iT’s Not A Challenge Butt i’M
Crazier than you nano Mano
No.. i’M not afraid to like those
too.. And you Made Olive Oil
Love to: Feel YouR WeedS
A Hospital Lobby is More
Fun From: so Free
It’ll have to be
on the Lips..
Not sure
what it means
But lightening just Struck
A Pole Across the Street
It Means we are in Sweet
Home Alabama.. and
Don’t Forget
the Pole
We are traveling
Back to the Sunshine State
Thunder has passed until
A Next Play Date Comes
Don’t NeeD A Three Letter Word
For Tree When Tree IS A
RaiseS HandS iN ATTenDance
curRently EnJoYinG YouR
PoEtry PArts PatcH
Work Curves aS
oF wHo
You’LL Be neXT
PLaY Dates Words
iN Co-Ed Mental PLaces
Oh! tHat YanKee GPS BeacH STiLL PRoNouNCES
MoBiLE LiKE A Crib ToY HeHe PuTTinG ToGeTHeR
ReVeLaTioN HeaVeNoW
Crazier than you nano Mano
No.. i’M not afraid to like those
too.. And you Made Olive Oil
Love to: Feel YouR WeedS
A Hospital Lobby is More
Fun From: so Free
It’ll have to be
on the Lips..
Not sure
what it means
But lightening just Struck
A Pole Across the Street
It Means we are in Sweet
Home Alabama.. and
Don’t Forget
the Pole
We are traveling
Back to the Sunshine State
Thunder has passed until
A Next Play Date Comes
Don’t NeeD A Three Letter Word
For Tree When Tree IS A
RaiseS HandS iN ATTenDance
curRently EnJoYinG YouR
PoEtry PArts PatcH
Work Curves aS
oF wHo
You’LL Be neXT
PLaY Dates Words
iN Co-Ed Mental PLaces
Oh! tHat YanKee GPS BeacH STiLL PRoNouNCES
MoBiLE LiKE A Crib ToY HeHe PuTTinG ToGeTHeR
ReVeLaTioN HeaVeNoW
MoVeS iN OuT
ThaT’s aLL i NeeD
ReaL NoW
DarK-TweeN-LiGHT WeB
LiFE We Co-CReaTeNoW
Hmm.. Lord Still STicKinG Twitter
FredKu Haiku-like paRTs ToGeTHeR
yes tick tock tick tock in out without so
much of a Flow but Still the Puzzle Pieces
Come ToGeTHeR TaPesTry Art Painting WHole
We Brush Paint PArT of GoD NATuRE Masterpeace now
Harmony WHoLE when iN synch of Synchronicity God Art SPeaK
to: iN
uS oN
oF CourSE
From: do you sPeak
Fred i sure DO as heaven do hehe..
i suppose it’s enough for some folks
to learn and carry the weight of the CuRRenT
Language but if everyone did that and no one moved
out of A where the Hell can and will one Finally Get to Z
but the thing is don’t just settle for Alpha through Omega or
even Human ThOuGHT ABSTracT CoNSTrucT inFiNiTY LeSS
ThAN PoTenTiaL More For Group THiNk BRings the WArm and Fuzzies
iNside the Colder Caves of Winter Too.. but hey if no one moved to B from A
where or where
would my
And Hot Water Heater
And Warm and Cozy Comforter
Bed and Pillow be now yes class
A Cold Hard Rock Floor ugh just ugh
so i’ll make another Letter and Word come
True iN LiGHT OuT oF iGnorance BeForE
Veils lifting
Heat and Cooling too
And Oh God yes such a big
Variety of Naked and Very Willing
Photos of Women on the Internet too..
aS Imagination GRows and comes back more too..
a little sLow on the Horny Toad as far as writing PG
Related MacroVerses now as my Sex Education and Body
Parts New Title as Degreed Scientist and Artist From College
And AutoDiDacT too is CoMinG aLonger nicely too now that i no
longer link it to my ongoing Bibles now but hey i ain’t gonna go to no
trouble to unlink the old pathways to the new stuff sTill hAha.. in other
words those in the kNoW are still finding it with ease as the Stats still definitely do show..
hmm.. what else yes more on Heaven now and Later too.. as this MacroVerse is already NoW
named “ReVeLaTioN HeaVeNoW” and i must say as far as Revelations go the Catholic Church
is surely rationally ahead of the crowd off the Trump Loving even more Evangelistic Literally
taking what some Dude Called John Recollected in a dream fully under the influence of
A Cruel Leader named Nero then.. some pretty wild abstract dream stuff hehe.. even
wilder than the abstract stuff i come to put together too in Newer Fred Language
Co-Creating With God Nature too.. but true these Catholic Priests i’ve
met are more into Science as hey how else do you get all into
the Rituals and the Routines in the Order of Catholic
if you don’t already Love you some routines
and rituals to fight off other wise
Chaos of Art mind now
in control
in the Groove of
Rigid Records of Life
now more.. so no in the
Catholic Church i attend too they
don’t pay any mind to end days prophecies
and doomsday hopes of Jesus coming back
And Killing most of the World if they don’t agree with
him then as that’s a little ridiculous for someone who professes
Love Your Enemy and Turn the other Cheek With forgiveness now
too yes quite a jump to Psychopath inherent is a God intent on Torturing
his Creation for Eternity now still.. but wait but wait isn’t God and Jesus Love
depends on which
ink blot some
folks see
ancient pages
of Poetry and Parable
Bible Stuff still now too..
thing is for those who just laugh
at the ignorance of those who are licking
their lips hoping to see who they perceive as
different from them suffering in Hell Eternally now..
for those Science oriented Rational more Minded Folks
it’s not rational at all if you don’t understand just how much
that Core Trump Voter Group has now in not only our Nation’s
Potential Futures but the World overall now too for potential death
and destruction too for True just the fact that someone as obviously
Nefarious as the Trump who bragged about Shooting Folks Publicly
with His Evangelistic Friends Worshipping him Still like a Second
coming of whatever Trump still is now hehe.. it already shows
just how deep some folks see their lives as End times
already now for once again we make or break the
God of Hope and Love or Fear and Hate
yes class whichever Flavor
of God DARk
to LigHt
and Tween
iN SHaDes of Grey
And beyond Rainbow Colors
We come to be now as next.. too so.. yeaH…
it’s kinda nice really how this Internet Dark Web
Stuff is moving along Civilly amongst out of the Box
Intellectuals who have some magical thinking along with
some rigid more schizoid ways of being now too.. but anyway
when Sam Harris and Russell Brand and Jordan Peterson and
Jonathan Haidt can all come to Agree that the Ascending Transcending
Ecstatic Experiences are real no matter if they are named supernormal
or supernatural now.. that’s surely some kind of Break through in right and
left leaning holding hands more now.. and yes as they all admit.. even Neuro-Scientist
Sam Harris.. Science has little Clue how the most Basic of all or our realities work NoW iN
reliable and replicable experiments in Confirming how Human Consciousness Works now
but sadly still there are the more conspiratorial aspects like Ivory Tower Jordan Peterson
who believes a French Related Post Modernism Philosophy is taking over the World
now Fresh out of Brexit and the Trumpeter Soup too of Nationalism more from
Equality for all now.. without boundaries and borders as more of a Patriachy
of Toxic Masculinity more and yes Class Toxic Masculinity is just half
a man and or woman without a Real Love and Grace as BaLanCing
ForCE oF WiLL and Strength more as the original Greek Definition
of Mr. Cool Snoopy now too.. in other words a
Self Sufficient Human Being who
does not require likes and
follows and shares
and the such
as that
to be
Happy wherever
they lay tHeiR Wonderment
of Head and Dance tHeiR Body
all over now about this Amazing
Life more to study just now more too.. to Sing and Dance more..
as all of Life is an Amazing DaRk and LiGHT LoVE NoW MoRE ART
Oh yeaH and Super Rock Star Astro Physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson
who even admitted to Katy Perry that she had him Beat in Emotional
and Musical Intelligence and he as a Scientist could not rule out that
the entire of our existence is a Holo-Gram Controlled by someone
or something vastly smARTer than we are now.. hint: God for
whatever all that is works to be all ToGeTHeR aS NaTuRE
now but yes tHeRE are patterns that may be
measured more now.. so-called
additional extra laws of
Nature Still to be
reliably as
with other non-biased
Experiments and Control Groups more..
but meanwhile tHeRE iS HeAVeN NoW aS
Described in Abstract Construct Terms across Cultures
like Tao and Samadhi and Nirvana and Bliss with a mix
of Kundalini Rising and Satori and Force Words like Ki
and Chi and Qi and Ka too.. sure.. whisper in some Prana
as Calm Center Balance and the Star Wars Force of almost
uNlimited Human Frequencies and Vibrations of Synergy aS
Energy more.. in Healing Ways of MaKinG aLL oF LiFE BeTTeR NoW
HeaVeN’S Been Around for HeAVeN NoW MoRE as any still Great American
Indian Spirit WiTH all Loves Life Lives Life with ease of Bliss and Nirvana now more..
serIOUsly Science even already measures the Fountain of Youth Benefit of Still and Moving
Mediation more in Healing ways too.. but still some folks look forward to death and destruction
of most of the Living World.. as a way to make yes make a God Man come Back and kill all their
enemies of Different now more too.. problem is as we-co-create our realities with whatever it is
we maNuFaCTuRE LiFE WitH NoW as ReaLiTY NoW is aLWays MoRE LiKeLy to come in
DARk or LiGhT dePenDinG on which Version of Life is Projected unto all of Nature
now really too.. is yeah it’s true as far as destiny comes to be now we are
the future in the future we believe in now..
and if you don’t take seriously the
Belief that the
best thing
in the World
is most folks will
be Killed in it and most
other folks still as outcast too..
in a Lake of Fire or whatever Fresh
Hell a Dude Dreamed up Thousands of Years ago too..
if the other side doesn’t get in with tHeir Guns of Love Love
will lose as Guns Kill and people who don’t Garden Love in others
or themselves are much more likely to make the Born on Date of the
Milk of the United
States Go
Sour for at least
Human Being for some
Dark Years to come for extinction too..
but hey who cares when the only reality
is the Form Above the essence now TRuE..
People are still finding Heaven Eternally now
at hand in this Generation Still Always now
it’s just a matter of finding a Path that
works or forging on anew.. but
that will never come now
easily without
A Full
Bore Search
For Eternal Agape Love iNCaRNaTE BeinG NoW
So how Deep is your Love iS it Ocean Whole Waves
Deeper yes Deeper NoW ReVeLaTioN HeAVeNoW..:)
MoVeS iN OuT
ThaT’s aLL i NeeD
ReaL NoW
DarK-TweeN-LiGHT WeB
LiFE We Co-CReaTeNoW
Hmm.. Lord Still STicKinG Twitter
FredKu Haiku-like paRTs ToGeTHeR
yes tick tock tick tock in out without so
much of a Flow but Still the Puzzle Pieces
Come ToGeTHeR TaPesTry Art Painting WHole
We Brush Paint PArT of GoD NATuRE Masterpeace now
Harmony WHoLE when iN synch of Synchronicity God Art SPeaK
to: iN
uS oN
oF CourSE
From: do you sPeak
Fred i sure DO as heaven do hehe..
i suppose it’s enough for some folks
to learn and carry the weight of the CuRRenT
Language but if everyone did that and no one moved
out of A where the Hell can and will one Finally Get to Z
but the thing is don’t just settle for Alpha through Omega or
even Human ThOuGHT ABSTracT CoNSTrucT inFiNiTY LeSS
ThAN PoTenTiaL More For Group THiNk BRings the WArm and Fuzzies
iNside the Colder Caves of Winter Too.. but hey if no one moved to B from A
where or where
would my
And Hot Water Heater
And Warm and Cozy Comforter
Bed and Pillow be now yes class
A Cold Hard Rock Floor ugh just ugh
so i’ll make another Letter and Word come
True iN LiGHT OuT oF iGnorance BeForE
Veils lifting
Heat and Cooling too
And Oh God yes such a big
Variety of Naked and Very Willing
Photos of Women on the Internet too..
aS Imagination GRows and comes back more too..
a little sLow on the Horny Toad as far as writing PG
Related MacroVerses now as my Sex Education and Body
Parts New Title as Degreed Scientist and Artist From College
And AutoDiDacT too is CoMinG aLonger nicely too now that i no
longer link it to my ongoing Bibles now but hey i ain’t gonna go to no
trouble to unlink the old pathways to the new stuff sTill hAha.. in other
words those in the kNoW are still finding it with ease as the Stats still definitely do show..
hmm.. what else yes more on Heaven now and Later too.. as this MacroVerse is already NoW
named “ReVeLaTioN HeaVeNoW” and i must say as far as Revelations go the Catholic Church
is surely rationally ahead of the crowd off the Trump Loving even more Evangelistic Literally
taking what some Dude Called John Recollected in a dream fully under the influence of
A Cruel Leader named Nero then.. some pretty wild abstract dream stuff hehe.. even
wilder than the abstract stuff i come to put together too in Newer Fred Language
Co-Creating With God Nature too.. but true these Catholic Priests i’ve
met are more into Science as hey how else do you get all into
the Rituals and the Routines in the Order of Catholic
if you don’t already Love you some routines
and rituals to fight off other wise
Chaos of Art mind now
in control
in the Groove of
Rigid Records of Life
now more.. so no in the
Catholic Church i attend too they
don’t pay any mind to end days prophecies
and doomsday hopes of Jesus coming back
And Killing most of the World if they don’t agree with
him then as that’s a little ridiculous for someone who professes
Love Your Enemy and Turn the other Cheek With forgiveness now
too yes quite a jump to Psychopath inherent is a God intent on Torturing
his Creation for Eternity now still.. but wait but wait isn’t God and Jesus Love
depends on which
ink blot some
folks see
ancient pages
of Poetry and Parable
Bible Stuff still now too..
thing is for those who just laugh
at the ignorance of those who are licking
their lips hoping to see who they perceive as
different from them suffering in Hell Eternally now..
for those Science oriented Rational more Minded Folks
it’s not rational at all if you don’t understand just how much
that Core Trump Voter Group has now in not only our Nation’s
Potential Futures but the World overall now too for potential death
and destruction too for True just the fact that someone as obviously
Nefarious as the Trump who bragged about Shooting Folks Publicly
with His Evangelistic Friends Worshipping him Still like a Second
coming of whatever Trump still is now hehe.. it already shows
just how deep some folks see their lives as End times
already now for once again we make or break the
God of Hope and Love or Fear and Hate
yes class whichever Flavor
of God DARk
to LigHt
and Tween
iN SHaDes of Grey
And beyond Rainbow Colors
We come to be now as next.. too so.. yeaH…
it’s kinda nice really how this Internet Dark Web
Stuff is moving along Civilly amongst out of the Box
Intellectuals who have some magical thinking along with
some rigid more schizoid ways of being now too.. but anyway
when Sam Harris and Russell Brand and Jordan Peterson and
Jonathan Haidt can all come to Agree that the Ascending Transcending
Ecstatic Experiences are real no matter if they are named supernormal
or supernatural now.. that’s surely some kind of Break through in right and
left leaning holding hands more now.. and yes as they all admit.. even Neuro-Scientist
Sam Harris.. Science has little Clue how the most Basic of all or our realities work NoW iN
reliable and replicable experiments in Confirming how Human Consciousness Works now
but sadly still there are the more conspiratorial aspects like Ivory Tower Jordan Peterson
who believes a French Related Post Modernism Philosophy is taking over the World
now Fresh out of Brexit and the Trumpeter Soup too of Nationalism more from
Equality for all now.. without boundaries and borders as more of a Patriachy
of Toxic Masculinity more and yes Class Toxic Masculinity is just half
a man and or woman without a Real Love and Grace as BaLanCing
ForCE oF WiLL and Strength more as the original Greek Definition
of Mr. Cool Snoopy now too.. in other words a
Self Sufficient Human Being who
does not require likes and
follows and shares
and the such
as that
to be
Happy wherever
they lay tHeiR Wonderment
of Head and Dance tHeiR Body
all over now about this Amazing
Life more to study just now more too.. to Sing and Dance more..
as all of Life is an Amazing DaRk and LiGHT LoVE NoW MoRE ART
Oh yeaH and Super Rock Star Astro Physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson
who even admitted to Katy Perry that she had him Beat in Emotional
and Musical Intelligence and he as a Scientist could not rule out that
the entire of our existence is a Holo-Gram Controlled by someone
or something vastly smARTer than we are now.. hint: God for
whatever all that is works to be all ToGeTHeR aS NaTuRE
now but yes tHeRE are patterns that may be
measured more now.. so-called
additional extra laws of
Nature Still to be
reliably as
with other non-biased
Experiments and Control Groups more..
but meanwhile tHeRE iS HeAVeN NoW aS
Described in Abstract Construct Terms across Cultures
like Tao and Samadhi and Nirvana and Bliss with a mix
of Kundalini Rising and Satori and Force Words like Ki
and Chi and Qi and Ka too.. sure.. whisper in some Prana
as Calm Center Balance and the Star Wars Force of almost
uNlimited Human Frequencies and Vibrations of Synergy aS
Energy more.. in Healing Ways of MaKinG aLL oF LiFE BeTTeR NoW
HeaVeN’S Been Around for HeAVeN NoW MoRE as any still Great American
Indian Spirit WiTH all Loves Life Lives Life with ease of Bliss and Nirvana now more..
serIOUsly Science even already measures the Fountain of Youth Benefit of Still and Moving
Mediation more in Healing ways too.. but still some folks look forward to death and destruction
of most of the Living World.. as a way to make yes make a God Man come Back and kill all their
enemies of Different now more too.. problem is as we-co-create our realities with whatever it is
we maNuFaCTuRE LiFE WitH NoW as ReaLiTY NoW is aLWays MoRE LiKeLy to come in
DARk or LiGhT dePenDinG on which Version of Life is Projected unto all of Nature
now really too.. is yeah it’s true as far as destiny comes to be now we are
the future in the future we believe in now..
and if you don’t take seriously the
Belief that the
best thing
in the World
is most folks will
be Killed in it and most
other folks still as outcast too..
in a Lake of Fire or whatever Fresh
Hell a Dude Dreamed up Thousands of Years ago too..
if the other side doesn’t get in with tHeir Guns of Love Love
will lose as Guns Kill and people who don’t Garden Love in others
or themselves are much more likely to make the Born on Date of the
Milk of the United
States Go
Sour for at least
Human Being for some
Dark Years to come for extinction too..
but hey who cares when the only reality
is the Form Above the essence now TRuE..
People are still finding Heaven Eternally now
at hand in this Generation Still Always now
it’s just a matter of finding a Path that
works or forging on anew.. but
that will never come now
easily without
A Full
Bore Search
For Eternal Agape Love iNCaRNaTE BeinG NoW
So how Deep is your Love iS it Ocean Whole Waves
Deeper yes Deeper NoW ReVeLaTioN HeAVeNoW..:)
And now just a relaxing trip to the Poetry Places
of Frank and Xenia and the gigoid place
that Holds Wisdom from
Sages of the
Ages that i’ll riff
off of in MicroVerse2..
i think i’ll take another
Superstar With Shades
Coming off the Beach but
be careful what you wish for next
for chances are you may get more
than what you thOught you bargained for beFore..
but just another Naked Robe Human Being with Love
Lose and
you will more likely
Avoid the Seagull Shit
iN More of a MindFul Bodily
Full Awareness of Life now as Karmic
Bliss Comes to PLaY aS Wild and Free more
Fresh Let it go Blow-out Nirvana Bliss NoW MoRE too..
Anyway.. whether or not the original Jesus had money or other
riches or not then now don’t screw folks up by giving folks stuff keep the
Pockets and MaGiC Genie Lamp emptied and make it all the Essence oF LoVE..
Let the Church and other Religious and Political Institutions Take Care of that for
That is Mechanical Cognition that just takes away the Clothes of Healing LoVE NoW Free..
Not saying don’t donate
Just let ‘the Professionals’
Do the Robot Work more..:)
Scattered Dreams From:
Field of eYes
MoRE GiVE SHaRE to: All..
CompassioNoW MoREGiving
Force SuRRoundinG SoULS
No longer DRaininG GiVinG
Free Bound
by no Ceilings
Floors or Walls..
Ocean Land
Long Worn Free..
Northern Cities
Winter Wanton
DeatH aPPreciates
A Scent oF FLoWeRs now..
Me too
So many
Years Walking
A Beach Finding
A Heaven Beauty
of me
that Day
Beach comes me..
SMiLes Frank thanks
For Sharing all the
of Great Lakes
NeaRing HeaLinG Nature..
Water Colors Life
Us Free..
All Nature
Grass We GRow
ToGeTHeR oNE..
A ChanGE
BarE New
DreAMs aLiVE..
Center BaLaNCinG
oF aLL
GRaViTY Dances us..
Crystal Spring
Drops ScotLand
Brings May
Warmth to BRinG
With Hi NoW Xenia
NeaRing A Hundred
Degrees With
Straddling us
Thunderstorms more..:)
“The time is out of joint: O cursed spite,
That ever I was born to set it right!”
of Frank and Xenia and the gigoid place
that Holds Wisdom from
Sages of the
Ages that i’ll riff
off of in MicroVerse2..
i think i’ll take another
Superstar With Shades
Coming off the Beach but
be careful what you wish for next
for chances are you may get more
than what you thOught you bargained for beFore..
but just another Naked Robe Human Being with Love
Lose and
you will more likely
Avoid the Seagull Shit
iN More of a MindFul Bodily
Full Awareness of Life now as Karmic
Bliss Comes to PLaY aS Wild and Free more
Fresh Let it go Blow-out Nirvana Bliss NoW MoRE too..
Anyway.. whether or not the original Jesus had money or other
riches or not then now don’t screw folks up by giving folks stuff keep the
Pockets and MaGiC Genie Lamp emptied and make it all the Essence oF LoVE..
Let the Church and other Religious and Political Institutions Take Care of that for
That is Mechanical Cognition that just takes away the Clothes of Healing LoVE NoW Free..
Not saying don’t donate
Just let ‘the Professionals’
Do the Robot Work more..:)
Scattered Dreams From:
Field of eYes
MoRE GiVE SHaRE to: All..
CompassioNoW MoREGiving
Force SuRRoundinG SoULS
No longer DRaininG GiVinG
Free Bound
by no Ceilings
Floors or Walls..
Ocean Land
Long Worn Free..
Northern Cities
Winter Wanton
DeatH aPPreciates
A Scent oF FLoWeRs now..
Me too
So many
Years Walking
A Beach Finding
A Heaven Beauty
of me
that Day
Beach comes me..
SMiLes Frank thanks
For Sharing all the
of Great Lakes
NeaRing HeaLinG Nature..
Water Colors Life
Us Free..
All Nature
Grass We GRow
ToGeTHeR oNE..
A ChanGE
BarE New
DreAMs aLiVE..
Center BaLaNCinG
oF aLL
GRaViTY Dances us..
Crystal Spring
Drops ScotLand
Brings May
Warmth to BRinG
With Hi NoW Xenia
NeaRing A Hundred
Degrees With
Straddling us
Thunderstorms more..:)
“The time is out of joint: O cursed spite,
That ever I was born to set it right!”
— William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Hamlet — Act i, Sc. 5
Time Stands
Salutes now
Salutes now
“They are voting whether to keep a governor two years or four.
I think a good, honest governor should get four years, and the others life.”
I think a good, honest governor should get four years, and the others life.”
— Will Rogers
No Doubt Staying
out of Politics is Life..:)
out of Politics is Life..:)
“I LOVE my country, but I FEAR my government.”
— Smart Bee
As LonG aS Rules
Work Work
Work Tool Rules..:)
Work Work
Work Tool Rules..:)
“No creo en Dios, pero le tengo miedo.’
[I don’t believe in God, but I’m afraid of Him.]
[I don’t believe in God, but I’m afraid of Him.]
True most often folks are afraid of what they do not understand..:)
— Gabriel Garcia Marquez,
— “El Amor en los Tiempos de Colera”, 1985
— “El Amor en los Tiempos de Colera”, 1985
“A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.”
— Albert Einstein
Hmm.. Basic
Definition of
that which
Binds as Bonds
in other word that
which Brings Social Ties
not much Einstein heAR for me at least..
Basic Definition
oF A Social
tied together
by whatever Religion
they do make together that works..
True two/more dogs/cats sniffing butt
Doing Butt Ritual Instinctive Religion..
hehe talk to the
Animals Einstein..
butt true
Physics so
better to stick
with what one knows
And leave the rest to the Larger Zoos.. hehe..;)
Definition of
that which
Binds as Bonds
in other word that
which Brings Social Ties
not much Einstein heAR for me at least..
Basic Definition
oF A Social
tied together
by whatever Religion
they do make together that works..
True two/more dogs/cats sniffing butt
Doing Butt Ritual Instinctive Religion..
hehe talk to the
Animals Einstein..
butt true
Physics so
better to stick
with what one knows
And leave the rest to the Larger Zoos.. hehe..;)
“In a nation ruled by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile-and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely. We owe that to ourselves and our crippled self-image as something better than a nation of panicked sheep.”
— Hunter S. Thompson (b. 1939), journalist
— The Great Shark Hunt, Jacket Copy for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1979)
— The Great Shark Hunt, Jacket Copy for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1979)
UPwardLY Mobile SoUL
‘TRailer TRAsh’
FucK ‘STuFF’..;)
‘TRailer TRAsh’
FucK ‘STuFF’..;)
“If you make any money, the government shoves you
in the creek once a year with it in your pockets,
and all that don’t get wet you can keep.”
in the creek once a year with it in your pockets,
and all that don’t get wet you can keep.”
— Will Rogers
Welfare Government since
Reagan and Bush Years
Per Federal Tax Cuts
And now
Tax Cuts
too no taxes for
us in a Decade
now thanks more to
Uncle Sam Give Aways
For A Substantial Future Offspring
Tax comprising over 20 Trillion Dollars
or later
else in a future who gives
all this Free Tax Cash to us repaid..
But anyway thanks again RepubliCans..
And hAha all i’ve Got to return to y’ALL iS
Words oF LoVE and other
PaSSioNaTE Photos
and the such
as that..
tHaT RePuB
Reagan and Bush Years
Per Federal Tax Cuts
And now
Tax Cuts
too no taxes for
us in a Decade
now thanks more to
Uncle Sam Give Aways
For A Substantial Future Offspring
Tax comprising over 20 Trillion Dollars
or later
else in a future who gives
all this Free Tax Cash to us repaid..
But anyway thanks again RepubliCans..
And hAha all i’ve Got to return to y’ALL iS
Words oF LoVE and other
PaSSioNaTE Photos
and the such
as that..
tHaT RePuB
“Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles
and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till
the right actions arises by itself?”
and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till
the right actions arises by itself?”
— Lao Tzu
Short Answer From:
Y Leads to:
Muddy WaTeR AGaiN..:)
Y Leads to:
Muddy WaTeR AGaiN..:)
“Since everything in life is but an experience perfect in being
what it is, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance
or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter.”
what it is, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance
or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter.”
— Long Chen Pa
It’s True for me at
Least Heaven
me Wanting NoW..:)
Least Heaven
me Wanting NoW..:)
“Somehow, in the midst of their horrid history, the best among the _gaijin_ learned a wonderful lesson. They learned to distrust themselves, to doubt even what they were taught to believe or what their egos make them yearn to see. To know that even truth must be scrutinized, it was a great discovery, almost as great as the treasure we of the East have to offer them in return, the gift of harmony.”
— David Brin – Dr. Pak’s Preschool
iTRusT mY
they take
me to Heaven
WiTHouT Fail
so far
they take
me to Heaven
WiTHouT Fail
so far
“The ancient Taoist sages were poised and alert….
like ice on the verge of melting.”
like ice on the verge of melting.”
— Taoist proverb
SMiLes Frank as Dead Pool Sings
ToMorrow From Annie
it’s True to
Love is
A Live Long
Practice Liike
Medicine and Religion
And yeS even God too..
For if any of that was is perfect
We would be Mr. Roboto too..
And really
who wants
A Mechanical
God that only
Humans have
A Key to
And do whaTever CLocKTiME
They Wind up God to Do More..
True.. i’d Rather Air Fly me Free
Water Swim me too.. and when iT
coMes to God i’ll Let God do me Free Hands Left/Right too.. hehe..
anYWay.. A Best thing oF aLL is A Sun is still coming out now..
And going down with A Moon Friend Coming up too..
Katrina is
as come what
may for now is the
212th Dance Week
Celebration with all the
Cool College Age Folks
at Old Seville Quarter
For Those who
Dance and
by: A Force
oF Air and Water
God SamE NoW AnD
DiffeRent aLways Changing
NoW CoNTiNuiNG to: EvolVElovE as
From: toMorrow comeS AGAiN as morrow now..:)
ToMorrow From Annie
it’s True to
Love is
A Live Long
Practice Liike
Medicine and Religion
And yeS even God too..
For if any of that was is perfect
We would be Mr. Roboto too..
And really
who wants
A Mechanical
God that only
Humans have
A Key to
And do whaTever CLocKTiME
They Wind up God to Do More..
True.. i’d Rather Air Fly me Free
Water Swim me too.. and when iT
coMes to God i’ll Let God do me Free Hands Left/Right too.. hehe..
anYWay.. A Best thing oF aLL is A Sun is still coming out now..
And going down with A Moon Friend Coming up too..
Katrina is
as come what
may for now is the
212th Dance Week
Celebration with all the
Cool College Age Folks
at Old Seville Quarter
For Those who
Dance and
by: A Force
oF Air and Water
God SamE NoW AnD
DiffeRent aLways Changing
NoW CoNTiNuiNG to: EvolVElovE as
From: toMorrow comeS AGAiN as morrow now..:)
SMiLes Sohair.. Happy Close
to Midnight Egypt to you
as you Sleep now with A
Moon.. Satisfied With A Gift
oF NoW aLWaYs A
Challenge of
A Gift of NoW
No Matter what
to: Frame a FLoWeR
iN CoLoRS MoRE Than Grey
We Are A BrusH And Paintnow
And God is The MasterPeace aLL
NoW We Do or Do not Do WitH LoVE
For it’s
We refLecT
We Color tHis MasterPeace
Painting Of God With whatever ReNeWeD
Harmony of Love We Dance and Sing NexT
And Happy Ramadan to you two days in as
Lord knows and feels and senses my Version
oF A Ramadan
Seems to
i Love onLY
A Fast of LoVE
MoRE mY FRiEnd…:)
to Midnight Egypt to you
as you Sleep now with A
Moon.. Satisfied With A Gift
oF NoW aLWaYs A
Challenge of
A Gift of NoW
No Matter what
to: Frame a FLoWeR
iN CoLoRS MoRE Than Grey
We Are A BrusH And Paintnow
And God is The MasterPeace aLL
NoW We Do or Do not Do WitH LoVE
For it’s
We refLecT
We Color tHis MasterPeace
Painting Of God With whatever ReNeWeD
Harmony of Love We Dance and Sing NexT
And Happy Ramadan to you two days in as
Lord knows and feels and senses my Version
oF A Ramadan
Seems to
i Love onLY
A Fast of LoVE
MoRE mY FRiEnd…:)
SMiLes mY FriEnd
‘SoHeir’ FoR NoW
i ReFLecT
All Spirits
i am Around
As LiViNG Words
NoW DancESinG
iS oNe oF
tHiS WaY
mY FriEnd
We NoW Mirror
GoD As L O V E
A L L a H L O V E..:)
‘SoHeir’ FoR NoW
i ReFLecT
All Spirits
i am Around
As LiViNG Words
NoW DancESinG
iS oNe oF
tHiS WaY
mY FriEnd
We NoW Mirror
GoD As L O V E
A L L a H L O V E..:)
First oF aLL.. Note to self.. use the iMac Pro Lap Top with iNherent
Battery Back-up now that Thunder Storm SeaSon comes
in May instead of June and July.. hehe.. yeah.. i lost
a very long Fred Talk but hAha there is alWays
Room for PoTenTiaL New and Improved
StArting with the Scientific Method..
“as a method or procedure that has
characterized natural science since the 17th century,
consisting in systematic observation, measurement,
and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and
modification of hypotheses”.[1] Experiments are a
procedure designed to test hypotheses. Experiments
are an important tool of the scientific method.[2][3] To be termed
scientific, a method of inquiry is commonly based on empirical or
measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.[4]”
And yes of course more Available about this 3 plus Century Old same
old Method of Measuring what we can observe and reliably replicate of
Nature now in the always present tool too of Wiki as Human Collected Art
And Science continues to accumulate there and everywhere else that Humans
Use Cultural Clothes to record a mutual and consensually agreed upon reality now..
problem is.. yes Human Beings.. CaNWiLL
do this at Detail Level of what
we reliably observe and
replicate and confirm
through other
folks who
do experiments
too.. but as far as overall
reality or even the reality of our
Conscious Existence as even Neuro-Scientists
now readily admit that we basically Hallucinate our
Reality in Co-Creating it from what we Experience before
and anew and how we Communicate our realities is considered
normal depending on whatever the Agreed upon Cultural Norms
say is so-called Normal and Good and Bad too as far as Agreed upon
Ethics and Morality too.. and as far as the Bigger Picture per the Existential
Intelligence of how we overall come to be in this existence now.. even Rock Star
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson will not rule out the potential that all we experience
of our reality now is actually a Hologram in Essence that some Being and or Force that
is much Greater than us Makes for whatever metaphor might be used for that.. for example the
‘I Am’ that some folks refer to as Alpha to Omega as God and all the other Metaphors for
A Force of Existence that exists in all existence and is ineffable too as far as
Human Concepts that do exist now to come anywhere close to completely
putting that reality in words.. for Science will readily admit as Humans
who are Scientists that we do not understand how the
Wet Rather Convoluted Organ that resides ‘tween
our Ears Floating in a Skull Case makes
A Coherent Conscious
State of Mind
that we
can even use
as a Metaphor of Will
to control the Bio-Feedback
of our reality to achieve what some
folks describe as a Blow-out Middle-Point
Balance of Nirvana in letting go of all the Cultural
Clothes that come to be a Left Brain Metaphor as Mechanical
Cognition State of Mind mostly in worry in a list of Abstractly Constructed
Problems in our Head that take us away from the more right-brained metaphor
of Existence iN Loving all of Nature now no longer Separated in the Cultural Clothes
we Bring to what really can be Heaven or Hell within inside.. outside.. above so below
and all around.. as this Experience Is A UniVersal one Across Cultures now as Essence
with many different Abstract Constructed Forms of Words that are Vehicles and Vessels
Housing the Essence of what Hell or Heaven within inside outside above so below
and all around Feels like or does not Feel like as a somewhat consensually
shared reality of potential at least that sadly some folks have never
really experienced or never been exposed to as words that
may help one better come to understand potentials
of bliss they have never experienced yet
that really not only make all of life
worth living but really
does arise
to the
Metaphor of the
Kingdom of Heaven within now
not unlike what the Story Book Version
Of Jesus talked about at hand all around
always in this Generation now for those who Seek
and Find Within and are No Longer Lost from the Kingdom
of God that is Heaven within now once again for those who Find
A Path that works and practice that work from first to last bLink of
Eternal NoW Existence of Finally Truly Letting Go and Being Naked
Wild and Free again one with Nature Truly where the Entire Experience
Merits A Vaulted Word similar to the three Letter one pre-constructed as
God or any other metaphor that describes a potential much higher Plane
of Existence now as another Dimension of Life that some folks can
and will barely see and hear and feel and sense now depending
on where they are born what they are born and what they
are exposed to as Culture from Birth and Death now more
anyway.. per the MacroVerse “BigGer BRitCHeS WORlD
Size PlEAse” that did seem really Big at 30,003 Words
as i completed that a Year to date past now
but much smaller now currently than
the Second MacroVerse of my
Recent Fourth New Testament
Titled “LoVEFReEDNoW” at
43,151 total Words of
Effort in just
A 7 Day
Effort of Write then..
yes.. as Big as a Poetic
Novel that some folks take
years to complete now.. and fully
illustrated with 3 to 4 Hundred photos
And 30 to 40 Youtube Music and Information
Videos too.. and it’s worth noting that 10 Week
Effort of a Fourth New Testament Surpassed 317K
Words pushing very close to twice the Size of the old
180 Thousand or So Word Effort accomplished by
Innumerable Anonymous Authors and Scribes too
as of course everything of words was individually
hand copied then and as any person with
common sense understands changes
come as the Story is Hand copied
on from the first Illiterate
Oral Tradition of Aramaic
through all the Greek Written
Changes to English Revisions now more..
so in other words as far as who said what and
when originally precisely as such if we were attempting
to establish an empirical analysis based on what Humans
Subjectively Bring to the Table of Language even in a Thirty
Minute Round Table Discussion as changes in the Story
are inevitable as basically the story is whatever revision
you get now with whatever interpretation
of the parables and poetry one
makes now as even though
i have single Handedly
Written a 6 Million Word
Long Form Poem Bible in what
is coming up to 58 Months of Effort
on my Phi Golden Mean Spiral Ratio 58 BD
aLong with 9300 Plus Miles of Public Dance on
That PHI related birthday of 6.6.18 and to be clearer
NoW that is a Synchronicity Event of A-Causal
Events and Physically Observable stuff
that has no Science Associated Causal
Connection one can repeat and
confirm now as somethings
in life are one of a kind
experiences now
that just make
sense without any
so-called Facts to back then up
at all but remember Class Science is just
a Method that Humans Created around 3 Centuries
ago to measure the ‘hard matter’ of life as it doesn’t really
touch a measure of what lives now as our conscious mind
and body experience nor the much larger reality that is existence
whole as one might Describe as Nature God all.. and as far as Synchronicity
goes and that 618 Phi Ratio Related Series of Numbers.. the Main Body of that
Longest MacroVerse Written in 7 Days came out to 40,618 Words not including
the FeatNote and Milestone SigNature Bottom Section that connects back to
all 6 Million and Even 12 Million Words i have Written online since Thanks
Giving Day of 2010.. and additionally a Year Ago on Memorial Day
Weekend i finished what was precisely 1.618 Million Words
in 365 Days as just another Bible Child in what
counts now as 7 King James Sized Titled
Subchapters.. including ‘SonG oF mY
SoUL’ as Ocean Whole Size Bible
And Long Form Poem
at 6 Million Words now too..
anyway that Bible From a Year
ago was appropriately titled “PHI Bible”
iN Recognition of the PHI Golden Spiral Ratio
Number of 1.618 too as remember JusT A Psychologically
Meaningful A-Causal Connection as Synchronicity but as the
Good News of the Signature as Nature’s Finger Print observed
all through Nature as the PHI Ratio from the Spiral Form of Galaxies
to the Curl of a Fetus to the Resting Spiral Form of a Resting Cat in
Fetal Position too.. Nature as God Lives in Recognizable Patterns
of Existence too.. but the Best News of all is all is connected
as even Science Shows through Empirical Observation
and Experiments too.. as we are found to be
Sentient Star Dust Plus as Resurrected
From Crucible Fire of Star Death
as the Iron created in Super Nova
Explosions not only Flows through our
Blood but exists at the Core of our Home Planet
EartH Now but it is up to us now whether or not we Co-Create
A Dream of Heaven Come To Fruition for us on Planet EartH Now
for currently some folks are Wishing Heaven away to a Fiery Destruction
of Death orchestrated by what they make as a God of Fear and Hate
and a Bad Cop Jesus who would send folks to Eternal Hell rather
than turning the other Cheek and Forgiving them always
now still until they make it into the Gates of
Love iNcarnate more.. and yes
there are other Folks
like Last Generations
before who are MaKinG
LiVInG GoD WiTHiN Very Very
Happy by Co-Creating Heaven
within inside outside above so below
and all around now more as Love iNCarNaTE
Rises on Two Human Legs and So Many More
Hands that join toGeTHeR A Dance and Song of LoVE
On yeah and two of three of Charlie’s Angels.. in the Photos
From Facebook as i continue to exceed 1.3 Million Words in
this Current one Year Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” that
will be ‘officially’ titled on my Memorial Day Week MacroVerse
coming after the Current Write now.. as yes in what is coming
Close to 900 FB Profile Pic Descriptions now Houses the New Bible Words
as yes.. Maggie and Chelsea were present at the 212th Dance Week Celebration
last night with all the Cool College Age Folks and the Dark Haired Angel wasn’t
around as we’ve all been dancing close to 4 Years now.. but true now the
Katrina Might have Filled in for Cortney but it’s true some folks Dance and
some folks do not and Katrina is one of those who do not and on top of that
she is still Nursing her Skin Graft from her Leg too repairing her Hand Burn
Still relaxing with Yellow Boy as sure that is pARt NoW of heR HeaVeN too..
And yes there are some folks like me who have the propensity to
Transcend and Ascend to an Ecstatic Experience of Heaven
where we need anchors like the Katrina as Spouse
to keep us Down to EartH to give help
full dances and songs to life lift
other Folks
up closer
to a Kingdom
of Heaven within inside
outside above so below and
all around now more.. but its true
the Spirited Dance of Chelsea and Maggie
who do understand how to Create a Company
and Joy of Life Lifted me High enough to write something
this size again after Thunder and Lightning took it away and comes again..:)
Battery Back-up now that Thunder Storm SeaSon comes
in May instead of June and July.. hehe.. yeah.. i lost
a very long Fred Talk but hAha there is alWays
Room for PoTenTiaL New and Improved
StArting with the Scientific Method..
“as a method or procedure that has
characterized natural science since the 17th century,
consisting in systematic observation, measurement,
and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and
modification of hypotheses”.[1] Experiments are a
procedure designed to test hypotheses. Experiments
are an important tool of the scientific method.[2][3] To be termed
scientific, a method of inquiry is commonly based on empirical or
measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.[4]”
And yes of course more Available about this 3 plus Century Old same
old Method of Measuring what we can observe and reliably replicate of
Nature now in the always present tool too of Wiki as Human Collected Art
And Science continues to accumulate there and everywhere else that Humans
Use Cultural Clothes to record a mutual and consensually agreed upon reality now..
problem is.. yes Human Beings.. CaNWiLL
do this at Detail Level of what
we reliably observe and
replicate and confirm
through other
folks who
do experiments
too.. but as far as overall
reality or even the reality of our
Conscious Existence as even Neuro-Scientists
now readily admit that we basically Hallucinate our
Reality in Co-Creating it from what we Experience before
and anew and how we Communicate our realities is considered
normal depending on whatever the Agreed upon Cultural Norms
say is so-called Normal and Good and Bad too as far as Agreed upon
Ethics and Morality too.. and as far as the Bigger Picture per the Existential
Intelligence of how we overall come to be in this existence now.. even Rock Star
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson will not rule out the potential that all we experience
of our reality now is actually a Hologram in Essence that some Being and or Force that
is much Greater than us Makes for whatever metaphor might be used for that.. for example the
‘I Am’ that some folks refer to as Alpha to Omega as God and all the other Metaphors for
A Force of Existence that exists in all existence and is ineffable too as far as
Human Concepts that do exist now to come anywhere close to completely
putting that reality in words.. for Science will readily admit as Humans
who are Scientists that we do not understand how the
Wet Rather Convoluted Organ that resides ‘tween
our Ears Floating in a Skull Case makes
A Coherent Conscious
State of Mind
that we
can even use
as a Metaphor of Will
to control the Bio-Feedback
of our reality to achieve what some
folks describe as a Blow-out Middle-Point
Balance of Nirvana in letting go of all the Cultural
Clothes that come to be a Left Brain Metaphor as Mechanical
Cognition State of Mind mostly in worry in a list of Abstractly Constructed
Problems in our Head that take us away from the more right-brained metaphor
of Existence iN Loving all of Nature now no longer Separated in the Cultural Clothes
we Bring to what really can be Heaven or Hell within inside.. outside.. above so below
and all around.. as this Experience Is A UniVersal one Across Cultures now as Essence
with many different Abstract Constructed Forms of Words that are Vehicles and Vessels
Housing the Essence of what Hell or Heaven within inside outside above so below
and all around Feels like or does not Feel like as a somewhat consensually
shared reality of potential at least that sadly some folks have never
really experienced or never been exposed to as words that
may help one better come to understand potentials
of bliss they have never experienced yet
that really not only make all of life
worth living but really
does arise
to the
Metaphor of the
Kingdom of Heaven within now
not unlike what the Story Book Version
Of Jesus talked about at hand all around
always in this Generation now for those who Seek
and Find Within and are No Longer Lost from the Kingdom
of God that is Heaven within now once again for those who Find
A Path that works and practice that work from first to last bLink of
Eternal NoW Existence of Finally Truly Letting Go and Being Naked
Wild and Free again one with Nature Truly where the Entire Experience
Merits A Vaulted Word similar to the three Letter one pre-constructed as
God or any other metaphor that describes a potential much higher Plane
of Existence now as another Dimension of Life that some folks can
and will barely see and hear and feel and sense now depending
on where they are born what they are born and what they
are exposed to as Culture from Birth and Death now more
anyway.. per the MacroVerse “BigGer BRitCHeS WORlD
Size PlEAse” that did seem really Big at 30,003 Words
as i completed that a Year to date past now
but much smaller now currently than
the Second MacroVerse of my
Recent Fourth New Testament
Titled “LoVEFReEDNoW” at
43,151 total Words of
Effort in just
A 7 Day
Effort of Write then..
yes.. as Big as a Poetic
Novel that some folks take
years to complete now.. and fully
illustrated with 3 to 4 Hundred photos
And 30 to 40 Youtube Music and Information
Videos too.. and it’s worth noting that 10 Week
Effort of a Fourth New Testament Surpassed 317K
Words pushing very close to twice the Size of the old
180 Thousand or So Word Effort accomplished by
Innumerable Anonymous Authors and Scribes too
as of course everything of words was individually
hand copied then and as any person with
common sense understands changes
come as the Story is Hand copied
on from the first Illiterate
Oral Tradition of Aramaic
through all the Greek Written
Changes to English Revisions now more..
so in other words as far as who said what and
when originally precisely as such if we were attempting
to establish an empirical analysis based on what Humans
Subjectively Bring to the Table of Language even in a Thirty
Minute Round Table Discussion as changes in the Story
are inevitable as basically the story is whatever revision
you get now with whatever interpretation
of the parables and poetry one
makes now as even though
i have single Handedly
Written a 6 Million Word
Long Form Poem Bible in what
is coming up to 58 Months of Effort
on my Phi Golden Mean Spiral Ratio 58 BD
aLong with 9300 Plus Miles of Public Dance on
That PHI related birthday of 6.6.18 and to be clearer
NoW that is a Synchronicity Event of A-Causal
Events and Physically Observable stuff
that has no Science Associated Causal
Connection one can repeat and
confirm now as somethings
in life are one of a kind
experiences now
that just make
sense without any
so-called Facts to back then up
at all but remember Class Science is just
a Method that Humans Created around 3 Centuries
ago to measure the ‘hard matter’ of life as it doesn’t really
touch a measure of what lives now as our conscious mind
and body experience nor the much larger reality that is existence
whole as one might Describe as Nature God all.. and as far as Synchronicity
goes and that 618 Phi Ratio Related Series of Numbers.. the Main Body of that
Longest MacroVerse Written in 7 Days came out to 40,618 Words not including
the FeatNote and Milestone SigNature Bottom Section that connects back to
all 6 Million and Even 12 Million Words i have Written online since Thanks
Giving Day of 2010.. and additionally a Year Ago on Memorial Day
Weekend i finished what was precisely 1.618 Million Words
in 365 Days as just another Bible Child in what
counts now as 7 King James Sized Titled
Subchapters.. including ‘SonG oF mY
SoUL’ as Ocean Whole Size Bible
And Long Form Poem
at 6 Million Words now too..
anyway that Bible From a Year
ago was appropriately titled “PHI Bible”
iN Recognition of the PHI Golden Spiral Ratio
Number of 1.618 too as remember JusT A Psychologically
Meaningful A-Causal Connection as Synchronicity but as the
Good News of the Signature as Nature’s Finger Print observed
all through Nature as the PHI Ratio from the Spiral Form of Galaxies
to the Curl of a Fetus to the Resting Spiral Form of a Resting Cat in
Fetal Position too.. Nature as God Lives in Recognizable Patterns
of Existence too.. but the Best News of all is all is connected
as even Science Shows through Empirical Observation
and Experiments too.. as we are found to be
Sentient Star Dust Plus as Resurrected
From Crucible Fire of Star Death
as the Iron created in Super Nova
Explosions not only Flows through our
Blood but exists at the Core of our Home Planet
EartH Now but it is up to us now whether or not we Co-Create
A Dream of Heaven Come To Fruition for us on Planet EartH Now
for currently some folks are Wishing Heaven away to a Fiery Destruction
of Death orchestrated by what they make as a God of Fear and Hate
and a Bad Cop Jesus who would send folks to Eternal Hell rather
than turning the other Cheek and Forgiving them always
now still until they make it into the Gates of
Love iNcarnate more.. and yes
there are other Folks
like Last Generations
before who are MaKinG
LiVInG GoD WiTHiN Very Very
Happy by Co-Creating Heaven
within inside outside above so below
and all around now more as Love iNCarNaTE
Rises on Two Human Legs and So Many More
Hands that join toGeTHeR A Dance and Song of LoVE
On yeah and two of three of Charlie’s Angels.. in the Photos
From Facebook as i continue to exceed 1.3 Million Words in
this Current one Year Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” that
will be ‘officially’ titled on my Memorial Day Week MacroVerse
coming after the Current Write now.. as yes in what is coming
Close to 900 FB Profile Pic Descriptions now Houses the New Bible Words
as yes.. Maggie and Chelsea were present at the 212th Dance Week Celebration
last night with all the Cool College Age Folks and the Dark Haired Angel wasn’t
around as we’ve all been dancing close to 4 Years now.. but true now the
Katrina Might have Filled in for Cortney but it’s true some folks Dance and
some folks do not and Katrina is one of those who do not and on top of that
she is still Nursing her Skin Graft from her Leg too repairing her Hand Burn
Still relaxing with Yellow Boy as sure that is pARt NoW of heR HeaVeN too..
And yes there are some folks like me who have the propensity to
Transcend and Ascend to an Ecstatic Experience of Heaven
where we need anchors like the Katrina as Spouse
to keep us Down to EartH to give help
full dances and songs to life lift
other Folks
up closer
to a Kingdom
of Heaven within inside
outside above so below and
all around now more.. but its true
the Spirited Dance of Chelsea and Maggie
who do understand how to Create a Company
and Joy of Life Lifted me High enough to write something
this size again after Thunder and Lightning took it away and comes again..:)
The Katrina Healing continues at the Occupational
Physical Therapy Place to get her Right
Hand Moving again so my
Sister will not always
Serve us Meals
although i surely
will not complain about
her Food and Katrina still
will not let me in her Kitchen
to gain Culinary Skills that would
just be another Fun Skill for me to finAlly Now MoRE
LEarn as yes Class in all stuff life use it now or lose
it surely and verily applies now just now.. hmm.. now
anyway.. it’s an interesting Crowd in the Waiting Room
From Ex-Military Warriors needing Physical Therapy to
Older Folks with Strokes to other conditions that appear
to be more invisible to the eyes but anyway focus Fred
And i’ll get the Job Done for whatever comes next as
usual as a Free Write of FLoWinG Stream of Holy
and Sacred Creative Consciousness continues
to Dance and Sing now hehe.. are you
Getting Sleepy as yes i do move
in ‘tween a State of Alpha
to Theta Wave Mind
Bliss as all of
what i do with Fingers
Becomes a Dance and
the Song as the Words that
come as i listen to the Back Ground
Music of mY Soul Rising up From Subconscious
Mind and Body BaLanCinG ForcE MoRE including whatever
Collective Ancestral Unconscious Mind Potential Comes into Play
aLong with the paRts of Existence Whole as that Relates to Human and
the Rest of Nature as A Metaphor of God as to Supernormal Elements of
Nature that surely will be Beyond my Perception of Reality ‘normally’ just like
Writing in this Higher Plane of Mindful and Bodily Awareness may seem as
Foreign to someone who has not yet sought and found a more Poetic
Holy and Creative Spirit to Create an Art that Expresses that
Higher way of being human as sure one might even
call it Supernatural and impossible for all
practical intents and purposes if they
insist that what i experience
currently is not possible
within the Parameters
of their Experience now..
as Katrina continues to ask for my
Assistance in Filling out Her Paper work
for this Facility taking me in and out of this more
Transcendent Ascendent Experience of Life.. wHeRe
i have to shift Gears back into a more Heavenly Experience
of Life out oF aLL the Paper-Work Life we have co-created as
a type of Fresh Hell we experience that was originally supposed
to Make LiFE a little more like Heaven instead of a lot more potential
of Hell now with all the worries that come attached to the words of more
so-called advanced abstract constructs we create now that take us out of a Free
State of Mind and Body BaLanCinG ForcE of Dance and Song Free NoW JusT to Be
Moving Connecting Co-Creating more of LiFE than just worry of survive in other words
thrive or what can and will be a more ascending transcending ecstatic experience oF LiFENoW
As Blow-out Nirvana of Letting Go iN A Kingdom of Heaven more NoW iN Flow as LiFE becomes
Streams that Flow into Rivers Bays Gulfs Seas as we become the Waves of Ocean Whole
Nature God no longer Bound by the Abstract Constructs we make Ranging From Words
to Nuclear
yes.. for all
practical intents
and purposes at least
when one Makes a Kingdom
of Heaven incarnate as positive
Force Agape Love a Co-Created
Reality now that is as real
as ugh.. Filling out
a Book
Paper Work
to get someone to help
you Bend your Fingers again..
oh and there was that Local Lady
and to be Clear she wasn’t getting
Therapy on her Mind but never
the less she was remarking
that the 10 Folks who
were Killed
in the School
Shooting today along
with the 13 Folks Injured
was just a ‘Dark State’ operation
Designed to Help Take Trump Down too..
iN other words she believes that the Entire
Thing was just staged with crisis actors more not
Any different than the Trump Crowd that visits the
Darker Web places that inspire the Same Conspiracy theories
as Socially Acceptable within their current religious and political
smaller Aquarium Group Think Tank Satellites of Conspiracies all
around the Web for folks who are desperate to look for any bond and
bind to feel like they belong to something larger than what they feel and
sense as so small and disconnected from the Rest of Existence in any Real
Meaningful and Purposefulay of Life for if you can join folks in on Misery Loves
Company like Jordan Peterson has been able to do either witting or unwittingly for
White Bread Nerds in Ivory Tower Schools or Basement Video Game life at Parent
Homes who have yet to even find a way to impress the opposite sex for a date yet
Bringing a whole lot of resentment against the opposite Sex now so whenever
there is anything that sounds like a war against women even if it is based
on Social Science Studies that Jordan Peterson brings they
are ready to fight to sign up against A Fairer Sex that and
who is still not paying them any mind and body as they’d
rather get it on together with someone
More Fearless From even a Different
Demographic way
of being.. now as
it’s not like you can
talk your way into fearless
though as that has so much more
to do with Non-Verbal Language than any
12 Million Word Total Bible Effort now.. for true
i can tell you to stand tall like a Lobster all i want..
but until you earn your Claws it ain’t gonna win
you the Attention of the Opposite Sex
still.. and it helps not to be
afraid to show
as Little Men are
conflicted that tears are what
make you weak when the ability to
fully express emotions is what moves us in the
first place from Fear to Love Even more.. yes class
Fearless Love the Lobster not afraid to Cry who will lend a
shoulder always to the Damsel in Distress too yes.. who will
even allow that Sweet Female the Ability to Wipe Her Tears on
Your Shoulders and even Share a Tear or Two with you as there is
nothing more endearing than for a Women to share a Real Tear with
a Fearless Loving Human ‘Real Man’ now.. as remember it’s the Boys who told
you not to cry not the Girls who are the real ultimate prize of any heterosexual Human
Man now.. and that’s Nature too and if you think you can escape it all you are doing is
thinking life and not doing the rational thing and actually feeling and sensing it more like
the common
sense and
Feel of the
Rest of God now as
Nature Animal KinGDoM
NoW as i emphasis KinG for
the K in G that is the AlphaNumerical
Symbol of the J 10 that arises to K11
to Do even more in what some folks
identify as the Symbol for God
as G7 Now in Alphanumerical
Way but really that can refer
to the 7th Visible object
in the Night
Air Before
Science Aided Tools
as Saturn Now more too..
sure everyone’s always SeeKinG
the NexT BiG ThInG NoW but it’s True
it verily doesn’t have to do with any Material
thing now real for it’s even more true that what we
experience as our Mindful and Bodily Awareness either
in Higher Planes or Lower Planes of Feeling and Sensing
More and or Less of Existence now is the Realist Thing oF aLL
at least for those who have a Greater and Lesser Perspective
of the Different Potentials of use it or lose it Perceptions
of Existence now so far so far so far away from
Abstract Construct Terms of Words as
These Words are Created
JusT as SpArks
to take
you to a place of
Existence wHere Words
are only Crumbs that Birds who
Fly Higher only Visit when they are
Hungry For Crumbs too.. so anyway.. while
some folks make Technology into just a Tool
to uses that takes away the Mundane of life
other folks take the Avenues Available
and make entirely new paths
of Life as Art that color
up the Robot
Mind of
Beyond Rainbow
Colors now of actually
Feeling and Sensing Life WHeRE
all the Tools become for all practical
intents and purposes a Dance and Song
of Life we endear to LiFE A SpiRit oF HeART
AS LiFE SoUL Human Even MorE NoW as Real WiLL GeT..:)
Physical Therapy Place to get her Right
Hand Moving again so my
Sister will not always
Serve us Meals
although i surely
will not complain about
her Food and Katrina still
will not let me in her Kitchen
to gain Culinary Skills that would
just be another Fun Skill for me to finAlly Now MoRE
LEarn as yes Class in all stuff life use it now or lose
it surely and verily applies now just now.. hmm.. now
anyway.. it’s an interesting Crowd in the Waiting Room
From Ex-Military Warriors needing Physical Therapy to
Older Folks with Strokes to other conditions that appear
to be more invisible to the eyes but anyway focus Fred
And i’ll get the Job Done for whatever comes next as
usual as a Free Write of FLoWinG Stream of Holy
and Sacred Creative Consciousness continues
to Dance and Sing now hehe.. are you
Getting Sleepy as yes i do move
in ‘tween a State of Alpha
to Theta Wave Mind
Bliss as all of
what i do with Fingers
Becomes a Dance and
the Song as the Words that
come as i listen to the Back Ground
Music of mY Soul Rising up From Subconscious
Mind and Body BaLanCinG ForcE MoRE including whatever
Collective Ancestral Unconscious Mind Potential Comes into Play
aLong with the paRts of Existence Whole as that Relates to Human and
the Rest of Nature as A Metaphor of God as to Supernormal Elements of
Nature that surely will be Beyond my Perception of Reality ‘normally’ just like
Writing in this Higher Plane of Mindful and Bodily Awareness may seem as
Foreign to someone who has not yet sought and found a more Poetic
Holy and Creative Spirit to Create an Art that Expresses that
Higher way of being human as sure one might even
call it Supernatural and impossible for all
practical intents and purposes if they
insist that what i experience
currently is not possible
within the Parameters
of their Experience now..
as Katrina continues to ask for my
Assistance in Filling out Her Paper work
for this Facility taking me in and out of this more
Transcendent Ascendent Experience of Life.. wHeRe
i have to shift Gears back into a more Heavenly Experience
of Life out oF aLL the Paper-Work Life we have co-created as
a type of Fresh Hell we experience that was originally supposed
to Make LiFE a little more like Heaven instead of a lot more potential
of Hell now with all the worries that come attached to the words of more
so-called advanced abstract constructs we create now that take us out of a Free
State of Mind and Body BaLanCinG ForcE of Dance and Song Free NoW JusT to Be
Moving Connecting Co-Creating more of LiFE than just worry of survive in other words
thrive or what can and will be a more ascending transcending ecstatic experience oF LiFENoW
As Blow-out Nirvana of Letting Go iN A Kingdom of Heaven more NoW iN Flow as LiFE becomes
Streams that Flow into Rivers Bays Gulfs Seas as we become the Waves of Ocean Whole
Nature God no longer Bound by the Abstract Constructs we make Ranging From Words
to Nuclear
yes.. for all
practical intents
and purposes at least
when one Makes a Kingdom
of Heaven incarnate as positive
Force Agape Love a Co-Created
Reality now that is as real
as ugh.. Filling out
a Book
Paper Work
to get someone to help
you Bend your Fingers again..
oh and there was that Local Lady
and to be Clear she wasn’t getting
Therapy on her Mind but never
the less she was remarking
that the 10 Folks who
were Killed
in the School
Shooting today along
with the 13 Folks Injured
was just a ‘Dark State’ operation
Designed to Help Take Trump Down too..
iN other words she believes that the Entire
Thing was just staged with crisis actors more not
Any different than the Trump Crowd that visits the
Darker Web places that inspire the Same Conspiracy theories
as Socially Acceptable within their current religious and political
smaller Aquarium Group Think Tank Satellites of Conspiracies all
around the Web for folks who are desperate to look for any bond and
bind to feel like they belong to something larger than what they feel and
sense as so small and disconnected from the Rest of Existence in any Real
Meaningful and Purposefulay of Life for if you can join folks in on Misery Loves
Company like Jordan Peterson has been able to do either witting or unwittingly for
White Bread Nerds in Ivory Tower Schools or Basement Video Game life at Parent
Homes who have yet to even find a way to impress the opposite sex for a date yet
Bringing a whole lot of resentment against the opposite Sex now so whenever
there is anything that sounds like a war against women even if it is based
on Social Science Studies that Jordan Peterson brings they
are ready to fight to sign up against A Fairer Sex that and
who is still not paying them any mind and body as they’d
rather get it on together with someone
More Fearless From even a Different
Demographic way
of being.. now as
it’s not like you can
talk your way into fearless
though as that has so much more
to do with Non-Verbal Language than any
12 Million Word Total Bible Effort now.. for true
i can tell you to stand tall like a Lobster all i want..
but until you earn your Claws it ain’t gonna win
you the Attention of the Opposite Sex
still.. and it helps not to be
afraid to show
as Little Men are
conflicted that tears are what
make you weak when the ability to
fully express emotions is what moves us in the
first place from Fear to Love Even more.. yes class
Fearless Love the Lobster not afraid to Cry who will lend a
shoulder always to the Damsel in Distress too yes.. who will
even allow that Sweet Female the Ability to Wipe Her Tears on
Your Shoulders and even Share a Tear or Two with you as there is
nothing more endearing than for a Women to share a Real Tear with
a Fearless Loving Human ‘Real Man’ now.. as remember it’s the Boys who told
you not to cry not the Girls who are the real ultimate prize of any heterosexual Human
Man now.. and that’s Nature too and if you think you can escape it all you are doing is
thinking life and not doing the rational thing and actually feeling and sensing it more like
the common
sense and
Feel of the
Rest of God now as
Nature Animal KinGDoM
NoW as i emphasis KinG for
the K in G that is the AlphaNumerical
Symbol of the J 10 that arises to K11
to Do even more in what some folks
identify as the Symbol for God
as G7 Now in Alphanumerical
Way but really that can refer
to the 7th Visible object
in the Night
Air Before
Science Aided Tools
as Saturn Now more too..
sure everyone’s always SeeKinG
the NexT BiG ThInG NoW but it’s True
it verily doesn’t have to do with any Material
thing now real for it’s even more true that what we
experience as our Mindful and Bodily Awareness either
in Higher Planes or Lower Planes of Feeling and Sensing
More and or Less of Existence now is the Realist Thing oF aLL
at least for those who have a Greater and Lesser Perspective
of the Different Potentials of use it or lose it Perceptions
of Existence now so far so far so far away from
Abstract Construct Terms of Words as
These Words are Created
JusT as SpArks
to take
you to a place of
Existence wHere Words
are only Crumbs that Birds who
Fly Higher only Visit when they are
Hungry For Crumbs too.. so anyway.. while
some folks make Technology into just a Tool
to uses that takes away the Mundane of life
other folks take the Avenues Available
and make entirely new paths
of Life as Art that color
up the Robot
Mind of
Beyond Rainbow
Colors now of actually
Feeling and Sensing Life WHeRE
all the Tools become for all practical
intents and purposes a Dance and Song
of Life we endear to LiFE A SpiRit oF HeART
AS LiFE SoUL Human Even MorE NoW as Real WiLL GeT..:)
Compassion.. what seems to be missing more
From Big Picture News these days than ever
before of course as toil and trouble
of Political Differences
but Compassion Still
Lives that expects
nothing in return at all
but helping the next Person
Get Across the Troubled Waters of
the World like my Friend Vida who is a
Gym Assistant who went to the thought and
consideration to call me on her Cell Phone to notify
me that the Gym Closed Early
to Celebrate Armed Forces
Day today.. for she
wasn’t there
earlier this
week to let
me know where there
weren’t any signs posted around
as i still wander that place without
prescription lenses anyway as i’m
cool enough in regular Public For the
Prescription Shades i must wear to keep
my Ocular Nerve relaxed as the Patented Technology
in the 660 Dollar or So Maui Jim Designer Style Shades surely
do to help keep away any memories of Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
as i ain’t taking any chances for what i can help of not going Back to that
Science Assessed Worse Pain than Crucifixion for the wake to sleep
i for one experienced
that Hell on Earth
for 66 Months
as a shut in
in my Bedroom then as
it took ’em 2 years to actually
Diagnose it in a Pain Center by
a new way of recognition then and
after going numb without emotions
and them also offering to Block
the Nerve in my
Face Risking
Permanent Paralysis
And Numbness of Facial
Muscles after i already forgot
what a smile felt like as Memories
are Emotions and Emotions are Memories
as there is no Reference point back from what
Really Feels Numb as Eternal Hell now then.. so as
Hard as it may be to Believe i wasn’t taking any chances
on losing the Worst Pain known to Humankind preferable
to the emptiness of Hell as although i didn’t cut my self it surely
made sense then why folks do who go Numb of Emotions or
Experience Emotions they simply cannot tolerate as they
are so desperate to either escape Emotional
Pain or the Numb of nothing really
nothing at all nothing
like what some
folks name
as the
of Bliss that just
basically means you are
void of worrying words stuck
‘Tween the Ears of Your Head now..
Anyway now thoughtful and considerate and
compassionate People are surely Nurtured that
Way as Vida’s Mother says it all for that as she is
Born an Empath Like Human obviously too.. as Bred
that way too.. so.. sure.. now i don’t waste my Gas and can
go do some Dancing Around our Neighborhood Block and
Nothing too Wild as Charlie’s Always Inspire me to Dance
More ‘incredibly’ Creative than a usual Thursday Night without
these Angels who Dance as Uninhibited in Joy as i do too.. as now
sure i likely inspire that Free Spirit in those Humans too.. as i did get
a Few Woman off their Seats after that to come and Spiral around the Dance
Floor with me some more too.. anyway that work-out for 3 Hours or so straight
without even a Drink of Water is close to what an Iron man might do using all of
my Body NoW iN a Super Free Style Jazzercise event of Free.. so.. sure.. a slow dance
around the block it will be as my Sister sets the Date with Katrina at 8:30 PM tonight
which leaves me about 40 Minutes to Visit the Compassion Prompt and dVerse that
Xenia helped to Create as a Guest Prompter on that International Poetry Trail online
Site.. as although My Body May still be recovering from Dance the Expansive State of
Mindful Awareness that an Ascending Transcending Ecstatic Three Hour or so Marathon
of Dance is still Paying me back today with additional Fuel of Muse for Creativity too.. so
yeah these are just the Fumes of the Jet Airliner that continues to be me as Soar of Spirit..
From Big Picture News these days than ever
before of course as toil and trouble
of Political Differences
but Compassion Still
Lives that expects
nothing in return at all
but helping the next Person
Get Across the Troubled Waters of
the World like my Friend Vida who is a
Gym Assistant who went to the thought and
consideration to call me on her Cell Phone to notify
me that the Gym Closed Early
to Celebrate Armed Forces
Day today.. for she
wasn’t there
earlier this
week to let
me know where there
weren’t any signs posted around
as i still wander that place without
prescription lenses anyway as i’m
cool enough in regular Public For the
Prescription Shades i must wear to keep
my Ocular Nerve relaxed as the Patented Technology
in the 660 Dollar or So Maui Jim Designer Style Shades surely
do to help keep away any memories of Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
as i ain’t taking any chances for what i can help of not going Back to that
Science Assessed Worse Pain than Crucifixion for the wake to sleep
i for one experienced
that Hell on Earth
for 66 Months
as a shut in
in my Bedroom then as
it took ’em 2 years to actually
Diagnose it in a Pain Center by
a new way of recognition then and
after going numb without emotions
and them also offering to Block
the Nerve in my
Face Risking
Permanent Paralysis
And Numbness of Facial
Muscles after i already forgot
what a smile felt like as Memories
are Emotions and Emotions are Memories
as there is no Reference point back from what
Really Feels Numb as Eternal Hell now then.. so as
Hard as it may be to Believe i wasn’t taking any chances
on losing the Worst Pain known to Humankind preferable
to the emptiness of Hell as although i didn’t cut my self it surely
made sense then why folks do who go Numb of Emotions or
Experience Emotions they simply cannot tolerate as they
are so desperate to either escape Emotional
Pain or the Numb of nothing really
nothing at all nothing
like what some
folks name
as the
of Bliss that just
basically means you are
void of worrying words stuck
‘Tween the Ears of Your Head now..
Anyway now thoughtful and considerate and
compassionate People are surely Nurtured that
Way as Vida’s Mother says it all for that as she is
Born an Empath Like Human obviously too.. as Bred
that way too.. so.. sure.. now i don’t waste my Gas and can
go do some Dancing Around our Neighborhood Block and
Nothing too Wild as Charlie’s Always Inspire me to Dance
More ‘incredibly’ Creative than a usual Thursday Night without
these Angels who Dance as Uninhibited in Joy as i do too.. as now
sure i likely inspire that Free Spirit in those Humans too.. as i did get
a Few Woman off their Seats after that to come and Spiral around the Dance
Floor with me some more too.. anyway that work-out for 3 Hours or so straight
without even a Drink of Water is close to what an Iron man might do using all of
my Body NoW iN a Super Free Style Jazzercise event of Free.. so.. sure.. a slow dance
around the block it will be as my Sister sets the Date with Katrina at 8:30 PM tonight
which leaves me about 40 Minutes to Visit the Compassion Prompt and dVerse that
Xenia helped to Create as a Guest Prompter on that International Poetry Trail online
Site.. as although My Body May still be recovering from Dance the Expansive State of
Mindful Awareness that an Ascending Transcending Ecstatic Three Hour or so Marathon
of Dance is still Paying me back today with additional Fuel of Muse for Creativity too.. so
yeah these are just the Fumes of the Jet Airliner that continues to be me as Soar of Spirit..
of Begging
Streets Brown
Spoons that seek
Food Rich Towers
Poorest oF aLL Souls without an Eat..
Sadly SAdly they continue to Grow Hangry..:)
of Begging
Streets Brown
Spoons that seek
Food Rich Towers
Poorest oF aLL Souls without an Eat..
Sadly SAdly they continue to Grow Hangry..:)
ComPaSSioN Strength
GiVinG OuT
OVeR TaKinG iN..:)
GiVinG OuT
OVeR TaKinG iN..:)
NoW to:
Love From: Differences
LoVinG BLiNDinG uNFolDinG SeeinG..:)
NoW to:
Love From: Differences
LoVinG BLiNDinG uNFolDinG SeeinG..:)
NoW oF
A World
IronicAlly to:
Simple as this
Wild Social Animals ToGeTHeR
Free Or Clothed
Nature’s Barefeat
Hands iN Hands Touch..:)
NoW oF
A World
IronicAlly to:
Simple as this
Wild Social Animals ToGeTHeR
Free Or Clothed
Nature’s Barefeat
Hands iN Hands Touch..:)
Love of Nature
For Living JusT LiVinG..:)
For Living JusT LiVinG..:)
ArT aLL oF
Heals A
As He
Heals A
As He
SMiLes.. mY Friend While NoW iN Terms
of Science Mind and Social Empathic
Mind.. Lives With or without Emotions
Are similar
What’s never
New for some
Folks under the
Sun is Feeling
wHere An only Real Feel oF
Pleasure NoW.. Those Folks
FeeL Is A Pain of Others
As tHeir only Love Is A
Serotonin uP of Winning
A Fight More as less now
LoSinG what they may never have as LoVE..:)
of Science Mind and Social Empathic
Mind.. Lives With or without Emotions
Are similar
What’s never
New for some
Folks under the
Sun is Feeling
wHere An only Real Feel oF
Pleasure NoW.. Those Folks
FeeL Is A Pain of Others
As tHeir only Love Is A
Serotonin uP of Winning
A Fight More as less now
LoSinG what they may never have as LoVE..:)
Now as a side note here as a slow Dance of Walk
Around the Neighborhood Block has come and additionally
a talk with a ‘local’ Neighbor who we’ve known for Decades
who related his belief like the Woman earlier in the Day at
Katrina’s Physical therapy who claimed a Conspiracy
that the School Shooting in Texas was staged
and fake and just an attempt take his
Guns away.. Keeping iN MiND
of course that this
happened in
just another
Gun State of
the United States
where everything is
bigger including Caliber of
Guns.. anyway Humans are not
Rational Beings at Core for just tell
a person who ‘thinks’ they are Rational
this and see how Emotionally Bent out of Shape
they’ll likely get.. yes.. People are Funny this way
where the illusion of Words never truly ‘normally’ supercede
the reality of Emotions and Senses that always come First well
before we ration away any sense of Chaos Next where life truly
is more an art Project of Feelings and Emotions more than a Science
of words unless one is Born and or Bred as Psychopath Leaning with little to
no Pro-Social Emotions felt and sensed intrinsically that Motivates Compassion
more that only feeling Pleasure as even brain Scans show this is how they process
the pain of others as their limited view of Pleasure in life toward Con-Social Emotions
Related to enjoying the Fear and Pain in others they can and will create for their
of Life
from Kind
Loving Touch
of Being Social Animals
now.. so what’s the real Challenge
of an Agape Loving Commandment
of Love Loving Christian and Folks who
profess Unconditional Love like that
well there is cognitive empathy
too as one attempts to
intellectually with
Ration per why folks
think and behave Differently
than us now and that kind of Empathy
in Courage that can and will Bring Greater
Compassion for others in even ‘John 14:12’ ways
of Being is a practice of Understanding For Love that
Lasts a Life time more.. now.. hmm.. that’s one place i agree with
the Catholic Church.. per no Capital Punishment.. And Visiting the
Psychopathic Leaning Folks in Prison too where Sympathy for Even
Devils is the rule in Compassion and Understanding More for Love
Understands too to be really real for everyone even more now too..
but true now unless you’ve walked in the shoes oF A Lost Soul now
it’s more Difficult to have Compassion and yes Sympathy for the Devils
too.. more.. FoR eXperience teaches much including even Compassion
For Devils more too some way to Find A Way to HeaL A HeARTNoW thaT
Living Dead…
Nothing to be jealous
About now no matter how
Rich and iNfluential those folks
Are for what they do not have
Cannot be replaced by
All the Material
iN the UniVerSe now
STiLL For Love as Essence
is the most Valuable Commodity
oF aLL When Human Beings Come inCaRNaTE LovE
And With that Said For NoW at least this iS A Long Enough Bridge to Make..:)
Around the Neighborhood Block has come and additionally
a talk with a ‘local’ Neighbor who we’ve known for Decades
who related his belief like the Woman earlier in the Day at
Katrina’s Physical therapy who claimed a Conspiracy
that the School Shooting in Texas was staged
and fake and just an attempt take his
Guns away.. Keeping iN MiND
of course that this
happened in
just another
Gun State of
the United States
where everything is
bigger including Caliber of
Guns.. anyway Humans are not
Rational Beings at Core for just tell
a person who ‘thinks’ they are Rational
this and see how Emotionally Bent out of Shape
they’ll likely get.. yes.. People are Funny this way
where the illusion of Words never truly ‘normally’ supercede
the reality of Emotions and Senses that always come First well
before we ration away any sense of Chaos Next where life truly
is more an art Project of Feelings and Emotions more than a Science
of words unless one is Born and or Bred as Psychopath Leaning with little to
no Pro-Social Emotions felt and sensed intrinsically that Motivates Compassion
more that only feeling Pleasure as even brain Scans show this is how they process
the pain of others as their limited view of Pleasure in life toward Con-Social Emotions
Related to enjoying the Fear and Pain in others they can and will create for their
of Life
from Kind
Loving Touch
of Being Social Animals
now.. so what’s the real Challenge
of an Agape Loving Commandment
of Love Loving Christian and Folks who
profess Unconditional Love like that
well there is cognitive empathy
too as one attempts to
intellectually with
Ration per why folks
think and behave Differently
than us now and that kind of Empathy
in Courage that can and will Bring Greater
Compassion for others in even ‘John 14:12’ ways
of Being is a practice of Understanding For Love that
Lasts a Life time more.. now.. hmm.. that’s one place i agree with
the Catholic Church.. per no Capital Punishment.. And Visiting the
Psychopathic Leaning Folks in Prison too where Sympathy for Even
Devils is the rule in Compassion and Understanding More for Love
Understands too to be really real for everyone even more now too..
but true now unless you’ve walked in the shoes oF A Lost Soul now
it’s more Difficult to have Compassion and yes Sympathy for the Devils
too.. more.. FoR eXperience teaches much including even Compassion
For Devils more too some way to Find A Way to HeaL A HeARTNoW thaT
Living Dead…
Nothing to be jealous
About now no matter how
Rich and iNfluential those folks
Are for what they do not have
Cannot be replaced by
All the Material
iN the UniVerSe now
STiLL For Love as Essence
is the most Valuable Commodity
oF aLL When Human Beings Come inCaRNaTE LovE
And With that Said For NoW at least this iS A Long Enough Bridge to Make..:)
Well ‘the’ so-called Vigilant Christian usually
i don’t Make a Return visit this quick but yes
in YouR case i’ll make an exception for another
Simple Bible LesSon as the Metaphor of Lucifer
in the Bible per the Isaiah Verse that refers to an
Ancient Leader who equaled himself Worthy of the
Rising Glory of the Morning Star Venus shortly before
Sunrise Each Morning and the Brightest Object in the Sky
other than
the Moon
of Course at night
is just that a Poetic
Metaphor nothing more nothing
less and really considering it’s poetry
subject to whatever interpretation comes next
And too John Milton Took Advantage of that in
A Completely Different Book and makes the
Metaphor of the Light Bringer early
early in the Morning before
Sun Rises Again as
Devil instead
of the True Star
that Brings Light ‘Fore
Morning Sun but what is truly
ironic is the Roman Empire already
Brought a John Milton Version of Lucifer
who equaled himself with the Entire Force of
God as those Folks in the Roman Empire with
Help of their Catholic Cohorts made the Humble
Yogi-like Dude Jesus who clearly as reported in the
Good Cop Jesus PArts indicates that Love is the UltiMate
Law in AgApe Fashion and New Style for all that is in existence
including mostly all that is other wise understood as God beyond
Alpha through Omega sTill so large this Force is ineffable beyond all
Human Constructed Abstract Constructs as that is precisely what the
Old T Refers to in Reported Moses Commandment of never naming
God anything at all as this takes something as Big as God that we
will never fully be able to comprehend in vain in vain in vain
in vain so in other words God is i AM with no name
but all that is as Force all but you see there
i go oops i did it again for God will
never be trapped in three
letters one letter
one number
a word
a paragraph
a page or even the
New Unabridged Bible oF aLL
Humankind for all that is uploaded
from all humans do that now iS oNline with
the helpful Card Catalog of Google that at
least can and will help some folks arrive in
the Kingdom of Heaven aLWays in this Generation
at Hand now for while the New T BRings LiGHT to this
iN John 14:12 Ways as the Meek who are strong enough
in Love have nothing to do but Love incarNate to Turn the
Other Cheek to Hope and Love instead of Fear and Hate
as those who have already visited Hell as Devil with
Poor of Spirit like little old me for 66 Months tHere
too.. Do Gain Sympathy and at least Compassion
for the Devils who have lived tHere and
Most definitely still do now in
Terms of Trumps
and the
such as that..
Man/Woman this Bible stuff gets
so much easier now to understand
when one is Tested in Hell by God
Nature more as Devil inCarnate now..
hmm.. yes Baby.. i’m admitting i am the
Devil in Hell then and it’s True while i lived
in that place with 19 Medical Disorders that were mostly
inVisible to the eye of others it was like i did not even exist..
and yes there are SHades of Grey in Purgatory that even more
folks exist in like this wHere perHaps like me as memories are emotions
and emotions are memories they cannot even remember if they’ve ever
felt a laugh or even a smile in LiFE That’s Real and Deep and Radiates
AS LoVinG all in Agape Style and Fashion beyond iNfinity now yes have you
Ever Experienced a Cosmic Smile and Laugh like this or sure even a Sneeze
yes these are the best of days and nows again when Love lives incarNate as
beYond iNfinity US of Human Measure now eternAlly now for this my friEnd is the
Kingdom of God NoW as HeaVeN on EartH WiTHin thoSe onEs who experience this side
oF Existence is KinGQueeN of Serving oTHeRs and never a rule over another again
as Love coMes Wild and Free Moving Connecting Co-Creating iN IMaGiNATiON of
LIFE as LoVinG DreaMs come to Fruition now as KingdomQueendom God more iN
And Blood
Meanwhile for all practical
intents and purposes the Roman
Empire and Catholic Cohorts made
the Humble Yogi-Like Dude as Reported
as Good Cop Jesus into a Form and Fashion
of Blasphemy aS Equal to God as all that is that
really if you have any common sense at all makes
no sense at all as look around it’s easier to tell and tale
now as the World Ain’t Flat and with Science Aided eyes
we can and will see over a Quadrillion Stars and so many
More Planets with the Potential NoW of More Evolved Spiritual
Loving Empathic Sympathetic Compassionate LiFE tHat Gives
And Shares Freely even more than uS iN Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Ways of LiFE And After even iF the rather small
5 Foot 1 and 106LB or so Brown Shortly Cropped Haired
Dude Jesus as Paleontology shows from his era of
History in the Middle East as a Syrian or Mexican
Looking Dude like this was/is as BiG somEhow
NoW aS all of what God is now he is reported
to say that those who believe in him will
do more than him so if the
rest of the Myth is
True then
that means in John 14:12 ways now
you can and will NoW be even NoW
Greater than ‘GodJesus’ as Lucifer too..
obviously on the Lucifer show that while
That is one of my Favorite Shows although i
stay too busy writing Bibles and New Testaments
And Got Lost From that Show after they introduced
A Detective that then became Cain after i started writing
mY FouRTH New Testament as i’ll provide a link as usual
for those who say evidence or it didn’t happen as Witness and
iNHeRent New Testament too.. the best thing about the Lucifer
Show is it clearly indicates that God as all that is is a Free Agent
that not even Lucifer can fully get a Handle on still and it seems that
yes there is the potential for even the Myth of Lucifer as brought to tall
tales by John Milton in Paradise Lost can and will get his Paradise found
on Heaven WiTHiN More as Compassion and Agape Love becomes him more
again.. for it’s true my FriEnd.. i will not lie for when i was in Hell as Devil as
So many Devils in Hell do.. i wished all of existence away as i was too weak of a
Human Being to take my life as reAlly this WiLL to Survive as Dragon/Snake is
A GreaTesT GiFt of God at Least when we come out of those Ashes to See NoW
As Love incarNate AgapeS AGAiN.. but it’s True not everyone was/is born as an
AngEL of Love and Nurtured like that by a Real Mary Mother Named Helen
now.. like me.. then.. some folks are born with no soul like this at all and
nah.. we will never fully understand the reaSon for this but JusT for Love
Do Sake i Suggest you Do everything to Love oTHeRS LiKE LoVE YouR
Soul Depends on it now (Including you yes You) For TRust me if i can
could lose my Soul in Hell as Devil chances are NoW STiLL Most
any one could can
now still
and become
A Devil in Hell too..
it’s not a Kind place my FriEnd
And it’s pArt of the Nature of God ALL
too when one goes tHere impriSoned or Free STiLL NoW
The Best Answer is Love Do it like YouR Soul DependS on
it NoW or not for it’s True you can and will send yourself to Hell
if you believe in that too.. NoW Meanwhile.. i suggest you Celebrate
the Humble Giving KinGQueeN Nature of Jesus as Servant oF aLL exisTence
NoW as Story Tale for that’s A pArT oF God tHat enJoys God Most.. let’s just say
Jesus at least A Real Good Cop Jesus will appreciate that more than a promotion
that no
ever handle
let’s face it if Jesus
couldn’t make folks believe
in him in a little Homogenous
Culture of Jews in a little patch
of Middle East 2K years ago..
multiply that Job by a
Quadrillion and even
all the points of
liGht of
or Hate
in just one little
Human BeinG NoW
And beYond All Those Stars
And Planets more and if You Can
And WiLL See A Bigger Picture of God than Human Words alone..
Meanwhile.. tHeRe IS A Royal Wedding Going on that means nothing
to me any more than A Royal Wedding of Jesus and His Bride of Love would will either..
anyway the Good News NoW for me at LEast is the Lucifer SHow is on Hold so perhaps i
will Catch up
or continue
on my own
if you Catch A ‘the’
Riff off my Jesus Good Cop DrifT2..
YeaH it’s True Some folks (mY Psychotherapist) say i look like
‘the Terminator’ (WitH sHadeS oN at LEast) so be careful what/who you WisH NoW
For aS A Terminator 2 IS A Better Wish Than YouR Old T1 NoW FoR ALLoVENeW..
Ha! bet you missed that Metaphor2
in the Terminator Series that T1
Was An Old Testament of Fear
And Hate and Killing
Jesus and
T2 iS
A New
Jesus of LoVE..
thing is that was still
the Fake Jesus for he
Brought a ‘Sword’ sTill
waiting some sTill are waiting For LoVE AGaiNoW
As Prophecy in the Original Isaiah Story ReLaTeS WiTH
Zero SWords aT aLL NoW JusT A Whole LoT oF LuV’N mY FriEnd
Sort oF LiKELoVE wHat Led Zeppelin iS aLL oN aBout iN Kashmir too..
Yes mY
FriEnd A
STone oF LoVE
WRiTTeN Continues to:
Rock And RoLL FroM: oN2..:)
i don’t Make a Return visit this quick but yes
in YouR case i’ll make an exception for another
Simple Bible LesSon as the Metaphor of Lucifer
in the Bible per the Isaiah Verse that refers to an
Ancient Leader who equaled himself Worthy of the
Rising Glory of the Morning Star Venus shortly before
Sunrise Each Morning and the Brightest Object in the Sky
other than
the Moon
of Course at night
is just that a Poetic
Metaphor nothing more nothing
less and really considering it’s poetry
subject to whatever interpretation comes next
And too John Milton Took Advantage of that in
A Completely Different Book and makes the
Metaphor of the Light Bringer early
early in the Morning before
Sun Rises Again as
Devil instead
of the True Star
that Brings Light ‘Fore
Morning Sun but what is truly
ironic is the Roman Empire already
Brought a John Milton Version of Lucifer
who equaled himself with the Entire Force of
God as those Folks in the Roman Empire with
Help of their Catholic Cohorts made the Humble
Yogi-like Dude Jesus who clearly as reported in the
Good Cop Jesus PArts indicates that Love is the UltiMate
Law in AgApe Fashion and New Style for all that is in existence
including mostly all that is other wise understood as God beyond
Alpha through Omega sTill so large this Force is ineffable beyond all
Human Constructed Abstract Constructs as that is precisely what the
Old T Refers to in Reported Moses Commandment of never naming
God anything at all as this takes something as Big as God that we
will never fully be able to comprehend in vain in vain in vain
in vain so in other words God is i AM with no name
but all that is as Force all but you see there
i go oops i did it again for God will
never be trapped in three
letters one letter
one number
a word
a paragraph
a page or even the
New Unabridged Bible oF aLL
Humankind for all that is uploaded
from all humans do that now iS oNline with
the helpful Card Catalog of Google that at
least can and will help some folks arrive in
the Kingdom of Heaven aLWays in this Generation
at Hand now for while the New T BRings LiGHT to this
iN John 14:12 Ways as the Meek who are strong enough
in Love have nothing to do but Love incarNate to Turn the
Other Cheek to Hope and Love instead of Fear and Hate
as those who have already visited Hell as Devil with
Poor of Spirit like little old me for 66 Months tHere
too.. Do Gain Sympathy and at least Compassion
for the Devils who have lived tHere and
Most definitely still do now in
Terms of Trumps
and the
such as that..
Man/Woman this Bible stuff gets
so much easier now to understand
when one is Tested in Hell by God
Nature more as Devil inCarnate now..
hmm.. yes Baby.. i’m admitting i am the
Devil in Hell then and it’s True while i lived
in that place with 19 Medical Disorders that were mostly
inVisible to the eye of others it was like i did not even exist..
and yes there are SHades of Grey in Purgatory that even more
folks exist in like this wHere perHaps like me as memories are emotions
and emotions are memories they cannot even remember if they’ve ever
felt a laugh or even a smile in LiFE That’s Real and Deep and Radiates
AS LoVinG all in Agape Style and Fashion beyond iNfinity now yes have you
Ever Experienced a Cosmic Smile and Laugh like this or sure even a Sneeze
yes these are the best of days and nows again when Love lives incarNate as
beYond iNfinity US of Human Measure now eternAlly now for this my friEnd is the
Kingdom of God NoW as HeaVeN on EartH WiTHin thoSe onEs who experience this side
oF Existence is KinGQueeN of Serving oTHeRs and never a rule over another again
as Love coMes Wild and Free Moving Connecting Co-Creating iN IMaGiNATiON of
LIFE as LoVinG DreaMs come to Fruition now as KingdomQueendom God more iN
And Blood
Meanwhile for all practical
intents and purposes the Roman
Empire and Catholic Cohorts made
the Humble Yogi-Like Dude as Reported
as Good Cop Jesus into a Form and Fashion
of Blasphemy aS Equal to God as all that is that
really if you have any common sense at all makes
no sense at all as look around it’s easier to tell and tale
now as the World Ain’t Flat and with Science Aided eyes
we can and will see over a Quadrillion Stars and so many
More Planets with the Potential NoW of More Evolved Spiritual
Loving Empathic Sympathetic Compassionate LiFE tHat Gives
And Shares Freely even more than uS iN Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Ways of LiFE And After even iF the rather small
5 Foot 1 and 106LB or so Brown Shortly Cropped Haired
Dude Jesus as Paleontology shows from his era of
History in the Middle East as a Syrian or Mexican
Looking Dude like this was/is as BiG somEhow
NoW aS all of what God is now he is reported
to say that those who believe in him will
do more than him so if the
rest of the Myth is
True then
that means in John 14:12 ways now
you can and will NoW be even NoW
Greater than ‘GodJesus’ as Lucifer too..
obviously on the Lucifer show that while
That is one of my Favorite Shows although i
stay too busy writing Bibles and New Testaments
And Got Lost From that Show after they introduced
A Detective that then became Cain after i started writing
mY FouRTH New Testament as i’ll provide a link as usual
for those who say evidence or it didn’t happen as Witness and
iNHeRent New Testament too.. the best thing about the Lucifer
Show is it clearly indicates that God as all that is is a Free Agent
that not even Lucifer can fully get a Handle on still and it seems that
yes there is the potential for even the Myth of Lucifer as brought to tall
tales by John Milton in Paradise Lost can and will get his Paradise found
on Heaven WiTHiN More as Compassion and Agape Love becomes him more
again.. for it’s true my FriEnd.. i will not lie for when i was in Hell as Devil as
So many Devils in Hell do.. i wished all of existence away as i was too weak of a
Human Being to take my life as reAlly this WiLL to Survive as Dragon/Snake is
A GreaTesT GiFt of God at Least when we come out of those Ashes to See NoW
As Love incarNate AgapeS AGAiN.. but it’s True not everyone was/is born as an
AngEL of Love and Nurtured like that by a Real Mary Mother Named Helen
now.. like me.. then.. some folks are born with no soul like this at all and
nah.. we will never fully understand the reaSon for this but JusT for Love
Do Sake i Suggest you Do everything to Love oTHeRS LiKE LoVE YouR
Soul Depends on it now (Including you yes You) For TRust me if i can
could lose my Soul in Hell as Devil chances are NoW STiLL Most
any one could can
now still
and become
A Devil in Hell too..
it’s not a Kind place my FriEnd
And it’s pArt of the Nature of God ALL
too when one goes tHere impriSoned or Free STiLL NoW
The Best Answer is Love Do it like YouR Soul DependS on
it NoW or not for it’s True you can and will send yourself to Hell
if you believe in that too.. NoW Meanwhile.. i suggest you Celebrate
the Humble Giving KinGQueeN Nature of Jesus as Servant oF aLL exisTence
NoW as Story Tale for that’s A pArT oF God tHat enJoys God Most.. let’s just say
Jesus at least A Real Good Cop Jesus will appreciate that more than a promotion
that no
ever handle
let’s face it if Jesus
couldn’t make folks believe
in him in a little Homogenous
Culture of Jews in a little patch
of Middle East 2K years ago..
multiply that Job by a
Quadrillion and even
all the points of
liGht of
or Hate
in just one little
Human BeinG NoW
And beYond All Those Stars
And Planets more and if You Can
And WiLL See A Bigger Picture of God than Human Words alone..
Meanwhile.. tHeRe IS A Royal Wedding Going on that means nothing
to me any more than A Royal Wedding of Jesus and His Bride of Love would will either..
anyway the Good News NoW for me at LEast is the Lucifer SHow is on Hold so perhaps i
will Catch up
or continue
on my own
if you Catch A ‘the’
Riff off my Jesus Good Cop DrifT2..
YeaH it’s True Some folks (mY Psychotherapist) say i look like
‘the Terminator’ (WitH sHadeS oN at LEast) so be careful what/who you WisH NoW
For aS A Terminator 2 IS A Better Wish Than YouR Old T1 NoW FoR ALLoVENeW..
Ha! bet you missed that Metaphor2
in the Terminator Series that T1
Was An Old Testament of Fear
And Hate and Killing
Jesus and
T2 iS
A New
Jesus of LoVE..
thing is that was still
the Fake Jesus for he
Brought a ‘Sword’ sTill
waiting some sTill are waiting For LoVE AGaiNoW
As Prophecy in the Original Isaiah Story ReLaTeS WiTH
Zero SWords aT aLL NoW JusT A Whole LoT oF LuV’N mY FriEnd
Sort oF LiKELoVE wHat Led Zeppelin iS aLL oN aBout iN Kashmir too..
Yes mY
FriEnd A
STone oF LoVE
WRiTTeN Continues to:
Rock And RoLL FroM: oN2..:)
First of all.. my Name isn’t Jeff or Dude
yes.. it’s Fred but still perhaps i have more
than one Zen Ego i play with from
now to now depending
on how the moment
of the current
muse Flows
with me.. so sure
Ferris Bueller or Even
Freddy Krueger might work
after all i was raised on Elm Street
hehe.. and as promised i’m back as
that other Dude said in that other Terminator
Movie but hey what’s a Hero but sometimes there
is a man well he’s the man for his time and place
and just seems to fit in although he doesn’t seem
to have a Job in what almost might seem as the
Laziest Peter Pan Currently alive approaching
58 Years old on the coming PHI Related
Birthday on 6.6.18.. who knows could
have been an Omen that i was
born on 6.6.60.. haHa.. but
it’s true.. really really
true while there
was a Royal
Wedding going on
Across A Really Big Pond
over here in Meek and Humble
Land just another Fred hit a Mobile
Milestone of One Ten Thousandth the Distance
to the Sun on this 5.19.18 Saturday tallying in at 9307 Miles
to be Precise as Documented by the Nike Run Club IOS App
that works just great for that Much Public Dance in 57 Months now
too as i beat the projected Milestone and Featnote by some 18 Days
now before my PHI Related Birthday as i also surpassed the 1.3 Million
Words Land Mark last MacroVerse early before my PHI Associated Birthday
in Golden Spiral Ratio Mean way as “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” aRose to 1.3
Million Words by very Definition of the Description Areas of what is surely and
slowly approaching 888 or so Profile Pics by Memorial Day Weekend when that
MacroVerse by TitlLed Bible gets ‘officially’ Published then but you see when ‘they’
Said the Meek Inherit the eARTh Lord KNows and FeeLs and SenSes they Dam sure
were not kidding on that for it’s True i can and will skip the Hierarchy all together including
Royal Stuff and Movie Stars and all that Fresh Hell of Fame and Fortune that only means
you Lose your Actual Freedoms more to be any FuCKinG Zen Ego one creates next by one’s
own Director and Producer of one’s own God Dam Real Life Play with God all that is as Nature
too.. as hey.. that’s the Real MaGiC of LiFE Baby Free Will Relatively SPeaKinG For those folks
who actually ever Self Actualize in LoVinG FreeDoM Like/LoVE THaT heHe.. so.. sure.. i can and
WiLL Be FuCkInG DuKe NuKeM WithouT the Guns and Booze and Cigars but wait not without the
GirlS hehe.. sure you verily can and will find me pictured with 2000 or so on the Online Web these
days even more as days go by.. hAha.. yes Baby it’s all about theMes and MeMes too hAha.. for
why Audition when you can and will do it yourself now just for fun no matter if anyone picks up the
other end of the Creative Line or not in stuff like Likes and Shares and Follows and ugh Money that
Sucks for Truly Free People
Are Independent from that
Responsibility too but
to get to that
place oh
Lord ya better
Learn to have
more fun than just
Buying More Stuff now..
anyway.. this is may Golden
Age and i’LL Do this Heaven
just cause i can and will if that
Sounds Confident enough for someone
who is neither afraid of their Shadow Self
or Angel Self too.. yes class remember Duke
Nukem too but the Good Cop Jesus Version more
of that too.. without swords and guns and Nuclear stuff
and all that other Fresh Hell away from Love now for it’s
true might not have guns might not be making any money or
shares or likes or follows but views well that’s another thing for
While the Internet is fun oh Lordy in the Real Flesh and Blood World
My Dance is not only Viewed but shared by other Folks Seeking Likes
and Follows and Shares on Social Media Sites working like busy bees Delivering
the Honey Do Videos of My Dance as Science Already Shows that Dance is the Real Fountain
of Youth From Brain Health to Overall Body and Mind Health More now too.. Seek the Research
if you like for it is coming more all over the Place in Science Abstracts more aLonG with those
who can and will still Look Young Enough in Moves at least to attract a Bootie Dance now and
then in the Dance Halls of Life too Tender and Legal as that goes too.. but to be clear and
to keep everyone in the Clear no Bootie Dances Received Last Thursday Night as
all there was
at the Dance
Hall that Night
were Angels ready
to Dance for me but true
don’t mind the Shadow Stuff
of other Angels that much when
they come around too as any PG
Rated Duke Nukem will still do now
JusT for a Fond Dance of Life Wild and Free more hehe..;)
yes.. it’s Fred but still perhaps i have more
than one Zen Ego i play with from
now to now depending
on how the moment
of the current
muse Flows
with me.. so sure
Ferris Bueller or Even
Freddy Krueger might work
after all i was raised on Elm Street
hehe.. and as promised i’m back as
that other Dude said in that other Terminator
Movie but hey what’s a Hero but sometimes there
is a man well he’s the man for his time and place
and just seems to fit in although he doesn’t seem
to have a Job in what almost might seem as the
Laziest Peter Pan Currently alive approaching
58 Years old on the coming PHI Related
Birthday on 6.6.18.. who knows could
have been an Omen that i was
born on 6.6.60.. haHa.. but
it’s true.. really really
true while there
was a Royal
Wedding going on
Across A Really Big Pond
over here in Meek and Humble
Land just another Fred hit a Mobile
Milestone of One Ten Thousandth the Distance
to the Sun on this 5.19.18 Saturday tallying in at 9307 Miles
to be Precise as Documented by the Nike Run Club IOS App
that works just great for that Much Public Dance in 57 Months now
too as i beat the projected Milestone and Featnote by some 18 Days
now before my PHI Related Birthday as i also surpassed the 1.3 Million
Words Land Mark last MacroVerse early before my PHI Associated Birthday
in Golden Spiral Ratio Mean way as “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” aRose to 1.3
Million Words by very Definition of the Description Areas of what is surely and
slowly approaching 888 or so Profile Pics by Memorial Day Weekend when that
MacroVerse by TitlLed Bible gets ‘officially’ Published then but you see when ‘they’
Said the Meek Inherit the eARTh Lord KNows and FeeLs and SenSes they Dam sure
were not kidding on that for it’s True i can and will skip the Hierarchy all together including
Royal Stuff and Movie Stars and all that Fresh Hell of Fame and Fortune that only means
you Lose your Actual Freedoms more to be any FuCKinG Zen Ego one creates next by one’s
own Director and Producer of one’s own God Dam Real Life Play with God all that is as Nature
too.. as hey.. that’s the Real MaGiC of LiFE Baby Free Will Relatively SPeaKinG For those folks
who actually ever Self Actualize in LoVinG FreeDoM Like/LoVE THaT heHe.. so.. sure.. i can and
WiLL Be FuCkInG DuKe NuKeM WithouT the Guns and Booze and Cigars but wait not without the
GirlS hehe.. sure you verily can and will find me pictured with 2000 or so on the Online Web these
days even more as days go by.. hAha.. yes Baby it’s all about theMes and MeMes too hAha.. for
why Audition when you can and will do it yourself now just for fun no matter if anyone picks up the
other end of the Creative Line or not in stuff like Likes and Shares and Follows and ugh Money that
Sucks for Truly Free People
Are Independent from that
Responsibility too but
to get to that
place oh
Lord ya better
Learn to have
more fun than just
Buying More Stuff now..
anyway.. this is may Golden
Age and i’LL Do this Heaven
just cause i can and will if that
Sounds Confident enough for someone
who is neither afraid of their Shadow Self
or Angel Self too.. yes class remember Duke
Nukem too but the Good Cop Jesus Version more
of that too.. without swords and guns and Nuclear stuff
and all that other Fresh Hell away from Love now for it’s
true might not have guns might not be making any money or
shares or likes or follows but views well that’s another thing for
While the Internet is fun oh Lordy in the Real Flesh and Blood World
My Dance is not only Viewed but shared by other Folks Seeking Likes
and Follows and Shares on Social Media Sites working like busy bees Delivering
the Honey Do Videos of My Dance as Science Already Shows that Dance is the Real Fountain
of Youth From Brain Health to Overall Body and Mind Health More now too.. Seek the Research
if you like for it is coming more all over the Place in Science Abstracts more aLonG with those
who can and will still Look Young Enough in Moves at least to attract a Bootie Dance now and
then in the Dance Halls of Life too Tender and Legal as that goes too.. but to be clear and
to keep everyone in the Clear no Bootie Dances Received Last Thursday Night as
all there was
at the Dance
Hall that Night
were Angels ready
to Dance for me but true
don’t mind the Shadow Stuff
of other Angels that much when
they come around too as any PG
Rated Duke Nukem will still do now
JusT for a Fond Dance of Life Wild and Free more hehe..;)
“No mistakes Just Happy Accidents”
-Bob Ross
As Far as ‘MasterPeace’ goes…
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Sohair.. wHere
i LiVE tHere are Lots of Hangry
People and very very
Full Bellies in
Words.. A Fast
of Food And A Fill
of Love Will Surely Nourish
Them More Than Instant Gratification
WithouT A Depth of SoUL… NamELy NoW
A SoUL THaT wHo iS OCeaN WHoLE WitH aS LoVE..
Or as what an African American
Bishop BrOught to a
Except for A Royal
Bride of Love then wHere
Love is reflecting back into
the eYes oF A Bishop PraiSinG
the Fire of Love as the Greatest
Force of Healing tHere is still
felt and sensed and KNowN
by Human Kind with that
Fill oF Feel iN eYes thaT
is/are GiVinG ShaRinG
CaRinG to: all
Receive and
Give thE LiGHT oF LoVE..
For it’s True Love is Naked of
All Cultural Clothes inBorn as the
Greatest Fire by Nature of God WiTHiN
as us and it is True also for when one Gives
up Food they often Find the Food that is Lost
the Gift
of Love
is taken up
by the Instant Gratification
of all one Can and Will Eat Fats
And Sugars and what some folks
nAMe as ‘the Kiss of Jesus’ as Opiate
Addictions these Days all to replace
A Poverty of LoVE WiTHIN A SoUL mY
FriEnd for the Boniest Ethiopian Child
Who Still is the SMILe of LoVE STiLL
So much Richer
Than Clothed Towers
With just a label of an end days name..
Anyway.. mY FriEnd.. Happy Ramadan Fasting
to: You continuing From: YouR Fill aS Feel oF LoVE..:)
i LiVE tHere are Lots of Hangry
People and very very
Full Bellies in
Words.. A Fast
of Food And A Fill
of Love Will Surely Nourish
Them More Than Instant Gratification
WithouT A Depth of SoUL… NamELy NoW
A SoUL THaT wHo iS OCeaN WHoLE WitH aS LoVE..
Or as what an African American
Bishop BrOught to a
Except for A Royal
Bride of Love then wHere
Love is reflecting back into
the eYes oF A Bishop PraiSinG
the Fire of Love as the Greatest
Force of Healing tHere is still
felt and sensed and KNowN
by Human Kind with that
Fill oF Feel iN eYes thaT
is/are GiVinG ShaRinG
CaRinG to: all
Receive and
Give thE LiGHT oF LoVE..
For it’s True Love is Naked of
All Cultural Clothes inBorn as the
Greatest Fire by Nature of God WiTHiN
as us and it is True also for when one Gives
up Food they often Find the Food that is Lost
the Gift
of Love
is taken up
by the Instant Gratification
of all one Can and Will Eat Fats
And Sugars and what some folks
nAMe as ‘the Kiss of Jesus’ as Opiate
Addictions these Days all to replace
A Poverty of LoVE WiTHIN A SoUL mY
FriEnd for the Boniest Ethiopian Child
Who Still is the SMILe of LoVE STiLL
So much Richer
Than Clothed Towers
With just a label of an end days name..
Anyway.. mY FriEnd.. Happy Ramadan Fasting
to: You continuing From: YouR Fill aS Feel oF LoVE..:)
SMiLes So Much.. Sohair.. And thanks for the Kind Concerns over Katrina’s
Burn and Pain as she is seeing an Occupational and Physical
Therapist now to regain use of her Hand as what
will be a long Process but she is steadily
getting better without much pain
and for me.. how can and
will i complain
For verily
i will
with the
Perspectives i’ve
gained in life.. and i too
did a Fast on Request for a
Routine Blood Test as Maintenance
Job on Fred.. hehe.. And i really feel very fortunate
enough my Friend to even be able to Produce one Creative
Sentence for it took me literally Decades to do that at will of
Holy Creative Spirit Within.. and that My Friend in Activity oF
Life is a Kind of Unconditional Love For all of Living as Existence
that i Truly wish
everyone could
and would
A Reality of
A River of Life
As Ocean Whole Waves
More than what surely and
Verily will be Disconnected From Nature oF
God Without this Peace and Harmony For All..
anYWay.. No Complaints from me my FriEnd for
Life is a Test that is not always easy to what seems
almost impossible and the best pARt is it is possible to Figure
Out for Heaven WiThIN but not without an Open Mind and heART
And BoDy SoUL As Temple of God Nature Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning
And Purpose
For all
that is
now too..
mY FRiEnD.. BesT
to: You AGaiN i’LL DanCE
SinG From: FReED LoVENoW..:)
Burn and Pain as she is seeing an Occupational and Physical
Therapist now to regain use of her Hand as what
will be a long Process but she is steadily
getting better without much pain
and for me.. how can and
will i complain
For verily
i will
with the
Perspectives i’ve
gained in life.. and i too
did a Fast on Request for a
Routine Blood Test as Maintenance
Job on Fred.. hehe.. And i really feel very fortunate
enough my Friend to even be able to Produce one Creative
Sentence for it took me literally Decades to do that at will of
Holy Creative Spirit Within.. and that My Friend in Activity oF
Life is a Kind of Unconditional Love For all of Living as Existence
that i Truly wish
everyone could
and would
A Reality of
A River of Life
As Ocean Whole Waves
More than what surely and
Verily will be Disconnected From Nature oF
God Without this Peace and Harmony For All..
anYWay.. No Complaints from me my FriEnd for
Life is a Test that is not always easy to what seems
almost impossible and the best pARt is it is possible to Figure
Out for Heaven WiThIN but not without an Open Mind and heART
And BoDy SoUL As Temple of God Nature Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning
And Purpose
For all
that is
now too..
mY FRiEnD.. BesT
to: You AGaiN i’LL DanCE
SinG From: FReED LoVENoW..:)
SMIles my FriEnd again And Thanks
For Re-Blogging A Nice ‘Peace’
Here on Forgiveness
as it’s true no
matter what…
life is not worth holding
A Grudge or for us to be too
Weak to admit that we haven’t
Walked in any other Person’s shoes fully
so none of us But God Judge Whole as all that is
oF aLL the Circumstances and what is Inherited
that creates what we are today in Dark and Light
too as this reminds me how my Mother’s Personality
Changed suddenly with her undiagnosed Cancer from
Breast to Bones and the Rest of Her Body that Spread into
her Brain Finally Bleeding and Killing her soon after that..
For Several Weeks before
she suddenly insisted
my Writing was Filled
With Demon Possessed
Words and i refused to get
Mad at her for all she had been
through with me as that just wasn’t
the spirit of what lived within her before..
And i am so glad i had the strength of Soul
to be Compassionate in her change of Personality
for it was surely beyond her control in organic disease
of the Brain in Cancer in that Stage of her Older Life and that’s
the thing my FriEnd.. for even some Psychopaths Born innately have a disease
like this in the Brain that is hard to see but still as bad as a Cancer in many
ways of how this
can and will
others in the
ways of that Person
With a literally disEased
Brain and in some cases all
the way from Birth in Congenital
Anomaly too and this my Friend is
pArt of the reason that only God as
Nature Will Judge Beyond our Comprehension
of what we may believe is right or wrong for
Sometimes Nature gets it a different way
that is beyond
any one
Control For now…
i recently had a Friend
or someone who took over
their Blog where Personality
changed like this suddenly
or for whoever got a
hold of their Blog
but i take
all these
in consideration
of what i have experienced
of Human Nature and immediately
Give Forgiveness for it is so true there
Are so many anomalies of Nature and Environment that
Can and will Bring Sudden Changes like this to Human now..
And that my FriEnd is A Compassion that/who is not afraid to lEarn
the Lifespan
too to yes find
A way to gain Sympathy
for Devil’s too or at least Compassion
for this may be An ultimate Test of God as Nature
to make us inCarnate Unconditional Love to: Graduate From:
NoW mY FRiEnD..:)
For Re-Blogging A Nice ‘Peace’
Here on Forgiveness
as it’s true no
matter what…
life is not worth holding
A Grudge or for us to be too
Weak to admit that we haven’t
Walked in any other Person’s shoes fully
so none of us But God Judge Whole as all that is
oF aLL the Circumstances and what is Inherited
that creates what we are today in Dark and Light
too as this reminds me how my Mother’s Personality
Changed suddenly with her undiagnosed Cancer from
Breast to Bones and the Rest of Her Body that Spread into
her Brain Finally Bleeding and Killing her soon after that..
For Several Weeks before
she suddenly insisted
my Writing was Filled
With Demon Possessed
Words and i refused to get
Mad at her for all she had been
through with me as that just wasn’t
the spirit of what lived within her before..
And i am so glad i had the strength of Soul
to be Compassionate in her change of Personality
for it was surely beyond her control in organic disease
of the Brain in Cancer in that Stage of her Older Life and that’s
the thing my FriEnd.. for even some Psychopaths Born innately have a disease
like this in the Brain that is hard to see but still as bad as a Cancer in many
ways of how this
can and will
others in the
ways of that Person
With a literally disEased
Brain and in some cases all
the way from Birth in Congenital
Anomaly too and this my Friend is
pArt of the reason that only God as
Nature Will Judge Beyond our Comprehension
of what we may believe is right or wrong for
Sometimes Nature gets it a different way
that is beyond
any one
Control For now…
i recently had a Friend
or someone who took over
their Blog where Personality
changed like this suddenly
or for whoever got a
hold of their Blog
but i take
all these
in consideration
of what i have experienced
of Human Nature and immediately
Give Forgiveness for it is so true there
Are so many anomalies of Nature and Environment that
Can and will Bring Sudden Changes like this to Human now..
And that my FriEnd is A Compassion that/who is not afraid to lEarn
the Lifespan
too to yes find
A way to gain Sympathy
for Devil’s too or at least Compassion
for this may be An ultimate Test of God as Nature
to make us inCarnate Unconditional Love to: Graduate From:
NoW mY FRiEnD..:)
SMiLes mY FriEnd.. For A Third
Date Stamp here on 5.21.18
at 1:23 PM over HeAr
in the State
of Flowers
Lower Alabama
LA Panhandle
as we get that
nickname in
Florida Still
for being
to Farm
Folks and
not just a Tourist
Industry now to View
All our Beautiful Beaches too….
For Every Truly Loving and Kind Parent
And Teacher and Counselor and additionally
all those Symbols of Human Virtue and Kindness
in Integrity and Honor and Character attributed to
Role Models iNcluding Messengers and Prophets and
so-called Apostles too for all those Bearing Sharing Gifts
oF LoVE NoW aLL.. For those who truly Love tHeir GreaTesT
Wishes Will be to Carry that Love on to their Disciples as
lEarning Students all For a Love that is surely and verily
Fearless and Unafraid of Do as Action more than
Just labels of Words too.. for True we come
as Star Dust of Nature God and We Leave
as Star Dust of God Nature too but
While we Love We
Give and
to rise
up oTHeR DusT
to LoVinG US ALiVE
NoW ReaL For True it’s
like a Garden of Flowers and
Birds and Bees too.. an Ecosystem
of Love wHo GRowS A GArden Ocean
WHoLe of LoVE HOldinG Hands NoW more
When each perSon’s job is to liFT the oTHeR
PeRson’s HeART and Job of LiFE even HiGHER
than the
the Counselor
the Messenger
Priest Prophet Cleric
as all who BRinG LoVE
to LiFE MoRE NoW.. as some
folks wHere i live say all is lost if
Jesus actually Died and it’s obvious
my Friend when they say that they’ve
never felt and sensed the God i experience(d)
Before i could even speak at Four Years old soon
when i was just three Years old LooKinG ACroSS
the River of where i was raised over to the Forest
of Trees where each and every Leaf of Grass and Grain
of Sand is embossed within inside above so below and
all around outside with the Name of God that is too large to have
at all
the Essence
of the Fire For oF LoVE
thaT consuMes all life now
to Breathe as any Electron
Still Will Swirling aRound a Nucleus
all is Home
mY FriEnd
We give and share as LoVE..
And i reAlly don’t care what folks
caLL iT as lonG aS iT LiVES LoVE as THeM..:)
Date Stamp here on 5.21.18
at 1:23 PM over HeAr
in the State
of Flowers
Lower Alabama
LA Panhandle
as we get that
nickname in
Florida Still
for being
to Farm
Folks and
not just a Tourist
Industry now to View
All our Beautiful Beaches too….
For Every Truly Loving and Kind Parent
And Teacher and Counselor and additionally
all those Symbols of Human Virtue and Kindness
in Integrity and Honor and Character attributed to
Role Models iNcluding Messengers and Prophets and
so-called Apostles too for all those Bearing Sharing Gifts
oF LoVE NoW aLL.. For those who truly Love tHeir GreaTesT
Wishes Will be to Carry that Love on to their Disciples as
lEarning Students all For a Love that is surely and verily
Fearless and Unafraid of Do as Action more than
Just labels of Words too.. for True we come
as Star Dust of Nature God and We Leave
as Star Dust of God Nature too but
While we Love We
Give and
to rise
up oTHeR DusT
to LoVinG US ALiVE
NoW ReaL For True it’s
like a Garden of Flowers and
Birds and Bees too.. an Ecosystem
of Love wHo GRowS A GArden Ocean
WHoLe of LoVE HOldinG Hands NoW more
When each perSon’s job is to liFT the oTHeR
PeRson’s HeART and Job of LiFE even HiGHER
than the
the Counselor
the Messenger
Priest Prophet Cleric
as all who BRinG LoVE
to LiFE MoRE NoW.. as some
folks wHere i live say all is lost if
Jesus actually Died and it’s obvious
my Friend when they say that they’ve
never felt and sensed the God i experience(d)
Before i could even speak at Four Years old soon
when i was just three Years old LooKinG ACroSS
the River of where i was raised over to the Forest
of Trees where each and every Leaf of Grass and Grain
of Sand is embossed within inside above so below and
all around outside with the Name of God that is too large to have
at all
the Essence
of the Fire For oF LoVE
thaT consuMes all life now
to Breathe as any Electron
Still Will Swirling aRound a Nucleus
all is Home
mY FriEnd
We give and share as LoVE..
And i reAlly don’t care what folks
caLL iT as lonG aS iT LiVES LoVE as THeM..:)
Anyway after those Triple Visits to Sohair’s Place
A Watch for me no longer Fully Supported By Nike
and a choice to extend the Nature of my Apple tools
to a Next Step of Bionic Man of Wrist Watch too as we continue
to Grow extensions of Tools as Transhumanistic Tools We come
to Be aS eXTeNSioNS oF aS OuR Cultural By Products more but i must
admit after the Two Hours of getting all the accessories fitted in at Best Buy
it’s probably
Good i have
Another Robot
Assistant to Remind
me to get up and Stand
more on top of a Desk than sitting
in this Chair for Hours on end with Dancing
and Singing Fingers that who have no instruction to Quit..
anyway.. any new tool picked up to expand my Nature more
as Art is Always Creative and reGenerating as Life LoVE NoW
BRings back the Mechanical Cognition School of Life when i too
became a little bit too much like a Robot For Human Nature True
as Social Empathic Cognition in mind and body too as a Soul more
than just
a Tool
and Cog
of a Machine
named Culture
And Work Life too..
for it’s true there were decades
when anyone asked me what i’ve been
doing i said just two words.. working working
and hehe.. now Perhaps they don’t ask at all for
i’ve traveled much much further than before and have
some side notes of Creation to finally Deliver aLonG the Way
true no matter what i have aS AveNues to do that NoW in Quantum
Metaphor Fold of continuing to Create and Produce more than i ever
imagined before.. It’s true as Long as YouR’E CreaTinG You Are alWays GroWinG ANeW
but if one forgets to Dance or Even Stand Up one will miss something as one loses
they fail
to use as that’s
Nature so Grow a Love
Muscle more too.. as tHeRE
are so many Ways to Work out
A ART out of He for heART MoRE NoW
too.. anyway.. there are division bells in life
as i told the Nice Young Woman taking up some
of my Blood for analysis today.. when i was young it wasn’t
uncommon to See Shot Guns in Backs of Trucks when the only
Mass Murdering much that was going on was with Angry Old Men
in Middle Age or So of Losing their Self Esteem and established Status
as Social in Life.. now these a days Children have lost something precious
the ability
to be free
and part
of a Game
that is larger than
Just a 4 to 5 Inch Scream
of Screen.. and even Scientific
Research Shows all the Percentage
Points of Empirical Measure of Human
Empathy among College Students today..
lost in Young Adult way.. for it’s true if you are
not going to raise Humans in Terms of Loving Social
Cooperation now you better noT exTend tools of Killing
to the Farm of Zombies Culture is Creating More.. for Apocalypse
in this Destructive Sense and Feel is already come to Roost so it’s True
Nature iS iN control NoW as Nature Bites as Humans Back when Nature
Loses a Soul of Love and Life just like this.. it’s just depends on which Freedoms
are worth saving and which Freedoms are worth dying for as they those who live
by the
die by the
sword and God
doesn’t Do Welfare
of Love alone for Jesus
F in Christ you have to Work that
Love Muscle to make it touch others
more than Killing Fields of Division Bells oF Fear and Hate..
meanwhile i don’t go to school but the Bar Fights have been
increasing lately at the Dance Hall i Frequent as no way would i attend
if there wasn’t Uniformed Police Officers attending that place every Thursday
Night and so Many Bouncing Security Guards keeping their eYes out for Psychopathic
Leaning Individuals
on the
too.. true i’ll
move out of the way
and turn the other cheek
away from the Brawls as
i ain’t got no body parts to give like that at least hehe..
yes.. i’ll say no just no to all that Fresh Hell as Devil
Dreams now still growing
more for
Folks who
have lost their
Souls including
Purpose and Meaning
of Life and it’s True A Nation
can/will only be expected to have
as much Honor and Integrity and
Character in Honesty as what lives
at the Very Top.. true you reap what
we sow now to become next real and
when so-called Christians who are supposed
to be the Champions of Integrity and Honor and
Character as Honesty of Love choose Fear and
Hate over Love down the ToiLet Bowl of that it
goes it goes
some more…
is still
to: correct From:
CourSE Back to: Love From: Love
simple as that when actuAlly
DiD DonE NoW..
iS When
BiG BanGs AnD oR LoVE iT’s aLL OuR CHoiCE..
And it’s true all 12 Million Words i’ve written NoW
iN aLMost 90 Months Aince Thanks Giving Day of
2010.. iS JusT thaT A Prayer JusT OnE Prayer
oF oNE
No DiViSioN
JusT StaRatS DusT WhOLE..:)
A Watch for me no longer Fully Supported By Nike
and a choice to extend the Nature of my Apple tools
to a Next Step of Bionic Man of Wrist Watch too as we continue
to Grow extensions of Tools as Transhumanistic Tools We come
to Be aS eXTeNSioNS oF aS OuR Cultural By Products more but i must
admit after the Two Hours of getting all the accessories fitted in at Best Buy
it’s probably
Good i have
Another Robot
Assistant to Remind
me to get up and Stand
more on top of a Desk than sitting
in this Chair for Hours on end with Dancing
and Singing Fingers that who have no instruction to Quit..
anyway.. any new tool picked up to expand my Nature more
as Art is Always Creative and reGenerating as Life LoVE NoW
BRings back the Mechanical Cognition School of Life when i too
became a little bit too much like a Robot For Human Nature True
as Social Empathic Cognition in mind and body too as a Soul more
than just
a Tool
and Cog
of a Machine
named Culture
And Work Life too..
for it’s true there were decades
when anyone asked me what i’ve been
doing i said just two words.. working working
and hehe.. now Perhaps they don’t ask at all for
i’ve traveled much much further than before and have
some side notes of Creation to finally Deliver aLonG the Way
true no matter what i have aS AveNues to do that NoW in Quantum
Metaphor Fold of continuing to Create and Produce more than i ever
imagined before.. It’s true as Long as YouR’E CreaTinG You Are alWays GroWinG ANeW
but if one forgets to Dance or Even Stand Up one will miss something as one loses
they fail
to use as that’s
Nature so Grow a Love
Muscle more too.. as tHeRE
are so many Ways to Work out
A ART out of He for heART MoRE NoW
too.. anyway.. there are division bells in life
as i told the Nice Young Woman taking up some
of my Blood for analysis today.. when i was young it wasn’t
uncommon to See Shot Guns in Backs of Trucks when the only
Mass Murdering much that was going on was with Angry Old Men
in Middle Age or So of Losing their Self Esteem and established Status
as Social in Life.. now these a days Children have lost something precious
the ability
to be free
and part
of a Game
that is larger than
Just a 4 to 5 Inch Scream
of Screen.. and even Scientific
Research Shows all the Percentage
Points of Empirical Measure of Human
Empathy among College Students today..
lost in Young Adult way.. for it’s true if you are
not going to raise Humans in Terms of Loving Social
Cooperation now you better noT exTend tools of Killing
to the Farm of Zombies Culture is Creating More.. for Apocalypse
in this Destructive Sense and Feel is already come to Roost so it’s True
Nature iS iN control NoW as Nature Bites as Humans Back when Nature
Loses a Soul of Love and Life just like this.. it’s just depends on which Freedoms
are worth saving and which Freedoms are worth dying for as they those who live
by the
die by the
sword and God
doesn’t Do Welfare
of Love alone for Jesus
F in Christ you have to Work that
Love Muscle to make it touch others
more than Killing Fields of Division Bells oF Fear and Hate..
meanwhile i don’t go to school but the Bar Fights have been
increasing lately at the Dance Hall i Frequent as no way would i attend
if there wasn’t Uniformed Police Officers attending that place every Thursday
Night and so Many Bouncing Security Guards keeping their eYes out for Psychopathic
Leaning Individuals
on the
too.. true i’ll
move out of the way
and turn the other cheek
away from the Brawls as
i ain’t got no body parts to give like that at least hehe..
yes.. i’ll say no just no to all that Fresh Hell as Devil
Dreams now still growing
more for
Folks who
have lost their
Souls including
Purpose and Meaning
of Life and it’s True A Nation
can/will only be expected to have
as much Honor and Integrity and
Character in Honesty as what lives
at the Very Top.. true you reap what
we sow now to become next real and
when so-called Christians who are supposed
to be the Champions of Integrity and Honor and
Character as Honesty of Love choose Fear and
Hate over Love down the ToiLet Bowl of that it
goes it goes
some more…
is still
to: correct From:
CourSE Back to: Love From: Love
simple as that when actuAlly
DiD DonE NoW..
iS When
BiG BanGs AnD oR LoVE iT’s aLL OuR CHoiCE..
And it’s true all 12 Million Words i’ve written NoW
iN aLMost 90 Months Aince Thanks Giving Day of
2010.. iS JusT thaT A Prayer JusT OnE Prayer
oF oNE
No DiViSioN
JusT StaRatS DusT WhOLE..:)
WeLL iT Appears that it’s a Date and Time Stamp to put
on the Kashmir MuSiC again and pull out the Tape
Measurer and Provide a more concise
List of what is the Current
9 Dimensional Poetry
i am still WoRKinG oN FoR
NoW aS the 831st Macro
Verse of Longest Long Form
Poem Bible NoW SurpaSSinG
6 MiLLioN Words overall of “SonG oF mY SoUL” per
that Last “PaRaDiSE THeaTRE LiGHTS ReNeWeD” wHOle
MacroVerse Complete Also DouBLinG as a 160th MacroVerse
in what is now getting very Close to a 24 Month Effort For Memorial
Day as that last MacroVerse Brings that 2 Year Effort up to 2,947,048
Words For “Nether Land Bible 2017” as surely too Will Come to 3 Million
Words as Projected in Estimates in Many MacroVerses Currently to date
of 9 Dimensional Poetry Guidelines come true on my PHI Related Birthday
on 6.6.18 per that Good ole’ 618 Series of Numbers From the Golden Mean
Ratio as such per 1.618 and to be even more precise 1.618034 but now when
then it comes to Synchronicity in A-Causal Connecting Principle Psychologically
Meaningful IN individual Personal Greater Communion with all that is aRt as God
MasterPeace Painting now.. the so-called ‘normal fActs’ JusT don’t count and Hopefully
one uses that MaGiC as White MaGiC And NoT Trump Do Do MaGiC NoW less.. ugh.. Yuck..
Was that necessary no but it’s Art of the dARk Kind as Parody too.. hehe.. for Greater LiGHTS
for those
who can
and will
the current
Hell Heat oF A
Kitchen in White House
ways even more these days hAha..
Hmm.. yes and no “PaRaDiSE THeaTRE LiGHTS ReNeWeD”
is not finished yet for Completed MacroVerse Associations as that
Effort also Triples as the 56th MacroVerse of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
where Close to 888 FB Profile Pic Description Areas comprise the contents
of this Close to 12 Month Effort of Bible Poem and Long Form Poem too as
“Nether Land Bible 2017” will keep GRoWinG aLonG with “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
Long Long after the Milestones Celebrating tHeir Current GRoWTH to GRoW ON eVen
MoRE Ocean WHoLe Form Essence Poems more for Love as “SonG oF mY SoUL” WiLL
GroW oN even more Cruise Ship Size for Heaven and God Even more NoW as organically
Described in what ever Symbols and Even Naked Nature Art comes ReaL MoRE NeXT..
anyway.. the “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Effort NoW as of last MacroVerse in that 60th
Effort rises all the way up to.. 1,333,648 Words as Lord KNoWS anD FeeLs anD
SeNSeS NoW i’m the one who has to keep these Records Straight enough
in Mechanical Cognition Ways of MasterPeace Art Now MoRE as this
Sistine Chapel of a Nautilus Free Shell is surely one Hotel
California in Good Old Lower Alabama LA that has
oh so many Doors as any Chambered Nautilus
Shell in a third of a Billion Years Will too
in the Fossil Record of Stone too..
over HeAr once aGaiN
in the Panhandle
Florida too..
as An Oliver Wendell
Holmes Word Mansion
that would/will be really Hard
to keep track of.. even for me with
all the Care Giving stuff going on with
the Katrina too.. Seriously not that i expect anyone
to care but at least a handful do.. do you really understand
what it takes to Write 12 Million Words in 90 Months and 3 Million
Words in 2 Years with 1.618 Million one Year and what will come to
be the remainder of that 3 Million Words in the Second Year of Bible
Writing since Close to Memorial Day of 2016 when this Endeavor Also
StaRTeD Close to my “Grand Cross 56” Birthday on 6.6.16.. as sure the
3 Years before that and 3 Million Words comprise aLong with these 3 Million
Words as Prelude to other Named Bibles and Long Form Subchapter Poems
of “SonG oF My SoUL” Ocean Whole Bible Poem come to Fruition of Celebration
of that on that PHI Related Birthday on 6.16.18 Crossing Ages 56 through 58 of Officially
Word Press Counted Words by Words down to the Flow of Each MicroVerse of Every Macro
Verse and now come to be in almost a Year of Doubling that Effort not only in Blogs but in
Facebook Profile Pic Description areas too.. yeah it took Close to 6 Million Words on the
‘Wrong Planet’ and many other online Communities of the Unwanted Toys of Humankind
to even get prepared to Do the other 6 Million Words STarTinG oN 8.18.13 as Public
Dance Commenced too as that has gone past the Milestone and Featnote of
One Ten-Thousandth the Distance of 93 Million to the Sun at over 9316 Miles
now too.. as the Record Books continue to Grow as any Record Will
continue to Record as this Oliver Wendell Holmes Word Mansion
is beyond the Grasp of Most FolkS even aS Imagination now
to be Created Whole.. in Closer and Closer to 58
Months now.. but true in a way i also started
this on 6.6.13 as ‘Visiting The Garden Of Band-
Aid” is one of the ‘Official’ MacroVerses of
“SonG oF mY SoUL” too.. so yeah
that’s also why i put in
my more concise
58+ Months too
for in a way iT aLL sTarTeD
Close to 60 Months ago too..
but hey.. this is just for the Record
just for the Record just the FActs Ma’am
as Dragnets Do Demand too for Sidewalks
of Life that fit in at least somewhat too.. although
when one gets way past King James Size Bible size NoW
over 7 times Over that’s a really big effort with only the
Assistance of Technology as tool to get it done in just 58
Months and 90 Months whole for all 12 Million Words Written
too.. and yeah.. there were the Before 50 Years Old and 5 Months
of when those Writing Words StArTeD way back then as 33 years of
Work including a 25 Actively Paid Career with the Federal Government
also in Tandem with 19 years of School.. And the 19 Medical Disorders i
Suffered from in A Life Threatening Synergy During my 66 Month Stay then
in Hell as well.. and not so well too.. Hmm.. yeah yeah yeah.. some Bi-polar
For a Lifetime to earn sympathy for Angels and Devils too and some Asperger
Syndrome to understand what it is like to be an Unwanted Toy of Humanity too..
and yes doing the entire thing in the Buff as any ancient Isaiah Chapter 53 of 66
Writing Chapters will do too and not to Mention that King Davidian more Vile dance
to Celebrate all the Rising Glory Gift of God Now too in as Human Being too.. true
A Health Sciences University BS Degree and BA two times with Anthropology and
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
to complete three degrees in
no stones
or covered up
through history
still for true enough
hands have prepared Ye
A Way in Bionic Man Parts
of Transhumanism More for
one little old Dude to get the
whole JoB Done in a little less
than 5 Years now.. and yes
the other 6 Million Words
Before that in 33
yes the
other 50 Years
and 5 Months Before and sure
one can and Will Divide, add,
multiply, and understand that
i was into my 606 Month of Life
when i first Started Writing on
the Wrong Planet on Thanks Giving
Day of 2010 just that far away
from my 6.6.60 Birthdate True
at the 33 Month Point of that
66 Months in Hell and Serving
then 47 Years Old and Before somewhere
around 100K or so Folks in the Morale Welfare and Recreation Field
For the Military and Civilian Population from Military Bowling
Center Shoe Server to Athletic Director too where i live
here too.. now.. for true.. i’ve not only worn many shoes
i’ve felt what it’s like to be many SoULS and heArTs and
SPiRiTs too and yes Class non-spirits of the more Demon
and Devil experience of Hell on eARTh too.. anyway this is
A Witness A Bible and aLWays a New Continuing Testament too
as WHiTE MAGiC PraYeR JusT to go aLonG aS iT will unTil a last BLiNk
oF LiFE iN SomEWaY in this Kingdom of Heaven WithiN that i Master with God
as MasterPeace Painting Free for it’s true for all Practical Intents and Purposes
NoW it’s Kashmir
i’m back to
stay in somEway
who KNoWs LoRd FeeLs
And SeNsES perHaps a Thousand
or more Years as Servers may Serve
just another Nautilus Record of the Least
Among us who Do continue to inHeRiT A LoVE oN EaRTh
Anyway.. as ‘they’ Say So iT iS Be iT LiViNG DancE And SonG NoW ReaL..
As this Current MacroVerse “ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW” Continues to Dance and SinG..:)
on the Kashmir MuSiC again and pull out the Tape
Measurer and Provide a more concise
List of what is the Current
9 Dimensional Poetry
i am still WoRKinG oN FoR
NoW aS the 831st Macro
Verse of Longest Long Form
Poem Bible NoW SurpaSSinG
6 MiLLioN Words overall of “SonG oF mY SoUL” per
that Last “PaRaDiSE THeaTRE LiGHTS ReNeWeD” wHOle
MacroVerse Complete Also DouBLinG as a 160th MacroVerse
in what is now getting very Close to a 24 Month Effort For Memorial
Day as that last MacroVerse Brings that 2 Year Effort up to 2,947,048
Words For “Nether Land Bible 2017” as surely too Will Come to 3 Million
Words as Projected in Estimates in Many MacroVerses Currently to date
of 9 Dimensional Poetry Guidelines come true on my PHI Related Birthday
on 6.6.18 per that Good ole’ 618 Series of Numbers From the Golden Mean
Ratio as such per 1.618 and to be even more precise 1.618034 but now when
then it comes to Synchronicity in A-Causal Connecting Principle Psychologically
Meaningful IN individual Personal Greater Communion with all that is aRt as God
MasterPeace Painting now.. the so-called ‘normal fActs’ JusT don’t count and Hopefully
one uses that MaGiC as White MaGiC And NoT Trump Do Do MaGiC NoW less.. ugh.. Yuck..
Was that necessary no but it’s Art of the dARk Kind as Parody too.. hehe.. for Greater LiGHTS
for those
who can
and will
the current
Hell Heat oF A
Kitchen in White House
ways even more these days hAha..
Hmm.. yes and no “PaRaDiSE THeaTRE LiGHTS ReNeWeD”
is not finished yet for Completed MacroVerse Associations as that
Effort also Triples as the 56th MacroVerse of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
where Close to 888 FB Profile Pic Description Areas comprise the contents
of this Close to 12 Month Effort of Bible Poem and Long Form Poem too as
“Nether Land Bible 2017” will keep GRoWinG aLonG with “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
Long Long after the Milestones Celebrating tHeir Current GRoWTH to GRoW ON eVen
MoRE Ocean WHoLe Form Essence Poems more for Love as “SonG oF mY SoUL” WiLL
GroW oN even more Cruise Ship Size for Heaven and God Even more NoW as organically
Described in what ever Symbols and Even Naked Nature Art comes ReaL MoRE NeXT..
anyway.. the “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Effort NoW as of last MacroVerse in that 60th
Effort rises all the way up to.. 1,333,648 Words as Lord KNoWS anD FeeLs anD
SeNSeS NoW i’m the one who has to keep these Records Straight enough
in Mechanical Cognition Ways of MasterPeace Art Now MoRE as this
Sistine Chapel of a Nautilus Free Shell is surely one Hotel
California in Good Old Lower Alabama LA that has
oh so many Doors as any Chambered Nautilus
Shell in a third of a Billion Years Will too
in the Fossil Record of Stone too..
over HeAr once aGaiN
in the Panhandle
Florida too..
as An Oliver Wendell
Holmes Word Mansion
that would/will be really Hard
to keep track of.. even for me with
all the Care Giving stuff going on with
the Katrina too.. Seriously not that i expect anyone
to care but at least a handful do.. do you really understand
what it takes to Write 12 Million Words in 90 Months and 3 Million
Words in 2 Years with 1.618 Million one Year and what will come to
be the remainder of that 3 Million Words in the Second Year of Bible
Writing since Close to Memorial Day of 2016 when this Endeavor Also
StaRTeD Close to my “Grand Cross 56” Birthday on 6.6.16.. as sure the
3 Years before that and 3 Million Words comprise aLong with these 3 Million
Words as Prelude to other Named Bibles and Long Form Subchapter Poems
of “SonG oF My SoUL” Ocean Whole Bible Poem come to Fruition of Celebration
of that on that PHI Related Birthday on 6.16.18 Crossing Ages 56 through 58 of Officially
Word Press Counted Words by Words down to the Flow of Each MicroVerse of Every Macro
Verse and now come to be in almost a Year of Doubling that Effort not only in Blogs but in
Facebook Profile Pic Description areas too.. yeah it took Close to 6 Million Words on the
‘Wrong Planet’ and many other online Communities of the Unwanted Toys of Humankind
to even get prepared to Do the other 6 Million Words STarTinG oN 8.18.13 as Public
Dance Commenced too as that has gone past the Milestone and Featnote of
One Ten-Thousandth the Distance of 93 Million to the Sun at over 9316 Miles
now too.. as the Record Books continue to Grow as any Record Will
continue to Record as this Oliver Wendell Holmes Word Mansion
is beyond the Grasp of Most FolkS even aS Imagination now
to be Created Whole.. in Closer and Closer to 58
Months now.. but true in a way i also started
this on 6.6.13 as ‘Visiting The Garden Of Band-
Aid” is one of the ‘Official’ MacroVerses of
“SonG oF mY SoUL” too.. so yeah
that’s also why i put in
my more concise
58+ Months too
for in a way iT aLL sTarTeD
Close to 60 Months ago too..
but hey.. this is just for the Record
just for the Record just the FActs Ma’am
as Dragnets Do Demand too for Sidewalks
of Life that fit in at least somewhat too.. although
when one gets way past King James Size Bible size NoW
over 7 times Over that’s a really big effort with only the
Assistance of Technology as tool to get it done in just 58
Months and 90 Months whole for all 12 Million Words Written
too.. and yeah.. there were the Before 50 Years Old and 5 Months
of when those Writing Words StArTeD way back then as 33 years of
Work including a 25 Actively Paid Career with the Federal Government
also in Tandem with 19 years of School.. And the 19 Medical Disorders i
Suffered from in A Life Threatening Synergy During my 66 Month Stay then
in Hell as well.. and not so well too.. Hmm.. yeah yeah yeah.. some Bi-polar
For a Lifetime to earn sympathy for Angels and Devils too and some Asperger
Syndrome to understand what it is like to be an Unwanted Toy of Humanity too..
and yes doing the entire thing in the Buff as any ancient Isaiah Chapter 53 of 66
Writing Chapters will do too and not to Mention that King Davidian more Vile dance
to Celebrate all the Rising Glory Gift of God Now too in as Human Being too.. true
A Health Sciences University BS Degree and BA two times with Anthropology and
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
to complete three degrees in
no stones
or covered up
through history
still for true enough
hands have prepared Ye
A Way in Bionic Man Parts
of Transhumanism More for
one little old Dude to get the
whole JoB Done in a little less
than 5 Years now.. and yes
the other 6 Million Words
Before that in 33
yes the
other 50 Years
and 5 Months Before and sure
one can and Will Divide, add,
multiply, and understand that
i was into my 606 Month of Life
when i first Started Writing on
the Wrong Planet on Thanks Giving
Day of 2010 just that far away
from my 6.6.60 Birthdate True
at the 33 Month Point of that
66 Months in Hell and Serving
then 47 Years Old and Before somewhere
around 100K or so Folks in the Morale Welfare and Recreation Field
For the Military and Civilian Population from Military Bowling
Center Shoe Server to Athletic Director too where i live
here too.. now.. for true.. i’ve not only worn many shoes
i’ve felt what it’s like to be many SoULS and heArTs and
SPiRiTs too and yes Class non-spirits of the more Demon
and Devil experience of Hell on eARTh too.. anyway this is
A Witness A Bible and aLWays a New Continuing Testament too
as WHiTE MAGiC PraYeR JusT to go aLonG aS iT will unTil a last BLiNk
oF LiFE iN SomEWaY in this Kingdom of Heaven WithiN that i Master with God
as MasterPeace Painting Free for it’s true for all Practical Intents and Purposes
NoW it’s Kashmir
i’m back to
stay in somEway
who KNoWs LoRd FeeLs
And SeNsES perHaps a Thousand
or more Years as Servers may Serve
just another Nautilus Record of the Least
Among us who Do continue to inHeRiT A LoVE oN EaRTh
Anyway.. as ‘they’ Say So iT iS Be iT LiViNG DancE And SonG NoW ReaL..
As this Current MacroVerse “ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW” Continues to Dance and SinG..:)
Once AGaiN Celebrating these Milestones on 6.6.18..:)
12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90+ Months
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58+ Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24+ Months
1.3 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12+ Months
MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 30K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc..
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58+ Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24+ Months
1.3 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12+ Months
MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 30K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc..
HAha.. Do you reAlly thiNK
i eXpect to be noticed
much this way
iN A Kingdom
in Full Play..
oH the Karma
oh the Fruition
oF LoVE iNCarNaTE too Big to See NoW
Hidden and oh so WeLL iN PLaiN SiTeNoW..
anYWay it’s True Minions wHeRE i liVE have
Been Wishing for someone like me so true keep on wishing
and keep getting it whether one sees it or not hAha For Hey one
day ‘they’
least i
saw ‘HiM’ Dance HeHe..
(Fully Clothed in Shorts)
True i Do Love to: Make From:
i eXpect to be noticed
much this way
iN A Kingdom
in Full Play..
oH the Karma
oh the Fruition
oF LoVE iNCarNaTE too Big to See NoW
Hidden and oh so WeLL iN PLaiN SiTeNoW..
anYWay it’s True Minions wHeRE i liVE have
Been Wishing for someone like me so true keep on wishing
and keep getting it whether one sees it or not hAha For Hey one
day ‘they’
least i
saw ‘HiM’ Dance HeHe..
(Fully Clothed in Shorts)
True i Do Love to: Make From:
Facebook Friend Cris gets involved in the Gun Control
Debate so i return with the following below as it’s true
Human Beings used to work Together as Tribes
wHere the common enemy was the need
to Survive and even a Dance of
Thrive and a Song too with
each other in Flesh
and Blood
with very
few tools that become Human then.. so yeah.. i go on to say..
Debate so i return with the following below as it’s true
Human Beings used to work Together as Tribes
wHere the common enemy was the need
to Survive and even a Dance of
Thrive and a Song too with
each other in Flesh
and Blood
with very
few tools that become Human then.. so yeah.. i go on to say..
There are many Factors associated with Rampage Killings, where a key for anyone killing anyone is a reduced aversion to killing members of the same Human species; usually accomplished by whatever reduces Human Empathy, Sympathy, and Compassion and as Science Shows; Empirical Levels of Empathy among College Age Young Adults has Decreased about 30 Percent in the Last Several Decades with a continuing decrease of Face to Face Human Interaction; the Truth is in some ways a Zombie Apocalypse is continuing to Brew in Metaphor so what does one do in a Video Game; Arm the Zombies with Sticks and Stones or Nuclear Buttons at the top of “the Game”; yes, we reap what we sow my Friend and we own the Farm we grow from the smallest sprout to the Children of the Corn. Other Factors as always in Rampage Killings do include Loss of Social Status and Self Esteem in all the ways that comes and yes, according to Empirical Data, Mental Illnesses too, including inborn Psychopathy too. As we continue increasingly a Terminator Series of Being Human where Humans interact with Machines and in essence become those Machines more than the warm and fuzzy loving touch of the Human Connection; really, all we can control is the Tools as Humans will do what they do out of their element of Love my Friend; yes, the highest known Force of Healing still by Modern Medicine too for even remission of incurable disease in some cases at least; and one thing for sure is Love when actually felt and sensed and given and shared will cure Rampage Killing too as an Art of Life practiced from Birth to Death more from first Blink of Life at Mother’s Breast to Last Blink of Life in how much Love one has given and shared with the World. They don’t teach this in School and they don’t teach this in an unconditional way as Jesus taught according to the Good Cop parts of the New Testament in some Churches too for it is those who are outcast like Garbage who often turn to Vengeance and a reciprocal Hate for Humanity whole. Anyway, to learn more about this as a Participant Anthropology Observer I went to a place online where the unwanted toys of Humanity Congregate like a Church of Introversion and joined in and did my own informal Study with much Feedback from the Folks there and in the informal Poll the Survey said; Loss of Social Roles is the Biggest Factor Surveyed according to the opinions then of the overall Demographic of Unwanted Toys of Being Human that we continue to see as Young Adults in a Contrived War against the Rest of Humanity in their Small Worlds of School Life now. Truly, the Biggest Problem my Friend is the Death of Love and if God really is Love the Death of God in these Young Folks Lives too and that’s a Problem that Government is not going to be able to solve so honestly all that’s Left is Gun Control of some kind to reduce Collateral Damage and that depends on what levels of Carnage that Politicians and those who vote in and support Politicians are willing to tolerate; Meanwhile the Carnage Will continue as is; and more; unless a REvolution of
comes to Solve the Real Problem and that
is going to be very hard as People
Continue to Grow more
Machine as Tool
than Human
now for
when i was in School
in the 80’s the Computer Lab and
the Engineering Department at College had
Signs prominently displayed to Get out of the Lab
Class move connect and co-create with others in other
Words Do NOT Forget Your Humanity for it’s true a Human
Soul is a Horrible
Essence of
Love to
not use
And Lose mY FriEnd;
And nah, ADD Drugs don’t
make kids Kill anymore than Guns
Alone do as the Kids who went to school
with me had Shot Guns in the Back of their
Pick-em-up Trucks but it dam sure would help
if they played with each other after School in Flesh
and Blood Feel and Touch Games to develop an Empathy
Sympathy and Compassion Working Together for Flesh and
Blood Moving Connecting Co-Creating Fun instead of Shooting
Each other in F in Games for it’s true that’s what the Military does
to desensitize the potential for Frozen Trigger Syndrome in a War as
just another correlated factor as there are too many to control and only a very Few we can and are willing or not to control now. The simple Math is if that Young man had an Semi-Automatic Weapon it is likely that at Least Twice the Number of People would have been Wounded and Killed and that’s just F in Math that will not be refuted now. Again, the question is how much Carnage
folks tolerate until they take control of the only Variables there are to
Control for significant reduction in the Carnage now.
Considering that Close to 50 Percent of the
Voting Public who elected the officials
who now control Government the
most elected a top Leader
who said his supporters
would Vote for him even
if he shot someone in Public
the chances now are just about
Zero for Effective Change but hey;
there is/are always Hunting Season(s) and Voting Season(s) too..:)
comes to Solve the Real Problem and that
is going to be very hard as People
Continue to Grow more
Machine as Tool
than Human
now for
when i was in School
in the 80’s the Computer Lab and
the Engineering Department at College had
Signs prominently displayed to Get out of the Lab
Class move connect and co-create with others in other
Words Do NOT Forget Your Humanity for it’s true a Human
Soul is a Horrible
Essence of
Love to
not use
And Lose mY FriEnd;
And nah, ADD Drugs don’t
make kids Kill anymore than Guns
Alone do as the Kids who went to school
with me had Shot Guns in the Back of their
Pick-em-up Trucks but it dam sure would help
if they played with each other after School in Flesh
and Blood Feel and Touch Games to develop an Empathy
Sympathy and Compassion Working Together for Flesh and
Blood Moving Connecting Co-Creating Fun instead of Shooting
Each other in F in Games for it’s true that’s what the Military does
to desensitize the potential for Frozen Trigger Syndrome in a War as
just another correlated factor as there are too many to control and only a very Few we can and are willing or not to control now. The simple Math is if that Young man had an Semi-Automatic Weapon it is likely that at Least Twice the Number of People would have been Wounded and Killed and that’s just F in Math that will not be refuted now. Again, the question is how much Carnage
folks tolerate until they take control of the only Variables there are to
Control for significant reduction in the Carnage now.
Considering that Close to 50 Percent of the
Voting Public who elected the officials
who now control Government the
most elected a top Leader
who said his supporters
would Vote for him even
if he shot someone in Public
the chances now are just about
Zero for Effective Change but hey;
there is/are always Hunting Season(s) and Voting Season(s) too..:)
Nah.. just another “Icke Conspiracy Theory” as Einstein
didn’t really say.. “I Fear the Day that Technology will
Surpass our Human Interaction. The World will have
a generation of Idiots”.. but perhaps you get the/A
Point as Standard IQ doesn’t Suffer too
much but
Intelligence of
YeaH it Does Suffer NoW For Love
Dies God HiGHesT Nature NoW DieS iN
US Period. End of Love Story FoR NoWNoW
For it is also True STiLL that Standard IQ Does
NOT Measure anything of the most important
Human Intelligences of Physical and Emotional
Intelligences that Regulate Emotions and Integrate
Senses wHere one is one with God as Nature in both
Feel of
oF LiFE TruE iN LiGHTNoW..
So.. in other Words what is iMcreaSingly
MiSSinG in Dance too is HearT SPiRiT
SoUL School MoVinG CoNNecTinG
Co-Creating as a Naked Dance
And SonG oF LiFE once again
Away from the Cultural
Clothes of Tools
we come to
be sadly
as such separated to:
WaVeS aS LoVE uS HoLDiNG HanDS ToGeTHeR NoW..:)
didn’t really say.. “I Fear the Day that Technology will
Surpass our Human Interaction. The World will have
a generation of Idiots”.. but perhaps you get the/A
Point as Standard IQ doesn’t Suffer too
much but
Intelligence of
YeaH it Does Suffer NoW For Love
Dies God HiGHesT Nature NoW DieS iN
US Period. End of Love Story FoR NoWNoW
For it is also True STiLL that Standard IQ Does
NOT Measure anything of the most important
Human Intelligences of Physical and Emotional
Intelligences that Regulate Emotions and Integrate
Senses wHere one is one with God as Nature in both
Feel of
oF LiFE TruE iN LiGHTNoW..
So.. in other Words what is iMcreaSingly
MiSSinG in Dance too is HearT SPiRiT
SoUL School MoVinG CoNNecTinG
Co-Creating as a Naked Dance
And SonG oF LiFE once again
Away from the Cultural
Clothes of Tools
we come to
be sadly
as such separated to:
WaVeS aS LoVE uS HoLDiNG HanDS ToGeTHeR NoW..:)
May 22nd.. Four Years Ago when my Father Passed away to date
And unlike my Mother who had a Death Bed Stay of 8 Days
on February 22nd.. A Year ago without any Food
or Drink or other Life Support Aids
my Father Got Chest Pain
and told my Cousin
i don’t think
i’m gonna make
it and dropped Stone
Cold Dead.. but what he
was able to do is Lead His Life
the way he wanted to all the way from
Retiring from a Law Enforcement Career
of 46 Years at age 69 for close to 13 More Years through
Just Before His 82nd Birthday on June 20th of that Year ’14 too..
Anyway.. i Danced the Night he died as that was sort of the way he
Lived his Life
as come what
may as i never
recollect him
afraid of
anything or really
expressing much emotion
at all except for that day his 20
year old Cat he used to Call ‘Son’ Died
as that Motivated him to Call us and attempt
to connect to his Living Flesh Finally as sure that’s
what it takes some dates a loss to make a connection
that’s real.. and yeah.. when my only Child Died he said then
he couldn’t bear to take any more bad news about the situation
so yeah.. he had a heart.. it just had very few avenues to escape
a somewhat hardened life as that is the way Law Enforcement Folks
often go too and folks in the Military too and all of life that requires
the Compartmentalization and often Loss of Pro Social Connecting Family
Life Emotions too as true too.. while he didn’t ever seem stressed much
about anything but getting his Lotto Tickets on time… it’s true it is often
Difficult to assess those who are really Quiet as that doesn’t always
reflect what is going on within as far as Fireworks Feelings and
Senses go.. anyway.. yeah.. i Danced and after Public
Dancing since August of 2013 through 2014
i first heard the General Audience
notify me that i was so-
called Famous
for all
the Video Voyeurs
who captured me in the
Public Dance and Shared me
Across Social Media and then on May
22nd of 2015 after Dancing then a little
over a Year at about 14 Months at
Old Seville Quarter the very nice
Group of University of West
Florida Students as
Pictured below
from 2015
on that date
Assessed me as Legend
in their Minds then.. surely the farthest
thing i expected from Just a Free Dance for
Fun and just Happy that Management of Stores
and a Big Club Like Seville allowed someone as different
as me in expressing a Free Dance to be all i cared to express
of me then as any Seagull Flying on the Beach will do too.. so yeah
on this 22nd Day of May in 2018.. i wore my Alice in Wonderland
Jabberwocky Shirt to My Psychiatrist who has an Office at Navarre
Beach that most always gives us the opportunity to Visit the
Beach for a Deep Sugar White Sand Reverse Dance
with Athletic Shoes on as that is like a Triathlon
Event that hasn’t been done before as
it really generates a heart rate
rise and works every
pArt of the Body
From Head
to Toe..
and with a Heat
index Approaching well
into the 90’s a great way
to put out some sweat too as
i moved this 240LB or So Body
as a Feather in that Deep Sand
as Friend With God Nature Gravity
From Head to toe as hey that’s how
‘they’ say they moved those Big Stones
for the Pyramids on the Principle of
Balance and Leverage too as
this is just another
Human Potential
rarely used
and often
lost by folks too
for the Free Style Art of
Movement that Floats instead
of clunk clank clink and other more
and less Graceful ways of Moving now
so much Different than a Human Lion
on A Savannah now.. but true i am
very Close to 58 years old now
and when i get up i am
often a little stiff
like Red
when i first get going
but a few Tai-Chi-Like Float
Moves and yes i’m ready to
Sting now too with the Bee of
my Butterfly too.. sure.. with the
eYe oF A Tiger and A CouRaGE NoW
And heART oF A LiON too.. anYWay lots of
extra curricular activities in the way of Health Care
this week for both the Katrina and me too as my Art output
online has been almost reduced to 50 Percent Lately from the
Peak output of 43,151 words written in just 7 Days back on the
Anniversary of my Mother’s Passing away with “LoVEFReEDNoW”
as that MacroVerse ParT of the Fourth New Testament i wrote in 10
weeks at 317K Words too.. as i was telling my Psychiatrist today after i showed
him my Facebook Profile Pics from the Last year that he said brought a Smile to his
Face that already over 1.3 Million Words or So are attached to all those Facebook Profile
Pic Description Areas since the Last Memorial Day of 2017 as “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
“Official” Titled MacroVerse is coming Directly after this Current Writing of “ReVeLaTioN
HEaVeNoW” as we are traveling to Mobile Again tomorrow for Katrina’s Burn Center
Appointment that is now only once a week along with Three Visits to the
Occupational and Physical Therapist Weekly here where we live
not too far away.. thank Goodness too.. as my Psychiatrist is
on the Cutting Edge Research of all Natural ways
to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses
where he literally wrote me a
Prescription for Dance
when i first started
seeing him
Close to 2 Years ago to date..
Yes.. i Deal with my Naturally Very
Low Levels of Latent Inhibition which means
if i do not practice Dance to Regulate my Emotions
and Integrate my Senses it’s very difficult as a Human Being
Born Very Sensitive to the Inner and outer Environment of Existence
in all the ways that comes as feeling and sensing LiFE where it is very difficult
to filter out all those feelings and emotions and senses to Focus on just one thing
now.. but with the Ascendent Transcendent Ecstatic Experience Comparable to
what some folks call the Eighth Noble Path of Nirvana in Buddhism and Satori
in Japan and Kundalini Rising in India and the Tao in China too and
yes the Kingdom of Heaven always at hand now in this
Generation for those who attain this level
of Let it go Bliss and Nirvana of a
Fresh Blowout Experience
of Life always Eternally
now as yes
And my Fingers
Dancing and Singing Poetry
in Waves of Ocean as Streams
Move into Rivers Bays and Gulfs
And Seas More Back to Waves of
Ocean more me.. yes this is “ReVeLaTioN
HEaVeNoW” and no doubt many of the Paths
that folks have sought in finding their way one with Nature
God in Agape Fashion of Love For all that is Nature as God
Were Likely Empaths and Super Sensitive Folks to the Inner
and Outer Environments of their life too so they revealed in Revelations
how they attained the Kingdom of Heaven NoW iN all the ways those metaphors
continue to come in whatever abstract construct humans make in Words and other
Symbols to Express what Heaven within inside outside above so below and all around
Verbal Language of Free Style Dance Speaks Volumes to folks in the Dance Clubs
who have used external substances to achieve what i achieve with as master of
control as my Feet NoW are the Master in Balance of Blow-out Bliss of
A Fresh Nirvana that Lasts Eternally NoW ReaL.. yeah it just takes
practice and once you hit around one ten thousandth the
Distance to the Sun at 9300 Miles in 57 Months at an
Age you might be at 57 like me for a couple
of weeks more.. it’s True with
that/this much Bio-Feedback
just raise your arm
a little bit
and Voila the
on Switch for
Heaven comeS AGaiN now..
and nah.. i am far from the first
person to report this experience of life
but sadly some people still scoff at it like is unreal
except for folks in the know and feel and the sense of
the Science of it too as My Psychiatrist was actually fully
A Practicing Martial Artist by the So-Called Books too who does
agree that yes Class the Chi the Ki the Ka and the Qi is very very
real and a Force of Higher State of Mindful and Body Full Awareness
of Being Human NoW iN Laser Focus to get jobs done just like this.. or
sure to paint a Sistine Chapel as the Journey the Path of Art is often
the Essence of Heaven now too and sure what is often left is
A Reflection of that too whether it be a Painting or a
‘Kashmir’ Song by Led Zeppelin as chances
are they used a little external help
to get to that place then
and hopefully
all it takes
’em is
A SonG NoW tHat’s ReaL
WiTHiN As Kingdom CoMe
Heaven’s Dance again..
anyway.. this makes
for a good
Grand Finale
to precede the coming MacroVerse
Shares from Years to Date as that relates
to this “ReVeLaTioN HeaVeNoW” too.. as yeah
my Psychiatrist is deep enough to understand all of what
i do and the merit it makes for a continuing Heaven away from
the 66 Months at the other wise side of Bi-Polar in the Half and
Half House Way of Hell on Earth Within me then.. yes class numb and
pain of 19 Medical Disorders too as Disease stArts and ends most often
in the Field of Emotional Regulation and Sensory Integration the most for
those in the
Feel and
of what
Life even is
as Living a Life
of Mind and Body BaLaNCinG SouL MoRE..
NoW aGaiN.. in the ‘West’ they don’t teach this
Stuff in School or Work either but in the ‘East’ they
Do.. and those who gain oneness with all of Nature
by three letter word as God or no name at all as no
symbols will ever change the reaLiTy of the Essence as is
When Sought and Found NoW iN Higher Potentials More of
Love Agape inCarnate As Human BeinG NoW MoRE.. those
Folks WiLL WiN the GamE oF LiFE for They FeeL and SeNSE it as LiVinG God NoW iN Balance..
For it’s true look around those who win are those who do a Tight Rope Act that/who Flows..
Oh yeaH and it’s worth noting alWaYS AGAiN That even Science Shows now MoVING and
Even Still Meditation Builds Grey Matter in the Brain in all the Positive Places and
actually Shrinks the Fear Center of Amygdala in Grey Matter and sure
a 50 Year Old Meditating Brain will match the Brain Scan
of a so-called YouthFull 25 year Old Brain and nah..
i am not making fun of all the Minions out
there like Beyonce is who are not
in the know and feel and sense
of what it really takes
to get to
Heaven and
the Fountain of Youth
Now more of what the Dude
Jesus was really talking about when
he said strip your clothes and find the Living
God within in other Words Dance on them with
no shame for Being Human as God Living within
Free yeah.. the Blow Dryers in the ‘711’ Video representing
the Blow out of Nirvana NoW iN Letting Go and the Women with
Men’s Underwear representing what the Jesus was talking about
in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas as far as incorporating the Animus
Divine Masculine of Will and Strength along with the Feminine Love
and Grace Anima of so-called Mary Magdalene to make it into the KinGDoM
oF this Heaven then now too.. where of course that applies conversely to
Males as well too as that surely kept most of the Rigid Patriarchs out
as it still does today for those men who are too afraid to even raise
their F IN Arms to the Air in Balance as hey we come from
a long long line of Tree Climbers still.. hehe.. anyway
the Fresh that Ms. Beyonce Speaks to is the
Expanded Fountain of Youth Being
too.. that Moving Meditation
or Still Meditation continues
to BRinG for those who practice
this Fresh way of Being AcRoSS the
LiFE SPaN NoW for truly achieving this
State of Being is the Real REVELATION OF
original definition of Apocalypse in Greek way that means
just this as some onward Christian Soldiers missed the entire
Good News that the reported Jesus brought that we are all Children
of God in oneness when we attain this State of Higher Force Agape
Love in Mind and Body way more.. and it’s true if you don’t believe it is
possible you will likely Never enter into this Pure Force Being of Agape
Love for all with Zero Illusory Fears now of Cultural and Religious Lies
oF Real Sin away from God BaLanCinG ForcE LoVE WiTHIN.. but you see the Jesus
Dude’s instruction were to strip those Cultural and Religious Clothes and Look
within in SeeKinG and FiNdinG Ways but it doesn’t seem real until you get here and
then yes.. it can
kinda get a little
Frustrating as
Obviously Ms. Beyonce
is a little frustrated at the
Minions of Christians who are
totally Lost in this way of Balance with God more now..
Sure like Jesus said when you are you never die now
as you live beYond iNfinity as the Force of LoVe Now ReaL
CaLL iT what you like the Essence is what Heaven is now with God Wild and FReED..
And yes for those of you who believe you own God in Words or in just one man you
can tell what to do by those who came to write stuff down thousands of years ago..
you dont’
own God God
is A Free Agent
and you can and will Live Life
More Like God AGaPe LovE THiS Way WitH WiLL
if YoU
Do iT NoW
As tHeir Are
Unlimited Paths
As God is Art More Than Science STill..
And once again no.. no one will tale God
what to DO
iN at
God SKeYes ReaL.
And unlike my Mother who had a Death Bed Stay of 8 Days
on February 22nd.. A Year ago without any Food
or Drink or other Life Support Aids
my Father Got Chest Pain
and told my Cousin
i don’t think
i’m gonna make
it and dropped Stone
Cold Dead.. but what he
was able to do is Lead His Life
the way he wanted to all the way from
Retiring from a Law Enforcement Career
of 46 Years at age 69 for close to 13 More Years through
Just Before His 82nd Birthday on June 20th of that Year ’14 too..
Anyway.. i Danced the Night he died as that was sort of the way he
Lived his Life
as come what
may as i never
recollect him
afraid of
anything or really
expressing much emotion
at all except for that day his 20
year old Cat he used to Call ‘Son’ Died
as that Motivated him to Call us and attempt
to connect to his Living Flesh Finally as sure that’s
what it takes some dates a loss to make a connection
that’s real.. and yeah.. when my only Child Died he said then
he couldn’t bear to take any more bad news about the situation
so yeah.. he had a heart.. it just had very few avenues to escape
a somewhat hardened life as that is the way Law Enforcement Folks
often go too and folks in the Military too and all of life that requires
the Compartmentalization and often Loss of Pro Social Connecting Family
Life Emotions too as true too.. while he didn’t ever seem stressed much
about anything but getting his Lotto Tickets on time… it’s true it is often
Difficult to assess those who are really Quiet as that doesn’t always
reflect what is going on within as far as Fireworks Feelings and
Senses go.. anyway.. yeah.. i Danced and after Public
Dancing since August of 2013 through 2014
i first heard the General Audience
notify me that i was so-
called Famous
for all
the Video Voyeurs
who captured me in the
Public Dance and Shared me
Across Social Media and then on May
22nd of 2015 after Dancing then a little
over a Year at about 14 Months at
Old Seville Quarter the very nice
Group of University of West
Florida Students as
Pictured below
from 2015
on that date
Assessed me as Legend
in their Minds then.. surely the farthest
thing i expected from Just a Free Dance for
Fun and just Happy that Management of Stores
and a Big Club Like Seville allowed someone as different
as me in expressing a Free Dance to be all i cared to express
of me then as any Seagull Flying on the Beach will do too.. so yeah
on this 22nd Day of May in 2018.. i wore my Alice in Wonderland
Jabberwocky Shirt to My Psychiatrist who has an Office at Navarre
Beach that most always gives us the opportunity to Visit the
Beach for a Deep Sugar White Sand Reverse Dance
with Athletic Shoes on as that is like a Triathlon
Event that hasn’t been done before as
it really generates a heart rate
rise and works every
pArt of the Body
From Head
to Toe..
and with a Heat
index Approaching well
into the 90’s a great way
to put out some sweat too as
i moved this 240LB or So Body
as a Feather in that Deep Sand
as Friend With God Nature Gravity
From Head to toe as hey that’s how
‘they’ say they moved those Big Stones
for the Pyramids on the Principle of
Balance and Leverage too as
this is just another
Human Potential
rarely used
and often
lost by folks too
for the Free Style Art of
Movement that Floats instead
of clunk clank clink and other more
and less Graceful ways of Moving now
so much Different than a Human Lion
on A Savannah now.. but true i am
very Close to 58 years old now
and when i get up i am
often a little stiff
like Red
when i first get going
but a few Tai-Chi-Like Float
Moves and yes i’m ready to
Sting now too with the Bee of
my Butterfly too.. sure.. with the
eYe oF A Tiger and A CouRaGE NoW
And heART oF A LiON too.. anYWay lots of
extra curricular activities in the way of Health Care
this week for both the Katrina and me too as my Art output
online has been almost reduced to 50 Percent Lately from the
Peak output of 43,151 words written in just 7 Days back on the
Anniversary of my Mother’s Passing away with “LoVEFReEDNoW”
as that MacroVerse ParT of the Fourth New Testament i wrote in 10
weeks at 317K Words too.. as i was telling my Psychiatrist today after i showed
him my Facebook Profile Pics from the Last year that he said brought a Smile to his
Face that already over 1.3 Million Words or So are attached to all those Facebook Profile
Pic Description Areas since the Last Memorial Day of 2017 as “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
“Official” Titled MacroVerse is coming Directly after this Current Writing of “ReVeLaTioN
HEaVeNoW” as we are traveling to Mobile Again tomorrow for Katrina’s Burn Center
Appointment that is now only once a week along with Three Visits to the
Occupational and Physical Therapist Weekly here where we live
not too far away.. thank Goodness too.. as my Psychiatrist is
on the Cutting Edge Research of all Natural ways
to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses
where he literally wrote me a
Prescription for Dance
when i first started
seeing him
Close to 2 Years ago to date..
Yes.. i Deal with my Naturally Very
Low Levels of Latent Inhibition which means
if i do not practice Dance to Regulate my Emotions
and Integrate my Senses it’s very difficult as a Human Being
Born Very Sensitive to the Inner and outer Environment of Existence
in all the ways that comes as feeling and sensing LiFE where it is very difficult
to filter out all those feelings and emotions and senses to Focus on just one thing
now.. but with the Ascendent Transcendent Ecstatic Experience Comparable to
what some folks call the Eighth Noble Path of Nirvana in Buddhism and Satori
in Japan and Kundalini Rising in India and the Tao in China too and
yes the Kingdom of Heaven always at hand now in this
Generation for those who attain this level
of Let it go Bliss and Nirvana of a
Fresh Blowout Experience
of Life always Eternally
now as yes
And my Fingers
Dancing and Singing Poetry
in Waves of Ocean as Streams
Move into Rivers Bays and Gulfs
And Seas More Back to Waves of
Ocean more me.. yes this is “ReVeLaTioN
HEaVeNoW” and no doubt many of the Paths
that folks have sought in finding their way one with Nature
God in Agape Fashion of Love For all that is Nature as God
Were Likely Empaths and Super Sensitive Folks to the Inner
and Outer Environments of their life too so they revealed in Revelations
how they attained the Kingdom of Heaven NoW iN all the ways those metaphors
continue to come in whatever abstract construct humans make in Words and other
Symbols to Express what Heaven within inside outside above so below and all around
Verbal Language of Free Style Dance Speaks Volumes to folks in the Dance Clubs
who have used external substances to achieve what i achieve with as master of
control as my Feet NoW are the Master in Balance of Blow-out Bliss of
A Fresh Nirvana that Lasts Eternally NoW ReaL.. yeah it just takes
practice and once you hit around one ten thousandth the
Distance to the Sun at 9300 Miles in 57 Months at an
Age you might be at 57 like me for a couple
of weeks more.. it’s True with
that/this much Bio-Feedback
just raise your arm
a little bit
and Voila the
on Switch for
Heaven comeS AGaiN now..
and nah.. i am far from the first
person to report this experience of life
but sadly some people still scoff at it like is unreal
except for folks in the know and feel and the sense of
the Science of it too as My Psychiatrist was actually fully
A Practicing Martial Artist by the So-Called Books too who does
agree that yes Class the Chi the Ki the Ka and the Qi is very very
real and a Force of Higher State of Mindful and Body Full Awareness
of Being Human NoW iN Laser Focus to get jobs done just like this.. or
sure to paint a Sistine Chapel as the Journey the Path of Art is often
the Essence of Heaven now too and sure what is often left is
A Reflection of that too whether it be a Painting or a
‘Kashmir’ Song by Led Zeppelin as chances
are they used a little external help
to get to that place then
and hopefully
all it takes
’em is
A SonG NoW tHat’s ReaL
WiTHiN As Kingdom CoMe
Heaven’s Dance again..
anyway.. this makes
for a good
Grand Finale
to precede the coming MacroVerse
Shares from Years to Date as that relates
to this “ReVeLaTioN HeaVeNoW” too.. as yeah
my Psychiatrist is deep enough to understand all of what
i do and the merit it makes for a continuing Heaven away from
the 66 Months at the other wise side of Bi-Polar in the Half and
Half House Way of Hell on Earth Within me then.. yes class numb and
pain of 19 Medical Disorders too as Disease stArts and ends most often
in the Field of Emotional Regulation and Sensory Integration the most for
those in the
Feel and
of what
Life even is
as Living a Life
of Mind and Body BaLaNCinG SouL MoRE..
NoW aGaiN.. in the ‘West’ they don’t teach this
Stuff in School or Work either but in the ‘East’ they
Do.. and those who gain oneness with all of Nature
by three letter word as God or no name at all as no
symbols will ever change the reaLiTy of the Essence as is
When Sought and Found NoW iN Higher Potentials More of
Love Agape inCarnate As Human BeinG NoW MoRE.. those
Folks WiLL WiN the GamE oF LiFE for They FeeL and SeNSE it as LiVinG God NoW iN Balance..
For it’s true look around those who win are those who do a Tight Rope Act that/who Flows..
Oh yeaH and it’s worth noting alWaYS AGAiN That even Science Shows now MoVING and
Even Still Meditation Builds Grey Matter in the Brain in all the Positive Places and
actually Shrinks the Fear Center of Amygdala in Grey Matter and sure
a 50 Year Old Meditating Brain will match the Brain Scan
of a so-called YouthFull 25 year Old Brain and nah..
i am not making fun of all the Minions out
there like Beyonce is who are not
in the know and feel and sense
of what it really takes
to get to
Heaven and
the Fountain of Youth
Now more of what the Dude
Jesus was really talking about when
he said strip your clothes and find the Living
God within in other Words Dance on them with
no shame for Being Human as God Living within
Free yeah.. the Blow Dryers in the ‘711’ Video representing
the Blow out of Nirvana NoW iN Letting Go and the Women with
Men’s Underwear representing what the Jesus was talking about
in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas as far as incorporating the Animus
Divine Masculine of Will and Strength along with the Feminine Love
and Grace Anima of so-called Mary Magdalene to make it into the KinGDoM
oF this Heaven then now too.. where of course that applies conversely to
Males as well too as that surely kept most of the Rigid Patriarchs out
as it still does today for those men who are too afraid to even raise
their F IN Arms to the Air in Balance as hey we come from
a long long line of Tree Climbers still.. hehe.. anyway
the Fresh that Ms. Beyonce Speaks to is the
Expanded Fountain of Youth Being
too.. that Moving Meditation
or Still Meditation continues
to BRinG for those who practice
this Fresh way of Being AcRoSS the
LiFE SPaN NoW for truly achieving this
State of Being is the Real REVELATION OF
original definition of Apocalypse in Greek way that means
just this as some onward Christian Soldiers missed the entire
Good News that the reported Jesus brought that we are all Children
of God in oneness when we attain this State of Higher Force Agape
Love in Mind and Body way more.. and it’s true if you don’t believe it is
possible you will likely Never enter into this Pure Force Being of Agape
Love for all with Zero Illusory Fears now of Cultural and Religious Lies
oF Real Sin away from God BaLanCinG ForcE LoVE WiTHIN.. but you see the Jesus
Dude’s instruction were to strip those Cultural and Religious Clothes and Look
within in SeeKinG and FiNdinG Ways but it doesn’t seem real until you get here and
then yes.. it can
kinda get a little
Frustrating as
Obviously Ms. Beyonce
is a little frustrated at the
Minions of Christians who are
totally Lost in this way of Balance with God more now..
Sure like Jesus said when you are you never die now
as you live beYond iNfinity as the Force of LoVe Now ReaL
CaLL iT what you like the Essence is what Heaven is now with God Wild and FReED..
And yes for those of you who believe you own God in Words or in just one man you
can tell what to do by those who came to write stuff down thousands of years ago..
you dont’
own God God
is A Free Agent
and you can and will Live Life
More Like God AGaPe LovE THiS Way WitH WiLL
if YoU
Do iT NoW
As tHeir Are
Unlimited Paths
As God is Art More Than Science STill..
And once again no.. no one will tale God
what to DO
iN at
God SKeYes ReaL.
Photo of my Father at about 17 Years old on the right but yeah i guess it could be him on the Left as My Mother Disagreed with who was who too as the other one is an Identical Twin too.. keeping in mind that she never saw this Picture until i showed it to her of course as otherwise she would Definitively know if he showed it to her first.. anyway that shared is down below as a Facebook
MacroVerse Memory i will additionally share when in this Current “ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW”
MacroVerse i am writing now once i get back to my Bigger Screen iMac as i am Currently
attached to my Mac Pro Laptop in a Waiting Room Area of the Burn Center in Mobile
where Katrina is getting her Burn Recovery all checked out and Re-Bandaged
too including the Leg Area where a Skin Graft of her was Harvested
too.. and yes i am also connected to an iPhone6s that
Provides LTE Broad Band Access to the
Mac Pro Laptop and attached
am i to an Apple
Watch3 with
GPS that as a Blue
Tooth Device is attached
to the iPhone6s as it stays
connected to the much Larger
World at Hand including a Device
like any ‘Knight Rider’ Will use to
ask questions to ‘Modern Siri’
these days who sounds
a whole lot like
that GPS
Lady in
the Car when the
iPhone6s Becomes a
Navigator with a Voice of
Instruction on Automobile Trips
to Strange Lands still as i must admit
i still use it instead of taking the effort to
Remember the Land Marks to get here but
True too i use that opportunity to explore my
Imagination and Creativity even more along
the ride while listening to interesting Opinion
Debates on the YouTube Resource Globally
as such too as provided by the trusty
Robot Algorithm Assistant of
the iPhone6s too as
the Apple Watch
is monitoring my
Heart rate like a Hospital
Crew on my Wrist still now and
a Personal Trainer that and who keeps
track of all my Steps and levels of Exercise
while the Nike Run Club GPS App continues to
Measure the Distance of my Unique Dance
as the next milestone and footnote act
Now that one ten thousandth the
Distance to the Sun is
Complete now
9325 Miles now
as i continue to Public
Dance everywhere i go as
yes the next Milestone noted as
an Actual MacroVerse title will be
when i reach the 10 Thousand Mile
point likely somewhere Close to
9.6.18 or there about as
an intuitive and
experience based
Guess on the Flow of Dance
in Past Years as it continues now
to stay close to an average of 166 Miles
a Month other wise as an average of 5.69
Miles a Day that while Brave as Dance in Public
is not that impressive as a Distance that surely then
my Grandmother as a Waitress on her Feet Serving
other Folks.. 12 Hours a Day for 7 Days a Week for
Almost a Decade did just to make ends meet as she
had no car and had to walk home from work too..
no doubt some days she did close to a
Marathon Distance of Walk if Serving
Folks in
way was booming
in Waitress Job then..
Yeah.. i’ve done up to close to
A Marathon Dance in one Day
at a place named Cordova Mall
and it’s True this New Watch has a Battery
that will finally hold out even longer as the
Battery went Dead on the old Nike Plus
GPS Sports Watch at about the 20th
Mile of that Endeavor before
i finished a Public
that Day
way way back
when i started the
Dance Endeavor in the
late Fall of 2013.. as i still
Have a MacroVerse titled that
iN pArt Celebrates that single Milestone
Day as Feat note too.. anyway we live in amazing
Days where Technology Provides Avenues for us to
do some really incredible things as long as the Tools
Don’t come to rule us and make us more machine than
Human now.. but it’s true as i mentioned before in this MacroVerse
my Watch even reminds me to stand up and move around when i am
in the Flow and am Truly alMost Living an out of body experience of
Creativity in Holy and Creative Spirit way that feels not much different
than a Nirvana Dance of letting go of all attachment feelings to Earth now
too but never the less we are Flesh and Blood Temples of Nature and God
Real so use it or lose most definitely does apply to both Spirit of Mind and
Body now too.. and while all of life consists of Rules of Politics for Order
out of Chaos and Binds and Bonds in Whatever Religion from Sports
To Church folks adhere for Group think as Group Identity
for bonds and binds more for that warm and fuzzy
Oxytocin Neurohormone Release that really
takes much of the Anxiety of Life away
as Love does Neuro-hormonally
Heal now too.. i Love to be
exposed to all opinions so i will
discern what works for me as an iNdividual
and a part of Several Groups as a Participant
Anthropology Observer Ranging From Catholic
Church to the Gym to Dance Hall Life too at
Old Seville Quarter too but oh Lord the Internet
And Youtube has more than any one Human can
and will consume now as Boredom is mostly an element
of the Past for Open Minded and Bodied more folks now for sure..
And while this Freedom of Expression in all mind and body ways may
scare some folks who are more closed minded and bodied now too.. well
hey there is an off switch that works online well too as online gives everyone
an expanded ability to express themselves and learn more of what is still censored
in many Countries and Cultures and other Closed Minded Groups that might hold back
the Keys of Heaven now just to control folks and subjugate them to gain Material and other
Freedoms of Humanity like Reproductive Freedoms and to ration out jobs to who they like more
now too.. to the Degree that Humans may Virtually become Slaves as Less and more Free.. anyway when folks with very different opinions come together to hash it out we gain more
and not less when we Listen and Learn about the varying opinions about life too and
A Couple of really long one’s below as that pertains to the lefts and rights of
Political Correctness and the Struggle of Addiction as that relates to
Spirituality too as a thing is if one has the time and effort it really
helps to hear both sides now.. as really i come from an overall very
Conservative Family.. particularly my Father’s Side but in every day
Interaction those things are in the Back Ground and really only in the Foreground
of the Cable News Networks and YouTube Cult Followings too but anyway fascinating
Stuff to me as a Free Lance Anthropologist Still as the Human Condition for all Practical
Intents and Purposes is as much of what Life is Really about as Cat Life for Cats now too..
True you can
a lot
from a
Cat and Dogs too..
as this Hospital Visit is
about to end and it seems we
may be on the wait to get a Compression
Bandage next from somewhere else as hey
i go with the Flow of Dance and Song and Learning more too.:)
MacroVerse Memory i will additionally share when in this Current “ReVeLaTioN HEaVeNoW”
MacroVerse i am writing now once i get back to my Bigger Screen iMac as i am Currently
attached to my Mac Pro Laptop in a Waiting Room Area of the Burn Center in Mobile
where Katrina is getting her Burn Recovery all checked out and Re-Bandaged
too including the Leg Area where a Skin Graft of her was Harvested
too.. and yes i am also connected to an iPhone6s that
Provides LTE Broad Band Access to the
Mac Pro Laptop and attached
am i to an Apple
Watch3 with
GPS that as a Blue
Tooth Device is attached
to the iPhone6s as it stays
connected to the much Larger
World at Hand including a Device
like any ‘Knight Rider’ Will use to
ask questions to ‘Modern Siri’
these days who sounds
a whole lot like
that GPS
Lady in
the Car when the
iPhone6s Becomes a
Navigator with a Voice of
Instruction on Automobile Trips
to Strange Lands still as i must admit
i still use it instead of taking the effort to
Remember the Land Marks to get here but
True too i use that opportunity to explore my
Imagination and Creativity even more along
the ride while listening to interesting Opinion
Debates on the YouTube Resource Globally
as such too as provided by the trusty
Robot Algorithm Assistant of
the iPhone6s too as
the Apple Watch
is monitoring my
Heart rate like a Hospital
Crew on my Wrist still now and
a Personal Trainer that and who keeps
track of all my Steps and levels of Exercise
while the Nike Run Club GPS App continues to
Measure the Distance of my Unique Dance
as the next milestone and footnote act
Now that one ten thousandth the
Distance to the Sun is
Complete now
9325 Miles now
as i continue to Public
Dance everywhere i go as
yes the next Milestone noted as
an Actual MacroVerse title will be
when i reach the 10 Thousand Mile
point likely somewhere Close to
9.6.18 or there about as
an intuitive and
experience based
Guess on the Flow of Dance
in Past Years as it continues now
to stay close to an average of 166 Miles
a Month other wise as an average of 5.69
Miles a Day that while Brave as Dance in Public
is not that impressive as a Distance that surely then
my Grandmother as a Waitress on her Feet Serving
other Folks.. 12 Hours a Day for 7 Days a Week for
Almost a Decade did just to make ends meet as she
had no car and had to walk home from work too..
no doubt some days she did close to a
Marathon Distance of Walk if Serving
Folks in
way was booming
in Waitress Job then..
Yeah.. i’ve done up to close to
A Marathon Dance in one Day
at a place named Cordova Mall
and it’s True this New Watch has a Battery
that will finally hold out even longer as the
Battery went Dead on the old Nike Plus
GPS Sports Watch at about the 20th
Mile of that Endeavor before
i finished a Public
that Day
way way back
when i started the
Dance Endeavor in the
late Fall of 2013.. as i still
Have a MacroVerse titled that
iN pArt Celebrates that single Milestone
Day as Feat note too.. anyway we live in amazing
Days where Technology Provides Avenues for us to
do some really incredible things as long as the Tools
Don’t come to rule us and make us more machine than
Human now.. but it’s true as i mentioned before in this MacroVerse
my Watch even reminds me to stand up and move around when i am
in the Flow and am Truly alMost Living an out of body experience of
Creativity in Holy and Creative Spirit way that feels not much different
than a Nirvana Dance of letting go of all attachment feelings to Earth now
too but never the less we are Flesh and Blood Temples of Nature and God
Real so use it or lose most definitely does apply to both Spirit of Mind and
Body now too.. and while all of life consists of Rules of Politics for Order
out of Chaos and Binds and Bonds in Whatever Religion from Sports
To Church folks adhere for Group think as Group Identity
for bonds and binds more for that warm and fuzzy
Oxytocin Neurohormone Release that really
takes much of the Anxiety of Life away
as Love does Neuro-hormonally
Heal now too.. i Love to be
exposed to all opinions so i will
discern what works for me as an iNdividual
and a part of Several Groups as a Participant
Anthropology Observer Ranging From Catholic
Church to the Gym to Dance Hall Life too at
Old Seville Quarter too but oh Lord the Internet
And Youtube has more than any one Human can
and will consume now as Boredom is mostly an element
of the Past for Open Minded and Bodied more folks now for sure..
And while this Freedom of Expression in all mind and body ways may
scare some folks who are more closed minded and bodied now too.. well
hey there is an off switch that works online well too as online gives everyone
an expanded ability to express themselves and learn more of what is still censored
in many Countries and Cultures and other Closed Minded Groups that might hold back
the Keys of Heaven now just to control folks and subjugate them to gain Material and other
Freedoms of Humanity like Reproductive Freedoms and to ration out jobs to who they like more
now too.. to the Degree that Humans may Virtually become Slaves as Less and more Free.. anyway when folks with very different opinions come together to hash it out we gain more
and not less when we Listen and Learn about the varying opinions about life too and
A Couple of really long one’s below as that pertains to the lefts and rights of
Political Correctness and the Struggle of Addiction as that relates to
Spirituality too as a thing is if one has the time and effort it really
helps to hear both sides now.. as really i come from an overall very
Conservative Family.. particularly my Father’s Side but in every day
Interaction those things are in the Back Ground and really only in the Foreground
of the Cable News Networks and YouTube Cult Followings too but anyway fascinating
Stuff to me as a Free Lance Anthropologist Still as the Human Condition for all Practical
Intents and Purposes is as much of what Life is Really about as Cat Life for Cats now too..
True you can
a lot
from a
Cat and Dogs too..
as this Hospital Visit is
about to end and it seems we
may be on the wait to get a Compression
Bandage next from somewhere else as hey
i go with the Flow of Dance and Song and Learning more too.:)
19 MacroVerse Memories.. Years to Date to Share Below as
After a Trip to get a Compression Bandage Designed for
Katrina’s Hand to Minimize Scarring of the
Grafted Skin From Her Leg
to Her Hand.. after
Traveling to Mobile
And eating at a Chinese
Restaurant in one of those
Lunch Buffet’s as my Smell and
Taste Lost since Last Spring.. ’17
is coming back with somewhat of a
Roar As Strong as hey i even could
distinguish the Smell of Diesel the
other Day behind a Smoke Stack
Truck and such as that too..
but still the Smoke of
A Fire smells a
little bit
but at least
that’s not something i have
to taste as that Common Cold i had
Last Spring ’17 Really Damaged the Smell
Receptors in my Nose for a Long Hall back For A
Recovery of Smell and Taste too but hey.. not unlike
the issues i’ve had with Extreme Tactile Sensitivity in
Touch as that likely has something to do with Low Levels
of Latent Inhibition too where nothing seems to reduce
the discomfort and extreme discomfort of touching any
thing but Nature Made Textures without Man Made hands
in the Mix of that and yes with that Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia Pain for 66 Months from wake to sleep
like a dentist drill in right eye and ear left
effective use of my sight and hearing
next to useless then
in even
the ability
to listen
to music
or read
a book then
until 33 months or
so into the pain where
i mustered up the tolerance
without prescription lens a few
inches from a Dark Screen in Computer
way as even prescription lens made that
pain more intolerable then.. and yes that
first word like a Mountain typed in all that
pain back on Thanks Giving Day of 2010..
as what has come to be 12 Million or so words
in close to 90 Months now per the Anniversary of
that 90 Month Milestone and Featnote in three days
on the 26th of May too.. so yeah.. not only have i lost effective
use of my emotions in life.. i’ve also lost use in some way at least
of all five so-called core senses too.. so sure.. i can relate to a core
of what it is to experience life in Existential Intelligences in Sensory and
Emotional Way as far as respectively.. Integration and Regulation of both
Gifts as a Free Dance and Song of Write Do bring as somewhat of a Still and
Moving Meditation too as these Fingers on this Keyboard Piano of Words are
far from still or silent now these days in Word Play World Wide too.. anyway the
experience of life is surely a challenge but the Gift of LiFE AS Kingdom of Heaven now
for all our ancestral struggles That BRinGS us to the opportunity for all these Luxuries
both iNnate and eNvironmentally BRought as all tools we master rather than all tools
that Master us is surely a Privilege of Existence NoW iN a small sliver for a Potential of
Heaven that is rare for what we See for the Rest of the Universe so far at least yet folks
want to go to Mars and colonize that Hot Rock instead of truly Saving the Balance of Life
on this
for we do
have the Potential
to do just that if we
hold hands together and
don’t create so many Humans
in the future to take more than they
give from the Gift of LiFE WHoLe yes
by Will and Choice of Love For all of
that is a Garden that must be
Watered and Fed and
Grown more
And Co-Creating now Real..
As An Art of that and Science is
up to y’aLL to determine for you but
As We hold Hands TogeTHeR MoRE
With the Tools We Make as Avenues to Do
JusT ThaT WeLL tHeRE is hope where tHere is
Ways oF Will of LoVE STiLL NoW.. True For iF i Can
And will Write a 6 Million Word Bible and Longest Long
Form Poem iNclusive of 7 old King James Sized Bibles as
Titled Subchapters iNclusive of tHat enTire ‘SonG oF mY SoUL”
Effort and 9300 Miles Plus of Public Dance in the same 58 Months
of Effort by my 6.6.18.. 58th Birthday.. just imagine and yes do move
and connect and co-create all the more of what little old me has done
so far at least but Do it For Love as Love Returns That’s A Price iS Right For NoW..:)
After a Trip to get a Compression Bandage Designed for
Katrina’s Hand to Minimize Scarring of the
Grafted Skin From Her Leg
to Her Hand.. after
Traveling to Mobile
And eating at a Chinese
Restaurant in one of those
Lunch Buffet’s as my Smell and
Taste Lost since Last Spring.. ’17
is coming back with somewhat of a
Roar As Strong as hey i even could
distinguish the Smell of Diesel the
other Day behind a Smoke Stack
Truck and such as that too..
but still the Smoke of
A Fire smells a
little bit
but at least
that’s not something i have
to taste as that Common Cold i had
Last Spring ’17 Really Damaged the Smell
Receptors in my Nose for a Long Hall back For A
Recovery of Smell and Taste too but hey.. not unlike
the issues i’ve had with Extreme Tactile Sensitivity in
Touch as that likely has something to do with Low Levels
of Latent Inhibition too where nothing seems to reduce
the discomfort and extreme discomfort of touching any
thing but Nature Made Textures without Man Made hands
in the Mix of that and yes with that Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia Pain for 66 Months from wake to sleep
like a dentist drill in right eye and ear left
effective use of my sight and hearing
next to useless then
in even
the ability
to listen
to music
or read
a book then
until 33 months or
so into the pain where
i mustered up the tolerance
without prescription lens a few
inches from a Dark Screen in Computer
way as even prescription lens made that
pain more intolerable then.. and yes that
first word like a Mountain typed in all that
pain back on Thanks Giving Day of 2010..
as what has come to be 12 Million or so words
in close to 90 Months now per the Anniversary of
that 90 Month Milestone and Featnote in three days
on the 26th of May too.. so yeah.. not only have i lost effective
use of my emotions in life.. i’ve also lost use in some way at least
of all five so-called core senses too.. so sure.. i can relate to a core
of what it is to experience life in Existential Intelligences in Sensory and
Emotional Way as far as respectively.. Integration and Regulation of both
Gifts as a Free Dance and Song of Write Do bring as somewhat of a Still and
Moving Meditation too as these Fingers on this Keyboard Piano of Words are
far from still or silent now these days in Word Play World Wide too.. anyway the
experience of life is surely a challenge but the Gift of LiFE AS Kingdom of Heaven now
for all our ancestral struggles That BRinGS us to the opportunity for all these Luxuries
both iNnate and eNvironmentally BRought as all tools we master rather than all tools
that Master us is surely a Privilege of Existence NoW iN a small sliver for a Potential of
Heaven that is rare for what we See for the Rest of the Universe so far at least yet folks
want to go to Mars and colonize that Hot Rock instead of truly Saving the Balance of Life
on this
for we do
have the Potential
to do just that if we
hold hands together and
don’t create so many Humans
in the future to take more than they
give from the Gift of LiFE WHoLe yes
by Will and Choice of Love For all of
that is a Garden that must be
Watered and Fed and
Grown more
And Co-Creating now Real..
As An Art of that and Science is
up to y’aLL to determine for you but
As We hold Hands TogeTHeR MoRE
With the Tools We Make as Avenues to Do
JusT ThaT WeLL tHeRE is hope where tHere is
Ways oF Will of LoVE STiLL NoW.. True For iF i Can
And will Write a 6 Million Word Bible and Longest Long
Form Poem iNclusive of 7 old King James Sized Bibles as
Titled Subchapters iNclusive of tHat enTire ‘SonG oF mY SoUL”
Effort and 9300 Miles Plus of Public Dance in the same 58 Months
of Effort by my 6.6.18.. 58th Birthday.. just imagine and yes do move
and connect and co-create all the more of what little old me has done
so far at least but Do it For Love as Love Returns That’s A Price iS Right For NoW..:)
“CRY of big CULTURE”.. Well there is surely a Cry out in the USA today
for Propaganda of Big Lies and those gullible enough to believe those
lies and truly support someone who would brag about them doing that
even if he shot someone in a Public Avenue of Life.. anyway it is what
it is and like a Pebble on a Pond once Still those Dark Ripples will
Eventually move away when this Trump Pebble Moves
out of the way and just another Dark Chapter
of the United States will be relegated
to the History Books
of how
people be so gullible
or just plain not caring about the True Freedoms of the Country as Truth.
for Propaganda of Big Lies and those gullible enough to believe those
lies and truly support someone who would brag about them doing that
even if he shot someone in a Public Avenue of Life.. anyway it is what
it is and like a Pebble on a Pond once Still those Dark Ripples will
Eventually move away when this Trump Pebble Moves
out of the way and just another Dark Chapter
of the United States will be relegated
to the History Books
of how
people be so gullible
or just plain not caring about the True Freedoms of the Country as Truth.
“Forrest Gump style..if ya WiLL”.. Yes Art of the Human Body in
PG Underwear way to get really comfortable in one’s own
skin as i surely did back in 2014.. as i continue to work
on the Intelligences of Sensuality too to Master
All HuMaN Tides from Shadow to FLiGHT
oF AnGeL
as yes pursuing
that in restricted Blogs
all the way and a short PG
Related Preview of what i am
continuing to carry on as that
Blog Separated from Links to this Bible “SonG oF mY SouL”.. too..
Circa Fall of 2013.. Fred in Bed of Bear Rug Spread at age 53 below
Circa 1972..Burt Reynolds at age 36.. below too.. note: Burt
Said he Drank a Bottle of Vodka to get the Courage
to do this for Cosmopolitan.. me.. i just laid in
Bed Fully iNtoxicated all Natural with Life..
Perhaps that is pArt of a Bi-Polar
Advantage buT it works for me
heHe.. anyway.. obviously for
what should be obvious this is just
a silly Parody i did and yes while you could
surely see this much of a Dude at most any Beach
Just Relaxing in the Sun and Burt would look much more
like a Fearless man if he wasn’t Femininely Covering up
his Privates like a Woman in a Gym Changing Room
when the owner of the Gym comes in as a Man and
or a Woman as such too.. and what’s even sadder
as one sees one’s libido creep lower covering
up their private parts together even
more as they get Older now
in Burt’s Reference
View of an 82 year
old man he now
is ashamed of what he did then
and actually considering he’s covering
his Private parts up in this way this shows
a little less than full male confidence no matter what too
although yes it was still off limits in Cosmopolitan to Show
a fully extended
‘Monty’ then.. hehe.. and even though
the Hairless version of Jesus as far as Body Hair
is exposed even more than this with or without a Cross
in the Front of the Catholic Church then/now even though we all should
Realize Middle Eastern Men are Hairy before the Homosexual leaning Artists
Sculpted Non-Hairy men then along with Painting them too.. as to each his
own eye of the beholder of Art and Sensuality too.. anyway.. an extended family
Member De-Friended me on Facebook Shortly after i did this parody here..
and as i remember another one did too..
but still they worship an almost naked
man on a cross as idol still
that just one man
could possibly comprise
the enTire of God although True
we are God too just not the “Full Monty
and or Sheila” and more for metaphor now more too..
Yep.. Burt was considered the Sexiest Man alive then..
but true that was before Women Started Loving Hairless men more..
butt perhaps that is Changing a little bit to ‘the right again’ ironicAlly as such not..
in other Words when Stressful times come Women Seek Stronger Fearless Looking Men..
for while some Men focus on their Privates.. ‘Real’ Women see the entire Man package STiLL.
PG Underwear way to get really comfortable in one’s own
skin as i surely did back in 2014.. as i continue to work
on the Intelligences of Sensuality too to Master
All HuMaN Tides from Shadow to FLiGHT
oF AnGeL
as yes pursuing
that in restricted Blogs
all the way and a short PG
Related Preview of what i am
continuing to carry on as that
Blog Separated from Links to this Bible “SonG oF mY SouL”.. too..
Circa Fall of 2013.. Fred in Bed of Bear Rug Spread at age 53 below
Circa 1972..Burt Reynolds at age 36.. below too.. note: Burt
Said he Drank a Bottle of Vodka to get the Courage
to do this for Cosmopolitan.. me.. i just laid in
Bed Fully iNtoxicated all Natural with Life..
Perhaps that is pArt of a Bi-Polar
Advantage buT it works for me
heHe.. anyway.. obviously for
what should be obvious this is just
a silly Parody i did and yes while you could
surely see this much of a Dude at most any Beach
Just Relaxing in the Sun and Burt would look much more
like a Fearless man if he wasn’t Femininely Covering up
his Privates like a Woman in a Gym Changing Room
when the owner of the Gym comes in as a Man and
or a Woman as such too.. and what’s even sadder
as one sees one’s libido creep lower covering
up their private parts together even
more as they get Older now
in Burt’s Reference
View of an 82 year
old man he now
is ashamed of what he did then
and actually considering he’s covering
his Private parts up in this way this shows
a little less than full male confidence no matter what too
although yes it was still off limits in Cosmopolitan to Show
a fully extended
‘Monty’ then.. hehe.. and even though
the Hairless version of Jesus as far as Body Hair
is exposed even more than this with or without a Cross
in the Front of the Catholic Church then/now even though we all should
Realize Middle Eastern Men are Hairy before the Homosexual leaning Artists
Sculpted Non-Hairy men then along with Painting them too.. as to each his
own eye of the beholder of Art and Sensuality too.. anyway.. an extended family
Member De-Friended me on Facebook Shortly after i did this parody here..
and as i remember another one did too..
but still they worship an almost naked
man on a cross as idol still
that just one man
could possibly comprise
the enTire of God although True
we are God too just not the “Full Monty
and or Sheila” and more for metaphor now more too..
Yep.. Burt was considered the Sexiest Man alive then..
but true that was before Women Started Loving Hairless men more..
butt perhaps that is Changing a little bit to ‘the right again’ ironicAlly as such not..
in other Words when Stressful times come Women Seek Stronger Fearless Looking Men..
for while some Men focus on their Privates.. ‘Real’ Women see the entire Man package STiLL.
“Terminating Sidewalks by NEO”.. Yeah it’s true i am surely not Politically
Correct or Religiously Correct in any Tradition of Priest or Politician too
but what i am is a real flesh and Blood Child of Nature God as
Wild and
yes most
totAlly LoViNG FReED…:)
Correct or Religiously Correct in any Tradition of Priest or Politician too
but what i am is a real flesh and Blood Child of Nature God as
Wild and
yes most
totAlly LoViNG FReED…:)
“i celebrate my ‘ROLLING FACE’”.. one of those Facial Expressions
Folks make when they transcend ascend ecstatically using Drugs
As External Substances to assist them on a ‘Trip’.. tHeRe mean
while folks like me earn a way to get tHeRe Substance Free
in Master of
Relative Free
Will of Bio-Feed
Back more and hell
yes it helps to be totally
comfortable in YouR Naked
Flesh and Blood coming Pre-Packaged
for all it takes as a Dance and Song to make HeaVEN ReaL
KinGDoMQueeNDoM CoMe AGaiN ReaL NoW MoRE ALiVE..:)
Folks make when they transcend ascend ecstatically using Drugs
As External Substances to assist them on a ‘Trip’.. tHeRe mean
while folks like me earn a way to get tHeRe Substance Free
in Master of
Relative Free
Will of Bio-Feed
Back more and hell
yes it helps to be totally
comfortable in YouR Naked
Flesh and Blood coming Pre-Packaged
for all it takes as a Dance and Song to make HeaVEN ReaL
KinGDoMQueeNDoM CoMe AGaiN ReaL NoW MoRE ALiVE..:)
“AM i GODZILLA!”.. Sure as Far as Nature
FearlesS Unconditional LoVE LiVES iNCaRNaTE
FearlesS Unconditional LoVE LiVES iNCaRNaTE
“Roar of Nature”.. EverY OncE iN A While i BLoW iT aLL OuT..:)
“BigGer BRitCHeS WORlD SiZe PlEAse”.. sure.. can and will you fit theses words iN..;)
“Devotional for DIVINE MASCULINE in me”.. Yes i have another Entire Blog
that too..:)
that too..:)
“Aristotle EFFECT of AFFECT”.. Deep Fred Talks on the “Wrong Planet”..:)
“Ning Neuron a UNIverse MinEd”.. WiTHIN2..:)
“Creating Quotes inspired by other folks Poetry”.. One
oF mY Favorite Things to Do on gigod’s Place of BLoGGinG STiLL..:)
oF mY Favorite Things to Do on gigod’s Place of BLoGGinG STiLL..:)
“DeviliveD 2AM”.. It’s only 10:37PM now but that Time Stamp Counts NoW2..:)
“WiNDoW SEaT BiBLE”.. Just another Theme Song about Getting Aired out..:)
“Wonderment for the beyond of WHAT IS”.. Sort of Like Beyonce too..:)
“Talking Body of Art”.. Yes like Beyonce too..:)
“Dark of IS”.. The Essence is what counts most..:)
“In Memory of my Father First Fred”.. As mentioned earlier in this MacroVerse too..:)
“Price of Different”.. The Price is Right here.
Well For NoW @LeasT
All Around Online NoW
All Around Online NoW
True i’M Hard for most folks
to see and hear but if i Dance
thaT iS a TotAlly
As Flesh And Blood Free..
aS Essence ReMains TruE iN LiGHT..:)
to see and hear but if i Dance
thaT iS a TotAlly
As Flesh And Blood Free..
aS Essence ReMains TruE iN LiGHT..:)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2.. Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”
The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW
“THiS iS Me NoW3”
As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES 31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So
22,547 Words And Yes..
317,354 Grand Total Words
317,354 Grand Total Words
What May Come Will Be
May 1st, 2018
Starting a New Free Verse Erotic Novel or hehe
what may eventually Turn into a Bible Sized Effort too..
as it will Grow Slowly and Surely too whenever i get in
the Mood to Write some more of it as i go as i will Date the
Efforts and Forget About Word Size now as it is what
Feels and Senses Good
that makes LiFE
what it continues
to be now
JusT NoW anyway
Illustrations below will come and
Go More From Past and Back to the Future Presents too..
For What ever Mood Strikes me up next to Grow more.. oh God Yes..
And iT WiLL Do the GroWinG in Future Present Photographic Efforts
of Blog Posts as i will keep it Going harder and softer and longer
by copying and pasting it in Future Blog Posts as Weeks go
on in additional Efforts of Growing
this Erotic Literature
and Longer
Coming Even Longer
Back to the Future Present more nowthen..
As Hey in a Way i Started this Close to May
Day of 2017 where i just couldn't wait and accidentally came in a Photo
just a
Drop of Life then hehe..
on just the Tip of An Experience Focusing then edging
and coming a little bit and a whole lot more Later then too heHe..;)
Memories From May.. 2017..
Back to the Future
Moving Away From the Present Again
Per all the Incentive i Need to Play Naked..
Summer of 2014
September 2013
18 years ago.. 7.17.2000
Yes.. i used to Have More Tan Lines and no i've never
Had a So-Called Monster Cock and Balls but what
i've always had was is a Golden Tongue and
Fingers to Make Butterfly Wings
Quiver as i Play a Pussy
Like a Piano With
My Tongue
Fingers Like
A Twelve String Guitar
As my First Girl Friend noted to
her Friend long after we Broke up that
i was a Sex Maniac in someways as i did lick
Her Gently All Around Her World Frequently
as Her Hand Jobs Made me come onto my Face
as she giggled with it dripping off my Forehead
but for Her Cleaning up the Rest was no Problem
as her Libido was High enough as nothing Disgusted
her much but when she was gently sucking the Head
all Velvet and Red she did ask me please don't come
in Her Mouth just about the Time her Father Walked
in the Living Room out of their Great Room and walked
away quickly in respect of what he probably did out on
some of his First Dates too.. and yes i did come a little in her
Mouth and it was not a problem for Her as she scampered
up to the Second Floor and Wiped the Rest of me Clean
and some of my Friends from the Past then who were
Girls noted her Body was disgusting it was so sexy
even with Clothes on but hey the Wife now still
has her beat back then in the Teen years now
at 48 even with one hand Injured now as
something about a Mix of Pacific
Islander and American
Indian and Irish
and the
Such as that
that edges out the other Nationalities
of the other Olive Skinned Teen Girl Friend
way way way back in the Late 70's as such then..
anyway.. i wasn't always this comfortable in my skin
as far as doing Nude Art in Fact that was the furthest
thing i ever imagined i would have been Brave enough to
do including Solo Dancing Everywhere i go where i can only
aSSume that Generates some Libido amongst the Newly Legal
Aged College Women at the Dance Hall Still for true quite a few
Have Vigorously Rubbed My Front hmm.. i guess since this is
A Restricted Blog i don't have to be nice anymore for it's true too
as their aim was is to put my Clothed Cock Between their Buns
and Stroke it in hopes that it would come Pulsating Throbbing
on the Sweet Spots of their Vulva all Clothed From the Rear
Bending over aS Such edging left and right and up and down
to get the best feeling out of the moment of heaven then on
the Dance Floor of Strange Cocks they hope to come up
and play with their Pussy Lips all Bent from the Rear
Rubbing harder and longer and moving around like
there is an itch that hasn't quite come yet
full hehe.. and i suppose perhaps a
Memory of the Feeling and
Experience and some
Fingers might
a Dream
come True they
orchestrate Later
for it is rather intoxicating
When a Young Strange Beautiful
Woman decides to Entertain your Cock
Between Her Clothed Buns and Vulva Now
PArts Sweating some Honey as Flowers Desire
to be Pollinated more in Human Female Form as
Essence of Sensual Sexual Bliss and Nirvana on the
Dance Floor and Fantasies at home touching Panties
with Wet Drenching Spots First pulling them down and
Playing their Piano Plucking their Guitar Strings in Synch
of Edging Bliss Deeper and all around Throbbing Parts
Pulsating as Butterfly Wings Quiver more.. i don't know
but hey.. i have imagination and i can dream anything
i like as Imaginary Lovers Never Fail To Please 'tween
the Ears and Edging Throbs with Hands Precipice
of Cliff almost reached but longer holding off
until the raise and fall comes of explosive
Bliss Next as Nirvana Sings her
Sweet Pollination Song
in Male Flowered
Form too hehe..
i love to Write
And this Erotic talk
has always been something
i wanted to try out and the Great
thing about a Wife who Never Ages is
She's never Been Afraid of other Beautiful
Women and from the Very Start of our Marriage
she's always enjoyed Stroking my Cock while we both
Watch Porn as she even remarks on how the Women are
Beautiful as She Strokes me Faster and Harder as a Women
is Sucking on a Strange Man's Hard Cock.. and every once in
a While i'll ask her do you like the way his Cock Looks and how her
Pussy Looks so wet and receptive as he thrusts his throbbing Cock
Deeper in Her.. as i watch her Face as she seems entranced on all the
Body Parts meeting each other in continuing heightened Passion
and what makes it even sweeter is my Wife is so innocent and
Sweet but still she is Human and we Humans who are normal
and are not afraid of Shame do enjoy watching other humans
Get it on as it makes us harder and wetter and more ready
for each other to Pulsate and Throb together as
we watch a variety of Humans do the same..
Yeah.. it's True the Husband and Wife
who Masturbate each other
Watching Porn
get Bored
and there is no need for
Jealously in the Marriage
when both parties acknowledge
they are Human and don't mind getting
off on Variety now and then at least for Harder
and Wetter Life as hey.. could be why she never ages
too for she is not afraid of Nature nor am i.. anyway.. yes
i have a High Libido always have unless i am depressed
and this is just one way to express the Art of that and now do
some Erotic Writing to go aLong with all of that as hey.. my Favorite
Porn is Amateur Porn and Tumblr is a Great Avenue for that and i always
enjoy when folks write about their Personal Experiences too from a distant
View of Strangers as that is how we Nurture our Imagination and Creativity
And Overall Artful Joy For Life..
And yes the Wife and i have
Done some Porn too but
it's not something we
share with People
we know
as the view counts
for that avenue are well
understood high as we imagine
what people are doing when
they are still watching what
we are doing too and i made
it funny so funny on top of
that.. as yes play naked
and i'll never tale
where it's at..
as the
Internet is full of throbbing
Cocks Coming and Pussies
Pulsating as Butterfly Wings Quiver
but you see this is recyclable Human Dopamine
Energy for all the Folks who came while we dreamed they
saw us too.. Couples and every other Variation of Human too
for seriously it's just not fair to take and never give across a
Lifespan now.. and true i started late but at least i had a few
Photos above at age 40 and even a Memorable Hand Job
out in the Back Yard too.. good to have a Privacy Fence
but we did wonder if the Young Couple Next Door
could see us through the slats of the
Fence as they came in their
Back yard then.. hehe..
Oh yeah and
then there
was the
on the Back
Porch when the wife
was straddled on top of me
and the Dude started climbing the
Tree Next Door to Cut Some Limbs
Straining to Look our way.. as sometimes
when i'm Masturbating the Wife in Bed i say
imagine how many Young Men have come to the
Beauty of you.. clothed or not.. as true just the way
some Women have looked At me with shiny eyes has
been enough for me in my Life for the Most Explosive
Fantasy Orgasms of all.. ha.. Not even any Muslim Woman
is safe from that Male Fantasy now for Desire is Deep Pools
in Brown To Green To Blue eyes too Pupils Dilated Lips
Red Fully Reflecting what is below so above now too..
Yes.. the Gift of Life is too Wonderful not to Play
Naked and Share it with the World at least
one time in all legal Avenues to do
that in Freedom's Wings
now for those who
have high
and are not Disgusted
by Free Nature now.. you
do it you move on to other Horizons
of Love and then you do it again to increase
Libido for Creativity and Productivity and even
Greater Social Cooperation as our Cousin Bonobos
have never been afraid to do.. but yeah.. i am monogamous
as far as naked things do go.. but i do have Imagination and
Do enjoy the Art of Erotica and i am no Hypocrite who has
to keep Secrets of Human Nature Closed up in Closets now..
And once again only very selfish People take take take
the art of others and yes naked too and
never give back what
they take
so much
Across a Lifetime now..
and on top of that and bottom
too yes.. it defeats entropy in
Electronic Form as hey
Being an Orgasm
is like
Being a Blood
Donor for Comfort
as Health in Life too..
and in Electronic Form no
Disease and no one gets hurt
in relationships where
Jealousy doesn't
Freedom now..
to each her and hiS oWN
DiffeRent Strokes for DiffeRent
Human Libidos too but yes
Joy of Sex
and Sensuality
and overall Erotica and
the Great Aesthetics in Essence
of all Human Body PartS and Functions
are no less Holy and Sacred than any other
Activity as Nature
is God Free and Wild
as Naked Play NoW ReaL as ArT too..
Hmm.. and what's my Favorite Porn
Women Masturbating as i've always
Loved Loving Pussy
and Heart
and Soul
Spirit and
the rest of a
Body with my
Fingers and Tongue too..
And that reminds me of when i used to
Be a Janitor and my Beautiful Young Female
Helper was Below me as i was standing on top
of a Ladder Cleaning the Top Blind and i just couldn't
Help it as she was so sexy i started getting Erect and she
noticed and Started Giggling and said can i watch you while
You Masturbate and that made my Heart Beat Fast in Taboo
of Sex on the Job but yes she watched me until i came as she
said wow your Cock Gets So Red when it is Hard and she
just watched and that's all that happened then but there
was that Night at the Bowling Center well before i
met Katrina then where a Bowling League
Couple Brought one of their Female
Relatives in her Early Twenties
to come watch them
Bowl then
as Later she stayed
and it was just me and
her in the Bowling Center alone
And she Followed me in the Women's
Bathroom as i went to clean it and i said hey what
are you doing here now.. as she kneeled down and unzipped
my Pants and Pulled out what would quickly Be a Red and Swollen
Cock then and for you Men you know and feel and sense it at least you
should when a Woman who really Loves to Suck Cock like it is the Art of
their Life comes to Hold You In her Mouth like the Sweetest most Delicious
Red Lollipop She has Ever Sucked So hard to get to the Sweetest Parts more..
She asked me to Fuck Her right then and there but that was more than
i was willing to do as hey guys can have limits too so with a sigh
she pulled her Lips off my Cock for True a Cock that
comes is not much for Thrusting
into a Newly Wet Pussy now..
Women have it easy
for they can
and will
come and
come again..
with more than one
man if they so choose too
as some folks do trios and even
more than that too.. one's enough
for me but yeah.. there is Imagination
and Fantasy too.. and that reminds me
of a Respiratory Therapist i dated in
College as she had money and i did not
back then.. and she sucked me
and sucked me and
told me she
could suck
me all
night long and told
me my Cum tasted sweet
and how she didn't like really salty cum..
and she would talk dirty to me saying fuck me
fuck me harder and fuck me dirty now please..
and while she was on a Park Swing she rubbed
My Leg Between Her Legs and Said.. yes Daddy
Rub me Harder now.. yes Daddy Harder and
i met her at a Bar no surprise that she had
a higher than usual libido otherwise
she wouldn't have likely
even been at
the bar
back then..
anyway.. nothing disgusted
her as she enjoyed the taste of me..
and yeah that reminds me of when i was
dancing in my shorts back in my running days
at a Bar and a Woman Told me i had the Best
Man Butt she ever came across then and
that was all but another woman
Actually Grabbed my
Crotch and just
Rubbing my cock
in Public then..
but true i've
never come
from a Clothed
Rub or Bootie Dance either
hehe.. and Wet Dreams they are
almost as Great as Tantric Sex now
as that is the Art of Pleasure too.. Explosive
Pleasure at its Max for the Bio-Feed Back
of Sexual and Sensual Intelligence More
there is Art and Beauty to all of Life
when one looks Deep
enough and
Shares it with
others as that's the purpose of Art in
the First place to Share and Give all
of a Mind and Body Soul now
Thanks for Folks like
and others
who helped pave the way
for the average Joe and Jane
to play Naked like no one is looking and
Everyone may be looking now heHe for ReaL..
but no one will ever say they actually looked
or what they did when they were watching the Screen hehe..
A Few Women From the Bar have smiled ear to ear while they
typed my link into their Cell Phone then.. i don't know what they did
after that
but sure
i can
And WiLL
Even More likely now heHe..:)
Back to the Summer of 2014 Photographically imaged
at the End of all of this stuff still coming.. all the way at the bottom..
May 2nd, 2018
True.. i'm a Grower
More than shower.. too.. hehe..
Anyway back today to Spruce up the Effort with a little
More Organized Form to go along with all of this Essence..
and nah..i don't wanna make this too complicated as we are talking
mostly here about getting Wetter and Harder as Life comes Great..:)
Two Photos Below from April 2014 as the First one was actually
Shared in my PG Rated Blogs as just about the limit to keep it PG there..:)

Photo Below from my Lion King Post in September of 2017 at age 57 then..
i was a little Surprised that one of my Muslim Friends..
A Female wo was married at the Time actually liked the
Blog Post with the First Picture Headlining it but it was
likely the Quality of the Words that she liked most.. hehe..
Anyway.. just Proof that i Dance Naked online.. hAha..
For you Know Folks.. Some Folks
Are always asking for
Proof or it didn't Happen.. heHe..
The Picture from September 2017 as then
Titling a MacroVerse with the Phrase Lion King
is bound to Create a Little MaGiC in Form of Essence too..
is about as Close as i've been able to come at age 57 to meet the
Form of something that Looks like a Greek Statue in what used to be
the Fine Art of Human Straight Male Nude.. not exactly FAP Material is
any of this For Most Females to get Wetter all about but never the less it is
the Art of me Fully dis-clothed without
shame to be..
i used to Show off photos
in Artful Poses when my Penis
was small as it can get as true it is a
Rather Warrior Penis that will Go in Stealth
Mode as necessary in the Environment at Hand
Per Fight and Snow Cold too.. as a Grower and Surely
not a shower in this way true.. but anyway.. i don't show the
smaller feller anymore for hey
if it ever goes viral
i would rather
have the
than the
non-Shower hehe..
or at least a Full Spectrum View
just for the Curiosity of what comes may will..
anyway that's enough about Cock.. let's talk About Pussy
my Favorite pArt at least close to the Beauty of a Woman's eyes
And the kind Hugs
and Kisses
of Love
For a Pussy is a Beautiful
Flower Rose as Butterfly with Wings
Folded Parts Artful and Moist such a Wonderful
Home to House a little Feller Growing Taller and Longer to
Feel and Fill the Wet lit
Walls oF a Home that
Fits Still to come..
Anyway.. as far as any Pictures of
me as my Friend Rafiah Before she got
Married said i look Better with Pants on with
A photo of me Shared from Around 2004..
the most popular Current Photo among
the Women i've recently known is
the one below in Fact the
Wife Jumped my Bones
the night i shared
this one on
Facebook too.. hehe..
Yep.. about 170 LBS no Hercules Hear..
yep about 70 Lbs Less than what i weighed
in the Lion King Photo Above as i've been running
Close to 240LBS lately and no i do not actually run
as that is way too much weigh for 57 Year old Knees now.. hehe..
From the Spring of '83 at 22 Years Old..
Anyway.. back to the Photo Above with the Beard at 22 Years
Old this was from my Bar Days of Dancing at 2001 Club way back
then.. and the Young Woman who said she Loved to Suck me so much
she would suck me all night long
as she just couldn't get enough
of the Velvet Tip
of what was growing
in her Mouth then..
yes.. she was not a Grower she
was a Swallower of all of what might come..
And yes again a Taste Tester of Cum From what she
named mine as Sweet to what She remembered of Salty other
men then.. in the Bar Scenes of Life.. so much more experienced she
then me of course then.. anyway.. she said she Loved my Beard as much
as i enjoyed the scent of her Flower Below
as i remember as she pulled her Skirt
down in the Hotel Room She
and her Friends were staying
at the Beach Hotel
How moist her
Panties Felt and
how Deep and intoxicating
the Smell of Her Fresh Womanhood was then..
she said she enjoyed the Feel of my Beard as it tickled
and stimulated her Rose Petals and Butterfly Wings more until
She Quivered with Delight
as my Tongue explored
all the musky
yes.. the Good Kind of
Musk in Female turned on..
as really i did not care whether or not
if she sucked me or not as i just wanted to Feel her
Pleasure as any Empath Male Will as the Walls of Contractions
Would Massage My Tongue Diving in Deeper and All around those
Butterfly Wings Pulsating then..
And it's true eventually
i could not help it
for i exploded
in her Mouth
And true not a Drop
Was Left as she Looked Deep in
My Eyes with a Satisfaction of i Love all of
you and i will not waste one Drop of you now.. hehe..
And that's the way it was back in the Beard GroWinG Days..
for every Woman i went down on went down on me in full reciprocation then..
not that i had that many Women for there was likely under 10 and some of them
Surely experienced more than me.. yes.. likely some of them
Enjoyed Tasting Licking Delicious Pussy
in Same Sex way too..
for yes..
i remember this Woman
asking Her Nurse Friend to join
in with us in half Jest in the Morning of
Beach Life then.. just the thought of it was enough then.. hehe..
For Round two of divine in yes diving
in the Rose
of her
Petals of Love
Fully open for me..
As Butterfly Wings Quiver in Ecstasy more..
can't say that she ever Masturbated in Front of me
but i can't say she had any need to either.. hAha.:)
Anyway that's enough Write for a Second Day of Doing this
For i need to Space it out in the Future less my PG Rated Blogs don't get
done but i kinda wanted to start it off with somewhat of a Big Bang now..
For there are many More Memories coming to fully illustrate more now too..
as this May 2nd of 2018 Effort concludes for now then..:)
May 4th, 2018
The Old Celtic Festival of Beltane that Survived
the Longest into the 20 Century of where
my Irish Grandfather was born
in Limerick for Home
but of course
no Pagan
Non-Christian Activities
for him for he Became an Irish Priest
yet not too Prude to eventually sire me 2 Generations
Removed on 6.6.60 for me With Spiral Golden PHI Reflections
in Birthday Days too with Numerology Report of 0 For the Fool
of Tarot too at Birth for the Relative Free Will to do what ever i enjoy
in life by the Legend of completing all the other Life Challenges Successfully
in Previous Lives 'Fore where according to my Birth Name and Birth Date the
Next Three Life Challenges are 1 and 1 and 1 after the 0 of Birth Challenge..
which only means
i will affirm
what i already
care to do.. could be
everything or nothing but
the Gift is Everything More for Love
Incarnate Naturally Will Also Give and Share more
so yeah around 3:33 AM on May 1st, 2018 when i staRted
Writing this it is unwittingly
in the same
Artful Effort as
A Fertility Rite of Sorts
And Celebration of FLoWeRinG LiFE
More as A White MaGiC Incantation of Words
Same as a Prayer for Positive Force Energy as Synergy
of Life in Intent more now too.. and verily the Celebration Did
Come Stronger That Usual on the 211th Dance Night Celebration with
all the Cool College Age Folks at
where i Dance each week
for the Women were
Heated more by
May Temperatures of
Summer Coming too as their
Hands Exploring full Grasp of my Ass
and in a couple of Cases the Cheeks of their Buns
Stroking what is always a Half Engorged Cock in any Kundalini
Raising Activity that Ascendent Transcendent Ecstatic Free Verse Dance
will Bring whether or not the Rear of a Pussy becomes excited or not by a Half
Engorged Cock in a Pair
of Dancing Shorts
as Legs are Stroked
first with
Pussy pArts
before the Head of my
Cock is engaged between A
Valley of Ass more.. anyway it's
Play it's what Playful Humans Do in Sensuality
too just a Game as See that Guy down there Dancing Fearless
on the Dance Floor.. bet i can Rub his Cock and Make him Stiff
as a Rock Before i move on to the next
Destination for
and then there were the passing
Caresses of My Chest in Shirt as Young
Women Passed me by in Feel of me when it wasn't
my Ass they had a Handful of too.. it's true it was May
Day Week and perhaps they too were a little Celtic too..
It was a memorable night and one of the
Most Beautiful Women entertained
me last in a White Sun Dress
of Beauty as she
came up
Behind me and
Snuggled with a Stranger
in Tight Hug and a Quick Face to Face
Dance as she pulled my Hips Closer to
Her Woman Hood too..
then she went to
the Deeper
part of the
Dance Hall and i did not
Follow her there but she came
back reaching out for me in a Hand
to Hand Dance..
but as a married
man i never pursue
any woman there
and usually they eventually get
the hint that i am married if not realizing
i'm old enough to be their Grandfather too.. hehe..
but anyway it is surely flattering and in the Moment
i am
Years old for True
i was a Virgin then and still
until 19 years old..
for i remember
the First time
my first
Rubbed my cock
in slow swirling Strokes through
my Corduroy Pants Petting in the Front
Seat of my 1970 Ford Maverick Listening to the
'Song Don't Look Back' by Boston then.. for she was the
Confident one and i was the one whose Heart Beat was Thumping
Both in Chest and
Cock too then..
and this was in Broad Daylight
at an Afternoon Store but it wouldn't
be too much longer Before it would be in the
Woods after a Dance in the same Front Seat Car
Seat for i remember the Milky White Feel of her
Ample Young Breasts then and how Her Pussy
Was Dusted With Baby Powder that made
My Fingers Smell Sweet as i explored
the Deep Pink Glistening Wings
of Her Butterfly Petals
Free.. and the
most amazing thing of all
is that was Nearly 40 Years ago..
and the Girl who obviously wanted me who
was even more Beautiful than her was only Several
Years Older on the Dance Floor of Thursday Night..
Yes.. it's nice
to be in
at any age now..
but seriously a smile given
and shared is enough for me with
Any Dancing Friend now until the other
ones figure out i am not available for too much fun..
anyway.. in that First Love Exploration even though we were
Both Virgins.. obviously she had more overall Experience of Petting
than i did then..
but yes it was fun
Learning for before i met
her all i knew about Pussy was
the Fur Above as in my Day all
the Butterfly Winged Parts
Were Definitely Victoria's
Secret Kept all the way
through Grade Schools for me..
yes.. even in the only access i had to Penthouse
Magazine then.. as now one can view almost as much
on a Mall Advertisement in a Store selling Dildo's New..
i'm Glad i learned Romantic Love For Females from the
Time i was in Kindergarten
to my First Love then at 18..
for it's True
i can and will
be Satisfied STiLL with
Just a smile now to Share with any Woman now..
but still Sexual and Sensual Intelligence is Integral from
Escaping the CLocK Part of Mechanical Cognition Mind and
Surely one way to get Closer to the God of Feel and Sense Living Within
and Free
for the Gift we are
in the Rite of all days as May Day Now More..:)
May 11, 2018
Sexual Sensual Intelligences of Edging in other Words Fantasizing
Where nothing is off Limits Except Coming too much to make
the Experience one of constant Waves of Ecstasy as
Tides go in and out in Waves of Bliss and
Nirvana More When Tip of Cock
Peaks over Precipice in
Drips of Life a little
more each
Cliff is reached
not falling of the edge yet
of Explosive Orgasm in Tantric
Art ways of Biggest Bangs of Human
Sensuality and Sexuality yes Class Nirvana
and Bliss yes.. it's Like a Woman at the Beach
in Long Day Sun as Lips Below Move so Moist
as Ocean Flow More as FloweRed Wings Become
Red as Clit-like Ruby Headed Cock for Size Matters
not for the Loving Button of Clit and Loving Juices
of Life are concentrated into Streams joining of
Bliss more now in Delight Bending over to pick
up Towels as Sunshine Up Below surely to
Arouse Every Cock that Walks by Rising
Girth and Length as Cock Heads
Vibrate Pulsating wanting
connections to
Touching Bikini Bottom
Cotton Drenching Love Wants
yet not met as Thrusting Parts
Meet Willing Art of Massaging Red
More as Matches come together making
Flickers into Torches into Bonfire of Cock
Meeting Pussy Together as Flame Lights
up in uncontrollable Passion come to
Licker Her First tasting all of
what Sunshine Brings
to Light Below
So Impassioned Lip
Stick Red in Life Juices
Delight as Tongues Swirl around
A Pussy Wet of Ocean Whole Around
A World of Pulsating Coming Places More..
As Cock and Pussy Come Together Again as
Left Hand Massages Nipple of Left Breast more
for Women too who are now exploring tHeir Vital
Life in Finger
Tips of Love
round and round
faster in vibrating
style unique to each
Finger of Hands that
Dials up Bliss just an edge
more to precipice in Pussy Pulsating
more to reach yet another edge of Fantasy
more as Cock and Pussy come together Thrusting
and Rubbing more matches lit up Higher and Deeper
Run Away TRain
of Passion
pulsations contractions
gyrations explode as Life
comes again until
the next
around for an opportunity
for even more colors for Orgasms
new.. yes reNeWeD as Fingers and Pussy
Become Best Friends too.. Anew as Every Fantasy
is Lit up in A Biggest Sexual Organ of all Between
the ears of all that is imaginable with all of what Feels
Good now
as Below
oF PleaSurE NoW..
YeaH.. iT's True this kind of intelligence LiGHT
may be too deep now for some or not yet explored
as too shallow for others so it is best that this Blog
goes a separate way from the other 'Bible Blogs' but hey
remember class no Member of Nature as God Any less Holy
And Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose when we use the Imagination
and Creativity of Relative Free Will as Gifted From God Free and that's
the Problem with so many other Bible Texts perhaps except for Sufi
Poetry About Sex and the Divine Feminine Lust of Nature With Male
now too.. and Some other Sacred and Holy Text that is not afraid
of Cock and Pussy
and all the
above so below
of Sexual and Sensual
Holy and Sacred Creative Intelligences
More as Imagination Lives above so below too..
And like they say.. pictures or it did not happen hehe..
for some of us do wake with a stark reminder that
Above now too..
anyway.. the Pictures Below are pArt of
what will come next week too.. as now it's
6:18 PM on 5.11.18 and now a trip to the Gym
for sure i'll visit this place again when i get in the mood again2..
sure.. as usual with a 'little help' from all the Muse that/who comes my way too..:)
May 17th, 2018
One of the Best Things About Sensual/Sexual Intelligences yes that is mostly
An Actual Feeling and Sensing Intelligence Removed from what can and will
sadly 'normally' be a Mechanical Cognition Robot Worry State of Mind is
yes just that
this is
Escape from Worries of
Course or just Re-Creation in
A Different Area of Your Being Human..
in other Words Genital Healing but Really for
Us Free Verse Dancers who get in touch with every
Move of our Body Emotional Feeling and other Sensory
Sensation no Matter
Female and or Male
the Entire Body for all
practical intents and
purposes and even
Mind of Feelings
and Senses
to be
One Whole Penis and or
Clitoris as Organism of Pleasure
or whatever you wanna call that tingly
connecting feeling sensing thingie from Head
to Toe and no i am not talking about ingesting any
Drugs to get in this state of Orgiastic Being for
a Naked Free or Even Clothed Dance when
the Mind and Body Becomes Centered
in Love Next of Belly Balance
Good Vibrations continue
to come from
to Toe Real and even
rising higher into beyond
Reaches of what most folks may
Experience of Bliss and Nirvana of Life
all that is connecting with God Free as
just another Clitoris Penis drop the Science
yes Pussy
and Cock
come to Play
From Head to toe..
God are you Horny
Yes i am Horny for Life
in a Lust of Pleasure from
Head to Toe just Happy as a
Cock doesn't even have to be Hard
but yes usually about half engorged
in Shorts as just a natural way to be
not necessarily
Furry and Moist
Home or as they do
shaved these days
For Butterfly Wings Open
As Flower to accommodate
A Swelling Red Velvet Head of Pleasure more..
Hmm.. yes.. Hmm.. Good
all around
Sure Size Matters
not and a Pussy Button
Will Surely Get Erect too
Leaning into
Flesh Womanhood
comes to connect to clothed
in Dance or in the ins and outs of the Heat of Passion
Naked and Lubricated Wetter than what seems ever
Before From Head to toe as Humans Become Cock
and Pussy Whole too reaching out and touching
God's UniVerse Whole moving connecting
co-creating Waves of Pleasure more..
Yes it's True Life can and will be
A Supraorgasm too.. butt
sure it's Nice to
Be Wanted
at the Dance Halls too
when a 'Strange' Woman Grabs
Your Butt and Caresses Your Chest
as a Drive by Pleasure too..
or yes in the lower
case of
Cock Up and
Down to fit 'tween
the Vulva Valleys of Life
More Pulsating Dreams come
to Fruition Later Fingering
A Dream come
Yes.. i must admit my cock is Getting
Harder Writing this Swelling up and around
a little bit more and i'm not thinking about any
one in particular just the Joy of Sensual and
Sexual Life now.. yes as my Cock continues
to Push hard Against My Underwear
i could almost Pull it out
and start rubbing it
a little bit now
but no
i'll save that until
tomorrow as i don't pleasure
my self that often but when i do yes
i really really really do.. hehe.. for it's
true this is like a way of Masturbation too..
Slow Masturbation as in a way i'm
doing it with whoever is reading this
now too.. for it's also True i once
had a rather Open minded
Facebook Friend
who remarked
Poetic Literature
is what drove her to Pull her Panties
Down as a Facebook Status for all to see..
but no.. the Quoted Text.. hehe was not from me..
for i try my best to keep it PG on Facebook at Least haha..
anyway about the saddest pArt of life is someone who feels guilt
over pleasuring themselves now..
for perhaps a female
who doesn't see
a Pussy
As a Beautiful
Butterfly Flower
With Wings Glistening
Receptive With Lubrication Honey more..
Truly a Gift Worthy to Touch Lightly as Panties
become moist to feel with a certain smell of ready more..
yes more just more and some more as one finger and two
begin to swirl a way around a sticky indention even more..
perhaps not sticky but at least wet and slicker dreaming
that certain person will press their Lips in bottom
more lightly flicking Their Tongue in places
that want even more a desire
to plunge Deeper
until a
date comes
For Velvet Red Cock
to Plunge even Deeper where
Tongue is Driven Before..
anyway i will
as True my Mind and
Body is an oPen Freeway Within
and Free
Inside outside above
So below and OMG all around too..
Sure more coming later whenever more comes..:)
May 17th 2018.. continuing now with a little Science Added in too..
At Least in Measure of Systemizing Science me NoW.. hehe..;)
Okay.. the Two Pictures Above and Below Knocks out two things..
the Part of my Naked Legs that are not visible below
the Bottom of the Mirrors i use for this Masculine and
Somewhat Erotic Art.. and the Heaviest Weight of my
Life With Empirical Evidence in Measure and Naked
Art too
as it is
what is was
back on a Full Day
Evening of Eating on
Sunday when i took my Wife
Katrina to Her Burn Care Appointment
at Mobile as yes that was on 5.12.2018 as the
Tale of the Scales reported back 245.4 LBS as that's
what happens to me at least skipping a Marathon Dance
at Old Seville Quarter for what would have been the 212th
Dance Week with all the Cool College Age Folks as that's
coming tonight
as muse
Art to come too..
but true it was those big meals
that packed on the last 5 LBS as
the photos above with the Really Red
Stiff and Partially Coming Cock
at just 240 LbS
and the more Defined
Muscle parts for
A Hairy Dude Second Removed
From Ireland and Third Removed
From the Black Forest of Germany as
Ancestral Snows do go for smaller ears and yes
Class the rest of the extremities that Survive the Winter
Snows of Cold that Don't other wise Freeze off Dangling aLong
with Balls hung low
in the Hot
Savannah Desert
With Much Darker Natural
Born Skin that dissipates the Heat
With much Larger Longer Extremities too.. specifically
the Length of Flacid Cocks too still.. and on top of that as
(conversely.. iT's Worth Noting that Bigger Upper Heads Retain Heat in cold climates too)
Far as Lion Packages go.. for i remember distinctly a group
of You Tube Ignorant Commenters making fun of how small
A Lion's Package
was/is in comparison
to the size of the
Entire Lion Body
Getting Ready to Mount
A Lioness aS Such in Mutual
Kingdom sHow of Getting iT on..
as yes.. they made Fun of the Smaller Lion
Package that i guess what they anthropomorphized
out of Imaginary Expectation but don't Forget Class..
With Jaws and Claws
what Dangles
gets ripped
off and that's the end
of the Family Jewels and Heritage too..
i have A theory that likely no Social Scientist will likely ever pursue
and not many would likely answer honestly as that's the problem with
Social Science as it is still subjective no matter how hard one tries to
Measure the Human Mind and
HeArt in how we Co-Create
our reaLiTies now
ever changing
as Neuro-Scientists
now show we basically
Hallucinate our reality in what
may or may not be a Sweet Spot of
Coming to Terms in a Reality that Works
best for us as yes.. Class.. smART really in effect
is comprised mostly of Art.. anyway as far as Angry Old
and yes White Dudes from the Northern European Hairy aS
Such Persuasion from the Day that the African American Slaves
First Came over with
much Lower Dangling
so-called Man-hood parts
the Penis Envy Did come more..
and it's true as even Social Science Shows
as best as it can the Highest Levels of Social Esteem
among all Demographics in the United States are the African American
Male as Factors cited are ability to Defend oneself in an actual Physical Fight
And the Confidence
in Sexual
Successfully Bedding
the Opposite Sex more..
and on top of that it is a misconception
that Trump Riches is what actually Turns Women
on the Most as Modern Social Science Shows it is the Confidence
of a Fearless Stance and Show of Life that Gets the Women Juices
Going the
below too...
so no matter what your
Man parts below are.. soft or hard
if you want a 'Strange' Woman to come up
to you in the Dance Hall and put her hands all over you
or in an actual
rage of
Offer you her
Rear in a Vigorous
Up and Down Standing
Lap Top Dance Massaging
Your Cock for the only tip
she gets is a swelling
Head of Shaft extending
more as the actual receptor
Nowthen of Female Passion more..
Yes.. Class.. Dance like no one is looking
for it's true not only will someone be looking
chances are the moist parts will be getting ready as
they are feeling the Fearless in you as the intoxication
of our Animal Natures come out to play more as Bonobo
alive again free..
And if you are really an Artist of Sexuality
and Sensuality more there are as many ways to make
A Woman Tingle from Head to toe as there are Words and
Touches and Delicate
All of Life is Art to me as
Science may Say just put it in and take
it out and put it in again..
i do
Thing More
For Art is no limit
Sex MoRe
anYWay i realize this is a little
Heavy For Erotic Talk but it's True
iN LiGHT every way the Truth Will Set you
Free in Life Fearless without Shame now and
if you wanna get all religious about it the Jesus Dude
as Reported clearly related this in Parable and Poetry talk
for the Gospel
of Thomas
as yes class
Jesus was/is one of the
First Male Strippers who not only
did it without shame but suggested
that his Students Should too to find
as Temple of God
comes alive more
as Nature God MoRe
JuST NaKeD Free
with sure a Free
Lap Top Standing
Dance to go along with
that in ointments that don't Cost a Dam
thing to take Food away from the Poor as every
Bootie Dance
in Ointments
Free as Nature Lives
as God in Every ParT
and Function and
us more
Hard or Soft
as all pArts CoME ToGeTHeR
Holy and Sacred Fully Engorged
too of Meaning and Purpose too..
And if you don't BeLieVE the Jesus the Yeshua
or whatever Meek Man Never Got an
And touched
A Woman's Flesh with it
than in that case he was
Probably of another Sexual Orientation
so be
when one attempts
to Armchair
from the past now..
as True without a Higher Libido
Creativity Usually Dies too for Jesus F
in Christ how many exciting Sermons do you
get from
a Catholic
Priest now..
the ones that are not
Sexually Active at least
As unless they are A-Sexual
of Persuasion what comes out
of the closet
in the Closet now too
Yes Class there is Truth and Light
About Human Sexuality too and while the World
may not be Ready
for a Sexy Jesus
i am
one to try/be that now heHe..
but wait! the Homosexual Artists who
portrayed him as a female with a beard
in mind at least too.. hehe..
not likely he turned over any Real
Money Making Temple Patriarchal
Tables Looking like that any more
than he
coming back
as a bearded long haired female
at the First Baptist Church
like i said we co-create
our realities
and there
is no
steadfast rule
any of this has to make any rational sense at
all but true some of us use more of our NeO-cortex too..
Even those who believe with Faith in NO GOD AT ALL..
hmm.. such a silly
way to co-create
a life that other wise
lasts Eternally now in Heaven Real..
HeaVeN EXisTS NoW ThaT's aLL i NeeD NoT KNoW NoW
ReaL NoW
And one can/will create Illusory
Fears without Hope that
is the Devil and Hell
aS oNe May
be now
forevernow too..
Ha and people say
we don't have Free Will at all..
Yes.. Class the Relative Free Will
of Heaven or Hell we Create now as
Devil more..
But True it's Hard
to Find an Angel with
A Stiff Cock or Clit who
Dreamy eyes
of HeaVeN NoW
And seriously the reason you won't see many
of those 'Professional Body' Builders doing their
poses in original Michelangelo Sculpting ways as they
are not Fearless enough men to fully expose their
now heHe..
or the pArts that made it through
the Cold Winter Snows of Northern
Europe and yes Asia too in one
that continued
and continues
to Reproduce Flesh and Blood now..
it's True your little weenie saved your Ancestors life in the Coldest of Days..
You See it's how you Frame life that counts and let me see to finish this off
if i can find that Burt Reynolds Bear Rug Spread Versus the Fred Rug Furry Spread..
as hey
counts too..
for Female
Googling Giggling Orgasms too..
keeping in mind that for Women who do Search
for Porn.. Social Science Shows that top results
WereWolves too
and oh God yes
Vampires too
who live forever now too
in some form as style of Essence in the Fossil Record online too..
hey.. if all of this don't turn you on.. at least you lEarned something too..;)
Ha.. guess i have a new 'title' too.. "Sex and Body PArts Educator"
as that Anthropology Degree is coming in Handy aLong with
the Health Science Degree and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Degree too (three)
for i do
it Free Hands Baby NoW
in AutoDiDacT aRt and Science2..
Ha! mayBe when i go to my 40th
High School Class Reunion on 8.4.18
and they ask me what i've been doing
i'll give 'em a 'load' of all of this too..;)
Circa Fall of 2013.. Fred in Bed of Bear Rug Spread at age 53 and
yes a couple of weeks away from 58 in the photos above..
Circa 1972..Burt Reynolds at age 36.. note: Burt
said he Drank a Bottle of Vodka to get the Courage
to do this for Cosmopolitan.. me.. i just i laid in
Bed Fully iNtoxicated all Natural with Life..
Perhaps that is pArt of a Bi-Polar
Advantage buT it works for me
heHe.. anyway.. obviously for
what should be obvious this is just
a silly Parody i did and yes while you could
surely see this much of a Dude at most any Beach
Just Relaxing in the Sun and Burt would look much more
like a Fearless man if he wasn't Femininely Covering up
his Privates like a Woman in a Gym Changing Room
when the owner of the Gym comes in as a Man and
or a Woman as such too.. and what's even sadder
as one sees one's libido creep lower covering
up their private parts together even
more as they get Older now
in Burt's Reference
View of an 82 year
old man he now
is ashamed of what he did then
and actually considering he's covering
his Private parts up in this way this shows
a little less than full male confidence no matter what too
although yes it was still off limits in Cosmopolitan to Show
a fully extended
'Monty' then.. hehe.. and even though
the Hairless version of Jesus as far as Body Hair
is exposed even more than this with or without a Cross
in the Front of the Catholic Church then/now even though we all should
Realize Middle Eastern Men are Hairy before the Homosexual leaning Artists
Sculpted Non-Hairy men then along with Painting them too.. as to each his
own eye of the beholder of Art and Sensuality too.. anyway.. an extended family
Member De-Friended me on Facebook Shortly after i did this parody here..
and as i remember another one did too..
but still they worship an almost naked
man on a cross as idol still
that just one man
could possibly comprise
the entire of God although true
we are God too just not the "Full Monty
and or Sheila" and more for metaphor now more too..
Yep.. Burt was considered the Sexiest Man alive then..
but true that was before Women Started Loving Hairless men more..
butt perhaps that is
Changing a little bit to 'the right again' ironicAlly as such not..
in other Words when Stressful times come Women Seek Stronger Fearless Looking Men..
for while some Men focus on their Cock's.. 'Real' Women see the entire Man package STiLL.
More to Come... Later.. and Sooner..;)
May 25th 2018
Presently back to the Future..
In Yesterday's Tantric
Edging 3 Hour
or so
Marathon Activity
of Losing my 'Mind' as such
and getting back into all yes
all pArts
mY Body
to get iT aLL BaLanCeD out
away from the Mechanical Cognition Activities
of Life so i will sprout Higher Wings of Spirituality after
this Earthly Effort of coming just a little here and coming a little
more until
as that came some more..
yes a whole lot more
as that comes
and now too..
And once Again Visiting the Bear Rug Spread
in the Bed of Course from Fall of 2013 which
is me of course at age 53 then..
Anyway overall i'm back as promised and as i was
telling the Nice Woman From the First Baptist
Church in the local area today as i chatted with
(all i did was smile at her as that usually
gets the conversation started
with the opposite Sex
at least for me..
True Ladies man i'LL continue to be
and yes it was totally sincere
as yes Women can tale most
about what is sincere too)
her while Katrina was getting
her Physical and
Therapy as
Her Burned Hand
continues to Recover
along with the movement
included as Hands will do too..
anyway.. i showed her the Form of what
the Essence of my Free Verse Poetry looks like
from a Distance
as nah..
some of
stuff would
likely Blow her Mind
as i do understand who i can open
up a little bit more too and for those
i must keep some of what i am under wraps at
least for now..
anyway..on another toPic as a totally different one
one of my Favorite Positions is for Women to Ride me
Particularly Dainty Flowery Looking Women more specifically
the Wife of Course as i remember when we first got Married and
we used a Mirror to Watch us Having Sex and it was quite the Turn on
me Hairy from Head to toe and her Perfect Eternal 19 year old Body
on top of me pumping
me up and
for it's true
opposites do most definitely
attract like this and yeah it also
reminds me of a Military Woman i met
when i worked for the Navy who took me to
a Hotel on the Destin Beach with Her Friend
as she was Pumping
me up and
While her Friend went to the
Bathroom and stayed in there for
a while as perhaps she wasn't ready to
join in but relieve her self in perhaps
another way but
i'll never know for
sure but hey
if you're Horny
and there is no other Person
to Pump might as well get out the Fingers
and let those Digits Play the Chords of Pussy
Play so moist so deep so swirling Fingers around
a Clit so
Blood as once again
size matters not as all
the Pleasure Points are
concentrated all at one
not Different really
then the head of a Velvet Cock
when edging ecstasy of Sensual Pleasure
just a little more and another Drop of Life
until the Ocean
and Washes the
rest of Mechanical Cognition away
to Bliss
like Rebooting
a Computer all Fresh and ready
to go out and Dance or go to the Beach
Where all the Bikinis are with hints of Nipples
And Vulva PArts coming sort of exposed where you
are not suffering
to pull it
out and
explode again in bliss
as that's already been taken care
of just like on the Dance Floor as you can
take the Bootie Dances if they come or not
to visit a Cock that has already Been Fully
Oiled at Home..
yes.. better to be rebooted than
frustrated in Cock Ways too
for overall release
as the cock
Been unleashed
to come again.. before
and in this case just another
Moment of Ecstasy in Sensual way is
Captured as Long as Servers keep it coming back
for you see this
the issue
of Entropy
as Pleasure to share free
with others is captured for a Free
Dopamine Source to Fuel the Productivity
and Creativity and overall Social Cooperation
of the Human Race for Sensuality Play and Play
in General is the Recreation
that keeps
Vital in Imagination
and Creativity more for there is
an Intelligence too of Sexual Fantasy that
makes more Colors come than just a White Spot
or a Wave of Life Gushing from a Velvet Head of Bliss..
for true the
Sexual Organ
of all is the Brain
and baby this
Grand Piano when it comes
to what i can/will dream up and feel and sense
and sure what i am capable of in Bringing Pleasure
to through the Wife
or just
like Fifty Shades of Grey
where the most feminine Woman
wants to get on top and do her Wild
thing with the
Dude who
between Human and Werewolf too
Throes of Passion as they say.. to ride the
Pony.. yes the Horse of Life that is at core for the will to
carry on..
as the Dainty Flower
ends up musing after the act
is done.. could i just be an animal after all..
Reference another Song named 'Blurred Lines' too..
it doesn't Bother me to come From EartH.. no it doesn't
bother me to share the Fur of other Animals and no
the throes
of Passion
do not
me either
as that is core to all that is
Life From the Big Bang of Theory
to: A
From: coMes neXt..:)
May 30th, 2018
Photo Memories from 4 Years ago.. Memorial Day Weekend.. 2014
Photo Memories from the End of Last July.. 2017..
So when is Naked.. Art that should be easy to determine
for Art is whatever comes as a symbol
that expresses the
Intelligences of Feeling and Sensing
Life Whole for whom all are concerned..
And of Course Beauty
or Disgust lies and
tells the truth
set of eyes to the next..
Since i'm not doing this for Money.. i'm
Definitely doing it for the Muse of Feeling and
Sensing the Potential Intensity of Life and Variety
of Colors
of Emotions
and Senses more
and this Historical Flesh and
Blood Art surely Brings Different Colors
of what i feel and sense to the pallet of Naked
i was living in an Apartment with a Girlfriend and
we had some Next Door Neighbors.. Boy Friend and Girl
Friend too back when i was in my Mid-Twenties and we decided
to go across the Border of Alabama
to an Adult Store to Rent what would
be the First so-called Porn Videos i had
ever seen then and it was a Hot
Bright July that
came next
as the Four
of us watched
the Videos together
Back at the Apartment as
it was surely a hot and bothered
Revelation to me for we all kept our Clothes
on but on the Next Day in the Heat of Mid-July
Sunshine as the Sun was at its Peak at the Middle of the
Day my Girlfriend had gone to Work
and i was
Home alone..
as i was determined to copy
and paste those Videos to one of my own
for Future use as that goes too.. those were the days
when porn was like a Gold Art rarely Viewed to consume
for Human Pleasure then
in a local area
where Women still wear
their dresses to their Ankles
in Certain Christian Sects unless they get out
of the Christian High School off to College and
visit the Back of a Pick up
they had never
been to Heaven before..
Let's Face it humans are Natively Sexual when Free
and the Taboo of Hiding the Gifts Just makes Christmas
of Flesh that much
more Tempting
to touch and
in and all around
the Hot Spots more..
funny it is when you see intense Sexual Art
for what you've never experienced before in acts and
Volume of Acts too.. it's almost like you are Ready to come
before you even touch yourself as that is what i understand
Happens to some
Newly Weds
in Muslim
Gifts are Wrapped
tight until a Man and Woman
who have never Physically met each other
at all in the Flesh get married after all being
Covered up
the Wedding
Bed is Ready to Explode too..
but now in Our Art Porn Industrialized Societies
Tits and Ass and Soft Crotches are almost Stripped in the Mall
haha! Strip Mall as that goes to sell Goods
and i must say i do enjoy the
Aesthetics of it all
but it
convinced me
to buy anything
but take some free photos
for the Joy of Sharing Art more..
Hmm.. if you are coming here to Masturbate
this probably isn't doing it hehe..
A bit Slow on the
Toad i am
and i'm not planning on Getting off to day either.. any
way these days the Male of the Species by the age of even as low
as 18 has probably viewed as Many folks having Sex as most
Folks in previous Centuries saw in a lifetime over all
i too..
for Human
Beings are like this
whether they admit to it or not
keep secrets or get caught..
anyway.. funny the things
that turn you on
most and
for me it's not Necessarily in Form of Female
Beauty for what will turn me on most for me as an
Empath in Feeling and Sensing life is i can tell if it is a genuine
experience of feeling the most pleasure possible free or just
a mechanical
act worked
to get
yeah the difference between a paid lap
dance that i've never paid for in a Strip Club when
Younger and A Wild and Free Young Woman coming
up to you in the Dance Hall Holding Your Clothed
Cock and vigorously
rubbing it up and
down between the cheeks of her
Buns coming
very close
to the sweet
spots of vulva
with just a hint of clit
somewhere too..
yes that
any paid for act of sex i can imagine for sure
for i feel the pleasure of the other person as much and more than
me for focus at least
in Sensuality of Heaven now..
so yeah it's hard to say what comes to be
the so-called Money Shot in the Art of Sensuality
and Sexuality often Referred to as Porn as for me
it might be a Woman who is really enjoying
herself and really showing it
no matter what
she looks
on the outside as such..
and Jesus F in Christ considering how many
Folks in the Art of this have offered it up to me for free
the least i will do is provide a variety of what i have to offer too
if only
for the
the FeeL oF it too..
as i don't try to pre-orchestrate what i do in
this Nude and Sensual Art i just do what the little
Naked Voice in me Naturally wants to move to do next..
sometimes i'm soft and sometimes i'm stiff and sometimes
i am just on the Edge
of Coming
Hours in a Marathon
of Art that takes me away
from all the other thoughts of life
that eXPands my Feelings and Sensuality
of Life
think now..
For it's true this is not just a paid
for act.. i am really enjoying myself for Free
in both the Art and Sensuality of it too
as some folks refer to as
Sexuality too..
for it's true
to give than
receive and i surely
have more than enough to give..
at least
me.. as some of what
i do overall is softer and some of
it is harder too but for sure it
is whatever i am
in the
For Next.. And that reminds me of another Military
Uniformed Girl i Used to Date back in the Mid-Twenties
too and her About 20 then.. as there used to be Wet-T-Shirt
Contests at the Bar i went to on special nights
and she took a Beer Bottle and
simulated some
sex on it to get a little
more attention from the Crowd
as the oral art of sucking every last drop
out of a red and velvety cock not spilling
a drop was surely
an art
enjoyed as
Delicious and never
disgusting to her then..
and yes she was a milk maiden too
hugely busted and amply hipped with a libido that
never quit either as doing it again comes next..
and the funniest thing i
remember her
Well Fuck me running
and it's true i never Fucked her Running
and now ironically it's like Women Try to Fuck
Men in the Cheeks of their Clothed Butts in a Bootie
Dance suitable
for whatever
they choose next..
and it's true i never even
say Fuck me Dancing
they just come
to take my
Cock away from me or
at least get a rise out of me
as that comes and goes too..
anyway it damn sure beats those
Women in the Paid for Dresses on Fox
not to totally
ruin any potential
Moods but Laughter
and Getting Hard and Wet
is still a best method of Healing
days still
and just to think
it requires no Cultural Clothes
at all just a Naked Smile from Head to toe..
seriously if you haven't touched yourself i suggest
you do just touch your thigh and slowly unzip your
Jeans or pull your skirt up enough to feel the
Dampness in the softer
of your Panties now..
and as you loosen your Pants
enough to slide them over the curves of your
Hips spread your Legs a little more to fit more of your
Hand and Fingers in what comes to be more of a drenching
wet and sweet smelling
more.. for true at this
point i would surely be edging
my Head down and extending my
Tongue down into a more open
Heaven this now..
but it's not
me it's
you so let your
Fingers slip down into
the Waist Band of Your Panties
and dive right into Heaven's Nest More..
slowly Massaging Vulva twirling one or two fingers
around more of
an erect
clit now
sure touch the tip
of pleasure more just
a little more pressure of
Finger Bliss now..
and that reminds me do you know there are actual
Masturbatory Specialists in some states that actually
set up clinical appointments to Bring Women to Orgasm
now.. it's true and back in the day of Patriarchy More when Women
were Diagnosed with Hysteria and considered repressed Sexually
Doctors used Vibrator Tools
in their office
to do their
to Bring the Wife
of someone to orgasm then..
hmm.. i suppose whether or not that worked
depended on the Bedside Manner of the Doctor then..
anyway.. i got lost in
the moment
of Science
there now
back to Pussy Play
more.. and it's true i might be
thinking of someone now and i might
not.. that's up to you to figure out not me.. hehe..
yes so now slowly insert one or two or even three fingers it depends
now on how wet and ready
and lubricated you
are now
down the
Tunnel of Your Love more..
Filling the Walls up Tunnel Less
but keep a Hand Free to keep Swirling
a Hot Clit more.. two or three fingers from the
other Hand should keep the trick up..
treat too
as soon as that
comes in waves
of bliss more
comes again
if you aren't late to work by now hehe..
Isn't it wonderful to Have a Pussy to Play
with every day and isn't it fun to fantasize
when you are on the Beach in your Bikini
Dreaming about a special occasion
as your crotch begins
to get wet
the Hot Sunshine too
and just imagine being on a Nude Beach
too Spread out for all to see but no no no
no one can touch but just look now
Lord knows how many men
go home and
to the Memory
of all Your Pussy Glory..
and try not to touch yourself
if you can when you get home
but if you want to i won't tell
anyone just shut the door
and open up
to Loving yourself more..
okay this is starting to work for
me for i for one am Celebrating Writing
a FB Profile Pic Bible 2018 of around 1.37 Million
Words or so in one year and i just needed something to inspire
me more getting
the Dopamine
up all Naturally too..
for that is the Creative Juice
beyond the Cock and Pussy Juices
that is a main Libido Fuel for most all
Human Creativity
and Productivity
yes.. Sexy Beasts male
and female just put out more
in all the ways that comes too..
so have you come yet if so
come come again
if you like
and if
you haven't
best wishes for your Next Big Bang of Life..
as i've got to get writing so i'll dream all about this
and Bring some New Nude Stuff Tomorrow for my Next
Blog Post
a 1.37 or so
Million Out Put of words too..
yes that's really coming a whole lot.. again..:)