocks swelling and pushing Harder into Hot Pussies
more and it rather surprised me that
she often commented on the Beauty
of the Bodies of Women more than
much to comment about any
of the Men who had their
Cocks exposed all
hard.. for
i even
Teased her asking
her what do you think about
his Cock do you like the way
it looks as that Young Woman
Circles it with Her Lips and she said
ugh his Cock his Ugly and it is way too big
it's like a Bad Cartoon as yours is pretty and just
perfect for my
tight Pussy
yeah it's so True my Wife's
Pussy is so pretty wouldn't you Love
to see a Picture of it with Her Legs Spread open
now well it's true Thousands of other Anonymous Folks
Have Stroked their Cocks to it and Fingered their Pussies
as Couples or alone in places that are anonymous where folks
share for free.. for it is just
A Fantasy to Share
like this
as she lays in bed
late at night and i slowly say
OMG tens of thousands of Views
my Dick and your Pussy and over
100 thousand Views we do have now..
as i continue to Pleasure her and talk dirty
to her saying
I bet
some really
Young Dudes are
Pulling out their Cocks
and Masturbating to Your
Beautiful Pussy right now somewhere
in the World
and she
no it's probably
some Ugly Dudes and i say
no.. for any young Man will get
Hard Looking at the Beauty of Your
Pussy Spread open for all the World to see..
as i play with Her Pussy faster and wetter it becomes
as she breathes Harder and says do you really think those
Young Men
would wanna
off to me..
well.. it's true that is what
i still Masturbate the most to now..
for no one turns me on as much as my Wife
Does still when she spread her Legs open for me
and the
World to see
for a Fantasy of course for
maybe we did this and maybe we didn't
but it's true i'm not very good at making stuff
up still
all of it actually
happens as is.. hehe..
so yeah in one Video i am licking her Pussy for all
to see.. and in another one i am Masturbating by myself
for Couples to enjoy too..
or single
sort of like this.. i guess too.. hehe..
and in another one we are actually watching
Porn as she Masturbates My Red and Swollen Cock
as you can even see the Dreamy Look in Her eyes as she watched
the Hard Cock of a Dude
entertain a
Pussy of a Young
Woman on TV..
sure on one of 'those' sites you've
likely seen with ours just a Needle in a Haystack
of a Million or so Video's of Cocks and Pussies on Play Dates there..
as she continues to stroke me watching the Cock and Pussy and the Breasts
And Pretty Women Butts on TV (Computer Screen) Exploding
Come all over the Face
of the Young
as she sucks
what is remaining
off the Huge Cock Head..
and then occasionally she looks down
at my cock and pays more and more attention
to it as it grows more swollen so close to Throbbing
With Contractions soon to come for me too.. as i try to hold
off as long as i can but
the Taboo and
the excitement
of it all as i'm
Video Taping
what we are doing as i am
imagining then how may folks will
soon be getting off to what we are doing
right there then.. and no longer can i wait for
my Back Arches up and i explode on my Stomach
as what's Left comes on Her Hand as she delights the
rest of the experience for me..
and as i video tape her
with her Rear Raised
up on the Bed i say
Spread Your Legs
for the World
to see.. and
she does and
OMG Her Pussy is as
Beautiful as Possible as any
Pussy Looks with a 10 Plus Ass
that's the Best on any Woman i've ever
seen anywhere too.. and i say put your Fingers
on Your Pussy and stroke it for me and the World to
see and apprehensively she does but soon the Pleasure
takes over the Fear
and Taboo for her
too and i go on to
say imagine how many
Young Men and Women are
getting Hard and Wet now viewing
all the Glory of Your Wet Pussy Lips as Your
Fingers rub your now red and erect clit as passion
comes more as she Arches Her Rear up with so much
sexy and turns and spreads her legs a little more as i say
Your Beautiful Pink and Wet
Pussy as you stroke it
softly is erecting
Hard and Throbbing
Cocks and Making Pussies
Drench around the World even
more as men are rubbing their cocks
now and women are fingering their wet
and soaking pussies more as you turn over
on your Back and Spread Your Legs even more
as the Folds of Your Butterfly come Pink to Red
and even more wet for the entire World to see as
i continue to tell her how much the art of her
Sensuality and Beauty of her Breasts and
Pussy and Rear are exciting the entire
World now to See.. particularly
the way she is stroking her
Pussy as her
come even more
open and Spread for the
Entire World to come in Free
sure the anonymous ones who have no
idea who she or i am too for there is another
Video as my Cock gets Hard and i invite her to suck
it for all the World to see
as her glistening smile
and lips come close
to the Hard
Red Head
and she
teases no i won't
as she smiles more and it comes
even closer to her Lips and finally goes
all the way in and the beauty of Her Lips
and Face ride up and down on the full
Length of the shaft then as she says
now don't come in my mouth
okay... and i say okay
i don't think
i will i will
do my Best not too i promise
you now.. as she begins to suck Harder
and i feel a Geyser coming full of Steam
that i may not be a able to hold back so i warn
i think i'm gonna come.. i'm sorry i just don't think
i can hold back now.. and then she slaps my balls in play
and pulls her lips off
and says you
better not
then i just pull
my cock away as she's not
in the Mood For a Fountain of
Come Explosion in her mouth then..
and i say that's okay there are other
ways to take
of this
Rocket to
get the job all done..
anyway once again this is probably
just a fantasy and is only in my mind
like when 'they' call me a Dance Legend
and my
backs me
up to my relatives
in their state of disbelief..
nah.. i'm too humble to come up with
something like that on my own for i have
a problem with
taling a white one now
for sure i don't keep any secrets
i tale the whole truth and nothing but the story now..
seriously folks every potential human intelligence has its merits
and if you don't think Sexual Intelligence that is mostly best when
it is fantasy mixed with real
is the best to give
and share
perhaps you
don't understand the
actual Healing Power of letting
go and letting the Porn of your Soul Run
Wild perhaps i've already shown my Wife
of Youth
and you can
be the one
to judge
Good whether there is
an entirely Scientific Art
to what some folks might view as madness now..
True Free With God Wild and Free with God is Crazy Good now..
Set yourself Free
or don't
is the
Paradox of being
Free and Wild with
God.. you don't have to for with
Free WiLL you can stay all zipped and
buttoned up and
realize this
room exists within.. inside
outside above so below and all around
in Heaven now and it's true it's like a Hotel
California except you can/will come and Go whenever you like..
with unlimited doors to go and come more..
to just
NoW Wild and Free
It's the Golden Rule and
it dam sure beats Trump Showers hehe.;)
July 4th 2018
Wet T-Shirt Contests And Male Strippers
all the Rave back in the 80's at the 2001 Disco
Club for all in Pensacola Florida..
For it's True although
they don't
do that
the Old Seville Quarter
Modern Club there is just some things
a little more interesting than what would have
Ordinarily Been a Very Expensive Lap Dance for
Men in Very Expensive Pay Ways for Seeing Naked Tits
in Clubs as ever Since Hard Core HD Porn those crowds
are dwindling down
to just about
nothing now
who wants to pay for something when
if you have a Computer and Broad Band Access to
A Continuing Changing 72 Virtual Virgins in Heaven NoW oNline
yes.. class why pay for it when you don't even have to Milk the
Cow as that Old Cliche goes too.. True though if what one now may have in
Mind of Body in the Lower Parts at most
is a Standing Lap Dance
ya better
How to Dance
to Make the Female Crowd Wetter
than Dryer for your Lower Parts now..
more specifically an up and down rub on
Your Cock to Life Save it and Bring it back to Rising
up instead
of Dangling Down.. HeHe..
Hmm.. True i Love Being a Male Entertainer
of the Softer Sex as that continues to come and go clothed
and naked too.. as yesterday when reviewing my Blog Stats i couldn't
help but to notice on review of a Nudie Post where i was with some Women at
the Club and they were gonna help take some photos and i said be careful don't
look too far back for there could be
something that might offend
you there and then i guess
in jest they said well
we've already visited
your Blog
Seen all of that and sure
a little red faced i got as it's one thing
to put on a play on line and it surely and verily
is quite another thing to feel more of the situation in flesh and
blood for it is true in the realm of Imaginary Lovers there is no one who gets
harmed including significant others
and what comes on my
Blog stays on
my Blog
as sure i wouldn't
mind too much if one of those
Women were to find something amusing enough
here to unbutton her pants or lift her short skirt up
and perhaps touch Her Full Breasts as her Nipples Grow erect
Circling her Fingers around slowly stroking Tummy Down moving all five fingers
On Each Hand Down to a Paradise
Real Growing Even Wetter in anticipation
of perhaps a special toy as a Vibrator too or perhaps
one finger inserted Thirsty First into the Wet place and another finger or two
for a clit and one or two more Fingers Visiting a more Drenched Tunnel
of Love opening up whatever comes what
may on my Blog Post too..
but true in this case as a Male
Empath and Entertainer too it's not so much
about me but more of the Empath Felt and Imagined
Pleasure i might Bring to you for sure there are Words of Pleasure
too for every Word In Flow may Bring A Wetter Place below too just aching
for more fingers to push down
into Heaven's
so Delicious Smelling and
Tasting for any man would
Love to check the Heat of Pussy
With a Tongue Dive now.. for just another
Oil Change and Reboot to come gyrating hips
up and down circling swirling a clit so much more..
Opening up LIfe's Light below as total Escape from
just feel all of life
Flow Below as an opening to every
Wanting Red Head Velvet Cock invited to come
into play with alternating Tongues of Pushing Force
too down and all around inside above and below
True a Pussy is a UNiVerSE too..
did i miss anything
yes edging
of wild and uncontrolled
contractions and pulsations
of Big Bang Life.. holding the Head
of a Throbbing Cock as Prisoner of Love
or perhaps a tongue enjoying the Smells and
Tastes of Pussy Paradise Soon to clamp down
of Love
one if you
are just with one man
in your Fantasy now.. but sure
you could be just relaxing on the Beach
watching men go by some attractive some not
and some very attractive to you now.. as the Noon Day
Son begins to intoxicate all that iS eXposed from Head to toe
Warming Up the Dampness
of Your Crotch now
to spread your legs
a little more perhaps turn
around and arch your hips up
to show the World a little temptation
of the Passion you Do Bring all.. and perhaps
A Dream of one attractive man perhaps too fixated
on the Wet Spot in the Folds of Your Bikini Bottom now..
as you Lean Back a little more and Spread your legs more
to the Heat
of the
Cooking the Pleasure
of what is becoming Drenched
as Pussy begins to open up more and
Ache for someone anyone to come in..
but no.. you are a good girl you would never
do that with a Stranger now.. but oh how your
Pussy Aches for a Touch oh God a Tongue oh yes
A Throbbing and Red
Head to
and thrust
you out of all
the worries of your
life now.. true by now you
are totally naked on an all Nude
Beach young and older Cocks come
swinging by as you are all spread out on
the beach for all to see..
the Flowers of Your Nipples
erect and tall the Butterfly Wings
of Your Pussy Glistening in the Sun
so inviting for all to Drive by in Sand
to see... and Oh Lord someone you know
comes by to say hi.. True their Cock is Just Dangling
there not much to see just another Dick in the SeaBreeze hot..
so you lay there still Spread out Shining Butterfly Wings of Wet
for the Entire World to see opened up enough for Paradise Light
so inviting
a soft
to Rise
up in Song and
Dance of Lust now too..
and oh my God He is Starting to get
Hard for he can't help but notice the Beauty
of the Heaven opening Below.. true it's not appropriate
to get Erect when you are close to a Young and Flowering Rose
oF A Pussy on a Nude Beach
now and true this is just
Your Friend which
makes it even
for perhaps it isn't appropriate to
Get Hard when a Woman is Vigorously
Rubbing Your Cock During a Bootie Dance
too but Life Lives
it gets
it's just
what life does
when now alive..
so true His Cock Swells some
more as he gently speaks to you
turning slightly red yes cock and face..
you try your best not to get excited but the
moisture grows wetter down below.. oh God if you
could just go somewhere now and touch yourself
and explode
all would
be okay
oh God this is getting
A little uncomfortable as his
Cock is Bright Red and Pointing
Straight to the Sun.. it's getting Harder and
Harder for him to hide just how delicious your
Pussy Looks to him.. hmm.. i surely am pounding
this Keyboard now too.. heHe.. what to do what to do for it is
Just your Friend
and you know
what happens
when friends
get together
they never
back but by now you can't
help it you Giggle and the Incongruent
Humor of all of this now for the last thing
you expected was is to know anyone at all at this Nude
Beach you've Dreamed up..
So True it's just a Fantasy
So you will do whatever
you want to him
now for
all to your Pussy
now.. so you smile in a way
you never have to Greet His eyes
with Pupils Growing Bigger even in the
and you lift your left leg
up and spread your right leg more
and say hmm.. i see you have a 'slight problem'
there and as much as i like you there must be something
i will do to help you
with that..
for it's
i would hate
for you to get
Blue Balls now
there is no one around now
just me and you.. sure.. some folks down
the beach but they are too far away to worry about what
will eventually
so i see you see
how turned on my Wet
and inviting pussy is now as true
i never imagined your Cock so Erect and so Red
Full of Blood to go.. actually i never thought i really turned you
on just a friend i thought of you to
be until
i met
OMG by now his cock
is literally throbbing you
can see his heart beat alive in it
moving up and down.. so you reach out and touch
it a little on the Head and say you can touch me if you
want i won't mind
and all he has in mind
now is to taste all of you
for that is what he was dreaming
of the entire time part of his eyes
were glued on the star of your Wet Cunt now..
it's just Nature Just a Cock and just a Pussy come to Play
so he dives right in your pussy
like it's the best
thing he's
tasted in his life
so good oh sweet relief
heaven come with lips
to taste all of your Paradise Play..
and OMG that tongue that tongue that tongue
dives down
so deep
Oh God Oh God yes
you are starting to ache for the
Pleasure of a Throbbing Red cock now..
for now it's not enough to just to be licked
all around
Cock you want
it so bad thrusting in
you as just another Hairy
Beast gets on top to make
Love to you
so slow so hard
goes on goes on
so long so hard..
oh god
God i'm Gonna Come
soon oh Lord oh Lord it usually
takes so much longer than this..
Oh God Oh God i never imagined
anyone would
make me
feel this
oh yes oh yes
Faster Faster take all of
me make me forget everything in
Life that is not Heaven oh now oh now for
Real oh God Please make it last i'm not ready to come
yet i want this to last forever so slow down slow down
just a little bit
feel me up
and let me take
all of you in..
just let me
hold you
as Cock and Pussy
become literally one Force of Love
oh God yes God this is the Force of Star Wars
Sex it's true we are both Nerds but we do we do understand
to StArt
OuR UniVerse again..
True i'll be thinking of you
whoever you are next go around..
for it's true i'll never know exactly who
opens up
of the
in Dance
and Song of me
now at least online heAR..
but if i did anything to make you
a giggle
or a Smile
that is enough and if you had the best
Orgasm You Brought Yourself by Faith
In your Pussy and Fantasy in Imagination
in Co-Creating Ways
with what
you have
at and in hand now..
Bravo for you for you
you for true too
one big bang of life is not nearly enough
so true
i hope you
all over
the Galaxy
with a Pussy Pulsating
And Throbbing forevermore now..
and if words are not enough to help you
i'll do whatever i can/will below as there is
always now
first or come again..
as it's true Friends Lend a
it is
Your Hands of Paradise now..
hmm.. this is fun i'm gonna get
this project all licked before all is said and come..;)
Photos From April of 2017
July 11th, 2018
Erections of Life as they Come
And Go Enjoy them all as a Lust for Life..
True Easier Hid when the Well Endowed
Hipped Silky Dressed Young Woman
Hides Your Erection
Buns of Her
It's True Extra Thin
Clothing Without Panties
Underneath Long Dresses
Begs for a Red Cock Erect
Velvet Head Rubbed
As Vulva comes
Unhidden in Feel
Under Ass Cheeks
Spread Wider
For Feel
Cock Head
Growing even
Stiffer Making
Crotch Wetter
as Warm
Hot Clits
so Hard more.. too..
Erecting Pulsations of
Heart Beat as Pussy
Wet in Hopes of Being Tasted
Heat of Summer
Sun Cocks and Pussies
Coming to Play clothed
On a Dance Floor of Honey
Sweating even more..
Ridge of Cock
Deeper Felt in
Valley of
yeah i don't drink Coffee and in the Afternoon
instead of taking a lazy Siesta Nap while Writing
PG to G Rated Upper Spiritual Talks of Life i come
here to regenerate yes re-create as i peruse my
Blogger Stats
to see
those who
view my Art
keep coming back to
as i guess must have done something
a little bit like art at least to inspire the Audience
too for there are Bootie dances that and who come and
Go smiles of innocent
Women who
A Cock 'tween
Thin Skirt Sheets
Barely Covering
Butt and
come to meet..
but hey.. what comes undercover
exposed in the Art of Human Sensual
Being Shared Free online is just another way
2:07 PM
on 7.11.18
as i come
Play more now too
butt only in spirit as i'll
likely physically love me more
tomorrow as i begin to reboot my Creativity
for the Next Week in a Night of Public Dance
with all the Fresh and Wild Beautiful Flowers there
as they
to play
or not there
or sure after
Entertaining Rising
Cocks as Velvet Red Heads
Pushing into the Flower of their Nest..
And nah.. it's not too hard or perhaps it is
to imagine their Delirious Heated Wet Dreams
Real on the Dance Floor unleashed once they reach
their Cars in the
Middle of the
with Memories
Fresh in Heat
to release
as in
Dark Parking
Lots of Free
or Heaven
Driving their Vehicles
on Roads yes Sitting Still
Let's Hope a Drenched Pussy
and more opened Tunnel of Love
comes to the Surface of the Ocean
of Paradise as Skirt is pulled Back
as Pussy so excited to See
the Moon LiGhT
as Fingers
come all
5 and 10
to the Delight
of Swirls around
Paradise Clit so lit
and erect throbbing
for the Love
touch as two more
Fingers Slide into a relaxed
and Fully Soaked More Opened
Tunnel of Love slowly in and out
one more Finger Spreading Legs
Wider Sliding Down Some in the Seat
Paradise comes more open in Moon-lit
View of all to
see as
Two of Your Close
Girl Friends and their
Friend Have come to the
Moonlit Window of Your
Parked Car
in all your Glory
Playing the Piano
in a Key of Life fully exposed
for all to See and hear your Moans..
Playfully Your Two Girlfriends Giggle and
the rather shy but Good Looking Young Man
Turns away in respect
of your
as Paradise
just waits below
to be Loved to come
so much after more Loving done..
well it's true you and your friends have bootie
danced before as girls do often do.. on the dance
Floors these days in innocent play but there is the seat
next to you
and at least
one more than
willing Girlfriend
to accompany
you on this
Paradise below..
as you are so embarrassed
but the guilty pleasure of Taboo
is inviting the willing tongue of
Your Girl Friend so deep below..
but first she slides her hand
in the top of Your Dress
Pulls your Bra
Away and
Nipples Erect..
Swirling around the
Pleasure Domes of Your Breasts
Moving Right Hand and Fingers
close to your
as Fingers Explore
all around your Clit
Playing with the
Tip as
Love's Guitar Strings
come unwound
oh Please oh Please
touch me more oh please
but what she really wants
is a tongue now on your Clit
so down
swirling tongue
licking honey dew
all around the Vulva
of Your Legs Spread open
meanwhile the other Friend
is watching and the Young
Man can't help but to look
too as there you are
leaned back her
in your Crotch
and now both your
other Girl Friend and the
Young Man too are giggling Nervously
as all you wanna do is Moan and say oh
my God
are making
me feel so Good..
meanwhile your other
Girl Friend reaches down
for what is a rising Cock on the
Young Man now.. yes.. she danced
a Couple of Times with him they both
did and
so did
once a while
back too..
true it is
a vacant parking
lot too and no one
seems to be around
at 3 AM.. the Passion
of Taboo is Heating Cock
and Pussies up even more
to come out and play
as yes there is
the Back
Seat too..
as those two Friends
now come to play too..
as he leans back she unzipping
his Pants Pulling the Engorged Head
of His Cock out swirling Her Hand
around the Velvet
Meanwhile OMG Yes
she is Diving her tongue
Deeper in your Cunt
and you can hear
your other
Girl Friend
now Sucking
up and down
on his Cock
in the Back Seat where
all smells like Sex now
for all who have come to play..
and while she sucks his Cock
she reaches her hand across the
Seat to your Exposed Breast
she grabs your
and plays
with it a little
just a Tease
it is as the tongue
in your cunt..
OMG this Car is still
too small to Fuck
for there is
a Cock
in the Back Seat
so Ready to Visit Pussy
in all three ways of excitation
now.. yes three Young Women
with Heated Pussies Desiring Cock so much
and one
to do the
Job for all three
wanting Tunnels
of Love
to be filled
with swelling Cock
but still the car is much too small
but hey it is a vacant dark 3 AM
Parking Lot as Taboo Rises
and now you
and your
say please do
us by the Rear of the
Car as we lift our skirts
up for you to come into
each and everyone of us to play
next.. yes.. close friends they truly
come to be..
as all three
Pull their
as Hard Cock enters
each place of Love alternating
Gyrating Hips on Cock so Hard
Please don't come do me next
she says and she says next
do me more
i need
now please
now do me please
please pump me full of you..
as she says i am going to Hold
His Cock Hostage you are not going
to visit my Friend Next with a slight giggle
okay you can
in and out
slow and save
some for my Best Friend
too.. as the other two now say
we will help as they lower their
selves and lick his balls and this
is just too much
as he Explodes
in Pussy
as both the other
two alternate
Sucks of
not a drop
spilled on
the Ground for
anyone to see..
anyway she is stroking herself
so hard for now as this Fantasy is
edging her Close to the precipice
of Big Bang Exploding more..
as Her Pussy Begins
to contract
and wild
are felt
Head to toe alive..
she is alive forever now
once again ready to live for now..
Splendor in the Parking Lot of Dreams
Under the Sheets
While her Boy Friend Snores..
it's true no Man can imprison a Woman's
Fantasy as Minds are Free and Hands are too..
no matter what..
and sure we already
Have Long underStood Cocks are too..:)
i'm wide awake
now to get back
to more stuff above
than below
now at least hehe..
Promise Though i'll come back soon too.. hEHe.. for ReaL2..;)
24,321 Words
Well.. this is as long as a Google Blog Post will go so now to
"What May Come Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel 2"
as the Second Volume is
"What May Come Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel3"
As it Will Continue to Grow as Weeks go by with
Chapters here of what comes so far below more in Volume3..
All Volumes uP to 49,090 Words as of 8.15.18.. Still Growing in Volume 3..:)
Photos from the Summer of 2014
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