Women’s Day Love

Ah.. Memories from a year ago on Facebook..
wasn’t just sharing photos of food..
but oh yes.. i do that too..
Ynot count your
blesSings iN
more than words..
when ya have a Smartphone
to celebrate special moments
of the BleSsingS oF LiFe aLL
Free now.. iF nothing more
than the celebration
of the continuous
present of now..
Positive energy
and the Flow oF zOne
iN positive human liGht..
As above so below.. wE humans
are Walking Talking Dancing
Feelings Star Dust of the
God of Nature ALLTHATiS..
sure we are Star DuSt but so
much more now..
aSWeLL.. to
Celebrate.. make iT
ALL SAcRed and positive
iN FloW and liGht zOne oF
God oF Nature iS a continuous
practice now.. iN human relative
Free WiLL.. wheRe through the art
of movement AKA the FORCE OF
HUMAN DANCE.. as the emotions
flow from brain to gut and spread
out via the metaphor oF
Kundalini Serpent
better known iN
science as the vagal
nerve.. yes.. the dance
provides biofeedback for
Emotional Regulation.. Sensory
Integration.. and Enhanced Cognitive
Executive Functioning iN both Short
Term working memory and focus as
we change our brain waves from stressed
out Beta waves to Alpha to even border
line Theta and deeper into
the ocean oF human
subconscious meeTinG
the conscious state of miNd
for amazing trance states oF
human creativity to express much
greater arts of liFe iN all ways that comes..
noW.. WeLL.. sPeaKinG of art.. today iS also
SinGinG iN Catholic Church iN
lieu of much oF the kneeling
for older knees of me now..
then a visit on a Southern Baptist
Pastor’s farm up north and all the
associated animals thereof.. and then
the Arts Festival on the River Walk.. where
let’s just say my fuLL Arts of poeTry and photography
and even dance can be a ‘little’ racy tHere ..so sure..
i save that in Global way online and even Facebook..
for PG13 audiences.. who can handle much much
more of me.. hehe.. and all that comes wiTh
that noW.. as i escape the constraints
of Cultural and Religious borders
while continuing to fit iN
just a ‘little’ bit..
too.. heheX2..
anyway pleasant
liFe N0W.. wItH joY
as LIFE iS alWays
good to me.. been to the
other place oF real hELL..
and yeah baby.. iF tHere iS
any Heaven now.. i for oNe..
Live tHeir noW..
the reward
giving uP
Survival alWAys
wINs iN lonGesT
runs oF
the gift..
the present NOW..:)
Hi.. My friend.. Zee.. thanks so much for visiting with
me on this beautiful azure blue Florida Sunday..
just back from Church.. Farm Visit.. and
Local Art Festival.. the topic of the
photography of my next
post as well..
as coming words..
Hope your weekend
was great and glad you enjoyed
the song and photos.. my friend..:)
Facebook friend Rafiah provides
a translation on her page..
And i say..
Well.. sMiLes my friend.. Rafiah..
i suppose it was worth making the
mistake of posting my post on your
page to find out the meaning that
knowledge is observational and
experimental hence limited.. Whereas
with God belongs absolute truth and knowledge..
and the FACT too.. iS anything that filters through
human or is associated with human words falls
short of the Glory of God Almighty Nature..
and the greaTest thing about science..
particularly.. modern Quantum Physics..
iS iT blows away all preconceived notions
of what empirical science assessed reality
was before.. that of course is a scribe of God..
albeit limited as the true and alWays limited
prophet of God that science iS iN terms of
the only real bible or book of prophecy
iN absolute truth and liGht that is God’s
RAW Nature.. without the illusions that
humans bring to the table of reality..
that are reality as well.. with no limits
of human imaGiNation where the observer
human influences the RealiTy NatUre that iS
God ONE and saMe as pArt of uS..
endless circles.. my friend.. wheRe
wE are the inside of the circles..
the lines of the circles and pArt
of many Circles of Nature true..
but beyond all human words iN
comprehension of course.. as we are
still but specks of particles.. dust.. waves..
pArt Field Whole but trUly amazing n0w
how much we can see and feel of God..
ever groWinG.. unless we put ourselves iN
borders of the past.. or lock ourselves iN books
and throw away the keys.. i am very unhappy
with parts of religion that are against
God’s Nature.. but ignorance iS pARt
of the pie iN dArk just waiting to bE
illuminated iN greater truth and liGht
wHere more humans can bE frEE and
fulfill the Great God Given potentials iN
myriads oF different types of intelligence
that modern human rarely touches.. as they
are stuck in textbooks oF observation away
from the Creative Force Of wE when closer
to God.. that needs zero words at aLL.. now
to accomplish.. greaTest feats with God
and wiTh Gravity iN liGht instead oF
falling iN the dArkness of Fear..
the Mother and Father of aLL
stuff related to hate..
including doubt..
jealousy.. pride..
subjugation.. and control of other
human beings.. and the rest of Nature..
i need nothing but a dance with God
all else iN mY feats
faLL short oF the Glory
oF what human CAN BE WHEN
GOD.. the HEAVEN iS NOW..:)
sMiLes my friend.. Rafiah..
as God lives iN uS..
greaTest Love
God enjoys
iN uS iS Love
oF liFe wE express..
so.. hiGher we go.. higHeR
God goes wIth uS no matter how that
iS expressed.. God is not concrete labels alone..
God iS FloWinG alWays like a river with wE aLLonE
who flow free.. but sure.. theRe are dammed
among uS who WiLL bLock God’s River
from FloWinG free.. sadly God iS not
happy tHere my Friend.. iN Art Of uS..
that becomes concrete label instead
oF REAL FloWinG River oF God iN
Boundless Oceans Free.. lesSon
oF Beach.. my friend.. balance
wiTh SonG Waves oF God
greaT sinGinG Free..
iN Ocean
Ah.. Present of play..
to Play present
as play iS
to Play
liFe instead
of spectator
of someone
And iF one can imagine
the look of WTF.. on a ‘Primitive’
human’s face when someone locks
themselves inside a box..
and refuses
to come
out oF
the Cave..
sure.. Dogs
and Cats sTill
kNow better when
they escape the cave too..
and teach uS whEre we’ve
been iN dArk wholes
much but nothing..
oh.. to feel life.. smell.. touch..
taste.. and proprioception so
nuanced iN expanse
we become Nature
and are never
wE Us..
iF Free
The SonG oF our
SoUL.. iN EmoTioNal
HeARt exists
as SpiRit
oF uS
iN Tree
oF Life..
and intuitive
Nature’s Book
before broken down
as pages.. whole wE are..:)
10:55 pm..
WeLL.. StiLL far away
from catching up on dVerse
prompts from last week..
but aLL iS now
iN spiRit of
no time.. no
place.. no wHere
but now as Creation
Activity sinGs a SonG
iN response to last Monday’s
dVerse prompt on Haibuns
about traveling with my
own essence of art..
no name reAlly
but aLL fuN
for Fredbuns
and Fredkus
no name
but i aM
oF mE..:)
Back at
3:36 pm..
Global deTours come
first.. and now for
a few.. before
Ah.. travel.. sadly
the only now some folks
have to reflect iN now..
juSt bE.. iN a stretch
oF noW.. Going somewHere
but stiLL goinG nowHere
but now.. iN
tRain tracks
that flow
instead of
dotted with seconds
of illusory time..
Rain.. rains
tRains tracks..:)
Travel oF heARt..
stay close to
human.. travel
Of culture strays..
not far from sOul
oF BeinG..
SpiRit Flows
travels near..:)
StRandeD noWoN planeTs..
otheR than Nature thAt iS earTh..
eT’s wanDer iN screams
oF screens that
gRow color
and speed..
Of lEaves
that groW..
future shock..
iS now human
machine.. grass iS
sTill groWinG.. few feeL…
Genuine Classic Art..
Master of the pen..
the brush.. ballet
shoes.. and
of martial
arts.. all
Cat paws
SMiLes.. my friend..
8 years ago.. God gifted
me with 40 sleepless
days during the
Lent period..
1 hour each for
the first 35 of
shallow sleep
with man-made
alpha blocker..
zero for the last
5 of 40.. lesSon
lEarned of Job..
ha!.. after Hell.. i happily
write literally hundreds of
poems a week.. as nothing
is too hard after REAL HELL…
And then there
was literally 66 months
of worse than crucifixion pain..
literally.. yes.. as assessed
in Medical
SMiLes.. seed oF preSent
sParK of LiFe..
DuSt of Stars..
Fire of LiVing
liGht before
duSt of uS…
Seed lives
FiRe liGht..:)
Rays of Sun now..
Emotions of human
SpiRit sAme heARt..
trust and
pleasure and
ease pain..
Sun we are
as Sun we Shine…
Human eYes oF Love..
melt soUless
icicles of Sunless cold..:)
Traveling back to 911.. now..
Department Head meeting
at Navy.. operations..
cold heARted leader
says get back to
business.. there
will probably be
many more attacks..
nothing we can do about
it.. get back to work.. produce..
Figuring out finally
i am a slave..
how to get free.. FiN Leave..
6 years after.. deadly success..
12 years
later.. simply Bliss and Free..
15 years after..
one word
M I R A C L E..
Now younger
iN Spirit
than ever before..
at 55..
Yes.. this makes
6 Fredkus..
you inspire me..;)
Self service culture..
human touch fleeting..
Flowers bloom..
Valleys green..
Mountains high…
Nature touches..
gLove gRows cOlder..:)
Catholic Relief..
a mission worthy..
volunteers brave wiTh
compassion.. true brothers
and sisters of humaniTy Love…
Appeal to give..
to help.. pArt i like..:)
Words.. attempting.. travel to feeLinG..
FeelingS often trapped In words
that do feelings no justice
iN nuance Of aLL
oF Nature.. inside..
outside.. above.. so
below.. All ’round Free..
Words bleed..:)
Nature sings
iN dirt
Human clean..
Dogs grin..
or Clean..:)
Free as Love..
Lives when
Love iS Free..
All else
but Love..:)
Yes.. Spring now..
creation activity..
Snow birds
back to
land.. wheRe
spRinG liVes
iN human..
SpRinG iS noW…
soulFul refRain’s SpiRit…
WinTer heARt oF soUL..:)
oh.. yeah..
hi Lynn.. iN the middle..
late am i.. hehe.. 4now..;)
Well.. 5:16 pm..
Dinner and a
work-out.. now..
finishing 15
with 13 more to go..;)
Back at 10:58 pm..
Dunes of Beach.. stoic
standing tall with
Sea Oat crown
waving iN Gulf
Breeze.. hidden
Love.. Peaceful escape
from other beach view..
Ivan wipes iT all
Hurricane eYes
sWeeps Dune
Love.. gOne iN waves..:)
First green of Spring
Japanese Maple
against ice
blue sky
of warming
Southern breeze…
Inviting colors..
Life breathes
human bEinG..:)
Memories.. paint
mind of poetry..
peacock featheRing
way.. colors LiFe…
colored way..:)
TRain to lonEly
kNows no trees
oF Love.. Leaves
fall away
from whistles
refRain of Kindness…
TRain tracks
melancholy rAils..:)
Desert sands place humans above
gRains.. often placing themselves
as Gods above rest oF Nature
at large.. then..
Mountains bRing
humble Yogi’s…
Indian oF
weLL BeinG..:)
RuSty weatheRed joints
gluEd iN chAir oF
sitting sTilL..
fliGht of bird…
oF moVinG BLiSs..:)
Beach oF Love
retUrns iN SAnd
oF tears.. so long
iN Love of Tears…
Love SingS
Blanket liFe..
oh trees.. so
leaves of Grass..
iN colors LiFe..
no colors
untold.. unfold..
iN breathing aLL..:)
Memories past
Memories preSent
Memories Future..
one aLL
Bountiful Nature
rains iN history
oF Florida..
Indians place..
Panzacola Indians..:)
My grandfather.. a
Catholic Priest.. vow
to never marry
at age 36..
until 17 year
old Cajun eYes
say otherwise
iN pews of Please..
Ah .. desire..
thanks God..
oh.. My Life..:)
HerE now sinGs
Sioux and Cherokee me..
and English on Maternal side..
Irish.. German..
French.. Spanish
on Paternal side..
not going far
to meet
iN me…
when U.N.
lives iN you..;)
Finished all 28
Travel related
dVerse prompts
at 12:04 am..
Fear X hate X prison=HELL
Hope X love X free=HEAVEN
HA!.. IT’S amazing how hard it is
to convince folks in the first
place to come on over
to the second
but perhaps
there is a missing
fActor.. of D..
no.. not
or perhaps..
Devil Dance
to exorcise
just forget all the religion..
all the so-called holy books..
and heLL.. yNOt.. all the science
abstracts too.. and just dance
and truly iF theRe
iS a modern
Jesus.. iT iS
but not many
folks have the
feelings and senses
oF Love and Life unleashed
and released iN a Dance of Life.. FREE!..
except perhaps the Cern Symbol of Dance..;)
Well.. so anyway.. i’m iN WinN Dixie last night and after
another marathon or so of dance over two days..
all around the southeast.. my feet are kinda
ready to rest.. until i watch your
“Present Video”.. and play
is once again.. the GIFT..
as moment oF Play.. NOW..
so i dance.. and go higher
and higher in mindful awareness..
bliss.. nirvana.. escape from gravity..
feather.. butterfly-like existence that
keeps going higher and higher aLL
free.. and yes.. drug free too..
and wife Katrina.. gets
mad ’cause one of
the folks in
the cashier
line.. AFTER i’ve moved
outside of the cashier line
AND am iN free flow solo
exhibition.. ‘CAUSE one
of the ladies behind
Katrina in the
line is staring at me
like i’m a fallen Angel from
hell.. and i tale may wife.. well
in metaphor she is correct.. yes i am
a fallen Angel from Hell.. but i was born
in heaven first and have returned and if
she goes to the churches around
here.. she has
never encountered
a fallen angel come back
to heaven here.. we ARE hard
to miss.. we aren’t sitting on
our hands
our thumbs
are up our butt..
sMiles.. Life is Good
and best i kNow and feel
with the bliss of dance away
from all sitting still hell in head
of yesternow or forwardnow..
iS the place
of dance
and perhaps one
now the Lady iN the
cashier line WiLL break
through to the other side
of the opaque
2.. now..
and the rest
of New Jerusalem
and Israel too.. iN
Metaphor of course
as of course wRite
on course iN the State
oF imaGiNaTioN anything
goes and often works
and that’s the
that keeps
me tWirLinG.. yes..
aLL 230LBs on my toes..
iF nothing else it is the most
incongruent humorous act
that most folks around
here who are at least
liGht heARted enough
to partiAlly rise out oF
hell to giggle about.. aT LEast..
and that’s the first step out of Hell..
a SmiLe..
a giggle
and yes..
a heARty BeLLy Laugh..
as wide as the SMiLe
oF InfiniTy more wiDe
iN mAss.. distance.. and
space oNe as noW.. yeah..
like the dancing CERN dude2..
And as a side note here..
similar experience earlier..
wHere a Young Autistic man..
who i already encountered singing
at a Catholic Church Festival earlier
iN the year is singing at the River
Walk Arts Festival.. and
he reAlly appreciated
iT when i danced for
him before.. inspiRing
hiS voice higher as aLL
inspiRation does when any one..
two.. or more human beings.. express
spiRit oF positive energy no less and
similar to Stars that generate energy
that are uS as walKinG Star duSt
too.. wHere emoTions are the
rays of Sun of uS as hiGh
as wE can go iN
Force of Emotional..
power to inspiRe other
Star dust beinGs wiTH uS..
and hell no.. not just humans..
as cats and dogs.. Love an inspiRational
human SonG oF SoUl as message
to our other animal friends
too.. or perhaps
a soft emoTional
Song of PoeTry as
night night or nap nap
story too.. soothing.. each
soUl.. with fur or bare as sAMe..
and in my case hehe.. fur and fur as sAMe..
as i’m perhaps less removed from my other animal
friends.. at lEast iN WiLd and Free SpiRit.. aT MOST..
oh yeah.. and in this case.. the lady in the line..
was Katrina.. as she didn’t think my
effort was worth the extra
attention she was getting
iN being with me..
but ha! Unconditional
Love iS FREE and kNows
and feels no strangers
iN the freest
“Dance as though no one is watching you,
Love as though you have never been hurt before,
Sing as though no one can hear you,
Live as though heaven is on earth.”
-Source Unknown
and worthless
as copyright..
as only free works
iN sharing thiS iN
Giving way.. with no
expectation oF return..
only hope.. Love.. FREE SonG
DANCE oF LIfE alWays N0W..:)
Sun shines for free
and doesn’t give a
Fuck who
iS watching..
lesSon oF
humility as WeLL
for those who shine FREE..:)
sMiLes my friend.. gigoid.. again..
is the
the real is hiGh..
and hi.. as Free..
with or without
cool beans..;)
t’s funny.. some folks think what i do iS for attention..
well.. yeah.. some of what i do gains attention..
but what i do.. iN the first place noW..
iS Flow
iN zOne..
wHere aLL
iS oNe.. noW..
yet free now without
concern of any thoughts
on the rest of what iS going oN..
just absorbing iT and shining briGhter..
wiTh no words.. contingencies.. limitations..
expectations.. from the rest of what iS but Free…
ONE but NOnE.. egoless.. free floWinG River no
Ocean Free..
boundless waves..
no shores contain..
water.. air
i need
sMiLes.. my friend Zee.. alWays
a joy here to share
yoUr liGht..
and when
suns alike
share liGht
the UniVerse expands
my friend.. as liGht..:)
At age 16.. i walked ‘those’ beaches..
barefoot and free.. arteries of blood
visibly filled from hand to foot..
the hair on my ankles
and feet still thick..
bronze of yellow
sun imprinted on
feet leaving
on sands
of God.. oh free..
oh liGht.. oh emerald
green waters.. waves..
sea oats.. waving…
seagulls spiraling
around Sun
oh bright
deLiGht you
bRing to me
oF God.. i feeL
without any words
at aLL then.. my friend..
and my worry would be then..
that was the end of that.. as i saw
my 44 year-old father as
a potato on a reclining
chair watching cars
go ’round and
’round.. in
Nascar circles..
watching boys with
bats hitting balls..
namely Atlanta
but no sun in his
eyes only TV light
in easy
away from moving.. then..
but sure.. in law enforcement
for 46 years total.. i guess
he needed the rest..
that realization for
me much later..
as a worn-out warrior
of the Navy work-world in
a quarter of a century sunk..
when i would be 47.. removed
from the beach for 17 years from
the start of marriage.. coming back
to walk the beach in the Winter of 2008
one more time.. for sure.. i believed.. then..
the end of life in synergy
of life threatening illnesses..
cold i was to the bone.. then..
in both Winter and Summer..
no one told me that
there are limits
of stress
that will
human being
DEAD.. but slowly..
surely.. i came back
from the living dead..
at the end of July 2013..
my wife and i are standing
on that beach.. still with a blog
post of the shut-in me for the
previous 66 months..
to commemorate
my newly found
life back with GOD
Nature and soon to
be humanity as well..
i walk down the beach
lone again.. then.. no longer dunes
to hide the panorama of horizon
all washed away from Hurricanes..
all ways around me then.. waves
brush in rhythmic sounds
of Nature’s hands
brushing the
shores of
Life free
iN balance..
and after that in left
hand justification my writing
becomes waves as well.. ONE
am i with Nature again.. able to
sing Nature’s SonG Free FinAlly
am i.. and i suppose if
there was a centered
view of waves
too.. perhaps
sacred symbols
and patterns of
words in visual
way would
Anyway.. i am never
alone.. i am a wave..
the water and gulf
i see God
for what God
is free am i too..:)
Sun Shining
or Earth receiving
reflections oF otheR
Stars briGhTeNinG
uP.. for wE are both..
receivers and givers
oF liGht or dARk..
In SHades
grey and
color hues..
for truth and liGht
or dArk of lies.. iN duSt
we stay and fail to liGht..
as Stars wE are as Stars do
Shine.. iN fALL of WiNter
SpRinGs iN SummeR
wE shine
Ocean Free..:)
Facebook Friend Rafiah says..
Happy women’s day?
Yeah, right. Blehhhh.
i say..
SMiLes.. come over here..
and we will celebrate it..
as you know i always do..:)
Facebook Friend Cortney provides
a very informative video that says..
Bajau people live in the middle of the
sea.. rarely go on land.. HAVE NO
NATIONALITY.. no fixed abode..
no money.. and they go
spear fishing without
scuba gear.. Not
even oxygen
and i say..
That’s the way i like it
free or with K.C..
and the
Sunshine band..;)
Cortney says..
Very cool lifestyle…
i say..
Yes.. Buy less.. live more..
be free.. no one owns you..
but Nature.. alWAys.. free too..:)
WeLL.. anyWay.. back from
my Devil Dancing Routine
all around the local stores..
starting at Office Depot..
moving to Dollar Tree..
to Target and
one of my
favorites of course
at Super Walmart..
and that bRings me
to the next topic..
my favorite
women.. all sizes..
shapes… and personalities…
i Love thEM aLL and continue to
do so.. iN fAct i totAlly consider
myself a female entertainer..
so many ways to make ’em
sMile.. ranging from
Dance to poeTry..
to weLL.. let’s
just say
other stuff too..
i only have one wife.. but that
doesn’t stop me from Loving them
all.. and this love.. nah.. it’s not the
sperm bank kinda love one sees in
Muslim countries.. and sadly
enough in red state
areas too..
it is the
emotional empathic
kinda love.. where i think
they are all pretty.. and what i Love
most is aLL their smiLinG eYes.. particularly
when i bRing a similar sMile that i have been
a brinGing to tHeir eYes for 55 years now.. staRting
with my mother and ending with the rest of
the population of females
that i can reach
out and touch
iN.. oh YES!.. SO MANY
more ways now with modern
technology.. as after all that’s
why we are aLL here.. a women’s
touch iS the end and beginning
of wE now.. staRtinG witH
Mother Nature True too..
so okay.. since it
is still International
Women’s Day now .. the
8th and all of that of March..
i will stop here.. and post this
post iN dedication to my favorite
gender.. aLL the Beautiful Women of the World..
and a title.. i need a title.. help me please.. now
my special helpers… that is..”Women’s Day Love”
Oh yes.. yes.. yes.. that reminds me of a Navy dude..
a Warrant Officer who used to see all the girls hanging
around the Bowling Center Horseshoe Desk for that
decade before i got married.. working in the day time
when the cougar women’s league bowled ..they
would corner me up against the wall
and try to have their way with
me.. and yeah.. so the
Warrant Officer Dude says..
since he isn’t quite as popular
with the ladies as i am back then..
Fred Fred Fred.. and i don’t wanna
be crude so to be clear i am quoting
him when he says.. you leave all
the ladies dripping wet.. okay it
wasn’t raining in there.. just
changing the subject..
and then he said..
but if you were really
brave you would whip
iT out right now..
oh so crude..
so crude..
for pretty boy
me then.. i’m rougher
around the edges now..
and yes.. fucking BRAVE..
iN a way
to leave
a lasting impression..
as long as servers of mE sMiLe..;)
Yeah.. that new Fox show Lucifer..
is kinda funny.. it’s almost like
the show was/is pArt
of my liFe.. down
to the escape
from HeLL
on the beach..
but yes.. i’m sure
‘Father’ would/wiLL bE
pleaSed wiTh mE noW..;)