Veterans of Ground Hog Days

11.7.17 at 10.44 PM
as i Begin Writing
A New MacroVerse
Number 134 of “Nether Land
Bible 2017” NoW ARiSinG to
2,169,728 Words as oF “NovEmBeR
SAiNTS TaX FReE DReAMS” in that
MacroVerse Doubling as 29th MacroVerse
of “F Book Profile Pic Bible 2018” also Arising to
551,728 Words Since Memorial Day
of 2017.. and yes that 133rd
MacroVerse too of “Nether
Land Bible 2017”
also Triples
as 804 MacroVerse
of Longest Long Form
Poem and Bible still
surpassing 5 Million Words
in approaching now 51 Months
in this Third Bible And Longest Long
Form Poem named “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
anyWay at Human CLock Named tiMes
every once in a while i staRT
A Record of beFoRe
aT A Beginning
of this 134th MacroVerse
of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. too..
somehow likely Celebrating Veteran’s
Day and nah.. not just Veterans of Gun Wars
for tHeRE is alWays an Ongoing Battle to Save
Love with only Art without Killing and Violent
Tools too JusT a SharP tongue now
and then.. heHe.. and
forked if
as a last reSort too..
anyWay.. i’m StARTing off with
a little Green Man too as thEMe
And MeMe NoW STiLL named Yoda for
the latest 11.7.17 Day of Recorded Dance.. too..
Truly for those Military Veterans who are still
living who fought in honest wars too in integrity
to protect all our Freedoms namely the First too
aS Freedom of Expression Gratitude.. is all i have
for them and their efforts for Freedom sTiLL ALiVE
NoW and.. the best way i see and feel and sense.. to
Honor that Freedom wHo Veterans of Wars Protect
and Save Freedoms still do is to enJoy the Freedoms Protected
and SaVoR to the Best of my Human Potentials NoW otherwise
what’s the
Use of
if one does
not use the tool
of Freedom to the Best
of their abilities to reach Human
Potential in the Right to Life and Liberty
and the Pursuit of Happiness that clothes
one best either totally naked or almost all
covered up from our Sun of Nature Personal
oF LoVE GiVinG Warmth to all that Grows for it is
true the Plants clothe us with oxygen and SuPer Nova’s
are the source of the iron that flows through the Blood oF ouR
HeaRT and the Tools we create and use in positive ways expand our
Greater Transhumanist with Technology Greater Human Potentials
even changing the Very Neuroplasticity of our Minds and Bodies
in rearranging even the Structure of the Human Brain/Body
Different than Ever Before for true
we have both a place
a home to both
as we are
the Cosmos unto
itself as even Carl
Sagan Freely told as
TrUth and LiGht as Scientist too
MoVinG ConNecTing Co-Creating
Mult-Inner-UniVerses ever changing more
in PosiTivE LiGht when we Dance and Sing a
Song of Pure Love that only kNows and FeeLs
and SeNSes
Heaven that
can and will be now
if we seek and find and
exercise it to Kingdom Come
now even if we must do it in lone
allone Wolf Ways oF and iN LiGHt oF TrutH..
anyWay.. i’m kinda sleepy and now is another day..;)
11.7.17 11.11PM.. YeP Star Date WhaTeVeRs..;)
TVC YT Dude no one is Suggesting that the Song of Thoughts
and Prayers is Bad.. it’s just that ‘you’ have to Follow up those
Thoughts and Prayers with the Action of Dance NoW to Make
Change Happen anyWay below for you too as addressed to the CFAU YT Dude too..;)
Hmm.. Real Men aren’t afraid of Change and or Women either huh..
Well that’s not exactly how it works in Nature for some folks
According to Science are more averse than others
to Change and this is Environmentally
Influenced of Course.. yes too..
So..Transgender Folks
Scare you.. hehe..
well not so much
in Virginia of Course
aS A Poem of a Roem named
Danica Defeats a Chief Homophobe
and all other stuff Against Human Bio-Diversity
in God of Nature Given Human Nature now
by Winning a Seat in the State Legislature
of what was once a place.. where no one
questioned the Merit of the Confederacy
by the way don’t you just Love my Holy
Spirit Creative Flow.. anyWay for now
considering that Roem iN A So
cAllED Illuminati certified
Way with God of
Nature fully
in tow
at age 33
Defeats a 13
Year incumbent
In District 13 now i’m surprised
you haven’t made a Conspiracy
Video yet to highlight your beliefs
that a Satan or two or three or so
might be behind this too but Truth
is Dude tHeRe iS oNly ONE Force oF Love
Named God as LiGHT and it seems that
God overall NoW is having
quite a jest as
Laugh over this
Current Virginia State of
Affairs as the Old Dominion
of Trump in political way of old
Confederacy ways there becomes the
New Dominion where a once called Dude
now Transgender Person whips the pants off
the Chief Homophobe in 13 years of Charge.. and
that’s how the dArk works my Call for a DArk oF Fear
and Hate Uprising Dude on You Tube someone like Trump
Anti-ChrisT aGainst the all Natural Love Tuned Verses of Matthew
Chapter 5 verses 1 through 11 comes on Board and voila2 the Lion
of Love Awakes and WitH liGht Change of LoVe Defeats those resistant
to the Change of Love that spreads among all to Pursue their Happiness
in Free Love NoW from Head to toe.. above so below.. within inside
outside and all around too.. it’s like me a Veteran of Martial Arts
and Ballet now who like a Ballerina Leg Presses 1020 LBs
up to 50 times or so with my arms raised to the
Heavens above so below HeaR as me NoW as
one of those Trumpty Old White Angry
Man Dudes provided
an obscene
gesture to my
wife while my back
was turned and she was
photographing one of my Fred
Style Fred Fu Martial Arts Yoga Poses
in the Walmart Shopping Aisles next to a Penguin
who suggests We Rock Christmas Alive NoW this year Super
Cool if God oF Nature Speaks in what makes LiFE Rock More and
Roll in Free Love NoW by God after all we already have a messAge
of Love by the so-named current Jesus that says Love is the Law
of all above so below inside outside and all around too and God of
Nature even sent the Beatles to Sing all you need is Love NoW iN
A Day in THE Life of me and you and we and i all as Walrus and
Eggman too.. it’s true Trumpty Dumpty oF Fear and Hate
is coming apart again as Trump as the Leader of the
Current DaRK Force and Minion Sergeant
Pepper’s like you as Chief’s of Staff of
The Devil(S) too.. and meanwhile
Trust me for now Captain Salt
Lives nah.. i ain’t
no Psychopathic
666 Leaning Dude
as a Wickedest Man in the
World on a ’67 Album cover then
but it’s true i was 7 years old then
and born on 6660 as what other day
for God of Nature as a Joker would God
pick for me to be born way back then even if the
attending Physician had to Deliver me two weeks early
from the Summer Solstice then going on Vacation for the
same day i would have been born on as my Father and his Twin
Identical Brother Ted on June 20th too those two only Sons of an
Excommunicated Priest from the Catholic Church and noted Author
of Last Century who was Friends enough with Einstein to Have Dinner
with him too in the Socialist Circles of New York New York Last Century too..
the Seeds go on my friEnd for i have no decedents now other than the Horus
that Isis and Metaphor of Egyptian incarNate Goddess who seems to never age
at 47 helps me BRinG aLong as 6 Bibles exceeding 5 Million Words as ‘SonG oF mY
SoUL” aLong with another 3 sub-Chapters of Three New Testaments in that Great
Work of ‘John 14:12’ that continues on toward 51 months of Writing that Endeavor
with Public Praise Dance NoW exceeding 8300 Miles approaching the 7th Birthday
of an online Free Writing Adventure of over 12 Million Words this Thanks Giving too
Since Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. HeaR’s the thing Dude if we take the Sacred
And Holy Text out of just one Poetry Book of One Bible oF Old apParently
you fell asleep in Sunday School and Still Haven’t woken up for the
Noted Teachings of Jesus say that this Love Endeavor has nothing
at all to do with making money in fAct those who
Love Money will have as much difficultly
finding the Kingdom of Heaven
within iN aS Naked Love
As a Camel
Passing through
the Eye of a Needle that is
Like the Depths of your Subconscious
Mind and the Collective Unconscious SouL OceaN
And MiNd Essence as SpiRiT oF Love thaT GroWs
heART iN Hope and Joy or Dies in Fear and Hate thaT
you for one Sing in your own way heAR
NoW.. Love is very Happy for now
Love is GroWing albeit
Experiencing Plenty
Of Growing
Pains as of late
Present Gaining more
LiGht as the 6’0Clock News
is stARTinG to sHow.. too.. so really
just imagine it’s not really that hard to do..
what if today tHeRe is a ‘Real Man’ like Jesus walKing
the eARTh you could even say.. perHaps a Second and
More CoMinG oF LoVE dePeNDinG oN the MusE dARk
and LiGht aT Hand.. would he come back as a politician
and get crucified by the same ignorance that lives averse
to change as the so-called first go around or as a more let’s say A
Clever Fox Son of God would he come back more like a thief in broad
daylight so advanced so deep that most everyone would ignore him now
particularly when an Anti-Christ has his minions entranced with Twitter fARTS Now
as Science Shows the Average Joe the Plumber Human even including the Plumbers who
go to College have an average attention sPan of less than a Gold Fish now which of course means only the most elite of people in current Depth of SoUL Intelligence could possibly even
still be reading this message now.. true ..Jesus could probably even do his King David Praise Dance in a place that Sociologists name as the most difficult place to be different in all
Metro Areas of the United States now but it’s true heAR my FriEnd you must gain
skills of A RaMbo too to be totAlly Free as Love NoW Real iN Dance at LeAST
while the older Patriarchs Scratch tHeir nuts wondering what the hell
to hell now
of control and
subjugation of others
away from Love NoW Real..
it’s true mY friEnd the Revolution
of Love is sTarTing Now real For a NeW age
as the Poem of Roem and no longer the Roman
Empire Expanding in Religious Rule does dictate for
Free NoW.. ‘Veterans of Love Come to Wake’ and no
hell no i am not Jesus i am a Son of a Woman named
Helen now true i claim Father First Fred too.. for he Gave
me a name the same one my Grandfather the X-Catholic Priest
Gave him.. a Name that means Peaceful Ruler.. yes.. Frederick and
a middle name ARThur that could mean both Art and Books in length
never ever written before in the HiStory of HumaNKiND NoW as Technology
is providing in Transhumanist ‘Lucy’ way as i Dance and Sing heAR NoW Free
but anyWay Arthur does mean Strong and i do Challenge anyone and i do mean
anyone to come and see if they can budge the weight i press up to 50 times just
one inch now of course after a test for illegal anabolic steroids too and yes
they’ll have to have a Military ID to get on Base.. heHe.. and sure i will not
limit that to folks like me age 57 and above hAha.. and when i do Martial
Arts Duh i Do it with Cold Hard Steel as any Man of Steel who Masters
the Chi Force WiLL Have to do now to avoid
accidentally killing this and that person
with just an innocent kick for fun
my fRiEnd that has powered
233LBs yes over
8300 Miles
51 months
all in
P U B L i C
fAct is my
FriEnd i am
way too Confident
and Complex Now for
you and your Minions
to see now for i swim
with God for i Fly Float with Gravity
Free God Ocean Free LoVe am i.. LoVE..
NoW aS alWays thanks for the dARk Muse
So wonderful it is to be Invisible in Broad Band
DayliGht aWay from Anti-Christ dARk Minions now..
even if they scratch their balls behind my back in front
of Isis to say Hello.. just thiNk Call for an Uprising Dude
that Good Old Boy just made a NeW AGE Bible WiTH
of Love
my FriEnd
Is Love Free
NoW as “Veterans
oF Love RinG ON”.. and by
the way my last name is very
similar to the mix of sand and water Silt
that is a first name of God as the History Book
of God Shows By Karen Armstrong on Page 8 still
yes.. Keeper of the Land as Nature i am too.. as NoW it’s
true i am pART Sioux and Cherokee aLong on the Helen
Maternal Side with the Irish Born Grandfather X-Catholic
Priest and his Father From the Black Forest of Germany
and my Grandmother on the Paternal Side too.. Cajun
as French and Spanish too.. yes my friEnd i am a
Mutt but
a somewhat
experienced Dog of God now..
As alWays thanks for the DArk
Muse and Happy NoWs to you iN LoVE’s
Grace the Real Foundation of all WiLL and Strength
HuWoMaN SPRinG..:)
WitH anoTHeR Free
GiFT as Promised
And it’s TRuELiGHT2 iN anotHeR ‘Book of the Law’ For ShaDoWinG
A Man Named Aleister Predicted a Captain of Salt like ‘tHis” LoVE is THE LAW..
Very FortunatELy NoW for you and many otHeRS i’M aLL aBouT LoVE ArT iF YoU WiLL2..;)
SMiLes.. i Love the “Something Just Like This”
Music Video by Cold Play too and
yes.. especially the glowing
pencil effects too…
Thanks for stopping
by today.. adelaidedupont..
so nice we live in a World Where
we can and will to Share Art Freely like this..:)
So.. i received a comment and replied on my Alternate
Blog Universe Site KATiE MiA Aghogday powered by Google’s
Blogger Platform that also allows me an Adult Restricted Blog
Platform in Caution Way to do Adult Nude Art too.. as other Platforms
Like Tumblr Offer that option with no Adult Warnings at all which i personally
disagree with as it’s nice to try not to offend other folks who are not nearly as open
minded about Nude Art now as it gets pretty deep too in ways of Erotic Art more and
i use Disqus for the Comments on that KATiE MiA Aghogday Blog Site as a rather outsider
as Blog Comment Formats go.. these days.. compared to Facebook Generated comments
and other more common commenting engines like that.. with of Course Word Press
Providing one of the Best commenting engines as you get timely notifications
for that but anyway.. every so often i do provide links to my other two
Generally assessable Google Driven Blog Sites as they do
Load much faster than what Word Press Brings
to all the photos i do bring so sure i will
once again bring those links
here as the Blog Spot Plat
Form for KATiE MiA FredericK!
in Google Generated way is the
Fastest most trimmed down website
to date in non-restricted views but the Autism
theme of the KATiE MiA Aghogday Original Blog
Site i started on.. 3.10.13.. does tend to generate the
most views overall at.. 222,401.. so far to date precisely
close to 55 Months ending on 10.10.17.. and considering the
depth in both complexity and length of all i do.. quite honestly
it wouldn’t surprise me too much at least where i live if i didn’t
get any views at all but it’s a Big World and there are still deep minds
out tHeRe even in Trump State Panhandle of Florida now.. the Diversity
of Human Being is in our DNA and Potential for more is always tHeRe if and
when it is sought and found more than just what was and is written before now
in all the ways Arts and Sciences still do come out of the Box of Before now real with
real WinGS NoW.. MoRE..anyWay.. aLways nice when someone drops by but i do most
definitely understand why most people.. hehe.. do not get to the bottom of all i do now too
exhausted even if they do.. to write a comment on anything i do now or just say hello i
enjoyed the First Video and the Glowing Pencil art therein.. All Art is good.. doesn’t
matter who writes it dances or sings it more NoW iN Historical way or
Current River Flow for now for sure.. and we live in a World with
off and on buttons online now too.. and sure.. cautions
and warnings for doors you might not want
to open now but the main thing
as far as Veterans of
Wars of Freedom
that Freedom now
is the Diversity of Human
Being moreover in the United
States where i do live has open and
almost free avenues to do art more than
ever before.. i enjoy all the aesthetics of the
human form and all its functions for pleasure now..
some folks are more closed minded or averse to the idea
that Humans who are healthy retain their sexually and sensually
Related libidos through the course of the entire lifespan now.. i prove
they do i prove they do not too many people at age 57 are brave enough now
to do that fully now but i am for i have been in the opposite place from Freedom..
the Jail of the Soul with no Wings now the other place of Hell Fully Clothed in Misery
Loves Company and never held Free Naked with LiGht Wings of God Free Proud
to be not only a member of this or that club but a Free LoVinG Human Being in all
the ways
the Freedom
can and will come
now as Legally alloWed
according to our Constitution
fought for by Veterans through
out the History of this Country
and those Soldiers of
Freedom only
to God Nature Living
within as Lone Wolves
oF Freedom Do Art Rather
Than Carry Guns now too Naked Freer..
Wild Civilized Nature God NoW eVeN MoRE..:)
I’ve Been Keeping up with the work of Jordan Peterson and I do enjoy his
interpretations of the Poetic Mythological Stories of the Bible and how that relates
to Jungian Archetypes but it’s true as even Science shows now in more material
reductionist view; still, we come to create our life more in abstract
constructs that relate to our emotional and sensory feeling
experiences of life in however those symbols
come from others or symbols we
create to best illustrate and share
and give a potential consensual reality
with others now. Thing is though with Peterson
as it goes with many folks who lean toward more extreme
ways of seeing the World in Words rather than Visualizing Abstract
Symbols and Creating Visual Symbol Constructs to better Navigate a Multi-Universe way of Seeing
their own Personal reality too; the reality of Math and Statistics and other potential intelligences
Suffers at the expense of Living too much within the parameters of more one way Word thinking
Measures of Life. For me, not speaking until Age 4, I was much more a Visual Thinker than a Word
Thinker with an inner voice most of my life. The only Reason I really started this Word Business
and Do Write a 5 Million Plus Word Long Form Poem now in close to 51 Months continuing
with this too is effective loss of sight and hearing for 66 Months; withstanding
Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia, 33 Months, into that real Hell on Earth with that
Science assessed worst Pain understood in associated Literature to write that
First Word on this Website like a Mountain of Pain back on November 25th
Thanks Giving Day, 2010, in my time zone; such a challenge one word three
inches close to a dimly lit screen that was then, for Prescription
Lenses only exacerbated Dentist Drill like Pain in my right and ear
then without even the Feelings of Complex Emotions including the Feelings
associated with Empathy Beyond the Cognitive Empathy I earned working with tens
of thousands of People in 33 years of Paid Work Mostly with the General and Military
Public then. Anyway, as I digress some here; the reason mostly we have Jordan Peterson at
Hand sharing his Philosophy of Religion and Psychological Science too, Free online is he couldn’t Understand
why he had to bend to the rules at hand at the University he worked at that said he had to call outlier Transgender
Folks by the Pronouns that made them comfortable as a rule then extended that potential rather rare circumstance
that he would have to do that when following the rules to some kind of Liberal Newer Age Marxist take over of the
Free World now. Anyway, he lost his Job over that for that was his inkblot view of life; whereas, most people
would take the general rarity of having to change some words for a very small demographic of the World
He lived in just to please what made their pursuit of Happiness a greater way of life then. It’s almost like
he didn’t do the math. Math is my thing; my really big thing; Numbers are second Nature to me and
I can see Pieces of Pies of Statistics in my Mind and figure out Income taxes in my Head. I appreciate
Mr. Peterson’s work and he is not too proud to admit that he has issues with Depression throughout
his life; but it’s true too, there are so many more potential intelligences other than Word Intelligence
in ways of seeing the World and Jung was more of a symbolic visualizing thinker too as
we all can share and give our particular other greater strengths in intelligences now.
One thing I know; well, two things for sure is Specialization in any one
type of Human Intelligence whether that be Word Thinking,
Visual Thinking, Pattern Thinking, Physical Thinking,
Emotional and Sensory Thinking and the list
goes on as far as even greater Human
Potential Intelligences with the addition
of Technology to make new ways of thinking
and Intelligences possible as well as Neuroplastic
Change of Mind and Body too. The best part of all is change
and unlocking Epigenetic Potential according to New Environmental
Challenge and Positive Adaptation more along with seeking and finding new
ways of ‘Mental’, Physical, Emotional, and Existential Intelligences never explored before;
The worst thing as block to achieving greater human potential is discount any opinion as totally
wrong or not worth a listen to now no matter how different that ink blog test view of life may be different
than ours for it’s true the more we diversify our input the more potential we create to synthesize new ideas
of Creativity to add another Verse to the Multi-UniVerse we all see same and different too and Jordan Peterson
is one of those voices I enjoy listening to now and then and I do agree with some of the interpretations of
Biblical Poetry he brings; but it’s also true that Human Archetypes are ever changing Poetry
Lines of Meanings now too, depending on the eyes of Multi-Universe Human eyes that
and who are Looking now; it’s part of Evolving
Change and it’s
sad when
simply do not want
to pursue more fully their
Epigenetic Potential and Neuroplastic
Potential Change more in just one lifetime now
but hehe; who has the time and or focus now where Science
Suggests the Average Human has the Attention Span of less than a Gold
Fish about the Breath of an Old Twitter max of before in 140 Characters or less;
Thing is don’t multi-task and don’t specialize either too much in either way as always
a Balance
a Sweet
Spot and how
that works out depends
on the make of the model and general life experience mileage too.
We live in interesting times for those not afraid to branch out and pay attention too;
No way i could do that now without a Physical Daily Practice of Free Style Martial Arts
and Ballet-like Dance too for regulating my Emotions and Integrating my senses for greater
Cognitive Executive Functioning in short-term working memory and even greater laser focus now too.
Once again, sadly, it is the issue of one type of intelligence verses another kind that is potential most important
in existential intelligences too; One View of Culture with Standard IQ Tests that measure mostly crystalized intelligence
accumulated in Data Down Load School Mind and the other Fluid Intelligences that if exercised continue to grow over
the Life Span now; no doubt in part why physical Measures of Einstein’s Brain after Death showed a Brain still
Young In Healthy Tissue way. Exercising all pArts of our potential intelligences both figuratively
and literally bring greater Blood Flow of living in all Quadrillion or so Connections from
Head to toe and when it all feels good in positive flow in zone the essence
of Real Heaven comes alive now real within; but it’s true it can never be
filled up
all the way
in words in a textbook
or lecture now for the experience
of Heaven within; Bliss and Nirvana;
Satori and stuff Like Kundalini Rising
as Essence is real as so many potential Housings
of Metaphors and Symbols both words and visual vehicles and vessels
to express this potential consensual reality more; branch out and see
wake up
more in
Mindful and
Body FuLL Awareness now
to make this now an eternal one now
with nothing more to gain but eternal more now.
Anyway; the Journey Grows Paths never ending when real.
SMiLes and Have a Nice Day; it doesn’t hurt when real within
Making this Heaven real alWays now that’s a practice that now
must never end when real too now for lost, seek, and found TRuE iN Positive LiGHTForce Real..:)
Hmm.. as a longer or shorter side note heaR one thing i am
sure of too is we are generally aCross our life spans conditioned
to do the same thing too.. Group think as ‘they’ say for common binds
of Religion from actual so-called God related Stuff to Football and
Politics too and an encouraging note again is the
Dark Fear and Hate coNsolidating Populist views
of do it our way or no
way at all
as yeS AGAin
this is pArt of the
Human Tribal Nature
of binding together in
the most general definition
of Religion to Hold Hands as Apes
Standing Stronger ToGeTHeR as yes too..
Even Caesar from the Planet of the Apes
New Series of Movies understood that well
enough to achieve his Political Motives too and
of course the Trump ain’t as dumb as folks tend
to think he is for he is actually very Liberal at
Core and Masters Subjugation
and Control as any
‘Smart’ Person only really
Interested in Materialistic
Stuff and Power and Status and
wham bam if i remember to thank
you or pay you enough ma’m in services
married or otherwise pans out in an Empty SoUL SPoT
of LoVE within never really Innately Born and or Gardened
more and nourished from a Nurturing Touch of Love
and Hugs that is felt and reciprocated same and even
more too as Touchy Feely LoVE NoW.. we Do have
a growing deficit of empathy in coming
to understand how other folks
experience life differently
as even studies
in College Age Adults
show empirical levels of Measurable
Empathy by very Nature that are mostly observable
and Cognitive in Understanding Nature of Social Empathic
Mind Intelligence have yes.. dropped off in levels of around 30 Percent
in the last few decades.. no real surprise as we become more attached
to our electronic device world than the flesh and blood one that sees
in depth of eyes and hugs and touches too that say both hello and
see you later too.. yes that and who can even return
a message with a message on Facebook
in Public View or at least acknowledge
a human came by for pressing
a very limited button
of a like or
the such as that..
true i probably should add more cute
FB pictures of my Kat and Cat but i am heaR
to Pursue Human Potential and like Neo sHow
You wHat you can further achieve as i am not that special
and really overall by birth a canary in a very complicated coal mine
that the overall science odds said i might not thrive in at all with both
Asperger’s Syndrome NoW on the Autism Spectrum and Bi-Polar Condition
associated issues too in a little Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde way
Clark Kent Bruce Wayne you’ve heard the old story by now
in a zillion different ways for the LiGHT and the
DARk Aspects of Human Being and
Heroes changing into Villains
and back into Heroes is
no limited story
of Love
labeled more as
Disorders now for
i did achieve Three College
Degrees at close to the top levels
of my Class and did get actively paid for
33 years in Jobs rising up eventually to Federal
Service GS9 to 11 equivalent rates in my top ending
Pay Grade then.. no.. i didn’t acquire those disorder labels
until i reached a point i couldn’t recover without some kind
of professional help.. yep.. i went all the way to age 47 with only
one stop at a Mental Crisis place at age 21 and talk about stigma
then that is no really big deal now as most everyone you see is taking
something at least for anxiety now whether that be a pill or still a beer
or now whatever takes a little edge off the generalized stress and
anxiety of life now real.. yeah.. getting help then was like a
social life death sentence taking many long and even
more depressing years of College to get over
before i entered the Work World
of the University of Military
Bowling Center as
a Place
of Cheers that
made most all the colds
of emotional ills mostly
go away then to understand better too
the moving connections of being human
are the most and still most important pArts
of LifE now while now most folks if they Bowl
at all have excluded the Social ParT of that Life
and mostly Bowl alone keeping themselves stimulated
at Hand with 4 to 5 inch Screens all crammed even at
5.8 inches on an iPHoneX now.. from edge to edge with
only Bright Screen left and right and all around now in
what ‘they’ name as an organic like OLED screen too
Super Retina Display the Model Make
Name for that too.. so.. what’s missing
duh.. the human real flesh
to flesh eye to eye
and hip to hip
of a Dance
under the Campfire
almost Naked Life under
the Moonlit Nights that Spell
not only a potential ‘work of the night’
but general kinships of all friends of the
Village whole alive in flesh and blood feelings and
senses more than an Electro box ‘tween fingers now
in lit up screen so far away from the real things within
inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around in a Three
Dimensional World with mostly Hairless Apes heHe.. unless
you are more furry like me from mostly Head to Toe except
for on the top as crown of course and the bottoms of
feet and hands.. anyway.. the Good News the
Really Good News after the Invasion
of Trumps and his Nazi-like
Memories Brings is
the Parade the Happy
one of different ethnic groups..
sexual orientations and religious
views of 19 Folks Elected last night
aCross the Country now as fully illustrated
on CNN too as i may highlight that Change iN
mY nexT MacroVerse in Veteran Ways too..
Change is at Hand a More Caring way
oF Feeling foR aLL is CoMinG to
Greater Fruition now and yes..
predictable as
these so
called Liberals
needed something to Bond
with as A Religion to motivate them to
actually come out and vote and usually AS HiStory too
sHows it can be the Darkest Bonds that bind for a Common
Cause now so yes there is the Negative associated Religion of
Trumps now real.. as the more Progressive ThiNking and FeeLinG
and SenSinG Folks have NoW a Common Religion against Trump(s)
yes.. the Religion against Trump(S) is now at the Forefront
of Political and Religious Football Life NoW aMoNg
so-named Liberals New.. and you
kNoW wHaT.. iT may Be A
Decade or so beFore
‘they’ forget
Day that their
Bonding Dark Cause
in their New Religion against
Trumps came to be in Election Day
Last year.. for a lot has changed in the Last
Year.. Lots of Fear and Hate and Faux News and
the such but Yes the Lion of Love Gleams with
Shiny HeArTS oF CouRage once again it
is boWed up like a Boa and
ready to
the blood
out of the division
of fear and hate back into
thE LeTTucE of Love all Fresh and Green..
anyWay.. all we had this Weekend at Home are
Tubs of Raw Spinach from the Katrina’s Sister-in-Law’s
Farm all picked fresh and it’s true it’s Like the Popeye
oF Love has once again finished the SpiNach of CouRage
once more.. the get out and vote against fear and hate
is winning the Political Sports Game of Religion Foot
Ball once again.. and perhaps like the
911 sign i took a photo
of on my Car
and Sports Watch
on Saturday Morn was a daRk
Sign for what came in Southern
Baptist way at Church on Sunday and
yes.. perhaps yesterday morning after a routine
Blood Test at Quest Diagnostics after we Celebrated
my Cholesterol Testing with a Big Cheap Breakfast at
Hardee’s that finally tasted half way like it used to be before the
Doomsday Smell after losing most all my smell since a Common
Cold Virus since Spring came on Solar Eclipse day before a String of
all Kinds of Nature and Human Nature Disasters the World has not
Seen in just a couple of Months time span then continuing on to the
Mass Shooting at the Church on Saturday too.. i’ll take that as a Positive
Sign for Better Love Stuff to coMe as true Change comes and LiGht Changes
as Love and
and even acceptance
for Differences at even the
Political Top Levels is a place
to be now in gentile jew servant
free woman or man no more space
real now tHat Means Love is finAlly
Becoming a Political Religious
and Sports Football overall
once again.. as ‘they’
SinG you can’t beat
Love you just do DancE iT NoW
Hand in Hand Face to Face even if all
you See it on is a 5.8 light crammed screen..
i’ll stick with my iPhone6s for it still does what i tell
it to do in Art Device now.. True.. the need for speed as
struggle is still one for a mind that continues to Grow but
finally it’s true technology is finally catching up to me now
if the Humans WiLL.. NoW too someone might read what i write.. heHe..
even on FB but it is my SoUL i am saddled with most as i evolve mY SoUL NoW
more for i CaN and WiLL Free in this most interesting ‘tiMe’ to be aLiVe oN eARTh…
i understand what the odds were actually against me Reaching this Point NoW of
Human Potential and Freedom NoW3.. it’s MaGiC iT’s Santa Clause 2.0 and
the best thing of all is in the fine print this life is real and so am i..2
SMiLes.. when i am a Child before i could speak at age 4
All of Nature is Art and that is enough as i am one with all that..
As an Adult i learned to collect stuff including facts and figures on and on…
Now that i am a Child Again.. i Create and the Lesson of Nature is Won
Thanks for
coming by
Again.. adelaidedupont
And for sharing your Creativity
Inspiring Creativity in me too..:)
Marriage is very very good like
Having a Best Friend always
Helping you no matter
what without
there is
never any
real marriage
other than contract
for help and the such as that..:)
In Response to a Video shared on Facebook
by FriEnd Rafiah in Pakistan that encourages
the fact that Marriage is something you have to
work at and not a given as the idea of Marriage
as a Panacea of all things good in life is starting
to Fail in Pakistan too.. my Marriage works for
i chose all on my own who i wanted to
get married to who my unique
combination of Genetics
and personal
tastes would
work for the long run
and sure arranged marriages
work for socio-economic security
and those who make them work but
are they natural.. of course not as
each human decides best who
they are attracted to for
they are NOT their
Parents and
understand better
what their unique recipe
of genetics needs most to be
happy even IF the marriage doesn’t
last and even IF no marriage is desired
and even IF the person has no desire for
the opposite sex and the immediate issue
clearly visible in the Lecture Hall is no
Women are deemed worthy enough
to even attend as there is
not enough human
recognized not to make
common human decency and
respect for everyone as an issue no
matter what the differences are at hand
yes.. everyone dressed alike like a Flock of
Sheep with the same Fur on and this does bond humans
together in ways great for those who enjoy sheep think/do but
there are the nomads too the crazy ones as ‘they’ say wHo move us
out of the cave into new areas like the Newtons and the Teslas who
Remained Virginal until death as far connecting their lower body
parts with others to create in that flesh and blood
regenerative way as there are many ways
to create in this life and of
course the
greatest common
sense creativity is having
Children but NO.. marriage while comfortable
for some of us is very uncomfortable to other folks born
a different way and as long as there is true Freedom in Relative Will
And Choice the ride may be rocky but the ride will more likely be thrive than just survive..
How many smiling faces and how much humor was in the Lecture that day.. none.. just stone
faces dim in the libido of humor and sensuality that makes creativity fire day to day.. marry
set you
free as in individual
where you work as a team
where both parties thrive or even
be a slave to someone else if your culture
offers no other opportunity to survive as that is truly
how many people live regardless of cultural rules until they fly free..
And additionally.. Rafiah.. Shares a Music Video of Van Morrison who
sings a song of “i put a spell on you’ as a favorite singer and later
the video goes away
after she
her free emotions
about how the singer
makes her feel.. yes we should
all be free to express our emotions
unafraid of what does or what does not
appease the sensibilities of others for true
is an
off and
on switch
and the Greatest
Understanding and Comfort
is in fully Loving your free self
for until you do that you will never truly
Love all others including the rest of Nature (God) too..
think about it how much did the recent shooters love
the God within that is them.. Loving self.. not very
much for then they
would see that
God self within
Loves in others too..
like a Baby crying before he or her is shot for the second time….
Don’t let your little Boys grow up to be just Cowboys teach them a
tender touch
along with
the rough and tumble weed play..
there is no ‘real’ difference between ‘little men’ Isis
Terrorists and the ‘little man’ who killed
all those Church Goers.. so just make
sure next time you are
in Church
insist on giving the
homeless man a buck no matter what..
in other words hold hands with your neighbor
and try to understand their differences and even
crack a joke or smile aS even Feral Cats play to Survive
Life better still Play
life for if you are too dam
serious you end up an Evil Bad Joker in a Batman Play
or in the ‘Shining’ with all work and no play makes Johnny a very unhappy boy..
anyway.. returning and finding no Van Morrison Song to Listen to when i got time
to check out the Song that perhaps i’ll check out now as i can’t remember how
it goes still for i do like Magic and Spells that trance with emotional feelings
i just replied Hey.. i came
Back to
The Van
Song and
Like a Spell
It Disappeared
So.. TG for
The YT
Away.. and now i say
in a way it’s kinda sad when
technology becomes more of a close
friend than people care to embrace in
face to face flesh and blood life but it’s
true too this desire to intimately connect
in heARt and SpiRit and SoUL to otHeRS
left unrequited is why people pore their
emotions into the flesh and blood
of their Alternate Creativity
Creating new works
of art and
too.. don’t let Tesla
and Newton Fool you for they were lonely
little boys who others saw as strange and somehow
made them feel like they didn’t deserve to exist.. thing is instead
of eventually shooting up a Church in Vengeance they turned that Burning
Desire to be accepted into a New Creation and you know what if we can Anthropomorphize
a Force as visible and invisible as the General Force of God one can imagine that God as
as Nature Force beyond our overall knowing got so Fucking Lonely God exploded
and made all
the points of
light that
are we
to share
A Light of Love
that is real for there are
days that i do share this love in
flesh and blood contact and sure sometimes
for someone like me who is very strange that takes
8300 or so miles of Public Dance in close to 51 months
and an over 5 Million Word Poem in close to 51 months in
tandem along with 12 Million or so overall words online coming
to a 7th year online Birthday on Thanks Giving Weekend of this
Year too.. or learning how to Sing with Choirs of Angels so high
that the middle age to older age woman who would normally
be wary of a middle age man wearing sun glasses
in church turns around and says wow you
sing beautifully with a smile.. for
it’s true Art
is simply
for Love Created
in all big bang ways..
and it’s sad that all that
Tesla found was the Love
of a Pigeon but let me tell you
Love is Love and without Love all is nothing
with or without Electricity and even Food and
Drink and Towers
Castles too..
as they say oh what a
lonely boy leads to inspiring Dances and Songs of Life..
or sure oh what a lonely Rafiah and Lala Rukh and Soheir
and Himali as this sure ain’t just a Song For just Boys alone either..:)
Facebook FriEnd and Long term Seville
Quarter Dancing FriEnd Chelsea
as pArt of the Original
Angels there
as at least one Angel
has moved on to a different city.. hehe..
anyway.. Chelsea shares a short Video of
a Dude going down the Cultural Avenue and
Trap of making money in the IT world and
sure IT can be more than one meaning
too.. per not so fun Clown life
and stuff like that anyway
again to get to the
crux of the
issue of
Love.. the Video IT Chaining
Dude uNchains and instead
turns his Family Farm into what
Chelsea names as her Dream Job..
A Rescue Farm for Animals Needing
Loving Care and yes Farm Animals
of all kinds to enjoy life with instead
of just fattening up and slaughtering
and eating.. and it’s clear the only
thing that separates us from
most mammals
iS our loss
of Moving Connecting
and Naturally Creating together
with a Bonding Oxytocin warm and
fuzzy comfort of Love to inspire us through
alWays now for both survive and thrive as humans
grow colder away from each other in a real Zombie
Apocalypse often more separated by IT than joining
Hands in Flesh and Blood now so i go on to say as
this Current Topic of Veterans Of Love is an all Natural
Mammal thingy too.. when we are away from the Tool Life that
we make for so-named Creature Comforts losing the real flesh
and blood love comfort and instead become the tools as idols we
make.. yes.. including words away from the non-verbal flesh and blood
Dance of Love that truly connects people together in warm and fuzzy ways..
still ‘these days’.. so anyWay2.. i go to say in shorter to Chelsea..
Yeah.. it’s true other Mammals can teach.. teach us to be
human.. it’s all Natural after all is done
Hi Chelsea..:)
WeLL.. i’ve just about exhausted the FB Limits
of what i can entirely copy and paste of this
Veteran’s Day Weekend MacroVerse
in just one Facebook Profile
Pic Description area now..
that will surely have
at least
to do with Love..
so it’s only entirely fair
to identify the Older Woman
who volunteered a smiling selfie
with me in the Walmart Aisle
a little further away
from my
Dance Hall
for Free Style
Dance total Fun..
as this woman named
Carol is the Wife of my Long
Term X-Boss-Second Class Retired
Sailor from the Navy and Old Salty
Sailor even when he was yes.. much
younger than me now.. a Manager of
a Military Bowling Center for the Government
as my first Job after Gaining three College Degrees
to pass out shoes and actually becoming a real Participant
Anthropologist of the Human Condition as i guarantee dam
tell it a Bowling Center is a Best place to Study the
entire.. yes.. the entire Human Condition over
close to two Decades of a Human
Generation even if i only
did get paid
to pass out
shoes and eventually
run the place too.. heHe.. after
the Older Irish Salty Sailor Moved to his
Next Destination Job after working there
Many Decades too.. anyway.. mostly what he
did was sit at a table after work and with his Wife
Carol they would proceed to Drink Old Milwaukee
Beer by the case at home too as a Religion of Sorts too..
And his best religion of all was taLing sea stories then many
of which were repeated the same over and over again.. yes..
the same for that showed that they weren’t just tall fish tales
and Real Stories of Bar Fights and the such as that as i sighed i’ll probably
never have anything close to a Bar Fight as i didn’t even know what the other
‘red neck’ mechanic who first worked as mechanic there meant by you have to
Bow up Fred like i needed to do something special when someone was challenging
my so-called manhood then.. but true.. i did have the crazy eye in my back pocket
then too and yes the Karmic eye too.. that i rarely pulled out as a last resort
mechanism then too.. anyway.. so now here i am no longer working
for pay but still continuing
on the Participant
Volunteer Job and
hehe.. they even called
the salty sailor boss my Sea
Daddy too from being in a sheltered
motherly aproned life as well and is aproned
a word spell check says it is so will go with that hehe..
so now.. i make up my own words too as the spirit hits in
holy and creative way too.. and sometimes i
leap logic and my own experience and
come up with something enTiRelY new
too.. it hapPens iT JusT
haPpens like
LiFE too
as River Flows
as a Stream and Wave
as we become Ocean Whole
too with signs of Synchronicity
Trancing about all around as mind
moves from Beta to Alpha and ‘tween
the Sweet Spot of Theta Creativity Lucid
Dreaming Wide Awake.. and yeah now that i’ve
experienced going on 4 years of Bar life at Old
Seville.. i too have some Bar Stories and even a
Few scuffles to relate like Head Butts and
Choke Holds and some push and
shove too.. but hey.. Float
like A Butterfly
long enough
people understand
you will sting and they
Leave you Bee with YouR
Creativity whether a Dance or
Song at least i’m Free whether or not
Someone Dances and Sings with me or not..
anyway.. the Sun is out after rain and a cloudy and
finally cool morning away from Indian Summer again..
for a small change before the 80’s of Temperature in F
return.. i’ve been sending out these notes around the World
for almost 7 years online and it continues to be fun at least
while i do it.. so i will continue to do that with a flesh and blood
dance in sand and sun play to come next.. still a visit away from
the gigoid place and Xenia and Frank as that has
become a rather Thursday Routine play2 along
with the Free Verse Dance Night
at Old Seville Quarter
as i almost lost
count in the last MacroVerse
as this is the 185th Dance Week
of doing that with all the Cool College
Age Folks there for you see i don’t just taLe
an old sea story i tale it while it is happening
too in real time Auto-Biography Rover way
sending these little and not so little
notes around the world
like a message
in a bottle
whether someone
sees the bottle now or
perhaps a thousand years later
whether or not someone looks inside
or not hehe.. a brand new and brave new
and different world this surely is now and as always
adapt or perish it is as simple as that.. and in Rome
well yeah in Rome when Rome Changes too.. you do too..
but true give Caesar
what is
be Free too.. too..
Float Like a Butterfly
then Fly with FearlesS Unconditional
Love and even Write Love notes and
Letters as you go and perHaps you’LL
Avoid A Sting of Life too..
or at
it won’t
kill you for now
and you will enjoy stronger
Better thE LiGht WitH thE dARK..
anyWay anotHeR Dance BRinGS anothEr
SonG LiGht CoMes From dARk NoW anD iN
InSPiRinG LoVE BeYoND iNFiNiTy NoW continuing more..:)
ArT iS SciEncE
Is ArT No EsCaPinG
iN OtHeR WordS
ArT AnD SciencE
Philosopher is just
A High Brow Way of
Saying Anthropologist
Anthropologist is just
A High Brow Way of
Saying Philosopher..
AnyWay.. Funny the
Game of Semantics
that the Metaphors of Language
Bring from the Beginnings of Cuneiform Scripts
As Pictographs by Sumerians in 4 BCE through
Sanskrit from India around 2 BCE through
what eventually becomes for
us an English
we attempt
to use with each other
to express a consensual Reality
that helps us Better to Cooperate and
make Tools for Creature Comforts that
help us thrive in a survive of day to day existence
too until yes.. we become the tools and lose the essence
of what it means at core to be FeeLinG and SeNsinG Animals
even more than the weapons and homes and cars we make
to keep life going
and provide
intruders among
our own species too..
such a game of life it is..
anyway.. meanwhile back on the Facebook Ranch i go
on to say.. Actually the lack of more Americans voting
in a way preventing the certainty of ‘this’
Happening is more embarrassing but
as History shows
the tide is changing
again ’till the next ‘forget’..
We get the Government
We do or do not vote for
and have no one else to
thank or give complaints
to other than those who do or do not vote..
but at least there is the potential for change again who
let’s all vote..
in response to the
other Dance Friend
From Seville Quarter
Cortney.. alerting
us to the
News that People pursuing
Higher Education will incur tremendous
new expenses in taxes over their Tuition
Waivers if the Grinch really does Steal Christmas
which is getting more unlikely as the Truths come out..
but nah.. i don’t
expect the Grinch
at a nice sit down
Roast Beast Dinner.. for Christmas..
or even a Dance and Song of Love for that manner..
and on top of that Facebook Friend Sherri Provides a Study
link from an organization that puts the actual city limits of
Pensacola Florida on the Number 4 of that top list
of Cities in the United States that are
comprised of what the study
follows as nickname
for ‘white trash’
‘red neck’ and
the similar of pejoratives
among that demographic of the
City area here.. and of course that goes
hand in hand with another study by actual
Sociologists that says this actual larger Metro
Area of Pensacola is the most difficult place to live
in the United States if you are different.. yes.. out of the
box.. as ‘they’ do say dance too for true there are those of us
who do not dance and that is easy to see among the local populace
at Seafood Festivals with Live Entertainment either in Down Town
Pensacola by the Bay or in other Red State Florida Panhandle
ways of Niceville where at the Fall Festival there nary
an individual adult beyond me dares to
step a dance of free anywhere
out of the box
of Free
there as
far as individual
expression in Dance
does Go to Sing Free too..
true.. a rather tough audience in many
ways to entertain ’round these parts now..
as true you don’t have to look far to see just
how far misery loves company as local Doctor’s
used to see 90% of their prescription drugs and patients
as Opiate Addicted Folks needed their next all legal fix
so desperately in the pain and struggle of addiction more..
it’s true.. the Forest and Rivers and Beaches are Beautiful
But Social Roles in ways of Jobs for Subsistence
can and will be far and few between other
than Walmart and Target
and Walgreen’s
and Customer
Service one on one
Local Industries like that
in Many Larger Metro Areas too..
anyWay.. i’ll take the Heaven of the Environment
and Swim and Fly with that.. and sure.. stay strong
enough and fearless enough to exercise all my First
Amendment Rights provided By Veteran’s of War in Secure ways
too.. in freely expressing myself more and more within the parameters
of all Local and State and Federal Law Ways too.. anyway as Forrest Gump just
Does it smART is how ART lives in SMart and i ain’t gonna die a slow
burn from absence of art in that Five Letter Word no now soon..
anYway2.. just waiting for the Sun to come out again on this
Thursday Afternoon recovering from Clouds
and Rain just killing time what
time with words
as always
now too as
steps are coming next
in DancE no matter what SonG Last..;)
SMiLes gigoid.. as you say
“Howling at the Moon” in the
First Current Live post
Effort of three of
yours i have
yet to
riff off of now the
Wisdom Words you
Bring just for fun
as wherever
the ship
flow with
no mechanical
engine left.. hehe..
anyway.. Hope you are
still enjoying the Fall Blue
Air in Roomier Ways outdoors..
as we are returning again from the
Usual Indian Summer to a Cooler and
Somewhat Wet Fall Breeze today well
below the
up much
Farther North..
So.. hear goes nothing..
nothing i know of now at least..hAha..;)
“To arrive at the simple is difficult.”
~~ Rashid Elisha ~~
Yep.. took me about 53 years
or so to figure out Move
and Create
more than Data
DownLoad Words..:)
“Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.”
~~ Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) (1835-1910) ~~
~ Inscription beneath his bust in the Hall of Fame ~
And with that shared by another one of my most
Favorite Common Sense Literature Philosophers/
Anthropologists i will go ahead and share the quote from Facebook you Recently
Shared as this is one of my most favorite Quotes by someone who has genuinely
achieved the status of self enlightenment that spells enough for all one has within
as all that is to have all naked as such without cultural clothes of binds before..
Krishnamurti.. A Man others assigned high hopes of saving others through
more laws of authority higher to come for others when the search
is always first and last within to find the simplicity that all
that is just is and we are and have enough as we are born
alive still now..
Free Love..
just A
and true.. if it is
not a four Letter
Word Named Free
And Love for EiGHT Letters Fearless
Whole there is no authority i see either @aLL..:)
“You are all depending for your spirituality on someone else, for your happiness on someone else, for your enlightenment on someone else…. You have been accustomed to being told how far you have advanced, what is your spiritual status. How childish! Who but yourself can tell you if you are incorruptible?… I desire those, who seek to understand me, to be free … from the fear of religion, from the fear of salvation, from the fear of spirituality, from the fear of love, from the fear of death, from the fear of life itself…. You can form other organizations and expect someone else. With that I am not concerned, nor with creating new cages, new decorations for
those cages. My only concern is to set men absolutely, unconditionally free.”
— Krishnamurti (1895-1986) From his last speech to the Theosophical Society
“How are things?
Just as they are.”
~~ Subtle Bee ~~
Yes that too.
“Life is the sum of all your choices.”
~~ Albert Camus ~~
Yes that too with Relative Free Will.
“Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.”
~~ Sigmund Freud ~~
As A Life Long Practice.
“Happiness is like a kiss —
in order to get any good out of it
you have to give it to somebody else.”
~~ Zig Ziglar ~~
And true i am wearing my Newly Purchased
KISS Destroyer T-Shirt tonight from the ’76 Concert
Tour to Share a Dance Free with an Audience who lives same.
“The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.”
~~ William Arthur Ward ~~
Never Dance the Same way.
“Every evil to which we do not succumb is a benefactor.”
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~
And yes.. DancE Grounded iN A LoVE SonG that never ends now..:)
“And all my days are trances,
And all my nightly dreams
Are where thy dark eye glances,
And where thy footstep gleams
In what ethereal dances
By what eternal streams”
Edgar Allan Poe, “To One in Paradise”
Thanks Ed for Dreaming about me NoW iN advance…
for it’s
am you too.
“Human beings are perhaps never more frightening
than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right.”
~~ Laurens Van der Post, The Lost World of the Kalahari (1958) ~~
True Moral Relativism in the Way of the World in dArk too..:)
“Human beings, who are almost unique
in having the ability to learn from the experience of others,
are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.”
~~ Douglas Adams, “Last Chance to See” ~~
i suppose this happens most when people
‘think’ they no longer Need each other’s help most..:)
“Always cut the cards.”
~~ Lazarus Long ~~
It appears that cutting the
Cheese is a more reliable
Source of reused energy..;)
“A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth
the first time he bites off more than he can chew.”
~~ Herb Caen ~~
Yeah.. who says we don’t get more on our
plate than we can handle in just one now
no one
i kNoW
iN no one land..:)
“Become a student of change.
It is the only thing that will remain constant.”
~~ Anthony J. D’Angelo, The College Blue Book ~~
The Best Part of no one Land is most definitely Change.
“What you don’t know will always hurt you.”
~~ First Law of Blissful Ignorance ~~
Trust me for those not in the know you don’t wanna know.
“There is much pleasure to be gained in useless knowledge.”
~~ Bertrand Russell ~~
True as there is no use in Heaven now.
“The more you know, the less you think you know.”
~~ Subtle Bee ~~
True the more you think the less you are
other than
of course..:)
“I like life. It’s something to do.”
~~ Ronnie Shakes ~~
If you
Do it
“Dragon? What dragon?”
~~ Famous Last Words ~~
But wait.. i found it in the mirror without words..:)
“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.”
~~ Roy Goodman ~~
Move just Move
alWays NoW..:)
“Dum vivimus, vivamus.”
(While we live, let us live…)
~~ Latin proverb ~~
Dance and Sing.
“You see things, and you say “WHY?”
But I dream things that never were,
and I say “WHY NOT?”
~~ George Bernard Shaw, “Back to Methuselah” ~~
YeS.. iMaGinE MoRE than ever before..:)
“In the bigger scheme of things,
the universe is not asking us to do something,
the universe is asking us to be something.
And that’s a whole different thing.”
~~ Lucille Clifton ~~
The UniVerse is us now Let’s Do
“Let’s Do the Time Warp Again”
Even iF Hallo
iS NoW..:)
“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”
~~ Bertrand Russell ~~
True and Thanks God TiMe iS oNly aN iLLusion oF NoW God..:)
“If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else,
you will have succeeded.”
~~ Maya Angelou ~~
Love WinS iN Human Form aS Essence MoRE..:)
“I feel better about world problems now!”
~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~
Nature gets it all done one way and the other..:)
“Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me.
That means nothing.
People like us, who believe in physics,
know that the distinction between past, present, and future
is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
~~ Albert Einstein ~~
Time out of Time Distance out of Distance Space out of Space LoVE NoW
An onLY
Science Degree
Required iS ArTNoW..:)
sMiLes mY friEnd
for i miss the
snow i rarely
the rarely i snow
miss i for FriEnd mY SMiLes..
A Pebble
Still Forever
The Love you provide
the Whippets not only
rescued but all sweatered
up in Fall
Coming Winter
reminds me of
when my Sister-
-in-Law said she
wants to come
back as
Cat and when
her other Sister-in-Law
saw the relaxing Cat
in the Living Room
or Great Room
as ‘they’
say these
days if only we
could be like ‘them’
the Good News is there
is no need to wait and we are if we do it
SMiLes my friEnd Xenia.. so sadly it is that
if ET ever comes to see us.. only ET as
an entire Species
will call all
oN eARTh
of Course in ET
for it’s
true it’s so
easy to see toGeTher
From Above when Below is Equal..
And that’s what i like best about visiting
the Free Range Farm every First Sunday
of the Month up North County from where
we live all the
to get
along just
fine when they
take time to meet
each other and live
toGeTHeR Free Range LivinG NoW
as of course those Above are Earthlings too..:)
“A Glimpse of New Tomorrows
Once the Fog Lifts
Natural Explorers
A Sunrise in November”
-Xenia Tran
SMiLes.. my friEnd.. reminds
me of my Chair Making Great
Grandfather who lived two doors
down in a small tin house with tin
roof on the Down Town
River Front by
us.. he
the stuffing
of the Chair was
made out of Vegetables
as he talked about his old
Horse Named Dancer at
over 90 Years old
Blind forever
he sat now relaxed
in front and with that River
for Peace only a step away in present
and it’s true i finally understand and
those Vegetables
for my Chair is alive now too as food..
Shadows of Life
Spinning Live
On Walls Webs
EvEr GroWing
SMiLes Nature aLWayS ForgETs
only we reFuse to ReMember..
SMiLes mY friEnd
for i’ve surely
Book Marked
Your Share heAR NoW
on “Is the Sun Conscious”
for Sure the Iron that picks
up and carries the Oxygen
iN oUr Blood Borne
of Super
Bringing Oxygen
to Atmosphere before
that on Earth through
Photosynthesis of
Smallest Cells
of Green
So Stars
And Suns the same
Are Flowers and Seeds
The sAMe and Different too
And for now before i watch the
Video.. A Sun Before surely remembers as me too..
i’ve heard it said
that puzzles
puzzles that
said it heard i have..
At Age 3 i imagined i might one day have words
before i stARTed Speaking words at 4 Evolving..
At age 42 i imagined i might one day have words
aN inNer voice at 53.. 11 years or so later then too
iT HapPens.
And NoW at
i don’t
mind saying
Words aren’t
only imaginary
truly they are Friends now
that and who never go away..
SMiLes Frank A Wonderful World
oF Words to you for Weekend Fun too..
for NoW agaiN i disCard Words As DancE coMeS AGAiN
hiGhest oF aLL
ReaL iNcarNate DanCinG OnE..;)
“The Porch As Chair
Don’t Bump Me In The Night
An Ode To Forgiveness
Is The Sun Conscious
Puzzle Piece
Ode To My Imaginary Friend”
-Frank Hubeny
Rulers and Rulers
Provide a Rather
Small View oF i AM
TRuE i Can’T VoucH FoR YoU
JusT i AM Etc Me AnD thE sUcH
FoR i FeeL And SenSE YoU2 NoW
Just a few words i wrote on Facebook this morning that come to this too..
Facebook is truly an excellent tool for it’s true no proof reading tool
like Micro-Soft Word will work for what i do.. hehe.. so in a 100K or
so words a month i get to read it three times.. once in
a status.. once with a YouTube Song and once
in a Profile Pic Description Area which
along with all the Years to Date
Facebook Algorithm Memories
i share on the page mostly
for additional muse for
what i am writing
now it’s safe to say
i share at least a Half a Million Words a Month
Yep i’m the 6 Million Word a Year Facebook Man..
And perhaps the only one it’s hard to currently say..
aLonGeR with Photos and YouTube Videos and other
stuff each and every Month of which at least 100K are current
words i create along with 2500 photos a Month overall my FriEnd
of course enclosed in the current MacroVerses i share for reference
for me too to quickly access the proof reading even more when i am
even out and about in my back yard dancing with Sand and Sun
Free too.. in other words as most other folks who escape the
Cave of Before they use new technology of tools to Grow
their Human Potentials even more and share and
give what they seek and find along the way
nah.. no Emily Dickson Drawers here
and really for someone who
really escapes the
cave and
finds a way in
Balance to take advantage all of
what Technology offers now remaining
Free at core in Balance with one’s own Nature
and the Rest of Nature too.. what i do now as far
as quantifiable measurable consequences from the
actions i am inspired now to do by overall Synergy oF Force
LiGht Energy throughout my BeinG what is yet to come is already
happening now for as always it’s true it takes the rest of the crew
in the cave a little longer to come out in greater colors of light
anyway that’s not all that’s an introduction to this hehe and
as always my friEnd i don’t expect you to have the time and
or desire to read all of what i reply as you are catching
me in the Flow River Ocean Whole Free after a three hour
tour of a Trance Dance that takes me places i likely will never
be able to put into words alone but hey i cry i try and i never give
even more.. as i go on to say heAR NoW from Before too..
as i do kinda like to do things in Nouveau Reverse ways too.. heHe..
Hi Frank.. on this Heavenly Cool Blue Multi-Colored Green
Morning After Dance in the Panhandle of a State the
Shape of a gun that is so ironically
and Empirically
as a State of Flowers
and true ‘we’ share something
Else for my First and Last Initials
are FL too heHe.. yes the State
and not me and you for your
Last Name Initial
is H and
H is one of my
Favorite Letters although
i see the UniVerse in all symbols
for all is THE Center of Reality NoW
as two Ones K Eleven of Reason and
Art Mind Bridge together now for Alpha
Numerical H8 Standing Tall BeYoNd iN
FiNiTY LoVE aS ABoVE So BeLoW Head
to toe and in LonGiTudes oF EaRtH and
LATiTudES of HeMiSPHeRe’s.. too as
HuMaNs Greater HoLD HaNDS WITH
Transhumanist Tools More oF TechNOW2..
True2 without Distance Space and Time
all that’s really left that counts to me at
Least is Love for i’ve lived in a Reality
in a view of all distance space
and never ending time
in yes an illusion
of hell on
that is a much
more numb and painful
reality than the real illusion
that i personally Create with
the Rest of all as Heaven i am
now straight out of hell into Spirals of
Bliss DanCinG and SinGinG aS SucH..
While i cannot Measure ‘it’ with a ruler of Science
or by the Authority oF A Ruler of any Church and State
alone what i do with 100 Percent KNoWiNG NoW iN THE SenSE
iS MiND aS GoD anD aLL i CeNTeR PoiNT NoW aLL NO
NoW uS BuT SuRE ALL iS NoW and NoW
Changes even into more and less
of what i ‘See’ for Now so
i’m not Holding
mY Breath
For Distance
Space or TimE
that doesn’t exist
i LiVE LoVE i FeeL
i DancE i SinG NoW A SoNG oF ReAL..
Lyrics and Music Steps and Words ever changing
mY FriEnd and thanks so much for sharing that Rupert
Sheldrake Video on Consciousness of so-called inanimate
Objects like the Sun Seen through more Materialistic Rulers
for i remember the Rational Delusion associated Video supposedly
Banned on Ted Talk by Sheldrake as well as Jonathan Haidt’s Support
of that broader View of Reality too.. we Humans are born innate with
propensities same and different and even as far as Sheldrake’s
idea of Morphic Resonance as ancestral memory beyond
the view of Neuroscience and the Form of Brain
alone.. Epigenetics surely proves now
that Classical Evolution
slow over eons is
not the
way we evolve
even more in just
one or a few lifetimes
impacted by the struggles
and actions in adaptation our
Ancestors make too in more recent
days as recent as our Parents life and
of course as we tap into the Ancestral Potential
in the gains of all our ancestors through unpacking
Genetic Material in our DNA driven ‘Brain’ at the Cellular
Level to turn around our life and truly scientifically and also
in empirical and measurable observable way do the metaphor
of Reborn out of a Cocoon as a Butterfly away from the Cocoon
and the Ground Crawling Centipede we used to be so nice to float
flutter and fly free my friend after being somewhat of an earth bound
Misfit as Pink Floyd says too.. still waiting to learn to fly on Terrestrial
Earth too in a Dance and Song aNew ReNeWeD that sets us free
to feel and sense so much more of life and see more than we
ever kNeW Existed Before but of course easier to believe
once one comes as horse to the well and actually
drinks a greater wine that is a true reality of
MaGiC LiFE Change we co-create
in relative Free will with
the rest oF
i AM
CenTeR PoiNT
ALL CompleTe
ever Evolving SoUL
MoRE mY FriEnd EterNaLLy
NoW but again for a material reductionist
who does not keep more new abreast of all the sciences
and arts of life it’s like the Movie Contact Inspired by the
Writings of Scientist Carl Sagan they should have sent a
Poet instead of a Scientist to Paint God with all the Colors
of the Wind that make a Circle of Life MaGiC TruE MaGiC
iN Beauty and Wisdom oF aLL mY FriEnd Center
CoLoRinG Book
with no cover and
unlimited PAges
aS eVeR ChanGinG
Colors alWays complete NoW FoR MoRE..
SMiLes that’s the consequence of all the actions
of my Ink Blot Test of life to date now in this many
words provided as abstract constructs to relate a
potential understood consensual reality with
my FriEnd Frank.. and Frank has many
LiFe Experiences that allow Frank
to relate now it’s true i do
live in Milton Florida
a place of Church
and State Rulers
even in some ways
away from Science in measures
of rulers as shallow as flat Earths
and Trumps with little empathy and
sympathy and compassion with souls
as shallow as the science that is the same
general ideology of a World without More Colors of
Pure Love mY FriENd anyWay it’s nice to find someone
to relate ‘somewhere’ as ‘they’ dance and sing too.. for if i
didn’t at least attempt to describe God with Poetry all i would
be left with is mostly the materialistic views of both Rulers with
no Soul in Church and State and Rulers without Colors BeYonD
Seen ‘fore
mY FriEnd as another FB
Friend Recently Understated
on Facebook as fundamental in older
Bible Teachings some of which do still apply
to Love as he posted on my page.. “you sure
do leave long messages” and i returned with
yes.. truly record breakers my friend.. i’m
not painting just a book or just a bible
or even just an earth or just me
i’m painting God and
that is a project
that never
for God is the
Brush the Painting
and the Master Peace of all i am..
Thanks again my friend for the i am
of You Dropping By as Center Point BaLanCinG
ForCE of GoD as WeLL or just i am as ‘they’ say
the MiNd and BoDy of Reality aLL mY FriEnd
neVeR Separated River Wave Ocean WhoLe
more now
more ever for now..
yep.. this is a long dance
of fingers heart spirit and
soul and sure i bet i’ll find
just the song to go aLonGeR
with it too and it doesn’t matter
what the song was originally about
as all poetries and bibles and other holy
and sacred and even mundane stuff of life in text and other
tools dictate we are the co-creators when we see through God mY FriEnd..
For my Baby is the Child within ageless timeless genderless alWays
LiVinG NeW Now GoD..
reNeWeD ANeW
‘caLL iT
what you want’
for this God is real as iN ‘me’.. NoW aS
CenTeR poiNT eYe oF mY Hurricane Winds..
verily steps and words and all those Dance and Song Jazz Roots2..
Oh yeah and PS considering i proof read what i do 4 times through
Facebook and this Word Press Platform now with at least 100K Words
Four times a month that’s 400,000 words during the month hehe
i read of my own stuff NoW iN addition to writing that ‘stuff’
the equivalent now of 100 Forty Thousand Word Novels
Each Month which makes about 1200 Novels a year
again for just what i write in reading
and then of course i do read
almost as much in
what other folks write
and do consume at least 15 to 20
or so YouTube Videos in both Science
and Art too almost every day now along
with 166.66 Miles of Dance every Month
too making 2000 Miles or so of Dance Every
Year too.. and of course the effort of putting it
all together each week takes about a full day too with
the other stuff too.. thing is my friEnd as overwhelming as that
might seem to some folks especially considering i haven’t earned a
Penny Writing around 12 Million Words in 7 years coming this Thanks
Giving Weekend too.. it’s all almost effortless my friend as a Forrest
Gump Feather in the Wind pART reaSoN pART ART in the Eternal Now
for it’s True i don’t have to believe i do this for i am believe my friEnd and this
Now this Laser
Focus on one thing
at a NoW without even
much pre-planning of so called
thinking means basically i kNoW
nothing and i kNoW everything but
i measure
of it
with a ruler
or am i a ruler my friEnd
it’s true this ‘gibberish’ makes
sense to me at least hehe.. for it’s
also true as far as i know i am the
only one who can measure i am like
this too.. and that’s the
mY FriEnd
i am no Science
or ChurchState tool alone
for i hold hands as in God allone more..
Humbly i am nothing and everything all iN ALL..
body i AM2..:)
FuLLy LiVinG ONe’s HiGH
BRoW OnE WiLL UnderStanD
EmBracE MoDeRatE LoW BRoW
SMiLes.. Good
Reason to
Carry on
Love you
Give and
Share through
Your Children
And other
Or Sure..
Longer too..
as i return the second
pART of this NoW GRoWiNG
Message to FB Friend Ashley
as she Shares a Lament on the
Vibrant Beings of Love Collecting
Materialistic Goods we can be when
Living and how we basically return to
dust with nothing left of us Materially on Earth..
And Now off to India where Facebook Friend Falak
on her Blog site is currently presenting a Beautiful Wedding Dress..
SMiLes.. You Do
Look Elegant in
That Wedding
Dress.. as
Model it
oH and Hi Falak..:)
More on the General
Topic of Human
Aesthetics later
As the Gym
Closes early
For Veteran’s
Day Federal
Holiday.. so
i must go
Now to
Art too.. True
As i Am an older
Veteran of Human
More too..
Hmm.. Do You
Now Hear
New Music
ANew Dance
And Song
Or is that
Just me.. hAha..;)
And now after a refreshing Work out as i note on this Federal Veteran’s Day Holiday
A Day Before the 11th Hour and the 11th Minute of the 11th Month that Veteran’s
Day is always celebrated now for Soldiers who have endured War Time Days to
Defend one’s Right to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness with
Freedom of Expression too of course in all the ways that
is now allowed according to Constitutional
Law now.. i thanked the Gate Guard
who was an older obviously
Retired Military Dude now
working as
a Civilian
Service Policeman
for the Navy and then he said
thank you sir for your service too as
sure he could see by my Navy Civilian
ID that i too was retired from Civil Service
for the Navy in the Department of Defense
as true i did do 25 Active paid years of Service in
that capacity before retiring early with a synergy of
life threatening Health Conditions mostly associated
with Chronic Flight or Fight Stress in the acute phase of
the last two years of Work and really an ongoing issue of
Chronic Stress for 11 years of continuous cutbacks and job
threats against the Golden HandCuffs of Federal Civil Service
Work that bring guaranteed pension benefits and life long Health
Family Benefits after one retires too that is getting more rare as History Shows
by the day now as automation is putting more and more people out of jobs
and cost cutting measures of profit in Capitalism way.. yes.. literally Trumps
else even
common sense..
human empathy and
compassion and hypocrites of
‘Southern Baptist ways’ not too far
from the LA Lower Alabama Florida
Panhandle where i live as an Alabama
State Auditor tries to justify the man who
is running for US Senator’s actions as
accused of Molesting a 14 year old
girl by comparing that to a
supposed Joseph in
the Old Testament
that with
guess work he suggests
that in modern effect that what
Roy Moore Did as accused to that
14 Year old Girl was no different than what
Joseph was doing to Mary Marrying her too..
in suggesting that Joe was an Adult Carpenter
and Mary was just a 14 year old teen then too but
as the mythology goes knocked up by God and not
the ‘Low Brow’ Parts of Joe back then.. anyway.. Roy
Hopefully you are not Forcing anymore 14 Year old
Hands to your Nether parts as accused then for
today at least.. and then of course the Brother
of Roy compared this accusation to what
Jesus went through in his crucifixion
trial too.. anyway.. not the first time a Homophobe
as been caught in the Political arena doing something
like a Sexual Predator as such in molesting someone underage
these days.. but still.. the Defense of this Man by his core constituents
and peers still for the Nature of this Accusation is one of the reasons why
some folks roll their eyes when you suggest you are associated with the Christian
Religion truly seeing you as the lowest of brows but it’s true there is good stuff in the
New Testament too like accepting your enemies the best you can and learning more from
them and of course Vengeance
eventually just gets
your butt
put in
jail or
you get shot
or you end up shooting
yourself as the Local news
shows lately too.. anyway.. apparently
Mr. Moore per accusation if true never learned
how to understand embrace and moderate his lower
Brow Human Nature per the Dragon of Survive at all Costs
and reproduction if necessary by Force too as one sees in
the Rest of Nature too as Mr. Moore if the accusation is true
definitely shows his evolution from more the predator stock
of Animal still showing through his DNA of Genetic unpacking
in Epigenetic way as sure just look at Isis and the raping of little
12 year old girls while they praise what they name as God and while
they blow up innocent
folks too and kill
whether or not
they get caught now
for ugh the promise of a few
dozen many places in what they
see as a Paradise between the legs
of the fairer sex still.. as their ultimate
prize when they NoW could do the alternate
thing with porn now instead of killing more innocent
People including Women and Children too.. true.. yep..
Morality is Relative.. dePends on the Culture and who we
are talking to in the Culture as recent events surely prove.. i
Care for my Low Brow with Art and no matter how many Women
and to be clear not the two University Students above offer up the
rear of their clothed Womb in a Bootie Dance with me.. my Dragon
is on a leash short enough to keep me out of trouble and sure in some
ways literally too.. heHe.. and while the T-Shirt Destroyer Shirt from the
’76 Kiss Concert in relating the mythology of Indian Kali too with Dress like
Kali and Tongues out and up true there is a dark side of human being there
is no use in denying that and suggesting there is some kind of Government
Conspiracy to account for all these dark acts that have been happening lately
as that is what happens to little men who have no real foundation of Love and
Grace and
TOO.. but it’s true as the
deeper meanings of the Jesus
Story and other Cross Cultural Holy
and Sacred Texts do relate too Heaven is
A State of Being within and one will not arrive
there easy unless the Lower Brow parts of their
Beings are not tamed and used in moderation as
part of the Ladder tHeir within now too.. and as far as Aesthetics
go there is the Aesthetics of the two young Lovely Women University
Students who definitely inspire me to continue to count my Blessings aS
Smiles in lit up lamps of free and fearless love now in all the ways my Personal
Bibles and New Testaments and other Art Work continue to Grow with practice more..
am i Veteran of Aesthetics
let’s face it all men
appreciate the
beauty of
from head
to toe well most
males anyway for all
the Naked Women they have
digested now from young to old
in all the ways that comes in art
and porn and commercial advertisements
and the rest of Media too.. and i have to admit
even though i didn’t know what sex was until 16 years
old and did not fully understand what was fully underneath
the Penthouse Pages available to me as a Teen ’till 18 in only
fur-like ways when i was even younger my eyes
Naturally gravitated to the only Form of Female
more Naked Aesthetic Beauty in the
Sears and Roebuck Catalog
Delivered to our
Middle School years
home.. panties and bras
panties and bras were my favorite
pages of that free catalog then.. true
let’s not fool ourselves male and female
too for true as sure as we played Doctor as Children
unwitting to anything about the human body as dirty
then other than curiosity more.. perhaps Mr. Moore never
Got out of the Let’s Play Doctor Stage who kNows but the thing is
the law is the law now and to Force one’s will upon another being
who is free is
just plain
no different
than Trump P Talk
in what he named Locker
Room Talk with similar stories
of women old and younger too
accusing him of the such as this too..
‘Trumps’ is just another way of saying the
Height of Towering Hypocrites too.. particularly
when they do it without shame thinking no one
the Deeper Parables
of their own New Testament
now but true it’s most all Poetry
so it can be twisted into unlimited
meanings as living history continues to show..
iNk Blot Test humans FuLL oF moral relativism now still..
it’s all about Attitude Beliefs
and even Imagination
and Creativity
of Nightmares
of harm
and Human
Dreams oF Heaven Fruition now..
and it’s like what i told the two young
Men at the Gym not yet more thick in muscular
way.. yelling light weight light weight creating strength
in positive energy in what was once Heavy to them as  i
told them yes.. when i was your age working out at the gym
a 30 year old or so Marine said ugH.. i’M getting so old this is so Heavy
now and i am so sore well.. who
do you think
is still
out at comparable
ages now and who do
you think is getting stronger
now or continuing to get weaker
at comparable aging ways of human
recorded CLocK time now.. yeS.. it’s all
about attitude it’s all about belief it’s all about
what you tell yourself in words connecting as
emotions and senses within and best of all it is
you are doing
now for next for whatever
it is you too will become a Veteran
of Life’s Challenges and Wins in Positive
Force Synergy of Energy even more if you
Do Believe WitH One-Hundred Percent Positive
Pure Love Force Faith Energy now.. but true you must do it too
as the
louder than
the song words close
up and personal in terms
of flesh and blood eye to eye
and yes hips to hips and potentially
lips to lips KISS life too.. Keep it
Simple in one thing at a time
for the
of multi-tasking too many unrelated social
cognition and mechanical cognition activities
at work is what eventually tore me down then in terms
of Acid-Like Stress Chemicals destroying slowly surely all
my bodily systems then.. sure.. do a variety of things and never
just specialize only on one thing only but when you do something
do it one thing at a time with as much Laser Focus that you can pull
uP ANd truly an Art of Movement helps Regulate Emotions and Integrate
senses for even better Short Term Working Memory in terms of Cognitive
Executive Functioning
iN Mind
too.. iN a Body
Balancing with the Mind NoW too..
As i conclude for NoW HeAR with a Middle School Photo at around age 13
as the cool kids.. which ever one.. decided i was more like a Middle Age Female
Clown as School Janitor to be labeled then real online.. as my Friend James
sort of an outlier too recognized how much i loved the Pretty School
Girls and did sing a song then that dances now if all the Girls Lived
out at Sea what a Swimmer Fred would be.. well
they don’t
and that
is why i became
a recognizable
living Public legend
in the words of the
Audience in my Metro
Area now.. and now it doesn’t
feel too bad when two Statuesque
rather Model Looking Women with
Heels at about 6 Foot 2 or so come to
you and ask you for a Selfie now for they
Remember doing it with you at least once before..
nothing but a smile but a smile to remember and
as i often go off and on topic in nouveau ways i
do believe Ms Swift has a Song that some how ties this all up too..
in loose
of course heHe..
Judge Roy Moore dam
sure sounds verily crooked out
of Lower Alabama ‘Gunsmoke’
and for now you can call me Mr. Arness
with Smoking Guns fully in tow now come to life again
sure with
to go
aLonGeR with all tHAT smoke too..;)
SMiLes.. speaKing NoW of
Glimpses of new ‘morrows
A Day Light (late) for second round
Poetic Responses at Xenia’s place
for i fell asleep exhausted
at a record early
sleep for me
at 7:30 pm..
slept 10 hours
voila awake with
a rare tinge of a common
cold.. as Human reminds me
of who i am too.. heHe.. True..
Love and Smiles Shine Brighter
than the Moon and Sun
and yes
too particularly
in Truth and LiGht
Lamps Lit uP mY FriEnd..
For a Cold only relaxes the Warmth of Love
and Technically in Science Speak it reduces
Testosterone Levels in Males that Naturally
(while actually Frigid Weather Raises it)
adds to
a Nurturing
Flair a little warmer
too but as the Doctor says
my Testosterone at 168 is
Lower than the Oldest Men of Love..
which just
F iN
Love is the Most
Powerful Force
as the
Leg Presses
and other stuff shows
in empirical results too..
Truly Doctors have no clue.. overall at least per LOVE
of the Fearless and Unconditional Immeasurable KiND..
True.. ‘you’ don’t Mess around with Jim tug on Superman’s Cape
or provoke
a Mama Grizzly..
A She Wolf.. NoW
or even Me.. heHe..
and true uh oh 10 hours
of sleep makes this Second
Poetic Response a ‘little’ long
and now i will slow down a little
as true you do usually get at least
35 or so other comments in every
condensed group of poetic words
you bring in beauty and wisdom here
commenting back on all of them giving everyone
love and respect and sure i would Love to do that too
i go too far hAha
so exhausted they
are they rarely come back
and that too is understandable
for we aren’t all reTired into the Land of Love..
Beauty oF Zen Love
what cold
Warm Lives
alWaYs NoW..
God Flows
Ocean whole
Flows God..
It is said that to truly bEcome
A Veteran as Master of any
Science or Art one must
Practice that Art or
Science for
10,000 Hours
and what i feel
about PoEtry after
reaching that destination
in around 55.5 months of doing tHat
it is like the Monument of Washington
at 555 feet and 6660 inches as that
to my
on 6660 as i
started writing
at 606 months
old overall now
aLL beComes Holy
and Sacred Full of
Meaning and Purpose
iT becoMes so Clear thaT
God Lives as all iN Truly a UniVersal
Consciousness Vibrant and Living in
All of ReaLiTy bEyond meaSure of whaT
anyOne will ever be able to put into words
the best thing of all in FloW iN ZoNE is tHeRe
is aLWays
my FriEnd
iS alWaYs DiffeRenT NoW
And truly Hell is an Aghogday
Another Ground Hog Day that
alWays stays the sAMe as ‘they’
say be careful what ‘you’ wish for for same is hell
And True i too Am A Veteran of Ground Hog Days of Hell..
NicE to
be out and
aBouT iN DiFFeReNTNoW..
And a note heAR i suppose
Karma could be a bit like tHaT
People on eARTh Living in two
And more dimensions so
different while
some recognize
wHeRe other
Folks Live sAMe
And try tHeir best to
Help MeanWhile Heaven
And Hell and All SHades of Purgatory
Grey aWay from Beyond Rainbow Colors LiFE
On too
WiLL oF Love
Fearless NoW AnD
Unconditional aLWays
Choice oF HeaVeN NoW..
SMiLes Frank
as i come through
as a second wave
Great Grand Father
Per Legend and his
Son with three Sisters
Arranged Names for Peninsula
Parts of what is now still Named
as Navarre and Oriole Beach no fame
my friEnd but being A First to explore
and settle
Real of course
when the purpose
of Barrier Island
is not being Served
when Hurricanes visit.. hehe..
but for them caution to the wind..
i suppose they gave me something my friEnd…
Fear of the
DArk usually
Leading to
oF thE LiGHT..
mY FriEnd
Continue to
A Prayer oF Real..
GoD SonG LonGeR NoW..
Interesting to me.. NoW2..
so many
label and
own God
when we are free
time out of time distance
out of distance space out
space infinity out of infinity now
And GoD..
NoW Free JusT Free
HoWEveR as Science SHows
For some that is a greatest fear.
sMiLes.. Lost Puzzle
Pieces and Socks
to another Box..
SMiLes2.. Word SHells
Without Feelings
Science Abstracts
Without Emotions
Are a little
With No LiFe
LiGHT State
included my Friend..
And sure Sports but if that
were the case no one would p(L)ay..
in other
Difference is Key..
And God is a Piano i Love
PLaYinG Ebony and Ivory FLats and SHarps
true it all
out iN
A Cosmic
Wash Rinse
Dry and Do iT aGaiN..
But True we are alWays iT..
VeRiLY God iS A WatcHinG MatCHinG..;)
FLoWeRs witHout
sMiLes.. A Beautiful
Poetic SonG Prajakta
As A Couple Touching
iN Love at the Center
of the UniVerse NoW
for interestingly
at first
it was
noticed that
the Earth isn’t
the Center of the Universe
Now Science is in Quantum
Ways CoMinG to Realize
NoW Every Human
Center of ReaLiTy
some folks cALL this God
but VeriLY Love connects ‘it’..:)
sMiLes.. for
Fun is only
when it happens
And as far as i’m
concerned Fun is Poetry..
i already
33 years
and did the
school thing
for 19 years
is buried only
in Poetry now
and surprisingly it all is fun now..
as i often revisit the Litter Boxes of Life..
below the hood..
Arts and
Crafts ways
of putting things
together differently
the other
place of science
that says how to do life
when arts and crafts are free..
done before..
Meth Mouths Repaired
Children’s Hearts Damaged
Mouths come again..
Hearts Stolen and Drugged..
that ends here in Hell.
AnyWay.. my new FVerse
Prompt is visiting a ‘Poet’ once
a week combining all responses
into one line and in return quoting
their titles back
one by one
as a ‘Poem’
Poet’s Home..
And for now you are ‘that’ initial one..;)
“Litter box liner and other things my poems are good for
Silence lives down the street, and works the corner some nights for rent money
All their faces flower within me”
“Veteran’s of Ground Hog Day” as title
NoW oF A 30th/134th/805th MacroVerse oF
“Facebook Pic Bible 2018″/’Nether Land
Bible 2017″/”SonG oF mY SoUL/ GroWS oN
And interestingly too in the Newer
Fox Show named ‘Lucifer’.. Hell
is presented last year
in a season
of never
ending same
where the ‘guilty’
party would relive what
they did again and again
never ending eternally hell
now.. hmm.. makes you
wonder if that
is precisely
what some folks
are doing in this life now..
but i for one have the opposite
hope.. yes.. Change is Heaven
and same is Hell
and there
is Hope
for those to
change who disbelieve
and believe there is no Hope
for themselves most ironically for it is the belief
in same itself that often helps along the state of
Being sAMe as Hell now too.. anyWay.. dealing with
a small state of the common cold which is no biggy
human bug as that does come and go now and then as a routine
of change too.. for what would well be without sick sun without clouds
light without dark you
the Routine for Change Humm…
So i dropped off the Katrina early
to a pre-party event for what i still
believe ‘they’ name a Baby Shower for
a child coming by the name of Immanuel
that will be the third Great Great Aunt
related Child which this go around
is gonna be a Great Great
Nephew as sadly too
the twin of this
away on the
path of birth.. nah
i don’t forget anyone
even a grain of sand
as all is integral to God
all existence now.. Center
point we are each of us all BOTH
of that one that is all for now.. isREAL..
So.. coming back from the pre-party event
as i will join the Bigger Russell Park Event
a little later in the Afternoon Outdoors Sun..
i drove by the neighborhood of where i grew up
away from the River Front Home just a walk away
from Middle School and High School and a short bus
trip to Middle School too and also drove by the City Park
Revamped with a much more Fancy Newly Painted Tennis Court
there a lifetime ago spent in trying to figure this shit all out so far away
from Heaven then.. and all the paths i almost went and didn’t go and so many
paths i wanted to go that i am so glad that didn’t work out in many ways of what
too as change
wanted me more
than i wanted same
thanks God then all of
Nature Change now more..
for there was a day when i thought
if i could just find a girl friend i would be happy
forever if i could just graduate high in University
with many degrees that would make it and if i could
just get a job a home and a car all would be complete
if i was married too.. and during the course of that when
hard financial times and other job related shit happened
i then worried i would lose it all too more worried then
about money than almost any other thing in life
for true i just wanted to move and
connect and create then
in small effort
people have a good
time at work.. but money but
money and screw the status and
power as that was always nothing to me..
and now that the money is no longer an issue
all is left is to be LoVinG Free NoW.. and when i look around
at the Veteran of all i’ve been and done.. i take great satisfaction
that i figured this shit out enough for Heaven now and nah.. it doesn’t
have anything to do with money NoW as long as shelter and food and drink
and friends and Love is a pART of Life to me NoW but as always Happiness
and Heaven to me at least is moving connecting and creating Free.. did i ever
expect to be named a Legend and Famous for a Free Dance in Public just for crazy
fun.. well the truth is i didn’t make myself famous or proclaim myself legend it has always
been the other
folks who
me that
unusual news
for what should anyone
be anything when they are
having fun.. except for sharing
and giving that fun with others in moving
connecting and creating more.. and it’s funny
the extroverted people out in the wild have no
problem affirming thanks.. but the world of reading
is opposite from that in many introverted and more
social shyer ways and that is okay too different
strokes some outward and some
inward more.. for it’s true
i don’t mind being
pART extrovert
and introvert too in fact i
can be introverted to the max
dancing solo in a crowd of hundreds of
folks flow in the zone as ‘they’ say in Zen
way wherever i am or go now too.. Happy Veteran’s
Day to me and sure all the Soldier Bones and Blood i stand
upon that allow me the Right to Life and Liberty and to pursue my
Happiness still.. but true.. if you really do believe in True American Patriotism now
you will not slur the lives of all those/these soldiers by attempting to take the right
to life liberty OR THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS away from any one born or bred in anyway now
different than you just ’cause they come in form and essence a little or a whole lot different
from you now and that
is the only
reason i
am proud to be an
American not because i can
be free like this with the right to life
liberty and the pursuit of Happiness but
for the FAct that other folks who i agree
with very little on and are much different
than me can and will enjoy their right
to life liberty and the pursuit of
their own individual view
of Happiness now
as long as
they do
not Harm the
rights of others to Life
Liberty and the Pursuit of their
Happiness too.. and sure this can get rather
Grey and in some instances like Purgatory too
for negotiations to accommodate differences and
Allow Differences to even reign with those whose Happiness
Depends on what i individually discern as the Hell of Same and even
misery loves company now.. more.. sure.. whips and chains consensual as
some ‘folks’ do view at least at the Movie Theater as the Best Selling Books
among Women when they first come out too.. people are strange and i don’t mind
it as long as you let me Do strange as long as i do not harm you now.. or for that matter
anyone else for it’s also true to dance free in public one must watch their pennies and
quarters to insure they don’t step on anyone else’s dollar bills clever dancer and poet
to be
Free in
Due Caution
in not stepping
on anyone else’s toes
at least in public hehe while
i burn the Dance Hall Down in
Dance that only smokes Joy to at Least
me.. yes.. i kinda like Veteran’s Day.. particularly
all the 11’s in Day and Hour and Minute too..
but most of all i love Freedom and the
Freedom to Love in Art
in all the ways
i come
do.. and i respect the
right of others to do the same
too no matter how much i disagree with
what they do as long as they harm no one else
in ways of Roy Moore and the Trumps and such as that..
live and let live live and let die for those who would rather die in
life as same as far as i can see rather than the continuous ever stimulating
Love that i see as ever changing Heaven now.. Free.. anyway.. just another excuse
a Guns
and Roses
Song on Veteran’s
Day now for next stop
A Shower for Birth and always
new born now for Free in Heaven real Love Now..
some folks seem Happy enough in Hell and sure
that’s their prerogative too.. Nature and God
both sAMe DiFFeRenT too look around you if you
don’t believe me most definitely all that is sHows
the Pleasure Principle
still works best..
as the
again for now
Statues and or Myths
CoMe to Life Real Free NoW as Love..:)
Yes.. and interestingly
The original meaning
Of Taking God’s
Name in
Vain was
The shame
Of Daring
To Label
‘I AM’ with
All and per the
Gnostic Gospel
Of Thomas
Look within
To Find ‘the
Living one’
The message
Gets lost
Even though
The poem still
Exists in
New Testament
Verse too.. but of
Course Tribalism
Is always looking
To be Lead
Driven within
Free with Relative
Will NoW taking
The Higher
Me.. my FriEnd..:)
Actually an affirmation in a response
to Frank as we agree that it is dangerous
to attempt to enclose A Force as ineffable
as what the Earliest Bible scripts refer to
only what can be described as the Great
i am as something like a three letter
word that almost no one can
completely agree on
what the
of that
small three letter
word is.. it’s one thing to talk
about if or not so-called ‘God’ exists
but it is quite the other challenge now to
attempt to describe and define that ‘those’
Lettered Words as some folks just plead ignorance
of the Force and say it exists somewhere else instead
of this Earthly Plane completely away from here in some
kind of human made measure of distance space and time
for some entity you are not able to meet face to face until
after some kind of dirt nap or other ending place of
Death brings one to a greater light named the
three letter word God or other terms
that come to be too.. and then
there is the Jesus the
reported one that
clearly states
the Kingdom of God
Lives within in this Generation
now always now.. true too in the more
mystical and esoteric holy and sacred texts
the Parables are even deeper suggesting in more
Gnostic Gospel that cut a cord of Wood and ‘God’ will
Be found there too as above so below yeppers just look
up the Gospel of Thomas on the Google Plane and voila
that still exists as dug up out of the Dead Sea Scrolls and
more completely translated into English in 1959.. yep all
114 Verses of that particular so-named Apostle Thomas
and no doubter was he as he reported that the Jesus
taught to find the Living God within all one needs
to do in Parable talk is to strip one’s clothes
off and tread on them fully naked
without shame to find the
living one that is
yes the living
within as Kingdom
Come always now with specific
verse of that in number 37 of the Gospel
of Thomas Holy and Sacred Text of course
censored out of the Roman Constantine Approved 325 AD Nicene
Council Books of a Bible as to allow this would mean that the individual
has the Higher Power of God within at their finger tips of soul
for Greater Human and God Nature Now so nah.. if that were to
be allowed that would take the power away from the State and
Church same and the dictator of human rules too for their
are no written words within of Human Soul
other than innate instinctual and
intuitive Force of Nature i AM
iN you to be sought and
found and practiced
in a way that
brings you
a Personal Heaven now
within yep.. once again now
Kingdom Come at hand always
NoW in this Generation NoW.. nope..
no books or words or even letters that
anyone else puts in words as abstract constructs
that attempt to chain this Force of all that is i AM
and even to do something as foolish as tell it what its
rules are and what it must do next to keep in alignment with
Empire expanding Guidelines and Instructions too.. nah.. nah..
nah.. nah for that is totally anti-Christ to what the uncensored reports
of the Jesus Dude was saying for he was reported as just a Humble Counselor
more like a Yogi that any so-fabled-mythologized Golden Ruler of a Celestial Monarchy
created by
humans to
help Humans
in their Tribal Natures to
expand their empires for materialistic
Goods for subsistence and even slave
others and rape and pillage and murder
the children of others dashing the opposing
tribes of Children’s Heads against stones to
Kill and the such as that too as still read
in verses of Psalms now too.. anyway..
the opportunity to enlighten some
more folks to do as the original
Greeks defined Apocalypse
as lifting the veils of
ignorance to
set folks
free in love
in fearless way now..
when as i occasionally have the
opportunity when some folks think
they are gawking at my dancing without
my cognizance of their looks with shades
and ear plugs and focused looking dance yes..
i say.. so.. what do you think i’m doing and Fred
Talk More comes next.. as i go to tale them as they
list off a litany of Potential Martial Arts Labels as Potential
Standardized Form that i am using now.. i then ask.. let me
ask you this if you will.. so what Label do you use when you
talk about God and then they said we don’t Believe in God and
i said that’s fine for God is only a three letter word without the Essence
of the Force that has no name ineffable living within you as we speak now
perhaps not sought and found yet too strong
as the Higher Power and
Force of God in
within but never
the less a wick a
flame just waiting
to be kindled as flame
as torch and Bonfire like
Saint Elmo’s Fire within now too..
And then i went on to say but nah.. ‘those’
folks don’t want you to know that God lives all
Free within with no name at all for if ‘those’ folks
can own God they Can Subjugate and Control you
by using standardized Forms of Abstract Words out of
Bibles and Even Science Text Books shallow out of the
depth of greater innate instinctual and intuitive Human
Intelligences all Free to be sought and found within
as i told them more now that This Ecstatic Ascendent
Transcendent Trance Dance of mine now moreover
totally without any label of specific name..
now.. sure.. Doubles as A Dance of
Death if i ever needed
to protect myself
my life
and sadly lethal
Force that i hope i never
ever have to use that yes this
is my personal path that brings me
to the Higher Force of God within me
as Pure Love Positivity that is fearless
and unconditional in agape love for all
that needs no name at all but i am
and or Force within and such
as that or nothing at all
for it is the feelings
and senses as
essence that
counts over any construct
of Human Made Language Abstract
Construct whether written in words or
Golden Calves as Idols and Tools the same
so then the young men had at least an inkling
in verbal words and perhaps a spark from me to
stART KinDLinG the Wick of God within them now..
will they do it.. probably not now at their age now
but who knows later after a lifetime of great
struggle and potential numb/pain and
perhaps even an Earthly Hell of
sAMe in Ground Hog Days always
lasting now then
they will finally look
within and come to feel and sense
a Greater Force oF LIGht within and perhaps
a Dance will even take them there as perHaps Creating Words
they make for this Force within themselves in even Poetry too
for that is what the Writers of all so-called Texts in Sincere way
attempt to do just give and share and help you for if they’ve already
arrived in Heaven now truly they have nothing to lose and all to gain more
sAMe and Different too by just lifting you up for they are already at heights
that are
so much
in a Different
Dimension that they
might as well be totally
invisible to other people
for the essence of that is
Higher Force within they come
to be now and then as Livers of Life more..
sure there is a song for this too named Lover of tHE LiGht
when the Blind Man finally sees the Force within and Be’s the Great i am
Ocean WhOle
over never ending
Shores and Dover Cliffs too iN FliGht..
And sure.. if you think that people stopped writing
Bibles and other Holy and Sacred texts perhaps
been listening
close enough to the
radio or perhaps you’ve
never seen the essence within..
yeP.. iT’s
For Those
who JusT FeeL
and SenSe it and
Most importantly do
the Verb and Experience
of God Now all Free
and as LoVE..:)
Well.. Micro-Soft Word while impossible
to grammar and spell check what i do
does suggest a Word Count since
10:44 PM on 11.7.17
in the last
four days
of 20,666
Words and 120
Pages as Formatted
the way i write in both vertical
and horizontal and moreover waves
and spirals as such in Free Flow Essence
as Ocean Waves comprised of both Streams
And Rivers WaVe aCross expanding Shores as well..
and when i go on all about my expanding human potential
in terms of Aghogday Another Ground Hog Day less than
more always staying stagnant mostly in those 66 months
of Hell in Pain and Numb when that adventure in
Hell Started out i was incapable of completing
even a game of tic tac toe losing my
emotions meant losing all
decision making
abilities too
as science
even shows
our emotions are
the basis for all rationality
now as those egg heads among
us might suggest the different as they
get pissed off and start calling you names for
suggesting that the world is not just a material
reductionist black and white systemizing science
place with no art needed when Art of Emotions provides
them the ability to make a decision on what color socks to
wear even if they
did do
Best at a
Baptist Church
in the Deep LA Lower
Alabama Florida Panhandle
Flower and Gun shaped State
overall way of Roy Moore more like
being now in Hypocrite ways.. sure on
the ‘Wrong Planet’ those folks who had difficulty
admittingly with Cognitive Executive Functioning including
Focus and Short Term Working Memory and the easiest of Decisions in Home Life now with the same breath would say emotions are stupid and mush and for dumb folks now when so ironically the
Face Palm
of Science
already speak
their problems in terms
of the “Body Keeps Score”..
Emotional Regulation and Sensory
Integration and overall Existential intelligences
are the most important Intelligences as True Long
Term Human Ancestry has always proven still in the
long run now.. even if only in mythology and other religious
like binding stories attempting to explore the art of the inner
Human Emotional And Sensory Multi-Verse of Human Being
that will never be measured fully by something as Juvenile in Nature
as a simple 5 or so step way of Scientific Method Now as it is literally impossible
to replicate the Emotional and Sensory Inner Universe of Being Human for it alWays
Changes now and you cannot confirm with same measure an experience that will never
be exactly
the same
as the
Inner Multi-Universe
of Human Emotions and
Senses Stream to Rivers
to Waves of Ocean Whole
DiffeRenT and sAMe Shores
Expanding and Diminishing Now
Forevermore now.. so.. we measure all of
Nature Best as Art as far as our inner emotional
and sensory Multi-Universes now.. we have Paintings
and Music and Literature and Theater and so many other
Arts that Bring us to a deeper understanding of ourselves from
head to toe inside outside above so below and all around more and
of course there is a Free Dance that regulates emotions and integrates
senses in enhanced ever expanding ways too as Science shows this now too..
thing is we live in a World of Specialization and Multi-Tasking too in a Fog of Sorts
that Hurts more than Helps our Brain in Mind and Body way really not in just survive but
thrive in
and connecting
and creating ways
toGETeHeR we all NoW..
BreaKinG Free is really A Hard part
now many folks have tried and a substantially
fewer Neos are successful in finding a Camel that
and who will fit through the Needle of Cultural Blinds
now that bind us and chain us down from greater Loving
Fearless Freedom now for we as a World Have Plenty of Resources
to help more folks out if we don’t consume the hell out of the planet
in over taking over giving and making it more like hell now in real time now..
anyWay.. Meanwhile.. Neo’s continue unplug the Rapture has always been here
for those who successfully unplug from the Chains that Hold the Great i am
from Breaking
Free even more..
sure.. Ariana Grande
has spoken to this before
in the way her Video is produced
for her music too.. don’t believe everything
you’ve been told look within for the Force of all
through seek and find now.. true.. don’t fall to the
fallacy of appealing only to a greater authority
in human idol form as leaders now.. the
one that counts is the one
within living
if you make
friends and self
actualize with the living
one within now.. you become
fearless and free and unconditional
Love to Give and Share Freer than ever before now..
it’s hard to slave folks who already have it all (God) Within
and then it’s no matter a question of saving self for that is accomplished
and now all
tHeRe is for
is to lend some Hands uP..
i Do with Dance and Poetry
other folks choose other
ART essences providing
in other
paths and roads
on this Journey towards
LiGHT or dARK now in yes both
positive and negative ways now.. too..
in action and consequence less and more..
Again Break Free Shake it off and it’s Ariana Grande for now to play..
And at 11:59 pm 11.11.17
about it
NoW for Veteran’s Day
but more to come on “Veterans
of Ground
Days” aLWaYs NoW..
oh.. yeaH and the nice Cashier
at Winn Dixie insisted on giving us
a Veteran’s Day Discount on our Grocery
Tab even though the Katrina Insisted I
as a Civil
Servant Guardian’s Department of the Defense
of the Galaxy of Love and all that Jazz too.. yep
sounds like enough..;)
Facebook Friend Rafiah soon to
enter into the Joys and other Stuff
of Matrimony shares a Facebook Memory
that is also the question do Couples Actually
call each other Baby so i respond
from Anecdotal experience of
course as i have not
pursued the systemizing
analytics in statistics of this
rite and really who cares for now
as this is my life and sort of small
talk as small as i go.. hehe.. so i
do go on to E-LaboRaTE HeAr..
Everyone gets a pet name..:)
Sugar is the one in this household now..:)
Baby is the one used for my first Love..:)
And Sugar does not always taste like sugar and that’s life..;)
OK is the name for this Love now..;)
In other words don’t expect a Rose Garden without thorns..;)
Don’t expect the most expensive colognes to last into sweat..;)
And most importantly of all say i’m sorry and Do LoVE NoW..:)
sMiLes.. mY.. FriEnd Xenia.. thanks so much for dropping
by “NovEmBeR SAiNTS TaX FReE DreAMS” as i continue
on toward completion of “Veterans of Ground Hog Days”
next as a new MacroVerse as usual is at
the plate up to bat
Field of
Dreams as ‘they’
say too my friend for
as in that story it is our
will and choice and love
to come and be in Fruition
the Build of Field we Make
as us for now defining Life
Liberty and what we view as
a Pursuit of Happiness that
allows others to pursue
their Personal Views
of Happiness
Nice Philosophy
as i see that for a Country
a long train coming and surely
Still running and Freedom like
this the will and choice can be for
Milestones of Love but For Free not
everyone will choose Milestones of Love
for some will strive all their might for stones
with No Love at all.. now only materialistic gains
subjugation and control over others for even more
materialistic gains for it is True Love is Art Love is Gift
Love is Life Long Longer Practice.. Love must be Gardened
from Birth to Shine more as Foreigners’s answer comes in what
folks feel and sense and give and share of Love now or yes..
sadly.. no.. not.. For not everyone shares and gives Love not
everyone experiences or takes the effort that makes greater
Love Real Now.. for true it is impossible to make
someone Love when the feeling and sensing
and giving and the sharing simply
does not exist for them
now.. and that
is a poverty
of the
Spirit that we can
and will only hope they eventually
seek and find now for real where they not
only feel and sense and give and share Love
but they reach the Capstone of the Pyramid of
the Greatest Gift Given to Human as Love
and yes come to actually be the
essence of Love now
that only
to one
Place now a Real
Kingdom of Heaven within
now for real mY Friend to Feel
and Sense and Give and Share for
All Creation now even beyond the abstract
construct symbols we make and use now to
understand a Consensual Reality of Love
even better now as the Practice
of Love to be moves
across the
as StreAMs of Love
Become Rivers more Ocean
Whole Love Waves to be beComes
the me of you and i and we and us and them NoW.. aLL..
anyWay.. a great ‘excuse’ to play that Doobie Brother’s Song as
it’s been on my heART lately as i felt and sensed a use for it coming
soon in what does feel and sense like a comfortable environment for it now..
and the cold remains a little but it didn’t slow me down much my friEnd today
as i wore my Wookiee Shirt as the Attire for the Dance Day through Church and
Mall and other Stores too.. and yes.. generating a lot of smiles for it’s not
everyday that ‘A’ Wookiee comes all Free to Dance at Metro
Area Mall and other Stores just for fun just for fun
as that for
me fulfills
my pursuit
of Happiness
on Veteran’s Day
Weekend even more..
for hey it’s all about Free
And expressing free the most to/in me..
as ‘they’ say ‘see the big man run’.. nah
for me.. running
to me is only for flight
from fight.. i’ll stand my ground
with Dance instead my friEnd with heHe2..;)
SMiLes.. thanks so much for visiting today Brian and
of course some of us wish we could solve all the World’s
Problems with Love As Science and Sociology and
Anthropology shows the most Peaceful Societies
are small ones that only work together
for subsistence in both survive
and thrive where folks
actually still depend
on each other
Making Love the
Greatest Prize for
Survival Now and while i do
enjoy the N.Testament Teachings attributed to
Jesus and even some of the Old Testament
teachings too from the Catholic Church’s
discernment to pick out the parts more
about Hope and Love now.. enough
to share those teachings in each
and every MacroVerse i create
now as of today listening
to and reading the ‘Tao
Te Ching’.. i tend to
resonate even better
with those teachings as attributed
to Lao Tzu in China from around 2500
years ago… well before the Historical
Figure of Yeshua is reported to have lived
as those Teachings Do resonate greater with
the Gnostic Teachings of Jesus that travel further
away from the so-called Super Natural Miracles of
the Jesus story in the New Testament as discerned by
many these days too.. as such.. Words Attribute to Lao Tzu
in that 81 Verse.. 5000 or so word story in how to live a Good Live
for the Individual and Society too.. will work much better in a Small
Village where folks depend on each other to create and produce a
Subsistence of Life in thrive way too.. toGETHeR.. but nah.. neither
that way of ideology or what folks name as a similar Libertarianism
without any mentions of the Ineffable Tao for a similar Style
of God that the Gnostic Gospels Attributed to Jesus
Brings.. will not work very well in Insanely Large
Human Societies by the very Nature of the
true cultural insanity of Humans who
are evolved to connect
to about 150 to
200 sets
of other Human eyes/hips/hands
and the such in A Social Group to be
packed in Cities of Millions like lemmings in
a can too close for comfort where Society starts
to smell a little bit like a rotten fish as distributed by
the ‘Mafia’ and the such as that.. anyway.. as i come
back from the City i can count on the Fact that Country
Roads will take me home to the place i belong with wild
life coming to the 24 Inch view of my Bedroom Nature into
a Back Yard of Nature Heaven only a door away through
the Great Room of Nature outside all Broad sKeYes Blue
all multi-colored Green and Multi-Flowered year ’round
now with Climate Change Warmer True iN
LIGht too.. while the Needle Eye of Love is
growing smaller and the Camel
of Cultural Mechanical
Cognition away
from the
Empathic Cognition
way of Love LiFE is
Growing as an Ever Bigger
Barrier to the give and share
and creation and being as essence
of the Gift oF LoVE as iNHeRent HuMaN NoW
all Free as Wild and Free Range HuMaNs as small
Societies and sociology sHows we Naturally do in Balance
in those smaller groups of eyes where everyone nows you as
buT aGaiN Country
Roads and Home and
Pots of Gold Beyond Rainbow
Colors that is Love Being as Heaven
WiTHiN NoW aS LoVE Give and Share more as Free..
i can’t complain.. i’ll send a message of Love even more..
but common sense dictates Nature is sick and God DaM Tired
of Humans Raping the Earth.. and slowly and surely the Earth
is Burping us up into chaos and confusion and potential extinction
if we can’t figure this Love shit out as an entire Group of Planet eARTH
NoW.. meaNwhile..
Pains to
Survive and
Particularly to Thrive
IN Love BeinG theSe Days
but the TrutHs and LIGhts that can set
each Potential Neo Free are ‘out’ there
online for the Individual Neo to consume and
beCome Love NoW BeinG ForcE NoW with
enough innate instinctual and intuitive
Seek and Find for BeinG LoVE
NoW.. true.. no one
said it was
gonna be
except for that
Advertisement on the
Romans 10:9 Sheet of Paper
on top of the Soap Dispenser
in the McDonald’s Restaurant as
Fast Food Restaurant as we Westerners
are kind of Strange as we tend to see a Fast
Food God too.. as a recipe as sorts instead of a Lifelong
Path and Practice as BeinG agape Love For All Now.. yes.. this
now.. tends to sway me toward the TAO a little more than the other
Three Letters in what seems a more Limited and Chained God to me..
but of course i grew up in Trump State Red way.. leaves a sour taste
in the
has absolutely
nothing to do with
Love and yes sadly
mostly still then and now
to do with Trumps and the
such as that.. Sunday Best
Suits as ‘they’ say my
friend while i say
a Suit
is just an eye
of a Needle away from the Camel of Love..
to even get in my friEnd with a Password of FeeL..:)
Ding Ding Ding.. sMiLes.. some bloke..
for you are the third visitor in a row to
this TSuNaMi as usual as a MacroVerse
as pARt of an Ocean Whole Poem today..
i wish i could say
there is a
to give
but i do have Love
to Give and Share and
that i feel and sense is the
Best Gift NoW My FriEnd it’s
been nice having three Visitors
all in one day.. albeit.. i was out at
the malls and stores and the Catholic
Church and such as thaT Dancing all Day
but it was very nice to get the notifications
before i came
back home
the standard
fare of 10 Fingers
to répond back more in
A Dance of Words than just
A Hunt and Peck on the small
letter and number keys of a smart
phone now.. ugh.. typing on a smart
phone not my favorite thing to do now..
but again.. thank you.. ‘some bloke’..
for kind wishes for a blessed
day for that is what
i truly received
so.. your prayers
do come true and of course
i do wish and pray and hope
the same Blessings and even
BlisSinGs.. for you too.. mY FriEnd FoR NoW..:)
Two Books.. one from 2500 Years ago in Teachings attributed
to Lao Tzu in the ‘Book of the Way’ named “Tao Te Ching”
and another much earlier version as that relates
to ‘The Secret’ hoopla back in 2006.. yes.. “The
Game of Life and How to Play It”.. Book..
self published by Florence Scovel
Shinn in 1925 and presented
in Audio-Book Versions
in 2010 and
as both books
shared on YouTube here..
as long as copyright strikes don’t
erase either book but never the less they
are both worth reading although the second
newer book is a bit restricted to Biblical Interpretations
in Old and New Testament ways and talks a little too much
for Materialistic Desires for my flavor of overall pursuing Happiness..
but still at least addresses the deeper more esoteric mystical meanings
of the teachings in that so-called.. ‘Good Book’ ..that most definitely has its
flaws as it was passed down through oral tradition not unlike the “Tao Te Ching”
as both books in reality are likely authored overall by innumerable creators through
the years working together to share a consensual reality that works.. for a game of life
played as successfully in light as we can and will coming toGeTHeR and Collaborating
in Balance with the rest of Force Synergy Energy ways of Positive Human LIGhT LiFE NoW
that works
that works
as a Game
of Life Played that
comes out A-OK from
Birth to the last Blink of Life
aCross a Lifespan of struggles and
successes overall more in pursuit of Happiness
now.. unless you are rather Sadomasochistic.. yeP..
the S and M pART oF smART that only feels pleasure
as one’s own pain and misery and suffering or the same
for others too in the dARK Force that is pART of Reality
as an alternative Human Dimension of Life lots closer
to Ground Hog Days of Hell of Same in Pain
and Numb of Misery Loves Company
now sing the DARK ForCE
Chorus once
in Trump
Ways of Reality
more so sadly we pray
in hopes and wishes for those
folks to come back to the LiGht ForCE
Way of Life.. yes.. may that Force be with
you and also with us and we and me and i NoW
For i’ve visited that other place both for me and
on the ‘Wrong Planet’ online in an Opaque Window
that cannot see over into the other side of Feeling
and Sensing Love within as Being Love Now A Beach
with Sun that never ends as LoVELiGHT NoW.. hmm..
anyway.. this ‘Secret’ Stuff is no longer just a Secret.. never
was for those in the real mystical and esoteric meanings of that
in the Power of Positivity for at least 2500 years since the days of
Lao Tzu and before that too.. our Words and Intentions count as they
relate in association with our emotions and senses that influence our Actions
both positive and negative in both negative and positive associated consequences
of those actions too.. and Lord Knows even in Sports Science we easily see and act
on visual imaginations of the actions of a Sport or even think about Getting Stronger
in Visual ways and Voila that Visual Imagination brings empirically measurable Postive
Consequences too in terms of yes.. even actual strength and increases in Muscular
Girth of Flesh and Blood too.. the Power of Prayer per the Placebo Effect of Belief
is proven by Science as Real and even able to cure so-called Incurable
Disease with the power of Trusting Love Between two or more
Human Beings too.. and yes.. Voodoo as that applies
to the real Science Determined Nocebo effect
in Negative thoughts and related
Negative Emotions and
Senses when
two or
more folks come
together for Misery
Loves Company as the opposite
Negative Consequence of Negative
Driving Actions with those Negative Consequences
ranging from illness and disease to Generally ‘Fucking’
up next in whatever you do in life to use a pejorative that
is a favorite one to use too for most people off the cuff and
on the cuff ‘these days’ too.. in greater Freedom of Expression
ways to shake the shit off too with words of Catharsis too.. we’ve
come a long way baby and truly mostly in proving what was already
known and sadly mistaken for woo before.. and sadly too there are still
those who live in an original Apocalypse which means lifting the veils of
Ignorance that still lives in Fear of the Dark and Cynical of the Light too where
folks have lost the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven within at hand in this Generation
always now just waiting to be sought and found in reality of LiGht NoW.. and the least
i can do is share some links by other folks who point still to that reality of fruition achieved
now.. but meanwhile.. black and white literal thinkers in ways of Sciences and Church continue
to paste little recipes for Happiness that are more like S and M than the ART of smART NoW
as a LiFe Long Practice of effort to adapt to Struggle and Make LiGHT shine within now for
it’s just what you acknowledge that is or is not true now that counts for those rather lazy
folks who believe that saying a magical incantation like Romans 10:9 pasted in
a bathroom like a condom is enough to make Heaven now real without
any consequences or actions to come next other than this
makes me feel Good to read this now.. nah.. an
incantation is not enough for the how to’s
are being spread around in many
Forms that serve as housings
and vehicles and vessels
that carry greater
Truths in Light that can
actually be practiced in ways oF LiGht
to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven within
NoW.. yes.. the Kundalini Rising.. the Satori.. the Bliss
the Nirvana NoW and all that Jazz of other metaphors that
relate a similar essence of the feel and sense NoW within in much
Greater Mindful BoDiFuL Awareness in raising consciousness to an
Eternal Heaven FeeLinG SenSinG Experience now for now is all that FoR
EVeR exists always now and you can make NoW as Deep as eternally forever
more now but you are not going to get tHeRe just by reading a note on a Soap
Dispenser in McDonald’s today or yesterday or tomorrow either what works for me
is an ascendent transcendent ecstatic practice of Free Flow Dance that looks a little
like Ballet and Martial Arts around 166.66 average miles a month in Public everywhere i
go for where i sHoW wHaT HeaVeN Looks like on the outside that at least children can and
will still pick up as light with their Mirror Neurons more open and net yet scolded to sit still
in a classroom and work now.. and yes.. 12 Million Words of a similar Dance of Fingers
on a Keyboard to transcend pain first of Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia back in the
stART of that endeavor on Thanks Giving Day of 2010 soon to be 7 years old
in my online existence on Thanks Giving Day Weekend of 2017.. and
yes even Science Shows that when we find the pathways within
we can use the power of mind over matter to even
bypass the thalamus of Pain and effect
another path past pain and meditation
is even proven to be 26 Percent
more effective than Opiates
for extinguishing
Pain both
Physical and
Emotional too for it’s true
the Stream of Consciousness Writing
i do is a Form of Meditation FLoW iN ZoNE too
as sure i used to do it in a Practice of Tennis too aCross
more than a Decade mostly at a City Park too where Racquet
and Tennis Ball and me become one with a Back Board too the real
difference in this Zen Art HeAR is i leave a trail that relates in many ways
the Feeling and SenSinG of This Experience of Heaven within that may spARK
the Similar in other Folks too as my Public Meditative Mindful BoDiFuL Awareness Expanding
Consciousness of Reality now may and does by the receipt of others who view that dance more
SParKinG them to feel a similar feeling and sense by just watching too.. i mean duh.. why do folks
go watch Ballet.. to get that Peaceful Easy Emotional and Sensory Feeling from the Audience
Section too.. and sure.. tHeRe are many more experiences of life.. some that are not quite as
soft and some that are much more hard in emotional and sensory experience way
that motivate the Force and Energy in Synergy of Human Emotions and
Senses in many different ways reaching from the esoteric to
the exotic to the erotic too.. and yes i partake in those
arts too.. for i am heAR to exPaNd the enTire
Human Force Synergy of Energy
Experience of Life Leaving
no stone unturned
in fear of dark
or cynicism
of Greater Lights too for like
a Doctor a Healer even a Witch
Doctor or Two Spirit Healer or Shaman
as folks might have referred to me in other
Cultures and some do still now who are more in tune
with more open minded ways of being i for one see one God
oF Force i for one see NeuroChemicals NeuroHormones and Peptide
Connections in all Cells of the Body from Head to toe and i for one see
Sub Atomic Particles in Electron and Photon ways Vibrating in Tonal Harmony
and Excitation Depending on what Environmental Stimulus i help to Co-Create
with others too from Head to toe.. within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below and
all around with over A Quadrillion or so total connections from head to toe that
Equate to as many Star Point Lights as the Aided Eye of Science can and will
See in all the observable Universe now.. for true we are star Stuff born
from SuperNovas Sentient Star Dust Plus Resurrected as
Us from Crucible Fire of Stars we are.. i don’t just read
pages of books and words of letters that are
Written Before.. i See A God of Love Living
within that has/is no limits or expectations
set by others now although all others
help to prepare me greater
ways as avenues
to pursue my
God Potential
within more than ever before..
yes.. it’s kinda like the story of ‘Lucy’
on the Big Screen too.. except i need no
external substance drugs to make this happen
for i stimulate the all Natural Drugs within as neurochemicals
and neurohormones as peptide reactions.. of Light in all cells of my
body as mind over matter now.. and at every Subatomic Particle i Dance
and Sing a New Song unto God ’cause i can.. ’cause.. i will as i do it now for
Free all Free forever eternally now as existence isREaL for i be it is no question
to me whether to be or not to be for be more i grow i continue to evolve and tHeRe
is no stopping me now for i neither Fear the dARk or am Cynical oF LIGhT Potential
More now
for it’s
true i am
Naked i am
whole and i am
pART oF GoD Ocean WhOle
as Wave as River as Stream
i am
a drop
of water
a grain of Sand
i make a Mountain of Love
real for it’s true i hold Hands with God the Tao
the Dao the Qi the Chi the Ki the KA caLL iT wHaT it whaT you want this SHiT iS FucKinG
Real iF yoU SeeKiN GoD and HiT the S of ReaL SuPerWoMeN NoW iN JuST ONe LiFE NoW isREaL..:)
“New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen”
1. Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend! 15,155 words
2. Golden Age reKneWeD 12,895 words
3. 710th MacroVerse oF Faith 17,340 words
4. 711 MaCroVerse BeYonD 17,179 words
5. ‘LiGhTeNinG sTriKeS 712 11,190 words
6. World War 111 DreAMs 13,480 words
7. SoN oF Man MoRe NoW 19,147 words
8. ArT oF tHe hUman HeArt SpiRiT SoUL 17,298 words
9. Book oF Ten Sixteen 17,560 words
10. BRidge to noW SinG 11,552 words
11. DeStiNaTioN 718 12,429 words
12. New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen 15,996 words
Total number oF words arriving on
the 11th oF November 2016..:)
Yeah.. so.. reference of those two Historic Videos heAR and
A Facebook Memory of a MacroVerse from a year ago that mArks
mY First Named New Testament then along with chapter links heaR
as a wash rinse and dry cycle again.. ‘just cause i Can and Will for Free
NoW as i meditate and transcend and ascend even more with this transcendent
experience of writing iN thE ZeN FloW iN The ZoNe and Leave a Nautilus Shell with
Chambers and Arms of Winds of Hurricane coming from a Still eye that lasts longer
after the Storms
and Shells
to other
and Latitudes of eARTh
MoRe NoW.. and as one of the
literalists.. the nihilists.. from the ‘Wrong
Planet’.. once described this kind of streAM
of Consciousness Writing as insanity writing before…
Yes.. it’s Crazy H8 Standing Tall Beyond Infinity Heaven
NoW and i would clear his opaque window too.. if anyway
he could come up from the Death as Cynical oF LiGHT
LiVinG NoW as so many folks who are ‘Veterans
of Ground Hog Days’ who have yet
to Rise as a Phoenix
oF LiGht from
the Ashes
of the
Veils of Ignorance
yET to KinGDoM CoMENoW
to Heaven NoW isREaL.. WiTHiN
And that is something they will have
to work out for themselves for this is only
Water and they are only a Horse who will decide
to find tHeir water or not to quench a thirst forevernow..
anyWay.. tHeRe are beyond infinite number of ways to construct
more abstract symbols to relate all of this even beyond Dance and
Song in Real Life now.. but hey.. as long as i am meditating in bliss
i might as well leave something to show for what i do for Lord KnoWs
and FeeLs as me at least out in the General Public there are Minions
of folks Video Voyeuring me wherever i dance and increasing in Numbers
as the Dance Journey moves on.. the answers are clear as they live deep within..
A spArk i BRinG ..A WicK they are.. A flAMe PoTenTiaL exists in most everyone and
A Torch oF LIGht is Possible and yes occasionally i’ve noticed a Bonfire and more..
Different Strokes
as ‘they’ say
but the
bottom lines..
no drop of water
or grain of sand any
more important than another
for we Play this LiFE gAMe togETHeR
wHeTHeR we Recognize the Similarities
and Differences discarding the veils of ignorance
Achieving an Apocalyptic Version of Enlightenment
aS oNe World of Human Hold Hands Greater or Not..
Tree of Life.. Lamp as ‘tHey’ DancESinG LiVE toGeTHeR iSReaL NoW..:)
And now off to share even More MacroVerses from Years to Date as provided
so nicely and reliably enough for me for free at least hehe.. by the
Facebook Algorithm Digital Assistant in Personal
way as Robotic All Free Secretary ways
too as it is simply
amazing what
one individual
can do transhumanistically
in just one lifetime now even in
the Advances in just the last Ten Years
as OMG we are only 10 years into Models
of iPhones as the iPhone X is finally heAR..
bells and whistles i don’t need for now but
if anything about it will increase my
transhumanistic ‘Lucy-Like’
Human Potentials now
i WiLL surely
invest in it
as my
personal tithe to
give and share to others
that as far as Yogis and the
such and Lao-Tzu’s in mythological
ways of sharing all one person understands
about how to successfully Play the Game of LiFE
more than just a game board at the end of one life..
i do it auto-biography Rover iN A Reality GamE of LIFE
AlWays now for just imagine to be able to move into the actual
mind and daily life events of an actual Buddha or a Yoda or a Jesus
a Lao Tzu or a Krishna or even Joe the Plumber day by day now but sure
i am a born
so that is not something
you may be interested in
viewing or doing at all now either
as the different strokes and folks continue
to swim oTHeR ways NoW iN Ocean Blue Whole
ways now too.. do.. i expect you to believe..
hAha.. i KNoW Better i Feel Better i Sense
better for i lived on the ‘Wrong Planet’ for
Years online where the most staunch
of those who are nihilist adhere
to ways of the unwanted
toys of being
human now
away from
all holy and sacred
meaning and purpose of life
and sadly away from moving connecting
and creating too so what’s left you might ask
yes.. the sin of Modern Cultures where Creative Playful
Children are transformed into abstract construct data download
Robots sitting still in Desks from Morn to Afternoon and after that
all that’s left to stimulate is mostly Dopamine Playing Video Games leaving
out the rest of the Neuro-Chemical and Neuro-Hormone connecting ingredients
of Greater Human Potentials left cold in Dopamine Robots mostly alone now
debating facts and figures with other folks in an opaque window away
from Heaven within now in Beyond Rainbow Colors of Feeling
and Sensing Life NOW from Head to toe more than
just the Frontal Lobes imprisoned
between ears and most of the
rest of the brain now
in specialized ways
of Culture
induced Zombie
Apocalypse of Human
Kind and Courage Now at Least..
for it’s true as the photos tale i have my Beast
Mode Engaged with my Intellect and Love too yes..
i won the contest at the Baby Shower Games amongst
Nurturing folks as my Reptile Brain Sings with Limbic
Brain and Neo-Cortical Brain as Trinity Brain
and MinD and Body BaLanCinG
MoRe EVolVinG
than ever BeFoRE iN
juST oNe LiFE NoW for remEmber
this is an auto-biography Rover story
in just one lifetime now.. just about impossible
to do until one retires from the Money and Materialistic
World of Storing Grains in Silos more now than what has come
before to this point without all the avenues of technology
prepared now to even possibly do this now but you see
without Love of the all giving sharing and caring
agape kind.. ain’t no way in hell anyone
would be able to do this now..
for you can’t tell all
the truth and
and expect
to survive in group
think and make any kind
of a buck for a Target Audience
now.. and to be accepted to fall out of
group think is social suicide too but it’s a Big
World now connected to find at least 5 FriEnds
who can relate and perhaps 100 to 150 Dance
Acquaintances out in the Real World too.. in
Flesh and Blood ways more.. and that’s about
as much as the Average
can and will
consume of the Social
World and Remain in Harmony
without potential Life Threatening
Chronic and Acute Stress from Social Challenges now.. too..
i understand i am Human so i totAlly Fulfill my Human Needs
now but i wanna help so i tithe in a way that is almost 100 percent..
sure.. it costs some money to do this Free in terms of Supplies and
Equipment and Minimum Wage Ways approaching a Half a Million
Dollars including that estimated Labor Cost in Minimum
Ways at almost 7 years now not to count the
50 years of life and 33 Years of Pay
for Work and 19 Years
of School in all
of those
606 Months
that prepared me for
66 Months of Living Hell
with 19 Chronic and Acute Stress
associated life threatening Disorders
making Permanent Disability per legal
and medical measures a reality for me but
you see even with all that challenge and struggle
i am still a Veteran of Ground Hog Days now but moreover
NoW i am MoVinG into the ReAlM aS a Veteran of Agape LoVE eVeN
more than that now.. as SonG oF mY SoUL Longest Long Form Poem
reaches close to 51 Months of over 5 Million Words and 8300 plus
Miles of Public Dance as yes the 7th Year Birthday of Writing Around
12 Million Words online that could be more as closer to 13 Million words
as i estimated 12 Million Words last year at the 6th Anniversary
Point but i am staying more on the Conservative edge
of estimating those first words written before
Word Press started Measuring every
word at the Start of
“Nether Land
Bible 2017”
as those numbers
now arising past 2,169,728
Words as of Last MacroVerse in
17.3 Months that averages out still
to 125,417 Words a Month as
all the Mechanical Cognition
activities of pasting
all of this in as
a “FB Profile Pic
Bible 2018″ now exceeding
551,728 Words since Memorial
Day of 2017 takes a lot more human
cLock time to accomplish now.. as in 5.3
Months of that effort.. my average Word A Month
Writing Average in the last 5.3 months is reduced to
104,099 Words and that’s okay as all the proof reading
MoRE aCross FB Statuses and YouTube Song Statuses and FB
Profile Pic Descriptions produces less mistakes in what i personally
see as mistakes as sometimes the mistakes mean more to me in deeper
meanings in what i meant to Dance and Sing hehe.. as that is pART of the
Synchronicity Pie oF LiFE too now.. but anYWay.. now that i only Publish A MacroVerse
once a week while that effort of publishing usually does take almost an entire day to
finish along with my other flesh and blood activities it does allow me Six days minus
what i do in the Flesh and Blood World to do an Act of Free Verse Poetry more Free
FLoW iN Zen ZoNE like the way Jack Kerouac introduced in taping pages together in a Type Writer so he wouldn’t have to pause his Free Write then as
first done in writing a ‘Song of My Self” by Walt
Whitman.. A Century Before that Bringing
Free Verse back as Free Verse Poetry
was the original way of doing
it more like Oral Tradition
until the Victorian
Era and the such attempted
to make Poetry more like a Science
of what was done before in structured forms
more than Art NoW iN Free Verse Way that has
arrived once again for we don’t have to pLease any Target
Audience for group think of before for we are in it for free for some
of us no longer Do the Money Tree now.. we pick the fruits of God more
within NoW as we FloweR mORE free iN ZoNE ReaL Now.. Don’t be surprised
if one day someone writes A Billion Word Poem across a Lifetime now or Dances
in Public over 100K Miles after they find the sweet spot flying on Terrestrial Ground
with Gravity as a friend only strengthening rather than Breaking Down the Body pARTs
in Pounding
but hey it has
to stARt some place
like a Four Minute Mile
in Lucifer Morning Star BrinGeR
oF LIGht ways in BrinGinG MoRE
HuMaN PoTentiaL Desire to Fruition NoW..
Folks are sharing and giving it tHeiR aLL now
yes.. even to the extent of the esoteric the exotic and
the erotic too.. for some of us truly are Naked God Free..
so free that the art of us blinds the minions among us where
we might
as well
be invisible
now but just wait
for we leave something
behind.. Nautilus Shells that
never end forever now in relative
terms of being human now.. for this
is a buffet of my Human Potential now
and you may consume none of it one word
one photo or much more for years to come.. i do it
’cause i can and will i do it with God Wings now..
what you Do is your will and choice as Veterans
of Ground Hog Days moving connecting
and creating aCross and through
the Window of Eternal
Agape Love
place now
that is up or down
to you.. Meanwhile i Dance and Sing
just sharing and finally giving some more
MacroVerses now for there is no record
i am afraid to break for now.. heHE..
at least in ways of Dance
and Song
i for
BRinG and
Tithe Free 100 Percent
With Positive LiGhT FAiTh LoVE
ForcE noW yep.. Luke Hot as ‘they’
Say or Category 6 Human Hurricane Winds
with a calm eYe and WinDs never vieWed beForE..
Believe it or not Ripleys and Horatios.. ‘i’ Do eXisT NoW..;)
And yes as promised heAR are the MacroVerse
Memories as i Riff off my own Historical
Art and go in Many Different
Directions even more
hAha.. in poetic
as far as titles
oF older MacroVerses
Go with quick over views
in scanning them too to muse
me as well in many other Different
Directions to inspire words even more..
For without
the muse
of Life
can become
one very unhappy
Boy just working without
inspiration more now so without
too many more words as intro heAR NoW2..
Yes.. “Travels Tear Joy”.. as here a full two years into the
World of Word Press Blogging where folks tend to establish
long term liking and commenting relationships.. i Sort of Celebrate
tHat Experience with some talk to and talk about friends here..
And in the Seville Quarter Dance Acquaintance Section.. i
See a selfie Photo with the Same Young Beautiful
Woman i just recently took a picture with
her with another one of her friends too..
Yes.. Dance Acquaintances come
and do come back too..
i’ve met so many People in the General
Public that when they come back to see me
like a Couple of Young Men did yesterday while
i was traveling through the Mall in Float-like
way they said we remember you and we
heard about your story and that was
so cool we just wanna say
hello.. and i felt like
i was human
too for it is
True back in AGHOGDAY
Another Ground Hog Days i was
just a shut-in mostly in my bedroom in a Uniform
of Mostly Whites in T-shirt and Underwear way.. for those
66 months.. eerily kinda like that really popular TV Show
‘Breaking Bad’ and really worse than that in so many ways
of what Science names as worse than Crucifixion Pain as
type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia from Wake to Sleep
for those 66 months with the other 18 Medical
Disorders mostly associated with 2 to
3 years of Acute and 11 years
or so years of Chronic Work Related
Stress to add to the eventual acute fight
and or flight Stress then breaking me all down then..
as stress chemicals are like acid and melt you from head
to toe inside outside within above so below and all around
just like how the Wicked Witch of the West did when someone
Poured Plain Water on the Soul of her.. then.. Wizard of Oz as
such and that’s all i was then by the 33th month of
Hell when i entered myself behind a
Computer Screen enduring
the pain even more
then with at least
words.. one at a time
in transcending writing way
as no drug would help but the
Ativan to knock me out to Sleep..
Always asking myself am i really
here in Hell am i really there as the
closest search term to Aghogday then
was Aghori.. the Cremation Field Grounds of India..
yes.. as ‘they’ Dance and Sing Travels Tear Joy getting over that
And RiSinG as Phoenix from the Ashes of Living Aghori then Burning Man
in right
eye and ear and
Emotional Numb of Death as Life too..
Sure.. and tRust me if you came back you would
proVide SMiLes of Emoticons additionAlly More too..
Spiraling Straight OuT oF HeLL oN eARTh isReaL Then2..
on or about
July 22nd
of 2013
Again isREAL
and somewhere
far above Planets
Aligned and sure
a Star of David came
again for the 13th time since
the Katrina (Goddess Isis Incarnate
on Earth) and me got Married in the first year
of that first series of Planetary Alignments in 1990..
only meaningful to me but of course considering i then
predicted a Special Event that day in my blogging before
iN Writing and it is significant that a so-called ‘Golden
Child’ was born in England on that very day and all
i did
Come Back to LiFe..
not the first or the last
to do that verily TruE iN LiGht from dARk2..:)
“Dance Over Illusory Fears…”.. MacroVerse from Four Years ago
Still Celebrating the ‘new me’ back then.. yes.. took a lot of
getting used to.. and the Folks who knew me from Before..
including my
i was no longer
the same person then..
improved to me but not
always to other people then..
as the change was rather Dramatic..
literally as such moving from Shut-In to
Public Dancer in Just a Month’s Transition then..
changing from 44 to 11 on the Autism Scan Quotient
Test and moving from the Mid ’50’s on an Emotional
Quotient Intelligence test to close to the top of 100 too..
And yes.. INTJ Personality Change to ENFP in just
one Month too.. Dr. Jekyll Meet the Good
Cop Mr. Hyde and how are ‘we’ going
to do all of what
do next
in the new Hide
of your Flesh and Blood Soul
SpiRiTed with Greater HeARt aS Such too..
hey.. at least i recorded all of it for case study (re)view..
and yes too.. the technical term for this is Bi-Polar Disorder
on top of everything else i was Diagnosed to Make 20 Total
Medical Disorders too as all the Doctors had seen was the
Shut-In Part of me as i had been through this Wash and
Rinse and Dry particularly strange pART of the
Human Condition Before.. but as far as
the entire experience as ‘Veterans
of Ground Hog Days’ then..
and now.. this is just
another color
of the
Human Experience
and Species in Bio-Diversity
and Neuro-Diversity.. including
Asperger’s Syndrome and ADHD NoW
too.. we adapt or perish it’s kinda as simple
as that particularly when one experiences what
Science Also Names as the Suicide Disease with
that Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain too.. yes..
once again the refrain of wake to sleep Dentist Drill-like pain for
66 months.. but again for me as strange as it may seem this is all my normal..
NoW and yes call it what you will.. label it this or that but this is my Heaven and HeLLo..:)
“My CAT IS my super HERO!’.. Quite literally this is True as Arthur and
Yellow Boy and Moby and only of those three Yellow Boy Still Lives
they taught me more about Life than 19 years of School and
33 years of Work for Pay.. they taught me to be Wild and
Loving Free for i was able to see the Difference
of Moby’s Domesticated Life and how
that applied to me
and the Wild
Side of
Yellow Boy tamed in Love
more from the Back Woods and
the Noble Arthur Brown Tabby
Cat who lived the ‘tween for Balance
for 20 years.. the Domesticated one
Moby.. Succumbed to being Overweight/Diabetes
never having to work against struggle for
much in life until he was put outdoors with
no front claws from our Neighbor’s Home
as their baby was allergic to him
and we became the
adoptive parents
of this Cat of Love
Who and That lost his Wild
And Free Struggle for Life
with Will and Strength along
with all his Love and Grace too.. sure..
most of my life i was more like him than
either of the other too.. but now i’ve synthesized
all three Trinity of Cat Beings within.. for i have it all..
Love and Grace as the foundation of Fearless Will and Strength
too.. sure that thing that Yellow Boy Formed with Greater Love and
Grace as he stays attached to the Love of the Katrina’s Lap now and
i can once again enjoy Grace of love in Hugs as well as Will and Strength
in Fearless way iN A DancE and SonG of LiFE in Heaven now that Never ends..
and yes.. the Original Dance and Song in this MacroVerse is kinda inspiring too.. to
Least.. Verily
For SuRE STiLL NoW..
LesSon LEarned From
Cats even more than ever beFoRE..:)
“Captain Salt”.. MacroVerse Memory from Two Years ago with
a little Word Play related to Sgt. Pepper too.. in deeper
Meaning way.. as one Pepper comes without Love
and Grace and the other Salt must be
peppered more with Strength
and WiLL.. and this
go around
got it
NoW iN this
Wash and Rinse
Dry Cycle better than
ever BeFoRE for what is
salted must be peppered in Balance
too to get the spice and sweet just correct iN LiFE NoW..:)
“Another DAY IN THE LIFE of a DanceWalker”.. from three years ago and a little
Over a year into my Public Dance Routine then.. reaching up to 2584 Miles at that
point as illustrated in evidence too for the record of actually doing that then too..
And at that point still lending a helping hand at the “Wrong Planet” when
the Literalists and the Nihilists were not busy attempting to ‘nah’
off heHe..;)
“Allah’s Art”.. More Monthly Friendship Letters
to Lala Rukh from three years
ago too.. Attempting
to Discuss
of God
in her Religious
Language too as that
is how i do it with with some
Nihilists and Literalists and
Atheists sAMe and Different too as
one must lEarn tHeir Language of Love
that can
as Systemizing
Science now too..
but hey.. at least
They Love tHeir Language
of Love and that’s a BiG PLuS2..;)
“VETERANS of Human FREEDOM”.. Hmm.. this
is just about worth it
all for that
SonG at the
BeGiNNinG of this PLaY..
And hmm.. back in the day
oF A Life of Me with 333 Word MacroVerses
so short and sweet then as Free too in one day2..:)
“Veterans of Human Weather”.. Two Years ago.. Veteran’s Day MacroVerse
as the Arms of mY Calm Center eYe Hurricane
Continue to more Greatly
Expand in MacroVerse
Size.. of Winds
And More
Chambers continue in liNks
to KingDoM coMe heAR NoW FoR ReaL..;)
“Bridge to noW SinG”.. as all in all as every MacroVerse from Memorial
Day 2016 continues to rise up in size to Twice a Week Average
Size then at 15,555 Words as of Finish of Longest Long Form
Word Press Measured Words at the 1.82 Million Word
MacroVerse Point of “Nether Land Bible
too.. More Real..
WitH Dance Night photos
included in all MacroVerse
Posts after Memorial Day of 2016.. too..;)
“DeStiNaTioN 718”.. Just Another Esoterical and
Mystical Numbered MacroVerse in
and Ordered MacroVerse too..:)
Did someone.. anyone.. say
Mystical and
Coded in
many other
Strange ways too..;)
“LOST FRACTALS OF LIVING”.. Well.. a SonG by Lorde Surely Fits
in HeAR too with a Yellow Flicker Beat from ‘Hunger
Games’ too.. and
sure the
kinda says
it all in relationship
to a dArk Longer “Veterans of
Aghogday Days” too.. is i supPose
for Real tiMe as Humans do it NoW
iN CLock ways too time out of time
distance out of distance and space out of space
too as you kinda remember all that is forevernow.. moRE EVeN iSReaL NoW..
as this BRinGS a Conclusion of Writing all this at Least at 5:36 PM On
November Monday
at 5:44 PM
StarTinG this
at 10:44 PM on
November 7th
for a 5.8 Day ramPage
Writing Spree to get
thaT pART dONe foR NoW..:)

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)