“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Oh Lord FinAlly it’s heaR
Running all the way from Memorial Day Weekend.. 2017..
and the MacroVerse titled “Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”
on Memorial Day Weekend.. 2017 through Last MacroVerse
titled “ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW”.. NoW as that Effort BRingS
A Long Awaited Titled MacroVerse.. “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
all the way up to the 57th MacroVerse accumulating 1,357,652
Total Words as this Current Bible Titled Effort Should Bring this
Year’s Bible Total all the way up to around 1.37 MiLLiON
Words and Goodness Gracious inclusive of “FB
Profile Pic Bible 2018” in this 12 Month Effort
is one Bible Titled “Grand Cross Bible 2017”
Close to the Size of the Old
King James Effort that
Traveled from
Memorial Day of 2017
all the way through Christmas
Day of 2017 also and not only that
but yes.. “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” also
includes 2 New Testaments.. namely a 3rd
New Testament i wrote in the Fall of 2017 titled
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE” coming in at a total of 255,193
Words and yes a Fourth New Testament titled.. “FReEDGoDoLoVENoW”
Coming in at a Total of 317,354 Words as that New Testament has not
Been off the Hot Burner for too long just finished Several Weeks ago
as part of the Entire “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Twelve Month
Effort as what i am writing now titled as such as the 58th
MacroVerse now.. as yes this Bible has some
Parents titled Whole as “Nether Land
Bible 2017” as that 2 year ongoing
Effort also inclusive of this
Effort rises up to 2,971,052
Words getting very Close to the
3 Million Word Mark now likely Arriving
by the finish of the Next MacroVerse that
will be titled after this one named “6 Million
Word Bible Poem Man” as that Celebration of
Words Words Photos Photos and YouTube Videos
And Assorted other Multi-Media Stuff comes on my
PHI Associated Golden Ratio Mean Birthday of 6.6.18
per the last 3 Digits of that Birth Date Format per 618 as
the first series of numbers after the Decimal Point of that
Golden Mean Ratio Number.. of 1.618.. as yes.. that Ocean
Whole.. 6 Million Word Bible.. And Poem comes now.. to the
last 832nd MacroVerse NoW as this Entire Bible and Long Form
Poem Titled “SonG oF mY SoUL” that is Parent to.. “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. And Grand Parent to.. “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” has
aRisen to 6 Million Words in that 57 Month Effort now moving into the
58 Month Effort in entirety too as hey.. then.. i loved that “6 Million Dollar
Man Show”.. And if i remember correctly his Partner had some difficulties
With Some Damaged Body Parts too.. yes.. Jamie Summers.. was her Name
i believe as Partner to the “6 Million Dollar Man” too.. anyway.. a Few Bionic
Parts and they were ready to be Super Heroes after they got put back together
again to help Humankind for the Future.. anyway.. what a year for “FB Profile Pic
Bible 2018”.. as this Year surely has been Filled with Natural and Human Disasters
Namely one who we all understand is supposed to be at the Very top of the so-called
Free World Now.. anyway it kinda makes ya wish for the Greater Memorial Days when
Loyalty and Integrity and Honor and Honesty is what made the Folks who both Fought
For America to the Death for our Freedom’s and Liberty’s for the Pursuit of Happiness
too.. yes the right to Life and Liberty and Justice overall too.. and yes this includes the
Honor and Integrity and Character and Honesty one used to be able to at least somewhat
depend on at the Top of Leadership For our Country and Perhaps those days will come back
again and we will not only remember what a non-gaslit reality is as perhaps we will live a
Peaceful and Harmonious way of LiFE more than a Bull Shit Soap Opera every day as
ya just need about 5 Minutes to see what lies are being told every day now
as this Country is becoming lately more like A Country of Lies than
Truth Be tOld Fair and Square as leave the Bull Shitting
to the Used Care Sales Folks
as that is where you
Bullshit to be..
Not at the top of the
Nuclear Button Pressing
Authority these days.. anyway..
yep.. been quite a Year for a “FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018” as the year Before that was
“PHI Bible” coming in to appreciate that Golden
Mean Spiral Ratio of God’s Foot Print and Finger
Prints as us too.. and around the rest of Nature within
inside above so below too yes.. including All around too..
as yes that effort did 1.618 Million Words in Precisely then
365 Days from Memorial Day Weekend of 2016 through
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017.. and Lord Knows as
this Entire Multi-Plex of Naming 7 Bibles actually
Began Close to my 56th “Grand Cross 56”
Birthday too.. back on 6.6.16.. as they
are listed and linked below..
Running all the way from Memorial Day Weekend.. 2017..
and the MacroVerse titled “Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”
on Memorial Day Weekend.. 2017 through Last MacroVerse
titled “ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW”.. NoW as that Effort BRingS
A Long Awaited Titled MacroVerse.. “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
all the way up to the 57th MacroVerse accumulating 1,357,652
Total Words as this Current Bible Titled Effort Should Bring this
Year’s Bible Total all the way up to around 1.37 MiLLiON
Words and Goodness Gracious inclusive of “FB
Profile Pic Bible 2018” in this 12 Month Effort
is one Bible Titled “Grand Cross Bible 2017”
Close to the Size of the Old
King James Effort that
Traveled from
Memorial Day of 2017
all the way through Christmas
Day of 2017 also and not only that
but yes.. “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” also
includes 2 New Testaments.. namely a 3rd
New Testament i wrote in the Fall of 2017 titled
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE” coming in at a total of 255,193
Words and yes a Fourth New Testament titled.. “FReEDGoDoLoVENoW”
Coming in at a Total of 317,354 Words as that New Testament has not
Been off the Hot Burner for too long just finished Several Weeks ago
as part of the Entire “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Twelve Month
Effort as what i am writing now titled as such as the 58th
MacroVerse now.. as yes this Bible has some
Parents titled Whole as “Nether Land
Bible 2017” as that 2 year ongoing
Effort also inclusive of this
Effort rises up to 2,971,052
Words getting very Close to the
3 Million Word Mark now likely Arriving
by the finish of the Next MacroVerse that
will be titled after this one named “6 Million
Word Bible Poem Man” as that Celebration of
Words Words Photos Photos and YouTube Videos
And Assorted other Multi-Media Stuff comes on my
PHI Associated Golden Ratio Mean Birthday of 6.6.18
per the last 3 Digits of that Birth Date Format per 618 as
the first series of numbers after the Decimal Point of that
Golden Mean Ratio Number.. of 1.618.. as yes.. that Ocean
Whole.. 6 Million Word Bible.. And Poem comes now.. to the
last 832nd MacroVerse NoW as this Entire Bible and Long Form
Poem Titled “SonG oF mY SoUL” that is Parent to.. “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. And Grand Parent to.. “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” has
aRisen to 6 Million Words in that 57 Month Effort now moving into the
58 Month Effort in entirety too as hey.. then.. i loved that “6 Million Dollar
Man Show”.. And if i remember correctly his Partner had some difficulties
With Some Damaged Body Parts too.. yes.. Jamie Summers.. was her Name
i believe as Partner to the “6 Million Dollar Man” too.. anyway.. a Few Bionic
Parts and they were ready to be Super Heroes after they got put back together
again to help Humankind for the Future.. anyway.. what a year for “FB Profile Pic
Bible 2018”.. as this Year surely has been Filled with Natural and Human Disasters
Namely one who we all understand is supposed to be at the Very top of the so-called
Free World Now.. anyway it kinda makes ya wish for the Greater Memorial Days when
Loyalty and Integrity and Honor and Honesty is what made the Folks who both Fought
For America to the Death for our Freedom’s and Liberty’s for the Pursuit of Happiness
too.. yes the right to Life and Liberty and Justice overall too.. and yes this includes the
Honor and Integrity and Character and Honesty one used to be able to at least somewhat
depend on at the Top of Leadership For our Country and Perhaps those days will come back
again and we will not only remember what a non-gaslit reality is as perhaps we will live a
Peaceful and Harmonious way of LiFE more than a Bull Shit Soap Opera every day as
ya just need about 5 Minutes to see what lies are being told every day now
as this Country is becoming lately more like A Country of Lies than
Truth Be tOld Fair and Square as leave the Bull Shitting
to the Used Care Sales Folks
as that is where you
Bullshit to be..
Not at the top of the
Nuclear Button Pressing
Authority these days.. anyway..
yep.. been quite a Year for a “FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018” as the year Before that was
“PHI Bible” coming in to appreciate that Golden
Mean Spiral Ratio of God’s Foot Print and Finger
Prints as us too.. and around the rest of Nature within
inside above so below too yes.. including All around too..
as yes that effort did 1.618 Million Words in Precisely then
365 Days from Memorial Day Weekend of 2016 through
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017.. and Lord Knows as
this Entire Multi-Plex of Naming 7 Bibles actually
Began Close to my 56th “Grand Cross 56”
Birthday too.. back on 6.6.16.. as they
are listed and linked below..
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..
Longest Long Form
Free Verse Poem/
Bible at 6 Million Words..
Longest Long Form
Free Verse Poem/
Bible at 6 Million Words..
“Nether Land Bible 2017”..
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”..
1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
Spanning 13.6 Months arriving
in at 3rd Place as Milestone
Form Poem too..
All Words Accounted
for by the Automated
Word Press Word Counter thingie too..:)
1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
Spanning 13.6 Months arriving
in at 3rd Place as Milestone
Form Poem too..
All Words Accounted
for by the Automated
Word Press Word Counter thingie too..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..:)
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 Word iN 104 MacroVerses
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of 2017..:)
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of 2017..:)
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
As this Newest titled 7th Bible
WiLL Continue Growing Along
with Nether Land Bible 2017
And Ocean Whole 6 Million Word
Bible and Long Form Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”.
And of course the “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. Will continue
to co-exist not only on Several Blogs but in the Face Book
Profile Pic Descriptions as i will Catalog the Photos over the
Course of the Written Months from Memorial Day Weekend.. 2017..
through Memorial Day Weekend now of 2018.. and yes.. include those
Photos in this coming MacroVerse now in Photo Streaming of the
Photo’s Thumbnails.. too.. hmm.. just aLong for the Hobby as
the 213th Dance Week Night at Old Seville Quarter is coming
up now on Thursday Night.. 5.24.18.. and yes.. i am a
bit behind on Writing with all of the Katrina’s
Appointments to Repair her now
Bionic all Natural Skin
Grafted from
Leg to Hand
as the Hard Drive
Crashed on the Big iMac
today and thank Goodness
Office Depot had a 2 Terrabyte
Passport External Drive at 32 Bucks
as that was all i needed for External Repair
And Sure.. 6 Hours or so to Restore it back to ‘normal’ hehe..
And that’s HoW iT Goes as ‘A’ Show Must Go on.. as Queen Says too..
Come Trump and High Water too.. as a Memorial Day Weekend Tropical
Storm is Brewing in what will Be Gulf Waters soon too.. Let it Rain Let it Rain
as ‘they’ say too.. as tHere is aLWays a last and first and last now for all that is first now..:)
As this Newest titled 7th Bible
WiLL Continue Growing Along
with Nether Land Bible 2017
And Ocean Whole 6 Million Word
Bible and Long Form Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”.
And of course the “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. Will continue
to co-exist not only on Several Blogs but in the Face Book
Profile Pic Descriptions as i will Catalog the Photos over the
Course of the Written Months from Memorial Day Weekend.. 2017..
through Memorial Day Weekend now of 2018.. and yes.. include those
Photos in this coming MacroVerse now in Photo Streaming of the
Photo’s Thumbnails.. too.. hmm.. just aLong for the Hobby as
the 213th Dance Week Night at Old Seville Quarter is coming
up now on Thursday Night.. 5.24.18.. and yes.. i am a
bit behind on Writing with all of the Katrina’s
Appointments to Repair her now
Bionic all Natural Skin
Grafted from
Leg to Hand
as the Hard Drive
Crashed on the Big iMac
today and thank Goodness
Office Depot had a 2 Terrabyte
Passport External Drive at 32 Bucks
as that was all i needed for External Repair
And Sure.. 6 Hours or so to Restore it back to ‘normal’ hehe..
And that’s HoW iT Goes as ‘A’ Show Must Go on.. as Queen Says too..
Come Trump and High Water too.. as a Memorial Day Weekend Tropical
Storm is Brewing in what will Be Gulf Waters soon too.. Let it Rain Let it Rain
as ‘they’ say too.. as tHere is aLWays a last and first and last now for all that is first now..:)
Hi Frank.. Thanks so much for Visiting.. “ReVeLaTioN
HEaVeNoW”.. and as Discussed With a Nice Lady from
the First Baptist Church this morning.. when i told her i Write
‘ALL’ aBout ‘God’ including actually telling her all about how the
Last 161st MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017″ is now edging
Closer to a 2 year Effort of 3 Million Words and how ‘SonG oF mY
SoUL” has come to Be 6 Million Words with “ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW”
Doubling as An.. 832nd MacroVerse Effort for “SonG oF mY SoUL” to be Celebrated
At 6 MiLLioN Words iN the
58th Month of its
on mY
PHI Related
58th Birthday
on 6.6.18 as i do
Love that PHI Related
Series of Numbers after
the Decimal Point in Ratio of 1.618
as what i really Love to Do most after the
Counting of Mechanical Cognition to Maintain
Some Structured Form with the Essence of what i Do
is to simply FLoW NoW WeaTHeR iN SonG of Writing or Dance
of FeaT now.. anyway.. she asked me if i had ever done any Missionary
Work and i said sure.. i never leave the State now as i do it virtually all around
the World in Memorial Ways that tend to stick as True every now is a Memorial Day
NoW Hehe..
to Now Most Definitely CeLeB
RatE NoW As A PLaY NoW oF
iNCaRNaTE iN LoVinG WaYS tHat
Are Both Fearless and not Afraid now
oF expreSSinG the Shadow pArTS too
oF Life For a Full Yin and Yang of Being
That BaLanCeS MiNd and BoDY WHoLe
but no.. it verily was not appropriate at all
to discuss the Shadow paRts of Existence
with her but True i for one find that a Path
to True Fearless Love is becoming
Best Friends with our Shadows
too as Ancestral Archetypes
of all of what Human
Potential can
and will
be both in the
Necessity oF daRk and
oN the Challenges of Culture and
Religion and the Overall Environment
and of Course the Politics of Hierarchies
And Rules and Guidelines that are Naturally
Part of Religions that bind and bond too for even
an Arm Wresting Match Between two dudes tHat
JusT Expresses A Shadow ParT of PLay as That
Relates more to aggression than core of Lust for
Survive as that Snake Brain has been with
us ever since the Lobsters did all of
what they did back a third of
a Million Years ago
back when
just another
MaKinG itS Way out of the Ocean WHoLe God
To fulfill a little More PoTenTiaL to Evolve to what we are now..
For TRuE We ArE BoTH HuMaN STiLL CrusTaCeaN too.. We Are OCeaN
HEaVeNoW”.. and as Discussed With a Nice Lady from
the First Baptist Church this morning.. when i told her i Write
‘ALL’ aBout ‘God’ including actually telling her all about how the
Last 161st MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017″ is now edging
Closer to a 2 year Effort of 3 Million Words and how ‘SonG oF mY
SoUL” has come to Be 6 Million Words with “ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW”
Doubling as An.. 832nd MacroVerse Effort for “SonG oF mY SoUL” to be Celebrated
At 6 MiLLioN Words iN the
58th Month of its
on mY
PHI Related
58th Birthday
on 6.6.18 as i do
Love that PHI Related
Series of Numbers after
the Decimal Point in Ratio of 1.618
as what i really Love to Do most after the
Counting of Mechanical Cognition to Maintain
Some Structured Form with the Essence of what i Do
is to simply FLoW NoW WeaTHeR iN SonG of Writing or Dance
of FeaT now.. anyway.. she asked me if i had ever done any Missionary
Work and i said sure.. i never leave the State now as i do it virtually all around
the World in Memorial Ways that tend to stick as True every now is a Memorial Day
NoW Hehe..
to Now Most Definitely CeLeB
RatE NoW As A PLaY NoW oF
iNCaRNaTE iN LoVinG WaYS tHat
Are Both Fearless and not Afraid now
oF expreSSinG the Shadow pArTS too
oF Life For a Full Yin and Yang of Being
That BaLanCeS MiNd and BoDY WHoLe
but no.. it verily was not appropriate at all
to discuss the Shadow paRts of Existence
with her but True i for one find that a Path
to True Fearless Love is becoming
Best Friends with our Shadows
too as Ancestral Archetypes
of all of what Human
Potential can
and will
be both in the
Necessity oF daRk and
oN the Challenges of Culture and
Religion and the Overall Environment
and of Course the Politics of Hierarchies
And Rules and Guidelines that are Naturally
Part of Religions that bind and bond too for even
an Arm Wresting Match Between two dudes tHat
JusT Expresses A Shadow ParT of PLay as That
Relates more to aggression than core of Lust for
Survive as that Snake Brain has been with
us ever since the Lobsters did all of
what they did back a third of
a Million Years ago
back when
just another
MaKinG itS Way out of the Ocean WHoLe God
To fulfill a little More PoTenTiaL to Evolve to what we are now..
For TRuE We ArE BoTH HuMaN STiLL CrusTaCeaN too.. We Are OCeaN
SMiLes Sohair.. Free to Be me
What a Wonderful Gift that
is for most anyone
to be
with LoVinG
Touch For all
as i do appreciate
you so much mY friEnd
alWays A HigH LiGHT oF
to come
in Great
oF JusT THaT aLL..:)
What a Wonderful Gift that
is for most anyone
to be
with LoVinG
Touch For all
as i do appreciate
you so much mY friEnd
alWays A HigH LiGHT oF
to come
in Great
oF JusT THaT aLL..:)
SMiLes mY FriEnd when it comes to Marriage
Specifically i surely am as Conservative as
“they” come as i am a one Woman
Marriage Man
as i even
to make that the
Arrangement with
My First Love in Teen
Age Years as strangely enough
Katrina looks very much like that
First Love only difference really is
she stays with me through Hell
and seems to relatively
speaking never age
from Head
to toe..
for true as her
Niece said she can
make even Bandages
of Burns and Skin Grafts
from Legs Look as Beautiful
as No Bandages at all.. hmm..
true there is an inner Glow of
Love that reflects what Lives within
as SouL mY FriEnd.. and you know if it wasn’t
for her Mother who Strayed Katrina’s Angelic
Being would have never come to play as i try
to stay out of God Business too for although i am
Monogamous.. Marriage is surely not for everyone or
Even having children for everyone too.. to be free my
is to
And Sing
the HeaRTBeaT oF GoD
And you know when ‘they’
Say Marriages are made in
Heaven well what i’ve come to
find is the Marriages that last
are the ones that Survive all
Essences and Forms of
Hell for verily
been as we continue
to Survive as Love for it’s
true this is the first and last
Marriage i will do for it came From Heaven First too…
SMiLes SoHAIR.. i Am Proud to Be Your FriEnd For All of Who You Are Free NoW..
As mY Country mY Politics mY Religion mY Way oF LiFE NoW By GoD iS FReEDLoVE..:)
Specifically i surely am as Conservative as
“they” come as i am a one Woman
Marriage Man
as i even
to make that the
Arrangement with
My First Love in Teen
Age Years as strangely enough
Katrina looks very much like that
First Love only difference really is
she stays with me through Hell
and seems to relatively
speaking never age
from Head
to toe..
for true as her
Niece said she can
make even Bandages
of Burns and Skin Grafts
from Legs Look as Beautiful
as No Bandages at all.. hmm..
true there is an inner Glow of
Love that reflects what Lives within
as SouL mY FriEnd.. and you know if it wasn’t
for her Mother who Strayed Katrina’s Angelic
Being would have never come to play as i try
to stay out of God Business too for although i am
Monogamous.. Marriage is surely not for everyone or
Even having children for everyone too.. to be free my
is to
And Sing
the HeaRTBeaT oF GoD
And you know when ‘they’
Say Marriages are made in
Heaven well what i’ve come to
find is the Marriages that last
are the ones that Survive all
Essences and Forms of
Hell for verily
been as we continue
to Survive as Love for it’s
true this is the first and last
Marriage i will do for it came From Heaven First too…
SMiLes SoHAIR.. i Am Proud to Be Your FriEnd For All of Who You Are Free NoW..
As mY Country mY Politics mY Religion mY Way oF LiFE NoW By GoD iS FReEDLoVE..:)
Titling 7 King James Size and over Size Efforts
of Bible Free Verse Poems in the span of Two Years
as i stArted Writing all of this in Holy Creative Spirit
Stream NoW of
Being where
the Ocean
of Subconscious
Mind comes out to play
in a kind of intelligence that is
beyond any kind of Guidance and
Instructions specific to what is done before
as seriously i don’t even have to think about words
as they just Naturally Flow as a Dance And Song
As A Friend
of Eternity
And from
tHere it’s not hard
to intuit that the enTire
Mind of God as Metaphor
is in Touch and Speak and
Hear and See and Smell
And Taste as so many
More Intelligences
of Feeling
Art Life as that comes
to Fruition on the pAge now
effortless as Waves that never
End as Ocean Whole Now as Beach
And Ocean and me and you and God
An iNseparable FoRCELoVE Whole Beyond any
Human so-called Measure oF iNFiNiTY MoRENoW
FoR iT iS TRuE NoW iS onLY LonG aS ETerNaLLy NoW
MoRE and if You Arrive heaR You Never Leave And Are totAlly
SaTiSFieD NoW aS JusT A Wave iN BaLaNCinG oF NeVeR EnDinG BLiSS
A LeT iT aLL Go NiRVaNA SimpLY BeinG NoW WiTH BeYonD iNFiNiTY
NoW iN Ways
of Never Land
And Never Ending
Stories Before CoMiNG NoW
ReaL as Lamps BeCoMe Tree oF LiGHT NOW.. So
With tHat SuNG off to Frank and Xenia and the gigoid
Mix of Wisdom and Poetry More For come what may
As HeaVeN CoNTiNueS NoW aS We MakE Or BreaK iSReaL..
AnyWay.. A Dance and SonG Continues as yeah.. 9325 Miles
So far MoVinG inTo that 58th PHI Spiraling MoNTH of 6.18
more specifically
as that’s real
no imaginary
God Lives in
mY eYes and
earS and aLL OTHeR
parTS BeYoND inFiNiTY
Inseparable we are when
No it’s not about ‘Jesus’ coming back it’s about
Being ‘Jesus’ now me and yes OMG YoU too..
And yes the
Love Cop
the Free and
Wild one who emptied
His Pockets and Lived A Life
Spreading Love Harming no other
PaRT oF LiFE WhOle beYond GiVinG
MoRE Than TaKinG..
For it’s True tHeRe is the Jesus Torture King
too that is no Jesus for me too
A LeT iT aLL Go NiRVaNA SimpLY BeinG NoW
SaTiSFieD NoW aS JusT A WaVE iN BaLaNCinG NoW
oF NeVeR EnDinG BLiSS FoR iT iS TRuE NoW iS onLY
LonG aS ETerNaLLy NoW As HeaVeN CoNTiNueS NoW aS We MakE
Or BreaK iSReaL
SMiLes Frank
NoW No
CoLoRS NoW..
AS iMaGiNaTioN DancES SinGS
True We GeT
SinG For MosT..
Poetry Dances
SKeYeS CoLoR..
AfterNoon DeLiGHT..:)
SMiLes Xenia
EartH and
Sky Meet
As Friends
No Separation
Water and Sand
Hold Hands as Silt
aLL ToGeTHeR..
Flesh Blood
to: Play Truly
From: HuMaNS
Domesticated Cats and Dogs..
Water’s Respite
SourCE MosT
Takes Us to: a River
oF LiFE as promised From:
Last Visit Tropical Weather Visits
i LiVE
Shortage oF Water WiTH Alberto
2 Feet or So of Rain is CoMinG SooN EnougH..:)
“Dwell not upon thy weariness,
thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire.”
of Bible Free Verse Poems in the span of Two Years
as i stArted Writing all of this in Holy Creative Spirit
Stream NoW of
Being where
the Ocean
of Subconscious
Mind comes out to play
in a kind of intelligence that is
beyond any kind of Guidance and
Instructions specific to what is done before
as seriously i don’t even have to think about words
as they just Naturally Flow as a Dance And Song
As A Friend
of Eternity
And from
tHere it’s not hard
to intuit that the enTire
Mind of God as Metaphor
is in Touch and Speak and
Hear and See and Smell
And Taste as so many
More Intelligences
of Feeling
Art Life as that comes
to Fruition on the pAge now
effortless as Waves that never
End as Ocean Whole Now as Beach
And Ocean and me and you and God
An iNseparable FoRCELoVE Whole Beyond any
Human so-called Measure oF iNFiNiTY MoRENoW
FoR iT iS TRuE NoW iS onLY LonG aS ETerNaLLy NoW
MoRE and if You Arrive heaR You Never Leave And Are totAlly
SaTiSFieD NoW aS JusT A Wave iN BaLaNCinG oF NeVeR EnDinG BLiSS
A LeT iT aLL Go NiRVaNA SimpLY BeinG NoW WiTH BeYonD iNFiNiTY
NoW iN Ways
of Never Land
And Never Ending
Stories Before CoMiNG NoW
ReaL as Lamps BeCoMe Tree oF LiGHT NOW.. So
With tHat SuNG off to Frank and Xenia and the gigoid
Mix of Wisdom and Poetry More For come what may
As HeaVeN CoNTiNueS NoW aS We MakE Or BreaK iSReaL..
AnyWay.. A Dance and SonG Continues as yeah.. 9325 Miles
So far MoVinG inTo that 58th PHI Spiraling MoNTH of 6.18
more specifically
as that’s real
no imaginary
God Lives in
mY eYes and
earS and aLL OTHeR
parTS BeYoND inFiNiTY
Inseparable we are when
No it’s not about ‘Jesus’ coming back it’s about
Being ‘Jesus’ now me and yes OMG YoU too..
And yes the
Love Cop
the Free and
Wild one who emptied
His Pockets and Lived A Life
Spreading Love Harming no other
PaRT oF LiFE WhOle beYond GiVinG
MoRE Than TaKinG..
For it’s True tHeRe is the Jesus Torture King
too that is no Jesus for me too
A LeT iT aLL Go NiRVaNA SimpLY BeinG NoW
SaTiSFieD NoW aS JusT A WaVE iN BaLaNCinG NoW
oF NeVeR EnDinG BLiSS FoR iT iS TRuE NoW iS onLY
LonG aS ETerNaLLy NoW As HeaVeN CoNTiNueS NoW aS We MakE
Or BreaK iSReaL
SMiLes Frank
NoW No
CoLoRS NoW..
AS iMaGiNaTioN DancES SinGS
True We GeT
SinG For MosT..
Poetry Dances
SKeYeS CoLoR..
AfterNoon DeLiGHT..:)
SMiLes Xenia
EartH and
Sky Meet
As Friends
No Separation
Water and Sand
Hold Hands as Silt
aLL ToGeTHeR..
Flesh Blood
to: Play Truly
From: HuMaNS
Domesticated Cats and Dogs..
Water’s Respite
SourCE MosT
Takes Us to: a River
oF LiFE as promised From:
Last Visit Tropical Weather Visits
i LiVE
Shortage oF Water WiTH Alberto
2 Feet or So of Rain is CoMinG SooN EnougH..:)
“Dwell not upon thy weariness,
thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire.”
— Arab proverb
It’s TRuE i Wake uP NoW
WaLKinG Like Red Sanford
Per SanForD and SoN
FLoaT aLL Day
Then NoW SLoW
to: Red Sanford
StanDardS AGAiN
From: ‘tweeN NoW
A DeSiRE to: LiVE..
From: RusTY ParTs
JusT Need MoRE OiL..
iN A ‘TweeN aT LeaST..
And yeS iT’s
Red Foxx too
As i aM SuReLY
DaTiNG mY SeLF too..;)
WaLKinG Like Red Sanford
Per SanForD and SoN
FLoaT aLL Day
Then NoW SLoW
to: Red Sanford
StanDardS AGAiN
From: ‘tweeN NoW
A DeSiRE to: LiVE..
From: RusTY ParTs
JusT Need MoRE OiL..
iN A ‘TweeN aT LeaST..
And yeS iT’s
Red Foxx too
As i aM SuReLY
DaTiNG mY SeLF too..;)
“And now there is merely silence,
silence, silence, saying all we did not know.”
silence, silence, saying all we did not know.”
— William Rose Benet
i am So Delighted that my
Platter Play Hard Drive Crashed
And A 32 Bucks 2 Terrabyte External
Drive From Office
As Last
Year’s Model
on the Cheap
Makes no noise
as USB3 Flash
Drive is Faster than
Expensive Cheaper than ever now..
And just to think.. i used to Have a Quantex
Computer in ’95 as a Dude said what in the
World Are You gonna Do with 32 MB of RAM
8 GB
for a Larger
Load of all of MeNoW2..;)
Platter Play Hard Drive Crashed
And A 32 Bucks 2 Terrabyte External
Drive From Office
As Last
Year’s Model
on the Cheap
Makes no noise
as USB3 Flash
Drive is Faster than
Expensive Cheaper than ever now..
And just to think.. i used to Have a Quantex
Computer in ’95 as a Dude said what in the
World Are You gonna Do with 32 MB of RAM
8 GB
for a Larger
Load of all of MeNoW2..;)
“Don’t despair over futility; remember,
it also rains over the ocean.”
it also rains over the ocean.”
— Smart Bee
i Am only A Drop oF Ocean From:
Yes i aM anD iT FeeLS Good to: Be Wet i Am..:)
Yes i aM anD iT FeeLS Good to: Be Wet i Am..:)
“A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he
bites off more than he can chew.”
bites off more than he can chew.”
— Herb Caen
My My Grandmother
What Big Teeth i have
AS Soon
As i
These Kibbles Bytes and Bits…;)
What Big Teeth i have
AS Soon
As i
These Kibbles Bytes and Bits…;)
“History records no more gallant struggle than
that of humanity against the truth.”
that of humanity against the truth.”
— Smart Bee
HolY SHit STRuggLeS AGAinsT
TRuTH LiKe tHaT WiLL HaPPeN NoW..;)
TRuTH LiKe tHaT WiLL HaPPeN NoW..;)
“Decay, inherent in all component things.’
— Buddha-last words
EXcepT oN LiNE
When Servers
Continue to
uP for somEone
to: parTake oF From: thaT
WaFeR oF FlesH anD WinE oF Blood..;)
When Servers
Continue to
uP for somEone
to: parTake oF From: thaT
WaFeR oF FlesH anD WinE oF Blood..;)
“The power of man has grown in every sphere, except over himself.”
— Winston Churchill
“Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.”
— Sun Tzu (fl. c. B.C. 500)
True FeeL
THaT EneMy
Free Foot
Loose Hands Free..;)
THaT EneMy
Free Foot
Loose Hands Free..;)
“I am not an animal! I am … well, not an animal.”
— Smart Bee
No ifS anDS
NoW foR
Me And
THaT too
i aM ANiMaL
Free i WiLL To: Be From:
All Fury Furry Happy WiTH LoVE2..:)
NoW foR
Me And
THaT too
i aM ANiMaL
Free i WiLL To: Be From:
All Fury Furry Happy WiTH LoVE2..:)
True mY FriEnd while it may the
HeaVeN OnE cannot easily
Feel and Sense
when in Hell
it is the
Given in the
daRKeST Places
thaT is a GReaTesT LoVE
oF aLL.. and in this FeeL and
Sense it may be tHat Katrina is
much Stronger than me for while i FeeL
And SenSe more than Most of the World all
the way
being able
to touch Human
Made Materials and
other Senses and Feelings
then When Younger were particularly
Overwhelming as i feel and sense all
the Joy of others and all the Pain too..
often picking
up the
i found
a way to protect
myself in a LiGHT shield
away from that anyway my
FriEnd i Hang around Joy more
these days and the FAct that i view
Life Like a 7 Year Old Child who is Unconditionally
Loved away from the Stress of a Large Private School
i was sent to at that Age in Catholic Ways that was overwhelming
to me as i absorbed all
of it not able
to focus
what i was
doing one thing
at a time.. then..
but the Positive pArT NoW
oF aLL of that now Re-Tired
And Directing and Producing all
the Act of my Life for Love oF LiFE
And aLL OTHeR Existence NoW ReaL
is that once again i am in my Default Mode
of Existence of a Child who Always sees the
World Brand
New and
as any
coming out of
A Cocoon continuously
NoW Reborn inTo BeYoND
AnY MeaSure NoW of HuMaN
iNFiNiTY NoW.. for True this is
not what Professionals call so-called
Normal for a soon to be age as 58 Year Old
Man to be for as you say in Your Country Many
Steady Structured Married Lives are Loveless that
is the same it is for Folks who have Lost That First LoVE
For aLL
oF Existence
aS GoD NoW
ReaL.. that’s sad
to me my FriEnd
buT True i MusT IDeNTiFY
thaT iRoNicALLy mY Way oF
NoW is Far from What it means to occupy
a space as a cog in the Machine of Modern Society to
day.. but True my Psychiatrist says he is impressed with
Art of LiFE
for the Bottom
Line is i appreciate
this Blessing and Gift
And True it’s likely too
bad that not more
Are Gifted
with this so-called
Disorder i am born as
born on DaTE aLWaYS now
Butterfly Reborn from Cocoon NoW…
SMiLeS i See thaT PiNK FLoWeR BLooMinG
Out oF Borders and Fences Below so Above my FriEnd
Thanks For FLoWeRiNG mY LiFE MoRE WiTH LoVE SoHaiR NoW..:)
HeaVeN OnE cannot easily
Feel and Sense
when in Hell
it is the
Given in the
daRKeST Places
thaT is a GReaTesT LoVE
oF aLL.. and in this FeeL and
Sense it may be tHat Katrina is
much Stronger than me for while i FeeL
And SenSe more than Most of the World all
the way
being able
to touch Human
Made Materials and
other Senses and Feelings
then When Younger were particularly
Overwhelming as i feel and sense all
the Joy of others and all the Pain too..
often picking
up the
i found
a way to protect
myself in a LiGHT shield
away from that anyway my
FriEnd i Hang around Joy more
these days and the FAct that i view
Life Like a 7 Year Old Child who is Unconditionally
Loved away from the Stress of a Large Private School
i was sent to at that Age in Catholic Ways that was overwhelming
to me as i absorbed all
of it not able
to focus
what i was
doing one thing
at a time.. then..
but the Positive pArT NoW
oF aLL of that now Re-Tired
And Directing and Producing all
the Act of my Life for Love oF LiFE
And aLL OTHeR Existence NoW ReaL
is that once again i am in my Default Mode
of Existence of a Child who Always sees the
World Brand
New and
as any
coming out of
A Cocoon continuously
NoW Reborn inTo BeYoND
AnY MeaSure NoW of HuMaN
iNFiNiTY NoW.. for True this is
not what Professionals call so-called
Normal for a soon to be age as 58 Year Old
Man to be for as you say in Your Country Many
Steady Structured Married Lives are Loveless that
is the same it is for Folks who have Lost That First LoVE
For aLL
oF Existence
aS GoD NoW
ReaL.. that’s sad
to me my FriEnd
buT True i MusT IDeNTiFY
thaT iRoNicALLy mY Way oF
NoW is Far from What it means to occupy
a space as a cog in the Machine of Modern Society to
day.. but True my Psychiatrist says he is impressed with
Art of LiFE
for the Bottom
Line is i appreciate
this Blessing and Gift
And True it’s likely too
bad that not more
Are Gifted
with this so-called
Disorder i am born as
born on DaTE aLWaYS now
Butterfly Reborn from Cocoon NoW…
SMiLeS i See thaT PiNK FLoWeR BLooMinG
Out oF Borders and Fences Below so Above my FriEnd
Thanks For FLoWeRiNG mY LiFE MoRE WiTH LoVE SoHaiR NoW..:)
SMiLes Sohair.. thanks so much for dropping by “ReVeLaTioN HeaVeNoW”
And visiting several other Ocean Whole ParTS of Poems that precede
this one too as it’s True since Katrina had her Accident on March
26th and particularly when she went into the Hospital
on April 21st my output in the Art of Writing
these MacroVerses is much smaller
than what was going on with
over 40 Thousand
Words a Week with even
More Photos that definitely do
put a Strain on anything but a very
Fast Computer with a whole lot of Memory
And Fastest Broad Band Access too.. True i’ve
been sitting too much doing this for the Last Several
Months And overall it’s Good that i slow down a bit and
Do some other Flesh and Blood Endeavors away from
Life more
NoW.. too..
for as ‘they’.. too..
say.. sitting too much
is the Equivalent of Smoking
A Pack of Cigarette’s a Day for
overall demise of Health and to
Stay Free for the appreciation of
the Blessings of Life is to Keep one’s Health
too as i must move a little more even though i’m
still doing close to 166 Miles a Month in Public Dance
but still that Matters not for if i sit too much ‘tween all of that..
Thanks Again my Friend and Perhaps the coming MacroVerses
will allow
you again
as you are surely
welcome back heAR
any now you Arrive Again.. Sohair..:)
And visiting several other Ocean Whole ParTS of Poems that precede
this one too as it’s True since Katrina had her Accident on March
26th and particularly when she went into the Hospital
on April 21st my output in the Art of Writing
these MacroVerses is much smaller
than what was going on with
over 40 Thousand
Words a Week with even
More Photos that definitely do
put a Strain on anything but a very
Fast Computer with a whole lot of Memory
And Fastest Broad Band Access too.. True i’ve
been sitting too much doing this for the Last Several
Months And overall it’s Good that i slow down a bit and
Do some other Flesh and Blood Endeavors away from
Life more
NoW.. too..
for as ‘they’.. too..
say.. sitting too much
is the Equivalent of Smoking
A Pack of Cigarette’s a Day for
overall demise of Health and to
Stay Free for the appreciation of
the Blessings of Life is to Keep one’s Health
too as i must move a little more even though i’m
still doing close to 166 Miles a Month in Public Dance
but still that Matters not for if i sit too much ‘tween all of that..
Thanks Again my Friend and Perhaps the coming MacroVerses
will allow
you again
as you are surely
welcome back heAR
any now you Arrive Again.. Sohair..:)
Over 9000 Selfie’s since this Whole
Bible(S) Writing Adventure StArted in
the Summer of 2013.. and yes
Close to 900 Face Book
Profile Pics iN JusT
just two more
Profile Pics.. one
illustrating Around 25 FB
Profile Pics in Around the
Last 3 Weeks of May.. 2018
and 111 Selfie’s in Close
to the Last Three
Months or so
as just
some cream
of the Crop chosen
to represent as Symbols
As Photographs as small Chapters
oF A “FB Book Profile Pic Bible 2018”
where each Description Area of FB Profile
Pic Houses..on average around 7 Thousand
Words.. so yeah.. do the Math and Oh Lord that’s
Close to 6 Million Words Shared in all the Close to
900 Facebook Profile Pics in just one year however
some of the stories included more than one photo and
in that case the Sub Chapter is included in the Photos
related to that Sub Chapter of what has come to be
Closer and Closer to around 1.37 Million Words
to conclude this Yearly first Chapter of
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
as this Fully Illustrated
WitH Plenty of YouTuBE
Tunes and OTHeR iNformation too..
WiLL continue on through Coming Years
iN Both Blog and FaceBook Profile Pic ways
oF BEinG ToTALLy Free.. As Hey Pick any Photo
in all Close to 900 Facebook Profile Pics and voila
JusT ANoTHeR Sub-Chapter of a NeWeR aGE Bible
ComeS ALiVE AGaiN ToTaLLy Free From
me as Nah.. i Don’t Work for Money.. i
Work For Joy and if you
haven’t met JoY
never had
A Boss You Fully
LoVE to GeT tHe WHoLE
Oh yeah and over 162 Thousand
Photos Taken since this Whole Art
Experience StArted iN Writing 7 King
James Sized Bibles or so also since
the Summer of 2013.. as hey.. i
got effective usage of
my sight and
fully back
And that was/is ReaSoN
enough then too.. Losing the
Worst Pain known to Humankind
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months
titled Type 2 Trigeminal Neuralgia too..
to not only Take over 162K Photos but
Do A Longest Long Form Poem Bible
Weighing in at a ReaL Whopper of
6 Million Words now in what
will come to be
the 58th
Month of Doing
that plus the 9325 Miles
of Public Dance NoW MoRE FReED..
anYWay NoW at the beginning of this New “FB
Profile Pic Bible 2018” i will Provide A Thumbnail
Catalog of all those Yearly FB Profile Pics at Close to 900
Which will be 39 Pages or So of Effort in recording them too..
yes.. since the Memorial Day Weekend of taking them in 2017
where on Memorial Day i walked to a place where they were Building
Homes then where some had no Foundation at all as i continue to Build a Soul
of Love
it all as such
and after all
my Psychiatrist
who monitors me for
not getting too high with
only a prescription for Dance
said just the Photos as recorded
in my Profile Pic Album on Facebook
is enough to Generate a Smile as true
some folks aren’t much into Words some
folks aren’t much into Photos some folks
aren’t much into Dance or Even Song
And Some Folks aren’t much into
Art and Science and Free
Verse Poetry too
And some
do that and
more just ’cause
they can and will for Love
in Never Ending Stories of Nether Lands
With no real sTarT or FiNisH no ends always BEGiNNinG NoWS..
iT’s True tHeRe Are A WhOle Lot oF Folks in mY Book oF LiFE
Sure.. Don’t Wait for any one to come back and Write A Story
of YouR Life Write it NoW Direct it And Sure Even Photograph
it and Act it too NoW but most imPorTantLY PLay Life as the Gift it is
NoW and iF
and will
Dance and SinG iT too..
For this is my Story and
i am A Real Actor oF iT aLL NoW.:)
Bible(S) Writing Adventure StArted in
the Summer of 2013.. and yes
Close to 900 Face Book
Profile Pics iN JusT
just two more
Profile Pics.. one
illustrating Around 25 FB
Profile Pics in Around the
Last 3 Weeks of May.. 2018
and 111 Selfie’s in Close
to the Last Three
Months or so
as just
some cream
of the Crop chosen
to represent as Symbols
As Photographs as small Chapters
oF A “FB Book Profile Pic Bible 2018”
where each Description Area of FB Profile
Pic Houses..on average around 7 Thousand
Words.. so yeah.. do the Math and Oh Lord that’s
Close to 6 Million Words Shared in all the Close to
900 Facebook Profile Pics in just one year however
some of the stories included more than one photo and
in that case the Sub Chapter is included in the Photos
related to that Sub Chapter of what has come to be
Closer and Closer to around 1.37 Million Words
to conclude this Yearly first Chapter of
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
as this Fully Illustrated
WitH Plenty of YouTuBE
Tunes and OTHeR iNformation too..
WiLL continue on through Coming Years
iN Both Blog and FaceBook Profile Pic ways
oF BEinG ToTALLy Free.. As Hey Pick any Photo
in all Close to 900 Facebook Profile Pics and voila
JusT ANoTHeR Sub-Chapter of a NeWeR aGE Bible
ComeS ALiVE AGaiN ToTaLLy Free From
me as Nah.. i Don’t Work for Money.. i
Work For Joy and if you
haven’t met JoY
never had
A Boss You Fully
LoVE to GeT tHe WHoLE
Oh yeah and over 162 Thousand
Photos Taken since this Whole Art
Experience StArted iN Writing 7 King
James Sized Bibles or so also since
the Summer of 2013.. as hey.. i
got effective usage of
my sight and
fully back
And that was/is ReaSoN
enough then too.. Losing the
Worst Pain known to Humankind
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months
titled Type 2 Trigeminal Neuralgia too..
to not only Take over 162K Photos but
Do A Longest Long Form Poem Bible
Weighing in at a ReaL Whopper of
6 Million Words now in what
will come to be
the 58th
Month of Doing
that plus the 9325 Miles
of Public Dance NoW MoRE FReED..
anYWay NoW at the beginning of this New “FB
Profile Pic Bible 2018” i will Provide A Thumbnail
Catalog of all those Yearly FB Profile Pics at Close to 900
Which will be 39 Pages or So of Effort in recording them too..
yes.. since the Memorial Day Weekend of taking them in 2017
where on Memorial Day i walked to a place where they were Building
Homes then where some had no Foundation at all as i continue to Build a Soul
of Love
it all as such
and after all
my Psychiatrist
who monitors me for
not getting too high with
only a prescription for Dance
said just the Photos as recorded
in my Profile Pic Album on Facebook
is enough to Generate a Smile as true
some folks aren’t much into Words some
folks aren’t much into Photos some folks
aren’t much into Dance or Even Song
And Some Folks aren’t much into
Art and Science and Free
Verse Poetry too
And some
do that and
more just ’cause
they can and will for Love
in Never Ending Stories of Nether Lands
With no real sTarT or FiNisH no ends always BEGiNNinG NoWS..
iT’s True tHeRe Are A WhOle Lot oF Folks in mY Book oF LiFE
Sure.. Don’t Wait for any one to come back and Write A Story
of YouR Life Write it NoW Direct it And Sure Even Photograph
it and Act it too NoW but most imPorTantLY PLay Life as the Gift it is
NoW and iF
and will
Dance and SinG iT too..
For this is my Story and
i am A Real Actor oF iT aLL NoW.:)
The only answer i usually
Give to the Wife
is Yes
Dear no
Matter what
As that keeps
me in her Good
Graces and as Far
As Love Goes the Love
i Understand to Be Real NoW
And the God i Feel and Sense
As Real too is all Forgiving and
All Merciful as we are all Equal
iN Birth And Death as Brothers and
Sisters and Children of God this way..
For True
Can and
Will be a Blessing
And in Forgiving Born
And Death A Mercy too..
And the Day that Humans Avoid
This Mercy and Forgiveness too could
Be A day they self-fulfill A Hell oN Earth
Even More than what can and will be Possible now..
With the
And Mercy
of DeatH A BLeSSinG
tHaT iS ReaL For those who understand FeeL
Anyway other than that Kind Wishes of Love
to you and your Family Sohair with Patience
who don’t
always say.. Yes Dear..;)
Give to the Wife
is Yes
Dear no
Matter what
As that keeps
me in her Good
Graces and as Far
As Love Goes the Love
i Understand to Be Real NoW
And the God i Feel and Sense
As Real too is all Forgiving and
All Merciful as we are all Equal
iN Birth And Death as Brothers and
Sisters and Children of God this way..
For True
Can and
Will be a Blessing
And in Forgiving Born
And Death A Mercy too..
And the Day that Humans Avoid
This Mercy and Forgiveness too could
Be A day they self-fulfill A Hell oN Earth
Even More than what can and will be Possible now..
With the
And Mercy
of DeatH A BLeSSinG
tHaT iS ReaL For those who understand FeeL
Anyway other than that Kind Wishes of Love
to you and your Family Sohair with Patience
who don’t
always say.. Yes Dear..;)
SMiLes mY FriEnd.. A TRuly smART
Species of Human Develops
An abiLiTY for Balance
iNcluding Static Balance
to avoid Falling over when
Standing still and the same in
Dynamic Balance when Moving
And to Overcome Resistance with Strength
And Finally the Coordination to Flow in SynChroniCities
With the Environment at hand and of course at feat of feet too..
And while it is true this is close to a Text Book Somewhat Poetic
Flow oF AgiLiTy the same does apply to the Love Muscle that is the
Human heART too.. And OMG when People Develop Agility of Both
Mind and Body as SpiRiT oF HeART iN SoUL BaLaNCinG ForCE NoW iT’s
True my FriEnd this is so much more than what An Older Protestant Version
of Christian Believes is only a Gift that we cannot Work to achieve.. as a Great
Love as Work of LiFEArT NoW iN Both Positive Force of Mind and Body as LiVInG
LoVinG SPiRiT oF HeART FoRcE LoVESoUL that and who Evolves aCross NoW A
aS GiFT oN
Builders we WiLL
Be as Pyramids and
Capstones of God’s Children
More as Goat and Wolf than
Sheep or Dog.. in other words
MaKinG it up the side of the Mountain
Wild and Free enough in inherent Gifts
to avoid falling off the Wave of Life my FriEnd CoMinG OCeaN WHoLE
MoRE For Peace iN Harmony As IS A WaY oF God As Balance mY FRiEnD
And yes.. Katrina has been going without Bandages some lately and she
is a little scarRed but her heaRT and Love is not diminished at all for true
many Women would be down Spirited by any fLaw on what they see must
be a Perfect Form wHere tRuly what lives within is Beauty or not my FRiEnD
For it is True when i see a person i see much more than flesh and blood and
perhaps that’s why it’s not hard for me to see through people who are missing soul..
And that my friend i suppose is a benefit of being outcast from the group from young
to old in Decades having the time so much ‘time’ to watch and listen before i Sang
Full FReED
BeFoRE Free
i Danced too..
As tHe Best FRiEND
Does BeCoME God LiVInG WiTHIN So Free to be me2..
As ALWays Bless you Sohair True iN LiGHT i See YouR SoUL..
And while it’s True mY FriEnd that even though i was an Athletic
Director of a Military Base then i had no Team Sports Ability
to speak of and was viewed mostly as a dizzy fly in outer
space of sorts as i was chosen as a valued commodity
in literal words for my ability to make lists and
solve analytical problems then.. and you
know/feel/sense it’s funny how when
Agility of Mind and Body soUL Truly
Becomes uS oNe BaLanCinGFoRcE
we come to underStand what is
that/who True Confidence NoW
iN both Man and Womanhood
NoW iN the Meek of Agile HeARTS
SPiRiTS MiNDS Bodies of SoUL too..
And it’s True my FriEnd it’s funny for all
the imbalances of life at this point drift away
when one comes to understand that it is those
who exercise the all innate instinctual and intuitive
Gifts of life/LoVE that and who rise like all the other Wild and
Free Loving Animals that and who have always and still do NoW
A Paradise
of Heaven on
EartH for the Gift
W iT H iN oW Free
just the Gift to be now
And what a gift that is now
So Brave and Free and most importantly complete now
with nothing more to gain but give.. mean while as the
air flies us and the ocean swims us other folks are
worshipping humans
JusT for ‘form’
and ‘stuff’
so far
being human Wild and Free LoVinG NoW
As God flies swims us Most WiTHiN FReED..:)
Species of Human Develops
An abiLiTY for Balance
iNcluding Static Balance
to avoid Falling over when
Standing still and the same in
Dynamic Balance when Moving
And to Overcome Resistance with Strength
And Finally the Coordination to Flow in SynChroniCities
With the Environment at hand and of course at feat of feet too..
And while it is true this is close to a Text Book Somewhat Poetic
Flow oF AgiLiTy the same does apply to the Love Muscle that is the
Human heART too.. And OMG when People Develop Agility of Both
Mind and Body as SpiRiT oF HeART iN SoUL BaLaNCinG ForCE NoW iT’s
True my FriEnd this is so much more than what An Older Protestant Version
of Christian Believes is only a Gift that we cannot Work to achieve.. as a Great
Love as Work of LiFEArT NoW iN Both Positive Force of Mind and Body as LiVInG
LoVinG SPiRiT oF HeART FoRcE LoVESoUL that and who Evolves aCross NoW A
aS GiFT oN
Builders we WiLL
Be as Pyramids and
Capstones of God’s Children
More as Goat and Wolf than
Sheep or Dog.. in other words
MaKinG it up the side of the Mountain
Wild and Free enough in inherent Gifts
to avoid falling off the Wave of Life my FriEnd CoMinG OCeaN WHoLE
MoRE For Peace iN Harmony As IS A WaY oF God As Balance mY FRiEnD
And yes.. Katrina has been going without Bandages some lately and she
is a little scarRed but her heaRT and Love is not diminished at all for true
many Women would be down Spirited by any fLaw on what they see must
be a Perfect Form wHere tRuly what lives within is Beauty or not my FRiEnD
For it is True when i see a person i see much more than flesh and blood and
perhaps that’s why it’s not hard for me to see through people who are missing soul..
And that my friend i suppose is a benefit of being outcast from the group from young
to old in Decades having the time so much ‘time’ to watch and listen before i Sang
Full FReED
BeFoRE Free
i Danced too..
As tHe Best FRiEND
Does BeCoME God LiVInG WiTHIN So Free to be me2..
As ALWays Bless you Sohair True iN LiGHT i See YouR SoUL..
And while it’s True mY FriEnd that even though i was an Athletic
Director of a Military Base then i had no Team Sports Ability
to speak of and was viewed mostly as a dizzy fly in outer
space of sorts as i was chosen as a valued commodity
in literal words for my ability to make lists and
solve analytical problems then.. and you
know/feel/sense it’s funny how when
Agility of Mind and Body soUL Truly
Becomes uS oNe BaLanCinGFoRcE
we come to underStand what is
that/who True Confidence NoW
iN both Man and Womanhood
NoW iN the Meek of Agile HeARTS
SPiRiTS MiNDS Bodies of SoUL too..
And it’s True my FriEnd it’s funny for all
the imbalances of life at this point drift away
when one comes to understand that it is those
who exercise the all innate instinctual and intuitive
Gifts of life/LoVE that and who rise like all the other Wild and
Free Loving Animals that and who have always and still do NoW
A Paradise
of Heaven on
EartH for the Gift
W iT H iN oW Free
just the Gift to be now
And what a gift that is now
So Brave and Free and most importantly complete now
with nothing more to gain but give.. mean while as the
air flies us and the ocean swims us other folks are
worshipping humans
JusT for ‘form’
and ‘stuff’
so far
being human Wild and Free LoVinG NoW
As God flies swims us Most WiTHiN FReED..:)
Shifting From Egypt to Canada and somewhere
in the ‘Deep Woods’ of the United States too..
in the ‘Deep Woods’ of the United States too..
Good Sun Day Morning to Top it all off above
so below here TVC and A Call for An Uprising Dude
on YouTube for i’m Pretty Sure if a Real Jesus CamE back
to day to date he might have to go as far as
Egypt to
A True
in what is real
aS AGApe Love for all now..
Smiles mY FriEnds the Real
MaGiC is an AgiLiTY oF LoVE
And the Real Teachers are not
afraid to move out
of the pAges
oF Old
DusTY Books and even
move further than words
that in reality have loss this
Soul of Love Case in Point those
Folks In Charge of my Senior Class in High
School who Worship Trump more now than Love..
Yes of course the Society of the First Baptist Church
too as any ViRTuE oTHeR than Love according to the Law
as currently still written wHere the NT Commandment of Love
supersedes all ELse aS eXistence NoW iN Fearless way of course
Unconditional too as
tHat other
now if one
can even follow/lead/serve/give/share/as all NOW
Two Simple Commandments as a Golden Rule LoVE Free
that comes down to one aS Unconditional Fearless Love For All (God) More
anyway these days most anyone can and will find Egypt and that’s Good.. too..
as far
As Hope
for Humankind goes at lEast.
Anyway as aLWays i coMe BeArinG
Gifts And toDay tHis NoW oN A Sun Day it is
‘ReVeLaTiON HeaVeNoW’
so sure
a nice Day
now but only if
you can and will and most importantly JusT DO
for i am not one to iNsist on the WiLL of oTHeRS
Free.. oh yeaH and meanwhile i’m finishing uP aN
O F F i C ia L as far as milestones and featnotes go
titled MacroVerse of my 7th King James Size Version
oF A Bible Long Form Poem Style as Bibles still do go
for ‘those’ who write them still out of the pAges oF Old
but not to:
From: A
Rule LoVE..
as the effort of a
“6 Million Word Bible Poem
Man” approaches my PHI
related 58th Birthday
on 6.6.18″ since
the ‘Grand
Cross 56’
Effort Started two
years ago and 57 months since the beginning of this portion
of a 6 Million Word Effort along with 162K photos to illustrate a Bible
as “SonG oF mY SoUL”Ocean Whole Poem for all that is with YouTube
Musical accompaniment in an enDless Collection of Human Records too..
like ‘They’
Say somEone(s)
has/have to pick ‘the (a) bALL oF ConFuSioN uP’..
aLong with 9339 Miles NoW of ‘KinG Davidian’ Public Dance
in the same 57 Months to eXPaNd my Holy and Creative Spirit even more.. as the 58 month
comes next on my PHI related Birthday in the month of 6.6.18 as i love 6’s born on 6.6.60 too..
And sure with some more ‘Vile’ KinG Davidian-like Activities to Give ALL THE GLORY TO GOD
But hey like my old Human Boss sAid.. to tRuly Provide a Witness to get the Job dOne ya gotta
list too
as to not
forget ‘tHe ‘a’ ReASon’.. too.. iN NeWeR T Ways
too (John 14:12) iT’s True if y’ALL Notice all that is
iS MaGiC (GoD) (U2) iN MeMoRiaL oF FReED2..
oh yeaH and this MacroVerse i’m Writing as ‘Official’
Titled 7th King James Sized Long Form Poem Bible
approaching 1.37 Million Words is named “FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018” wHere around 7K Words exists in each and
every Profile Pic Description Area of around one year of 900 FB
Photos but Fair Warning if Beautiful Women scare you don’t come to
The FB Bible PArty Or Michelangelo-like Antics too as far as Flesh iN
Full Body Sculpting Art goes too.. now anyway yeah that also adds up to
Over 6 Million Words shared in FB Profile Pic Description Areas as far
As JusT one Bible Effort in Words Go in just one year but hey NoW soMe
fit in more
than one photo2
if you get the ‘A’ John
14:12 Riff DRift oF couRse oN CourSE2..:)
so below here TVC and A Call for An Uprising Dude
on YouTube for i’m Pretty Sure if a Real Jesus CamE back
to day to date he might have to go as far as
Egypt to
A True
in what is real
aS AGApe Love for all now..
Smiles mY FriEnds the Real
MaGiC is an AgiLiTY oF LoVE
And the Real Teachers are not
afraid to move out
of the pAges
oF Old
DusTY Books and even
move further than words
that in reality have loss this
Soul of Love Case in Point those
Folks In Charge of my Senior Class in High
School who Worship Trump more now than Love..
Yes of course the Society of the First Baptist Church
too as any ViRTuE oTHeR than Love according to the Law
as currently still written wHere the NT Commandment of Love
supersedes all ELse aS eXistence NoW iN Fearless way of course
Unconditional too as
tHat other
now if one
can even follow/lead/serve/give/share/as all NOW
Two Simple Commandments as a Golden Rule LoVE Free
that comes down to one aS Unconditional Fearless Love For All (God) More
anyway these days most anyone can and will find Egypt and that’s Good.. too..
as far
As Hope
for Humankind goes at lEast.
Anyway as aLWays i coMe BeArinG
Gifts And toDay tHis NoW oN A Sun Day it is
‘ReVeLaTiON HeaVeNoW’
so sure
a nice Day
now but only if
you can and will and most importantly JusT DO
for i am not one to iNsist on the WiLL of oTHeRS
Free.. oh yeaH and meanwhile i’m finishing uP aN
O F F i C ia L as far as milestones and featnotes go
titled MacroVerse of my 7th King James Size Version
oF A Bible Long Form Poem Style as Bibles still do go
for ‘those’ who write them still out of the pAges oF Old
but not to:
From: A
Rule LoVE..
as the effort of a
“6 Million Word Bible Poem
Man” approaches my PHI
related 58th Birthday
on 6.6.18″ since
the ‘Grand
Cross 56’
Effort Started two
years ago and 57 months since the beginning of this portion
of a 6 Million Word Effort along with 162K photos to illustrate a Bible
as “SonG oF mY SoUL”Ocean Whole Poem for all that is with YouTube
Musical accompaniment in an enDless Collection of Human Records too..
like ‘They’
Say somEone(s)
has/have to pick ‘the (a) bALL oF ConFuSioN uP’..
aLong with 9339 Miles NoW of ‘KinG Davidian’ Public Dance
in the same 57 Months to eXPaNd my Holy and Creative Spirit even more.. as the 58 month
comes next on my PHI related Birthday in the month of 6.6.18 as i love 6’s born on 6.6.60 too..
And sure with some more ‘Vile’ KinG Davidian-like Activities to Give ALL THE GLORY TO GOD
But hey like my old Human Boss sAid.. to tRuly Provide a Witness to get the Job dOne ya gotta
list too
as to not
forget ‘tHe ‘a’ ReASon’.. too.. iN NeWeR T Ways
too (John 14:12) iT’s True if y’ALL Notice all that is
iS MaGiC (GoD) (U2) iN MeMoRiaL oF FReED2..
oh yeaH and this MacroVerse i’m Writing as ‘Official’
Titled 7th King James Sized Long Form Poem Bible
approaching 1.37 Million Words is named “FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018” wHere around 7K Words exists in each and
every Profile Pic Description Area of around one year of 900 FB
Photos but Fair Warning if Beautiful Women scare you don’t come to
The FB Bible PArty Or Michelangelo-like Antics too as far as Flesh iN
Full Body Sculpting Art goes too.. now anyway yeah that also adds up to
Over 6 Million Words shared in FB Profile Pic Description Areas as far
As JusT one Bible Effort in Words Go in just one year but hey NoW soMe
fit in more
than one photo2
if you get the ‘A’ John
14:12 Riff DRift oF couRse oN CourSE2..:)
Additionally.. as i come close to closing on on the
Maximum Words for a YouTube Comment now.. heHe..
Maximum Words for a YouTube Comment now.. heHe..
FB Bible Memory from a year ago.. too.. 2017 and as Bible
Memories do still come and go iN 7 Efforts of
6 Million Words so far.. total.. this individual
Titled Effort.. “PHI Bible” Completed in
Precisely 365 Days in 2017.. weighs
in at exactly 1.618 Million
Words one year ago on
Memorial Weekend then
as to complete a 3 Million
Word 2 Year total 2 Bible Effort
as “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” approaches
1.382 Million Words now too at least by the
Official Titled Celebration on my PHI (1.168
Mean Ratio) Related Birthday of 6.16.18 Celebrating
that ‘official’ title of “6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”
For all those 6 Million Words and 162K Photos and over
10,000 YouTube Videos Shared in Just 58 Months of
Total Bible Writing Effort in Free Verse
Long Form too
key is just
do it
as the
aLWays Satisfied NoW..
And sure Thousands of
SMiLeS aside Thousands
of Beautiful Women aLong
A Way is JusT a JoY oF NoW
to: ENJoY NoW as From: LoVELy MeMoRiES too
iN Memorial Days aLWaYS NoW aS ‘TheY’ Do too..
And unlike ‘King David’.. i managed to never stray from
my wife in the Old T Biblical Sense of Law at least for that
butt of course
perhaps ‘his’
wife did not
have the never
aging disease as so
far i’ve never been married
to a wife who ages much at least
not in 28 Years but hey in form at least it’s
Proven Now she is Human for she burns like me too
As True A Burning Soul WiTHiN really Hurts too oh so much
A Fire
CoMeS RoaRiNG BacK..:)
Memories do still come and go iN 7 Efforts of
6 Million Words so far.. total.. this individual
Titled Effort.. “PHI Bible” Completed in
Precisely 365 Days in 2017.. weighs
in at exactly 1.618 Million
Words one year ago on
Memorial Weekend then
as to complete a 3 Million
Word 2 Year total 2 Bible Effort
as “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” approaches
1.382 Million Words now too at least by the
Official Titled Celebration on my PHI (1.168
Mean Ratio) Related Birthday of 6.16.18 Celebrating
that ‘official’ title of “6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”
For all those 6 Million Words and 162K Photos and over
10,000 YouTube Videos Shared in Just 58 Months of
Total Bible Writing Effort in Free Verse
Long Form too
key is just
do it
as the
aLWays Satisfied NoW..
And sure Thousands of
SMiLeS aside Thousands
of Beautiful Women aLong
A Way is JusT a JoY oF NoW
to: ENJoY NoW as From: LoVELy MeMoRiES too
iN Memorial Days aLWaYS NoW aS ‘TheY’ Do too..
And unlike ‘King David’.. i managed to never stray from
my wife in the Old T Biblical Sense of Law at least for that
butt of course
perhaps ‘his’
wife did not
have the never
aging disease as so
far i’ve never been married
to a wife who ages much at least
not in 28 Years but hey in form at least it’s
Proven Now she is Human for she burns like me too
As True A Burning Soul WiTHiN really Hurts too oh so much
A Fire
CoMeS RoaRiNG BacK..:)
1707 WordS NoW
Sure.. Ring the Alarm why not but do it MeeKLY as YoU WiLL.
God Body yes we are the Body of God and all else is
too and beyond what we know and feel and sense
and by God
yeS even
OuR Imagination
And Creativity no matter
how vast it may seem at Bird’s
eye view as far as the Astronaut Overview
moving into space in Memorial finally of remembering
all is one even from what was/is the Science of a Material
Reductionist View.. yes.. the Astronauts as Materialists
MoVinG inTo A Spiritual View oF aLL is CoNNeCTinG
From the View of EartH aS Living Organism
Whole instead of Just a Dead thing
to own.. for you see the way
my mind works it
all my experiences
and puts that into what
some folks Name as Free Verse
Poetry which is just another expression
of what one Human Being feels and senses
And kNows of Existence as Ocean Whole Poem
CoMe to Fruition in Human sKeYes NoW of JusT
so yeaH at Catholic Church
Yesterday it was the Trinity of Jesus
day for an only Begotten Son that literally
leaves out daughters as factually it did according
to Biblical Scholarly View and what is still written
in the Book of the Lesser Spiritual Value
of female under male as far as
Genders Go and what
is hanging
the legs
or enclosed
WiTHiN as Eggs..
for Birth of God’s Creation
in Human Form as once uPon a
time the Vagina was Holy and Sacred
as the BRinGeR of Life as those who possess
a way out for Life as well and now well we have
the Vagina Dialogues and yes now once again the
Rise of the Holy Mother and Women and the Fertility
Rites like Bootie Dances that go aLonG with that as
WomEn once again Gain the Force Higher in
Cooperation of Love amongst themselves
to Conquer invading Apes
who have not yet
lEarned the
Power of
Love and
Social Cooperation
more than the Power of
Fists and Harm to conquer
For Subsistence over the Forage
that gains more by all the Village thriving Holding Unified
Hands for not only subsistence but an overall thrive of Love..
True i see this from a smaller view too for true there is at least
some value in rationality too but not to get lost in it as a Cog in
A Machine Data Download Robot for 19 Years of School as my
Path of Forgetting what i even was as a Naked Free Dancing
Singing Social Animal of Love a little more Wild and Free
than Domesticated
in Clothes
of Prison
of Mechanical
Cognition Mind away
from the Spirit that moves us
As Joy becomes KinG WiTHIN..
so no while i do believe a Father as a metaphor
for the all and Son for the metaphorical offspring
of that all and a Holy Creative Spirit that is Quantum
Metaphor of how we communicate including feelings
and senses of that all in both input and output way
is as real as the Grains of Sands we stand upon
that with enough Work in Life will hold
up a Mountain of Love in being
Human now no i do not believe
this experience of life is any more relegated
Now to just one man anymore than that one man
obviously intended in the message for all those who
experience this similar oneness with God as God Body per
who wrote all the narratives from what we have today in ancient
and holy sacred texts that number into the thousands of Religions
and Sects still now where the message comes out the same we are all
CoNNeCTinG as all that is and we can and will experiencing the Beauty and Wisdom
And Love oF aLL thaT iS as God Body Experience NoW iN Human eYes if we just remove
the sHades of Cultural Clothes that have become Veils unto the ignorance of Human
all Children
of God who can
and will reach out and touch NoW
DanCinG SinGinG a Way of God Wild
and Free now more iN Peace and Harmony
of what we are gifted with all innate instinctual
and intuitive to find Emotional Regulation and
Sensory Integration in Balancing Force of Mind
and Body Soul as SPiRiTiNG Emotional and
Sensory HeaRT of Being in Force of
Balance all is connecting now
all is feeling and sensing
all within the paramaters
of our Human Potential now meek
enough in strength and humble enough to
understand we are still one tiny speck of God all
Still in the Center of all that is God as far as Loving
eYes and Ears and Mouths do see and hear and SpeaK NoW
More of the Beauty Wisdom and Love of God LiVinG WiTHiN
us to hold hands with every hand we can and will reach out to now..
but to suggest that somehow we are on top of the Universe aWay from
the Center of God is to know the real original Greek Definition of Apocalypse
in those who have not yet lifted the veils of ignorance to understand truly that
God is beyond our iMagination and that’s okay for the home we are given now
As Paradise WiTHiN as Love on eARTh is Gift enough for now to trust the rest of
iN the GoD
oF aLL as Metaphor
For Hands Holding all
anYWay this Narrative Works
for me and all Humans See and hear
And other wise perceive their Multi-Universe
God Views diffeRently but one thing for sure for anyone
with any common sense who has ever read the New Testament
of that much older bible now is the reported Jesus Dude was surely
not one who was so-called Politically Correct for the.. so-called Rules
NoW of the past MaKinG HiS OwN Rules then.. and even though one of the
Priests at our Church as i hold no reverence for Political Titles in the realm
of Love as far as stepping stones to authority goes.. as yes.. this priest suggested
that Jesus didn’t particularly care for Religion but yesterday said the Church is the
Authority for the Complete Answer on God now that still ignorantly separates God
(even though he admitted that God is beyond our Imagination so ironically he did)
into three parts
in just one
as Paleontology
Teaches us and the
Cultural Anthropology pArt
oF iT too that this Dude was somewhere
around 5 Foot 1 and 106 LBS or so as there
wasn’t the all you can eat fats and sugars back
then at Walmart and no.. no long hair just shortly
Cropped as even the Bible itself still testifies to too..
And Brown as any common Syrian or Mexican
Dude too.. but still in the realm of God
Body for all of existence size
matters not and much
smaller animals
than us
are not
so deluded
to ‘think’ that although
other animals Have other potentials
that they are any less integral a pArt of
God Nature than any other pArt of NaTuRe NoW..
For True Humans with their Cultures and their Words
As History Still Shows are just as likely NoW to still believe
LieS in Churches as they are from the Leaders at the top even
NoW with Modern Technology and FucKinG FacT Checks of 3000 lies
when they say ‘tHeir person they worship always tells the truth’..
anyway.. if you get around enough as for one as little old me
i’ve surely done online Since Thanks Giving Day
of 2010 reporting that experience whole
for around 12 Million Words of
Documentation along with
just 33 months to reflect
while i had no effective
use of my eyes and
ears to do anything else
with the pain of Type Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia and
the 606 Months or so before that
of life in 19 Years of School and 33 years
of Work including working with the General
and Military Public in terms of well over 100K Folks
And probably more than that in all the online places of
Science and Art and even Conspiracy theories of really
really lost Human Beings in the realm of believing what
ever snake oil sales person story comes next it is
more than clear that some folks are found
in a place of Peace and Harmony LoVE
in a Kingdom of Heaven
within now
inside outside
above so below
and all around and others
are so so lost so far from a Memorial
Day Now of being one with Waves and Ocean
And Grains of Sand and Gulls Spiraling the Sun
as a view not different really than the Astronaut
OverView of EartH from Space as true i
Captured the Visual Experience
of this in one picture
almost like
of Synchronicity
to go aLonG WiTH all
of this almost like a Story
Book that someone else as
Co-Navigator (Hint: God) Wrote
as one with me but Wait it’s not almost
for me now for one as it happens as regularly
and more than Brushing my Teeth several times
a Day too.. so True i don’t have any tartar left for Disbelief
or anything less than 100 Percent Faith that i am in the Best
‘Hands’ of all tHeRE is in Existence now.. but true no doubt in
my Mind at least that tHere are other Creatures more advanced
than me holding God as all that is even tighter than me as Love
now could
be my
Cat Yellow
Boy as He
Hugs Katrina
in the Morning
Light of an ‘Alberto’
Rainy Filled Day with
no disconnection at all
as come unto me is just
another metaphor of
we are never now
to Be with God
now as we are all
the Body God whole
to the smallest pArts
in GRaINS of Sand
to the pitter patter
of Tropical
the Green Leaves
that go on forever out
side my window now for you see
it is the Artist as Aesthete’s Duty to
Bring you A little Closer to wHere we experience
God and Oh how lovely it will be one day to experience
another ET View of God so much larger than what i bRing
NoW iN A 6 Million Word Poem over 57 Months now but i
must say when i was am Reborn on that Navarre Beach on or about
the Weekend of the 22nd in July 2013.. i really desired most to allow
someone else just a tiny view of what i experienced of Heaven then for
no this was no temporal Bi-Polar Event this is my same reaLiTy then and now
everlasting as Heaven now.. sure.. you can caLL iT somEthing else if you like but
it is as real as whoever experienced it who created a Narrative of a Dude named
Jesus to attempt to do the same for you.. And true that message got through to me..
without all the
fluff of the
that folks have fallen
into away from this Good
News now for True to put in
Politically incorrect terms like
mY African American Friend Will i am
now who obviously gets it just by the title
he chose for his Pen name too as it’s worth
noting at least to me that although my Pen
name for Art for a New Name given to
me as many other Artists
Do in Poetic
Play too is a form
of Katrina Mia’s First and
Middle Names Katie also meaning
Pure and Mia means Close to God
as a Derivative of the Male Form of
that name and also Family in Italian
Way too where Frederick Means
Peaceful Ruler in German but
see KinG in
the Spiritual
out of Material View of life
means one who kNoWs tHeiR self
in oTHeR words one who Masters the
Regulation of Feelings and Integration
of Senses to earn tHeir ‘right full’ and ‘left
full’ Unity With God out of the Cultural Clothes
that still Divide yes for metaphor K in G as K11
rises above J10 with some John 14:12 iF one is
LooKinG for some Written Authority for that from
Ancient Authors Anonymous as Sages of the aGes
who have already written down to do Greater Works
of Peace and Harmony in Love with Will i am than
what has been done in one’s field of art
or science now then
done before..
as A Great
Work of Love
And WiLL of LiFE NoW..
Sure A 6 Million Word Long Form
Poem Bible and Long Form Poem
Completed in 57 Months for each year
of my 57 Years on EartH aLong with One
Ten-Thousandth A Distance to A Sun in 9300 Miles
doing it in the Buff too wHere all legal and appropriate
as a Naked Dance Wild and Free Giving all the Glory
of the Form of My Human Essence Back to God now
as all that is beyond me in all that does as God more
for all that is the Body of God on this EartH iN Paradise
AS Garden of Eden for those who live the Metaphor Real..
wHeRe i’M not MaKinG anyone come here for it’s True not unlike
A Horse Story and Water Trough even if i give you an Ocean Whole
View of Bible and Poem Fully iLLusTraTED WiTH 160K or so Photos
to give you my best Bird’s eYe View of Heaven now.. aLonG with over 10
Thousand SonGS and Visual Poetic YouTube Videos too that best relate
The experience i experience of Heaven through the eyes of other Folks too..
i cannot
Drink of this
Ocean of Heaven
now but what i will Do
is provide A patH NoW i TRaVeL
on so far oF HeaVeN now.. for True
i had glimpses of it before Data Download
Mechanical Cognition Life in School and Work
took it a way and that’s LiFE too for it’s True to Survive
STiLL some days and decades you have to do what the Romans
do now but as far when it comes to the Nicene Creed and perhaps
it might be the Asperger’s Syndrome and my aLWayS aVersity to tell a
lie now even a White Lie to avoid hurting someone’s Feelings it’s True i cannot
tell the lie that one man is God only although i surely will not force anyone to
come to
the similar
Heaven that the
same story that is real
in experience sPeaks to
for the Kingdom of Heaven
within at Hand always as
promised still in this
for i do not have
to wait to spend this
experience after death with
A Myth or a Narrative as told by
innumerable anonymous Authors now
for the HouSinG of the Vehicles and aLL
Vessels of the Myths that still Hold the Essence
of the Truth in both affect and effect NoW oF Real
Experiences of the Kingdom of Heaven Yes.. A
Kundalini Force of Ki and Chi and Ka and Qi
Reborn and Risen in Human Being now
yes.. A Satori and A Prana and
A Tao and A Great
American Indian
oF Existence too
FoR aN eXperience of
Unity and oneness that is only
Forgotten by those Strangled by Cultural
Clothes now for it is not the Naked Human that
is the Virus but the Clothes that originally were made
for Warmth as Creature Comforts that now have taken
us away from an Ocean Whole Poem as God as Nature
for what we really can feel and sense as Heaven allone now..
How to do it… for me my path is Naked Dance and Song and whatever works
and whatever metaphors as abstract constructs as guides you use to get there
no matter what Planet you are from now is still the Correct Planet of Heaven now.
Yep.. Spiritual
IQ That’s
what folks
like WiLL i AM JusT DO
Rather Refined Alan Watts and
his Mushrooms too or the other Dude
whoEver he is wHere ever she is who BRinGS
HeaVeN Essence
Real to
aS oNE
but only if you can and will as i ain’t
forcing any Horse to Drink this
Water now..
Not even JusT aN
Original Dude Forced inTo A 3 pArt
Harmony and PeaCE NoW
too and beyond what we know and feel and sense
and by God
yeS even
OuR Imagination
And Creativity no matter
how vast it may seem at Bird’s
eye view as far as the Astronaut Overview
moving into space in Memorial finally of remembering
all is one even from what was/is the Science of a Material
Reductionist View.. yes.. the Astronauts as Materialists
MoVinG inTo A Spiritual View oF aLL is CoNNeCTinG
From the View of EartH aS Living Organism
Whole instead of Just a Dead thing
to own.. for you see the way
my mind works it
all my experiences
and puts that into what
some folks Name as Free Verse
Poetry which is just another expression
of what one Human Being feels and senses
And kNows of Existence as Ocean Whole Poem
CoMe to Fruition in Human sKeYes NoW of JusT
so yeaH at Catholic Church
Yesterday it was the Trinity of Jesus
day for an only Begotten Son that literally
leaves out daughters as factually it did according
to Biblical Scholarly View and what is still written
in the Book of the Lesser Spiritual Value
of female under male as far as
Genders Go and what
is hanging
the legs
or enclosed
WiTHiN as Eggs..
for Birth of God’s Creation
in Human Form as once uPon a
time the Vagina was Holy and Sacred
as the BRinGeR of Life as those who possess
a way out for Life as well and now well we have
the Vagina Dialogues and yes now once again the
Rise of the Holy Mother and Women and the Fertility
Rites like Bootie Dances that go aLonG with that as
WomEn once again Gain the Force Higher in
Cooperation of Love amongst themselves
to Conquer invading Apes
who have not yet
lEarned the
Power of
Love and
Social Cooperation
more than the Power of
Fists and Harm to conquer
For Subsistence over the Forage
that gains more by all the Village thriving Holding Unified
Hands for not only subsistence but an overall thrive of Love..
True i see this from a smaller view too for true there is at least
some value in rationality too but not to get lost in it as a Cog in
A Machine Data Download Robot for 19 Years of School as my
Path of Forgetting what i even was as a Naked Free Dancing
Singing Social Animal of Love a little more Wild and Free
than Domesticated
in Clothes
of Prison
of Mechanical
Cognition Mind away
from the Spirit that moves us
As Joy becomes KinG WiTHIN..
so no while i do believe a Father as a metaphor
for the all and Son for the metaphorical offspring
of that all and a Holy Creative Spirit that is Quantum
Metaphor of how we communicate including feelings
and senses of that all in both input and output way
is as real as the Grains of Sands we stand upon
that with enough Work in Life will hold
up a Mountain of Love in being
Human now no i do not believe
this experience of life is any more relegated
Now to just one man anymore than that one man
obviously intended in the message for all those who
experience this similar oneness with God as God Body per
who wrote all the narratives from what we have today in ancient
and holy sacred texts that number into the thousands of Religions
and Sects still now where the message comes out the same we are all
CoNNeCTinG as all that is and we can and will experiencing the Beauty and Wisdom
And Love oF aLL thaT iS as God Body Experience NoW iN Human eYes if we just remove
the sHades of Cultural Clothes that have become Veils unto the ignorance of Human
all Children
of God who can
and will reach out and touch NoW
DanCinG SinGinG a Way of God Wild
and Free now more iN Peace and Harmony
of what we are gifted with all innate instinctual
and intuitive to find Emotional Regulation and
Sensory Integration in Balancing Force of Mind
and Body Soul as SPiRiTiNG Emotional and
Sensory HeaRT of Being in Force of
Balance all is connecting now
all is feeling and sensing
all within the paramaters
of our Human Potential now meek
enough in strength and humble enough to
understand we are still one tiny speck of God all
Still in the Center of all that is God as far as Loving
eYes and Ears and Mouths do see and hear and SpeaK NoW
More of the Beauty Wisdom and Love of God LiVinG WiTHiN
us to hold hands with every hand we can and will reach out to now..
but to suggest that somehow we are on top of the Universe aWay from
the Center of God is to know the real original Greek Definition of Apocalypse
in those who have not yet lifted the veils of ignorance to understand truly that
God is beyond our iMagination and that’s okay for the home we are given now
As Paradise WiTHiN as Love on eARTh is Gift enough for now to trust the rest of
iN the GoD
oF aLL as Metaphor
For Hands Holding all
anYWay this Narrative Works
for me and all Humans See and hear
And other wise perceive their Multi-Universe
God Views diffeRently but one thing for sure for anyone
with any common sense who has ever read the New Testament
of that much older bible now is the reported Jesus Dude was surely
not one who was so-called Politically Correct for the.. so-called Rules
NoW of the past MaKinG HiS OwN Rules then.. and even though one of the
Priests at our Church as i hold no reverence for Political Titles in the realm
of Love as far as stepping stones to authority goes.. as yes.. this priest suggested
that Jesus didn’t particularly care for Religion but yesterday said the Church is the
Authority for the Complete Answer on God now that still ignorantly separates God
(even though he admitted that God is beyond our Imagination so ironically he did)
into three parts
in just one
as Paleontology
Teaches us and the
Cultural Anthropology pArt
oF iT too that this Dude was somewhere
around 5 Foot 1 and 106 LBS or so as there
wasn’t the all you can eat fats and sugars back
then at Walmart and no.. no long hair just shortly
Cropped as even the Bible itself still testifies to too..
And Brown as any common Syrian or Mexican
Dude too.. but still in the realm of God
Body for all of existence size
matters not and much
smaller animals
than us
are not
so deluded
to ‘think’ that although
other animals Have other potentials
that they are any less integral a pArt of
God Nature than any other pArt of NaTuRe NoW..
For True Humans with their Cultures and their Words
As History Still Shows are just as likely NoW to still believe
LieS in Churches as they are from the Leaders at the top even
NoW with Modern Technology and FucKinG FacT Checks of 3000 lies
when they say ‘tHeir person they worship always tells the truth’..
anyway.. if you get around enough as for one as little old me
i’ve surely done online Since Thanks Giving Day
of 2010 reporting that experience whole
for around 12 Million Words of
Documentation along with
just 33 months to reflect
while i had no effective
use of my eyes and
ears to do anything else
with the pain of Type Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia and
the 606 Months or so before that
of life in 19 Years of School and 33 years
of Work including working with the General
and Military Public in terms of well over 100K Folks
And probably more than that in all the online places of
Science and Art and even Conspiracy theories of really
really lost Human Beings in the realm of believing what
ever snake oil sales person story comes next it is
more than clear that some folks are found
in a place of Peace and Harmony LoVE
in a Kingdom of Heaven
within now
inside outside
above so below
and all around and others
are so so lost so far from a Memorial
Day Now of being one with Waves and Ocean
And Grains of Sand and Gulls Spiraling the Sun
as a view not different really than the Astronaut
OverView of EartH from Space as true i
Captured the Visual Experience
of this in one picture
almost like
of Synchronicity
to go aLonG WiTH all
of this almost like a Story
Book that someone else as
Co-Navigator (Hint: God) Wrote
as one with me but Wait it’s not almost
for me now for one as it happens as regularly
and more than Brushing my Teeth several times
a Day too.. so True i don’t have any tartar left for Disbelief
or anything less than 100 Percent Faith that i am in the Best
‘Hands’ of all tHeRE is in Existence now.. but true no doubt in
my Mind at least that tHere are other Creatures more advanced
than me holding God as all that is even tighter than me as Love
now could
be my
Cat Yellow
Boy as He
Hugs Katrina
in the Morning
Light of an ‘Alberto’
Rainy Filled Day with
no disconnection at all
as come unto me is just
another metaphor of
we are never now
to Be with God
now as we are all
the Body God whole
to the smallest pArts
in GRaINS of Sand
to the pitter patter
of Tropical
the Green Leaves
that go on forever out
side my window now for you see
it is the Artist as Aesthete’s Duty to
Bring you A little Closer to wHere we experience
God and Oh how lovely it will be one day to experience
another ET View of God so much larger than what i bRing
NoW iN A 6 Million Word Poem over 57 Months now but i
must say when i was am Reborn on that Navarre Beach on or about
the Weekend of the 22nd in July 2013.. i really desired most to allow
someone else just a tiny view of what i experienced of Heaven then for
no this was no temporal Bi-Polar Event this is my same reaLiTy then and now
everlasting as Heaven now.. sure.. you can caLL iT somEthing else if you like but
it is as real as whoever experienced it who created a Narrative of a Dude named
Jesus to attempt to do the same for you.. And true that message got through to me..
without all the
fluff of the
that folks have fallen
into away from this Good
News now for True to put in
Politically incorrect terms like
mY African American Friend Will i am
now who obviously gets it just by the title
he chose for his Pen name too as it’s worth
noting at least to me that although my Pen
name for Art for a New Name given to
me as many other Artists
Do in Poetic
Play too is a form
of Katrina Mia’s First and
Middle Names Katie also meaning
Pure and Mia means Close to God
as a Derivative of the Male Form of
that name and also Family in Italian
Way too where Frederick Means
Peaceful Ruler in German but
see KinG in
the Spiritual
out of Material View of life
means one who kNoWs tHeiR self
in oTHeR words one who Masters the
Regulation of Feelings and Integration
of Senses to earn tHeir ‘right full’ and ‘left
full’ Unity With God out of the Cultural Clothes
that still Divide yes for metaphor K in G as K11
rises above J10 with some John 14:12 iF one is
LooKinG for some Written Authority for that from
Ancient Authors Anonymous as Sages of the aGes
who have already written down to do Greater Works
of Peace and Harmony in Love with Will i am than
what has been done in one’s field of art
or science now then
done before..
as A Great
Work of Love
And WiLL of LiFE NoW..
Sure A 6 Million Word Long Form
Poem Bible and Long Form Poem
Completed in 57 Months for each year
of my 57 Years on EartH aLong with One
Ten-Thousandth A Distance to A Sun in 9300 Miles
doing it in the Buff too wHere all legal and appropriate
as a Naked Dance Wild and Free Giving all the Glory
of the Form of My Human Essence Back to God now
as all that is beyond me in all that does as God more
for all that is the Body of God on this EartH iN Paradise
AS Garden of Eden for those who live the Metaphor Real..
wHeRe i’M not MaKinG anyone come here for it’s True not unlike
A Horse Story and Water Trough even if i give you an Ocean Whole
View of Bible and Poem Fully iLLusTraTED WiTH 160K or so Photos
to give you my best Bird’s eYe View of Heaven now.. aLonG with over 10
Thousand SonGS and Visual Poetic YouTube Videos too that best relate
The experience i experience of Heaven through the eyes of other Folks too..
i cannot
Drink of this
Ocean of Heaven
now but what i will Do
is provide A patH NoW i TRaVeL
on so far oF HeaVeN now.. for True
i had glimpses of it before Data Download
Mechanical Cognition Life in School and Work
took it a way and that’s LiFE too for it’s True to Survive
STiLL some days and decades you have to do what the Romans
do now but as far when it comes to the Nicene Creed and perhaps
it might be the Asperger’s Syndrome and my aLWayS aVersity to tell a
lie now even a White Lie to avoid hurting someone’s Feelings it’s True i cannot
tell the lie that one man is God only although i surely will not force anyone to
come to
the similar
Heaven that the
same story that is real
in experience sPeaks to
for the Kingdom of Heaven
within at Hand always as
promised still in this
for i do not have
to wait to spend this
experience after death with
A Myth or a Narrative as told by
innumerable anonymous Authors now
for the HouSinG of the Vehicles and aLL
Vessels of the Myths that still Hold the Essence
of the Truth in both affect and effect NoW oF Real
Experiences of the Kingdom of Heaven Yes.. A
Kundalini Force of Ki and Chi and Ka and Qi
Reborn and Risen in Human Being now
yes.. A Satori and A Prana and
A Tao and A Great
American Indian
oF Existence too
FoR aN eXperience of
Unity and oneness that is only
Forgotten by those Strangled by Cultural
Clothes now for it is not the Naked Human that
is the Virus but the Clothes that originally were made
for Warmth as Creature Comforts that now have taken
us away from an Ocean Whole Poem as God as Nature
for what we really can feel and sense as Heaven allone now..
How to do it… for me my path is Naked Dance and Song and whatever works
and whatever metaphors as abstract constructs as guides you use to get there
no matter what Planet you are from now is still the Correct Planet of Heaven now.
Yep.. Spiritual
IQ That’s
what folks
like WiLL i AM JusT DO
Rather Refined Alan Watts and
his Mushrooms too or the other Dude
whoEver he is wHere ever she is who BRinGS
HeaVeN Essence
Real to
aS oNE
but only if you can and will as i ain’t
forcing any Horse to Drink this
Water now..
Not even JusT aN
Original Dude Forced inTo A 3 pArt
Harmony and PeaCE NoW
Sweet Sixteen.. Nah.. No Ball Room Dance
For me Back in the Summer of ’76 but yes then
A Bicentennial Celebration For the 200th Birthday
oF A Nation.. perhaps you’ve Heard of it.. A Place STiLL
A Nation A Melting Pot wHeRe the Individual is afforded
the Right to Life and Liberty and the Pursuit of Individual
Happiness For if they like they can and will Form Smaller
Groups Than A Nation that and who Stands for all of this
And do tHeir
own Things
and Ideals/
too.. For
to aLWays
Be Brave and
Fight for this Life
Liberty and Justice or
to just lay back if one has
enough subsistence means
and do nothing really nothing
at all but fall asleep.. if one likes
to do nothing at all but nah.. that’s
not pArt of ‘Normal’ Human Nature
For look around you and see Life
Strive except for Life that is
fallen asleep as
turns Darker in Bluer
and no longer so Wild and
Free for the Liberty and yes
Libido of Life in sKeYes of what
ever turNs on as Happiness varies
From Hip to eYe to Naked and Clothed
Dreams to Science to Religion and Religion
of Science too.. to whatever Floats your Yacht
And in my Case whatever Floats my Naked Body Free..
hmm.. thing is this Country is Still Free for those who do take
Advantage for all the Potentials to be Free here to Float Your Boat
or your flesh and blood in Dance and Song or A SHell of what it means
to be alive
in things
that and who Dances
And Sings Freer just to
be you and me.. yeah it’s rather
disturbing to me to see Freedom of Expression
Assaulted From the Top now in almost all Forms
that comes in except for making money.. ha! but
do i really pay attention to it for any other purpose
buTT a DArk mUSE to Write.. WeLL no not really for it’s just
A Pebble and a Wave NoW wHere Still waters that move Peace
And Harmony Are just a few years or less away at the very so-called
Top of Free Again.. i don’t know about you but what i do know about is Being
Outcast and Functionally Disabled and a Woman in a Red White and Blue Dress
who took care of me for those with the Empathy and Sympathy and Compassion to
make laws to do so for those who fall upon really hard times and even times that no
others have the hardware or software to understand.. but never the less i survived
for i still live with a Woman oF A Country who cares at the core of a Nation that
Still Strives to Live under Love sure God is Love or was that a lie.. not to me
NoW at Least for it’s True in this Country i can and will be all i will and can
be even if that means NoT MaKinG a Dollar Bill From Washington
or a Lincoln Sent Cent for any Art of Freedom i Do
JusT HoldinG
with God FReENoW
No! NoT! a Manufactured
God IN Myths or little Brown
Men From the Middle East that
Morph into Females with Long Beards
On a Cross but hey i have nothing against
Cross Dressing and even though the Wife Katrina
says i’m her Princess i’m not quite sure i’ll fit in that
Blue Ball Dress but i’ll tell you this even if i do wear that
Blue Ball Room Dress to Super Walmart and Dance in the
Middle Aisle it won’t take away from the Essence of a 240 LB
or so Little Lion Man who is not afraid to wear Pink or float though
the Savannah like a Butterfly in the Middle Dance Aisle Unwittingly
And Indirectly and Especially DeSiGNeD JusT for Little old Me out
of Nature come to Be Free for the Birthright of God who lives within
without restraint oF Free for all it means still to Be Naked and Wild Furry Free
Free from Head to Toe in a Dance and Song that Never ends for Love and a Hand
to Reach
out still
to those who
are still outcast and
hermits from the Group
think of Veils oF iGnorance
who still win the Game of Life
with Fearless and Unconditional Love
anYWay iN the Spirit of ’76 hehe.. i’ve got
76 Friends NoW on Facebook to go aLong with
a “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” including around 900
or so Profile Pic Photos filled out with what is linked to
a 1.37 MiLLioN Word Bible still coming by the end of this so named MacroVerse
NoW that fills all those photos with around 6 Million Words in the Description area
at an average of 7 Thousand Words Per Pic or So as YeS AGAiN this is a picTure Story
NoW too and soMe Words have more than one Photo to: iLLusTraTE A Story too.. buTT
you see with that and 9350 Miles of Public Dance in 57 Months and what may come to
Soon Be aS A Pin Up Calendar somEwhere at lEast of my Best Nude Art doing all of that
and this in the Buff too as what other 57 Year old male is free or fit enough to do that now so
you see wearing that Blue Dress WiLL NoW Be a PeacE of CaKe compared to what i’ve already
Done NoW in the nAMe of Truly Naked Free and Brave and no it’s not that hard to imagine me in
My Underwear and no i’m not afraid of Public Speaking either as that used to be one of my
Greatest Fears too.. for it’s True if you face enough of your fears and really conquer them
well all that’s
TruLY LeFT is
NoW to give and
Share Love Free..
Unconditionally once
Again Class without Fear
And to Stand tALL for the right
of individual Freedoms Beliefs and
Life and Liberty and Justice for them too..
no matter who they are as long as they are
not Harming Folks by doing their Version of Free too
And that’s wHere Courts and Judges and Lawyers and
Even Juries come into Play too as Nations much bigger
than 150 to 200 sets of Well Acquainted eyes somewhat
Homogenous in Ideology and Behaviors of Life WiLL even
Begin to do this without a Government of Laws and yes
Rules to not only Protect Freedoms but also to Protect
oTHeRS from Harm too.. and sure tHere are so many
SHades of Grey and other beYond Rainbow ArT
Colors of establishing Laws that do
NoT Stifle tHe Art of the Human
Naked SPiRiT oF HeART
And A Mind and
Body BaLanCinG
SoUL wHeRE the Lover
of Dance and Song Fearless
can and will Still Do His and or Her
Unconditional Fearless Dance and Song
now and never fear getting Hung or Burned at
the Stake or what they still do in some Countries
to folks who don’t play by other Folks Version oF Freedom
in getting Strung up on a Cross now to Slow torture die.. yeah
you better Believe i believe in the Ideals of this Country that our Fore
Fathers brought but i’ll believe in no Liar no Matter what Political Party
or Religion they live in or are Manufactured in for any separation of the Free
And The Brave who do not Fear Exercising tHeir Rights to Life and Liberty and the
PurSuitS oF tHeiR
Freedoms iN
of Grey to Multi
Color FB Profile Pics
like me smiling ear to ear
mostly with the Gender i’m not
ashamed to admit i favor most for it’s
True most of the ‘prophets’ of old found
a Woman and Women still as Patron Saints for them and for me
the Woman of America to be tHeir/my Best Friends then and now..
America Madame Red White and Blue Still Lives for me Brave and Free
if you Notice the Colors of HeR Dress Behind me for the Free Horses of me
And i’ll just
what lives
at the
bottom of the top
And meanwhile i’ll
Share my own version
of Cases and Cases of
A Water of PersonAlly SaVinG SoUL LoVE NoW CoMinG
As Any Lone Wolf HoWLing For A Free Flag STiLL WiLL aS
A Midnight Lover oF A Full Moon STiLL Now to coMe CHecKinG
hiS Free Calendar Provided by the Catholic Church Seeing that
back again too..
And as far as the coming
of this ‘OfficiAlly’ Titled “FB
Profile Pic Bible 2018” as aLWaYs
iT WiLL come when it coMes Effortless
As Truly Free Does aS A KinG oF JoY FReED
iN HeaVeN ALWaYS NoW FoR ReaL isREaLNoWaRT..
And yes i fully understand i stand upon all the Flesh and Blood
and Bones of those who died for my RiGHTS STiLL To LiFE LiBeRTY PuRSuiNG JoY
And Justice including those then tricked into Serving in unjustified Killing Fields too..
as yes i do have a First Cousin who Burned up in a Helicopter in Vietnam in ’69 at
Just 18 Years old for he believed in a Country that and who wasted his life then.. i
in the ideals
of this Country
not necessarily
the Leaders Currently
at Hand and that is why
We Have a Constitution
to: Deliver US From: Evil STill thE Evil
That Hates Free And Love Fearless STiLL anD Brave..
anYWay WitH aLL tHat sAid ALberto iS HeRe Visiting WitH DowN PouRS
Free Storm
For me Back in the Summer of ’76 but yes then
A Bicentennial Celebration For the 200th Birthday
oF A Nation.. perhaps you’ve Heard of it.. A Place STiLL
A Nation A Melting Pot wHeRe the Individual is afforded
the Right to Life and Liberty and the Pursuit of Individual
Happiness For if they like they can and will Form Smaller
Groups Than A Nation that and who Stands for all of this
And do tHeir
own Things
and Ideals/
too.. For
to aLWays
Be Brave and
Fight for this Life
Liberty and Justice or
to just lay back if one has
enough subsistence means
and do nothing really nothing
at all but fall asleep.. if one likes
to do nothing at all but nah.. that’s
not pArt of ‘Normal’ Human Nature
For look around you and see Life
Strive except for Life that is
fallen asleep as
turns Darker in Bluer
and no longer so Wild and
Free for the Liberty and yes
Libido of Life in sKeYes of what
ever turNs on as Happiness varies
From Hip to eYe to Naked and Clothed
Dreams to Science to Religion and Religion
of Science too.. to whatever Floats your Yacht
And in my Case whatever Floats my Naked Body Free..
hmm.. thing is this Country is Still Free for those who do take
Advantage for all the Potentials to be Free here to Float Your Boat
or your flesh and blood in Dance and Song or A SHell of what it means
to be alive
in things
that and who Dances
And Sings Freer just to
be you and me.. yeah it’s rather
disturbing to me to see Freedom of Expression
Assaulted From the Top now in almost all Forms
that comes in except for making money.. ha! but
do i really pay attention to it for any other purpose
buTT a DArk mUSE to Write.. WeLL no not really for it’s just
A Pebble and a Wave NoW wHere Still waters that move Peace
And Harmony Are just a few years or less away at the very so-called
Top of Free Again.. i don’t know about you but what i do know about is Being
Outcast and Functionally Disabled and a Woman in a Red White and Blue Dress
who took care of me for those with the Empathy and Sympathy and Compassion to
make laws to do so for those who fall upon really hard times and even times that no
others have the hardware or software to understand.. but never the less i survived
for i still live with a Woman oF A Country who cares at the core of a Nation that
Still Strives to Live under Love sure God is Love or was that a lie.. not to me
NoW at Least for it’s True in this Country i can and will be all i will and can
be even if that means NoT MaKinG a Dollar Bill From Washington
or a Lincoln Sent Cent for any Art of Freedom i Do
JusT HoldinG
with God FReENoW
No! NoT! a Manufactured
God IN Myths or little Brown
Men From the Middle East that
Morph into Females with Long Beards
On a Cross but hey i have nothing against
Cross Dressing and even though the Wife Katrina
says i’m her Princess i’m not quite sure i’ll fit in that
Blue Ball Dress but i’ll tell you this even if i do wear that
Blue Ball Room Dress to Super Walmart and Dance in the
Middle Aisle it won’t take away from the Essence of a 240 LB
or so Little Lion Man who is not afraid to wear Pink or float though
the Savannah like a Butterfly in the Middle Dance Aisle Unwittingly
And Indirectly and Especially DeSiGNeD JusT for Little old Me out
of Nature come to Be Free for the Birthright of God who lives within
without restraint oF Free for all it means still to Be Naked and Wild Furry Free
Free from Head to Toe in a Dance and Song that Never ends for Love and a Hand
to Reach
out still
to those who
are still outcast and
hermits from the Group
think of Veils oF iGnorance
who still win the Game of Life
with Fearless and Unconditional Love
anYWay iN the Spirit of ’76 hehe.. i’ve got
76 Friends NoW on Facebook to go aLong with
a “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” including around 900
or so Profile Pic Photos filled out with what is linked to
a 1.37 MiLLioN Word Bible still coming by the end of this so named MacroVerse
NoW that fills all those photos with around 6 Million Words in the Description area
at an average of 7 Thousand Words Per Pic or So as YeS AGAiN this is a picTure Story
NoW too and soMe Words have more than one Photo to: iLLusTraTE A Story too.. buTT
you see with that and 9350 Miles of Public Dance in 57 Months and what may come to
Soon Be aS A Pin Up Calendar somEwhere at lEast of my Best Nude Art doing all of that
and this in the Buff too as what other 57 Year old male is free or fit enough to do that now so
you see wearing that Blue Dress WiLL NoW Be a PeacE of CaKe compared to what i’ve already
Done NoW in the nAMe of Truly Naked Free and Brave and no it’s not that hard to imagine me in
My Underwear and no i’m not afraid of Public Speaking either as that used to be one of my
Greatest Fears too.. for it’s True if you face enough of your fears and really conquer them
well all that’s
TruLY LeFT is
NoW to give and
Share Love Free..
Unconditionally once
Again Class without Fear
And to Stand tALL for the right
of individual Freedoms Beliefs and
Life and Liberty and Justice for them too..
no matter who they are as long as they are
not Harming Folks by doing their Version of Free too
And that’s wHere Courts and Judges and Lawyers and
Even Juries come into Play too as Nations much bigger
than 150 to 200 sets of Well Acquainted eyes somewhat
Homogenous in Ideology and Behaviors of Life WiLL even
Begin to do this without a Government of Laws and yes
Rules to not only Protect Freedoms but also to Protect
oTHeRS from Harm too.. and sure tHere are so many
SHades of Grey and other beYond Rainbow ArT
Colors of establishing Laws that do
NoT Stifle tHe Art of the Human
Naked SPiRiT oF HeART
And A Mind and
Body BaLanCinG
SoUL wHeRE the Lover
of Dance and Song Fearless
can and will Still Do His and or Her
Unconditional Fearless Dance and Song
now and never fear getting Hung or Burned at
the Stake or what they still do in some Countries
to folks who don’t play by other Folks Version oF Freedom
in getting Strung up on a Cross now to Slow torture die.. yeah
you better Believe i believe in the Ideals of this Country that our Fore
Fathers brought but i’ll believe in no Liar no Matter what Political Party
or Religion they live in or are Manufactured in for any separation of the Free
And The Brave who do not Fear Exercising tHeir Rights to Life and Liberty and the
PurSuitS oF tHeiR
Freedoms iN
of Grey to Multi
Color FB Profile Pics
like me smiling ear to ear
mostly with the Gender i’m not
ashamed to admit i favor most for it’s
True most of the ‘prophets’ of old found
a Woman and Women still as Patron Saints for them and for me
the Woman of America to be tHeir/my Best Friends then and now..
America Madame Red White and Blue Still Lives for me Brave and Free
if you Notice the Colors of HeR Dress Behind me for the Free Horses of me
And i’ll just
what lives
at the
bottom of the top
And meanwhile i’ll
Share my own version
of Cases and Cases of
A Water of PersonAlly SaVinG SoUL LoVE NoW CoMinG
As Any Lone Wolf HoWLing For A Free Flag STiLL WiLL aS
A Midnight Lover oF A Full Moon STiLL Now to coMe CHecKinG
hiS Free Calendar Provided by the Catholic Church Seeing that
back again too..
And as far as the coming
of this ‘OfficiAlly’ Titled “FB
Profile Pic Bible 2018” as aLWaYs
iT WiLL come when it coMes Effortless
As Truly Free Does aS A KinG oF JoY FReED
iN HeaVeN ALWaYS NoW FoR ReaL isREaLNoWaRT..
And yes i fully understand i stand upon all the Flesh and Blood
and Bones of those who died for my RiGHTS STiLL To LiFE LiBeRTY PuRSuiNG JoY
And Justice including those then tricked into Serving in unjustified Killing Fields too..
as yes i do have a First Cousin who Burned up in a Helicopter in Vietnam in ’69 at
Just 18 Years old for he believed in a Country that and who wasted his life then.. i
in the ideals
of this Country
not necessarily
the Leaders Currently
at Hand and that is why
We Have a Constitution
to: Deliver US From: Evil STill thE Evil
That Hates Free And Love Fearless STiLL anD Brave..
anYWay WitH aLL tHat sAid ALberto iS HeRe Visiting WitH DowN PouRS
Free Storm
And it’s
Gonna PouR
Yes.. Night
Day NoW
Hmm.. combining
Four Separate Poetic
Second Generation Reponses
From Frank’s Place of Poetry having
no idea what it will be until it coMes ToGeTHeR
As TRuly thaT is MaGiC oF LiFE NoT KNoWiNG YeT KNoWInG MoRE
And truly
to Consensually Relate
to others in Mutual Understanding
unless they regularly Quantum Leap Logic
With An Art of LiFE that Truly Bleeds a
MaGiC oF LiFE on whatever Flesh
And Blood Medium comes
PainTinG NeXT and
that reminds
me more too..
as we visited Sports
Academy and in some ways
sadly i watched MiND and Body BaLaNCinG
SoULS searching for a New Machine to set
tHeir Bodies Free In Health once again but
you see not unlike a Quantum Metaphor of
Leaping Minds A Dance of Body Free is not
somEthing one can fully freely do on a Machine
or even on Sidewalks with no Turns or WiDE NoW
Enough to Spiral Free for Linear Life
Has Little Soul compared to
Life that who Spirals in both
Dance and
NoW ReaL..
True.. you’d amazed at JusT
How strong you can and will get
by a Dance that is long and involves all
the Muscle Groups down to digits of Feet and
Hands Flying Floating Free with God of Nature
Gravity as one comes to be the Play of Nature
Freer than ever witnessed and felt and sensed
as Flesh and Blood Real in KNoWiNG LiFENoW
to Machines
that have little to
no SPiRiT oF HeARt
EMoTiONs and SeNseS
NoW oF MiND and BoDY BaLanCinG
SoUL Even MoRE.. anYWay.. i Continue
to docUment both the Essence and the Form
of this in many ways of Human Mind and Body
of LiFE FuLL oF And aS EVoLVinG SoUL NoW For
True wHat a Pity
it WiLL
be iF
Hoarded all they
lEarn about the Secrets
thaT coMe to FRuiTioN oF A Real
Experience oF HeaVeN oN Earth
Both Earned and Worked for NoW WiTHiN
WithouT A Dollar or a Penny Need to Dance WiTH NoW..
or sure likes follow or shares as a Currency of Life that
needs no affirmation from anyone full But God Within as
Essence of SoUL
And Form of
Freer evermorenow
aWay from the Machines
oF LiFE We become if HanGinG aRound
Machines More Than flesh and blood LiFE..
Anyway.. while Alberto Promised to BRinG uS
Much Rain it seems to have spiraled all around
us like i do around the Super Walmart Patrons and never
hit them either hehe.. for the Latest Round (Spiral) of Alberto’s Visit
NoW and SPeaKinG of Photos And oTHeR 7 Bibles and 4 New Testaments
And the such as that for “Now ‘they’ know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall”..
oh yeaH and JusT ANoTHeR “Black Eyed Peas” SonG ABouT ReAlly BeinG FuLL oF LiGHT
Reborn NoW aS any Bird aRound a ‘Big Ben’ Clock Tower as such or whatever TiME PeacE
that may Still Come to BeNoW.. hmm.. sure.. ending iN A Key oF E thaT iS A LoVENoW thaT
for those who
are turned on
Do tHeir best
to lEnd some
of the keys to
those now
who have
yeT to oPeN uP A DooR NoW
NoW tHaT’s ReaL PerHaps Woke
As FRuiTioN afTeR A Dream but never the
Less NoW A Blow Out Nirvana that is as ReaL
As any Experience oF From: A Buddha or A Jesus or A Lao Tzu Dude And Or A
Dudette Real As far aS How All of This Goes And sTill coMes to: BE SaTiSFyinGFuLLNoW..:)
And it’s
Gonna PouR
Yes.. Night
Day NoW
Hmm.. combining
Four Separate Poetic
Second Generation Reponses
From Frank’s Place of Poetry having
no idea what it will be until it coMes ToGeTHeR
As TRuly thaT is MaGiC oF LiFE NoT KNoWiNG YeT KNoWInG MoRE
And truly
to Consensually Relate
to others in Mutual Understanding
unless they regularly Quantum Leap Logic
With An Art of LiFE that Truly Bleeds a
MaGiC oF LiFE on whatever Flesh
And Blood Medium comes
PainTinG NeXT and
that reminds
me more too..
as we visited Sports
Academy and in some ways
sadly i watched MiND and Body BaLaNCinG
SoULS searching for a New Machine to set
tHeir Bodies Free In Health once again but
you see not unlike a Quantum Metaphor of
Leaping Minds A Dance of Body Free is not
somEthing one can fully freely do on a Machine
or even on Sidewalks with no Turns or WiDE NoW
Enough to Spiral Free for Linear Life
Has Little Soul compared to
Life that who Spirals in both
Dance and
NoW ReaL..
True.. you’d amazed at JusT
How strong you can and will get
by a Dance that is long and involves all
the Muscle Groups down to digits of Feet and
Hands Flying Floating Free with God of Nature
Gravity as one comes to be the Play of Nature
Freer than ever witnessed and felt and sensed
as Flesh and Blood Real in KNoWiNG LiFENoW
to Machines
that have little to
no SPiRiT oF HeARt
EMoTiONs and SeNseS
NoW oF MiND and BoDY BaLanCinG
SoUL Even MoRE.. anYWay.. i Continue
to docUment both the Essence and the Form
of this in many ways of Human Mind and Body
of LiFE FuLL oF And aS EVoLVinG SoUL NoW For
True wHat a Pity
it WiLL
be iF
Hoarded all they
lEarn about the Secrets
thaT coMe to FRuiTioN oF A Real
Experience oF HeaVeN oN Earth
Both Earned and Worked for NoW WiTHiN
WithouT A Dollar or a Penny Need to Dance WiTH NoW..
or sure likes follow or shares as a Currency of Life that
needs no affirmation from anyone full But God Within as
Essence of SoUL
And Form of
Freer evermorenow
aWay from the Machines
oF LiFE We become if HanGinG aRound
Machines More Than flesh and blood LiFE..
Anyway.. while Alberto Promised to BRinG uS
Much Rain it seems to have spiraled all around
us like i do around the Super Walmart Patrons and never
hit them either hehe.. for the Latest Round (Spiral) of Alberto’s Visit
NoW and SPeaKinG of Photos And oTHeR 7 Bibles and 4 New Testaments
And the such as that for “Now ‘they’ know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall”..
oh yeaH and JusT ANoTHeR “Black Eyed Peas” SonG ABouT ReAlly BeinG FuLL oF LiGHT
Reborn NoW aS any Bird aRound a ‘Big Ben’ Clock Tower as such or whatever TiME PeacE
that may Still Come to BeNoW.. hmm.. sure.. ending iN A Key oF E thaT iS A LoVENoW thaT
for those who
are turned on
Do tHeir best
to lEnd some
of the keys to
those now
who have
yeT to oPeN uP A DooR NoW
NoW tHaT’s ReaL PerHaps Woke
As FRuiTioN afTeR A Dream but never the
Less NoW A Blow Out Nirvana that is as ReaL
As any Experience oF From: A Buddha or A Jesus or A Lao Tzu Dude And Or A
Dudette Real As far aS How All of This Goes And sTill coMes to: BE SaTiSFyinGFuLLNoW..:)
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Sohair for the Christian Religion has a Word
Termed Meek that many folks Mistake for Weak
However the Truth is in Original Greek
Definition with additional E-LaBoRaTioN
by me it means both
Man and Woman
in Divine Balance
NoW of Feminine
Grace and Love
As Foundation of
What Comes Born or Re-Born
oF Will And Strength Confident
Enough for Victory of Love’s Hope
Over Vengeance of Hate’s Fear and
While it’s True that the Finer Elements of
A Military Establish A Way for Honor and Integrity
in Character with Honesty for BootCamp that teaches
We are a Team that Fights together over binds of bonds
as True the Military as an isolated institution is a Religion
Bound by Common Binds of Beliefs too most often in a Patriarchal
Way of BeinG that also sadly means compartmentalizing the Natural
Human Aversion to Killing Other Members of our species to allow one
An ability
to Kill
A Brother
and Sister
of our species
no matter who they
are stone cold dead..
And it’s true most often
those who live by the Sword
die by the Sword and Gun when
used to fight others over other wise
Diplomatic Means of Solving Problems
With Peace and Harmony rather that Blood and
Guts Spilled from Seas to Shining Shores of Red Tide
Loss in our ability to even Navigate a World as Human Love Wins
NoW than
Fear and Hate..
anYWay thank Goodness
i am not suiTable to kill for folks with
Asperger’s Syndrome aren’t even allowed
in the Military anyway.. And Bi-Polar is not
exactly what one wants in A Machine Designed to Kill
But True in a World of Guns where ‘normally’ it’s much
Harder to Kill Another Human Being With a Bare Handed
Fight when/where those who Fight against each other often Become
Friends when the Aggression ends that most often comes from Weakness
instead of Will and Strength that Grows from a Foundation of Love and Grace
aS it’s true
most often
truly Confident
Men and Women
never raise a Hand
over another Human Being
for it is the feeling of smallness
in all the ways that comes that most
often is projected out into Harming others
when folk’s fears over their inferiorities are
taken advantage by other folks to pull their
Heart Strings of Fear and Hate more too..
Anyway.. i believe it is possible to
become a Warrior even in a
Physical Way without
ever raising a Hand
to Harm
Being when
the Shadow within
Learns both a Physical and
Mental Fight of life in actual Martial
Arts Activities that truly become an Art
of Emotional Regulation and Sensory Integration
that can and will be accomplished with no Trauma at
all.. not even with a Punching Bag for what literally is
Both a Shadow Strike and Kick of Life where the Target
of the Fight will be a material instead of living object that
doesn’t have to be touched for it’s true for one who is comfortable
in how to use their body if ever really necessary for defense when in
A World of Laws where folks are arrested and put in Jail for attacking others
it’s really not likely that one will ever need to be involved in a Fight even if
they don’t have the confidence to defend themselves.. however.. we are Human
Beings with Canine Teeth that Means we have a long History of Killing to eat
as well as the Forage For Berries and the Such as that.. for Thousands of years
in escaping predator and capturing prey in an invisible-like Quiet way
TaKinG A Lifelong Practice of Physical Agility of Moving
through Lands and not making a Sound to do
what was and still is required to Survive
for when i say Grace i don’t mean
just a Gift for what i mean
is Work the Work
of Human
WHeRE the
Center Point of
our Flesh and Blood
is as SmART in Physical
and Emotional Intelligence
as what Lives Between our
Ears that Helps to Direct
that Physical and
Balance of Life..
And Yes this takes Work
And Actual Physical Activity
that varies to attain the Agility
For a Fearless Confidence of life that
also Speaks Non-Verbal Like the Posture
of those Military Women that you Picture here
Sohair.. For a Secret to Life even if one never Joins
A Military is to never leave Boot Camp from a Youngest Age
STiLL of Rough and Tumble Play to at Least a Slow Tai-Chi-Like
Movement of Agility then in Latest Years of Life too.. for a Physically
Confident Human Being is one who possesses Emotional Regulation
and Sensory Integration from Head to Toe Confidence oF Fearless to
this to
as Predator
no Matter Human
Mammal or other Mammal
innately instinctual and intuitively
understands who is prey and not prey
just by the way they move in Fearless or Weakness now…
We are not machines we are flesh and blood and when we
become the tools we use
we become
Science instead
oF God’s Art in FLight of Being Human..
And it’s True a Core of Much Human
Disturbance now are those who
that all that
moves us as
Emotions are
Real feelings
And sensations
that come from Head to toe..
Seeing A Whole Temple oF God NoW
And not just an Organ of Words Between the Ears..
And it’s True too.. A Free Dance with Kicks of Legs
WiLL Accomplish all of this as a Practice of LiFE noW
WitH a Song that Affirms a Fearless Loving Dance of Life
GettinG iT aLL ToGeTHeR mY FriEnd aS God WiTHIN WiLL NaTuRALLy
for my Father Worked in
Law Enforcement 46 Years
With a Gun and never had to
shoot someone even though
he earned an expert
skill in shooting
that my
Friend is a sign
of Patience and a Patience
that comes from Confidence and
Fearless too.. and if somehow even though
my Father was rarely around.. i iNherited AS
GreaT A Potential of that from him when i finally
Found a Practice of Life to make that Happen i surely
have a lot to be thankful for Father’s Day Still NoW Who
STiLL Lives within me too.. for it’s True even with an Unconditionally
Loving Mother my Love Potential was still highly restricted by the Fears
And Anxieties of Years before and Honestly the only way out of that
for me was/is a Physical Dance oF LiFE thaT erased all the imbalance
out of my Body First and them my Mind Second My Friend
as too
the Body as
less than Holy
And Sacred when it is
A GreaTesT Gift And Path NoW
Toward FearlesS UNconditional
LoVE iN A Dance And Song of Life
That Works for the Individual and
the Group as Best as Best WiLL Be aLL Fearless Confident
i am and ‘them’ i am too For all Human PoTEnTiaL NoWLoVE..
We Stand taLL ToGeTHeR aGainsT aLL oF Life’S Adversities And Struggles now..:)
Termed Meek that many folks Mistake for Weak
However the Truth is in Original Greek
Definition with additional E-LaBoRaTioN
by me it means both
Man and Woman
in Divine Balance
NoW of Feminine
Grace and Love
As Foundation of
What Comes Born or Re-Born
oF Will And Strength Confident
Enough for Victory of Love’s Hope
Over Vengeance of Hate’s Fear and
While it’s True that the Finer Elements of
A Military Establish A Way for Honor and Integrity
in Character with Honesty for BootCamp that teaches
We are a Team that Fights together over binds of bonds
as True the Military as an isolated institution is a Religion
Bound by Common Binds of Beliefs too most often in a Patriarchal
Way of BeinG that also sadly means compartmentalizing the Natural
Human Aversion to Killing Other Members of our species to allow one
An ability
to Kill
A Brother
and Sister
of our species
no matter who they
are stone cold dead..
And it’s true most often
those who live by the Sword
die by the Sword and Gun when
used to fight others over other wise
Diplomatic Means of Solving Problems
With Peace and Harmony rather that Blood and
Guts Spilled from Seas to Shining Shores of Red Tide
Loss in our ability to even Navigate a World as Human Love Wins
NoW than
Fear and Hate..
anYWay thank Goodness
i am not suiTable to kill for folks with
Asperger’s Syndrome aren’t even allowed
in the Military anyway.. And Bi-Polar is not
exactly what one wants in A Machine Designed to Kill
But True in a World of Guns where ‘normally’ it’s much
Harder to Kill Another Human Being With a Bare Handed
Fight when/where those who Fight against each other often Become
Friends when the Aggression ends that most often comes from Weakness
instead of Will and Strength that Grows from a Foundation of Love and Grace
aS it’s true
most often
truly Confident
Men and Women
never raise a Hand
over another Human Being
for it is the feeling of smallness
in all the ways that comes that most
often is projected out into Harming others
when folk’s fears over their inferiorities are
taken advantage by other folks to pull their
Heart Strings of Fear and Hate more too..
Anyway.. i believe it is possible to
become a Warrior even in a
Physical Way without
ever raising a Hand
to Harm
Being when
the Shadow within
Learns both a Physical and
Mental Fight of life in actual Martial
Arts Activities that truly become an Art
of Emotional Regulation and Sensory Integration
that can and will be accomplished with no Trauma at
all.. not even with a Punching Bag for what literally is
Both a Shadow Strike and Kick of Life where the Target
of the Fight will be a material instead of living object that
doesn’t have to be touched for it’s true for one who is comfortable
in how to use their body if ever really necessary for defense when in
A World of Laws where folks are arrested and put in Jail for attacking others
it’s really not likely that one will ever need to be involved in a Fight even if
they don’t have the confidence to defend themselves.. however.. we are Human
Beings with Canine Teeth that Means we have a long History of Killing to eat
as well as the Forage For Berries and the Such as that.. for Thousands of years
in escaping predator and capturing prey in an invisible-like Quiet way
TaKinG A Lifelong Practice of Physical Agility of Moving
through Lands and not making a Sound to do
what was and still is required to Survive
for when i say Grace i don’t mean
just a Gift for what i mean
is Work the Work
of Human
WHeRE the
Center Point of
our Flesh and Blood
is as SmART in Physical
and Emotional Intelligence
as what Lives Between our
Ears that Helps to Direct
that Physical and
Balance of Life..
And Yes this takes Work
And Actual Physical Activity
that varies to attain the Agility
For a Fearless Confidence of life that
also Speaks Non-Verbal Like the Posture
of those Military Women that you Picture here
Sohair.. For a Secret to Life even if one never Joins
A Military is to never leave Boot Camp from a Youngest Age
STiLL of Rough and Tumble Play to at Least a Slow Tai-Chi-Like
Movement of Agility then in Latest Years of Life too.. for a Physically
Confident Human Being is one who possesses Emotional Regulation
and Sensory Integration from Head to Toe Confidence oF Fearless to
this to
as Predator
no Matter Human
Mammal or other Mammal
innately instinctual and intuitively
understands who is prey and not prey
just by the way they move in Fearless or Weakness now…
We are not machines we are flesh and blood and when we
become the tools we use
we become
Science instead
oF God’s Art in FLight of Being Human..
And it’s True a Core of Much Human
Disturbance now are those who
that all that
moves us as
Emotions are
Real feelings
And sensations
that come from Head to toe..
Seeing A Whole Temple oF God NoW
And not just an Organ of Words Between the Ears..
And it’s True too.. A Free Dance with Kicks of Legs
WiLL Accomplish all of this as a Practice of LiFE noW
WitH a Song that Affirms a Fearless Loving Dance of Life
GettinG iT aLL ToGeTHeR mY FriEnd aS God WiTHIN WiLL NaTuRALLy
for my Father Worked in
Law Enforcement 46 Years
With a Gun and never had to
shoot someone even though
he earned an expert
skill in shooting
that my
Friend is a sign
of Patience and a Patience
that comes from Confidence and
Fearless too.. and if somehow even though
my Father was rarely around.. i iNherited AS
GreaT A Potential of that from him when i finally
Found a Practice of Life to make that Happen i surely
have a lot to be thankful for Father’s Day Still NoW Who
STiLL Lives within me too.. for it’s True even with an Unconditionally
Loving Mother my Love Potential was still highly restricted by the Fears
And Anxieties of Years before and Honestly the only way out of that
for me was/is a Physical Dance oF LiFE thaT erased all the imbalance
out of my Body First and them my Mind Second My Friend
as too
the Body as
less than Holy
And Sacred when it is
A GreaTesT Gift And Path NoW
Toward FearlesS UNconditional
LoVE iN A Dance And Song of Life
That Works for the Individual and
the Group as Best as Best WiLL Be aLL Fearless Confident
i am and ‘them’ i am too For all Human PoTEnTiaL NoWLoVE..
We Stand taLL ToGeTHeR aGainsT aLL oF Life’S Adversities And Struggles now..:)
WeLL.. dVerse With a Prompt Administrator
oF Frank Provides A Great Poetic Prompt
For that International Online Poet’s Pub
in a very welcoming
he is not another
Haibun ExperT.. hehe..
for what of SpiRit what
of HeaRt what of SoUL is
Expert for the Deepest paRts
of SoUL thaT ARise in Silence
are often no words at First
at all for a feeling yes more
than a feeling and Essence
of the UniVerse WHoLe
SouL RiSinG
to: A
From: CReAM
A Crop oF MaGiC
And nah not unwanted
Chatter but a Blessing
that Brings the 100% Faith
And Blissing that God Exists
onLY not on our ShoulderS and
Beyond but within
AS Resource of SPiRiT
Holy and oh so Sacred NoW
RiSinG BeYoNd aLL Rainbow
Colors and Neon ha! this is NoT
A Commercialized Word Embossed
On Towers this is the Voice WiTHiN
WHiSPeRinG iN the dARk God
As SonG From:
God DanceS LiVES.. WiTHINoW..
So.. anyway after a Long Day of Dance
at Super Walmart with my “i’m not Lazy
i Just enjoy Doing Nothing” T-Shirt oN” then
For True the Work Ethic here mostly is all about
Money and not about Soul Much so what this means is
iF iT’s Not About Money it’s not about anything at all but nothing
NoW And Yes i’ll take Sweet nothings like this oF God LoVE Over
Any Lincoln Cent Sent or Dollar Bill Except for the eYe on Capstone
oF Pyramid emBossed as Symbol that means the Eye of God WiTHiN
is not only Watching but Look who’s TaLKinG NoW the i Am WithouT a nAMe
And sure if you wanna call it Jesus or Leave it to Beaver or Father Knows Best
with me
as Long
as the Essence
is FearlesS UNconditional
And of course Do as THoU WiLT
in the other places
too if one likes
for i
to control or make
anyone do anything but
i am heaR to Give and Share
A LiGHT oF TrutH tHat LoVES MoRE..
as me FoR NoW i AM
VeriLY A Bottom Root oF A Tree Or Lantern.
oF Frank Provides A Great Poetic Prompt
For that International Online Poet’s Pub
in a very welcoming
he is not another
Haibun ExperT.. hehe..
for what of SpiRit what
of HeaRt what of SoUL is
Expert for the Deepest paRts
of SoUL thaT ARise in Silence
are often no words at First
at all for a feeling yes more
than a feeling and Essence
of the UniVerse WHoLe
SouL RiSinG
to: A
From: CReAM
A Crop oF MaGiC
And nah not unwanted
Chatter but a Blessing
that Brings the 100% Faith
And Blissing that God Exists
onLY not on our ShoulderS and
Beyond but within
AS Resource of SPiRiT
Holy and oh so Sacred NoW
RiSinG BeYoNd aLL Rainbow
Colors and Neon ha! this is NoT
A Commercialized Word Embossed
On Towers this is the Voice WiTHiN
WHiSPeRinG iN the dARk God
As SonG From:
God DanceS LiVES.. WiTHINoW..
So.. anyway after a Long Day of Dance
at Super Walmart with my “i’m not Lazy
i Just enjoy Doing Nothing” T-Shirt oN” then
For True the Work Ethic here mostly is all about
Money and not about Soul Much so what this means is
iF iT’s Not About Money it’s not about anything at all but nothing
NoW And Yes i’ll take Sweet nothings like this oF God LoVE Over
Any Lincoln Cent Sent or Dollar Bill Except for the eYe on Capstone
oF Pyramid emBossed as Symbol that means the Eye of God WiTHiN
is not only Watching but Look who’s TaLKinG NoW the i Am WithouT a nAMe
And sure if you wanna call it Jesus or Leave it to Beaver or Father Knows Best
with me
as Long
as the Essence
is FearlesS UNconditional
And of course Do as THoU WiLT
in the other places
too if one likes
for i
to control or make
anyone do anything but
i am heaR to Give and Share
A LiGHT oF TrutH tHat LoVES MoRE..
as me FoR NoW i AM
VeriLY A Bottom Root oF A Tree Or Lantern.
Wisdom i
N BEautY
Leaves on
Wisdom i
N BEautY
Leaves on
Owl eYes
A place
With no
FeaR of ‘DEvils’..:)
A place
With no
FeaR of ‘DEvils’..:)
Mother eARth Dances
Sings Green Art
From: WiNter
Ashes to: Beyond
LiGHT oF dARK..:)
Sings Green Art
From: WiNter
Ashes to: Beyond
LiGHT oF dARK..:)
SMiLes True too for
A First Date i
i Left
Curtains oPen
iN Bedroom Sleep
NoTiNG A Beauty
‘fore Sunrise LiGHT
And yes it was my Bride..:)
A First Date i
i Left
Curtains oPen
iN Bedroom Sleep
NoTiNG A Beauty
‘fore Sunrise LiGHT
And yes it was my Bride..:)
Nature LivinG
WithiN calm
uP to say
Hi i Love me..:)
WithiN calm
uP to say
Hi i Love me..:)
Peace now
Sunrise LiGHT
Moon BeaM BreaK..:)
Peace now
Sunrise LiGHT
Moon BeaM BreaK..:)
CoLors Rose
ABoVE BeLoW..:)
CoLors Rose
ABoVE BeLoW..:)
SinGinG LoVE
No WordS aT aLL..:)
SinGinG LoVE
No WordS aT aLL..:)
WeLL iT’s A Date
for another Couple
of Miles Dance Walk
aRound our Neighbor Hood
Block with the Katrina and my Sister
And WitH Eight Finished Bbout Standing
taLL inFiNitY
as ‘they’
i’ll Quote
the Definition
of Lillian’s Mantra
DeLiVeReD by Her Free..:)
for another Couple
of Miles Dance Walk
aRound our Neighbor Hood
Block with the Katrina and my Sister
And WitH Eight Finished Bbout Standing
taLL inFiNitY
as ‘they’
i’ll Quote
the Definition
of Lillian’s Mantra
DeLiVeReD by Her Free..:)
“sa . . .the beginning, infinity, all that ever was, is or will be
ta . . . existence within infinity
na . . . death, transformation
ma . . . rebirth, regeneration, joy within infinity”
ta . . . existence within infinity
na . . . death, transformation
ma . . . rebirth, regeneration, joy within infinity”
For me
7:22 PM 5.29.18
7:22 PM 5.29.18
to: A
From: CReAM
A Crop oF MaGiC
often no words at First
at all for a feeling yes more
than a feeling and Essence
of the UniVerse WHoLe SouL RiSinG
what of SpiRit what
of HeaRt what of SoUL is
Expert for the Deepest paRts
of SoUL thaT ARise in Silence
WitH A SonG that
Affirms A Fearless
LoVinG DancE oF LiFE
Free Dance With Kicks Of Legs
WiLL Accomplish All This
PracticE LiFE NoW
SeeinG A Whole Temple oF God NoW
And not JusT an Organ of Words Between the Ears
JusT ANoTHeR Re-Mix of SonGS thaT CoME BeFoRE
For True this Sound of Silence Dances Sings as notes
to: Piano Keys
of Digital Keyboard
And DancE AGaiN A Breeze
A StreaM Effortless Nothing all NoW
Ocean Whole Wave River More FLoW
and all that
God Jazz more
iN Nature Realms
of Beauty HeAR A
Tree of LiFE BReaTHeS
A Lantern Shines come what
may LiVeS AGAiN HeaR Wisdom
MooN BeaMS
‘Fore Sun Rise MorE
on and on it goes Way
Ward Path uKNoWNoWKNoWN
i StarTed with More than a FeeLinG
WiTH BosToN and it reminded me too much
of my First Love A little distracting for a more EtheReal
STreaM HeaR and then to the right came My Sharona
with an actual Photo of Sharona from ’79 that same
Feeling of Break-up then so bitter sweet as i never
Experienced Grief like that and didn’t understand
the Science iF iT that while the Warm and Cozy
Neurohormone experience of
Oxytocin Drops Dopamine
of Creativity Naturally arises
to Bring about a Creativity
to attract a next
as Art Arises
more in Creativity From Grief
And Productivity to do just that
and suddenly every SonG has/is more
Emotional Depth Feelings of Nuance
Never Fully Felt So Bitter Sweet
Before for True those were
not Emotions owned
by her but me
so hard
what’s what in
Emotional Intelligence
when there were no manuals
of Systemizing Science for that then..
Now i embrace Grief for i understand the Natural
Mercy that Nature as God BRinGS for when one Door
Closes for Thrive another Door oPeNs for Survive and oh
God Sharona looks so much like that First Love From Head to toe too..
But so does Katrina even more Beautiful than ever before.. for if you don’t think
tHeRE is MaGiC iN LiFE.. Better Put ifFyou don’t Believe tHere is MaGiC iN LiFE
are you’ll
A Miracle beyond
your wildest imagination
Come to Fruition as self-fulfilling
Prophecies do come ALiVE but you
see there is the opposite of this too for
A Nocebo Effect and Affect is just as real
as a Science Assessed Voodoo now as
A Belief in Dark Fruits Dark Reality
too and this is the Danger for
those End Times
go on across
Nations without a Soul
For Joy in Heaven LiFE
NoW aS a Nation oF God LoVE FLouRiSHinG WiTHIN
Fearless Unconditional SmeLLing ARosE oF LiFE that
is too much Heaven now to wish for death and destruction
for those who do not believe in lesser God’s of one Savior
or one Prophet now of Love.. for it’s true there is Magic and
Miracles in Life but it’s much more Nuanced Beyond Rainbow
Colors when we lEast expect it now.. for what we did think and
act on in Belief either iN dArk or LiGHt to BRinG A BLacK Abyss to
SHadES of Grey to BeYoND RainBoW Colors oF aLL oF JoY to: FRuiTioN From:
NoW for one will hope and wish and pray that and who those Wayward Sons and Daughters
NoW Fully
Employed by LoVE
AnYWay alSo in Memory STiLL of My Sharona
And aLWays YounG LoVE iN SPiRit NoW oN CourSE..
Oh Lord for the Boy who was named skank and other unmentionables
as ugly/wierd in School.. i surELy AM BeeN Blessed/Blissed with Beautiful
Angels aLong tHis way..
And if that
‘Nothing’ is but LoVE.
From: CReAM
A Crop oF MaGiC
often no words at First
at all for a feeling yes more
than a feeling and Essence
of the UniVerse WHoLe SouL RiSinG
what of SpiRit what
of HeaRt what of SoUL is
Expert for the Deepest paRts
of SoUL thaT ARise in Silence
WitH A SonG that
Affirms A Fearless
LoVinG DancE oF LiFE
Free Dance With Kicks Of Legs
WiLL Accomplish All This
PracticE LiFE NoW
SeeinG A Whole Temple oF God NoW
And not JusT an Organ of Words Between the Ears
JusT ANoTHeR Re-Mix of SonGS thaT CoME BeFoRE
For True this Sound of Silence Dances Sings as notes
to: Piano Keys
of Digital Keyboard
And DancE AGaiN A Breeze
A StreaM Effortless Nothing all NoW
Ocean Whole Wave River More FLoW
and all that
God Jazz more
iN Nature Realms
of Beauty HeAR A
Tree of LiFE BReaTHeS
A Lantern Shines come what
may LiVeS AGAiN HeaR Wisdom
MooN BeaMS
‘Fore Sun Rise MorE
on and on it goes Way
Ward Path uKNoWNoWKNoWN
i StarTed with More than a FeeLinG
WiTH BosToN and it reminded me too much
of my First Love A little distracting for a more EtheReal
STreaM HeaR and then to the right came My Sharona
with an actual Photo of Sharona from ’79 that same
Feeling of Break-up then so bitter sweet as i never
Experienced Grief like that and didn’t understand
the Science iF iT that while the Warm and Cozy
Neurohormone experience of
Oxytocin Drops Dopamine
of Creativity Naturally arises
to Bring about a Creativity
to attract a next
as Art Arises
more in Creativity From Grief
And Productivity to do just that
and suddenly every SonG has/is more
Emotional Depth Feelings of Nuance
Never Fully Felt So Bitter Sweet
Before for True those were
not Emotions owned
by her but me
so hard
what’s what in
Emotional Intelligence
when there were no manuals
of Systemizing Science for that then..
Now i embrace Grief for i understand the Natural
Mercy that Nature as God BRinGS for when one Door
Closes for Thrive another Door oPeNs for Survive and oh
God Sharona looks so much like that First Love From Head to toe too..
But so does Katrina even more Beautiful than ever before.. for if you don’t think
tHeRE is MaGiC iN LiFE.. Better Put ifFyou don’t Believe tHere is MaGiC iN LiFE
are you’ll
A Miracle beyond
your wildest imagination
Come to Fruition as self-fulfilling
Prophecies do come ALiVE but you
see there is the opposite of this too for
A Nocebo Effect and Affect is just as real
as a Science Assessed Voodoo now as
A Belief in Dark Fruits Dark Reality
too and this is the Danger for
those End Times
go on across
Nations without a Soul
For Joy in Heaven LiFE
NoW aS a Nation oF God LoVE FLouRiSHinG WiTHIN
Fearless Unconditional SmeLLing ARosE oF LiFE that
is too much Heaven now to wish for death and destruction
for those who do not believe in lesser God’s of one Savior
or one Prophet now of Love.. for it’s true there is Magic and
Miracles in Life but it’s much more Nuanced Beyond Rainbow
Colors when we lEast expect it now.. for what we did think and
act on in Belief either iN dArk or LiGHt to BRinG A BLacK Abyss to
SHadES of Grey to BeYoND RainBoW Colors oF aLL oF JoY to: FRuiTioN From:
NoW for one will hope and wish and pray that and who those Wayward Sons and Daughters
NoW Fully
Employed by LoVE
AnYWay alSo in Memory STiLL of My Sharona
And aLWays YounG LoVE iN SPiRit NoW oN CourSE..
Oh Lord for the Boy who was named skank and other unmentionables
as ugly/wierd in School.. i surELy AM BeeN Blessed/Blissed with Beautiful
Angels aLong tHis way..
And if that
‘Nothing’ is but LoVE.
Hmm.. and speaKing of Sharona
i surely am starting to miss my Shawna
and my Himali and my Leah but i am
surely Fortunate
to have
in my Life for now
and yes of course i miss
my Rafiah too but she is involved
in a New Marriage so that too is to be
understood as Hey not everyone is Peter Pan
like me as some folks have to work really hard to
make ends
as a living
now that’s real
or like Shawna Baby
do the duties of a Southern Baptist
Pastor’s Wife and Raising Four Children too
for True i do Love all these Kind and Creative Angels
in the way that the Jesus Story talks about folks Sharing
Love as Spirits and not so much the Sharona Meme of a See
like a Wet
T-Shirt Contest in a Bar..
for sure there is a Season
for all of that and yes a time
and another place for it too as thank
goodness for the ability to write more than
one Blog hehe.. as it’s true i will to Try iT all
As Art Grows NoW as Dance and Song too.. in all
the ways Art Still comes now but anyway this isn’t just
to: Sharona it’s from me and i guess Willy Nelson.. Hehe..
and Julio to all the Girls i Love no not all the Girls i’ve Loved
for i still Love them all everywhere i go and it’s true these days
after Public Dancing for 9360 Miles now they smile at me wherever
i go and look at me in that way of you are sort of a hero to me for you are
not afraid to be just who you are now so fearless and free a spirit you are of
Dance and our and yes my Fred you are to us.. as that often Happens as sometimes
they even say i Love you just for the Free Dance of me and then there is always the Katrina
who hugs me
and doesn’t
all those
Girls Love me
for she saw me in
Hell and it’s much easier
to see all those Girls Loving
me Spirit Free like that then still
Living in Hell for it’s true Hell will set a fire under
your ass to be a GreaTesT LoVED Person of them all
no.. not everyone loves me.. particularly the Good Old Farm Boys..
but hey there is Conservative and Liberal and there is Clark Kent And Superman
and no thank
i’ll just do
Superman okay..
and while i will not use guns
or fists you better believe Roses are my Friends..
it’s always Fun when i meet one of my old ‘Red Neck’
Republican Party Friends from School you know the type
the type who watches Fox News mostly for the Red Dresses and such
as that and i show ’em a series of Facebook Pics comprising Scores and
Hundreds and even now Thousands of Beautiful Smiling Dancing Faces of
Female Joy with me as you see i see the Poetry in the Smiles and all they see is
of my
Sharona Still
iT’s True a Girl will Spot
A Trump A Thousand Miles away
They have this Hungry Look Like
they’ve never consumed LoVE Dance
And Sing A Love Song tHat’s Real
and no
ever be
Far from Female Companionship
now for it’s true there is more to Fearless than Fights..
And it’s true they too could probably come to be a Real
Man too if A Father’s Voice still didn’t ring so loud
in tHeir
Boy Be A Man..
Better Cry if You
Wanna Woman.. -me..
yes.. overall it’s Good my Father Left us when i am 3..
That Surely Brought up my Value As A Husband/Boy
Friend A 1000 or So perCent..
nah.. Male friends
far and
so.. sow what..
(Hint: LoVE NoT FKinG Guns/Swords)
Betcha A Real Yeshua Had A F iN Volunteer Harem..
for it’s True for Some Men who Really Love
Women can’t get enough..
Yeah right and
even if some
of the myth
real like God
would really
Come Back to
EartH inCaRNaTE oNLy aS
HuMaN and just ignore Women
A Greatest Love Creation oF aLL..
doesn’t take a Male Politician Pastor or Priest
to figure that out unless they are Gay or a Psychopath of course..
for one might Stick with Males and the other might Brand Women As Slaves.
i surely am starting to miss my Shawna
and my Himali and my Leah but i am
surely Fortunate
to have
in my Life for now
and yes of course i miss
my Rafiah too but she is involved
in a New Marriage so that too is to be
understood as Hey not everyone is Peter Pan
like me as some folks have to work really hard to
make ends
as a living
now that’s real
or like Shawna Baby
do the duties of a Southern Baptist
Pastor’s Wife and Raising Four Children too
for True i do Love all these Kind and Creative Angels
in the way that the Jesus Story talks about folks Sharing
Love as Spirits and not so much the Sharona Meme of a See
like a Wet
T-Shirt Contest in a Bar..
for sure there is a Season
for all of that and yes a time
and another place for it too as thank
goodness for the ability to write more than
one Blog hehe.. as it’s true i will to Try iT all
As Art Grows NoW as Dance and Song too.. in all
the ways Art Still comes now but anyway this isn’t just
to: Sharona it’s from me and i guess Willy Nelson.. Hehe..
and Julio to all the Girls i Love no not all the Girls i’ve Loved
for i still Love them all everywhere i go and it’s true these days
after Public Dancing for 9360 Miles now they smile at me wherever
i go and look at me in that way of you are sort of a hero to me for you are
not afraid to be just who you are now so fearless and free a spirit you are of
Dance and our and yes my Fred you are to us.. as that often Happens as sometimes
they even say i Love you just for the Free Dance of me and then there is always the Katrina
who hugs me
and doesn’t
all those
Girls Love me
for she saw me in
Hell and it’s much easier
to see all those Girls Loving
me Spirit Free like that then still
Living in Hell for it’s true Hell will set a fire under
your ass to be a GreaTesT LoVED Person of them all
no.. not everyone loves me.. particularly the Good Old Farm Boys..
but hey there is Conservative and Liberal and there is Clark Kent And Superman
and no thank
i’ll just do
Superman okay..
and while i will not use guns
or fists you better believe Roses are my Friends..
it’s always Fun when i meet one of my old ‘Red Neck’
Republican Party Friends from School you know the type
the type who watches Fox News mostly for the Red Dresses and such
as that and i show ’em a series of Facebook Pics comprising Scores and
Hundreds and even now Thousands of Beautiful Smiling Dancing Faces of
Female Joy with me as you see i see the Poetry in the Smiles and all they see is
of my
Sharona Still
iT’s True a Girl will Spot
A Trump A Thousand Miles away
They have this Hungry Look Like
they’ve never consumed LoVE Dance
And Sing A Love Song tHat’s Real
and no
ever be
Far from Female Companionship
now for it’s true there is more to Fearless than Fights..
And it’s true they too could probably come to be a Real
Man too if A Father’s Voice still didn’t ring so loud
in tHeir
Boy Be A Man..
Better Cry if You
Wanna Woman.. -me..
yes.. overall it’s Good my Father Left us when i am 3..
That Surely Brought up my Value As A Husband/Boy
Friend A 1000 or So perCent..
nah.. Male friends
far and
so.. sow what..
(Hint: LoVE NoT FKinG Guns/Swords)
Betcha A Real Yeshua Had A F iN Volunteer Harem..
for it’s True for Some Men who Really Love
Women can’t get enough..
Yeah right and
even if some
of the myth
real like God
would really
Come Back to
EartH inCaRNaTE oNLy aS
HuMaN and just ignore Women
A Greatest Love Creation oF aLL..
doesn’t take a Male Politician Pastor or Priest
to figure that out unless they are Gay or a Psychopath of course..
for one might Stick with Males and the other might Brand Women As Slaves.
So the Christian Bible Says Count Your Blessings in many ways…
So the Christian Bible Says more specifically in the Old Testament
in Psalm 82 per the KJV Version: “I have said, Ye are gods; and all
of you are children of the most High” And Additionally
in John 14:12 of the New Testament per that
KJV Version again that is rendered most
useful in First Baptist Churches
that most of all
Jesus as
Literally an
only Son of God..
Per Words Reported as
originally attributed to an illiterate
Oral Tradition of a Man named close to
Yeshua in that Aramaic Language
speaks to the Subject of
overall Human
in Spiritual ways too by
“Verily, verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on me, the
works that I do shall he do also; and greater
works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”
So what’s a Person to do if they really believe in all of this well
of course Enjoy Life and Do Greater Works than so-Called Jesus
And or God that is if you insist on taking all of this Literally of course
Nah.. you won’t be able to convince a Lawyer other wise of this Black and White
Language to take it literally of course as lots of holes here to suggest that Jesus is
as the
Father Metaphor
too for obviously the Story
Here about Jesus sublimates
below a much Higher Force available
within inside outside above so below and
all around for all of us.. anyway this seems like
Good News for the Real Positive Science Assessed
Placebo Effect that Proves Positive Affect of Belief in Thoughts
Moves the Real Effects of Positive Actions in Positive Consequences
more likely and even has the potential for this Positive Metaphor of Positive
Belief of overall Prayer to somewhat beyond the Understanding of Science even
lead to
all Natural
Cures for so-called
incurable Disease as
there are documented
Medical Cases where
Cancer may suddenly
Melt away if the
Positive News
with you about your
recovery and your Faith
turns into a Healing Force of Belief
in yes class Positive Force Synergy of Energy
in other words the Observer is you and the Effect
of your Belief as Positive Faith equals a cure to
a dis
of the
Over all Human
Condition but of course a Doctor
will say this is not a Miracle if that
Doctor is a Material Reductionist
but sure no duh for the person
who doesn’t die it’s a Miracle
enough for whatever
the FucK
Means to anyone
who sees Miracles Happen now..
Sure Miracles are Natural and we don’t understand
ALL the Nature of Reality or the Forces within us inside
us outside us above so below and all around us but it’s true
when the Effect is a Cure for an incurable Disease so-called as
For Whatever Science ‘thinks’ now it is as real as the Shit You take whenever it comes too..
for if you don’t understand the internal workings of it it still comes when it does come.. now
but to suggest
it’s not real for
you know not
how it happens
is another way to say
you might be full of shit when
it comes to the common sense
of reality when it defies the expectations
of Group think whether that is Religious or
so Called Science Group Think for what the two
often have in common is rigid expectations based
on either just one Book taken literally or the Science
Projects that are confirmed so far in Black and White too..
for what fool would deny his and or her Disease was cured when it is
no matter what the precedent before suggests is real or not based on the
FucKinG Norm
not to forget that these
Days the Norm is Couch Potatoes
who get out long enough to get their
Stuff at Walmart and Go Back to Work
and what other stuff life demands out
of the resource of the innate instinctual
and intuitive potentials of much
Higher Human Potential
in both Epigenetic
and Neuroplastic
way so far unused for
the Environmental Challenges at hand not coming
or An Assistance of Love that has not come to Fruition
yet to make the Change Happen of Miracles all Natural and True..
so yeah when my Sociology of Aging Teacher said his 50 year old
Friends wouldn’t wanna Live Forever now for they are bored and
my 50 Year old Sociology Teacher in the Sociology of Aging
told me i was over zealous as i was a Health Science
Major along with being a Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Major along
with being an
Major too who already studied
what Jack LaLanne did out of Group
think of Towing a Group of Boats in a Swim
in his Sixties as not unlike a Feral or Indoor Out
Door Cat he kept exercising for Challenges across the Lifespan
then while his cohorts were mostly sitting still watching the NFL the
NBA and America’s Pastime for wasting away on couches of doing just
the Vicarious Sitting of watching Baseball too.. so yeah it reminds me when
i go to the Mall and Stretch and Lace-up my Nike Stylish Athletic Shoes a little
tighter for more support as i ready myself for miles and miles of Public Dance
and Smiles and Smiles from sure mostly the Female Gender who don’t even have
to see me Dance for they’ve already seen me in the flesh in public or on Social Media
for the Wild thing that’s not afraid of anything Dancing all around the Metro Public Area..
you know sort of
like a Were Wolf
or a Vampire
or a
Act that is
Daring enough
to do what’s never
been specifically seen before
in a rather Conservative Area of
Folks who Talk to Free but when it
comes to Dancing Life Free not
so much a little more reserved
particularly at my age sitting
still on Mall Benches or
as ‘they’ say wasting
away in Margarita Ville
as that condition can and will
start as soon as one is old enough to buy
alcohol instead of Shaking Stress off and letting
it all go iN A Nirvana Fresh Blow-out of DanCinG Bliss
NoW everywHeRE they go for it’s true i don’t offer Women
A Short Orgasmic Blast for what i tempt them to do is Dance
And enjoy life as an Orgasmic Venture of Sensuality from Head to
Toe Joy all the days and years and seconds of their life when employed
as such as just a Free Dance of Life now.. it’s true the Younger they are the
more likely they are to be persuaded at least just a little bit by me but my Peers
on the Mall Bench Watching Sports ya gotta be kidding and for some of them the
closest they get to a Strange and Beautiful Friendly Woman Smiling at them is yes
From the Women
with the short skirts
and plunging necklines
in Red to help sell you what they do
now in Yuck Fresh Hell of Twisting the Truth to Literal Lies
or at least of course supporting them of course in numbers of
3000 or so at the so-called Very top of the Cess Pool NoW.. but
hey as far i can and will see the Truth it doesn’t take any words
at all just the Light oF A Naked Dance never separated from God
now and whoever the Poet Was per Asaph or whatever who
Wrote that Psalm 82 may have Danced too in Communion
with God’s Nature all around too.. for it’s true ye are
all of the Nature of God as Sons and or
Daughters too and it iS oNly
Humans Clothed away
From God
in as Cultural Tools
who have forgotten tHeiR
is no separation from Nature
God whole from Birth or Before for use
common sense if there was any separation from
us as we are now and all that is from the origin now
of all that is we just wouldn’t exist and the gift is we
do and that’s the reality now i am and so are you
Oh Lord the Rest of Culture around me has
Brought a Huge Face Palm away from
this Simple and True Reality that
we are all God now from
age 3 before i could
speak as ‘they’.. yes..
sure my Mother included
Put God in a Frame on a Picture
Above my Bed convincing me that
Santa could get around to all the World’s
Children too in just one suit of Human Flesh..
thing is now the story of Jesus does still get around
for the Stories of Life and the Records we leave behind
do last for all practical intents and purposes eternally now
but when you come to worship one story and shut your mind
and body off from the rest of reality.. let’s face it class there ain’t
no way
do John 14:12
for you really don’t
believe that God doesn’t
Play Favorites still for this life
is one of Merit and if you don’t understand
that by now that everything Good in Life takes
Work then for all practical intents and purposes you
don’t need
a Gun
already shot
yourself in the Foot
and totally missed what
even the Jesus Story that is
more about you than him still is
it’s a story folks and it’s a Narrative
of Life that in the Healing Potential of
Positive Belief and Faith that even Science
shows is real but not well understood much further
Than the Reality of LoVE NoW that cannot be empirically
Measured and Repeated and Confirmed NoW iN all the Benefits
of Love iN a Test Tube Measure now.. it’s why i Write Bibles for whether
or not anyone reads them or not.. i’ve found the answers for me for Heaven
now and it always frustrated me when i was young for i could read and i did read
the whole New Testament and it Was/is Crystal Clear to me that the story spoke to a
Reality of Heaven NoW oN Earth as a Subjective one experienced within without
the Materialistic Colors of a Civilized World of Clothes away from Wild and
Free as the other Animals aren’t subjugated by Words and other Clothes
of Separation away from the Nature of God Wild and Free Loving
within.. but you see our Potential for Wild Loving Freedom
is still as real as it was 10 to 12K Years ago
when the first Silo Replaced
God in Storing
of Free Wheat then..
it’s only a Matter really
of discarding all the Clothes of
Culture Long enough Naked in Spirit
to Free Yourself Reborn back to God
through the eyes of a Naked Child not Bound by
A World of Shit as it’s true there are many Luxurious Creature
comforts these days butt Diapers so full of shit that still don’t change now..
And of course it’s up to you to change those Diapers still butt do it for yourself first
as Jordan
‘Clean your Room’
but nah.. that Dude is
all up in Cultural Clothes too..
Anal Retentive too much in the Groove as
the Same Old Records Play.. and sure i used to Live tHere
too for the more people remind you of who you used to be
the more you become Ye are ALL Gods and yes By God the More
that you aren’t Feeling Sensing LiFE
aWay from God as Nature anymore in other words you live now..
as now becomes the only Blessing and Blissing oF LiFE You Do
you don’t look back you don’t look ahead you just fly you just fly free
And yes it’s true this song was playing when my First Love Touched me in
this way
that now
is then Eternity in Heaven
this now is now just one Breath
True one can and will understand
Sacred Texts in all the ways they come
by Book Covers Flesh
or SouL
CoMe NoW aLiVE As YoU NoW
So the Christian Bible Says more specifically in the Old Testament
in Psalm 82 per the KJV Version: “I have said, Ye are gods; and all
of you are children of the most High” And Additionally
in John 14:12 of the New Testament per that
KJV Version again that is rendered most
useful in First Baptist Churches
that most of all
Jesus as
Literally an
only Son of God..
Per Words Reported as
originally attributed to an illiterate
Oral Tradition of a Man named close to
Yeshua in that Aramaic Language
speaks to the Subject of
overall Human
in Spiritual ways too by
“Verily, verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on me, the
works that I do shall he do also; and greater
works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”
So what’s a Person to do if they really believe in all of this well
of course Enjoy Life and Do Greater Works than so-Called Jesus
And or God that is if you insist on taking all of this Literally of course
Nah.. you won’t be able to convince a Lawyer other wise of this Black and White
Language to take it literally of course as lots of holes here to suggest that Jesus is
as the
Father Metaphor
too for obviously the Story
Here about Jesus sublimates
below a much Higher Force available
within inside outside above so below and
all around for all of us.. anyway this seems like
Good News for the Real Positive Science Assessed
Placebo Effect that Proves Positive Affect of Belief in Thoughts
Moves the Real Effects of Positive Actions in Positive Consequences
more likely and even has the potential for this Positive Metaphor of Positive
Belief of overall Prayer to somewhat beyond the Understanding of Science even
lead to
all Natural
Cures for so-called
incurable Disease as
there are documented
Medical Cases where
Cancer may suddenly
Melt away if the
Positive News
with you about your
recovery and your Faith
turns into a Healing Force of Belief
in yes class Positive Force Synergy of Energy
in other words the Observer is you and the Effect
of your Belief as Positive Faith equals a cure to
a dis
of the
Over all Human
Condition but of course a Doctor
will say this is not a Miracle if that
Doctor is a Material Reductionist
but sure no duh for the person
who doesn’t die it’s a Miracle
enough for whatever
the FucK
Means to anyone
who sees Miracles Happen now..
Sure Miracles are Natural and we don’t understand
ALL the Nature of Reality or the Forces within us inside
us outside us above so below and all around us but it’s true
when the Effect is a Cure for an incurable Disease so-called as
For Whatever Science ‘thinks’ now it is as real as the Shit You take whenever it comes too..
for if you don’t understand the internal workings of it it still comes when it does come.. now
but to suggest
it’s not real for
you know not
how it happens
is another way to say
you might be full of shit when
it comes to the common sense
of reality when it defies the expectations
of Group think whether that is Religious or
so Called Science Group Think for what the two
often have in common is rigid expectations based
on either just one Book taken literally or the Science
Projects that are confirmed so far in Black and White too..
for what fool would deny his and or her Disease was cured when it is
no matter what the precedent before suggests is real or not based on the
FucKinG Norm
not to forget that these
Days the Norm is Couch Potatoes
who get out long enough to get their
Stuff at Walmart and Go Back to Work
and what other stuff life demands out
of the resource of the innate instinctual
and intuitive potentials of much
Higher Human Potential
in both Epigenetic
and Neuroplastic
way so far unused for
the Environmental Challenges at hand not coming
or An Assistance of Love that has not come to Fruition
yet to make the Change Happen of Miracles all Natural and True..
so yeah when my Sociology of Aging Teacher said his 50 year old
Friends wouldn’t wanna Live Forever now for they are bored and
my 50 Year old Sociology Teacher in the Sociology of Aging
told me i was over zealous as i was a Health Science
Major along with being a Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Major along
with being an
Major too who already studied
what Jack LaLanne did out of Group
think of Towing a Group of Boats in a Swim
in his Sixties as not unlike a Feral or Indoor Out
Door Cat he kept exercising for Challenges across the Lifespan
then while his cohorts were mostly sitting still watching the NFL the
NBA and America’s Pastime for wasting away on couches of doing just
the Vicarious Sitting of watching Baseball too.. so yeah it reminds me when
i go to the Mall and Stretch and Lace-up my Nike Stylish Athletic Shoes a little
tighter for more support as i ready myself for miles and miles of Public Dance
and Smiles and Smiles from sure mostly the Female Gender who don’t even have
to see me Dance for they’ve already seen me in the flesh in public or on Social Media
for the Wild thing that’s not afraid of anything Dancing all around the Metro Public Area..
you know sort of
like a Were Wolf
or a Vampire
or a
Act that is
Daring enough
to do what’s never
been specifically seen before
in a rather Conservative Area of
Folks who Talk to Free but when it
comes to Dancing Life Free not
so much a little more reserved
particularly at my age sitting
still on Mall Benches or
as ‘they’ say wasting
away in Margarita Ville
as that condition can and will
start as soon as one is old enough to buy
alcohol instead of Shaking Stress off and letting
it all go iN A Nirvana Fresh Blow-out of DanCinG Bliss
NoW everywHeRE they go for it’s true i don’t offer Women
A Short Orgasmic Blast for what i tempt them to do is Dance
And enjoy life as an Orgasmic Venture of Sensuality from Head to
Toe Joy all the days and years and seconds of their life when employed
as such as just a Free Dance of Life now.. it’s true the Younger they are the
more likely they are to be persuaded at least just a little bit by me but my Peers
on the Mall Bench Watching Sports ya gotta be kidding and for some of them the
closest they get to a Strange and Beautiful Friendly Woman Smiling at them is yes
From the Women
with the short skirts
and plunging necklines
in Red to help sell you what they do
now in Yuck Fresh Hell of Twisting the Truth to Literal Lies
or at least of course supporting them of course in numbers of
3000 or so at the so-called Very top of the Cess Pool NoW.. but
hey as far i can and will see the Truth it doesn’t take any words
at all just the Light oF A Naked Dance never separated from God
now and whoever the Poet Was per Asaph or whatever who
Wrote that Psalm 82 may have Danced too in Communion
with God’s Nature all around too.. for it’s true ye are
all of the Nature of God as Sons and or
Daughters too and it iS oNly
Humans Clothed away
From God
in as Cultural Tools
who have forgotten tHeiR
is no separation from Nature
God whole from Birth or Before for use
common sense if there was any separation from
us as we are now and all that is from the origin now
of all that is we just wouldn’t exist and the gift is we
do and that’s the reality now i am and so are you
Oh Lord the Rest of Culture around me has
Brought a Huge Face Palm away from
this Simple and True Reality that
we are all God now from
age 3 before i could
speak as ‘they’.. yes..
sure my Mother included
Put God in a Frame on a Picture
Above my Bed convincing me that
Santa could get around to all the World’s
Children too in just one suit of Human Flesh..
thing is now the story of Jesus does still get around
for the Stories of Life and the Records we leave behind
do last for all practical intents and purposes eternally now
but when you come to worship one story and shut your mind
and body off from the rest of reality.. let’s face it class there ain’t
no way
do John 14:12
for you really don’t
believe that God doesn’t
Play Favorites still for this life
is one of Merit and if you don’t understand
that by now that everything Good in Life takes
Work then for all practical intents and purposes you
don’t need
a Gun
already shot
yourself in the Foot
and totally missed what
even the Jesus Story that is
more about you than him still is
it’s a story folks and it’s a Narrative
of Life that in the Healing Potential of
Positive Belief and Faith that even Science
shows is real but not well understood much further
Than the Reality of LoVE NoW that cannot be empirically
Measured and Repeated and Confirmed NoW iN all the Benefits
of Love iN a Test Tube Measure now.. it’s why i Write Bibles for whether
or not anyone reads them or not.. i’ve found the answers for me for Heaven
now and it always frustrated me when i was young for i could read and i did read
the whole New Testament and it Was/is Crystal Clear to me that the story spoke to a
Reality of Heaven NoW oN Earth as a Subjective one experienced within without
the Materialistic Colors of a Civilized World of Clothes away from Wild and
Free as the other Animals aren’t subjugated by Words and other Clothes
of Separation away from the Nature of God Wild and Free Loving
within.. but you see our Potential for Wild Loving Freedom
is still as real as it was 10 to 12K Years ago
when the first Silo Replaced
God in Storing
of Free Wheat then..
it’s only a Matter really
of discarding all the Clothes of
Culture Long enough Naked in Spirit
to Free Yourself Reborn back to God
through the eyes of a Naked Child not Bound by
A World of Shit as it’s true there are many Luxurious Creature
comforts these days butt Diapers so full of shit that still don’t change now..
And of course it’s up to you to change those Diapers still butt do it for yourself first
as Jordan
‘Clean your Room’
but nah.. that Dude is
all up in Cultural Clothes too..
Anal Retentive too much in the Groove as
the Same Old Records Play.. and sure i used to Live tHere
too for the more people remind you of who you used to be
the more you become Ye are ALL Gods and yes By God the More
that you aren’t Feeling Sensing LiFE
aWay from God as Nature anymore in other words you live now..
as now becomes the only Blessing and Blissing oF LiFE You Do
you don’t look back you don’t look ahead you just fly you just fly free
And yes it’s true this song was playing when my First Love Touched me in
this way
that now
is then Eternity in Heaven
this now is now just one Breath
True one can and will understand
Sacred Texts in all the ways they come
by Book Covers Flesh
or SouL
CoMe NoW aLiVE As YoU NoW
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe oF LoVE”
“Grand Cross 56”
“PHI Bible” 1.618 MiLLioN Words
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”
HeinZ 57 BD AfTeR pARTy
“GodsUniVerseNovel3” 338,630 Words
3 Million Words and two Years of Bibles as “PHI Bible”
at 1.618 Million Words accomplished by Memorial
Day Weekend of 2017 in exactly 365 Days
with the start of a MacroVerse titled
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe oF LoVE”
2 Years to date ago
on 5.30.2016
Kicked off this
Entire 24 Month
Effort of putting to Bed
And Record 3 Million Words now
And sure somewhere around 60K Photos
And Several Thousand YouTube Videos to accompany
what is a total of 104 MacroVerses for “Phi Bible” and
58 MacroVerses for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as this
Entire Close to 3 Million Word Effort Still titled “Nether Land
Bible 2017” that is the Parent now of both of these Single Year
Bible Efforts Will Keep Growing ALonG with the Grand Child.. “FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018” and Child “Nether Land Bible 2017” of Grand Parent
and Parent Still as Ocean Whole Poem.. “SonG of mY SoUL” Still
GroWinG Pass 6 Million Words now as while.. “Memorial Days
Bible 2016-2017”.. Celebrated the Subchapter Titled
Bibles then of “SonG oF MY SoUL” Next
comes the PHI Ratio Mean Number
Related 58th Birthday of me
on 6.6.18.. that will be
overall titled too
“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”
for True i had a “HeinZ 57 BD AfTeR pARTy” Celebration
Last Year and a “Grand Cross 56” Birthday Celebration
on 6.16.16 to kick this Whole Ball Room of Dance and Song
off for sure this is kinda like a ‘Ball-Room Blitz’ too or a ‘Walrus’
Song Fully illustrated by the Beatles too for True i have two now
to Choose from for a TheMe Song of this now too.. for it will not
be long before i add in the Entire 58 MacroVerse Table of Contents
of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. hehe aren’t you glad you aren’t aSiGNeD
to keep Track oF aLL of this for as the Katrina says who in the Hell would
Do it in the First Place as it’s hard to believe she would have already forgotten
that is
where i came
from in that other
much more Challenging
Cross at age 47 for 66 Months
Shut-in Status in ReaL eARTh HeLL
then and within of course too.. wHere oh
Lord.. 1000 Years is one second of never ending
time in Hell and in Heaven well let’s JusT Say it’s
A Lazy kinda Place of no time just no time nothing JusT NoW
aT aLL as far as time goes for NoW is Eternal Heaven NoW JusT NoW..OKaY
And no Doubt tHere is at least one Angel Venus in those Ethereal Clouds Above
while i used the FB Profile Pic of a Fresh Construction Area of Dirt and Sunset
and Forest Back-Drop that i visited a year ago today before i realized a New
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ was coming as A Second Major Year Chapter Big Bible
as Sub-chapter of Nether Land Bible 2017″ along with PHI Bible too of course once again
with an ongoing 6 Million Word Bible and Long Form Poem too as titled ‘SonG oF mY SouL” NoW
and oh so Long as that Baby took 162K Photos to make too aLong with over 10K YouTube Videos
aLL LonG too.. since 8.18.13.. anyway NoW
as far as ‘Walrus’ Beatle
Efforts do go Per
Lisa’s never
painted before
Sistine Chapels as such
And Ball Room Blitzes too..
it’s True the Motto of my University
of West Florida aLong with Logo now of
Brave Nautilus Shell in Spiral-Like 1.618
PHI Ratio Form of God Essence as Finger Prints now
And yes.. Foot Prints too.. and if you’ll Notice too.. i
SurELy Fit into that Left Body Curve NoW iN soMe of my SigNaTuRE
Poses too.. NoW per Form of Essence of God Finger Prints now too..
And Yes Foot Prints too.. as yes it was/is bound to evenTuaLLy coMe
out that way no different really than how some of my Writing Lines now
Do Spiral out too.. as it’s True it’s JusT GoD Nature iN uS Too Through and Through…
oh yeaH and back to that Motto inspired by Oliver Wendell Holmes.. Per “Build Thee More
Stately Mansions” or perhaps a ‘Hotel California’ that one might Get Lost in hehe.. in aTTemPTiNG
to Read the Whole thing in just one lifetime now.. hAha.. True A Nether Land Never Ending Story
too as related at the Beginning of this Bible MacroVerse too.. i’ve got the Word Count all
now and
Believe it or
not now Ripley
and Horatio too
this Shit went down
for Real as my Good Friend
who don’t know me.. Mr. Flo Rida
says too.. in Auto-Biographer Rover ways and as far as Psalms go
tHeRE is aLWays the 338,630 Word Effort of “GodSuNiVerseNovel3”
as completed in April of 2016.. Before all the Sub Titled Bible Efforts
stARTing in June of 2016 that comprise a Year Long Effort of Responding
Poetically to all the dVerse Prompts and Links from April of 2015 through
March of 2016 too.. lots of Micro Poetry in that one too.. Thousands upon
Thousand of efforts Matter of FaCT too.. if you might like the Micro-Poetry
less than Twitter Size Stuff i do occasionally too in terms of Hundreds of Thousand
of Words total too as that Path continues.. to be pArt of this Writing Journey.. too..
as i’ve just about
completed all the
9 Dimensional Poetry
Milestones now including
9360 Miles Past one Ten Thousandth
the Distance to the Sun in Public Dancing
NoW all around my Metro Area and as Far as
Biloxi Mississippi and Tallahassee Florida too
lots of Double E’s and S’s and P’s in the Names of those
two Gulf Coast Boundary Cities of the Extent of the Territory
of Dance Marked by me as any Lion/Tiger Roaming the Span
of Dance
in around
500 Miles
of Gulf Coast Spread too.. NoW
and it’s true i didn’t have to piss
on it as every where i went Beautiful
Young Women Volunteered to Document
the Whole Dam thing in Smart Phone Video Voyeur
way sure probably some Males too but for me yeah..
you guessed
it it’s
still the Lady’s Man Still..
as i continue to do my other Man-i-cure
‘little’ Project NoW for the Ladies who
visit me online too as i take care of my ‘Fans’
in all the ways kind and generous folks take
care as empaths too..
in other
sure we
input but we put out most..
in giving and sharing more as Love when
Real will Do all the way around the Room as Mona Lisa Smiles too..
Oh Lord now that that’s out of the way here is that Description of 9
Dimensional Poetry too with the Next Comment Section and MicroVerse
of MacroVerse Whole “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Housing the 58 MacroVerse
Titles and Links too inclusive of the one of course titled Whole i am Writing now..
at 1.618 Million Words accomplished by Memorial
Day Weekend of 2017 in exactly 365 Days
with the start of a MacroVerse titled
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe oF LoVE”
2 Years to date ago
on 5.30.2016
Kicked off this
Entire 24 Month
Effort of putting to Bed
And Record 3 Million Words now
And sure somewhere around 60K Photos
And Several Thousand YouTube Videos to accompany
what is a total of 104 MacroVerses for “Phi Bible” and
58 MacroVerses for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as this
Entire Close to 3 Million Word Effort Still titled “Nether Land
Bible 2017” that is the Parent now of both of these Single Year
Bible Efforts Will Keep Growing ALonG with the Grand Child.. “FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018” and Child “Nether Land Bible 2017” of Grand Parent
and Parent Still as Ocean Whole Poem.. “SonG of mY SoUL” Still
GroWinG Pass 6 Million Words now as while.. “Memorial Days
Bible 2016-2017”.. Celebrated the Subchapter Titled
Bibles then of “SonG oF MY SoUL” Next
comes the PHI Ratio Mean Number
Related 58th Birthday of me
on 6.6.18.. that will be
overall titled too
“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”
for True i had a “HeinZ 57 BD AfTeR pARTy” Celebration
Last Year and a “Grand Cross 56” Birthday Celebration
on 6.16.16 to kick this Whole Ball Room of Dance and Song
off for sure this is kinda like a ‘Ball-Room Blitz’ too or a ‘Walrus’
Song Fully illustrated by the Beatles too for True i have two now
to Choose from for a TheMe Song of this now too.. for it will not
be long before i add in the Entire 58 MacroVerse Table of Contents
of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. hehe aren’t you glad you aren’t aSiGNeD
to keep Track oF aLL of this for as the Katrina says who in the Hell would
Do it in the First Place as it’s hard to believe she would have already forgotten
that is
where i came
from in that other
much more Challenging
Cross at age 47 for 66 Months
Shut-in Status in ReaL eARTh HeLL
then and within of course too.. wHere oh
Lord.. 1000 Years is one second of never ending
time in Hell and in Heaven well let’s JusT Say it’s
A Lazy kinda Place of no time just no time nothing JusT NoW
aT aLL as far as time goes for NoW is Eternal Heaven NoW JusT NoW..OKaY
And no Doubt tHere is at least one Angel Venus in those Ethereal Clouds Above
while i used the FB Profile Pic of a Fresh Construction Area of Dirt and Sunset
and Forest Back-Drop that i visited a year ago today before i realized a New
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ was coming as A Second Major Year Chapter Big Bible
as Sub-chapter of Nether Land Bible 2017″ along with PHI Bible too of course once again
with an ongoing 6 Million Word Bible and Long Form Poem too as titled ‘SonG oF mY SouL” NoW
and oh so Long as that Baby took 162K Photos to make too aLong with over 10K YouTube Videos
aLL LonG too.. since 8.18.13.. anyway NoW
as far as ‘Walrus’ Beatle
Efforts do go Per
Lisa’s never
painted before
Sistine Chapels as such
And Ball Room Blitzes too..
it’s True the Motto of my University
of West Florida aLong with Logo now of
Brave Nautilus Shell in Spiral-Like 1.618
PHI Ratio Form of God Essence as Finger Prints now
And yes.. Foot Prints too.. and if you’ll Notice too.. i
SurELy Fit into that Left Body Curve NoW iN soMe of my SigNaTuRE
Poses too.. NoW per Form of Essence of God Finger Prints now too..
And Yes Foot Prints too.. as yes it was/is bound to evenTuaLLy coMe
out that way no different really than how some of my Writing Lines now
Do Spiral out too.. as it’s True it’s JusT GoD Nature iN uS Too Through and Through…
oh yeaH and back to that Motto inspired by Oliver Wendell Holmes.. Per “Build Thee More
Stately Mansions” or perhaps a ‘Hotel California’ that one might Get Lost in hehe.. in aTTemPTiNG
to Read the Whole thing in just one lifetime now.. hAha.. True A Nether Land Never Ending Story
too as related at the Beginning of this Bible MacroVerse too.. i’ve got the Word Count all
now and
Believe it or
not now Ripley
and Horatio too
this Shit went down
for Real as my Good Friend
who don’t know me.. Mr. Flo Rida
says too.. in Auto-Biographer Rover ways and as far as Psalms go
tHeRE is aLWays the 338,630 Word Effort of “GodSuNiVerseNovel3”
as completed in April of 2016.. Before all the Sub Titled Bible Efforts
stARTing in June of 2016 that comprise a Year Long Effort of Responding
Poetically to all the dVerse Prompts and Links from April of 2015 through
March of 2016 too.. lots of Micro Poetry in that one too.. Thousands upon
Thousand of efforts Matter of FaCT too.. if you might like the Micro-Poetry
less than Twitter Size Stuff i do occasionally too in terms of Hundreds of Thousand
of Words total too as that Path continues.. to be pArt of this Writing Journey.. too..
as i’ve just about
completed all the
9 Dimensional Poetry
Milestones now including
9360 Miles Past one Ten Thousandth
the Distance to the Sun in Public Dancing
NoW all around my Metro Area and as Far as
Biloxi Mississippi and Tallahassee Florida too
lots of Double E’s and S’s and P’s in the Names of those
two Gulf Coast Boundary Cities of the Extent of the Territory
of Dance Marked by me as any Lion/Tiger Roaming the Span
of Dance
in around
500 Miles
of Gulf Coast Spread too.. NoW
and it’s true i didn’t have to piss
on it as every where i went Beautiful
Young Women Volunteered to Document
the Whole Dam thing in Smart Phone Video Voyeur
way sure probably some Males too but for me yeah..
you guessed
it it’s
still the Lady’s Man Still..
as i continue to do my other Man-i-cure
‘little’ Project NoW for the Ladies who
visit me online too as i take care of my ‘Fans’
in all the ways kind and generous folks take
care as empaths too..
in other
sure we
input but we put out most..
in giving and sharing more as Love when
Real will Do all the way around the Room as Mona Lisa Smiles too..
Oh Lord now that that’s out of the way here is that Description of 9
Dimensional Poetry too with the Next Comment Section and MicroVerse
of MacroVerse Whole “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Housing the 58 MacroVerse
Titles and Links too inclusive of the one of course titled Whole i am Writing now..
Once AGaiN Celebrating these Milestones on 6.6.18..:)
12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.3 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc..
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.3 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc..
Anyway.. i’ll think i’ll go ahead and Knock out that Table of Contents
of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as Lady Gaga has a Song that is actually
Long Enough for all of that plus Sharing MacroVerses Years to date after
all of that too.. as i really Would Love to Get the Write of this Finished
by before my scheduled Date with the Gym comes after this and Dinner too..
and on top of that too in the Next MacroVerse titled “6 MiLLioN Word Bible
Poem Man”.. i’ll be Providing an entire 162 MacroVerse Table of Contents
for the Entirety of the Two Year Effort of Two Bibles that now comprise
what will be the 3 Million Word Bible “Nether Land Bible 2017” wow just
wow isn’t it amazing that i can Write and Photo and Fully Illustrate in
Dance and Song something this Big and go practically unnoticed
in a Twitter
where folks
are Busy Chasing
Money and Cutting
each other Down with
Short Twitter rants
now true i have
a three
for that
too.. and that’s NOT..
trust me i’m the.. ahem.. i mean
A Man A DancE and SonG of Woman with a Plan Namely
a no name God that’s actuAlly Real as nothing to most people now i AM..
hmm.. My Computer Crashed with the Weight of all of this and thanks to
the New Apple Latest upgrade for iMaC it saved it back again too.. So
Great.. so.. yeah as i was saying.. as far as a Table of contents do go too..
of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as Lady Gaga has a Song that is actually
Long Enough for all of that plus Sharing MacroVerses Years to date after
all of that too.. as i really Would Love to Get the Write of this Finished
by before my scheduled Date with the Gym comes after this and Dinner too..
and on top of that too in the Next MacroVerse titled “6 MiLLioN Word Bible
Poem Man”.. i’ll be Providing an entire 162 MacroVerse Table of Contents
for the Entirety of the Two Year Effort of Two Bibles that now comprise
what will be the 3 Million Word Bible “Nether Land Bible 2017” wow just
wow isn’t it amazing that i can Write and Photo and Fully Illustrate in
Dance and Song something this Big and go practically unnoticed
in a Twitter
where folks
are Busy Chasing
Money and Cutting
each other Down with
Short Twitter rants
now true i have
a three
for that
too.. and that’s NOT..
trust me i’m the.. ahem.. i mean
A Man A DancE and SonG of Woman with a Plan Namely
a no name God that’s actuAlly Real as nothing to most people now i AM..
hmm.. My Computer Crashed with the Weight of all of this and thanks to
the New Apple Latest upgrade for iMaC it saved it back again too.. So
Great.. so.. yeah as i was saying.. as far as a Table of contents do go too..
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
Memorial Days Bible 2016-2017 9402 Words
SoN oF Google NoW2 12,875 Words
Heinz 57 DanCinG SinGinG 17,560 Words
HeinZ 57 BD AfTeR pARTy 15,627 Words
SuPeRMaN VeRSeS BaTMaN NoW2 14,281 Words
RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS 14,807 Words
SuMMeR SoULsTicE LoVE MaCRoVeRsE 111 13,698 Words
TeNNeSSee SAnDs FREeDOMs DReAMs 13,429 Words
300 YEaRs FReED FLiNtSTOnEs GoNe 15,219 Words
SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS 15,883 Words
DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE Dreams oN 13,033 Words
LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE 20,369 Words
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN” 25,205 Words
6th Bible Memorial 19,777 Words
WiLL i WAiT 11,906 Words
1HuRRiCaNESoUL96 9,108 Words
SeCrETS NoW iN BRoaD BAnDSiGHT 10,188 Words
EVeRY PRoPHeCY TaLeS A THoUSAnD PiCtUrES 19,750 Words
SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old 20,369 Words
SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017 20,631 Words
BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017 22,553 Words
LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017 19,626 Words
8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 19,966 Words
SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN 30,766 Words
THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 DReaMS oN 26,460 Words
A SaVaNT oF LoVE 24,093 Words
PHiLoSoPHeR SToNeS oF LoVE 25,911 Words
PoLLiNaTiNG SuNFLoWeRS NoW MoRE 19,359 Words
HaLo TWeeN DReAMs 23,524 Words
NovEmBeR SAiNTS TaX FReE DReAMS 22,463 Words
Veterans of Ground Hog Days 30,311 Words
Call of the Wild Returns For Love 27,316 Words
7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM 30,964 Words
CaT oF GooD CHeeR ReTurNs AGAiN 30,930 Words
7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS 27,110 Words
WHaT’S uP DoC2 NoW1 34,439 Words
Grand Cross Bible 2017 32,649 Words.. Total 766,047 Words
KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A year in Review 24,650 Words
SMiLES LiFE BE iN iT 2018 32,330 Words
KaTZiLLA ReTuRnS AGAiN 2018 25,328 Words
OLaF LiVeS BEinG LoVE 32,743 Words
THiS iS Me NoW3 30,025 Words
TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL 30,393
“LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018”
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES 31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 Words 26,196 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF..
FReEDGoDoLoVENoW 22,547 Words 317,354 Total Words
FLoWeRS CoLoRiNG HeaVeN MoReNoW 25,800 Words
Changing Wildfire Colors Of May Days LiGHT 23,116 Words
PaRaDiSE THeaTRE LiGHTS ReNeWeD 20,862 Words
ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW 24,004 Words
FB Profile Pic Bible 2018 24,903 Words Grand Total Words 1,382,555
Well it’s 6:18 PM as more PHI Numbers do Naturally
come on 5.30.18 and i better save this again before
i go on to MacroVerse Memories Years to Date to share
as it’s true this is about enough to make a Super Computer Hiccup
or for me at least a Dinner Break and a Date with the Gym First Before
i go on
and on some more..
and i’m pretty sure
there is a Song for that too..;)
come on 5.30.18 and i better save this again before
i go on to MacroVerse Memories Years to Date to share
as it’s true this is about enough to make a Super Computer Hiccup
or for me at least a Dinner Break and a Date with the Gym First Before
i go on
and on some more..
and i’m pretty sure
there is a Song for that too..;)
Before i get back to shares of MacroVerses
Years to date per on and on on that here is some
Ping Pong Poetry back and forth ‘tween me and yes..
Jane from the dVerse International Poetry Pub Online
as this Nice Woman Hails all the way from Ireland…
me.. Second Generation removed from there too..
too per an Irish Catholic Priest Grandfather
who left the Church
to eventually
sire me
my Father too..
anyway while i will be providing
39 Pages or so of all 900 or so
Facebook Pics for this ‘FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018’ to Lead this 1.382M
Word or so Bible Effort officially titled..
not to leave anyone out that didn’t make
the cut and paste to the FB Selfie Profile
Hall of Fame with all the nice folks who have
smiled with me over the course of the last year
for the Joy of Dance i will also provide 702 or so
extra Selfie Thumbnails to Celebrate all the Joyous
Muse they brought to my life too.. as hey.. don’t wanna
leave anyone out
who has contributed
to my Book of Life too..
but of course they
do exist already
of the Bible too..
it’s just a whole lot
of LoVinG Pages that’s all..
anyway.. Jane’s input is followed
by Periods and mine by Ellipses
and Smile Emoticons too just for Fun..
Years to date per on and on on that here is some
Ping Pong Poetry back and forth ‘tween me and yes..
Jane from the dVerse International Poetry Pub Online
as this Nice Woman Hails all the way from Ireland…
me.. Second Generation removed from there too..
too per an Irish Catholic Priest Grandfather
who left the Church
to eventually
sire me
my Father too..
anyway while i will be providing
39 Pages or so of all 900 or so
Facebook Pics for this ‘FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018’ to Lead this 1.382M
Word or so Bible Effort officially titled..
not to leave anyone out that didn’t make
the cut and paste to the FB Selfie Profile
Hall of Fame with all the nice folks who have
smiled with me over the course of the last year
for the Joy of Dance i will also provide 702 or so
extra Selfie Thumbnails to Celebrate all the Joyous
Muse they brought to my life too.. as hey.. don’t wanna
leave anyone out
who has contributed
to my Book of Life too..
but of course they
do exist already
of the Bible too..
it’s just a whole lot
of LoVinG Pages that’s all..
anyway.. Jane’s input is followed
by Periods and mine by Ellipses
and Smile Emoticons too just for Fun..
CoLors Rose
ABoVE BeLoW..:)
The world
in her gaze.
a memory
of moonlight.
Moon BeaMs
CoLoRinG LiFE..:)
life teems
even beneath
the moon’s
darkest beams.
Of the Night
New Moon
Fur Light..:)
And on the sea
otters roll
with moonbeams.
Moon touch
Sea frolics
Nature Free..:)
And let’s,
says the otter,
keep it that way.
Means to:
Thanks Jane
Always a Pleasure..:)
Ping pong
for poets.
Yes!.. with SMiLEs
CoLors Rose
ABoVE BeLoW..:)
The world
in her gaze.
a memory
of moonlight.
Moon BeaMs
CoLoRinG LiFE..:)
life teems
even beneath
the moon’s
darkest beams.
Of the Night
New Moon
Fur Light..:)
And on the sea
otters roll
with moonbeams.
Moon touch
Sea frolics
Nature Free..:)
And let’s,
says the otter,
keep it that way.
Means to:
Thanks Jane
Always a Pleasure..:)
Ping pong
for poets.
Yes!.. with SMiLEs
“DaRtHFReEDNoW”.. True don’t Forget the Force of
the Shadow in generating Aggression for Motivation
for Change and Lust for the Soup of Creativity
and Productivity and yes Class as Science
Shows Social Cooperation too so fist
bump it up for Change
and air
rest out
as that
comes and goes more too..:)
the Shadow in generating Aggression for Motivation
for Change and Lust for the Soup of Creativity
and Productivity and yes Class as Science
Shows Social Cooperation too so fist
bump it up for Change
and air
rest out
as that
comes and goes more too..:)
“Non-Verbal Wolf Love”.. yeS oNce again Wild and Free
Letting Lust and Aggression Go to Bring Wild and Free
Comfort of Cozy Baby Loving back.. and that reminds me
of a Friend who once said i made her Feel like Cozy Baby..
for that was the Day she learned about Warm and Fuzzy Love ‘tween Friends
of the
Encounters Kind
in other Words ET me.. or
was that Contact it all comes
out in the Friendship Wash Free anyway..:)
Letting Lust and Aggression Go to Bring Wild and Free
Comfort of Cozy Baby Loving back.. and that reminds me
of a Friend who once said i made her Feel like Cozy Baby..
for that was the Day she learned about Warm and Fuzzy Love ‘tween Friends
of the
Encounters Kind
in other Words ET me.. or
was that Contact it all comes
out in the Friendship Wash Free anyway..:)
“Memorial but to GOD”.. Considering God is all and more Best
to remember all that is the best you can and will with reverence
and if you can
and will
a Feeling of Blessing
for all that means Being alive and well now.. being as such too..:)
to remember all that is the best you can and will with reverence
and if you can
and will
a Feeling of Blessing
for all that means Being alive and well now.. being as such too..:)
“Super F of Hope”.. its’ true it could be S too but Y NoT F
J too
or J Low
or J High Jr..:)
J too
or J Low
or J High Jr..:)
“Memorial Day Dancing Always NOW!”.. It’s true i still remember how to Dance..
but i have no idea how to dance it’s just the Memory and New Dance the innate
instinct and intuition
of my Feelings
and Senses makes
As a Blow-out Let it Go
Nirvana and Bliss of Now Fresh..
And sure for those who visit once
in a lifetime CaLL iT Reborn too if you like and come to this Free PartY too..:)
but i have no idea how to dance it’s just the Memory and New Dance the innate
instinct and intuition
of my Feelings
and Senses makes
As a Blow-out Let it Go
Nirvana and Bliss of Now Fresh..
And sure for those who visit once
in a lifetime CaLL iT Reborn too if you like and come to this Free PartY too..:)
“Prayer of a heArt bench”.. Yes on 4.18.18 if remember correctly at
3:33 AM or perhaps it was 4.4.18 and i think it was but the 418 still
Rings with the 3:33 AM that early morn for a Gust of wind tore
through our Privacy Fence per Straight Line Winds as ‘they’
say and took the back of the Prayer of a heART Bench
Straight off that close to 25 Year Old Relic of
SoUL as it’s okay to hold Sacred Symbols
of HeART Benches no less than
idols of Words as Long as
they are Associated
with Love
and all the
Positivity Joining uP
as Joy Loves Company now True..
and sure it’s just a Yard Peace we don’t
actually Cent on so i slid the Back Back where it Belongs
and all is Okay
as LonG aS
the Sacred and
Holy Feelings of LoVE DO’
co-exist Wild and Free as ReaL LoVENoW..:)
3:33 AM or perhaps it was 4.4.18 and i think it was but the 418 still
Rings with the 3:33 AM that early morn for a Gust of wind tore
through our Privacy Fence per Straight Line Winds as ‘they’
say and took the back of the Prayer of a heART Bench
Straight off that close to 25 Year Old Relic of
SoUL as it’s okay to hold Sacred Symbols
of HeART Benches no less than
idols of Words as Long as
they are Associated
with Love
and all the
Positivity Joining uP
as Joy Loves Company now True..
and sure it’s just a Yard Peace we don’t
actually Cent on so i slid the Back Back where it Belongs
and all is Okay
as LonG aS
the Sacred and
Holy Feelings of LoVE DO’
co-exist Wild and Free as ReaL LoVENoW..:)
“BeYonD Fence oF liGht”..
True don’t fence the light off
or you may
White LiGHT.. heHe..
You Dirty Dam Ape Animal..
And that reminds me my Hair Dresser
didn’t like the idea we come from a common
Rodent Ancestor from around 75 Million Years
ago for she feels like we are made in the image of God
and it’s
are parT
STaRaTS too..
For true we are
a reflection of the Stars
Resurrected from Crucible Fire
of Star Death including the Iron that
Flows in our Blood and in Core of eARTh
from Super Nova Explosions too.. for it’s true
Nova on the Planet of the Apes Road a Horse all silent
but she was the most Beautiful Woman on that Earth and
she would Hug her Horse Mate tight meanwhile the Dude
who Loves
his Gun
more than
Life complained
that the God Dam White
Folks Blew it all up and all the
While the most Beautiful Woman on
the Planet was Hugging his Naked and
Hairy Chest been there done this on the Beach
too and i didn’t complain about the Beauty of the Beach
as we
Sex instead
and said Fuck
the Cultural Tools
for we are born with all we need..
and it’s True Nova was named after
a shitty bang bang Car from the 70’s
but so what for she wasn’t a car she was flesh and blood Beauty.
True don’t fence the light off
or you may
White LiGHT.. heHe..
You Dirty Dam Ape Animal..
And that reminds me my Hair Dresser
didn’t like the idea we come from a common
Rodent Ancestor from around 75 Million Years
ago for she feels like we are made in the image of God
and it’s
are parT
STaRaTS too..
For true we are
a reflection of the Stars
Resurrected from Crucible Fire
of Star Death including the Iron that
Flows in our Blood and in Core of eARTh
from Super Nova Explosions too.. for it’s true
Nova on the Planet of the Apes Road a Horse all silent
but she was the most Beautiful Woman on that Earth and
she would Hug her Horse Mate tight meanwhile the Dude
who Loves
his Gun
more than
Life complained
that the God Dam White
Folks Blew it all up and all the
While the most Beautiful Woman on
the Planet was Hugging his Naked and
Hairy Chest been there done this on the Beach
too and i didn’t complain about the Beauty of the Beach
as we
Sex instead
and said Fuck
the Cultural Tools
for we are born with all we need..
and it’s True Nova was named after
a shitty bang bang Car from the 70’s
but so what for she wasn’t a car she was flesh and blood Beauty.
“Tears of God Vines”.. okay i needed 25K total Words to get
up to 1.382 Million Words to complete 3 Million Words in two
Years as last year 1.618 Million Words came on Memorial
Weekend then and it’s true to insure that reality happens a
Short Story about who is A Savior of the eARTh
after this
for fun
and giggles too..
to yes save the World
of Course as seriously
do you really think i’m doing
all this just for fun of CourSE
i am as SaVinG the Species
in Helping ways is the funnest
Job i’ve ever done for i’ll never know
whether or not i got the Job fully done
as i think y’all will make it at least the
folks Several Decades Younger than me before i die.. anYWaY..:)
up to 1.382 Million Words to complete 3 Million Words in two
Years as last year 1.618 Million Words came on Memorial
Weekend then and it’s true to insure that reality happens a
Short Story about who is A Savior of the eARTh
after this
for fun
and giggles too..
to yes save the World
of Course as seriously
do you really think i’m doing
all this just for fun of CourSE
i am as SaVinG the Species
in Helping ways is the funnest
Job i’ve ever done for i’ll never know
whether or not i got the Job fully done
as i think y’all will make it at least the
folks Several Decades Younger than me before i die.. anYWaY..:)
“Ascension iS NOW HeRE”.. True Hope you didn’t miss the
Blondie Rapture as it’s True it’s always now for those who rise..:)
Blondie Rapture as it’s True it’s always now for those who rise..:)
“To ALL the HATERS..i SACRED LOVE YA!”.. nah.. Haters are Functionally
Disabled and my Mama taught me to Love those Folks and i don’t know any better
no matter
they may act
as seriously
don’t make
fun of to:
Handi-Cupped From: Love..:)
Disabled and my Mama taught me to Love those Folks and i don’t know any better
no matter
they may act
as seriously
don’t make
fun of to:
Handi-Cupped From: Love..:)
Stars are born to output and share liGht..
at least for as long
as they live..
and as dim as i once
was.. almost bLack
of liGht..
the saving
grace then was
to water a plant
to make
grow made
my life still
a star
matter how
dArk the candle
i felt iN bLack
then.. and
oh.. the saviors of the world..
and now a story i love to tale a little
different as parables do.. when free
and not imprisoned by books.. pages..
paragraphs.. lines or words of print
of yesternows.. bound
by past authority
that no
longer should
exist.. for free..
so.. anyway.. sorry iF
you already heard it but
it will be different anyway..
hehe.. as free WiLL be
when unleashed
and released
as being
starliGht oF eYes
within.. a dusty road..
a little boy with no words..
disabled from birth without
the ability to speak.. but a lover
of growth.. in shape of trees..
a sapling brought home
by loving mother
then.. placed
on a counter
by a lamp that shines..
the boys sees green and
wants to see more.. so he
nurtures this PLANeT
the ability
to speak..
water he does..
fertilizing Love..
Sunshine hope
iN eYes of Loving
Kind.. fertile ground
outside.. dig a hole
to comfort roots..
spend time
and effort
caring Love
and the Tree rises
broad and sTrong..
and soon provides shade
for the front porch home..
Sidewalks come.. but tree
sTill bRanches out.. Flowers
come more beautiful than before..
Students from the local school who
study trees are amazed by the beauty
of this tree.. photos are taken.. shared..
and the boys eYes shine to see what his
Love inspires.. tree no longer needs boy
to grow strong now.. and the little
boy becomes ill and his life
goes dark..
Years later..
a shy young man iS
walking this sidewalk
of the boy’s home.. and
a most beautiful dark haired
girl approaches him.. with smiling
face.. the boys eyes liGht up but what
to say.. ah.. the center piece of conversation
iS standing tAll and floweRinG more beautiful
iT seems than ever before on this March Spring
day.. a spark of instant Love is in the air..
and that begins a Love that
will last ’till death..
the shy boy becomes
confident with the Love of
his wife.. joins the Military..
and even rises to the ranks
of politics then.. Love grows
and fearless Lives..
the boy is
now a
Strong man..
and makes a decision
as a leader of the world
that prevents World War III…
Life on the PlanT now iS saved..
So who is the savior.. the boy..
the man.. the girl.. the Loving
wife.. the parents.. the schools
providing education.. the tree
or the little disabled boy
and all the
from around the
world.. well the truth
iS aLL they are.. as theRe
is no i.. me but us and we
oF Life..
Moral of the
story.. water a tree
Of Life and see wHere
iN ocean
eYes free..:)
at least for as long
as they live..
and as dim as i once
was.. almost bLack
of liGht..
the saving
grace then was
to water a plant
to make
grow made
my life still
a star
matter how
dArk the candle
i felt iN bLack
then.. and
oh.. the saviors of the world..
and now a story i love to tale a little
different as parables do.. when free
and not imprisoned by books.. pages..
paragraphs.. lines or words of print
of yesternows.. bound
by past authority
that no
longer should
exist.. for free..
so.. anyway.. sorry iF
you already heard it but
it will be different anyway..
hehe.. as free WiLL be
when unleashed
and released
as being
starliGht oF eYes
within.. a dusty road..
a little boy with no words..
disabled from birth without
the ability to speak.. but a lover
of growth.. in shape of trees..
a sapling brought home
by loving mother
then.. placed
on a counter
by a lamp that shines..
the boys sees green and
wants to see more.. so he
nurtures this PLANeT
the ability
to speak..
water he does..
fertilizing Love..
Sunshine hope
iN eYes of Loving
Kind.. fertile ground
outside.. dig a hole
to comfort roots..
spend time
and effort
caring Love
and the Tree rises
broad and sTrong..
and soon provides shade
for the front porch home..
Sidewalks come.. but tree
sTill bRanches out.. Flowers
come more beautiful than before..
Students from the local school who
study trees are amazed by the beauty
of this tree.. photos are taken.. shared..
and the boys eYes shine to see what his
Love inspires.. tree no longer needs boy
to grow strong now.. and the little
boy becomes ill and his life
goes dark..
Years later..
a shy young man iS
walking this sidewalk
of the boy’s home.. and
a most beautiful dark haired
girl approaches him.. with smiling
face.. the boys eyes liGht up but what
to say.. ah.. the center piece of conversation
iS standing tAll and floweRinG more beautiful
iT seems than ever before on this March Spring
day.. a spark of instant Love is in the air..
and that begins a Love that
will last ’till death..
the shy boy becomes
confident with the Love of
his wife.. joins the Military..
and even rises to the ranks
of politics then.. Love grows
and fearless Lives..
the boy is
now a
Strong man..
and makes a decision
as a leader of the world
that prevents World War III…
Life on the PlanT now iS saved..
So who is the savior.. the boy..
the man.. the girl.. the Loving
wife.. the parents.. the schools
providing education.. the tree
or the little disabled boy
and all the
from around the
world.. well the truth
iS aLL they are.. as theRe
is no i.. me but us and we
oF Life..
Moral of the
story.. water a tree
Of Life and see wHere
iN ocean
eYes free..:)
Ah yes finished Writing
this as the Clock Strikes
Midnight on the 31st of May
wee hour as sleep comes soon and this
will be quite a task to put it all together
including all those thumbnails of Facebook
Profile Pics too but i’ll do that pART after a restful
Night of Sleep for true one day i may be An Invisible
Man but
are my
by Servers Still
as it’s true by God i’ve
already spread my organic
ashes as Fertilizer all across
the Globe in so many places that
duplicate this entire 6 Million Word “Song
oF mY SoUL that Likely goes above and beyond
6 times that as far as carbon copies go as Mail sent
the Globe too..
true.. just little
bitty soul peaces of me
might be enough for my
words that become flesh to help
As A SPiRiT oF A HeaRT of SoUL
Lives on as the ‘they’ are already saying the
Internet is Forever in relative Human and eARTh
Terms at least
as yes
a metaphor
for a long date
after we all die now.. then
and whatever HaPPenS AFTeR THaT
And i’ll leave that up to the God With
no Human Labels WiTHiN
As 100 Percent
Faith of as Belief
iN aS LoVE JusT ‘Cause i WiLL..:)
this as the Clock Strikes
Midnight on the 31st of May
wee hour as sleep comes soon and this
will be quite a task to put it all together
including all those thumbnails of Facebook
Profile Pics too but i’ll do that pART after a restful
Night of Sleep for true one day i may be An Invisible
Man but
are my
by Servers Still
as it’s true by God i’ve
already spread my organic
ashes as Fertilizer all across
the Globe in so many places that
duplicate this entire 6 Million Word “Song
oF mY SoUL that Likely goes above and beyond
6 times that as far as carbon copies go as Mail sent
the Globe too..
true.. just little
bitty soul peaces of me
might be enough for my
words that become flesh to help
As A SPiRiT oF A HeaRT of SoUL
Lives on as the ‘they’ are already saying the
Internet is Forever in relative Human and eARTh
Terms at least
as yes
a metaphor
for a long date
after we all die now.. then
and whatever HaPPenS AFTeR THaT
And i’ll leave that up to the God With
no Human Labels WiTHiN
As 100 Percent
Faith of as Belief
iN aS LoVE JusT ‘Cause i WiLL..:)
Considering i’m titling a 7th King James
Sized Bible now as “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
comes to FRuiTioN in this Way oF All Free Electronic
Publish on 5.31.2018.. it is only appropriate that i end
this iN this Memorial Titled Macroverse with a Memory
of what Started out this Entire Endeavor on 3.10.13
in my First Blogging Effort as i wrote the note below
to my First Facebook Friend ‘Mags’ on the Cusp of
2.28.13 and 3.1.13 late at night in a Casual
PM that became titled as my Perspective
of LiFE on those dates..
true it’s a MicroCosm
of what came to be
and comes to be now
7 Titled King James Sized
Bibles making 3 Million Words
in the Last Two Years and 6 Million
Words approaching 58 Months now and
yes 12 Million Words since i started this Entire
Writing Endeavor on Thanks Giving Day 90 Months ago..
so here goes that to
conclude this Macro
Verse as this Bible
titled “FB Profile Pic Bible
2018” will continue to GroW oN
at over 1.382,555 Million Words now
and so will “Nether Land Bible 2017”
moving over 3 MiLLioN 555 Words now too and
Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL” Ocean Whole Longest
Form Free Verse Poem at over 6 Million Words for
what will continue as an Expanding Trinity of Three Bibles now
aLong with 4 other Major Milestone and Feat Notes as King James
Sized Bibles also to carry
on in the Record
Book of this still
too.. Fresh as now
Is As i said on the
Eve of 3.1.13. still..
i think i was born as
a kind of Classical Pantheist..
as i saw patterns and connections
in things that were more of my thinking
process, along with the tactile sensory world..
than what I think most people may experience
as an internal dialogue of thought…
i still have a vivid memory of
connection to everything in
the world.. as if i had been
here forever.. before i was
able to speak that i cannot
fully put into words.. from
about age 3 looking out
into the distance over
the river i grew up next to..
But i think in some ways i knew more
about my existence then than i do now..
as i could not separate myself from what
seemed like a very old home of nature…
i am glad i had the opportunity to roam
desolate pristine beaches as a teenager
and young adult.. without any fear..
and feeling one in being with the
waves.. white sand..
emerald green
gulf.. sea oats
and sea gulls..
with no dramas
in my head…
But even my ancestors
could not experience that with
not being sure where their next meal
was going to come from… Not likely that
many creatures in the Universe could
experience a little slice
of nirvana like that…
i can remember
getting back into
my car and being
jolted back into the
reality of all that is the
complexity of modern culture..
which at that point in time was so..
so limited as compared to today..
i was never quite the same after
home computers come along..
as i drifted further and
further from a
home of nature..
The people i dealt with
in the public at that time..
in what was a “Cheers” like environment..
was also a slice of nirvana… Cigarette filled..
but the emotional contagion of a hundred human
beings that are happy that i had the privilege to serve
and make even happier.. equaled the nirvana of the
walks on the sun-filled beaches..
i loved my exquisite
sensory experience of life…
It was worth not being able to
touch man made texture without
goose bumps and an incredible feeling of discomfort.
When i see Landon Bryce’s book “I Love My Own Autistic
Self”.. the little guy on the front is how i usually felt inside
that people could only see in the gleam of my eyes…
People often told me they wished they had what it was
i had.. or wanted some of the drugs i was taking.. but
i had no idea what they were talking about
because there was nothing i wanted
but to exist.. for so many years…
It was a powerful feeling that
no one’s negativity could take
away from me.. not even when
the rest of the world told me i
was not one of their kind…
Sorry.. that was quite a tangent..
but it is kind of therapeutic for me..
i hope you don’t mind…
My point i started off
with was Religion and
Classical Pantheism..
which is all of Nature
and science for me..
the cultural complexity
of what has come from human
collective intelligence.. including
all the strange oddities.. even the strangest
of religious cults and beliefs.. But most of all
the reality of that beach those waves.. and those
grains of sand.. that do not exist without me…
A gift.. a wonderful gift that was provided by
my father and mother.. and their ancestors
where there could be no break in the chain
of events of human struggle that all my
ancestors experienced to survive and reproduce..
and their rodent ancestors about 75 million years ago..
and all the other ancestors not identified and material
substances that came together to make that possible..
from the origin of what is.. whatever is.. is..
That one point that i can only abstractly
define because of the human collective
intelligence that provides the map
to what can be described.. as one
point that we all share that can
never be disconnected.. as long as we exist…
Wow.. i just realized that sounds kind
of like the intro to the “Big Bang
Theory” TV show…
And relatively speaking
the knowledge that i gained
that this is one sliver of conscious
existence and what really is a little slice
of heaven for some that do exist..
considering just the benefit of
a warm soft bed.. a hot shower..
and things now considered so mundane
that took billions of years to come into
existence that were not here a little
over a century ago.. Like toilet paper…
But i could never experience that connection
of what is.. any stronger than when i was three..
i have everything and everyone before me to
thank for that experience.. Including collective
intelligence and the understanding of that
one point that still exists in all of us
and everything else…
i never met a stranger..
not even a grain of sand on the beach…
But i did not feel a category.. a religion.. a race
or even a gender for myself.. which at least for me
enhanced the ability to find a friend in that grain of sand…
i suppose it is the immune system issues and chronic pain
that has taken some of that gleam out of my eyes.. but it still
exists in the eyes in what i perceive of the anthropomorphic
expression of the cat in my face book photo..
Who at 18 years old is likely closer to the
wisdom of that three-year-old child that
only exists in my memory and pictures…
i sense that type of wisdom requires
no human intelligence at all
beyond the core that is shared…
i think it can be lost so much easier
in a human into a little sliver of hell
somewhere outside that balance of heaven..
Particularly in lives where instant gratification
has become the norm…
i am at the service of
my fully inside cat..
but he has never
had that gleam in
his eyes.. or the
same struggles to survive…
The yellow cat in my Google plus
avatar on the “Autistic Hoya” website..
was a feral cat that only knew struggles
in his several years of life behind our house in the woods..
He became my emotions after chronic pain had removed them from
my existence… He gained a gleam in his eyes of gratitude to have
a balance in his life when we allowed him
a place to gain predictable subsistence.
An identical yellow cat that likely is his offspring..
younger and stronger appears intermittently out
of the woods and started to injure our now neutered
cat.. racking up $200 dollar vet bills..
every other week so the once
feral cat has now been forced
to become a fully inside cat…
i am watching him slowly
lose that gleam in his eyes..
with the call of the wild slowly
drifting away.. along with all the
likely incredible sensory experiences
that come with an outdoor world that
the other cat that never gets injured in fights
at age 18.. can still fully experience…
As i sit outside toward the back of
my yard.. in the afternoon sun.. he is
pacing back and forth politely..
still with a humility of respect
for a place of subsistence that
keeps him from tearing the screen of the patio.
Perhaps if he could speak and let me know in words..
what i was taking away from him.. i would listen..
But i cannot bear the thought of additional bloody
wounds on his face… But still i remember what it
means to have that connection and balance…
When i watch him pace back and forth..
it is one of the few things in life
that will bring a tear to my eye
that reminds me that i too am still connected..
Other than that.. it could be just a word like Synesthesia..
that seems to trigger something in my brain letting the brakes
off the logic to move into figurative space..
At least for me.. even one word
can be a gift that leads me
to a place in words that i don’t often visit…
Sized Bible now as “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
comes to FRuiTioN in this Way oF All Free Electronic
Publish on 5.31.2018.. it is only appropriate that i end
this iN this Memorial Titled Macroverse with a Memory
of what Started out this Entire Endeavor on 3.10.13
in my First Blogging Effort as i wrote the note below
to my First Facebook Friend ‘Mags’ on the Cusp of
2.28.13 and 3.1.13 late at night in a Casual
PM that became titled as my Perspective
of LiFE on those dates..
true it’s a MicroCosm
of what came to be
and comes to be now
7 Titled King James Sized
Bibles making 3 Million Words
in the Last Two Years and 6 Million
Words approaching 58 Months now and
yes 12 Million Words since i started this Entire
Writing Endeavor on Thanks Giving Day 90 Months ago..
so here goes that to
conclude this Macro
Verse as this Bible
titled “FB Profile Pic Bible
2018” will continue to GroW oN
at over 1.382,555 Million Words now
and so will “Nether Land Bible 2017”
moving over 3 MiLLioN 555 Words now too and
Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL” Ocean Whole Longest
Form Free Verse Poem at over 6 Million Words for
what will continue as an Expanding Trinity of Three Bibles now
aLong with 4 other Major Milestone and Feat Notes as King James
Sized Bibles also to carry
on in the Record
Book of this still
too.. Fresh as now
Is As i said on the
Eve of 3.1.13. still..
i think i was born as
a kind of Classical Pantheist..
as i saw patterns and connections
in things that were more of my thinking
process, along with the tactile sensory world..
than what I think most people may experience
as an internal dialogue of thought…
i still have a vivid memory of
connection to everything in
the world.. as if i had been
here forever.. before i was
able to speak that i cannot
fully put into words.. from
about age 3 looking out
into the distance over
the river i grew up next to..
But i think in some ways i knew more
about my existence then than i do now..
as i could not separate myself from what
seemed like a very old home of nature…
i am glad i had the opportunity to roam
desolate pristine beaches as a teenager
and young adult.. without any fear..
and feeling one in being with the
waves.. white sand..
emerald green
gulf.. sea oats
and sea gulls..
with no dramas
in my head…
But even my ancestors
could not experience that with
not being sure where their next meal
was going to come from… Not likely that
many creatures in the Universe could
experience a little slice
of nirvana like that…
i can remember
getting back into
my car and being
jolted back into the
reality of all that is the
complexity of modern culture..
which at that point in time was so..
so limited as compared to today..
i was never quite the same after
home computers come along..
as i drifted further and
further from a
home of nature..
The people i dealt with
in the public at that time..
in what was a “Cheers” like environment..
was also a slice of nirvana… Cigarette filled..
but the emotional contagion of a hundred human
beings that are happy that i had the privilege to serve
and make even happier.. equaled the nirvana of the
walks on the sun-filled beaches..
i loved my exquisite
sensory experience of life…
It was worth not being able to
touch man made texture without
goose bumps and an incredible feeling of discomfort.
When i see Landon Bryce’s book “I Love My Own Autistic
Self”.. the little guy on the front is how i usually felt inside
that people could only see in the gleam of my eyes…
People often told me they wished they had what it was
i had.. or wanted some of the drugs i was taking.. but
i had no idea what they were talking about
because there was nothing i wanted
but to exist.. for so many years…
It was a powerful feeling that
no one’s negativity could take
away from me.. not even when
the rest of the world told me i
was not one of their kind…
Sorry.. that was quite a tangent..
but it is kind of therapeutic for me..
i hope you don’t mind…
My point i started off
with was Religion and
Classical Pantheism..
which is all of Nature
and science for me..
the cultural complexity
of what has come from human
collective intelligence.. including
all the strange oddities.. even the strangest
of religious cults and beliefs.. But most of all
the reality of that beach those waves.. and those
grains of sand.. that do not exist without me…
A gift.. a wonderful gift that was provided by
my father and mother.. and their ancestors
where there could be no break in the chain
of events of human struggle that all my
ancestors experienced to survive and reproduce..
and their rodent ancestors about 75 million years ago..
and all the other ancestors not identified and material
substances that came together to make that possible..
from the origin of what is.. whatever is.. is..
That one point that i can only abstractly
define because of the human collective
intelligence that provides the map
to what can be described.. as one
point that we all share that can
never be disconnected.. as long as we exist…
Wow.. i just realized that sounds kind
of like the intro to the “Big Bang
Theory” TV show…
And relatively speaking
the knowledge that i gained
that this is one sliver of conscious
existence and what really is a little slice
of heaven for some that do exist..
considering just the benefit of
a warm soft bed.. a hot shower..
and things now considered so mundane
that took billions of years to come into
existence that were not here a little
over a century ago.. Like toilet paper…
But i could never experience that connection
of what is.. any stronger than when i was three..
i have everything and everyone before me to
thank for that experience.. Including collective
intelligence and the understanding of that
one point that still exists in all of us
and everything else…
i never met a stranger..
not even a grain of sand on the beach…
But i did not feel a category.. a religion.. a race
or even a gender for myself.. which at least for me
enhanced the ability to find a friend in that grain of sand…
i suppose it is the immune system issues and chronic pain
that has taken some of that gleam out of my eyes.. but it still
exists in the eyes in what i perceive of the anthropomorphic
expression of the cat in my face book photo..
Who at 18 years old is likely closer to the
wisdom of that three-year-old child that
only exists in my memory and pictures…
i sense that type of wisdom requires
no human intelligence at all
beyond the core that is shared…
i think it can be lost so much easier
in a human into a little sliver of hell
somewhere outside that balance of heaven..
Particularly in lives where instant gratification
has become the norm…
i am at the service of
my fully inside cat..
but he has never
had that gleam in
his eyes.. or the
same struggles to survive…
The yellow cat in my Google plus
avatar on the “Autistic Hoya” website..
was a feral cat that only knew struggles
in his several years of life behind our house in the woods..
He became my emotions after chronic pain had removed them from
my existence… He gained a gleam in his eyes of gratitude to have
a balance in his life when we allowed him
a place to gain predictable subsistence.
An identical yellow cat that likely is his offspring..
younger and stronger appears intermittently out
of the woods and started to injure our now neutered
cat.. racking up $200 dollar vet bills..
every other week so the once
feral cat has now been forced
to become a fully inside cat…
i am watching him slowly
lose that gleam in his eyes..
with the call of the wild slowly
drifting away.. along with all the
likely incredible sensory experiences
that come with an outdoor world that
the other cat that never gets injured in fights
at age 18.. can still fully experience…
As i sit outside toward the back of
my yard.. in the afternoon sun.. he is
pacing back and forth politely..
still with a humility of respect
for a place of subsistence that
keeps him from tearing the screen of the patio.
Perhaps if he could speak and let me know in words..
what i was taking away from him.. i would listen..
But i cannot bear the thought of additional bloody
wounds on his face… But still i remember what it
means to have that connection and balance…
When i watch him pace back and forth..
it is one of the few things in life
that will bring a tear to my eye
that reminds me that i too am still connected..
Other than that.. it could be just a word like Synesthesia..
that seems to trigger something in my brain letting the brakes
off the logic to move into figurative space..
At least for me.. even one word
can be a gift that leads me
to a place in words that i don’t often visit…
Kind Autistics Taking In Everything
Mindful in Awareness
Autistic Love
And the Science of Kindology
An Ideological First Identity
Kind Autistics Taking In Everything
Mindful in Awareness
Autistic Love
And the Science of Kindology
An Ideological First Identity
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2.. Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”
The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW
“THiS iS Me NoW3”
As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES 31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW
What May Come Will Be
May 1st, 2018
Starting a New Free Verse Erotic Novel or hehe
what may eventually Turn into a Bible Sized Effort too..
as it will Grow Slowly and Surely too whenever i get in
the Mood to Write some more of it as i go as i will Date the
Efforts and Forget About Word Size now as it is what
Feels and Senses Good
that makes LiFE
what it continues
to be now
JusT NoW anyway
Illustrations below will come and
Go More From Past and Back to the Future Presents too..
For What ever Mood Strikes me up next to Grow more.. oh God Yes..
And iT WiLL Do the GroWinG in Future Present Photographic Efforts
of Blog Posts as i will keep it Going harder and softer and longer
by copying and pasting it in Future Blog Posts as Weeks go
on in additional Efforts of Growing
this Erotic Literature
and Longer
Coming Even Longer
Back to the Future Present more nowthen..
As Hey in a Way i Started this Close to May
Day of 2017 where i just couldn't wait and accidentally came in a Photo
just a
Drop of Life then hehe..
on just the Tip of An Experience Focusing then edging
and coming a little bit and a whole lot more Later then too heHe..;)
Memories From May.. 2017..
Back to the Future
Moving Away From the Present Again
Per all the Incentive i Need to Play Naked..
Summer of 2014
September 2013
18 years ago.. 7.17.2000
Yes.. i used to Have More Tan Lines and no i've never
Had a So-Called Monster Cock and Balls but what
i've always had was is a Golden Tongue and
Fingers to Make Butterfly Wings
Quiver as i Play a Pussy
Like a Piano With
My Tongue
Fingers Like
A Twelve String Guitar
As my First Girl Friend noted to
her Friend long after we Broke up that
i was a Sex Maniac in someways as i did lick
Her Gently All Around Her World Frequently
as Her Hand Jobs Made me come onto my Face
as she giggled with it dripping off my Forehead
but for Her Cleaning up the Rest was no Problem
as her Libido was High enough as nothing Disgusted
her much but when she was gently sucking the Head
all Velvet and Red she did ask me please don't come
in Her Mouth just about the Time her Father Walked
in the Living Room out of their Great Room and walked
away quickly in respect of what he probably did out on
some of his First Dates too.. and yes i did come a little in her
Mouth and it was not a problem for Her as she scampered
up to the Second Floor and Wiped the Rest of me Clean
and some of my Friends from the Past then who were
Girls noted her Body was disgusting it was so sexy
even with Clothes on but hey the Wife now still
has her beat back then in the Teen years now
at 48 even with one hand Injured now as
something about a Mix of Pacific
Islander and American
Indian and Irish
and the
Such as that
that edges out the other Nationalities
of the other Olive Skinned Teen Girl Friend
way way way back in the Late 70's as such then..
anyway.. i wasn't always this comfortable in my skin
as far as doing Nude Art in Fact that was the furthest
thing i ever imagined i would have been Brave enough to
do including Solo Dancing Everywhere i go where i can only
aSSume that Generates some Libido amongst the Newly Legal
Aged College Women at the Dance Hall Still for true quite a few
Have Vigorously Rubbed My Front hmm.. i guess since this is
A Restricted Blog i don't have to be nice anymore for it's true too
as their aim was is to put my Clothed Cock Between their Buns
and Stroke it in hopes that it would come Pulsating Throbbing
on the Sweet Spots of their Vulva all Clothed From the Rear
Bending over aS Such edging left and right and up and down
to get the best feeling out of the moment of heaven then on
the Dance Floor of Strange Cocks they hope to come up
and play with their Pussy Lips all Bent from the Rear
Rubbing harder and longer and moving around like
there is an itch that hasn't quite come yet
full hehe.. and i suppose perhaps a
Memory of the Feeling and
Experience and some
Fingers might
a Dream
come True they
orchestrate Later
for it is rather intoxicating
When a Young Strange Beautiful
Woman decides to Entertain your Cock
Between Her Clothed Buns and Vulva Now
PArts Sweating some Honey as Flowers Desire
to be Pollinated more in Human Female Form as
Essence of Sensual Sexual Bliss and Nirvana on the
Dance Floor and Fantasies at home touching Panties
with Wet Drenching Spots First pulling them down and
Playing their Piano Plucking their Guitar Strings in Synch
of Edging Bliss Deeper and all around Throbbing Parts
Pulsating as Butterfly Wings Quiver more.. i don't know
but hey.. i have imagination and i can dream anything
i like as Imaginary Lovers Never Fail To Please 'tween
the Ears and Edging Throbs with Hands Precipice
of Cliff almost reached but longer holding off
until the raise and fall comes of explosive
Bliss Next as Nirvana Sings her
Sweet Pollination Song
in Male Flowered
Form too hehe..
i love to Write
And this Erotic talk
has always been something
i wanted to try out and the Great
thing about a Wife who Never Ages is
She's never Been Afraid of other Beautiful
Women and from the Very Start of our Marriage
she's always enjoyed Stroking my Cock while we both
Watch Porn as she even remarks on how the Women are
Beautiful as She Strokes me Faster and Harder as a Women
is Sucking on a Strange Man's Hard Cock.. and every once in
a While i'll ask her do you like the way his Cock Looks and how her
Pussy Looks so wet and receptive as he thrusts his throbbing Cock
Deeper in Her.. as i watch her Face as she seems entranced on all the
Body Parts meeting each other in continuing heightened Passion
and what makes it even sweeter is my Wife is so innocent and
Sweet but still she is Human and we Humans who are normal
and are not afraid of Shame do enjoy watching other humans
Get it on as it makes us harder and wetter and more ready
for each other to Pulsate and Throb together as
we watch a variety of Humans do the same..
Yeah.. it's True the Husband and Wife
who Masturbate each other
Watching Porn
get Bored
and there is no need for
Jealously in the Marriage
when both parties acknowledge
they are Human and don't mind getting
off on Variety now and then at least for Harder
and Wetter Life as hey.. could be why she never ages
too for she is not afraid of Nature nor am i.. anyway.. yes
i have a High Libido always have unless i am depressed
and this is just one way to express the Art of that and now do
some Erotic Writing to go aLong with all of that as hey.. my Favorite
Porn is Amateur Porn and Tumblr is a Great Avenue for that and i always
enjoy when folks write about their Personal Experiences too from a distant
View of Strangers as that is how we Nurture our Imagination and Creativity
And Overall Artful Joy For Life..
And yes the Wife and i have
Done some Porn too but
it's not something we
share with People
we know
as the view counts
for that avenue are well
understood high as we imagine
what people are doing when
they are still watching what
we are doing too and i made
it funny so funny on top of
that.. as yes play naked
and i'll never tale
where it's at..
as the
Internet is full of throbbing
Cocks Coming and Pussies
Pulsating as Butterfly Wings Quiver
but you see this is recyclable Human Dopamine
Energy for all the Folks who came while we dreamed they
saw us too.. Couples and every other Variation of Human too
for seriously it's just not fair to take and never give across a
Lifespan now.. and true i started late but at least i had a few
Photos above at age 40 and even a Memorable Hand Job
out in the Back Yard too.. good to have a Privacy Fence
but we did wonder if the Young Couple Next Door
could see us through the slats of the
Fence as they came in their
Back yard then.. hehe..
Oh yeah and
then there
was the
on the Back
Porch when the wife
was straddled on top of me
and the Dude started climbing the
Tree Next Door to Cut Some Limbs
Straining to Look our way.. as sometimes
when i'm Masturbating the Wife in Bed i say
imagine how many Young Men have come to the
Beauty of you.. clothed or not.. as true just the way
some Women have looked At me with shiny eyes has
been enough for me in my Life for the Most Explosive
Fantasy Orgasms of all.. ha.. Not even any Muslim Woman
is safe from that Male Fantasy now for Desire is Deep Pools
in Brown To Green To Blue eyes too Pupils Dilated Lips
Red Fully Reflecting what is below so above now too..
Yes.. the Gift of Life is too Wonderful not to Play
Naked and Share it with the World at least
one time in all legal Avenues to do
that in Freedom's Wings
now for those who
have high
and are not Disgusted
by Free Nature now.. you
do it you move on to other Horizons
of Love and then you do it again to increase
Libido for Creativity and Productivity and even
Greater Social Cooperation as our Cousin Bonobos
have never been afraid to do.. but yeah.. i am monogamous
as far as naked things do go.. but i do have Imagination and
Do enjoy the Art of Erotica and i am no Hypocrite who has
to keep Secrets of Human Nature Closed up in Closets now..
And once again only very selfish People take take take
the art of others and yes naked too and
never give back what
they take
so much
Across a Lifetime now..
and on top of that and bottom
too yes.. it defeats entropy in
Electronic Form as hey
Being an Orgasm
is like
Being a Blood
Donor for Comfort
as Health in Life too..
and in Electronic Form no
Disease and no one gets hurt
in relationships where
Jealousy doesn't
Freedom now..
to each her and hiS oWN
DiffeRent Strokes for DiffeRent
Human Libidos too but yes
Joy of Sex
and Sensuality
and overall Erotica and
the Great Aesthetics in Essence
of all Human Body PartS and Functions
are no less Holy and Sacred than any other
Activity as Nature
is God Free and Wild
as Naked Play NoW ReaL as ArT too..
Hmm.. and what's my Favorite Porn
Women Masturbating as i've always
Loved Loving Pussy
and Heart
and Soul
Spirit and
the rest of a
Body with my
Fingers and Tongue too..
And that reminds me of when i used to
Be a Janitor and my Beautiful Young Female
Helper was Below me as i was standing on top
of a Ladder Cleaning the Top Blind and i just couldn't
Help it as she was so sexy i started getting Erect and she
noticed and Started Giggling and said can i watch you while
You Masturbate and that made my Heart Beat Fast in Taboo
of Sex on the Job but yes she watched me until i came as she
said wow your Cock Gets So Red when it is Hard and she
just watched and that's all that happened then but there
was that Night at the Bowling Center well before i
met Katrina then where a Bowling League
Couple Brought one of their Female
Relatives in her Early Twenties
to come watch them
Bowl then
as Later she stayed
and it was just me and
her in the Bowling Center alone
And she Followed me in the Women's
Bathroom as i went to clean it and i said hey what
are you doing here now.. as she kneeled down and unzipped
my Pants and Pulled out what would quickly Be a Red and Swollen
Cock then and for you Men you know and feel and sense it at least you
should when a Woman who really Loves to Suck Cock like it is the Art of
their Life comes to Hold You In her Mouth like the Sweetest most Delicious
Red Lollipop She has Ever Sucked So hard to get to the Sweetest Parts more..
She asked me to Fuck Her right then and there but that was more than
i was willing to do as hey guys can have limits too so with a sigh
she pulled her Lips off my Cock for True a Cock that
comes is not much for Thrusting
into a Newly Wet Pussy now..
Women have it easy
for they can
and will
come and
come again..
with more than one
man if they so choose too
as some folks do trios and even
more than that too.. one's enough
for me but yeah.. there is Imagination
and Fantasy too.. and that reminds me
of a Respiratory Therapist i dated in
College as she had money and i did not
back then.. and she sucked me
and sucked me and
told me she
could suck
me all
night long and told
me my Cum tasted sweet
and how she didn't like really salty cum..
and she would talk dirty to me saying fuck me
fuck me harder and fuck me dirty now please..
and while she was on a Park Swing she rubbed
My Leg Between Her Legs and Said.. yes Daddy
Rub me Harder now.. yes Daddy Harder and
i met her at a Bar no surprise that she had
a higher than usual libido otherwise
she wouldn't have likely
even been at
the bar
back then..
anyway.. nothing disgusted
her as she enjoyed the taste of me..
and yeah that reminds me of when i was
dancing in my shorts back in my running days
at a Bar and a Woman Told me i had the Best
Man Butt she ever came across then and
that was all but another woman
Actually Grabbed my
Crotch and just
Rubbing my cock
in Public then..
but true i've
never come
from a Clothed
Rub or Bootie Dance either
hehe.. and Wet Dreams they are
almost as Great as Tantric Sex now
as that is the Art of Pleasure too.. Explosive
Pleasure at its Max for the Bio-Feed Back
of Sexual and Sensual Intelligence More
there is Art and Beauty to all of Life
when one looks Deep
enough and
Shares it with
others as that's the purpose of Art in
the First place to Share and Give all
of a Mind and Body Soul now
Thanks for Folks like
and others
who helped pave the way
for the average Joe and Jane
to play Naked like no one is looking and
Everyone may be looking now heHe for ReaL..
but no one will ever say they actually looked
or what they did when they were watching the Screen hehe..
A Few Women From the Bar have smiled ear to ear while they
typed my link into their Cell Phone then.. i don't know what they did
after that
but sure
i can
And WiLL
Even More likely now heHe..:)
Back to the Summer of 2014 Photographically imaged
at the End of all of this stuff still coming.. all the way at the bottom..
May 2nd, 2018
True.. i'm a Grower
More than shower.. too.. hehe..
Anyway back today to Spruce up the Effort with a little
More Organized Form to go along with all of this Essence..
and nah..i don't wanna make this too complicated as we are talking
mostly here about getting Wetter and Harder as Life comes Great..:)
Two Photos Below from April 2014 as the First one was actually
Shared in my PG Rated Blogs as just about the limit to keep it PG there..:)

Photo Below from my Lion King Post in September of 2017 at age 57 then..
i was a little Surprised that one of my Muslim Friends..
A Female wo was married at the Time actually liked the
Blog Post with the First Picture Headlining it but it was
likely the Quality of the Words that she liked most.. hehe..
Anyway.. just Proof that i Dance Naked online.. hAha..
For you Know Folks.. Some Folks
Are always asking for
Proof or it didn't Happen.. heHe..
The Picture from September 2017 as then
Titling a MacroVerse with the Phrase Lion King
is bound to Create a Little MaGiC in Form of Essence too..
is about as Close as i've been able to come at age 57 to meet the
Form of something that Looks like a Greek Statue in what used to be
the Fine Art of Human Straight Male Nude.. not exactly FAP Material is
any of this For Most Females to get Wetter all about but never the less it is
the Art of me Fully dis-clothed without
shame to be..
i used to Show off photos
in Artful Poses when my Penis
was small as it can get as true it is a
Rather Warrior Penis that will Go in Stealth
Mode as necessary in the Environment at Hand
Per Fight and Snow Cold too.. as a Grower and Surely
not a shower in this way true.. but anyway.. i don't show the
smaller feller anymore for hey
if it ever goes viral
i would rather
have the
than the
non-Shower hehe..
or at least a Full Spectrum View
just for the Curiosity of what comes may will..
anyway that's enough about Cock.. let's talk About Pussy
my Favorite pArt at least close to the Beauty of a Woman's eyes
And the kind Hugs
and Kisses
of Love
For a Pussy is a Beautiful
Flower Rose as Butterfly with Wings
Folded Parts Artful and Moist such a Wonderful
Home to House a little Feller Growing Taller and Longer to
Feel and Fill the Wet lit
Walls oF a Home that
Fits Still to come..
Anyway.. as far as any Pictures of
me as my Friend Rafiah Before she got
Married said i look Better with Pants on with
A photo of me Shared from Around 2004..
the most popular Current Photo among
the Women i've recently known is
the one below in Fact the
Wife Jumped my Bones
the night i shared
this one on
Facebook too.. hehe..
Yep.. about 170 LBS no Hercules Hear..
yep about 70 Lbs Less than what i weighed
in the Lion King Photo Above as i've been running
Close to 240LBS lately and no i do not actually run
as that is way too much weigh for 57 Year old Knees now.. hehe..
From the Spring of '83 at 22 Years Old..
Anyway.. back to the Photo Above with the Beard at 22 Years
Old this was from my Bar Days of Dancing at 2001 Club way back
then.. and the Young Woman who said she Loved to Suck me so much
she would suck me all night long
as she just couldn't get enough
of the Velvet Tip
of what was growing
in her Mouth then..
yes.. she was not a Grower she
was a Swallower of all of what might come..
And yes again a Taste Tester of Cum From what she
named mine as Sweet to what She remembered of Salty other
men then.. in the Bar Scenes of Life.. so much more experienced she
then me of course then.. anyway.. she said she Loved my Beard as much
as i enjoyed the scent of her Flower Below
as i remember as she pulled her Skirt
down in the Hotel Room She
and her Friends were staying
at the Beach Hotel
How moist her
Panties Felt and
how Deep and intoxicating
the Smell of Her Fresh Womanhood was then..
she said she enjoyed the Feel of my Beard as it tickled
and stimulated her Rose Petals and Butterfly Wings more until
She Quivered with Delight
as my Tongue explored
all the musky
yes.. the Good Kind of
Musk in Female turned on..
as really i did not care whether or not
if she sucked me or not as i just wanted to Feel her
Pleasure as any Empath Male Will as the Walls of Contractions
Would Massage My Tongue Diving in Deeper and All around those
Butterfly Wings Pulsating then..
And it's true eventually
i could not help it
for i exploded
in her Mouth
And true not a Drop
Was Left as she Looked Deep in
My Eyes with a Satisfaction of i Love all of
you and i will not waste one Drop of you now.. hehe..
And that's the way it was back in the Beard GroWinG Days..
for every Woman i went down on went down on me in full reciprocation then..
not that i had that many Women for there was likely under 10 and some of them
Surely experienced more than me.. yes.. likely some of them
Enjoyed Tasting Licking Delicious Pussy
in Same Sex way too..
for yes..
i remember this Woman
asking Her Nurse Friend to join
in with us in half Jest in the Morning of
Beach Life then.. just the thought of it was enough then.. hehe..
For Round two of divine in yes diving
in the Rose
of her
Petals of Love
Fully open for me..
As Butterfly Wings Quiver in Ecstasy more..
can't say that she ever Masturbated in Front of me
but i can't say she had any need to either.. hAha.:)
Anyway that's enough Write for a Second Day of Doing this
For i need to Space it out in the Future less my PG Rated Blogs don't get
done but i kinda wanted to start it off with somewhat of a Big Bang now..
For there are many More Memories coming to fully illustrate more now too..
as this May 2nd of 2018 Effort concludes for now then..:)
May 4th, 2018
The Old Celtic Festival of Beltane that Survived
the Longest into the 20 Century of where
my Irish Grandfather was born
in Limerick for Home
but of course
no Pagan
Non-Christian Activities
for him for he Became an Irish Priest
yet not too Prude to eventually sire me 2 Generations
Removed on 6.6.60 for me With Spiral Golden PHI Reflections
in Birthday Days too with Numerology Report of 0 For the Fool
of Tarot too at Birth for the Relative Free Will to do what ever i enjoy
in life by the Legend of completing all the other Life Challenges Successfully
in Previous Lives 'Fore where according to my Birth Name and Birth Date the
Next Three Life Challenges are 1 and 1 and 1 after the 0 of Birth Challenge..
which only means
i will affirm
what i already
care to do.. could be
everything or nothing but
the Gift is Everything More for Love
Incarnate Naturally Will Also Give and Share more
so yeah around 3:33 AM on May 1st, 2018 when i staRted
Writing this it is unwittingly
in the same
Artful Effort as
A Fertility Rite of Sorts
And Celebration of FLoWeRinG LiFE
More as A White MaGiC Incantation of Words
Same as a Prayer for Positive Force Energy as Synergy
of Life in Intent more now too.. and verily the Celebration Did
Come Stronger That Usual on the 211th Dance Night Celebration with
all the Cool College Age Folks at
where i Dance each week
for the Women were
Heated more by
May Temperatures of
Summer Coming too as their
Hands Exploring full Grasp of my Ass
and in a couple of Cases the Cheeks of their Buns
Stroking what is always a Half Engorged Cock in any Kundalini
Raising Activity that Ascendent Transcendent Ecstatic Free Verse Dance
will Bring whether or not the Rear of a Pussy becomes excited or not by a Half
Engorged Cock in a Pair
of Dancing Shorts
as Legs are Stroked
first with
Pussy pArts
before the Head of my
Cock is engaged between A
Valley of Ass more.. anyway it's
Play it's what Playful Humans Do in Sensuality
too just a Game as See that Guy down there Dancing Fearless
on the Dance Floor.. bet i can Rub his Cock and Make him Stiff
as a Rock Before i move on to the next
Destination for
and then there were the passing
Caresses of My Chest in Shirt as Young
Women Passed me by in Feel of me when it wasn't
my Ass they had a Handful of too.. it's true it was May
Day Week and perhaps they too were a little Celtic too..
It was a memorable night and one of the
Most Beautiful Women entertained
me last in a White Sun Dress
of Beauty as she
came up
Behind me and
Snuggled with a Stranger
in Tight Hug and a Quick Face to Face
Dance as she pulled my Hips Closer to
Her Woman Hood too..
then she went to
the Deeper
part of the
Dance Hall and i did not
Follow her there but she came
back reaching out for me in a Hand
to Hand Dance..
but as a married
man i never pursue
any woman there
and usually they eventually get
the hint that i am married if not realizing
i'm old enough to be their Grandfather too.. hehe..
but anyway it is surely flattering and in the Moment
i am
Years old for True
i was a Virgin then and still
until 19 years old..
for i remember
the First time
my first
Rubbed my cock
in slow swirling Strokes through
my Corduroy Pants Petting in the Front
Seat of my 1970 Ford Maverick Listening to the
'Song Don't Look Back' by Boston then.. for she was the
Confident one and i was the one whose Heart Beat was Thumping
Both in Chest and
Cock too then..
and this was in Broad Daylight
at an Afternoon Store but it wouldn't
be too much longer Before it would be in the
Woods after a Dance in the same Front Seat Car
Seat for i remember the Milky White Feel of her
Ample Young Breasts then and how Her Pussy
Was Dusted With Baby Powder that made
My Fingers Smell Sweet as i explored
the Deep Pink Glistening Wings
of Her Butterfly Petals
Free.. and the
most amazing thing of all
is that was Nearly 40 Years ago..
and the Girl who obviously wanted me who
was even more Beautiful than her was only Several
Years Older on the Dance Floor of Thursday Night..
Yes.. it's nice
to be in
at any age now..
but seriously a smile given
and shared is enough for me with
Any Dancing Friend now until the other
ones figure out i am not available for too much fun..
anyway.. in that First Love Exploration even though we were
Both Virgins.. obviously she had more overall Experience of Petting
than i did then..
but yes it was fun
Learning for before i met
her all i knew about Pussy was
the Fur Above as in my Day all
the Butterfly Winged Parts
Were Definitely Victoria's
Secret Kept all the way
through Grade Schools for me..
yes.. even in the only access i had to Penthouse
Magazine then.. as now one can view almost as much
on a Mall Advertisement in a Store selling Dildo's New..
i'm Glad i learned Romantic Love For Females from the
Time i was in Kindergarten
to my First Love then at 18..
for it's True
i can and will
be Satisfied STiLL with
Just a smile now to Share with any Woman now..
but still Sexual and Sensual Intelligence is Integral from
Escaping the CLocK Part of Mechanical Cognition Mind and
Surely one way to get Closer to the God of Feel and Sense Living Within
and Free
for the Gift we are
in the Rite of all days as May Day Now More..:)
May 11, 2018
Sexual Sensual Intelligences of Edging in other Words Fantasizing
Where nothing is off Limits Except Coming too much to make
the Experience one of constant Waves of Ecstasy as
Tides go in and out in Waves of Bliss and
Nirvana More When Tip of Cock
Peaks over Precipice in
Drips of Life a little
more each
Cliff is reached
not falling of the edge yet
of Explosive Orgasm in Tantric
Art ways of Biggest Bangs of Human
Sensuality and Sexuality yes Class Nirvana
and Bliss yes.. it's Like a Woman at the Beach
in Long Day Sun as Lips Below Move so Moist
as Ocean Flow More as FloweRed Wings Become
Red as Clit-like Ruby Headed Cock for Size Matters
not for the Loving Button of Clit and Loving Juices
of Life are concentrated into Streams joining of
Bliss more now in Delight Bending over to pick
up Towels as Sunshine Up Below surely to
Arouse Every Cock that Walks by Rising
Girth and Length as Cock Heads
Vibrate Pulsating wanting
connections to
Touching Bikini Bottom
Cotton Drenching Love Wants
yet not met as Thrusting Parts
Meet Willing Art of Massaging Red
More as Matches come together making
Flickers into Torches into Bonfire of Cock
Meeting Pussy Together as Flame Lights
up in uncontrollable Passion come to
Licker Her First tasting all of
what Sunshine Brings
to Light Below
So Impassioned Lip
Stick Red in Life Juices
Delight as Tongues Swirl around
A Pussy Wet of Ocean Whole Around
A World of Pulsating Coming Places More..
As Cock and Pussy Come Together Again as
Left Hand Massages Nipple of Left Breast more
for Women too who are now exploring tHeir Vital
Life in Finger
Tips of Love
round and round
faster in vibrating
style unique to each
Finger of Hands that
Dials up Bliss just an edge
more to precipice in Pussy Pulsating
more to reach yet another edge of Fantasy
more as Cock and Pussy come together Thrusting
and Rubbing more matches lit up Higher and Deeper
Run Away TRain
of Passion
pulsations contractions
gyrations explode as Life
comes again until
the next
around for an opportunity
for even more colors for Orgasms
new.. yes reNeWeD as Fingers and Pussy
Become Best Friends too.. Anew as Every Fantasy
is Lit up in A Biggest Sexual Organ of all Between
the ears of all that is imaginable with all of what Feels
Good now
as Below
oF PleaSurE NoW..
YeaH.. iT's True this kind of intelligence LiGHT
may be too deep now for some or not yet explored
as too shallow for others so it is best that this Blog
goes a separate way from the other 'Bible Blogs' but hey
remember class no Member of Nature as God Any less Holy
And Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose when we use the Imagination
and Creativity of Relative Free Will as Gifted From God Free and that's
the Problem with so many other Bible Texts perhaps except for Sufi
Poetry About Sex and the Divine Feminine Lust of Nature With Male
now too.. and Some other Sacred and Holy Text that is not afraid
of Cock and Pussy
and all the
above so below
of Sexual and Sensual
Holy and Sacred Creative Intelligences
More as Imagination Lives above so below too..
And like they say.. pictures or it did not happen hehe..
for some of us do wake with a stark reminder that
Above now too..
anyway.. the Pictures Below are pArt of
what will come next week too.. as now it's
6:18 PM on 5.11.18 and now a trip to the Gym
for sure i'll visit this place again when i get in the mood again2..
sure.. as usual with a 'little help' from all the Muse that/who comes my way too..:)
May 17th, 2018
One of the Best Things About Sensual/Sexual Intelligences yes that is mostly
An Actual Feeling and Sensing Intelligence Removed from what can and will
sadly 'normally' be a Mechanical Cognition Robot Worry State of Mind is
yes just that
this is
Escape from Worries of
Course or just Re-Creation in
A Different Area of Your Being Human..
in other Words Genital Healing but Really for
Us Free Verse Dancers who get in touch with every
Move of our Body Emotional Feeling and other Sensory
Sensation no Matter
Female and or Male
the Entire Body for all
practical intents and
purposes and even
Mind of Feelings
and Senses
to be
One Whole Penis and or
Clitoris as Organism of Pleasure
or whatever you wanna call that tingly
connecting feeling sensing thingie from Head
to Toe and no i am not talking about ingesting any
Drugs to get in this state of Orgiastic Being for
a Naked Free or Even Clothed Dance when
the Mind and Body Becomes Centered
in Love Next of Belly Balance
Good Vibrations continue
to come from
to Toe Real and even
rising higher into beyond
Reaches of what most folks may
Experience of Bliss and Nirvana of Life
all that is connecting with God Free as
just another Clitoris Penis drop the Science
yes Pussy
and Cock
come to Play
From Head to toe..
God are you Horny
Yes i am Horny for Life
in a Lust of Pleasure from
Head to Toe just Happy as a
Cock doesn't even have to be Hard
but yes usually about half engorged
in Shorts as just a natural way to be
not necessarily
Furry and Moist
Home or as they do
shaved these days
For Butterfly Wings Open
As Flower to accommodate
A Swelling Red Velvet Head of Pleasure more..
Hmm.. yes.. Hmm.. Good
all around
Sure Size Matters
not and a Pussy Button
Will Surely Get Erect too
Leaning into
Flesh Womanhood
comes to connect to clothed
in Dance or in the ins and outs of the Heat of Passion
Naked and Lubricated Wetter than what seems ever
Before From Head to toe as Humans Become Cock
and Pussy Whole too reaching out and touching
God's UniVerse Whole moving connecting
co-creating Waves of Pleasure more..
Yes it's True Life can and will be
A Supraorgasm too.. butt
sure it's Nice to
Be Wanted
at the Dance Halls too
when a 'Strange' Woman Grabs
Your Butt and Caresses Your Chest
as a Drive by Pleasure too..
or yes in the lower
case of
Cock Up and
Down to fit 'tween
the Vulva Valleys of Life
More Pulsating Dreams come
to Fruition Later Fingering
A Dream come
Yes.. i must admit my cock is Getting
Harder Writing this Swelling up and around
a little bit more and i'm not thinking about any
one in particular just the Joy of Sensual and
Sexual Life now.. yes as my Cock continues
to Push hard Against My Underwear
i could almost Pull it out
and start rubbing it
a little bit now
but no
i'll save that until
tomorrow as i don't pleasure
my self that often but when i do yes
i really really really do.. hehe.. for it's
true this is like a way of Masturbation too..
Slow Masturbation as in a way i'm
doing it with whoever is reading this
now too.. for it's also True i once
had a rather Open minded
Facebook Friend
who remarked
Poetic Literature
is what drove her to Pull her Panties
Down as a Facebook Status for all to see..
but no.. the Quoted Text.. hehe was not from me..
for i try my best to keep it PG on Facebook at Least haha..
anyway about the saddest pArt of life is someone who feels guilt
over pleasuring themselves now..
for perhaps a female
who doesn't see
a Pussy
As a Beautiful
Butterfly Flower
With Wings Glistening
Receptive With Lubrication Honey more..
Truly a Gift Worthy to Touch Lightly as Panties
become moist to feel with a certain smell of ready more..
yes more just more and some more as one finger and two
begin to swirl a way around a sticky indention even more..
perhaps not sticky but at least wet and slicker dreaming
that certain person will press their Lips in bottom
more lightly flicking Their Tongue in places
that want even more a desire
to plunge Deeper
until a
date comes
For Velvet Red Cock
to Plunge even Deeper where
Tongue is Driven Before..
anyway i will
as True my Mind and
Body is an oPen Freeway Within
and Free
Inside outside above
So below and OMG all around too..
Sure more coming later whenever more comes..:)
May 17th 2018.. continuing now with a little Science Added in too..
At Least in Measure of Systemizing Science me NoW.. hehe..;)
Okay.. the Two Pictures Above and Below Knocks out two things..
the Part of my Naked Legs that are not visible below
the Bottom of the Mirrors i use for this Masculine and
Somewhat Erotic Art.. and the Heaviest Weight of my
Life With Empirical Evidence in Measure and Naked
Art too
as it is
what is was
back on a Full Day
Evening of Eating on
Sunday when i took my Wife
Katrina to Her Burn Care Appointment
at Mobile as yes that was on 5.12.2018 as the
Tale of the Scales reported back 245.4 LBS as that's
what happens to me at least skipping a Marathon Dance
at Old Seville Quarter for what would have been the 212th
Dance Week with all the Cool College Age Folks as that's
coming tonight
as muse
Art to come too..
but true it was those big meals
that packed on the last 5 LBS as
the photos above with the Really Red
Stiff and Partially Coming Cock
at just 240 LbS
and the more Defined
Muscle parts for
A Hairy Dude Second Removed
From Ireland and Third Removed
From the Black Forest of Germany as
Ancestral Snows do go for smaller ears and yes
Class the rest of the extremities that Survive the Winter
Snows of Cold that Don't other wise Freeze off Dangling aLong
with Balls hung low
in the Hot
Savannah Desert
With Much Darker Natural
Born Skin that dissipates the Heat
With much Larger Longer Extremities too.. specifically
the Length of Flacid Cocks too still.. and on top of that as
(conversely.. iT's Worth Noting that Bigger Upper Heads Retain Heat in cold climates too)
Far as Lion Packages go.. for i remember distinctly a group
of You Tube Ignorant Commenters making fun of how small
A Lion's Package
was/is in comparison
to the size of the
Entire Lion Body
Getting Ready to Mount
A Lioness aS Such in Mutual
Kingdom sHow of Getting iT on..
as yes.. they made Fun of the Smaller Lion
Package that i guess what they anthropomorphized
out of Imaginary Expectation but don't Forget Class..
With Jaws and Claws
what Dangles
gets ripped
off and that's the end
of the Family Jewels and Heritage too..
i have A theory that likely no Social Scientist will likely ever pursue
and not many would likely answer honestly as that's the problem with
Social Science as it is still subjective no matter how hard one tries to
Measure the Human Mind and
HeArt in how we Co-Create
our reaLiTies now
ever changing
as Neuro-Scientists
now show we basically
Hallucinate our reality in what
may or may not be a Sweet Spot of
Coming to Terms in a Reality that Works
best for us as yes.. Class.. smART really in effect
is comprised mostly of Art.. anyway as far as Angry Old
and yes White Dudes from the Northern European Hairy aS
Such Persuasion from the Day that the African American Slaves
First Came over with
much Lower Dangling
so-called Man-hood parts
the Penis Envy Did come more..
and it's true as even Social Science Shows
as best as it can the Highest Levels of Social Esteem
among all Demographics in the United States are the African American
Male as Factors cited are ability to Defend oneself in an actual Physical Fight
And the Confidence
in Sexual
Successfully Bedding
the Opposite Sex more..
and on top of that it is a misconception
that Trump Riches is what actually Turns Women
on the Most as Modern Social Science Shows it is the Confidence
of a Fearless Stance and Show of Life that Gets the Women Juices
Going the
below too...
so no matter what your
Man parts below are.. soft or hard
if you want a 'Strange' Woman to come up
to you in the Dance Hall and put her hands all over you
or in an actual
rage of
Offer you her
Rear in a Vigorous
Up and Down Standing
Lap Top Dance Massaging
Your Cock for the only tip
she gets is a swelling
Head of Shaft extending
more as the actual receptor
Nowthen of Female Passion more..
Yes.. Class.. Dance like no one is looking
for it's true not only will someone be looking
chances are the moist parts will be getting ready as
they are feeling the Fearless in you as the intoxication
of our Animal Natures come out to play more as Bonobo
alive again free..
And if you are really an Artist of Sexuality
and Sensuality more there are as many ways to make
A Woman Tingle from Head to toe as there are Words and
Touches and Delicate
All of Life is Art to me as
Science may Say just put it in and take
it out and put it in again..
i do
Thing More
For Art is no limit
Sex MoRe
anYWay i realize this is a little
Heavy For Erotic Talk but it's True
iN LiGHT every way the Truth Will Set you
Free in Life Fearless without Shame now and
if you wanna get all religious about it the Jesus Dude
as Reported clearly related this in Parable and Poetry talk
for the Gospel
of Thomas
as yes class
Jesus was/is one of the
First Male Strippers who not only
did it without shame but suggested
that his Students Should too to find
as Temple of God
comes alive more
as Nature God MoRe
JuST NaKeD Free
with sure a Free
Lap Top Standing
Dance to go along with
that in ointments that don't Cost a Dam
thing to take Food away from the Poor as every
Bootie Dance
in Ointments
Free as Nature Lives
as God in Every ParT
and Function and
us more
Hard or Soft
as all pArts CoME ToGeTHeR
Holy and Sacred Fully Engorged
too of Meaning and Purpose too..
And if you don't BeLieVE the Jesus the Yeshua
or whatever Meek Man Never Got an
And touched
A Woman's Flesh with it
than in that case he was
Probably of another Sexual Orientation
so be
when one attempts
to Armchair
from the past now..
as True without a Higher Libido
Creativity Usually Dies too for Jesus F
in Christ how many exciting Sermons do you
get from
a Catholic
Priest now..
the ones that are not
Sexually Active at least
As unless they are A-Sexual
of Persuasion what comes out
of the closet
in the Closet now too
Yes Class there is Truth and Light
About Human Sexuality too and while the World
may not be Ready
for a Sexy Jesus
i am
one to try/be that now heHe..
but wait! the Homosexual Artists who
portrayed him as a female with a beard
in mind at least too.. hehe..
not likely he turned over any Real
Money Making Temple Patriarchal
Tables Looking like that any more
than he
coming back
as a bearded long haired female
at the First Baptist Church
like i said we co-create
our realities
and there
is no
steadfast rule
any of this has to make any rational sense at
all but true some of us use more of our NeO-cortex too..
Even those who believe with Faith in NO GOD AT ALL..
hmm.. such a silly
way to co-create
a life that other wise
lasts Eternally now in Heaven Real..
HeaVeN EXisTS NoW ThaT's aLL i NeeD NoT KNoW NoW
ReaL NoW
And one can/will create Illusory
Fears without Hope that
is the Devil and Hell
aS oNe May
be now
forevernow too..
Ha and people say
we don't have Free Will at all..
Yes.. Class the Relative Free Will
of Heaven or Hell we Create now as
Devil more..
But True it's Hard
to Find an Angel with
A Stiff Cock or Clit who
Dreamy eyes
of HeaVeN NoW
And seriously the reason you won't see many
of those 'Professional Body' Builders doing their
poses in original Michelangelo Sculpting ways as they
are not Fearless enough men to fully expose their
now heHe..
or the pArts that made it through
the Cold Winter Snows of Northern
Europe and yes Asia too in one
that continued
and continues
to Reproduce Flesh and Blood now..
it's True your little weenie saved your Ancestors life in the Coldest of Days..
You See it's how you Frame life that counts and let me see to finish this off
if i can find that Burt Reynolds Bear Rug Spread Versus the Fred Rug Furry Spread..
as hey
counts too..
for Female
Googling Giggling Orgasms too..
keeping in mind that for Women who do Search
for Porn.. Social Science Shows that top results
WereWolves too
and oh God yes
Vampires too
who live forever now too
in some form as style of Essence in the Fossil Record online too..
hey.. if all of this don't turn you on.. at least you lEarned something too..;)
Ha.. guess i have a new 'title' too.. "Sex and Body PArts Educator"
as that Anthropology Degree is coming in Handy aLong with
the Health Science Degree and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Degree too (three)
for i do
it Free Hands Baby NoW
in AutoDiDacT aRt and Science2..
Ha! mayBe when i go to my 40th
High School Class Reunion on 8.4.18
and they ask me what i've been doing
i'll give 'em a 'load' of all of this too..;)
Circa Fall of 2013.. Fred in Bed of Bear Rug Spread at age 53 and
yes a couple of weeks away from 58 in the photos above..
Circa 1972..Burt Reynolds at age 36.. note: Burt
said he Drank a Bottle of Vodka to get the Courage
to do this for Cosmopolitan.. me.. i just i laid in
Bed Fully iNtoxicated all Natural with Life..
Perhaps that is pArt of a Bi-Polar
Advantage buT it works for me
heHe.. anyway.. obviously for
what should be obvious this is just
a silly Parody i did and yes while you could
surely see this much of a Dude at most any Beach
Just Relaxing in the Sun and Burt would look much more
like a Fearless man if he wasn't Femininely Covering up
his Privates like a Woman in a Gym Changing Room
when the owner of the Gym comes in as a Man and
or a Woman as such too.. and what's even sadder
as one sees one's libido creep lower covering
up their private parts together even
more as they get Older now
in Burt's Reference
View of an 82 year
old man he now
is ashamed of what he did then
and actually considering he's covering
his Private parts up in this way this shows
a little less than full male confidence no matter what too
although yes it was still off limits in Cosmopolitan to Show
a fully extended
'Monty' then.. hehe.. and even though
the Hairless version of Jesus as far as Body Hair
is exposed even more than this with or without a Cross
in the Front of the Catholic Church then/now even though we all should
Realize Middle Eastern Men are Hairy before the Homosexual leaning Artists
Sculpted Non-Hairy men then along with Painting them too.. as to each his
own eye of the beholder of Art and Sensuality too.. anyway.. an extended family
Member De-Friended me on Facebook Shortly after i did this parody here..
and as i remember another one did too..
but still they worship an almost naked
man on a cross as idol still
that just one man
could possibly comprise
the entire of God although true
we are God too just not the "Full Monty
and or Sheila" and more for metaphor now more too..
Yep.. Burt was considered the Sexiest Man alive then..
but true that was before Women Started Loving Hairless men more..
butt perhaps that is
Changing a little bit to 'the right again' ironicAlly as such not..
in other Words when Stressful times come Women Seek Stronger Fearless Looking Men..
for while some Men focus on their Cock's.. 'Real' Women see the entire Man package STiLL.
More to Come... Later.. and Sooner..;)
May 25th 2018
Presently back to the Future..
In Yesterday's Tantric
Edging 3 Hour
or so
Marathon Activity
of Losing my 'Mind' as such
and getting back into all yes
all pArts
mY Body
to get iT aLL BaLanCeD out
away from the Mechanical Cognition Activities
of Life so i will sprout Higher Wings of Spirituality after
this Earthly Effort of coming just a little here and coming a little
more until
as that came some more..
yes a whole lot more
as that comes
and now too..
And once Again Visiting the Bear Rug Spread
in the Bed of Course from Fall of 2013 which
is me of course at age 53 then..
Anyway overall i'm back as promised and as i was
telling the Nice Woman From the First Baptist
Church in the local area today as i chatted with
(all i did was smile at her as that usually
gets the conversation started
with the opposite Sex
at least for me..
True Ladies man i'LL continue to be
and yes it was totally sincere
as yes Women can tale most
about what is sincere too)
her while Katrina was getting
her Physical and
Therapy as
Her Burned Hand
continues to Recover
along with the movement
included as Hands will do too..
anyway.. i showed her the Form of what
the Essence of my Free Verse Poetry looks like
from a Distance
as nah..
some of
stuff would
likely Blow her Mind
as i do understand who i can open
up a little bit more too and for those
i must keep some of what i am under wraps at
least for now..
anyway..on another toPic as a totally different one
one of my Favorite Positions is for Women to Ride me
Particularly Dainty Flowery Looking Women more specifically
the Wife of Course as i remember when we first got Married and
we used a Mirror to Watch us Having Sex and it was quite the Turn on
me Hairy from Head to toe and her Perfect Eternal 19 year old Body
on top of me pumping
me up and
for it's true
opposites do most definitely
attract like this and yeah it also
reminds me of a Military Woman i met
when i worked for the Navy who took me to
a Hotel on the Destin Beach with Her Friend
as she was Pumping
me up and
While her Friend went to the
Bathroom and stayed in there for
a while as perhaps she wasn't ready to
join in but relieve her self in perhaps
another way but
i'll never know for
sure but hey
if you're Horny
and there is no other Person
to Pump might as well get out the Fingers
and let those Digits Play the Chords of Pussy
Play so moist so deep so swirling Fingers around
a Clit so
Blood as once again
size matters not as all
the Pleasure Points are
concentrated all at one
not Different really
then the head of a Velvet Cock
when edging ecstasy of Sensual Pleasure
just a little more and another Drop of Life
until the Ocean
and Washes the
rest of Mechanical Cognition away
to Bliss
like Rebooting
a Computer all Fresh and ready
to go out and Dance or go to the Beach
Where all the Bikinis are with hints of Nipples
And Vulva PArts coming sort of exposed where you
are not suffering
to pull it
out and
explode again in bliss
as that's already been taken care
of just like on the Dance Floor as you can
take the Bootie Dances if they come or not
to visit a Cock that has already Been Fully
Oiled at Home..
yes.. better to be rebooted than
frustrated in Cock Ways too
for overall release
as the cock
Been unleashed
to come again.. before
and in this case just another
Moment of Ecstasy in Sensual way is
Captured as Long as Servers keep it coming back
for you see this
the issue
of Entropy
as Pleasure to share free
with others is captured for a Free
Dopamine Source to Fuel the Productivity
and Creativity and overall Social Cooperation
of the Human Race for Sensuality Play and Play
in General is the Recreation
that keeps
Vital in Imagination
and Creativity more for there is
an Intelligence too of Sexual Fantasy that
makes more Colors come than just a White Spot
or a Wave of Life Gushing from a Velvet Head of Bliss..
for true the
Sexual Organ
of all is the Brain
and baby this
Grand Piano when it comes
to what i can/will dream up and feel and sense
and sure what i am capable of in Bringing Pleasure
to through the Wife
or just
like Fifty Shades of Grey
where the most feminine Woman
wants to get on top and do her Wild
thing with the
Dude who
between Human and Werewolf too
Throes of Passion as they say.. to ride the
Pony.. yes the Horse of Life that is at core for the will to
carry on..
as the Dainty Flower
ends up musing after the act
is done.. could i just be an animal after all..
Reference another Song named 'Blurred Lines' too..
it doesn't Bother me to come From EartH.. no it doesn't
bother me to share the Fur of other Animals and no
the throes
of Passion
do not
me either
as that is core to all that is
Life From the Big Bang of Theory
to: A
From: coMes neXt..:)
May 30th, 2018
Photo Memories from 4 Years ago.. Memorial Day Weekend.. 2014
Photo Memories from the End of Last July.. 2017..
So when is Naked.. Art that should be easy to determine
for Art is whatever comes as a symbol
that expresses the
Intelligences of Feeling and Sensing
Life Whole for whom all are concerned..
And of Course Beauty
or Disgust lies and
tells the truth
set of eyes to the next..
Since i'm not doing this for Money.. i'm
Definitely doing it for the Muse of Feeling and
Sensing the Potential Intensity of Life and Variety
of Colors
of Emotions
and Senses more
and this Historical Flesh and
Blood Art surely Brings Different Colors
of what i feel and sense to the pallet of Naked
i was living in an Apartment with a Girlfriend and
we had some Next Door Neighbors.. Boy Friend and Girl
Friend too back when i was in my Mid-Twenties and we decided
to go across the Border of Alabama
to an Adult Store to Rent what would
be the First so-called Porn Videos i had
ever seen then and it was a Hot
Bright July that
came next
as the Four
of us watched
the Videos together
Back at the Apartment as
it was surely a hot and bothered
Revelation to me for we all kept our Clothes
on but on the Next Day in the Heat of Mid-July
Sunshine as the Sun was at its Peak at the Middle of the
Day my Girlfriend had gone to Work
and i was
Home alone..
as i was determined to copy
and paste those Videos to one of my own
for Future use as that goes too.. those were the days
when porn was like a Gold Art rarely Viewed to consume
for Human Pleasure then
in a local area
where Women still wear
their dresses to their Ankles
in Certain Christian Sects unless they get out
of the Christian High School off to College and
visit the Back of a Pick up
they had never
been to Heaven before..
Let's Face it humans are Natively Sexual when Free
and the Taboo of Hiding the Gifts Just makes Christmas
of Flesh that much
more Tempting
to touch and
in and all around
the Hot Spots more..
funny it is when you see intense Sexual Art
for what you've never experienced before in acts and
Volume of Acts too.. it's almost like you are Ready to come
before you even touch yourself as that is what i understand
Happens to some
Newly Weds
in Muslim
Gifts are Wrapped
tight until a Man and Woman
who have never Physically met each other
at all in the Flesh get married after all being
Covered up
the Wedding
Bed is Ready to Explode too..
but now in Our Art Porn Industrialized Societies
Tits and Ass and Soft Crotches are almost Stripped in the Mall
haha! Strip Mall as that goes to sell Goods
and i must say i do enjoy the
Aesthetics of it all
but it
convinced me
to buy anything
but take some free photos
for the Joy of Sharing Art more..
Hmm.. if you are coming here to Masturbate
this probably isn't doing it hehe..
A bit Slow on the
Toad i am
and i'm not planning on Getting off to day either.. any
way these days the Male of the Species by the age of even as low
as 18 has probably viewed as Many folks having Sex as most
Folks in previous Centuries saw in a lifetime over all
i too..
for Human
Beings are like this
whether they admit to it or not
keep secrets or get caught..
anyway.. funny the things
that turn you on
most and
for me it's not Necessarily in Form of Female
Beauty for what will turn me on most for me as an
Empath in Feeling and Sensing life is i can tell if it is a genuine
experience of feeling the most pleasure possible free or just
a mechanical
act worked
to get
yeah the difference between a paid lap
dance that i've never paid for in a Strip Club when
Younger and A Wild and Free Young Woman coming
up to you in the Dance Hall Holding Your Clothed
Cock and vigorously
rubbing it up and
down between the cheeks of her
Buns coming
very close
to the sweet
spots of vulva
with just a hint of clit
somewhere too..
yes that
any paid for act of sex i can imagine for sure
for i feel the pleasure of the other person as much and more than
me for focus at least
in Sensuality of Heaven now..
so yeah it's hard to say what comes to be
the so-called Money Shot in the Art of Sensuality
and Sexuality often Referred to as Porn as for me
it might be a Woman who is really enjoying
herself and really showing it
no matter what
she looks
on the outside as such..
and Jesus F in Christ considering how many
Folks in the Art of this have offered it up to me for free
the least i will do is provide a variety of what i have to offer too
if only
for the
the FeeL oF it too..
as i don't try to pre-orchestrate what i do in
this Nude and Sensual Art i just do what the little
Naked Voice in me Naturally wants to move to do next..
sometimes i'm soft and sometimes i'm stiff and sometimes
i am just on the Edge
of Coming
Hours in a Marathon
of Art that takes me away
from all the other thoughts of life
that eXPands my Feelings and Sensuality
of Life
think now..
For it's true this is not just a paid
for act.. i am really enjoying myself for Free
in both the Art and Sensuality of it too
as some folks refer to as
Sexuality too..
for it's true
to give than
receive and i surely
have more than enough to give..
at least
me.. as some of what
i do overall is softer and some of
it is harder too but for sure it
is whatever i am
in the
For Next.. And that reminds me of another Military
Uniformed Girl i Used to Date back in the Mid-Twenties
too and her About 20 then.. as there used to be Wet-T-Shirt
Contests at the Bar i went to on special nights
and she took a Beer Bottle and
simulated some
sex on it to get a little
more attention from the Crowd
as the oral art of sucking every last drop
out of a red and velvety cock not spilling
a drop was surely
an art
enjoyed as
Delicious and never
disgusting to her then..
and yes she was a milk maiden too
hugely busted and amply hipped with a libido that
never quit either as doing it again comes next..
and the funniest thing i
remember her
Well Fuck me running
and it's true i never Fucked her Running
and now ironically it's like Women Try to Fuck
Men in the Cheeks of their Clothed Butts in a Bootie
Dance suitable
for whatever
they choose next..
and it's true i never even
say Fuck me Dancing
they just come
to take my
Cock away from me or
at least get a rise out of me
as that comes and goes too..
anyway it damn sure beats those
Women in the Paid for Dresses on Fox
not to totally
ruin any potential
Moods but Laughter
and Getting Hard and Wet
is still a best method of Healing
days still
and just to think
it requires no Cultural Clothes
at all just a Naked Smile from Head to toe..
seriously if you haven't touched yourself i suggest
you do just touch your thigh and slowly unzip your
Jeans or pull your skirt up enough to feel the
Dampness in the softer
of your Panties now..
and as you loosen your Pants
enough to slide them over the curves of your
Hips spread your Legs a little more to fit more of your
Hand and Fingers in what comes to be more of a drenching
wet and sweet smelling
more.. for true at this
point i would surely be edging
my Head down and extending my
Tongue down into a more open
Heaven this now..
but it's not
me it's
you so let your
Fingers slip down into
the Waist Band of Your Panties
and dive right into Heaven's Nest More..
slowly Massaging Vulva twirling one or two fingers
around more of
an erect
clit now
sure touch the tip
of pleasure more just
a little more pressure of
Finger Bliss now..
and that reminds me do you know there are actual
Masturbatory Specialists in some states that actually
set up clinical appointments to Bring Women to Orgasm
now.. it's true and back in the day of Patriarchy More when Women
were Diagnosed with Hysteria and considered repressed Sexually
Doctors used Vibrator Tools
in their office
to do their
to Bring the Wife
of someone to orgasm then..
hmm.. i suppose whether or not that worked
depended on the Bedside Manner of the Doctor then..
anyway.. i got lost in
the moment
of Science
there now
back to Pussy Play
more.. and it's true i might be
thinking of someone now and i might
not.. that's up to you to figure out not me.. hehe..
yes so now slowly insert one or two or even three fingers it depends
now on how wet and ready
and lubricated you
are now
down the
Tunnel of Your Love more..
Filling the Walls up Tunnel Less
but keep a Hand Free to keep Swirling
a Hot Clit more.. two or three fingers from the
other Hand should keep the trick up..
treat too
as soon as that
comes in waves
of bliss more
comes again
if you aren't late to work by now hehe..
Isn't it wonderful to Have a Pussy to Play
with every day and isn't it fun to fantasize
when you are on the Beach in your Bikini
Dreaming about a special occasion
as your crotch begins
to get wet
the Hot Sunshine too
and just imagine being on a Nude Beach
too Spread out for all to see but no no no
no one can touch but just look now
Lord knows how many men
go home and
to the Memory
of all Your Pussy Glory..
and try not to touch yourself
if you can when you get home
but if you want to i won't tell
anyone just shut the door
and open up
to Loving yourself more..
okay this is starting to work for
me for i for one am Celebrating Writing
a FB Profile Pic Bible 2018 of around 1.37 Million
Words or so in one year and i just needed something to inspire
me more getting
the Dopamine
up all Naturally too..
for that is the Creative Juice
beyond the Cock and Pussy Juices
that is a main Libido Fuel for most all
Human Creativity
and Productivity
yes.. Sexy Beasts male
and female just put out more
in all the ways that comes too..
so have you come yet if so
come come again
if you like
and if
you haven't
best wishes for your Next Big Bang of Life..
as i've got to get writing so i'll dream all about this
and Bring some New Nude Stuff Tomorrow for my Next
Blog Post
a 1.37 or so
Million Out Put of words too..
yes that's really coming a whole lot.. again..:)
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