CLoSinG GoD uP iN A BooK/WorD
NeVeR SeeKinG MoRE oF GoD NoW
CLoSinG GoD uP iN A BooK/WorD
NeVeR SeeKinG MoRE oF GoD NoW
Hi Frank.. Thanks so much for dropping by “Changing Wildfire
Colors of May Days LiGHT”.. And we are preparing to make
the Ride to Mobile Alabama at 3:30 AM in the Morning
for what we Hope will be Katrina’s Final Surgery
to Graft Her own skin to the top of her Hand
as this Healing Has been going on since
March 26th and has gotten
Much more complicated
than what we could
have ever
imagined from the Start
but hey.. at least we have Great
Insurance in two forms and the Best
of Care at the Nation’s Top Burn Center
as Currently Rated at the University of Southern
Alabama Medical Center as a really Great Hospital.. anyway
thanks for the Kind Wishes for Katrina’s Fast Healing and speaking
of Friendly Squirrels in my Bedroom and Writing Room with a View.. i
captured a Very Bright Scarlet Colored Cardinal close-up in the Window
today as it surely is nice to have WildLife Peek in on me and remind me of my
Connection to Nature in more than words too.. hehe.. what else.. yes.. i continue
to Make More of LiFE Full of Meaning and Purpose that gives that Holy and Sacred
Feeling of Gratitude for
all that is Existence
now.. for it is
of Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose
in actually Feeling and Sensing
it that makes life so much deeper in
Emotional and Sensory Experiences now..
As We Co-Create our Life MoRE with Nature as Relative
Free Will NoW and Thank Goodness i am sleepy enough
to go to bed now.. for i will surely appreciate every minute
of sleep i get when 3 AM gets here soon enough to make the trip..
i’ll be Dropping by Your Poetry Place Tomorrow with Lap Top in Tow
as my my aren’t we Blessed with Technology as an anti-dote for Boredom..
including an unlimited Library of YouTube Music Bigger than any Record Collection now..
the Best
of Days and A KiND
of Paradise for Sure Verily
for those who take advantage
of all the Holy and Sacred Perks more..:)
Colors of May Days LiGHT”.. And we are preparing to make
the Ride to Mobile Alabama at 3:30 AM in the Morning
for what we Hope will be Katrina’s Final Surgery
to Graft Her own skin to the top of her Hand
as this Healing Has been going on since
March 26th and has gotten
Much more complicated
than what we could
have ever
imagined from the Start
but hey.. at least we have Great
Insurance in two forms and the Best
of Care at the Nation’s Top Burn Center
as Currently Rated at the University of Southern
Alabama Medical Center as a really Great Hospital.. anyway
thanks for the Kind Wishes for Katrina’s Fast Healing and speaking
of Friendly Squirrels in my Bedroom and Writing Room with a View.. i
captured a Very Bright Scarlet Colored Cardinal close-up in the Window
today as it surely is nice to have WildLife Peek in on me and remind me of my
Connection to Nature in more than words too.. hehe.. what else.. yes.. i continue
to Make More of LiFE Full of Meaning and Purpose that gives that Holy and Sacred
Feeling of Gratitude for
all that is Existence
now.. for it is
of Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose
in actually Feeling and Sensing
it that makes life so much deeper in
Emotional and Sensory Experiences now..
As We Co-Create our Life MoRE with Nature as Relative
Free Will NoW and Thank Goodness i am sleepy enough
to go to bed now.. for i will surely appreciate every minute
of sleep i get when 3 AM gets here soon enough to make the trip..
i’ll be Dropping by Your Poetry Place Tomorrow with Lap Top in Tow
as my my aren’t we Blessed with Technology as an anti-dote for Boredom..
including an unlimited Library of YouTube Music Bigger than any Record Collection now..
the Best
of Days and A KiND
of Paradise for Sure Verily
for those who take advantage
of all the Holy and Sacred Perks more..:)
Waiting Room Poetry Post Op as such
And the Good News is Katrina gets
to go home in 2 or 3 Hours
so now a 2 or so Hour
Stay for us
except for Returns
for Maintenance of the
Burn to Her Hand as the
Skin Graft takes.. anyway a
Quick Trip to Frank and Xenia
And gigoids’ Places for Poetry
And to Riff off of Wisdom Quotes
From the Sages of the Ages in Wisdom
And Beauty and Courage and Kind
As True all of this is Part of Paradise Theater
in 2018 now too.. For When Life Becomes More Art
is Love Than Science of Problem Solving Reasons Now Less..:)
Gold oF FoRest
Silver of See
Ocean Waves
We Be HeaR aS
Nature MoRENoW
AWakes as us Free…
Muddle Mind ADHD Days
Before Dance Clears the
Chaos And Brings Back
A River of Emotions
Mind Body
SouL Back
AGaiN Poetry
Free Reflects
A Ocean SPiRiT
HeART Whole aS
Comes me.. NoW
Mystery oF LoVE
Flavors All Of
To Be Tasted
Touched And
Delivered.. NoW
Lullaby Bigger City
Streets For Katrina is
Blessed as no Hospital
Stay Overnight Necessary
How Fortunate
i Feel to
From Cities
by Breath
oF Forest Alive
As aLWays thanks for
the iNspiration of your Poetry
Frank for i am surely ready to Nap now..:)
BeautY iN KinD NoW
oF FearLess CouRaGE
WisDoM oF Animals
Who Feel and
No Worries but LiFE..
No TiMe DisTancE
SPace ALWays
Tree Leaves
Lit Green
iNLeT Sea
Waters Life
Fresh Water
Veins Salt Us NoW..
As Science SPeaks
NoW Play Circuits
DeCoDinG iN Rat
Pups And Dog Pups
And Human Pups too..
Games Of Life tHat wHo Deliver Us iN LoVE
Touch oF Play Lights uP FuzzY WarM MoRE..
GiVinG SpRing Rains
SHaRinG SpRing Rains
LoVinG SpRing Rains
Life More
As HuMaN
ArT DanceSinGS
Free Always mY PLeaSuRE
To Visit YouR Happy Place
Xenia iN LiGHT
oF PaRaDiSEReaL..:)
“Friends are the flowers in the garden of life.”
And the Good News is Katrina gets
to go home in 2 or 3 Hours
so now a 2 or so Hour
Stay for us
except for Returns
for Maintenance of the
Burn to Her Hand as the
Skin Graft takes.. anyway a
Quick Trip to Frank and Xenia
And gigoids’ Places for Poetry
And to Riff off of Wisdom Quotes
From the Sages of the Ages in Wisdom
And Beauty and Courage and Kind
As True all of this is Part of Paradise Theater
in 2018 now too.. For When Life Becomes More Art
is Love Than Science of Problem Solving Reasons Now Less..:)
Gold oF FoRest
Silver of See
Ocean Waves
We Be HeaR aS
Nature MoRENoW
AWakes as us Free…
Muddle Mind ADHD Days
Before Dance Clears the
Chaos And Brings Back
A River of Emotions
Mind Body
SouL Back
AGaiN Poetry
Free Reflects
A Ocean SPiRiT
HeART Whole aS
Comes me.. NoW
Mystery oF LoVE
Flavors All Of
To Be Tasted
Touched And
Delivered.. NoW
Lullaby Bigger City
Streets For Katrina is
Blessed as no Hospital
Stay Overnight Necessary
How Fortunate
i Feel to
From Cities
by Breath
oF Forest Alive
As aLWays thanks for
the iNspiration of your Poetry
Frank for i am surely ready to Nap now..:)
BeautY iN KinD NoW
oF FearLess CouRaGE
WisDoM oF Animals
Who Feel and
No Worries but LiFE..
No TiMe DisTancE
SPace ALWays
Tree Leaves
Lit Green
iNLeT Sea
Waters Life
Fresh Water
Veins Salt Us NoW..
As Science SPeaks
NoW Play Circuits
DeCoDinG iN Rat
Pups And Dog Pups
And Human Pups too..
Games Of Life tHat wHo Deliver Us iN LoVE
Touch oF Play Lights uP FuzzY WarM MoRE..
GiVinG SpRing Rains
SHaRinG SpRing Rains
LoVinG SpRing Rains
Life More
As HuMaN
ArT DanceSinGS
Free Always mY PLeaSuRE
To Visit YouR Happy Place
Xenia iN LiGHT
oF PaRaDiSEReaL..:)
“Friends are the flowers in the garden of life.”
~~ Smart Bee ~~
As Long as they are Fed and Watered..:)
“Education is the best provision for old age.”
~~ Aristotle ~~
As LonG aS Emotional Physical InTeLLigences coMe FirsTNoW..:)
“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.”
~~ Genesis 1:1 ~~
As LonG aS ALWayS NoW..:)
“Let’s leave religion to the televangelists. After all, they’re the professionals.”
— Smart Bee
Like Medicine.. Religion is a Practice..:)
“John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he temporarily
died to save it from himself. But none of that really matters
because most people will be tortured for eternity anyways.”
died to save it from himself. But none of that really matters
because most people will be tortured for eternity anyways.”
— Matt Miller
Hmm.. Looks Like God is sTiLL PraCTiCinG As HuMaN…:)
“If you follow the flock, you step in shit!”
— Darkwisdom
True buTT iF one MoVeS A HeaD one STiLL SHits..;)
“Anyone who can’t laugh at himself is taking life too seriously for my taste.”
— Smart Bee
Joy of Stepping iN Sheep Shit EnJoYinG A Slide..:)
“Things don’t bug you if you don’t think about them.”
— Calvin
Computers With Bugs
Dancers With Feet
Dancers With Feet
“The common dogma [of fundamentalists] is fear of modern knowledge, inability to cope with the fast change in a scientific-technological society, and the real breakdown in apparent moral order in recent years That is why hate is the major fuel, fear is the cement of the movement, and superstitious ignorance is the best defence against the dangerous new knowledge. When you bring up arguments that cast serious doubts on their cherished beliefs you are not simply making a rhetorical point, you are threatening their whole Universe and their immortality. That provokes anger and quite frequently violence.”
— G. Gaia
RaGE aGainST
A Machine For Stories at Hand..:)
RaGE aGainST
A Machine For Stories at Hand..:)
“It is amusing that a virtue is made of the vice of chastity;
and it’s a pretty odd sort of chastity at that, which leads men straight
into the sin of Onan, and girls to the waning of their color.”
and it’s a pretty odd sort of chastity at that, which leads men straight
into the sin of Onan, and girls to the waning of their color.”
— Voltaire
Humans Without Shadows
God With Clothes
Putting Lip
God Lies
HuMaN MaDE CLoTHeS..:)
God With Clothes
Putting Lip
God Lies
HuMaN MaDE CLoTHeS..:)
“The disappearance of a sense of responsibility
is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.”
is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.”
— Stanley Milgram
Boats With Oars Sails And Motors..
Boats For Sale..:)
Boats For Sale..:)
“Maybe Jesus was right when he said that the meek shall inherit the earth
— but they inherit very small plots, about six feet by three.”
— but they inherit very small plots, about six feet by three.”
— Lazarus Long, from Robert A. Heinlein’s “Time Enough For Love”
ActuAlly An Original Greek Definition of Meek Means STiLL..
Those Real Men And Or WoMeN Who Are Strong Enough For
No Thing to Prove
iN OTHeR Words.. ‘the’ ‘Anti-Trumps’..
And for all Practical Intents and Purposes of Language
“Jesus” is just another Anonymous Greek Dude iN Rome..:)
Those Real Men And Or WoMeN Who Are Strong Enough For
No Thing to Prove
iN OTHeR Words.. ‘the’ ‘Anti-Trumps’..
And for all Practical Intents and Purposes of Language
“Jesus” is just another Anonymous Greek Dude iN Rome..:)
“Is being an idiot like being high all the time?”
~~ Janeane Garofolo ~~
No KNoWinG
Be Water
Be Air
‘They’ CaLL iT NOW..:)
Be Water
Be Air
‘They’ CaLL iT NOW..:)
“Bite off, dirtball.”
~~ Richard Sexton
iNHeRiT aN EartH..:)
Calvin: “Do you believe our destinies are determined by the stars?”
Hobbes: “Nah.”
Calvin: “Oh, I do.”
Hobbes: “Really? How come?”
Calvin: “Life’s a lot more fun when you’re not responsible for your actions.”
Hobbes: “Nah.”
Calvin: “Oh, I do.”
Hobbes: “Really? How come?”
Calvin: “Life’s a lot more fun when you’re not responsible for your actions.”
— “Calvin and Hobbes,” Bill Watterson
Dance Comes iT JusT CoMeS NoW..:)
“When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them.”
— Chinese Proverb
No Break ‘Tween HandS anD SPRouTSinG
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another
person is essential to your own.”
person is essential to your own.”
— Robert A. Heinlein
“A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections
and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a
secret of hidden treasure.”
and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a
secret of hidden treasure.”
— Buddha
Unless one is an Introvert and the other is an Extrovert
Before Folks underStanD what Cognitive Empathy is outside
‘tHeir CuLTuRE’..:)
Before Folks underStanD what Cognitive Empathy is outside
‘tHeir CuLTuRE’..:)
“After the verb “to love,” “to help” is the most beautiful verb in the world.”
— Baroness Bertha von Suttner
“One kind word can warm three winter months.”
— Japanese proverb
“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t
compare or compete, everybody will respect you.”
compare or compete, everybody will respect you.”
— Lao-Tzu
Hehe.. i’d Rather Be Complex..
Respect or not..
SiMpLY is not For EverYone..:)
Respect or not..
SiMpLY is not For EverYone..:)
“Don’t SAY things. What you ARE stands over you the while,
and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.”
and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
— Social Aims
— Social Aims
Hehe.. i Don’T
i JusT
Do NoW..:)
i JusT
Do NoW..:)
“After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”
— Albus Dumbledore, in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Those wHo EmBracE Chaos as Art ‘Are’ Ready For Chaos as ArT AGain.. FoRNoW..:)
“There’s this to say for blood and breath,
They give a man a taste for death.”
They give a man a taste for death.”
~~ Housman ~~
PutS aN
CHaoS ArT aS
PaRaDiSE NoW..:)
PutS aN
CHaoS ArT aS
PaRaDiSE NoW..:)
Good Morning.. SMiLes.. i Mean Afternoon
in Egypt to you now too.. Sohair And
Thanks for the Kind
And Wishes
For me to Keep
uP mY DaNCinG for
it is surELy a HeaLinG
Exercise For me to Keep
‘it’ (God) All ToGeTHeR
W i T H i N a S F O R C E
WeLL OiLeD in Peace
And Harmony to
Keep me
iN Synch
NoW as A loVE
ArT Rather than
A Machine Science
HuMaN RoBoT NoW..:)
in Egypt to you now too.. Sohair And
Thanks for the Kind
And Wishes
For me to Keep
uP mY DaNCinG for
it is surELy a HeaLinG
Exercise For me to Keep
‘it’ (God) All ToGeTHeR
W i T H i N a S F O R C E
WeLL OiLeD in Peace
And Harmony to
Keep me
iN Synch
NoW as A loVE
ArT Rather than
A Machine Science
HuMaN RoBoT NoW..:)
Oh Lord Still Believing in a God with No Pleasure
as what in the ‘Hell’ Do you Believe a Good Cop Jesus
Means when ‘he’ suggests Unconditional Love is the
Law to Love God as all and all your Neighbors too
no one
as one can
and will do their
Best not to do that now..
True i do Love to do that Good
Cop Jesus too so much in fAct that
i am cloSing/DanCinG in on my own “6 MiLLioN Word
Man Bible Poem” on my 6.6.18 PHI Golden Spiral
Mean Ratio Associated 58th Birthday in that 58th
Month Effort where i also am accomplishing One Ten
Thousandth the Distance to the Sun as far as 9300
Miles of Public Praise Dance for Life in Ascending
Transcending Ecstatic Matter of Holy Creative
Spirit as the KiNGDoM of HeaVeN aS Love
aS UNconditional LoVE KinGDoM
CoMe as me Meek enough
in Original Greek
Translation as
that just means
Man enough with nothing
to Prove but Giving and Sharing
Love For all as any lEast will inherit
the eARTh as Garden of Eden now maKing
‘ALL’ Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose
And continuing That Effort in a ‘John 14:12 Effort’
that Can and Will be Measured as Witness for ALL
of this too amongst 4 New Testaments Written
the size of the old one now.. And 7 titled Bibles
WiTHiN that 6 Million Word Longest Long Form
Poem Bible inclusive of the Entire Effort
now named “SonG oF mY SoUL” as
A 6 MiLLioN Word Long Form
Bible Poem has already
arrived just waiting
for the Official
God Finger Print
And Feet/Feat Print
Date to Celebrate the
Entire ‘John 14:12’ Effort now real as ‘is’
and the ‘thing’ ‘is’ my FriEnd you will tell tale it’s
ReaL for i never made a Lincoln Sent Cent Penny or a BLack
Print Washington Dollar Bill over the Entire effort now more
for it’s True Real John 14:12 Efforts have no merit for those
who live for Material Goods over Love.. that’s easy to see for
the Fruit of the Efforts Live on as Joy Loves Company in Peace
and Harmony instead of Fear and Hate for Division instead of Unity
of Love where Patreon and Ad Sense Pennies and Follows and Shares
And Likes are a way of Life instead of just emptying one’s Pockets And
Becoming Naked God Within again as Just A ‘Post Modernist’ ‘Real Way’ of
Living before the ‘Apple’ now when Humans shared Love Freely Naked and
the Village raised the Child as the Prize of Love ToGeTHeR and there weren’t
even any of the words you worry about like Masturbation and Homosexuality
in the Language at all for reproduction was paramount without our Technology
today for each human hand worked together for a Forage of Life and a Dance of
Thrive in essence of oneness with God Naked around the Moonlit Nights of Campfire
in Light of Love Together forevermorenow then.. yes.. now back to Nature meant that Human
Beings engaged in what you call as ‘Natural’ Sex from the Age of Puberty in what was/is named
still as the ‘work of the night’ once again paramount was is the Gift of each Child born for the Hands
required together to make survive even possible at all ToGeTHeR then.. so yeah.. the most perverse
Sex Act of all STiLL is covering Humans up and suggesting that sex is not Natural among Puberty Adults
back in those so-called Primitive Days then/now.. for what happens after that Happens as Nature will have
his and or her way for whatever comes next.. anyway.. it’s true the Old Bible is a Perverse Book of Parables
and the Such as that Ranging from Dashing the Heads of Opposing Tribe’s Children’s Heads against Rocks
to what may be used
For onward Christian
Soldiers to Kill in the
New Testament too to relate
A few as the Older New Testament
is surely full of hypocrisy if one doesn’t
attempt to interpret the Parable Poetry and Psalms
in anything but literal now as the Newer Old Scriptures still clearly delineate now..
as what in the ‘Hell’ Do you Believe a Good Cop Jesus
Means when ‘he’ suggests Unconditional Love is the
Law to Love God as all and all your Neighbors too
no one
as one can
and will do their
Best not to do that now..
True i do Love to do that Good
Cop Jesus too so much in fAct that
i am cloSing/DanCinG in on my own “6 MiLLioN Word
Man Bible Poem” on my 6.6.18 PHI Golden Spiral
Mean Ratio Associated 58th Birthday in that 58th
Month Effort where i also am accomplishing One Ten
Thousandth the Distance to the Sun as far as 9300
Miles of Public Praise Dance for Life in Ascending
Transcending Ecstatic Matter of Holy Creative
Spirit as the KiNGDoM of HeaVeN aS Love
aS UNconditional LoVE KinGDoM
CoMe as me Meek enough
in Original Greek
Translation as
that just means
Man enough with nothing
to Prove but Giving and Sharing
Love For all as any lEast will inherit
the eARTh as Garden of Eden now maKing
‘ALL’ Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose
And continuing That Effort in a ‘John 14:12 Effort’
that Can and Will be Measured as Witness for ALL
of this too amongst 4 New Testaments Written
the size of the old one now.. And 7 titled Bibles
WiTHiN that 6 Million Word Longest Long Form
Poem Bible inclusive of the Entire Effort
now named “SonG oF mY SoUL” as
A 6 MiLLioN Word Long Form
Bible Poem has already
arrived just waiting
for the Official
God Finger Print
And Feet/Feat Print
Date to Celebrate the
Entire ‘John 14:12’ Effort now real as ‘is’
and the ‘thing’ ‘is’ my FriEnd you will tell tale it’s
ReaL for i never made a Lincoln Sent Cent Penny or a BLack
Print Washington Dollar Bill over the Entire effort now more
for it’s True Real John 14:12 Efforts have no merit for those
who live for Material Goods over Love.. that’s easy to see for
the Fruit of the Efforts Live on as Joy Loves Company in Peace
and Harmony instead of Fear and Hate for Division instead of Unity
of Love where Patreon and Ad Sense Pennies and Follows and Shares
And Likes are a way of Life instead of just emptying one’s Pockets And
Becoming Naked God Within again as Just A ‘Post Modernist’ ‘Real Way’ of
Living before the ‘Apple’ now when Humans shared Love Freely Naked and
the Village raised the Child as the Prize of Love ToGeTHeR and there weren’t
even any of the words you worry about like Masturbation and Homosexuality
in the Language at all for reproduction was paramount without our Technology
today for each human hand worked together for a Forage of Life and a Dance of
Thrive in essence of oneness with God Naked around the Moonlit Nights of Campfire
in Light of Love Together forevermorenow then.. yes.. now back to Nature meant that Human
Beings engaged in what you call as ‘Natural’ Sex from the Age of Puberty in what was/is named
still as the ‘work of the night’ once again paramount was is the Gift of each Child born for the Hands
required together to make survive even possible at all ToGeTHeR then.. so yeah.. the most perverse
Sex Act of all STiLL is covering Humans up and suggesting that sex is not Natural among Puberty Adults
back in those so-called Primitive Days then/now.. for what happens after that Happens as Nature will have
his and or her way for whatever comes next.. anyway.. it’s true the Old Bible is a Perverse Book of Parables
and the Such as that Ranging from Dashing the Heads of Opposing Tribe’s Children’s Heads against Rocks
to what may be used
For onward Christian
Soldiers to Kill in the
New Testament too to relate
A few as the Older New Testament
is surely full of hypocrisy if one doesn’t
attempt to interpret the Parable Poetry and Psalms
in anything but literal now as the Newer Old Scriptures still clearly delineate now..
Per KJV:
Luke 19:27: But those my enemies, who would not that I should reign over them, bring here, and slay them before me.
Luke 14:26: If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
1 Corinthians 5:11: But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
Luke 19:27: But those my enemies, who would not that I should reign over them, bring here, and slay them before me.
Luke 14:26: If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
1 Corinthians 5:11: But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
Now as far as Your Lauding of Romans 1:26 through 1:27 that suggests that so-called alternate forms of Sexuality
are sin.. i suggest that you take out the other Boards in the Bible that if taken literally show the entire Book is also
full of sin too.. as far as Harming others in Ways of Fear and Hate and Killing still.. and it’s true ‘TVC Dude’ you still
talk like a Middle Aged Woman and that’s okay too for God don’t Make Cookie Cutter anything including
A Three Letter Word or any Limit of Words or Pages or Books that puts God in Jail now as Form Away
from Free Essence ‘i AM’ as what
King now you sTiLL make
God as Idol
alone now
for it’s pretty clear
for those with eyes and ears
to see and hear that God is all always is All
NoW always will Be AM NoW it’s as Simple as Love too NoW
As PaRT of aLL ThaT iS WiTHIN HuMaN as GreaTesTNoW
WiLD and Free Force STiLL NoW.. anYWay.. as ‘they’ say
the evidence for that is continuing to Rise uP NoW
As Humans are no longer imprisoned Away from
Naked God Within Buttoned uP iN Clothes of/in/
with/as Lies of Human Cultures and Religions
As ‘We’ Do Live over here in the USA
iN A Nation That/Who Respects A
Wild and Free God
N A K E D F R e ED
Before the Apple
all of wHeRe
God is no Monarchy King alone.. allone
JusT A Free Agent WiTHiN oF LoVE aT
HiGHesT LeVeLs oF HuMaN KinD STiLL
NoW iN CouRaGE oF WiSDoM Art Beauty NoW MoRE..:)
are sin.. i suggest that you take out the other Boards in the Bible that if taken literally show the entire Book is also
full of sin too.. as far as Harming others in Ways of Fear and Hate and Killing still.. and it’s true ‘TVC Dude’ you still
talk like a Middle Aged Woman and that’s okay too for God don’t Make Cookie Cutter anything including
A Three Letter Word or any Limit of Words or Pages or Books that puts God in Jail now as Form Away
from Free Essence ‘i AM’ as what
King now you sTiLL make
God as Idol
alone now
for it’s pretty clear
for those with eyes and ears
to see and hear that God is all always is All
NoW always will Be AM NoW it’s as Simple as Love too NoW
As PaRT of aLL ThaT iS WiTHIN HuMaN as GreaTesTNoW
WiLD and Free Force STiLL NoW.. anYWay.. as ‘they’ say
the evidence for that is continuing to Rise uP NoW
As Humans are no longer imprisoned Away from
Naked God Within Buttoned uP iN Clothes of/in/
with/as Lies of Human Cultures and Religions
As ‘We’ Do Live over here in the USA
iN A Nation That/Who Respects A
Wild and Free God
N A K E D F R e ED
Before the Apple
all of wHeRe
God is no Monarchy King alone.. allone
JusT A Free Agent WiTHiN oF LoVE aT
HiGHesT LeVeLs oF HuMaN KinD STiLL
NoW iN CouRaGE oF WiSDoM Art Beauty NoW MoRE..:)
A Science of Human Emotions Imagination
Creativity and Spiritual Matters is surely a long
time coming for the Difficulty of Measuring Reliably
and Confirming what is Naturally Averse to any state
of Mechanical Cognition as ironically Science also Shows
that Mind and Even Body Modes of Prescribed Reasoning
Inhibits the Freer
Pathways of MInd
And Body more in
Innate Instinctual and
Intuitive ways of Emotional
Sensory Imaginative Creative
Spiritual Ways of Freeing one’s Mind and
Body SoUL in Moving Connecting and Co-Creating
with others in Spontaneous ways that are not Spoon
Fed Science Methodology or Paint by Numbers Art
Away From True Original Life as an Art that Paints
more with the Colors of Free Winds than fill
in the Blank and Multiple Choice of
what comes before as i was
surely schooled as a way
of Life through actual
Grade Schools
and Work too as many
Humans are afraid to go further
than the Cave Art and or Science of
Before in other Words stepping out of
a Prison of the Plato Cave of ‘Fore.. or yes
Class of Course a 3500 Year Old Accumulation
of Words from Innumerable Anonymous Authors
and Scribes to Make a Clock Work Patch Work Orange
of a Bible Still and Yes from around 2000 Years after for
a so-called Newer Testament that still those who dogmatically
adhere to those antiquated Words of Truth and Lies for what really
Helps or Harms others becomes dogma that will bite anyone who disagrees
with ‘this’ or ‘that’ or the ‘other’ thing different from one person to another person’s
Interpretation of Bible Science and Poetry Still for one apology to the Next for Words
that still separate fear and hate and even literally still kill now too.. in ways of Rape and
Torture too.. but this too is Human Nature for more Closed Minded Conservative Folks
Afraid of what the Changing Colors of thE LiGHT out of the Cave may Bring StaYinG
Put SiTTinG sTiLL
A next now’John 14:12′
Effort that other wise will
come for those Nomad open
Minded Hearted Bodied Folks who
are not afraid to move and connect and
co-create the Dance and Song that has not
yet come to be a Brand New ‘John 14:12’ Effort
more in Human PoTeTenTiAL ToGeTHeR alone NoW
And allone Yet to come back again ReNeWeD ANeW AGaiN..
anyway.. i exclude no opinions and views of Life for the potential
to Extend My Imagination and Creativity too and sure with some
ReaSon Peppered in with the SAlt of Love too.. and currently hot on
the Market of Folks Perusing Science/Arts of Intellectual Emotional and
Creative Pursuits is Jordan Peterson who has become a Father Figure
to many White Bread Nerds who have yet learned a rough and tumble
of life to hold their Lobster Shoulders Back up High along with the
Straight A’s they Earned out of Flesh and Blood oF
‘Fore that doesn’t necessarily Bring the
Main Element of Life for any
success that is more
fearless than
for the short comings
in life both perceived and
personally imagined too more
in a Dark Bow of Life than a Stand
Up Straight Fearless way of Life for if
you think if you think all of life is think you are
missing the Flesh and Blood Roots that will take
you further than what you ever thOught BeFoRE NoW..
and that’s what’s missing most in First World Problems now
the bread and water of life that is fearless flesh and blood animal
named Human Loving More with a Body that leads a Mind in Peace
and Harmony of Fearless Animal Homeostasis now and obviously that
is still a Human Potential that most ‘nerds’ don’t attend to enough either in
real life application or even in words now still but at least Mr. Peterson brought
Attention for any Lobster’s Need to stand tall and straight in spiraling moves that
are not fearful of anything other than straight line life now.. but nah.. he still really
hasn’t addressed A Spiral Dance of Life in Song as Well too.. for when he does that
he too will reach the Nirvana and Bliss of Letting go just exhaling a Blow-out Fresh of Life
that is no longer angry and worried over what is out of his control now.. anyway.. Scientific
Studies have Worth and Value too in what works in General For life now too.. so
since i’ve had plenty of hours driving back and forth from Mobile i’ve had the
Hours to listen to folks talk whether or not i agree with all of what
they say or not for it’s true as i told my New 88 year old
Friend Magnolia Brown Yesterday.. i leave a
Richer Soul for every Human
connection i make
with or without
Communication now
for my Multi-Universe eYes of
God exPaND with more of God as
all that is that as i continue to move and
connect and co-create now in Imagination
too of what will come next as the Art and Science of me more now too..
True.. if you really rise you must not only enjoy the Archetypes and Art and
Science of Human ‘Fore too for one must let go of that parachute Holding them
to just the eARTh Created in the Perceptions and Views oF Folks beFore..
When it comes to Human Emotions and Senses and Spirituality now
some of the talk below is surely on the cutting art of the science
of those Human Potentials now more in Imagination
and Creativity more now too.. but it’s also
True one’s SoUL Will only evolve
in one lifetime now
as open minded
and bodied and
Hearted and Spirited as a SoUL
WiLL oPeN Up NoW FoR ReaL for all others/existence2..
it’s true it offends some more closed minded and bodied
folks.. when they see and hear and other wise sense and
feel a Human who is not afraid to dip their fingers and toes
and yes By God all other pArTS into an WHoLE God Ocean
of Being Human and the rest of Perceived and still exploring
Reality now wHere yes in some ways no Humans have gone before
for there is as much to explore within inside as there is outside above
so below and all around for the Truth in LiGHT and DaRk as Far NoW as
God all that is is tHeRe is no separation now but those who fear Unity NoW..
i say BRinG iT oN JuST BrinG iT oN all the New for i ain’t Scared as it’s True
for those who are afraid of Imagination and Creativity Fearless is the key that opens
all of
it’s a Journey and yes
more than one path for
all that is GoD MoRENoW..:)
Creativity and Spiritual Matters is surely a long
time coming for the Difficulty of Measuring Reliably
and Confirming what is Naturally Averse to any state
of Mechanical Cognition as ironically Science also Shows
that Mind and Even Body Modes of Prescribed Reasoning
Inhibits the Freer
Pathways of MInd
And Body more in
Innate Instinctual and
Intuitive ways of Emotional
Sensory Imaginative Creative
Spiritual Ways of Freeing one’s Mind and
Body SoUL in Moving Connecting and Co-Creating
with others in Spontaneous ways that are not Spoon
Fed Science Methodology or Paint by Numbers Art
Away From True Original Life as an Art that Paints
more with the Colors of Free Winds than fill
in the Blank and Multiple Choice of
what comes before as i was
surely schooled as a way
of Life through actual
Grade Schools
and Work too as many
Humans are afraid to go further
than the Cave Art and or Science of
Before in other Words stepping out of
a Prison of the Plato Cave of ‘Fore.. or yes
Class of Course a 3500 Year Old Accumulation
of Words from Innumerable Anonymous Authors
and Scribes to Make a Clock Work Patch Work Orange
of a Bible Still and Yes from around 2000 Years after for
a so-called Newer Testament that still those who dogmatically
adhere to those antiquated Words of Truth and Lies for what really
Helps or Harms others becomes dogma that will bite anyone who disagrees
with ‘this’ or ‘that’ or the ‘other’ thing different from one person to another person’s
Interpretation of Bible Science and Poetry Still for one apology to the Next for Words
that still separate fear and hate and even literally still kill now too.. in ways of Rape and
Torture too.. but this too is Human Nature for more Closed Minded Conservative Folks
Afraid of what the Changing Colors of thE LiGHT out of the Cave may Bring StaYinG
Put SiTTinG sTiLL
A next now’John 14:12′
Effort that other wise will
come for those Nomad open
Minded Hearted Bodied Folks who
are not afraid to move and connect and
co-create the Dance and Song that has not
yet come to be a Brand New ‘John 14:12’ Effort
more in Human PoTeTenTiAL ToGeTHeR alone NoW
And allone Yet to come back again ReNeWeD ANeW AGaiN..
anyway.. i exclude no opinions and views of Life for the potential
to Extend My Imagination and Creativity too and sure with some
ReaSon Peppered in with the SAlt of Love too.. and currently hot on
the Market of Folks Perusing Science/Arts of Intellectual Emotional and
Creative Pursuits is Jordan Peterson who has become a Father Figure
to many White Bread Nerds who have yet learned a rough and tumble
of life to hold their Lobster Shoulders Back up High along with the
Straight A’s they Earned out of Flesh and Blood oF
‘Fore that doesn’t necessarily Bring the
Main Element of Life for any
success that is more
fearless than
for the short comings
in life both perceived and
personally imagined too more
in a Dark Bow of Life than a Stand
Up Straight Fearless way of Life for if
you think if you think all of life is think you are
missing the Flesh and Blood Roots that will take
you further than what you ever thOught BeFoRE NoW..
and that’s what’s missing most in First World Problems now
the bread and water of life that is fearless flesh and blood animal
named Human Loving More with a Body that leads a Mind in Peace
and Harmony of Fearless Animal Homeostasis now and obviously that
is still a Human Potential that most ‘nerds’ don’t attend to enough either in
real life application or even in words now still but at least Mr. Peterson brought
Attention for any Lobster’s Need to stand tall and straight in spiraling moves that
are not fearful of anything other than straight line life now.. but nah.. he still really
hasn’t addressed A Spiral Dance of Life in Song as Well too.. for when he does that
he too will reach the Nirvana and Bliss of Letting go just exhaling a Blow-out Fresh of Life
that is no longer angry and worried over what is out of his control now.. anyway.. Scientific
Studies have Worth and Value too in what works in General For life now too.. so
since i’ve had plenty of hours driving back and forth from Mobile i’ve had the
Hours to listen to folks talk whether or not i agree with all of what
they say or not for it’s true as i told my New 88 year old
Friend Magnolia Brown Yesterday.. i leave a
Richer Soul for every Human
connection i make
with or without
Communication now
for my Multi-Universe eYes of
God exPaND with more of God as
all that is that as i continue to move and
connect and co-create now in Imagination
too of what will come next as the Art and Science of me more now too..
True.. if you really rise you must not only enjoy the Archetypes and Art and
Science of Human ‘Fore too for one must let go of that parachute Holding them
to just the eARTh Created in the Perceptions and Views oF Folks beFore..
When it comes to Human Emotions and Senses and Spirituality now
some of the talk below is surely on the cutting art of the science
of those Human Potentials now more in Imagination
and Creativity more now too.. but it’s also
True one’s SoUL Will only evolve
in one lifetime now
as open minded
and bodied and
Hearted and Spirited as a SoUL
WiLL oPeN Up NoW FoR ReaL for all others/existence2..
it’s true it offends some more closed minded and bodied
folks.. when they see and hear and other wise sense and
feel a Human who is not afraid to dip their fingers and toes
and yes By God all other pArTS into an WHoLE God Ocean
of Being Human and the rest of Perceived and still exploring
Reality now wHere yes in some ways no Humans have gone before
for there is as much to explore within inside as there is outside above
so below and all around for the Truth in LiGHT and DaRk as Far NoW as
God all that is is tHeRe is no separation now but those who fear Unity NoW..
i say BRinG iT oN JuST BrinG iT oN all the New for i ain’t Scared as it’s True
for those who are afraid of Imagination and Creativity Fearless is the key that opens
all of
it’s a Journey and yes
more than one path for
all that is GoD MoRENoW..:)
Well.. The dVerse online Poetry place has
a Thursday Prompt all about Fitting in
Random Sentences from
Separate Literatures
And Filling those
Sentences ‘tween
as Book Ends oF Art
for what the Chosen lines
of Literature come to be in an ink
Blot Human Test of Creativity As Art/Science
will Come NoW as Imagination and Creativity
ExPReSSinG more.. And it’s true in some ways all
of life is Abstract Fill in the Blank Light for us out of
the Dark of Chaos as Beautiful Art of Wisdom more
in Kind and Courage Fearless of Change now more too..
or just
to the
sidEwalks Clocks
built of ‘Fore too..
ugh.. while true that
might serve the 8th Grade
Reading Speed of a Target
Audience Selected for more Bucks
And Pennies Likes and Shares and Follows
too it don’t do much to expand iNdividual hUman
Potential now for where the Hell do think do you feel
do you sense we moved out of Cave Art and Science in the
First place unless
at least the
rare huMan
HeaR and
THeir pulLed uP
THeiR EXPloRinG Boots
And went to work more then
just depending on Grace as a Gift of ‘Fore
for the Struggles of Ancestors as someone had
to be brave enough to move into Cave Art and Science Existence
out of
the Muck
ofF’Fore too..
not to say Caves
are Bad there isn’t
As Much Light to make
A Plant GroW Greener Freer now to Tree
with all those New Colors of FLoWeRS too..
so.. any way off to dVerse now to explore some
ink blot ‘test’ fill in A BLanK
as Beauty
and Wisdom
in Kind and Courage Fearless more..:)
a Thursday Prompt all about Fitting in
Random Sentences from
Separate Literatures
And Filling those
Sentences ‘tween
as Book Ends oF Art
for what the Chosen lines
of Literature come to be in an ink
Blot Human Test of Creativity As Art/Science
will Come NoW as Imagination and Creativity
ExPReSSinG more.. And it’s true in some ways all
of life is Abstract Fill in the Blank Light for us out of
the Dark of Chaos as Beautiful Art of Wisdom more
in Kind and Courage Fearless of Change now more too..
or just
to the
sidEwalks Clocks
built of ‘Fore too..
ugh.. while true that
might serve the 8th Grade
Reading Speed of a Target
Audience Selected for more Bucks
And Pennies Likes and Shares and Follows
too it don’t do much to expand iNdividual hUman
Potential now for where the Hell do think do you feel
do you sense we moved out of Cave Art and Science in the
First place unless
at least the
rare huMan
HeaR and
THeir pulLed uP
THeiR EXPloRinG Boots
And went to work more then
just depending on Grace as a Gift of ‘Fore
for the Struggles of Ancestors as someone had
to be brave enough to move into Cave Art and Science Existence
out of
the Muck
ofF’Fore too..
not to say Caves
are Bad there isn’t
As Much Light to make
A Plant GroW Greener Freer now to Tree
with all those New Colors of FLoWeRS too..
so.. any way off to dVerse now to explore some
ink blot ‘test’ fill in A BLanK
as Beauty
and Wisdom
in Kind and Courage Fearless more..:)
For every complex
Book end that
A Free
Dance BRinGs
Love Back and that’s
‘All’ i need/’am’ NoW to:
end From: BeGiN aGaiNoW..:)
Book end that
A Free
Dance BRinGs
Love Back and that’s
‘All’ i need/’am’ NoW to:
end From: BeGiN aGaiNoW..:)
Mildness Madness of Domestication
For all is Driven by Innate Instinct and
Intuition First Life is Emotions Senses
of Books
and Words
that Spring Little
Life Left of Love For
Life Wild and Free Flies
Free Rises
Wild Reborn Again..
TRee oF LiFe eYe oF A Tiger.
For all is Driven by Innate Instinct and
Intuition First Life is Emotions Senses
of Books
and Words
that Spring Little
Life Left of Love For
Life Wild and Free Flies
Free Rises
Wild Reborn Again..
TRee oF LiFe eYe oF A Tiger.
Vision Quests
Out of Books
oF ‘Fore
Without Words aT aLL..:)
Out of Books
oF ‘Fore
Without Words aT aLL..:)
WHoLE Born now
without lines
i hated
So i becAme
A Spiral
without lines
i hated
So i becAme
A Spiral
Laughing more than TalKing
Seeing more than SpeaKing
i ‘thiNk’…
Be outside..:)
Seeing more than SpeaKing
i ‘thiNk’…
Be outside..:)
“They live in wisdom who see themselves in all and all in them, whose love for the Lord of Love has consumed every selfish desire and sense craving tormenting the heart.¹”
¹Bhagavad Gita 2.55, Eknath Easwaran translator.
²Gospel of Mark 12:30-31, New International Version
²Gospel of Mark 12:30-31, New International Version
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”²”
Terms Like/
Not Like
Orange Man
And Snake Oil
come to mind
but hehe..
i’ve been
Watching too Much
News or even Just A
Minute oF A Soap Hour A Day..:)
Terms Like/
Not Like
Orange Man
And Snake Oil
come to mind
but hehe..
i’ve been
Watching too Much
News or even Just A
Minute oF A Soap Hour A Day..:)
SMiLes As i Dance
Freely Through
Super Walmart
By Sam Walton
Unwittingly JusT
For Me Key is
Animal CoMes
Free NoW heHe
aT WaLM ARTS..:)
Freely Through
Super Walmart
By Sam Walton
Unwittingly JusT
For Me Key is
Animal CoMes
Free NoW heHe
aT WaLM ARTS..:)
That Reminds me.. as i’ll
Take a Sun and Sand Vision Dance for NoW..
in other
EiGHT iS Enough FoR NoW..:)
Take a Sun and Sand Vision Dance for NoW..
in other
EiGHT iS Enough FoR NoW..:)
In Return to Frank
i Dance Sing..
SMiLes.. i
Find Many
Singing Free
Verse LiFE NoW
Connecting SMiLes..
InnerVerse NoW
EXpanDinG MoRE..
SpRings Wild
Wolves now
Sing Clearer..
On us..:)
Jane returns with..
unknown territory
I dance with owls
and the timid
i Intimate
Trick and
Treat of
In Return to Xenia
i continue to Dance and Sing..
KinD oF
Salt Water
Therapy too..
Happy JoY
Dreams more
Now SHoWinG..
And a Few Words
in Return to someone
actually new who
to: From: All..
And now as a separate note to Finish
off the Lunatic Fringe Vision Quest Song
too i’ll go on to say now.. there are many
Ways iN LiFE as paths of Entire Journeys to
Seek and Find Ascending Transcending Ecstatic
Experiences of Art out of Science Mind now as some
folks use Music some folks use Dance some folks Create
all of this and More as Art and Even Science although Science
in any instruction and guideline way will take away from the Freer
of Ecstatic
Ways of Life out of
Worry mind that can and
Surely Will Be Systemizing
Science ReaSon MiNd/BoDY MoRE..
And oh Lord.. some folks take in External
Substance Drugs legal and illicit to attempt
to Transcend and Escape the Worries of Life now
thing is though when one Generates the Appropriate
Neurochemicals and Neurohormones and whatever extra
Supernormal Ingredients of Experience through a Bio-Chemical
Feedback of Moving Connecting Co-Creating LiFE as Freer LiGHT
one Gains Mastery iN A Relative Free Will aS Multi-Color Joys of LiFE
and one is Not Ruled by the Tools of LiFENoW that include External Legal and
Illicit Drugs to Achieve what Bio-Electrical-Neurohormonal- Chemical-Feedback
in Relative Free WiLL oF LiGHT With Nary a Cost Except the Freer Effort That BRings
Joy of Dreams to Fruition Now JusT NoW Forevermore now without Fear aT aLL NoW..
in other Words the Kingdom of Heaven now surely and entirely Supernormal For those who
have not broke though an opaque Window and Door of Life to Enter into this Kingdom NoW..
And yes what some folks refer to as Supernatural as just another Phrase at Essence for what
Science cannot currently and reliably entirely Measure and Confirm in Controlled (Mechanical
Cognition) Settings that by Very Nature of Systemizing Science Block the Bridge to Higher
Freer no real
in yes.. Class now Ascending
Trancending Ecstatic Experiences
of Life for whatever Form of Dance and
Song and Other Art in Structure observed
when others Create Art from this Higher
Mindful and Bodyfull awareneness now..
the Form that does come as Art
and sure potentially Science
too.. does reflect the
Essence of
ReaL too and BreaKinG
through the Opaque Windows
And Doors of Life is what BRinGS
OuT A Fresh Exhale Blow-out of
Bliss and Nirvana Real within
NoW aS A Bio-Chemical-
Electrical Neurohormonal
Supernormal Experience of Life now
CaLL iT whatever it is you like the Essence is Bliss and Nirvana More
iN A Kingdom of Heaven Generated WiTHiN as God all that is More As
Nature ReaL WiTHiN.. Yes… ClasS Heaven Mastered iN Relative Free
Will Takes Work As A Continuous Practice oF Life as Art wHere one can
and will do their Best to Explain the Entire Experience with some Systemizing
Science Mind too.. but without the Art Mind and Body of this.. nah.. nah.. nah..
the Essence Does Not Rise uP and LiVE ALiVE Fearless WiTHiN you now ReaL so
work it
find what
works as you
seek what works for
you now more and just
practice it from first bLiNK
NoW to LasT BLiNK oF KiNd
And Courage in Giving and Sharing
LoVE NoW iN Wisdom Fearless WiLL MoRE
With Grace of BaLanCinG FoRcE NoW MoRE
i Dance Sing..
SMiLes.. i
Find Many
Singing Free
Verse LiFE NoW
Connecting SMiLes..
InnerVerse NoW
EXpanDinG MoRE..
SpRings Wild
Wolves now
Sing Clearer..
On us..:)
Jane returns with..
unknown territory
I dance with owls
and the timid
i Intimate
Trick and
Treat of
In Return to Xenia
i continue to Dance and Sing..
KinD oF
Salt Water
Therapy too..
Happy JoY
Dreams more
Now SHoWinG..
And a Few Words
in Return to someone
actually new who
to: From: All..
And now as a separate note to Finish
off the Lunatic Fringe Vision Quest Song
too i’ll go on to say now.. there are many
Ways iN LiFE as paths of Entire Journeys to
Seek and Find Ascending Transcending Ecstatic
Experiences of Art out of Science Mind now as some
folks use Music some folks use Dance some folks Create
all of this and More as Art and Even Science although Science
in any instruction and guideline way will take away from the Freer
of Ecstatic
Ways of Life out of
Worry mind that can and
Surely Will Be Systemizing
Science ReaSon MiNd/BoDY MoRE..
And oh Lord.. some folks take in External
Substance Drugs legal and illicit to attempt
to Transcend and Escape the Worries of Life now
thing is though when one Generates the Appropriate
Neurochemicals and Neurohormones and whatever extra
Supernormal Ingredients of Experience through a Bio-Chemical
Feedback of Moving Connecting Co-Creating LiFE as Freer LiGHT
one Gains Mastery iN A Relative Free Will aS Multi-Color Joys of LiFE
and one is Not Ruled by the Tools of LiFENoW that include External Legal and
Illicit Drugs to Achieve what Bio-Electrical-Neurohormonal- Chemical-Feedback
in Relative Free WiLL oF LiGHT With Nary a Cost Except the Freer Effort That BRings
Joy of Dreams to Fruition Now JusT NoW Forevermore now without Fear aT aLL NoW..
in other Words the Kingdom of Heaven now surely and entirely Supernormal For those who
have not broke though an opaque Window and Door of Life to Enter into this Kingdom NoW..
And yes what some folks refer to as Supernatural as just another Phrase at Essence for what
Science cannot currently and reliably entirely Measure and Confirm in Controlled (Mechanical
Cognition) Settings that by Very Nature of Systemizing Science Block the Bridge to Higher
Freer no real
in yes.. Class now Ascending
Trancending Ecstatic Experiences
of Life for whatever Form of Dance and
Song and Other Art in Structure observed
when others Create Art from this Higher
Mindful and Bodyfull awareneness now..
the Form that does come as Art
and sure potentially Science
too.. does reflect the
Essence of
ReaL too and BreaKinG
through the Opaque Windows
And Doors of Life is what BRinGS
OuT A Fresh Exhale Blow-out of
Bliss and Nirvana Real within
NoW aS A Bio-Chemical-
Electrical Neurohormonal
Supernormal Experience of Life now
CaLL iT whatever it is you like the Essence is Bliss and Nirvana More
iN A Kingdom of Heaven Generated WiTHiN as God all that is More As
Nature ReaL WiTHiN.. Yes… ClasS Heaven Mastered iN Relative Free
Will Takes Work As A Continuous Practice oF Life as Art wHere one can
and will do their Best to Explain the Entire Experience with some Systemizing
Science Mind too.. but without the Art Mind and Body of this.. nah.. nah.. nah..
the Essence Does Not Rise uP and LiVE ALiVE Fearless WiTHiN you now ReaL so
work it
find what
works as you
seek what works for
you now more and just
practice it from first bLiNK
NoW to LasT BLiNK oF KiNd
And Courage in Giving and Sharing
LoVE NoW iN Wisdom Fearless WiLL MoRE
With Grace of BaLanCinG FoRcE NoW MoRE
It’s Been a Little over a Year ago.. since my Mother Passed away
on 2.22.2017 and this Writing Endeavor has surely been Therapy
for Grieving and Sharing Memories of her more than what
could possibly be done on any Grave Marker as
Stone Edifice of Being Human as the
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
hired Architects and
Employed Artisans
of many varieties to
Mark what they named as
the KA of their Spirit in Stone not
unlike a t r u m p on a Tower of Similar
to Same but it’s true what does that illustrate
more fully of an Actual Soul who was pART of the
Face of this eARTh not really much more than a stone
with a symbol that doesn’t mean anything to anyone other
than those who knew and felt and sensed the essence of that
name for i surely was able to transfer much of my Mother’s Soul
and even her Poetry that she Wrote Free Hand and Published too
for many MacroVerses in Memorial When She passed away and a special
effort i made for the last days of her life in anniversary from the 14th when she
went into the Hospital in Her Death Bed Stay on Valentine’s Day of 2017 until
the 21st in precisely 7 Days as i finished a special “LoVEFReEDNoW” MacroVerse
in Write of 40,618 Words in the Main Body of a Novel Sized Effort in those 7 days with
43,151 Words that include the Signature Lines of Featnotes and Milestones too.. as that
links back to over 12 Million Words Plus in addition to the Novel Sized Effort above.. as hey
i Deliver the Entire Package so to speak in each MacroVerse i deliver now except for the
Restricted Blog that is no longer joined in as i am now pursing Erotic Literature too
as hey that’s what even the “Sufi’s” did/do in Poetry too… as yeS oNce again class
in Free Verse Poetry as Song and Dance in Feet as well as Hands make
All of Life A Holy and Sacred Feel and Sense of Meaning and Purpose
and that’s one way that really works to get to Heaven now as
some folks call it Counting your Blessings and Giving
Gratitude for all of what life brings as Gift
but it’s not enough to just Count
Your Blessings and
Gratitudes in
in your Head and
words too for to express
those Gifts in all you see and
hear and feel and sense too as Art
is to spread a little bit at least of your Heaven
now for others to see and feel and sense and hear
a little more to Bring them up in life in whatever ways up
comes away from down and even down brings up too as tears
are healing too.. anyway.. since 2.22.18 of when i published “LoVEFReEDNoW”
even though the ‘Professional Poets’.. yes.. the administrators as the top of online
Poet Pubs said that Long Verse Poetry was no good to get reads and folks would
likely never see it and it was a shame that i wrote like that instead of just the short
stuff as most Poets do in less than the size or so of a Twitter Limit now that is just about
perfect or perhaps too much for what Science says is the Average ‘Gold Fish’ Attention
span of Humans in an Information Age Crowded with a multitude of Social Media
Sites that Value Numbers over Quality and Volume and of course Depth of
what Artisans Deliver now.. where Likes and Follows and Shares to
Stroke Egos with the hope of making money to raise up so
much lower than what it actually takes to Paint a
Michelangelo Ceiling that has never even
been imagined before beyond the
Efforts of anyone at the
time it was done
or a
Blake Effort of
Art where he only sold
30 copies of his Books during
the Period of his life thing is.. when
one is totally laser focused on Art there is
no time to go into the Mechanical Cognition of the Business
Side of Selling one’s Soul in all the ways that continues to come..
for as Science even shows that just takes away from the Potential of
any Beethoven Song or Michelangelo Paint or Mahābhārata 1.8 Million
Word Sized Long Form Epic Poem Bible from ever arriving again for yes while
the ‘Rest of the Poets’ are generating likes and follows and shares by tit for tat
this is so great you are so wonderful and do the same to me and Stroke my ego
some more.. the Humble Nautilus Creatures are still building their Unique Shells
that/who reflect God’s Finger Print and Foot Prints as Golden Phi Spiral More.. as yeah
while i met that Number of Words as Ratio Metaphor of 1.618 Million Words on Memorial
Day of 2017 in “Phi Bible” in precisely a 365 Day Effort as Jack Pot the 40,618 Word Novel Effort
of 7 Days Brings in that 618 Number of the PHI Golden Spiral Mean Ratio Number too.. by
the date my 40th High School Reunion Arrives on 8.4.18.. my Longest Long Form Poem
Bible after it reaches 6 Million Words as more or less it’s already now then by my
6.6.18 Phi Related Birthday too at 58 Years of age in that 58 Month Effort aLong
with 9300 Miles of Public Dance too.. will yes.. surpass 6.18 Million Words by
8.4.18 too as hehe.. what did you accomplish in the 40 Years since you
Graduated from High School too.. anyway.. as the Letter
my Mother Wrote to me on my 33rd Birthday on
6.6.93 said that she never delivered to me
when i was alive as we found it in her
Home the Week after she
passed away as
she said when my Life
was/is over it would/will tell a unique
And special Grand Tale like one never
done before.. as surely every Loving Mother
And Father Wishes that and inspires that in their
Children too.. but the thing is my Mother Never told
me what i had to do to be a success she just said in her eyes
just Love and be Happy like she did without worry about making
money as that worked for her entire life with a smile and a laugh in
joy for the simple things in life.. so no.. she didn’t tell me to write the
Longest Bible and the Longest Epic Long Form Poem in the History of
Humankind.. when she was alive she just forecast what would come to
Be that has now already come to Fruition Long Before my Death now and
Even Two years Before i reach the ripe old Senior Citizen Discount age then at
the Restaurants at 60 Years old.. yeah.. God Willing and all of that on CourSE2..
And Yes.. my Father who Left us when i was 3 on the Thanks Giving Weekend that
JFK was shot in ’63 and my Sister Was 2.. for he wasn’t willing to stay with a Woman
who wanted to stay at Home and Raise her Children.. for he had Fallen to the American
Dream that is all about Serving Money Dreams instead of the Deep Reality of Living Love
iNCarnate Within to give and share will all others as my Mother Surely did with her Children
across her lifespan no matter struggle toil or trouble or even a Son who went to Hell at 19 and 21
years old and at age 47 for an even Deeper Black Abyss with 19 Medical Disorders including the
Suicide Disease like Dentist Drill in right eye and ear from wake to Sleep yes type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia assessed in Literature worse that the torture of actual Crucifixion but no little 3 hour or
3 Day tour to escape the Torture of that for me for my Hell lasted a full 66 Months from wake to
sleep.. where no drug would touch that pain except for Love that came that finally Healed me
starting with just one tear lost in 5 Years Before that without even a memory if i had ever
felt a smile or a laugh before as Memories are Emotions and Emotions are Memories
and when Emotions go there is zero reference point back to Heaven as trust me
when you really go to hell you will know what is lost precisely as Heaven in
Total Darkness of Black Abyss of Hell for that emptiness and
separation from all that is aka God is yes.. Class worse
than the assessed Worst Pain Known to Humankind
as i had each numb pain simultaneously then
in a real ‘Job’ Challenge of
a Modern Bible Still
to come
on 2.22.2017 and this Writing Endeavor has surely been Therapy
for Grieving and Sharing Memories of her more than what
could possibly be done on any Grave Marker as
Stone Edifice of Being Human as the
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
hired Architects and
Employed Artisans
of many varieties to
Mark what they named as
the KA of their Spirit in Stone not
unlike a t r u m p on a Tower of Similar
to Same but it’s true what does that illustrate
more fully of an Actual Soul who was pART of the
Face of this eARTh not really much more than a stone
with a symbol that doesn’t mean anything to anyone other
than those who knew and felt and sensed the essence of that
name for i surely was able to transfer much of my Mother’s Soul
and even her Poetry that she Wrote Free Hand and Published too
for many MacroVerses in Memorial When She passed away and a special
effort i made for the last days of her life in anniversary from the 14th when she
went into the Hospital in Her Death Bed Stay on Valentine’s Day of 2017 until
the 21st in precisely 7 Days as i finished a special “LoVEFReEDNoW” MacroVerse
in Write of 40,618 Words in the Main Body of a Novel Sized Effort in those 7 days with
43,151 Words that include the Signature Lines of Featnotes and Milestones too.. as that
links back to over 12 Million Words Plus in addition to the Novel Sized Effort above.. as hey
i Deliver the Entire Package so to speak in each MacroVerse i deliver now except for the
Restricted Blog that is no longer joined in as i am now pursing Erotic Literature too
as hey that’s what even the “Sufi’s” did/do in Poetry too… as yeS oNce again class
in Free Verse Poetry as Song and Dance in Feet as well as Hands make
All of Life A Holy and Sacred Feel and Sense of Meaning and Purpose
and that’s one way that really works to get to Heaven now as
some folks call it Counting your Blessings and Giving
Gratitude for all of what life brings as Gift
but it’s not enough to just Count
Your Blessings and
Gratitudes in
in your Head and
words too for to express
those Gifts in all you see and
hear and feel and sense too as Art
is to spread a little bit at least of your Heaven
now for others to see and feel and sense and hear
a little more to Bring them up in life in whatever ways up
comes away from down and even down brings up too as tears
are healing too.. anyway.. since 2.22.18 of when i published “LoVEFReEDNoW”
even though the ‘Professional Poets’.. yes.. the administrators as the top of online
Poet Pubs said that Long Verse Poetry was no good to get reads and folks would
likely never see it and it was a shame that i wrote like that instead of just the short
stuff as most Poets do in less than the size or so of a Twitter Limit now that is just about
perfect or perhaps too much for what Science says is the Average ‘Gold Fish’ Attention
span of Humans in an Information Age Crowded with a multitude of Social Media
Sites that Value Numbers over Quality and Volume and of course Depth of
what Artisans Deliver now.. where Likes and Follows and Shares to
Stroke Egos with the hope of making money to raise up so
much lower than what it actually takes to Paint a
Michelangelo Ceiling that has never even
been imagined before beyond the
Efforts of anyone at the
time it was done
or a
Blake Effort of
Art where he only sold
30 copies of his Books during
the Period of his life thing is.. when
one is totally laser focused on Art there is
no time to go into the Mechanical Cognition of the Business
Side of Selling one’s Soul in all the ways that continues to come..
for as Science even shows that just takes away from the Potential of
any Beethoven Song or Michelangelo Paint or Mahābhārata 1.8 Million
Word Sized Long Form Epic Poem Bible from ever arriving again for yes while
the ‘Rest of the Poets’ are generating likes and follows and shares by tit for tat
this is so great you are so wonderful and do the same to me and Stroke my ego
some more.. the Humble Nautilus Creatures are still building their Unique Shells
that/who reflect God’s Finger Print and Foot Prints as Golden Phi Spiral More.. as yeah
while i met that Number of Words as Ratio Metaphor of 1.618 Million Words on Memorial
Day of 2017 in “Phi Bible” in precisely a 365 Day Effort as Jack Pot the 40,618 Word Novel Effort
of 7 Days Brings in that 618 Number of the PHI Golden Spiral Mean Ratio Number too.. by
the date my 40th High School Reunion Arrives on 8.4.18.. my Longest Long Form Poem
Bible after it reaches 6 Million Words as more or less it’s already now then by my
6.6.18 Phi Related Birthday too at 58 Years of age in that 58 Month Effort aLong
with 9300 Miles of Public Dance too.. will yes.. surpass 6.18 Million Words by
8.4.18 too as hehe.. what did you accomplish in the 40 Years since you
Graduated from High School too.. anyway.. as the Letter
my Mother Wrote to me on my 33rd Birthday on
6.6.93 said that she never delivered to me
when i was alive as we found it in her
Home the Week after she
passed away as
she said when my Life
was/is over it would/will tell a unique
And special Grand Tale like one never
done before.. as surely every Loving Mother
And Father Wishes that and inspires that in their
Children too.. but the thing is my Mother Never told
me what i had to do to be a success she just said in her eyes
just Love and be Happy like she did without worry about making
money as that worked for her entire life with a smile and a laugh in
joy for the simple things in life.. so no.. she didn’t tell me to write the
Longest Bible and the Longest Epic Long Form Poem in the History of
Humankind.. when she was alive she just forecast what would come to
Be that has now already come to Fruition Long Before my Death now and
Even Two years Before i reach the ripe old Senior Citizen Discount age then at
the Restaurants at 60 Years old.. yeah.. God Willing and all of that on CourSE2..
And Yes.. my Father who Left us when i was 3 on the Thanks Giving Weekend that
JFK was shot in ’63 and my Sister Was 2.. for he wasn’t willing to stay with a Woman
who wanted to stay at Home and Raise her Children.. for he had Fallen to the American
Dream that is all about Serving Money Dreams instead of the Deep Reality of Living Love
iNCarnate Within to give and share will all others as my Mother Surely did with her Children
across her lifespan no matter struggle toil or trouble or even a Son who went to Hell at 19 and 21
years old and at age 47 for an even Deeper Black Abyss with 19 Medical Disorders including the
Suicide Disease like Dentist Drill in right eye and ear from wake to Sleep yes type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia assessed in Literature worse that the torture of actual Crucifixion but no little 3 hour or
3 Day tour to escape the Torture of that for me for my Hell lasted a full 66 Months from wake to
sleep.. where no drug would touch that pain except for Love that came that finally Healed me
starting with just one tear lost in 5 Years Before that without even a memory if i had ever
felt a smile or a laugh before as Memories are Emotions and Emotions are Memories
and when Emotions go there is zero reference point back to Heaven as trust me
when you really go to hell you will know what is lost precisely as Heaven in
Total Darkness of Black Abyss of Hell for that emptiness and
separation from all that is aka God is yes.. Class worse
than the assessed Worst Pain Known to Humankind
as i had each numb pain simultaneously then
in a real ‘Job’ Challenge of
a Modern Bible Still
to come
Hell will
inspire the
Greatest Heaven’s of Love more more more
out of emptiness too.. yes.. the real emptiness NoW
of the Black Abyss of Soul where all is tiMe and every
Second is like a Thousand years in Hell where Death is
Viewed as the Greatest Blessing as Dousing oneself with
Gas and setting oneself on Fire is perceived then as preferable
to nothing just nothing at all when one understands one is nothing
and God is all.. for it is the feel and sense of life that is all as far as
Humans Goes when one comes to understand that intellect and
words don’t mean Shit as Just croutons come to Visit the World
of Feeling Sensing God Living within as all that is as Nature ReaL..
but still these abstract symbols are really the only way we can possibly
approximate in any way of mutual and consensual understanding of the
fAct and the Reality and yes the Metaphor Class too.. that Hell and Heaven
and all the SHades of Purgatory Grey from BLack Abyss SoUL of the NiGHTs
to Beyond Rainbow Colors of HeaVeN now ReAlly ReAlly Do exist on this eARTh
Now dePeNDinG on the Views of each Multi-Universe View of Human as God WhOle
PaRTs of Ocean WHole God More or Less now too.. True.. this is a little like PArt of Dante’s
Hell too for every Real Bible needs actually to be able to better describe what Heaven and
Hell really is to help folks seek and find their way in and out too.. anyway.. like i said my Father’s
Side of the Family were all about the Money and Material Goods but you see the Real Gift and
The Only Real Gift is Love of the Caring and Feeling Human Touch in eyes that Shine Forever
eternAlly NoW as LoVE as heART of SPiRiT Comes as MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
in a way that reaches out and touches the souls of other folks now.. no.. i am not in
this for likes shares and follows and bucks and cents traded back and forth
with no Substance of Love for i aim to give/share all of the Soul i’ve gained
and true when one is overflowing with Love constant approval
and affirmation is not necessary for the Art of Human
is all about Giving and Sharing more more more..
in all the ways more more comes.. and while
my Father Frantically Pursued his
American Dream of getting
rich and having the
biggest Home
and the fanciest Car of
all spending his Retirement in
increments of 500 Dollars a week or so
in Lotto treats and tricks in what he ended up
doing supporting the Educational System in Florida..
it wasn’t that i meant to get ‘what he called as the definition
of rich’ but still the thing is with a Mother who Developed a Soul
of Love in me that sure.. i genetically inherited from her too as some
folks are just Born Smiling like me and her more.. i didn’t have to continuously
buy stuff as retail therapy for an empty soul.. i had it all in eyes that Loved and it didn’t
matter that i only made under 5 Dollars an Hour at age 28 when i met my Wife for she
wanted some of what was shining behind my eyes that no dollar amount would bring for
she was raised poor where Love was the only commodity that really counted then that
her Grandmother Thank God was Able to make her into.. Yes.. FriEnd Love is the
Real Fountain of Youth For the Spirit never grows old this way as a Soul stays
young and yes that does equate to the Flesh and Blood of Form that
Stays so much Younger Looking too.. for true it’s not hard for
me to prove that at all for Katrina still at age 48.. and
sure considering 7 or so years total in Hell in my
lifetime i still attract enough Honey for
Bootie Dances from College Age
Young Women but you see
it is the Fearless
Love of
Spirit Heart
and Soul they are
attracted to for i have that now
more than ever before no matter bald
spot and greying Hair now at 240LBS as
sure with Bi-Polar and Asperger’s Syndrome i always
DancESinG a Tight Rope of Olympic Style Effort in Balance now..
Fearless Love in Unconditional Way is the Only Money i need to make
and be and give and share.. but yeah when i retired early and casually related
to my Father that after he passed away i did find out by the date i reached the
age of 47.. i saved 6 times more money than he did by the time he reached 81
when he passed away in ’14.. on 5.22.14 then.. and when i mentioned to him the
Dollar Amount while i was still living in Hell as that didn’t mean anything at all to me
then.. he exclaimed the biggest proud of me that he ever gave to me in my life for he
and his Mother Said and sure some of the People i worked for and served too in close
to A Minimum Wage Job Working For the Federal Government Serving out Bowling Shoes
then.. that i was wasting my life not making big money and being in a ‘big time job’ then..
Sort of like the People who said i would never amount to anything for when i was young
they called me ugly and made fun of my androgyny then.. and then at work they said
similar things some of them what a shame i could have done so much more than
just the Love of Serving Folks for little money then.. but what they did not
understand was i was accumulating Riches of the Soul the Spirit and
Heart as i would need every smAll ounce of that to Survive the
Hell that would still come to be.. for 66 Months Whole.. my
Mother had 100 Percent Faith and Belief that everything
would work out for when she was at her lowest point
and really wanted to die when my Father was
Leaving her and she felt like she just wouldn’t
be able to carry on then.. what she viewed
as Jesus with Bright Green Eyes came
to visit her at Her Bed as a Vivid
Vision for her then taling
her that all would be
okay and from
that point
on she
a positive Faith
and Belief that would carry
her through death.. for true she had
some challenges in her mind too but you see
whatever works for Love from the first blink of life
given and shared is whatever works as all that counts
for those who have lost tHeir Soul who ever had it in the
first place and actually Sense and Feel The Value of Love as
Giving and Sharing always now more.. so.. anyway.. while i never
plan to Sell my Soul as far as Dance and Song goes as enough money
i have now already to never worry about money again as sure.. we do all
have to eat and make ends meet.. i couldn’t help but to feel God as all that is Nature
is smiling down on me for what the “Professional Poet’s” Concern was that my Long
stuff would never garner the attention they depended on to fill an empty space for them
that i was surely familiar with in Hell but not as Heaven comes again.. overflowing as Chalice
of Love that is just is an overflowing incarnate Essence of Love.. as yeah.. that ‘little’ Book Sized
Effort has become the second most popular Poem and the Longest Single MacroVerse done in
7 days too.. after two Months still garnering around a Thousand Views a Month.. as it will surely
become Number one eventually at this rate as the most popular effort with clothes on at least
hehe.. was about Burnout on the Autism Spectrum that is still one of the most popular
Google Searches on that topic now.. and just a few paragraphs of one page that
Pre-MacroVerse was then in the first part of Blogging in 2013.. but True
in 2012 when i first Authored an Opinion Post on the ‘Wrong Planet’
on Rampage Killings before that after the Sandy Hook Rampage
Killing that piece went on to gathering up close to 100K
Views then still at the top of Google Searches now too..
and yeah the amazing thing is i accomplished
that before i got out of Hell never truly
knowing whether or not i could
get through each and every second of life..
but anyway as far as delayed gratification goes i am surely
an expert on that by now.. living Poor through College with Peanut
Butter Sandwiches through 3 Degrees and 6 Years then but you see
that was only in Dollar Amounts for the Love Still Generated in me from
the Unconditional Love Fed and Watered as Garden in the most important
Years of Life to Wire Love in a Human Being of the Touchy Feely Kind now from
Ages 0 to 3 then.. what a Gift it was that my Mother made it through her Marriage
Long enough for me to fully become Love then.. and yes the Mechanical Cognition
Rigors of School and Work took a significant pArt of that away to almost all of it by
the end of Work struggles toward the end as well as 40 Years spent in the rigors
of the Malignant Patriarchy Red State Trump Lands that were worse than
ever back in my early days of School here.. in LA Lower Alabama
Panhandle of Florida were the Flowers don’t alway smell
so sweet if you are born a male down here.. but yeah
that is changing as Love Will Eventually Win the
Entire Game of Life too.. thing is when you
lose it all and just gain love back you
have it all already as all that is
is giving and sharing now
and this is where
Any Future
Beethoven Symphony
and Michelangelo Statue
of David and Ceiling will still come
from Love from Love that is patient kind
and courageous with Wisdom and Beauty more.. as
i spent an afternoon with my Friend Shawna Baby on Twitter
yesterday and if i lived that way in a world of instant Gratification
of constant trades and gives of likes increasing everyday my art
would die my art would die and so would my Soul Potential too..
but as ‘they’ do different strokes for different folks some strokes long
now some strokes short and sure the short strokes are fun too.. but
for me i’ll Get Out and Dance with the World allone and i’ll
also paint
as any
Full of Love
And Art Will Do Free too..
What a Wonderful World it is
when one sheds all the dollar bills and
cents and likes and shares and follows and
Just Dances and Sings Free Just to Be Free to Give and
Share whether anyone picks up the other end of the phone or not..
And sure.. these days even a Blake can and will reach Millions of Folks
around the World by only doing art and letting the Machines automatically
spread what they do around the World more.. hehe.. i don’t have to worry about
anyone interrupting me too much as there are only a very few people in the entire
world that and who can fit most of me in their Brain now and that takes a Brain very
similar to mine as Shawna Baby has that Special Mix of Bi-Polar And Asperger’s syndrome
that makes for all relative intents and purposes overmen and overWoMeN as Supernormal now..
for True when one isn’t born with Latent Inhibition with all the filters to make feeling and sensing
input from the Environment Habituated and disappearing as New.. those of us like that require a
very high horsepower of Reasoning to keep us on a Tight rope without Falling off now in other
words a Systemizing Mind to go along with an Art mind as just another Yin and Yang Balance
of Extremes
of Humans
come to
be and
perhaps a next
step in Human Evolution
too if any of us get around to
reproducing as Shawna Baby
has surely done enough of that by now..
and all that will be left of me is a Nautilus
Shell like my Mother Said a Bigger Story never told before..
Yep.. this Flu Bug of LoVE is way too Heavy in Weight to go totAlly Viral So far.. at Least..
anYWay.. Shawna Baby influenced me enough in Muse to update my Profile Pic on Twitter
while i
what is
like a Carnival
of a Human Atmosphere there..
nah.. i can’t paint no Sistine Chapel on Twitter Walls now..
but as long as the Robots are Sharing my Shit for Free on Twitter
And Tumblr and Facebook and Google Plus aLong with 4 Blogs too
hey why not when it’s just an Algorithm doing the work or a copy and
paste of a Novel Sized Poem fully illustrated with over 300 Photos i took
and over 30 Youtube Videos to Accompany it in Music Way and Information
too.. it’s really amazing as i copy and paste something that Large with just
a Stroke of a Pen that is a button push now.. to Four Blogs separate from
the Original Blog now as one is totally private of that as just a back-up
now too.. as that makes 4 Public now with 3 Archive Copy and Paste
Blogs to go.. in different themed Formats too as the Computer
Does the Work to get my words out for Free.. along with
all the Robot Algorithm Help too yes.. sure
Beats Dickinson Drawers as Poems
as Letters to Her Friends Locked
away until after she died
then.. thing is
if any of those
folks were alive today
would they just get lost in a Twitter
Verse and never accomplish anything
truly as an original work of art now bowing
down to what the Target Audiences Demand
in tit for tat comments and likes and shares and follows
more.. or ugh selling a soul for bucks and pennies too as
Art comes Best with Empty Pockets and SoUL Generating Art more..
now for people who are looking for some kind of fame and fortune as
most everyone who actually arrives will tell you it was only thenow now
The Journey and Paths of Art actuAlly Doing ART that means anything
real at all then or now.. for True Be AM iS Do the Essence NoW oF
Art instead
of just
a Form of
Art as Idol for
the Nautilus Creature
doesn’t worry about what
the finished Piece of Shell Looks
Like for the Shell is Whole in Essence
of Artisan Being from first to last Breath
of Life always now alive.. and sure at the end
of that Nautilus Life i suppose he and or she
could exclaim wow God did i really do that.. i hardly
noticed anything about it at all for LifE is The Gift i still JusT Do Now.. And Yes LoVE ALL
NoW.. Hmm.. one WiLL thiNk tHat iF A Shoe Company WiLL Figure iT ouT More Folks WiLL JusT DOiT2..:)
inspire the
Greatest Heaven’s of Love more more more
out of emptiness too.. yes.. the real emptiness NoW
of the Black Abyss of Soul where all is tiMe and every
Second is like a Thousand years in Hell where Death is
Viewed as the Greatest Blessing as Dousing oneself with
Gas and setting oneself on Fire is perceived then as preferable
to nothing just nothing at all when one understands one is nothing
and God is all.. for it is the feel and sense of life that is all as far as
Humans Goes when one comes to understand that intellect and
words don’t mean Shit as Just croutons come to Visit the World
of Feeling Sensing God Living within as all that is as Nature ReaL..
but still these abstract symbols are really the only way we can possibly
approximate in any way of mutual and consensual understanding of the
fAct and the Reality and yes the Metaphor Class too.. that Hell and Heaven
and all the SHades of Purgatory Grey from BLack Abyss SoUL of the NiGHTs
to Beyond Rainbow Colors of HeaVeN now ReAlly ReAlly Do exist on this eARTh
Now dePeNDinG on the Views of each Multi-Universe View of Human as God WhOle
PaRTs of Ocean WHole God More or Less now too.. True.. this is a little like PArt of Dante’s
Hell too for every Real Bible needs actually to be able to better describe what Heaven and
Hell really is to help folks seek and find their way in and out too.. anyway.. like i said my Father’s
Side of the Family were all about the Money and Material Goods but you see the Real Gift and
The Only Real Gift is Love of the Caring and Feeling Human Touch in eyes that Shine Forever
eternAlly NoW as LoVE as heART of SPiRiT Comes as MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
in a way that reaches out and touches the souls of other folks now.. no.. i am not in
this for likes shares and follows and bucks and cents traded back and forth
with no Substance of Love for i aim to give/share all of the Soul i’ve gained
and true when one is overflowing with Love constant approval
and affirmation is not necessary for the Art of Human
is all about Giving and Sharing more more more..
in all the ways more more comes.. and while
my Father Frantically Pursued his
American Dream of getting
rich and having the
biggest Home
and the fanciest Car of
all spending his Retirement in
increments of 500 Dollars a week or so
in Lotto treats and tricks in what he ended up
doing supporting the Educational System in Florida..
it wasn’t that i meant to get ‘what he called as the definition
of rich’ but still the thing is with a Mother who Developed a Soul
of Love in me that sure.. i genetically inherited from her too as some
folks are just Born Smiling like me and her more.. i didn’t have to continuously
buy stuff as retail therapy for an empty soul.. i had it all in eyes that Loved and it didn’t
matter that i only made under 5 Dollars an Hour at age 28 when i met my Wife for she
wanted some of what was shining behind my eyes that no dollar amount would bring for
she was raised poor where Love was the only commodity that really counted then that
her Grandmother Thank God was Able to make her into.. Yes.. FriEnd Love is the
Real Fountain of Youth For the Spirit never grows old this way as a Soul stays
young and yes that does equate to the Flesh and Blood of Form that
Stays so much Younger Looking too.. for true it’s not hard for
me to prove that at all for Katrina still at age 48.. and
sure considering 7 or so years total in Hell in my
lifetime i still attract enough Honey for
Bootie Dances from College Age
Young Women but you see
it is the Fearless
Love of
Spirit Heart
and Soul they are
attracted to for i have that now
more than ever before no matter bald
spot and greying Hair now at 240LBS as
sure with Bi-Polar and Asperger’s Syndrome i always
DancESinG a Tight Rope of Olympic Style Effort in Balance now..
Fearless Love in Unconditional Way is the Only Money i need to make
and be and give and share.. but yeah when i retired early and casually related
to my Father that after he passed away i did find out by the date i reached the
age of 47.. i saved 6 times more money than he did by the time he reached 81
when he passed away in ’14.. on 5.22.14 then.. and when i mentioned to him the
Dollar Amount while i was still living in Hell as that didn’t mean anything at all to me
then.. he exclaimed the biggest proud of me that he ever gave to me in my life for he
and his Mother Said and sure some of the People i worked for and served too in close
to A Minimum Wage Job Working For the Federal Government Serving out Bowling Shoes
then.. that i was wasting my life not making big money and being in a ‘big time job’ then..
Sort of like the People who said i would never amount to anything for when i was young
they called me ugly and made fun of my androgyny then.. and then at work they said
similar things some of them what a shame i could have done so much more than
just the Love of Serving Folks for little money then.. but what they did not
understand was i was accumulating Riches of the Soul the Spirit and
Heart as i would need every smAll ounce of that to Survive the
Hell that would still come to be.. for 66 Months Whole.. my
Mother had 100 Percent Faith and Belief that everything
would work out for when she was at her lowest point
and really wanted to die when my Father was
Leaving her and she felt like she just wouldn’t
be able to carry on then.. what she viewed
as Jesus with Bright Green Eyes came
to visit her at Her Bed as a Vivid
Vision for her then taling
her that all would be
okay and from
that point
on she
a positive Faith
and Belief that would carry
her through death.. for true she had
some challenges in her mind too but you see
whatever works for Love from the first blink of life
given and shared is whatever works as all that counts
for those who have lost tHeir Soul who ever had it in the
first place and actually Sense and Feel The Value of Love as
Giving and Sharing always now more.. so.. anyway.. while i never
plan to Sell my Soul as far as Dance and Song goes as enough money
i have now already to never worry about money again as sure.. we do all
have to eat and make ends meet.. i couldn’t help but to feel God as all that is Nature
is smiling down on me for what the “Professional Poet’s” Concern was that my Long
stuff would never garner the attention they depended on to fill an empty space for them
that i was surely familiar with in Hell but not as Heaven comes again.. overflowing as Chalice
of Love that is just is an overflowing incarnate Essence of Love.. as yeah.. that ‘little’ Book Sized
Effort has become the second most popular Poem and the Longest Single MacroVerse done in
7 days too.. after two Months still garnering around a Thousand Views a Month.. as it will surely
become Number one eventually at this rate as the most popular effort with clothes on at least
hehe.. was about Burnout on the Autism Spectrum that is still one of the most popular
Google Searches on that topic now.. and just a few paragraphs of one page that
Pre-MacroVerse was then in the first part of Blogging in 2013.. but True
in 2012 when i first Authored an Opinion Post on the ‘Wrong Planet’
on Rampage Killings before that after the Sandy Hook Rampage
Killing that piece went on to gathering up close to 100K
Views then still at the top of Google Searches now too..
and yeah the amazing thing is i accomplished
that before i got out of Hell never truly
knowing whether or not i could
get through each and every second of life..
but anyway as far as delayed gratification goes i am surely
an expert on that by now.. living Poor through College with Peanut
Butter Sandwiches through 3 Degrees and 6 Years then but you see
that was only in Dollar Amounts for the Love Still Generated in me from
the Unconditional Love Fed and Watered as Garden in the most important
Years of Life to Wire Love in a Human Being of the Touchy Feely Kind now from
Ages 0 to 3 then.. what a Gift it was that my Mother made it through her Marriage
Long enough for me to fully become Love then.. and yes the Mechanical Cognition
Rigors of School and Work took a significant pArt of that away to almost all of it by
the end of Work struggles toward the end as well as 40 Years spent in the rigors
of the Malignant Patriarchy Red State Trump Lands that were worse than
ever back in my early days of School here.. in LA Lower Alabama
Panhandle of Florida were the Flowers don’t alway smell
so sweet if you are born a male down here.. but yeah
that is changing as Love Will Eventually Win the
Entire Game of Life too.. thing is when you
lose it all and just gain love back you
have it all already as all that is
is giving and sharing now
and this is where
Any Future
Beethoven Symphony
and Michelangelo Statue
of David and Ceiling will still come
from Love from Love that is patient kind
and courageous with Wisdom and Beauty more.. as
i spent an afternoon with my Friend Shawna Baby on Twitter
yesterday and if i lived that way in a world of instant Gratification
of constant trades and gives of likes increasing everyday my art
would die my art would die and so would my Soul Potential too..
but as ‘they’ do different strokes for different folks some strokes long
now some strokes short and sure the short strokes are fun too.. but
for me i’ll Get Out and Dance with the World allone and i’ll
also paint
as any
Full of Love
And Art Will Do Free too..
What a Wonderful World it is
when one sheds all the dollar bills and
cents and likes and shares and follows and
Just Dances and Sings Free Just to Be Free to Give and
Share whether anyone picks up the other end of the phone or not..
And sure.. these days even a Blake can and will reach Millions of Folks
around the World by only doing art and letting the Machines automatically
spread what they do around the World more.. hehe.. i don’t have to worry about
anyone interrupting me too much as there are only a very few people in the entire
world that and who can fit most of me in their Brain now and that takes a Brain very
similar to mine as Shawna Baby has that Special Mix of Bi-Polar And Asperger’s syndrome
that makes for all relative intents and purposes overmen and overWoMeN as Supernormal now..
for True when one isn’t born with Latent Inhibition with all the filters to make feeling and sensing
input from the Environment Habituated and disappearing as New.. those of us like that require a
very high horsepower of Reasoning to keep us on a Tight rope without Falling off now in other
words a Systemizing Mind to go along with an Art mind as just another Yin and Yang Balance
of Extremes
of Humans
come to
be and
perhaps a next
step in Human Evolution
too if any of us get around to
reproducing as Shawna Baby
has surely done enough of that by now..
and all that will be left of me is a Nautilus
Shell like my Mother Said a Bigger Story never told before..
Yep.. this Flu Bug of LoVE is way too Heavy in Weight to go totAlly Viral So far.. at Least..
anYWay.. Shawna Baby influenced me enough in Muse to update my Profile Pic on Twitter
while i
what is
like a Carnival
of a Human Atmosphere there..
nah.. i can’t paint no Sistine Chapel on Twitter Walls now..
but as long as the Robots are Sharing my Shit for Free on Twitter
And Tumblr and Facebook and Google Plus aLong with 4 Blogs too
hey why not when it’s just an Algorithm doing the work or a copy and
paste of a Novel Sized Poem fully illustrated with over 300 Photos i took
and over 30 Youtube Videos to Accompany it in Music Way and Information
too.. it’s really amazing as i copy and paste something that Large with just
a Stroke of a Pen that is a button push now.. to Four Blogs separate from
the Original Blog now as one is totally private of that as just a back-up
now too.. as that makes 4 Public now with 3 Archive Copy and Paste
Blogs to go.. in different themed Formats too as the Computer
Does the Work to get my words out for Free.. along with
all the Robot Algorithm Help too yes.. sure
Beats Dickinson Drawers as Poems
as Letters to Her Friends Locked
away until after she died
then.. thing is
if any of those
folks were alive today
would they just get lost in a Twitter
Verse and never accomplish anything
truly as an original work of art now bowing
down to what the Target Audiences Demand
in tit for tat comments and likes and shares and follows
more.. or ugh selling a soul for bucks and pennies too as
Art comes Best with Empty Pockets and SoUL Generating Art more..
now for people who are looking for some kind of fame and fortune as
most everyone who actually arrives will tell you it was only thenow now
The Journey and Paths of Art actuAlly Doing ART that means anything
real at all then or now.. for True Be AM iS Do the Essence NoW oF
Art instead
of just
a Form of
Art as Idol for
the Nautilus Creature
doesn’t worry about what
the finished Piece of Shell Looks
Like for the Shell is Whole in Essence
of Artisan Being from first to last Breath
of Life always now alive.. and sure at the end
of that Nautilus Life i suppose he and or she
could exclaim wow God did i really do that.. i hardly
noticed anything about it at all for LifE is The Gift i still JusT Do Now.. And Yes LoVE ALL
NoW.. Hmm.. one WiLL thiNk tHat iF A Shoe Company WiLL Figure iT ouT More Folks WiLL JusT DOiT2..:)
(The Major Factor Underlying The Increase In Rampage Killings)
(The Major Factor Underlying The Increase In Rampage Killings)
Hi.. Sohair.. Thanks for Letting us know
that it is your Birthday on May 12th and
Happy Birthday to you although you are
arriving now in the Morning of the 13th
in Egypt as Today is the Celebration of Mother’s
Day and Happy Belated that day to you too as i understand
Mother’s Day is Celebrated on March 21st in Egypt but i’ll wish
you another Happy Mother’s Day Just for the Joy of the Wish anyway
hehe.. anyway.. again i hope you did have a Happy Birthday my Friend for
i’m sure
your Children
appreciate the
Gift of you as Mother
and sure your Students too..
if you gave them good grades for
their end of the Semester Tests.. hehe.. so
Off to the Next State over are we taking Katrina
to some more Routine Treatment for her hand as we
Celebrated Church a Day Early on Saturday for we will be
on the Travel Road Early in the Morning to make it to Sunny
Mobile Alabama as i am getting very used to traveling there now..:)
that it is your Birthday on May 12th and
Happy Birthday to you although you are
arriving now in the Morning of the 13th
in Egypt as Today is the Celebration of Mother’s
Day and Happy Belated that day to you too as i understand
Mother’s Day is Celebrated on March 21st in Egypt but i’ll wish
you another Happy Mother’s Day Just for the Joy of the Wish anyway
hehe.. anyway.. again i hope you did have a Happy Birthday my Friend for
i’m sure
your Children
appreciate the
Gift of you as Mother
and sure your Students too..
if you gave them good grades for
their end of the Semester Tests.. hehe.. so
Off to the Next State over are we taking Katrina
to some more Routine Treatment for her hand as we
Celebrated Church a Day Early on Saturday for we will be
on the Travel Road Early in the Morning to make it to Sunny
Mobile Alabama as i am getting very used to traveling there now..:)
DuH LiFE/GoD/uS iS iDoL
YeaH i LL Do
TwiTTeR Too
LoVinG iT aLL NoW MoRE NoW
Hmm.. JusT SoME THiNGS i Do
iN HoSPiTaL WaiTinG
RooMs HeaVeNoW MoRE
CLuB oNeoNe
Mensa Club Exists.
NoW iF YoU ArE LooKinG FoR
NeW GeNiuS You’LL NeVeR
FiND iT From: What is to:
FoR GeNiuS to: Understand
From: WiTHiNoWNoW
“To See A WoRLD In A GRaiN oF SanD
HoLD iNFiNiTy in thE PaLM Of YouR HanD
AnD ETeRNiTY iN An HouR”
iT’s YouR WoRLD
Big is
This is Better
Than Church..
This! Is! Church NoWaLL
DuH LiFE/GoD/uS iS iDoL
YeaH i LL Do
TwiTTeR Too
LoVinG iT aLL NoW MoRE NoW
Hmm.. JusT SoME THiNGS i Do
iN HoSPiTaL WaiTinG
RooMs HeaVeNoW MoRE
CLuB oNeoNe
Mensa Club Exists.
NoW iF YoU ArE LooKinG FoR
NeW GeNiuS You’LL NeVeR
FiND iT From: What is to:
FoR GeNiuS to: Understand
From: WiTHiNoWNoW
“To See A WoRLD In A GRaiN oF SanD
HoLD iNFiNiTy in thE PaLM Of YouR HanD
AnD ETeRNiTY iN An HouR”
iT’s YouR WoRLD
Big is
This is Better
Than Church..
This! Is! Church NoWaLL
WeLL iT’s STiLL Mother’s Day 5.13.18 at 11:51PM and this
is the Heaviest Day of my LiFE hehe.. Literally at Tim Tebow
Way And supposedly 5 LBS Heavier than the Trumpseter if he
is Telling the truth About his Height or Weight
where at 245.4 Lbs Now that puts
me about 15.4 LBS over
the Morbidly Obese
Limit unless i suddenly
(but ‘they’ base that on
Domesticated Humans.. Not
ReNewly Minted Feral ones)
Grew Taller than Trump while
anyone with any common Sense
can see he is a little shorter than Obama
at 6 FooT oNe.. anYWy.. It’s Marty McFly come
back to a GasLit Wor(L)d Now.. of Biff at the Highest
Levels of Casino/Mafia Government NoW As A Country
iN General has become a Pair of close to 72 Year old Dice
now in just one man who wants to have his way.. and then
there is Franklin Graham who suggested that since Trump Broke
All Matthew Chapter 5.. 3 thru 11 Verses of the Introduction to the
Beatitudes and still got elected as A Most Despicable Candidate as
A Leader as Far as Honor Character and Integrity who even Boasted that
his ‘Core Group of Followers’ would support him still if he Shot Someone in
Public.. as yes.. Franklin Graham Suggested that the FAct that Trump won as
a Person with no Honesty and Integrity and Character as Far as any Real
Human Common Sense Measure and preDiCTor of that was/is Proof
that So-Called Franklin Graham’s Version of an Old Testament
And eye for an eye God Was/is Behind him as yes we do
KNoW Franklin Graham is Behind Trump then and
now still as the God you make is the
God you are for all practical
intents and purposes
now if the Jesus
Story is Correct
tHaT we are all offspRing
of God as Creation now lives
on Two Legs where one would hope
we have crawled out of the muck or what
some folks call the ‘Swamp’.. hehe.. anyway.. any
Person with any Common Human Decency for those of
US who still inHeRit a Loving Nature and are Watered and
Fed and GenerAlly Gardened with TouchY Feely Love with Empathy
And Sympathy and Compassion including Cognitive Empathy too to NoW
underStand that all Folks see the World at least slightly Differently now as
GoD eYe Views and Hands and Feet too.. as yes.. sadly some folks Dance and
Sing.. and Some Folks Do Symbols with that like Parables and Poetry too.. to
Express all of the Beauty and Wisdom And Courage and Kind in a GaRDeNoW
of Eden View As Heaven at Hand always Real in this Generation now.. as oTHeR
Folks Basically just become the tools that are words and other external pArts of
Culture we make and even treat other human beings as objects to be maNiPuLaTED
For Selfish Gain.. Jesus F in Christ like the Story of Christ.. the Good Cop Version at
least i was born an Empath in Feely Sensory way of Sensitivity to the Hilt where Latent Inhibition
was Low enough and Still is like EVerY MoMent and Feeling and Sensory Experience of may life
is still Brand new even if i am married to the Same Woman for over 28 Years ago.. it still Feels
And Senses like the First time now.. and True.. For a HeART and SPiRiT and SoUL LiKe That and
wHo FeeLSeNSeS the Pain and PleaSurE oF everYone aRound me And Sure PoTenTiaL Genius with that
Common Attribute and Necessity for Genius to Ever Bud in anyone now.. for hey.. if You can’t NoW
See LiFE NeW you’ll never Truly Create anything originally truly new.. duh.. that’s common sense too..
for what do Paint by Numbers Folks Do NoW they Paint by what has come before.. as
the older
way of doing things instead of Seeing the FLoWeRS oF LiFE oF all that is God in
Continuous reneWed aNew Ways of Experiencing LiFENoW.. anYWay i Got
tHis sHit ToGeTHeR NoW aS People like me surely do not CoMeNoW with
Instruction MaNuaLs.. now.. unstoppable for i got the System Figured
out and the Art and Science required for Heaven EternAlly NoW
And the only challenge now is MaKinG an Art and Science
out of tHat reaLiTy in some way that one person might
Gain some spArk to come to Heaven within
inside outside above so below and all
around more now just like
the Promise of
the Story
of Jesus now more
still but thing is this is real..
yes.. no myth no Supernatural JusT
YeS!.. Supernormal Kingdom of Heaven
on EartH NoW ALWaYS in this Generation
NoW For Those wHo Truly Do Seek and Find
A Path on tHeir Personal Journey with all that is
God to make it happen now.. for True Words Don’t
Make God wHo Makes Words and Tools and thaT iS YoUNoW
And everyone else too for what we arrive NoW aS Naked God
or Tools
that who
made who
away from Nature
as God Wild and Free
WiTHIN Inside outside above
so below and all around more..
MoViNG CoNNecTinG Co-CreaTinG NoW
So Many More Colors and Flavors and
oTHeR Feelings and SenSinG and DanCinG
And SinGinG and yeS even more Symbols now
to Create to Share and Give A PoTenTiaL
ConSenSuaL and mutuAlly understood
Life oF A Kingdom of HeaVeN NoW
STiLL in this Generation at
Hand and Fe(a)et and
All ELse that is
And perHaps
YoU too
Drop YouR Domestication
oF Fear and Hate in Misery Loves
Company and Do Joy Loves Company
More in Kind and Courage and Wisdom
Brave and Fearless too.. Meanwhile
the ‘core followers’ of the
Current Resident
eARTh are sTill
NoW oF A GasLit ReaLiTY
AWay From: HeaVeN As A
Kingdom oF ReaL LoVE NoW to:
In LiGHt iN LiGHT As dARk BeCOmeS LiGHT too..
Who Made Who thE LoVE tHaT iS Born And Bred or Not as YoU
is the Heaviest Day of my LiFE hehe.. Literally at Tim Tebow
Way And supposedly 5 LBS Heavier than the Trumpseter if he
is Telling the truth About his Height or Weight
where at 245.4 Lbs Now that puts
me about 15.4 LBS over
the Morbidly Obese
Limit unless i suddenly
(but ‘they’ base that on
Domesticated Humans.. Not
ReNewly Minted Feral ones)
Grew Taller than Trump while
anyone with any common Sense
can see he is a little shorter than Obama
at 6 FooT oNe.. anYWy.. It’s Marty McFly come
back to a GasLit Wor(L)d Now.. of Biff at the Highest
Levels of Casino/Mafia Government NoW As A Country
iN General has become a Pair of close to 72 Year old Dice
now in just one man who wants to have his way.. and then
there is Franklin Graham who suggested that since Trump Broke
All Matthew Chapter 5.. 3 thru 11 Verses of the Introduction to the
Beatitudes and still got elected as A Most Despicable Candidate as
A Leader as Far as Honor Character and Integrity who even Boasted that
his ‘Core Group of Followers’ would support him still if he Shot Someone in
Public.. as yes.. Franklin Graham Suggested that the FAct that Trump won as
a Person with no Honesty and Integrity and Character as Far as any Real
Human Common Sense Measure and preDiCTor of that was/is Proof
that So-Called Franklin Graham’s Version of an Old Testament
And eye for an eye God Was/is Behind him as yes we do
KNoW Franklin Graham is Behind Trump then and
now still as the God you make is the
God you are for all practical
intents and purposes
now if the Jesus
Story is Correct
tHaT we are all offspRing
of God as Creation now lives
on Two Legs where one would hope
we have crawled out of the muck or what
some folks call the ‘Swamp’.. hehe.. anyway.. any
Person with any Common Human Decency for those of
US who still inHeRit a Loving Nature and are Watered and
Fed and GenerAlly Gardened with TouchY Feely Love with Empathy
And Sympathy and Compassion including Cognitive Empathy too to NoW
underStand that all Folks see the World at least slightly Differently now as
GoD eYe Views and Hands and Feet too.. as yes.. sadly some folks Dance and
Sing.. and Some Folks Do Symbols with that like Parables and Poetry too.. to
Express all of the Beauty and Wisdom And Courage and Kind in a GaRDeNoW
of Eden View As Heaven at Hand always Real in this Generation now.. as oTHeR
Folks Basically just become the tools that are words and other external pArts of
Culture we make and even treat other human beings as objects to be maNiPuLaTED
For Selfish Gain.. Jesus F in Christ like the Story of Christ.. the Good Cop Version at
least i was born an Empath in Feely Sensory way of Sensitivity to the Hilt where Latent Inhibition
was Low enough and Still is like EVerY MoMent and Feeling and Sensory Experience of may life
is still Brand new even if i am married to the Same Woman for over 28 Years ago.. it still Feels
And Senses like the First time now.. and True.. For a HeART and SPiRiT and SoUL LiKe That and
wHo FeeLSeNSeS the Pain and PleaSurE oF everYone aRound me And Sure PoTenTiaL Genius with that
Common Attribute and Necessity for Genius to Ever Bud in anyone now.. for hey.. if You can’t NoW
See LiFE NeW you’ll never Truly Create anything originally truly new.. duh.. that’s common sense too..
for what do Paint by Numbers Folks Do NoW they Paint by what has come before.. as
the older
way of doing things instead of Seeing the FLoWeRS oF LiFE oF all that is God in
Continuous reneWed aNew Ways of Experiencing LiFENoW.. anYWay i Got
tHis sHit ToGeTHeR NoW aS People like me surely do not CoMeNoW with
Instruction MaNuaLs.. now.. unstoppable for i got the System Figured
out and the Art and Science required for Heaven EternAlly NoW
And the only challenge now is MaKinG an Art and Science
out of tHat reaLiTy in some way that one person might
Gain some spArk to come to Heaven within
inside outside above so below and all
around more now just like
the Promise of
the Story
of Jesus now more
still but thing is this is real..
yes.. no myth no Supernatural JusT
YeS!.. Supernormal Kingdom of Heaven
on EartH NoW ALWaYS in this Generation
NoW For Those wHo Truly Do Seek and Find
A Path on tHeir Personal Journey with all that is
God to make it happen now.. for True Words Don’t
Make God wHo Makes Words and Tools and thaT iS YoUNoW
And everyone else too for what we arrive NoW aS Naked God
or Tools
that who
made who
away from Nature
as God Wild and Free
WiTHIN Inside outside above
so below and all around more..
MoViNG CoNNecTinG Co-CreaTinG NoW
So Many More Colors and Flavors and
oTHeR Feelings and SenSinG and DanCinG
And SinGinG and yeS even more Symbols now
to Create to Share and Give A PoTenTiaL
ConSenSuaL and mutuAlly understood
Life oF A Kingdom of HeaVeN NoW
STiLL in this Generation at
Hand and Fe(a)et and
All ELse that is
And perHaps
YoU too
Drop YouR Domestication
oF Fear and Hate in Misery Loves
Company and Do Joy Loves Company
More in Kind and Courage and Wisdom
Brave and Fearless too.. Meanwhile
the ‘core followers’ of the
Current Resident
eARTh are sTill
NoW oF A GasLit ReaLiTY
AWay From: HeaVeN As A
Kingdom oF ReaL LoVE NoW to:
In LiGHt iN LiGHT As dARk BeCOmeS LiGHT too..
Who Made Who thE LoVE tHaT iS Born And Bred or Not as YoU
Hehe.. i’D RaTHeR Be CoMPLeX
SiMpLY iS NoT FoR EverYonENoW
Hehe.. i Don’T
i JusT Do
Do NoW..
Dance Comes
iT JusT CoMeS NoW
No KNoWinG Be Water
Be Air JusT
‘They’ CaLL iT NOW..
DeatH JusT PutS aN
CHaoS ArT aS
No Break ‘Tween
HandS anD SPRouTSinG
IroNiCaLLy RaGE aGainST
A Machine For Stories at Hand
Boats With Oars Sails And Motors..
Boats For Sale Humans Without
Shadows God With Clothes
Putting Lip Stick On Pigs
God Lies
YeP iT’s True Easier Do
Dead Poet Society Peter PaN
LiVE PaSSioN As Art Frees
NoW oR Ry
Stress Science
Art is Flesh Blood BonE
Science is Science
Science Doesn’t Write Poetry
Poetry Doesn’t Write Science
You Don’t Smell
What Feral Cat Sees
It’s Worth Noting that Feral Cat
is at least 10 times smARTer
Than Domesticated Cat
oF A GasLit ReaLiTY
AWay From: HeaVeN As A
Kingdom oF ReaL LoVE NoW to:
As dARk
BeCOmeS LiGHT too..
Who Made Who
thE LoVE tHaT iS Born
And Bred or Not as YoU
Hmm.. i believe this is what
‘they’ name as a remix in other
Words you’LL FiNd PArts off this
MIcroVerse comprised of MicroMicroVerses
through the Rest of this MacroVerse i am Writing
And while Truly so many Young Males theses days and
sure some Females too could use a Great Big Dose of
A Dead Poet Society BRinGeR NoW oF Art over Stress
of Science for Paradise of Passion more as THeaTRE oF
HeaVeN NoW We MoVE CoNNecT And Co-Create even
iF THaT FucKinG Takes Standing on top of a Desk
Fully Naked
As Full
WiLL GRoW to: Be
From: Ocean WHoLE GoD
FRee NoW but True Science is
a Hard Rule to Break for unless
one Speaks the same ‘Jordan
Peterson’ Language they
are tough rules
still to
to tear out the
pages of the Hierarchy
Of Lobster Speak away from
Love now as Grace that is A GreatTeST Now
Foundation of Will and Strength oF aLL as Yes
Class.. no shit most Human Beings are Born with
Social Cooperative Natures when Bred and Gardened
that way or else we would have never made it past the
Cold Night Winters of Snow and the Need to Strip in the
Heat of the Savannah without any Jealousy of who is bedding
down who in the Work of the Night now.. as the Gift is the Child
And the Pleasure of the Sex Act is what Brings the Gift of Survival
And Thrive more too now.. for it’s also True it’s not so much that all the
World’s Problems are the War of the Sexes Male and or Female Externally
it’s more of an internal
War now for those
who are Afraid
to Be Dressed
in Shadow BLack
as Well as Wearing
Pink and Red Roses of
Love and Grace that Strengthens
WiLL more than any little man and or
woman will do today still with only the Hierarchy
of Lobster Speak that weak Neurotic Voices of Fear
Filled Boys who ‘think’ they are men will Never Drop lower
to Fearless until they Become Meek Enough Men to Be Strong
Within as Will As Love Holds Hands more as Feet of Grace NoW iN
A Cooperative Dance of Being Human NoW FOR ALL.. ANYWAY YOU
CAN STILL SEE.. that Malignant Patriarchy still lives with little boys wHo sTiLL
Hope still now to be men one day through Anger over Grace and Fear now over
Hope and Hate over Love as Will Comes to Be True LoVE MoRE Fearless NoW..
Any anyway on top of that Every Woman Loves a Warrior More With a Poetic heART
More as hey.. Tim Tebow can talk as Gay as he wants and while ‘little’ warrior wanna bees
now yes on the Internet more may decry all about him being Gay as it doesn’t stop most every
Woman’s Wish to Spread her Legs Free for a Warrior Poet now.. True the Christian Women who relate that in the Comments Sections relate that as Marriage but True it still is all about the Biblical
Definition of their Wishes to Come to know the Warrior Man With Grace of Love no matter NoW
how jealous
the ‘little
are now
who haven’t
quite made
the Strength of
Love as Grace of
Will yet Now.. and on top
of that little men rarely ever face
big men face off as it were then and now
real men to real man now.. as now little boys
wear big men clothes lies on the Internet Still
But Seriously it’s no one’s fault really it’s just all about
Being out of Balance with Nature as Wild and Free as Meek
As any Lion on the Savannah who not only Feels and Senses
CouRage but the Love of the Pride NoW that is earned in NaKED
True a Lion doesn’t have to say one word to display the King of the Savannah iN
Clear View in Total Body Language NoW as Grace Meets Will in Strength now more..
And no the Lion Doesn’t ever Worry about Sizes of Packages and the such as that for
it’s most aLWaYS
A Fearless
Lion who wins
OveR A WoMaN
No maTTer wHaT as Humans STiLL
And tHat Rarely.. Ever Takes Words
aT aLL For A Poetic heaRT WiLL CoME
Through.. Loud.. And Clear.. oF A Grace
oF Dance tHat Never Speaks Fear aT aLL..
True.. haven’t you noticed Feral Cat Dances
A Slow Tai-Chi Strut wherever ‘they’ go and in
this way ‘they’ are 10 times smARter than any
Domesticated Cat for what still comes to be the
Most Real Parts of Life Back iN A Black of LoVE NoW MorELioN..:)
SiMpLY iS NoT FoR EverYonENoW
Hehe.. i Don’T
i JusT Do
Do NoW..
Dance Comes
iT JusT CoMeS NoW
No KNoWinG Be Water
Be Air JusT
‘They’ CaLL iT NOW..
DeatH JusT PutS aN
CHaoS ArT aS
No Break ‘Tween
HandS anD SPRouTSinG
IroNiCaLLy RaGE aGainST
A Machine For Stories at Hand
Boats With Oars Sails And Motors..
Boats For Sale Humans Without
Shadows God With Clothes
Putting Lip Stick On Pigs
God Lies
YeP iT’s True Easier Do
Dead Poet Society Peter PaN
LiVE PaSSioN As Art Frees
NoW oR Ry
Stress Science
Art is Flesh Blood BonE
Science is Science
Science Doesn’t Write Poetry
Poetry Doesn’t Write Science
You Don’t Smell
What Feral Cat Sees
It’s Worth Noting that Feral Cat
is at least 10 times smARTer
Than Domesticated Cat
oF A GasLit ReaLiTY
AWay From: HeaVeN As A
Kingdom oF ReaL LoVE NoW to:
As dARk
BeCOmeS LiGHT too..
Who Made Who
thE LoVE tHaT iS Born
And Bred or Not as YoU
Hmm.. i believe this is what
‘they’ name as a remix in other
Words you’LL FiNd PArts off this
MIcroVerse comprised of MicroMicroVerses
through the Rest of this MacroVerse i am Writing
And while Truly so many Young Males theses days and
sure some Females too could use a Great Big Dose of
A Dead Poet Society BRinGeR NoW oF Art over Stress
of Science for Paradise of Passion more as THeaTRE oF
HeaVeN NoW We MoVE CoNNecT And Co-Create even
iF THaT FucKinG Takes Standing on top of a Desk
Fully Naked
As Full
WiLL GRoW to: Be
From: Ocean WHoLE GoD
FRee NoW but True Science is
a Hard Rule to Break for unless
one Speaks the same ‘Jordan
Peterson’ Language they
are tough rules
still to
to tear out the
pages of the Hierarchy
Of Lobster Speak away from
Love now as Grace that is A GreatTeST Now
Foundation of Will and Strength oF aLL as Yes
Class.. no shit most Human Beings are Born with
Social Cooperative Natures when Bred and Gardened
that way or else we would have never made it past the
Cold Night Winters of Snow and the Need to Strip in the
Heat of the Savannah without any Jealousy of who is bedding
down who in the Work of the Night now.. as the Gift is the Child
And the Pleasure of the Sex Act is what Brings the Gift of Survival
And Thrive more too now.. for it’s also True it’s not so much that all the
World’s Problems are the War of the Sexes Male and or Female Externally
it’s more of an internal
War now for those
who are Afraid
to Be Dressed
in Shadow BLack
as Well as Wearing
Pink and Red Roses of
Love and Grace that Strengthens
WiLL more than any little man and or
woman will do today still with only the Hierarchy
of Lobster Speak that weak Neurotic Voices of Fear
Filled Boys who ‘think’ they are men will Never Drop lower
to Fearless until they Become Meek Enough Men to Be Strong
Within as Will As Love Holds Hands more as Feet of Grace NoW iN
A Cooperative Dance of Being Human NoW FOR ALL.. ANYWAY YOU
CAN STILL SEE.. that Malignant Patriarchy still lives with little boys wHo sTiLL
Hope still now to be men one day through Anger over Grace and Fear now over
Hope and Hate over Love as Will Comes to Be True LoVE MoRE Fearless NoW..
Any anyway on top of that Every Woman Loves a Warrior More With a Poetic heART
More as hey.. Tim Tebow can talk as Gay as he wants and while ‘little’ warrior wanna bees
now yes on the Internet more may decry all about him being Gay as it doesn’t stop most every
Woman’s Wish to Spread her Legs Free for a Warrior Poet now.. True the Christian Women who relate that in the Comments Sections relate that as Marriage but True it still is all about the Biblical
Definition of their Wishes to Come to know the Warrior Man With Grace of Love no matter NoW
how jealous
the ‘little
are now
who haven’t
quite made
the Strength of
Love as Grace of
Will yet Now.. and on top
of that little men rarely ever face
big men face off as it were then and now
real men to real man now.. as now little boys
wear big men clothes lies on the Internet Still
But Seriously it’s no one’s fault really it’s just all about
Being out of Balance with Nature as Wild and Free as Meek
As any Lion on the Savannah who not only Feels and Senses
CouRage but the Love of the Pride NoW that is earned in NaKED
True a Lion doesn’t have to say one word to display the King of the Savannah iN
Clear View in Total Body Language NoW as Grace Meets Will in Strength now more..
And no the Lion Doesn’t ever Worry about Sizes of Packages and the such as that for
it’s most aLWaYS
A Fearless
Lion who wins
OveR A WoMaN
No maTTer wHaT as Humans STiLL
And tHat Rarely.. Ever Takes Words
aT aLL For A Poetic heaRT WiLL CoME
Through.. Loud.. And Clear.. oF A Grace
oF Dance tHat Never Speaks Fear aT aLL..
True.. haven’t you noticed Feral Cat Dances
A Slow Tai-Chi Strut wherever ‘they’ go and in
this way ‘they’ are 10 times smARter than any
Domesticated Cat for what still comes to be the
Most Real Parts of Life Back iN A Black of LoVE NoW MorELioN..:)
Jesus You See me
When You Don’t Read
me Pretty Please
Hmm.. that
Reminds me…
Saturday at Church
was/is the Big Celebration
of the Ascension of the Story
of Jesus after 40 Days of Teaching
Life After Death and Finally coming
to A Kingdom of Heaven on eARTh aGaiN
iN Ascending Transcending And Ecstatic
SPeaK as Currently unTold MiLLioNs aRouND
The Globe Are Doing NoW as tHeir Paths of Blow
Out Bliss and Nirvana at Calm Center Point BaLanCE
of Kundalini Rising Samadhi Satori Prana Tao eTc EtC now per
Cross Cultural Abstract Constructs for Similar Experiences
of the Force of KA and Qi and Chi and Ki too.. as any Great
American Indian Spirit comes in an ongoing Vision Quest of
LiFe NoW in MiNDFuL and BoDiLY AWaReNeSS MoRE when
Latent Inhibition is reduced wHeRE aLL of LiFE is
ReNeWeD and yes.. hehe some folks like
me are sort of born this way and
if the experience gets too
high or too low
we get
of Disorders like
Bi-Polar or Perhaps
A Form of Autism or whatever
ADHD as such LabEL coMes neXt
but anyway so one Dude out of Millions and
Millions of Folks around the Globe all through thousands
and thousands of Years gets Promoted to King of over a Quadrillion
Stars and so many more Planets and other likely Intelligent life even
More Spiritual than us like that should be Hard to do among the Minions
NoW of Mundane not quite Woke who see an Abstract Construct of God alone
and just one Human alone too.. as shell of all that is so much more in Colors
of God more than yes Class JusT a Three Letter Word like that or a Five Letter
Word or even Nature as a Six Letter Word too for what we can and will not see
hear and feel and sense even with our Science Aided eYes now.. but true Religion
StiLL is what Binds as Bonds whether DARk Web or LoVE Web or Bible Sports or even
Sex Clubs too.. as i visit these places all around and what they all share as clubs is
sTiLL A Similar Group Think and Behavior and CulTural Byproducts As Symbols more of
What Folks Create as Abstract Constructs related to Art and Science too.. for what
it comes down to is yes Religion as what Folks Come to Hold Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and Purpose to Share and Give as Binds and Bonds of
Group Think and Behaviors more.. and yes there is always an
Element of the Politics of Rules to keep folks in
Alignment with Group Think and
Behavior more
but A
Key is For those
who say they are an
individual and not part
of Some Identity Politics of
Religion now.. they really now are
iF a pART of any Group Think as required
Behaviors to Stay Within the Walls of what Folks
Bind and Bond with as a Club of Religion and Politics
of whatever shared think and behaviors come next.. NoW
but it’s kinda cool when you step out of line in Spiral
FLoW as it is possible to visit Nirvana and Bliss NoW
As A Fresh Blow out in Ascending
Transcending Ecstatic
Calm Nirvana
As JusT ANoTHeR eYe oF
A CaTeGorY 6 Hurricane with
A Few MoRE WinDs of Art and Science
to keep going in Flow with all of that now
YeS.. A Fresh Exhale Blow-out of LiVinG
As ReNeWeD ALWaYS NoW MoRE but True if you only
think one other person will have to come to do this again that is
not you.. WeLL.. let’s just say you bought the Snake Oil Salesman again
For illuSory Fears in Sticks and iLLusory hopes in carrots too after a dirt
NaP NoW for some Swamp Land when Heaven exists within now for those who Seek And
Find it and practice what works as yes.. Class.. Currently MiLLioNs aRouND the Globe
are Practicing as Nirvana and Bliss more now.. and Oh Lord.. imagine if you come back
to life for eternity and even when you were told that the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand
Always now in this Generation Within us now.. some how someone twisted the mesSage
And Makes
God of
the Entire
Universe now..
when all he was really
doing as the Story Really
DanceSinGS for those with eYes and
eaRs to See and Hear it and pArticularly
For Those who experience Heaven at Will of
LoVE in Grace and Fearless Strength of BaLaNCinG
PoinT FoRCE NoW.. iT’s just sad that the original Greek
Definition of Apocalypse for the Veils of Ignorance have yet to
be lifted for the Majority now of Humans who have First World and
Other World Problems.. of a God that is only a Word and a Promise
of Heaven after Death when Heaven Will be ALWaYS NoW for those
wHo Seek and Find it eTeRNaLLy NoW as a Practice oF LiFE as LiVinG
Be Much
iN Heaven than
any other place now more
For those who treat God within
to more than just a Promise after
A Dirt Nap NexT for just think if you
Come back and through YouR WiLL
Refuse to still Hear the
Good News of
the Kingdom
of Heaven now
ReFuSinG to See that
HeAVeN is the Inheritance as
Gift that one must seek and find now
in a way that ALWaYS Works for the iNdividual
now For it’s True too as the record sHows Group thiNk as
far as Abrahamic Religions.. Fails Miserably for most folks
now however there are some folks who are born innate so close
to Heaven that all it takes is something like a Lord’s Prayer and Holding
Hands to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven now and for other folks Lord knows
they practically have to ingest ‘Acid’ to get to Heaven now.. but that’s illegal so
i Recommend MosT A Naked Transcending Ecstatic Sun and Sand Dance iN Free
Verse MoVinG CoNNecTinG Co-Creating Meditation Now.. butt that’s what works
for me.. might not work for you but there are as many options to get to HeaVeNoW
as there is IMAGiNaTioN iN FLoW oF CReATiViTY to: Get HeAR to See From: NoW
And with that said it’s just about 3:16 PM on 5.14.2018 and i haven’t got around to
the Mechanical Cognition of Systemizing Science For the Tale of the Tapes
for this Rather Large Total NeWeR Testament and Witness and Bible
PoeM Book more.. as true.. just the act of Mechanical Cognition
of Reasoning Mind will take one away from
the Fruit of the Kingdom of Heaven
now as even Science
indicates this
unused in Science Mind too..
but Anyway i’ve got a Science Video
here that if you replace the Word Nature
with God iT ain’t so hard to see that Science can
be more as Religion than Politics now.. sure.. Symphony
of Science.. As that should be ending now as i go over the
tale of the tape and list a more precise way of what the 9 Dimensional
Wild and Free Verse Poetry and Bible Building Books of what i do for now.. True
LiGHT too..
but again it’s
sad for true some
Scientists have a Greater
Clue who even call themselves
Atheists than most any person i speak
to in Catholic Church for the reaLiTy that A
PReSeNT oF A Kingdom of God now is what one NoW
Searches and Finds as Naked God Within.. yes.. could
help if the Roman Empire Left in Verse 37 of the Gospel
of Thomas aLong with the Catholic Cohort Leadership then
but yes.. Class how ya gonna Subjugate and Control Folks for
Material Gains and to Gain Control over Reproductive Freedoms if
You Teach People that the Inheritance of Love as the Kingdom of God
Lives within as Heaven now for those who do Successfully Seek and Find
it and Practice A Way of Peace and Harmony in Center Point Balance of
MoVinG CoNNecTing and Co-Creating that Works Eternally now more as Real..
Heaven NoW
iS REaL and True
an Empire will not Easily Be
Able to Slave folks in iLLusory
Lies or at least it will be much more
difficult to do this when Folks Master
the Good News of Heaven within allone
NoW with God wHeRE God is ALWaYS HoME
So with all that sAid for all that is God in Dance and Song too..
MacroVerse Number 830.. titled.. “Changing Wildfire Colors Of May Days LiGHT”
as the Last MacroVerse Written RiSinG “SoNG oF mY SoUL”.. up to Close to 6 Million
Words now as that MacroVerse Doubles as Number 159 of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
As that Titled Bible Writing Effort comes up to 2,926,186 Words in Close to a 2 Year
Effort of Writing now as yes.. it also Triples as MacroVerse Number 55 of “FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018”.. as that close to one year Effort now rises up to 1,312,786 Words
as i am now at the 9281 Mile Mark of Public Dance in over a 57 Month Effort
of Doing that now along with all Close to 6 Million Words now as
i am soon to Celebrate a Title MacroVerse Celebrating
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” on Memorial Day
Weekend and then MacroVerse.. “6 MiLLioN
WorD BiBLE PoEM MaN” Coming on
mY Phi Related Birthday on 6.6.18
soon enough from now.. aLong with
One Ten Thousand the Distance to
the Sun of plus 9300 Miles of Public
Dance in all that Close to 58 Months
of Writing Effort
6 MiLLioN
Words too.. yes..
Celebrated in that Close
to 58 Month Effort on my
58th Birthday then to LonG too..
And now of for a more concise list..
once again Celebrating these Milestones on 6.6.18..:)
When You Don’t Read
me Pretty Please
Hmm.. that
Reminds me…
Saturday at Church
was/is the Big Celebration
of the Ascension of the Story
of Jesus after 40 Days of Teaching
Life After Death and Finally coming
to A Kingdom of Heaven on eARTh aGaiN
iN Ascending Transcending And Ecstatic
SPeaK as Currently unTold MiLLioNs aRouND
The Globe Are Doing NoW as tHeir Paths of Blow
Out Bliss and Nirvana at Calm Center Point BaLanCE
of Kundalini Rising Samadhi Satori Prana Tao eTc EtC now per
Cross Cultural Abstract Constructs for Similar Experiences
of the Force of KA and Qi and Chi and Ki too.. as any Great
American Indian Spirit comes in an ongoing Vision Quest of
LiFe NoW in MiNDFuL and BoDiLY AWaReNeSS MoRE when
Latent Inhibition is reduced wHeRE aLL of LiFE is
ReNeWeD and yes.. hehe some folks like
me are sort of born this way and
if the experience gets too
high or too low
we get
of Disorders like
Bi-Polar or Perhaps
A Form of Autism or whatever
ADHD as such LabEL coMes neXt
but anyway so one Dude out of Millions and
Millions of Folks around the Globe all through thousands
and thousands of Years gets Promoted to King of over a Quadrillion
Stars and so many more Planets and other likely Intelligent life even
More Spiritual than us like that should be Hard to do among the Minions
NoW of Mundane not quite Woke who see an Abstract Construct of God alone
and just one Human alone too.. as shell of all that is so much more in Colors
of God more than yes Class JusT a Three Letter Word like that or a Five Letter
Word or even Nature as a Six Letter Word too for what we can and will not see
hear and feel and sense even with our Science Aided eYes now.. but true Religion
StiLL is what Binds as Bonds whether DARk Web or LoVE Web or Bible Sports or even
Sex Clubs too.. as i visit these places all around and what they all share as clubs is
sTiLL A Similar Group Think and Behavior and CulTural Byproducts As Symbols more of
What Folks Create as Abstract Constructs related to Art and Science too.. for what
it comes down to is yes Religion as what Folks Come to Hold Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and Purpose to Share and Give as Binds and Bonds of
Group Think and Behaviors more.. and yes there is always an
Element of the Politics of Rules to keep folks in
Alignment with Group Think and
Behavior more
but A
Key is For those
who say they are an
individual and not part
of Some Identity Politics of
Religion now.. they really now are
iF a pART of any Group Think as required
Behaviors to Stay Within the Walls of what Folks
Bind and Bond with as a Club of Religion and Politics
of whatever shared think and behaviors come next.. NoW
but it’s kinda cool when you step out of line in Spiral
FLoW as it is possible to visit Nirvana and Bliss NoW
As A Fresh Blow out in Ascending
Transcending Ecstatic
Calm Nirvana
As JusT ANoTHeR eYe oF
A CaTeGorY 6 Hurricane with
A Few MoRE WinDs of Art and Science
to keep going in Flow with all of that now
YeS.. A Fresh Exhale Blow-out of LiVinG
As ReNeWeD ALWaYS NoW MoRE but True if you only
think one other person will have to come to do this again that is
not you.. WeLL.. let’s just say you bought the Snake Oil Salesman again
For illuSory Fears in Sticks and iLLusory hopes in carrots too after a dirt
NaP NoW for some Swamp Land when Heaven exists within now for those who Seek And
Find it and practice what works as yes.. Class.. Currently MiLLioNs aRouND the Globe
are Practicing as Nirvana and Bliss more now.. and Oh Lord.. imagine if you come back
to life for eternity and even when you were told that the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand
Always now in this Generation Within us now.. some how someone twisted the mesSage
And Makes
God of
the Entire
Universe now..
when all he was really
doing as the Story Really
DanceSinGS for those with eYes and
eaRs to See and Hear it and pArticularly
For Those who experience Heaven at Will of
LoVE in Grace and Fearless Strength of BaLaNCinG
PoinT FoRCE NoW.. iT’s just sad that the original Greek
Definition of Apocalypse for the Veils of Ignorance have yet to
be lifted for the Majority now of Humans who have First World and
Other World Problems.. of a God that is only a Word and a Promise
of Heaven after Death when Heaven Will be ALWaYS NoW for those
wHo Seek and Find it eTeRNaLLy NoW as a Practice oF LiFE as LiVinG
Be Much
iN Heaven than
any other place now more
For those who treat God within
to more than just a Promise after
A Dirt Nap NexT for just think if you
Come back and through YouR WiLL
Refuse to still Hear the
Good News of
the Kingdom
of Heaven now
ReFuSinG to See that
HeAVeN is the Inheritance as
Gift that one must seek and find now
in a way that ALWaYS Works for the iNdividual
now For it’s True too as the record sHows Group thiNk as
far as Abrahamic Religions.. Fails Miserably for most folks
now however there are some folks who are born innate so close
to Heaven that all it takes is something like a Lord’s Prayer and Holding
Hands to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven now and for other folks Lord knows
they practically have to ingest ‘Acid’ to get to Heaven now.. but that’s illegal so
i Recommend MosT A Naked Transcending Ecstatic Sun and Sand Dance iN Free
Verse MoVinG CoNNecTinG Co-Creating Meditation Now.. butt that’s what works
for me.. might not work for you but there are as many options to get to HeaVeNoW
as there is IMAGiNaTioN iN FLoW oF CReATiViTY to: Get HeAR to See From: NoW
And with that said it’s just about 3:16 PM on 5.14.2018 and i haven’t got around to
the Mechanical Cognition of Systemizing Science For the Tale of the Tapes
for this Rather Large Total NeWeR Testament and Witness and Bible
PoeM Book more.. as true.. just the act of Mechanical Cognition
of Reasoning Mind will take one away from
the Fruit of the Kingdom of Heaven
now as even Science
indicates this
unused in Science Mind too..
but Anyway i’ve got a Science Video
here that if you replace the Word Nature
with God iT ain’t so hard to see that Science can
be more as Religion than Politics now.. sure.. Symphony
of Science.. As that should be ending now as i go over the
tale of the tape and list a more precise way of what the 9 Dimensional
Wild and Free Verse Poetry and Bible Building Books of what i do for now.. True
LiGHT too..
but again it’s
sad for true some
Scientists have a Greater
Clue who even call themselves
Atheists than most any person i speak
to in Catholic Church for the reaLiTy that A
PReSeNT oF A Kingdom of God now is what one NoW
Searches and Finds as Naked God Within.. yes.. could
help if the Roman Empire Left in Verse 37 of the Gospel
of Thomas aLong with the Catholic Cohort Leadership then
but yes.. Class how ya gonna Subjugate and Control Folks for
Material Gains and to Gain Control over Reproductive Freedoms if
You Teach People that the Inheritance of Love as the Kingdom of God
Lives within as Heaven now for those who do Successfully Seek and Find
it and Practice A Way of Peace and Harmony in Center Point Balance of
MoVinG CoNNecTing and Co-Creating that Works Eternally now more as Real..
Heaven NoW
iS REaL and True
an Empire will not Easily Be
Able to Slave folks in iLLusory
Lies or at least it will be much more
difficult to do this when Folks Master
the Good News of Heaven within allone
NoW with God wHeRE God is ALWaYS HoME
So with all that sAid for all that is God in Dance and Song too..
MacroVerse Number 830.. titled.. “Changing Wildfire Colors Of May Days LiGHT”
as the Last MacroVerse Written RiSinG “SoNG oF mY SoUL”.. up to Close to 6 Million
Words now as that MacroVerse Doubles as Number 159 of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
As that Titled Bible Writing Effort comes up to 2,926,186 Words in Close to a 2 Year
Effort of Writing now as yes.. it also Triples as MacroVerse Number 55 of “FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018”.. as that close to one year Effort now rises up to 1,312,786 Words
as i am now at the 9281 Mile Mark of Public Dance in over a 57 Month Effort
of Doing that now along with all Close to 6 Million Words now as
i am soon to Celebrate a Title MacroVerse Celebrating
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” on Memorial Day
Weekend and then MacroVerse.. “6 MiLLioN
WorD BiBLE PoEM MaN” Coming on
mY Phi Related Birthday on 6.6.18
soon enough from now.. aLong with
One Ten Thousand the Distance to
the Sun of plus 9300 Miles of Public
Dance in all that Close to 58 Months
of Writing Effort
6 MiLLioN
Words too.. yes..
Celebrated in that Close
to 58 Month Effort on my
58th Birthday then to LonG too..
And now of for a more concise list..
once again Celebrating these Milestones on 6.6.18..:)
12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90+ Months
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58+ Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24+ Months
1.3 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12+ Months
MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 30K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc..
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58+ Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24+ Months
1.3 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12+ Months
MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 30K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc..
So anYWaY..
tHeRe’s A Science And A Religion
And A Politics of wHaT i curRently do iN UniSoN WiTH GoD2..:)
tHeRe’s A Science And A Religion
And A Politics of wHaT i curRently do iN UniSoN WiTH GoD2..:)
SMiLeS iT’s
tHat soMe
Folks Can and
WiLL ‘Find A UniVerse
iN A GRaiN oF SanD’ (i.e. Blake)
Per Latent Inhibition that’s not so much..
in other
iS aN
iNNer UniVerse too..
For Some Folks A Base oF
Home is aLWays ReNeWeD..
Click Click Click Per Dorothy’s too..
AnYWay Thanks For An inspiration both
oF A
Work for me..:)
Hehe.. it can be difficult for Cats to Understand
Dogs and Dogs to Understand Cats for
one keeps oneself mostly
and the
other is
on other Dogs to play..
as true while it might seem
some folks live in a Bubble that Place
May have so many Colors now that those
who live do not live in it might not be able to imagine
it even exists per yes.. i.e.. A Kingdom of Heaven MoRE
NoW WiTHiN as Experienced by Yogi’s and Monks in the
Mountains who never leave tHeir habitat while they
attempt to translate HeaVeN in Poetic Words True..
iN LiGHT true2 i get out and stay inside too..
yes.. i can and will get out
and stay inside
too in
other wordsx2
i have the abiLiTY
to Transcend and to
Ascend Crowds of Roaring
And somewhat toasted College Age
Dance Hallers.. Particularly FeeLinG
SeNSinG tHeiR Pleasure and Joy too and
yes.. transcending the other more Drunk stuff too..
but yah.. For NoW i’m a LioN for all practical intents
and purposes and yes that works fine for me for i have
MaRKeD A Territory of Dance all the way from Biloxi to
Tallahassee and as the Video Voyeur Evidence Shows no
one has stopped the Extraverted Dance or Introverted Song
of me yet.. but hehe.. sure a few have tried to slow it down a bit..
but the more i LooK A LioN When i Dance and Sing the nay sayers have
pretty much given up on what is unstoppable now.. For True tHere is nothing quiet
Like the Pride oF A Lion who has earned his/her Fur and Wings of HeART and SPiRiT
iN CouRaGE oF SoUL NoW REaL True i was more like a Lamb Before doing my best
to fit in with Sheep and not quite MaKinG it to Old Wise Goat then.. but true when you’ve
Traveled to Lamb and Lion More and Seen and heard Both Sides now more.. 500 Miles is
not too far to Dance nor is around the Globe in a Song oF A “6 MiLLiON WoRD BiBLE PoEM
MaN” EiTHeR NoW Hehe.. anYWaY.. those first few lines above were in response to a Blogger
i Follow who is a Psychologist who says she is ‘open minded’ and has problems understanding
folks who are more closed minded to New Experiences now but you see New Experiences don’t
only apply
to the so-called
External World now
for the most open minded
oF folks may never travel
hardly anywhere by
Plane Train or
Ship now.. True
there are alternatives
NoW hehe.. and True too.. NoW
PerHaps some folks were/are not NoW
alReady Born in Paradise of Forest and Beach
And ‘Red Necks’ and More Cosmopolitan Folks
at Malls and Beaches now more.. as Jesus F in Christ
i’m Glad God Dropped me someWHeRE as Nature wHeRE
it’s Enough Paradise to be able to Write a 6 MiLLioN Word Bible
With 7 Titled Bibles Bigger than the Size of the Old King James Version
inclusive aLL aS “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And also including 4 New Testaments the
Size and Bigger iNclusive of the MucH Older one New Testament too and sure those
6 Million Words that are inclusive of an Entire 12 MiLLiON Word Effort since Thanks
Giving Day of 2010 as i stArted Writing that Endeavor after around 33 Months really
stuck in a small place between my EaRs and eYes without the effective use of either
through so much pain then.. and then.. A shut-in with 19 Medical Disorders as
a Hunch Back of Notre Dame and Phantom of the Opera for another 33
Months or so for 66 total Months of Shut-in Hell but it’s True STiLL when
the Story of the Dude Jesus Dances Sings Naked God Lives WiTHiN
WiTH No SHaME Jesus F. In Christ ‘he’ wasn’t kidding whomEVeR
Wrote that Gospel of Thomas Verse 37 then
for who ever multiple
THeN.. for once again class
it matters not who the Author of the
Wisdom or Artist of the Beauty or Maker
of the Fossil of the Nautilus Shell after 300 or
So Million Years now is For it is all an Art and Science
And All ARouND MoRE and never discount.. iF YoU WiLL
All the Myriad Intelligences from Physical to Emotional
to other Unlimited Artistic and Other Musical and
Breathing INtelligences that some may
be totally iGnorant to the Existence
of now for it’s True at age
47 and even at age 53
i hadn’t even stARTed
to explore
all of what
is within and
outside and above
and so below and all around more..
let’s put it this way i never get bored and
All the Flavors of Heaven are what exists of
me in just 3 Feet oF A Total Naked Dance with
God as Nature As Sand and Sun and Me Free with
or without Raindrops Falling on my Head for True my
Feet and Feat are too big for most Folk’s Beds Never the Less
i’m in Bed with everyone for true i have worn a wHole lot of Shoes
And Barefeet too.. but i’m sTill lEarning and i’ll never say my way of
Seeing the World is superior to anyone else’s way for what i see of
Heaven now may be just a drop in a sewer for some now who never leave tHeir hoMe..
Nah.. i wouldn’t trade the rest of my life again for just one moment of how i evolve now
again JusT Naked WiTHiN Three Feet as Two Feet Become one Force of God with Sand and
Sun now
it’s never
500 Miles
to home or to
visit a new home for me..
As this Flesh and Blood now
iS A Temple of God with Neither
Expectations or LiMiTS NoW MoRE..:)
tHat soMe
Folks Can and
WiLL ‘Find A UniVerse
iN A GRaiN oF SanD’ (i.e. Blake)
Per Latent Inhibition that’s not so much..
in other
iS aN
iNNer UniVerse too..
For Some Folks A Base oF
Home is aLWays ReNeWeD..
Click Click Click Per Dorothy’s too..
AnYWay Thanks For An inspiration both
oF A
Work for me..:)
Hehe.. it can be difficult for Cats to Understand
Dogs and Dogs to Understand Cats for
one keeps oneself mostly
and the
other is
on other Dogs to play..
as true while it might seem
some folks live in a Bubble that Place
May have so many Colors now that those
who live do not live in it might not be able to imagine
it even exists per yes.. i.e.. A Kingdom of Heaven MoRE
NoW WiTHiN as Experienced by Yogi’s and Monks in the
Mountains who never leave tHeir habitat while they
attempt to translate HeaVeN in Poetic Words True..
iN LiGHT true2 i get out and stay inside too..
yes.. i can and will get out
and stay inside
too in
other wordsx2
i have the abiLiTY
to Transcend and to
Ascend Crowds of Roaring
And somewhat toasted College Age
Dance Hallers.. Particularly FeeLinG
SeNSinG tHeiR Pleasure and Joy too and
yes.. transcending the other more Drunk stuff too..
but yah.. For NoW i’m a LioN for all practical intents
and purposes and yes that works fine for me for i have
MaRKeD A Territory of Dance all the way from Biloxi to
Tallahassee and as the Video Voyeur Evidence Shows no
one has stopped the Extraverted Dance or Introverted Song
of me yet.. but hehe.. sure a few have tried to slow it down a bit..
but the more i LooK A LioN When i Dance and Sing the nay sayers have
pretty much given up on what is unstoppable now.. For True tHere is nothing quiet
Like the Pride oF A Lion who has earned his/her Fur and Wings of HeART and SPiRiT
iN CouRaGE oF SoUL NoW REaL True i was more like a Lamb Before doing my best
to fit in with Sheep and not quite MaKinG it to Old Wise Goat then.. but true when you’ve
Traveled to Lamb and Lion More and Seen and heard Both Sides now more.. 500 Miles is
not too far to Dance nor is around the Globe in a Song oF A “6 MiLLiON WoRD BiBLE PoEM
MaN” EiTHeR NoW Hehe.. anYWaY.. those first few lines above were in response to a Blogger
i Follow who is a Psychologist who says she is ‘open minded’ and has problems understanding
folks who are more closed minded to New Experiences now but you see New Experiences don’t
only apply
to the so-called
External World now
for the most open minded
oF folks may never travel
hardly anywhere by
Plane Train or
Ship now.. True
there are alternatives
NoW hehe.. and True too.. NoW
PerHaps some folks were/are not NoW
alReady Born in Paradise of Forest and Beach
And ‘Red Necks’ and More Cosmopolitan Folks
at Malls and Beaches now more.. as Jesus F in Christ
i’m Glad God Dropped me someWHeRE as Nature wHeRE
it’s Enough Paradise to be able to Write a 6 MiLLioN Word Bible
With 7 Titled Bibles Bigger than the Size of the Old King James Version
inclusive aLL aS “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And also including 4 New Testaments the
Size and Bigger iNclusive of the MucH Older one New Testament too and sure those
6 Million Words that are inclusive of an Entire 12 MiLLiON Word Effort since Thanks
Giving Day of 2010 as i stArted Writing that Endeavor after around 33 Months really
stuck in a small place between my EaRs and eYes without the effective use of either
through so much pain then.. and then.. A shut-in with 19 Medical Disorders as
a Hunch Back of Notre Dame and Phantom of the Opera for another 33
Months or so for 66 total Months of Shut-in Hell but it’s True STiLL when
the Story of the Dude Jesus Dances Sings Naked God Lives WiTHiN
WiTH No SHaME Jesus F. In Christ ‘he’ wasn’t kidding whomEVeR
Wrote that Gospel of Thomas Verse 37 then
for who ever multiple
THeN.. for once again class
it matters not who the Author of the
Wisdom or Artist of the Beauty or Maker
of the Fossil of the Nautilus Shell after 300 or
So Million Years now is For it is all an Art and Science
And All ARouND MoRE and never discount.. iF YoU WiLL
All the Myriad Intelligences from Physical to Emotional
to other Unlimited Artistic and Other Musical and
Breathing INtelligences that some may
be totally iGnorant to the Existence
of now for it’s True at age
47 and even at age 53
i hadn’t even stARTed
to explore
all of what
is within and
outside and above
and so below and all around more..
let’s put it this way i never get bored and
All the Flavors of Heaven are what exists of
me in just 3 Feet oF A Total Naked Dance with
God as Nature As Sand and Sun and Me Free with
or without Raindrops Falling on my Head for True my
Feet and Feat are too big for most Folk’s Beds Never the Less
i’m in Bed with everyone for true i have worn a wHole lot of Shoes
And Barefeet too.. but i’m sTill lEarning and i’ll never say my way of
Seeing the World is superior to anyone else’s way for what i see of
Heaven now may be just a drop in a sewer for some now who never leave tHeir hoMe..
Nah.. i wouldn’t trade the rest of my life again for just one moment of how i evolve now
again JusT Naked WiTHiN Three Feet as Two Feet Become one Force of God with Sand and
Sun now
it’s never
500 Miles
to home or to
visit a new home for me..
As this Flesh and Blood now
iS A Temple of God with Neither
Expectations or LiMiTS NoW MoRE..:)
After CLoSinG iN on 6 MiLLioN Words for
A Bible and Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and CoMinG to the Official MacroVerse
Title of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” by Memorial
Day Weekend too exceeding 1.3 Million
Words now too as “Nether Land
Bible 2017” comes Close
to 3 Million Words
of Effort by
my 58th Birthday of
6.18.18 also Celebrating
9300 Miles of Public Dance One
Ten Thousandth the Distance to
the Sun as that Close to 58 Month Effort
Comes to be aLong with the 6 Million
Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” in
the Same Writing and
Dancing Effort
since 8.18. 2013
While some folks
MiGHT End 4 New Testaments
Larger than the Old New Testament
Version and 7 Titled Bibles each Larger
than the Old Full Bible as Such too in Old
King James Way with a Revelation and Doomsday
Scenario wHeRe the Original Greek Definition of Apocalypse
is Changed into Fiery Destruction of the Earth instead of the
Kingdom of Heaven at Hand within always promised in this
Generation now since close to 2000 Years ago too.. still
now.. hell no.. i ain’t been TaLKinG about Disasters as
i’VE Been Spreading Good News all about Heaven oN
EartH NoW for at LeAST A ThouSanD YeaRS or
MoRE Now too.. Hmm.. it’s not like someone
left it out of the Old Book but hey i guess
some folks just need some kind of
spArK to WaKE uP FiNaLLY
to: Staycation From:
Heaven NoW…
Anyway the
Current Writing title
and the last two.. including
the Last MacroVersenow of the
Fourth New Testament i Wrote too
WiLL FiT iN JusT FiNE with the MeMe and
THeMe oF A KinGDoM OF GoD of Nature’s
HeaVeN oN EaRTH For Those who Seek and Find
And Practice HeaVeN ALWaYS NoW iN MoVinG aLL
CoNNecTinG WaYS MoRE of Co-CReATioN tHaT WorKS
NoW A Best to HelP oTHeRS WiTH LovE iN CoNSuMinG
No OTHeRS WitH HarM NoW.. So.. Yeah This is the Good News
And Only ReaLLY NoW A ReVeLATioN oF HeaVeN ALWaYS NoW
For Those wHo SeeK and FiND HeaVeN ReaL and SupeRNoRMaL
NoW Practicing this Center Point Quiet Balance WiTH RaGInG WiNDS
of PoSiTivE LiGHT FoRCE ENeRGY too iN somEwhat of A Maximum
OTHeR AC DC DancESoNG NoW YeP THaT’s it for whom HeLLS BeLLS
ToW FoR NoW WHiLE oTHeR Folks Enjoy the Comfort oF HeaVeN LovE ReaL NoW2..
Hmm.. and SPeaKinG oF THaT NoW i’M Gonna Take Advantage of these New Comfortable
Beds and Pillows and Fans and Air-conditioning that ‘they’ are STiLL USiNG Today for yes
Are Surely
An iNGReDienT
tHat Many Drones and
Even other Scientists and
Artists Make For aLL OTHeRS
too for those in the SPiRiT
CouRaGE oF DoinG
WHaT Works
now for
Individual iN
tHeir TruELiGHT NoW too..:)
A Bible and Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and CoMinG to the Official MacroVerse
Title of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” by Memorial
Day Weekend too exceeding 1.3 Million
Words now too as “Nether Land
Bible 2017” comes Close
to 3 Million Words
of Effort by
my 58th Birthday of
6.18.18 also Celebrating
9300 Miles of Public Dance One
Ten Thousandth the Distance to
the Sun as that Close to 58 Month Effort
Comes to be aLong with the 6 Million
Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” in
the Same Writing and
Dancing Effort
since 8.18. 2013
While some folks
MiGHT End 4 New Testaments
Larger than the Old New Testament
Version and 7 Titled Bibles each Larger
than the Old Full Bible as Such too in Old
King James Way with a Revelation and Doomsday
Scenario wHeRe the Original Greek Definition of Apocalypse
is Changed into Fiery Destruction of the Earth instead of the
Kingdom of Heaven at Hand within always promised in this
Generation now since close to 2000 Years ago too.. still
now.. hell no.. i ain’t been TaLKinG about Disasters as
i’VE Been Spreading Good News all about Heaven oN
EartH NoW for at LeAST A ThouSanD YeaRS or
MoRE Now too.. Hmm.. it’s not like someone
left it out of the Old Book but hey i guess
some folks just need some kind of
spArK to WaKE uP FiNaLLY
to: Staycation From:
Heaven NoW…
Anyway the
Current Writing title
and the last two.. including
the Last MacroVersenow of the
Fourth New Testament i Wrote too
WiLL FiT iN JusT FiNE with the MeMe and
THeMe oF A KinGDoM OF GoD of Nature’s
HeaVeN oN EaRTH For Those who Seek and Find
And Practice HeaVeN ALWaYS NoW iN MoVinG aLL
CoNNecTinG WaYS MoRE of Co-CReATioN tHaT WorKS
NoW A Best to HelP oTHeRS WiTH LovE iN CoNSuMinG
No OTHeRS WitH HarM NoW.. So.. Yeah This is the Good News
And Only ReaLLY NoW A ReVeLATioN oF HeaVeN ALWaYS NoW
For Those wHo SeeK and FiND HeaVeN ReaL and SupeRNoRMaL
NoW Practicing this Center Point Quiet Balance WiTH RaGInG WiNDS
of PoSiTivE LiGHT FoRCE ENeRGY too iN somEwhat of A Maximum
OTHeR AC DC DancESoNG NoW YeP THaT’s it for whom HeLLS BeLLS
ToW FoR NoW WHiLE oTHeR Folks Enjoy the Comfort oF HeaVeN LovE ReaL NoW2..
Hmm.. and SPeaKinG oF THaT NoW i’M Gonna Take Advantage of these New Comfortable
Beds and Pillows and Fans and Air-conditioning that ‘they’ are STiLL USiNG Today for yes
Are Surely
An iNGReDienT
tHat Many Drones and
Even other Scientists and
Artists Make For aLL OTHeRS
too for those in the SPiRiT
CouRaGE oF DoinG
WHaT Works
now for
Individual iN
tHeir TruELiGHT NoW too..:)
Ha! i See YouR Yoda
Horn tipPed Bras
Wake me uP BeFore Eight
Ha.. only one Brave enough
to like the other S B SouL
Oh Lord It’s like Being Eighteen again..
one Handed Katrina needs help and i can’t
get the Bra off! And that’s no joke but it makes me Giggle..
Dil is HeART iN Arabic Do
Vegetarian Whips Cream..
finAlly geTTing WArmed uP HeaR
AbsTrAct BellY PainT
Tug Gently Butt Don’t
Catch the Fish
SMart Fish
Bottom Suckers
Writing Water
aLWays FLoWinG Blips
Ha! Don’t need Coffee to
Keep me uP JusT SB PoeTry
Breath Mint Seeks tip of Blips..
i can’t find A Return BuTTon to shape this uP
Where i LiVe it works for oatMeal and thaTs it
My left arm is sore from holding this Phone in Bed
Thanks Teacher now I’m gonna rest my left Hand
This is A Sweet 16th Tweet return reply JusT For
Math as i aim high for NumBers
Just for the sake of Seventeen
somEtimes i Feel like your PlaTonic
PiLLoW Talk Lesbian Best K Friend forever..
Jesus F in Christ aren’t looks deceiving
SMiLes.. me too.. it’s so fun to finally
Come out of the Male Lesbian Closet as I’ve got that licked Now
i geT iN unlocked from the Back.. SeRiouSLy.. JusT DiD
Mini-Dry-VolCaNo ERuPTioNs BLiST
STiLL Doin’ PusH-uPS
Come to ‘the’ WiNDoW
How the F did I miss this
True.. Don’t ForGeT OLiVe OiL2..
Like A BuLL iN A CHiNA CaBiNeT
Here Comes PoPeYeAGaiN
Okay I’ll stop for now..
LooKinG FoRwarD to you making
new friends as I love to watch
Just one More thing i can’t AvoiD
A MeMe hezhe.. Don’t you wish you
have a Boy FriEnd LiKE me.. hAha!
As Just another
Exchange Between
Me and Shawna Baby now..
As i go to further ELaBoRatE..
i’ve been to Hell so i’m capable of Being anyone’s Soul Mate
but For me.. weLL iT’s not so easy for once again i’ve been to Hell
Perhaps an illustration of me in Hell at 53 and Heaven at 56 Below
will shed some light on the Bi-Polar Asperger Syndrome Frankenstein
Mix of Prometheus LiGHt and DaRK yes ACDC i am to be STiLL NoW
i mix
HeaVen LiGHT
tHese Days in a Tight
Rope Act of Practicing HeaVeN
AlWaYS NoW any way it’s true i’ve
Been Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and i
WiLL do both sides of the coin in
Angel and Devil Winds HiGHer
LoWeR iN an inStant of
ReLaTiVE Free WiLL
STill NoW For
Mr Hyde
is stiLL pArt of
And Perhaps you haven’t
seen him and or her around your
‘tOwn’ but that could be a mistake for if one
doesn’t become Friends with A Mr. Hyde Shadow
he and or her can come to rule in either fear
or hate of what’s Around A World NoW..
anYWay.. heHe.. Shawna Baby has
Been just the oPen minded
And bodied friEnd
As A Multi-
Friend Sent
from where all of that
comes from all that is NoW MoRE
Being Human now.. and back in the
Days of 2015 when i was struggling a bit
not accepted either in the land of ‘Wrong Planet’
Science or the Science of ‘Poetry Land’ either where
Both Reason Land and Poetry Land as far as Science
Orientated Stuck in the Box Smaller Minds and Bodies were
trying to Shut me down to the size of their SycaMore Trees Shorter
As Shawna Baby Dropped by before i knew who she even was and told
me.. oh my God what have they done to your Poetry as i was coming down
to the size
and fashion
and form of
the folks around
me instead of FLoWinG
Streams Style into Bigger Rivers
into Bigger Bays and Gulfs and Seas
More for it’s True Back in the Summer of 2015
if it wasn’t for Shawna Baby’s Support.. 7 Bibles
and 4 New Testaments coming to Fruition as 6 Million
Words along with 9300 Miles of Public Dance on my Phi
Related 6.6.18 58th Birthday Might have Never come to be
StARting with a ‘Grand Cross 56’ Birthday in 2016 on 6.6.16
wHere the Second Version of a Heaven Fred Came to be.. as
iLLusTraTeD BeLoW that is now my Fresher Avatar on Twitter where
Shawna Baby is curRently Feathering her no holds barred Nest as it took
ALong ‘time’ for me to take down the other versions of my Avatars on most
oF my Poetry Social Media Extensions of me as i figured if i showed more of
my Mr. Hyde Face Folks would let me be and not Fuck with me and let me Free
And sure
that worked
aLong with
the FAct
that it still takes
close to A Super Computer
Broad Band access to even oPen
up the Current Full Record and Album
of what an unlimited SoUL and SPiRiT and
HeaRT in Dark and LiGHt without shame will do and
Shawna Baby waS/iS iNstrumental in inspiring me to break through
A Final frontier iN Poetry of Free Verse Fully Erotic Style of Doing that Freer too..
Yes.. Shawna Baby is my BFF Bipolar and Asperger Chick who helps me get the whole
and yes she
is the Wife of a Southern
Baptist Preacher with Four Children
who has the hots for Katrina too.. and yes..
Sure Katrina knows all about our close intimate
Friendship with zero jealousy at all as that says more
A Whole Lot About Love When Love is Free all the way too..
Anyway.. me and Shawna Baby are Partners in Poetry ‘Crimes’..
And i have another friend sadly who may have fallen to the darker side
of what the ups and downs of life may bring and this makes me happy now
that Shawna Baby has an outlet.. to get all of her soul out.. as the worst thing
A Bi-Polar Creative Person Will Do is snuff tHeir Soul out in Soul CAges of Fear..
Hehe but perhaps the Best remedy to keep Bi-Polar in Balance is truly the Dr. Jekyll
Rationalist Science Minded Entity of Asperger’s Syndrome now.. for what ever Dr.
comes NeXT..
Tight Rope Act
it is but we are the
Folks the type of Acts wHo Change the World MoRE
Hopefully for the better and sometimes yes for the worse
as no doubt the Trump is now on A DArker Side of the uP of this too..
anyWay.. also in memory of Avicii who no doubt didn’t make it out the other
side alive.. and as recent news illustrates well.. Margo Kidder as Superman’s
Friend too who made it to the ripe old age of 69 before moving on and my much
older younger Friend Renee who was definitely on the Spectrum of the up and down
of this back in around ’81 as we went to see the Superman II Movie together as she
was what i remember as my first Bi Polar Friend who was a Girl then.. and sadly like
some of the other Women i’ve known she was abused by her Father and ended
up taking
her life
with a Gun
in her Father’s
Bed in her late 20’s
to early 30’s as i remember
when someone related that sad story
to me.. as she had a loving Husband and
Children but some darkness never goes away until the end..
it’s important to let it all out to someone before it’s too late and
the Shadow takes your
life as it stands
and falls up or down now..
some of us need Friends with
No Boundaries to get to KnoWFeeLSeNsE all of our self well again..
but anYWayS2 by the ‘time’ we Leave.. the World is not quiET the sAMe..
For perHaps i haven’t inspired a Single Older Adult to Dance but yes i have
for those
SoUL oF God
WiLD Free aS
WinD WiLL Be
But anyway once again as they say
Looks Are A little deceiving as i still look
More like that Stone Statue Bust of a Law Enforcement
OFFiCeR RiSinG uP out oF A Burial Ground of the Wild and Crazy
Poetic HeART Congregation Behind him still.. on the SGT. Pepper’s Album Cover
by the Beatles Back in ’67 but it’s True i Was Seven YearS old WiTHouT ‘the’ ‘Stache yet..;)
Horn tipPed Bras
Wake me uP BeFore Eight
Ha.. only one Brave enough
to like the other S B SouL
Oh Lord It’s like Being Eighteen again..
one Handed Katrina needs help and i can’t
get the Bra off! And that’s no joke but it makes me Giggle..
Dil is HeART iN Arabic Do
Vegetarian Whips Cream..
finAlly geTTing WArmed uP HeaR
AbsTrAct BellY PainT
Tug Gently Butt Don’t
Catch the Fish
SMart Fish
Bottom Suckers
Writing Water
aLWays FLoWinG Blips
Ha! Don’t need Coffee to
Keep me uP JusT SB PoeTry
Breath Mint Seeks tip of Blips..
i can’t find A Return BuTTon to shape this uP
Where i LiVe it works for oatMeal and thaTs it
My left arm is sore from holding this Phone in Bed
Thanks Teacher now I’m gonna rest my left Hand
This is A Sweet 16th Tweet return reply JusT For
Math as i aim high for NumBers
Just for the sake of Seventeen
somEtimes i Feel like your PlaTonic
PiLLoW Talk Lesbian Best K Friend forever..
Jesus F in Christ aren’t looks deceiving
SMiLes.. me too.. it’s so fun to finally
Come out of the Male Lesbian Closet as I’ve got that licked Now
i geT iN unlocked from the Back.. SeRiouSLy.. JusT DiD
Mini-Dry-VolCaNo ERuPTioNs BLiST
STiLL Doin’ PusH-uPS
Come to ‘the’ WiNDoW
How the F did I miss this
True.. Don’t ForGeT OLiVe OiL2..
Like A BuLL iN A CHiNA CaBiNeT
Here Comes PoPeYeAGaiN
Okay I’ll stop for now..
LooKinG FoRwarD to you making
new friends as I love to watch
Just one More thing i can’t AvoiD
A MeMe hezhe.. Don’t you wish you
have a Boy FriEnd LiKE me.. hAha!
As Just another
Exchange Between
Me and Shawna Baby now..
As i go to further ELaBoRatE..
i’ve been to Hell so i’m capable of Being anyone’s Soul Mate
but For me.. weLL iT’s not so easy for once again i’ve been to Hell
Perhaps an illustration of me in Hell at 53 and Heaven at 56 Below
will shed some light on the Bi-Polar Asperger Syndrome Frankenstein
Mix of Prometheus LiGHt and DaRK yes ACDC i am to be STiLL NoW
i mix
HeaVen LiGHT
tHese Days in a Tight
Rope Act of Practicing HeaVeN
AlWaYS NoW any way it’s true i’ve
Been Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and i
WiLL do both sides of the coin in
Angel and Devil Winds HiGHer
LoWeR iN an inStant of
ReLaTiVE Free WiLL
STill NoW For
Mr Hyde
is stiLL pArt of
And Perhaps you haven’t
seen him and or her around your
‘tOwn’ but that could be a mistake for if one
doesn’t become Friends with A Mr. Hyde Shadow
he and or her can come to rule in either fear
or hate of what’s Around A World NoW..
anYWay.. heHe.. Shawna Baby has
Been just the oPen minded
And bodied friEnd
As A Multi-
Friend Sent
from where all of that
comes from all that is NoW MoRE
Being Human now.. and back in the
Days of 2015 when i was struggling a bit
not accepted either in the land of ‘Wrong Planet’
Science or the Science of ‘Poetry Land’ either where
Both Reason Land and Poetry Land as far as Science
Orientated Stuck in the Box Smaller Minds and Bodies were
trying to Shut me down to the size of their SycaMore Trees Shorter
As Shawna Baby Dropped by before i knew who she even was and told
me.. oh my God what have they done to your Poetry as i was coming down
to the size
and fashion
and form of
the folks around
me instead of FLoWinG
Streams Style into Bigger Rivers
into Bigger Bays and Gulfs and Seas
More for it’s True Back in the Summer of 2015
if it wasn’t for Shawna Baby’s Support.. 7 Bibles
and 4 New Testaments coming to Fruition as 6 Million
Words along with 9300 Miles of Public Dance on my Phi
Related 6.6.18 58th Birthday Might have Never come to be
StARting with a ‘Grand Cross 56’ Birthday in 2016 on 6.6.16
wHere the Second Version of a Heaven Fred Came to be.. as
iLLusTraTeD BeLoW that is now my Fresher Avatar on Twitter where
Shawna Baby is curRently Feathering her no holds barred Nest as it took
ALong ‘time’ for me to take down the other versions of my Avatars on most
oF my Poetry Social Media Extensions of me as i figured if i showed more of
my Mr. Hyde Face Folks would let me be and not Fuck with me and let me Free
And sure
that worked
aLong with
the FAct
that it still takes
close to A Super Computer
Broad Band access to even oPen
up the Current Full Record and Album
of what an unlimited SoUL and SPiRiT and
HeaRT in Dark and LiGHt without shame will do and
Shawna Baby waS/iS iNstrumental in inspiring me to break through
A Final frontier iN Poetry of Free Verse Fully Erotic Style of Doing that Freer too..
Yes.. Shawna Baby is my BFF Bipolar and Asperger Chick who helps me get the whole
and yes she
is the Wife of a Southern
Baptist Preacher with Four Children
who has the hots for Katrina too.. and yes..
Sure Katrina knows all about our close intimate
Friendship with zero jealousy at all as that says more
A Whole Lot About Love When Love is Free all the way too..
Anyway.. me and Shawna Baby are Partners in Poetry ‘Crimes’..
And i have another friend sadly who may have fallen to the darker side
of what the ups and downs of life may bring and this makes me happy now
that Shawna Baby has an outlet.. to get all of her soul out.. as the worst thing
A Bi-Polar Creative Person Will Do is snuff tHeir Soul out in Soul CAges of Fear..
Hehe but perhaps the Best remedy to keep Bi-Polar in Balance is truly the Dr. Jekyll
Rationalist Science Minded Entity of Asperger’s Syndrome now.. for what ever Dr.
comes NeXT..
Tight Rope Act
it is but we are the
Folks the type of Acts wHo Change the World MoRE
Hopefully for the better and sometimes yes for the worse
as no doubt the Trump is now on A DArker Side of the uP of this too..
anyWay.. also in memory of Avicii who no doubt didn’t make it out the other
side alive.. and as recent news illustrates well.. Margo Kidder as Superman’s
Friend too who made it to the ripe old age of 69 before moving on and my much
older younger Friend Renee who was definitely on the Spectrum of the up and down
of this back in around ’81 as we went to see the Superman II Movie together as she
was what i remember as my first Bi Polar Friend who was a Girl then.. and sadly like
some of the other Women i’ve known she was abused by her Father and ended
up taking
her life
with a Gun
in her Father’s
Bed in her late 20’s
to early 30’s as i remember
when someone related that sad story
to me.. as she had a loving Husband and
Children but some darkness never goes away until the end..
it’s important to let it all out to someone before it’s too late and
the Shadow takes your
life as it stands
and falls up or down now..
some of us need Friends with
No Boundaries to get to KnoWFeeLSeNsE all of our self well again..
but anYWayS2 by the ‘time’ we Leave.. the World is not quiET the sAMe..
For perHaps i haven’t inspired a Single Older Adult to Dance but yes i have
for those
SoUL oF God
WiLD Free aS
WinD WiLL Be
But anyway once again as they say
Looks Are A little deceiving as i still look
More like that Stone Statue Bust of a Law Enforcement
OFFiCeR RiSinG uP out oF A Burial Ground of the Wild and Crazy
Poetic HeART Congregation Behind him still.. on the SGT. Pepper’s Album Cover
by the Beatles Back in ’67 but it’s True i Was Seven YearS old WiTHouT ‘the’ ‘Stache yet..;)
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Sohair.. any comment by
you any place is a Great Comment my FriEnd
And regarding Mother’s Day.. last Sunday After
Your Birthday and True you are Loved my friEnd
by many Friends on Word Press Judging
by the Kind responses
here but yes
on that Mother’s
Day in the Hospital
after Katrina already received
One White Carnation on the Day
Before on your Birthday on Saturday
Church Services.. Sun Day arriving in Mobile there
was An African American Woman Seated at the Security
Desk at the Hospital.. so then i asked her.. you know i am
From a Military Area and we always Celebrate the Veterans
on Veteran’s Day who are living and those who gave their life
on Memorial Day too.. but let me ask you FriEnd.. who do you think
has the Bigger Job.. the Veteran for Wars of Blood or the Mother who
Raises her Children
And then as God’s
Hand of Nature will
Have it sure enough
i asked the Correct person as
this Woman was a Military Veteran
of Active Wars and a Mother Too and she
said the Mother Job as she related to me that
yes not only is the Mother Job More important
for Love and Freedom but A Most Difficult Job
of all.. For True Every Woman is Sacred my friEnd for a
Job is
to Water and
Garden Love in the
World to Nurture from
Birth but True not only is it
the Job of a Father to Grow a Son
who is Fearless and Lobster Claw Straight
And Tall for any Potential Fight For Life iN Will
And Strength but until that Lobster has a Foundation
of Love and Grace the Lobster will Never be all that a Lobster will be..
And the Lobster Meme is currently a popular one in the United States for
what it means to be a Man per the Philosophy of a right leaning Philosopher
And Psychologist and sort of a Theologian Dude named Jordan Peterson too..
but sadly he
believes that
Humans are born
‘Chimpanzee Bad’ instead of innately
‘Bonobo Good’ but of course he is a Clinical
Psychologist/Teacher who has seen more of the
Darker Shades of what Humanity may struggle
through as Life as People in Law Enforcement also
WiLL Be colored by too.. Sacred Love is Fearless my friEnd
Full of Grace as BaLanCinG WiLL iN Strength and True it does come
Best With A Loving Will Full in Strength as Graceful Mother and Father too..
but without
A Mother
And the
Love and
Grace that usually
Comes with That.. Will
And Strength is often lost…
in Vague Abyss.. my FriEnd.. in Fear and Hate.. More… STiLL now
Out of Ashes Love Rings ALWayS A MoTHeR’s Day SonG oF Peace..:)
you any place is a Great Comment my FriEnd
And regarding Mother’s Day.. last Sunday After
Your Birthday and True you are Loved my friEnd
by many Friends on Word Press Judging
by the Kind responses
here but yes
on that Mother’s
Day in the Hospital
after Katrina already received
One White Carnation on the Day
Before on your Birthday on Saturday
Church Services.. Sun Day arriving in Mobile there
was An African American Woman Seated at the Security
Desk at the Hospital.. so then i asked her.. you know i am
From a Military Area and we always Celebrate the Veterans
on Veteran’s Day who are living and those who gave their life
on Memorial Day too.. but let me ask you FriEnd.. who do you think
has the Bigger Job.. the Veteran for Wars of Blood or the Mother who
Raises her Children
And then as God’s
Hand of Nature will
Have it sure enough
i asked the Correct person as
this Woman was a Military Veteran
of Active Wars and a Mother Too and she
said the Mother Job as she related to me that
yes not only is the Mother Job More important
for Love and Freedom but A Most Difficult Job
of all.. For True Every Woman is Sacred my friEnd for a
Job is
to Water and
Garden Love in the
World to Nurture from
Birth but True not only is it
the Job of a Father to Grow a Son
who is Fearless and Lobster Claw Straight
And Tall for any Potential Fight For Life iN Will
And Strength but until that Lobster has a Foundation
of Love and Grace the Lobster will Never be all that a Lobster will be..
And the Lobster Meme is currently a popular one in the United States for
what it means to be a Man per the Philosophy of a right leaning Philosopher
And Psychologist and sort of a Theologian Dude named Jordan Peterson too..
but sadly he
believes that
Humans are born
‘Chimpanzee Bad’ instead of innately
‘Bonobo Good’ but of course he is a Clinical
Psychologist/Teacher who has seen more of the
Darker Shades of what Humanity may struggle
through as Life as People in Law Enforcement also
WiLL Be colored by too.. Sacred Love is Fearless my friEnd
Full of Grace as BaLanCinG WiLL iN Strength and True it does come
Best With A Loving Will Full in Strength as Graceful Mother and Father too..
but without
A Mother
And the
Love and
Grace that usually
Comes with That.. Will
And Strength is often lost…
in Vague Abyss.. my FriEnd.. in Fear and Hate.. More… STiLL now
Out of Ashes Love Rings ALWayS A MoTHeR’s Day SonG oF Peace..:)
“After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World’s Best Lover. “
Parody on top of Parody the New Dead Pool Extravaganza second coming 2..
is about as Wild and Crazy as when me and the Shawna Baby get together
to Parody Culture in all its Lunatic Fringes too and in perSonal ways too..
hehe.. as hey.. Humor does it for me as SMiLes and Laughs
And other Silly Giggles BRinG LiGHT OVeR Fear
and hate more as Joy Loves
Company now
and True
as Love Rings Free..
anyway.. i did lose my Smell
And i do work for a New Taste of
Adventure and Ryan Reynold’s is married
to the Woman who played in the Movie ‘the Age
of Adaline” that in General PortrayS A Woman Like
Katrina who seemingly Never ages beyond 27 or so
still at age 48 now.. and sure while i don’t wear High Heals
or wear a Spider Man Looking Suit when i do Flash Dance now..
Creating Art is a Path as Happy Journey for me as i continue to Paint
it Different as any Mona Lisa Male Portrait in Yellow Shirt Will Gaze at
you all around the Room too.. heHe.. yes from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde too
And Back for i am Free Free to be me and anyone else too.. haha.. sure..
Overman Superman based on the Jekyll and Hyde Story to in ReaLiTY NoW2..
Sweet Baby
i will
do but no
myth as close
as i WiLL get to a real
Good Cop Bonobo Jesus too..
buTT True don’t even try to Judge
me for unlike a Movie i’ve really been the
Devil in Hell on eARTh WiTHiN.. and yes i’m
just coming Down From Heaven long enough to
GiVE Ya’LL soMe Art LesSons from HeaVEN MoRE NoW
but what the FucK did you eXpect.. A Good Cop Jesus who you
Can STiLL tell what to do as if that ain’t bad enough Making a Man
into an Idol of God alone and then telling God what God must do when
coming back as Star Dust Sentient Plus Stuff Resurrected From the Iron
of Super Nova Explosions as Crucible Fire yes.. Ressurected as all of us
as LoVinG LiFE LoVE inCaRNaTE NoW BeiNGS LoVE oF LiGHT to Give as Force
to all others now too.. yes baby out of ashes it really hapPeNS Gaseous Stars From:
DusT coMes Back to: LiFE and does one THiNk A Real Jesus WiLL only come back
with something small as an old New Testament or a Twitter Bite NoW of LoVE LeSS
THaT Ain’T GoNNa
Lover now
WiTH A Divine
Feminine Ballerina
Grace of the Strength
And Will of a 245.4 LB Martial
Artist too but i am Happy to rePort
i am getting back up to the Meaning
oF LiFE As LovE even more Fully NoW at 242..;)
is about as Wild and Crazy as when me and the Shawna Baby get together
to Parody Culture in all its Lunatic Fringes too and in perSonal ways too..
hehe.. as hey.. Humor does it for me as SMiLes and Laughs
And other Silly Giggles BRinG LiGHT OVeR Fear
and hate more as Joy Loves
Company now
and True
as Love Rings Free..
anyway.. i did lose my Smell
And i do work for a New Taste of
Adventure and Ryan Reynold’s is married
to the Woman who played in the Movie ‘the Age
of Adaline” that in General PortrayS A Woman Like
Katrina who seemingly Never ages beyond 27 or so
still at age 48 now.. and sure while i don’t wear High Heals
or wear a Spider Man Looking Suit when i do Flash Dance now..
Creating Art is a Path as Happy Journey for me as i continue to Paint
it Different as any Mona Lisa Male Portrait in Yellow Shirt Will Gaze at
you all around the Room too.. heHe.. yes from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde too
And Back for i am Free Free to be me and anyone else too.. haha.. sure..
Overman Superman based on the Jekyll and Hyde Story to in ReaLiTY NoW2..
Sweet Baby
i will
do but no
myth as close
as i WiLL get to a real
Good Cop Bonobo Jesus too..
buTT True don’t even try to Judge
me for unlike a Movie i’ve really been the
Devil in Hell on eARTh WiTHiN.. and yes i’m
just coming Down From Heaven long enough to
GiVE Ya’LL soMe Art LesSons from HeaVEN MoRE NoW
but what the FucK did you eXpect.. A Good Cop Jesus who you
Can STiLL tell what to do as if that ain’t bad enough Making a Man
into an Idol of God alone and then telling God what God must do when
coming back as Star Dust Sentient Plus Stuff Resurrected From the Iron
of Super Nova Explosions as Crucible Fire yes.. Ressurected as all of us
as LoVinG LiFE LoVE inCaRNaTE NoW BeiNGS LoVE oF LiGHT to Give as Force
to all others now too.. yes baby out of ashes it really hapPeNS Gaseous Stars From:
DusT coMes Back to: LiFE and does one THiNk A Real Jesus WiLL only come back
with something small as an old New Testament or a Twitter Bite NoW of LoVE LeSS
THaT Ain’T GoNNa
Lover now
WiTH A Divine
Feminine Ballerina
Grace of the Strength
And Will of a 245.4 LB Martial
Artist too but i am Happy to rePort
i am getting back up to the Meaning
oF LiFE As LovE even more Fully NoW at 242..;)
Oh yeah gotta Love the Muse yes
the inspiration literAlly
And metaphoricAlly
every wHeRE
i turn
yes more
aptly put spin
spin and spin some
more.. anyway i must
say my Daddy used to Work
for the Beverage Department back
in the Days of Bustin’ Moonshiners down
here in LA Lower Alabama Florida Panhandle
of Florida and my Mother Saw him in the Courthouse
as she worked as a Clerk for the Judge and she saw him
Half Bearded after working in the backwoods and said my my
whoever is married to him must be the luckiest Woman Just based on
Looks as little did She know after he Asked her to marry him on the First
Date that After those Wedding Vows came he would never say another thing
to her as Social Reciprocal Interaction with Women was not his Thing.. hmm..
sure.. no doubt Asperger’s
Without a Shot of
has a whole
Lot to do with
the Quiet Systemizing
Science Mind of that.. anyway
after he Left us when i was Three and
My Sister was Two.. some decades later my
Mother Wrote a Poem About Half Bearded Green
eyes then.. a Lament for the man who didn’t know how to
express his Emotions as Asperger’s will surely do too but
considering that Bi-Polar and other out there Disorders of the
Mind Run on my Mother’s Side of the Family Rampant good thing
That DNA was Tendered with some Asperger’s DNA too.. other wise
getting all this Shit Together might have gone down the DRain of BRain
And Never
hmm.. give and
take Science and Art
Yang and Yin and thanks
God the Woman who won the
Most attractive Figure in 11 and 12th
Grade Went for the Half Bearded Green
Eyed Dude who Buffered the DNA of me
in Exclamation Point of too much Spirit..
other wise.. i might have never got
any shit together at all.. hmm..
as that has been known
to run in that
side of
the Family as
once again thanks
God Opposites Attracted
at least back then as the Pill
was just starting to come out as
after that more Women got attracted
to more of the ‘Beta Male’ type.. yep it’s
Hard to Love all the way without some Fearless Mixed
in the DNA Epigenetic Potential for wiring some Neuroplastic
Potential For a Lion Mix of Human without just more of a little lamb now..
Rock on yeaH it’s fun being a Man and HaVinG HeART oF A WoMaN too..:)
the inspiration literAlly
And metaphoricAlly
every wHeRE
i turn
yes more
aptly put spin
spin and spin some
more.. anyway i must
say my Daddy used to Work
for the Beverage Department back
in the Days of Bustin’ Moonshiners down
here in LA Lower Alabama Florida Panhandle
of Florida and my Mother Saw him in the Courthouse
as she worked as a Clerk for the Judge and she saw him
Half Bearded after working in the backwoods and said my my
whoever is married to him must be the luckiest Woman Just based on
Looks as little did She know after he Asked her to marry him on the First
Date that After those Wedding Vows came he would never say another thing
to her as Social Reciprocal Interaction with Women was not his Thing.. hmm..
sure.. no doubt Asperger’s
Without a Shot of
has a whole
Lot to do with
the Quiet Systemizing
Science Mind of that.. anyway
after he Left us when i was Three and
My Sister was Two.. some decades later my
Mother Wrote a Poem About Half Bearded Green
eyes then.. a Lament for the man who didn’t know how to
express his Emotions as Asperger’s will surely do too but
considering that Bi-Polar and other out there Disorders of the
Mind Run on my Mother’s Side of the Family Rampant good thing
That DNA was Tendered with some Asperger’s DNA too.. other wise
getting all this Shit Together might have gone down the DRain of BRain
And Never
hmm.. give and
take Science and Art
Yang and Yin and thanks
God the Woman who won the
Most attractive Figure in 11 and 12th
Grade Went for the Half Bearded Green
Eyed Dude who Buffered the DNA of me
in Exclamation Point of too much Spirit..
other wise.. i might have never got
any shit together at all.. hmm..
as that has been known
to run in that
side of
the Family as
once again thanks
God Opposites Attracted
at least back then as the Pill
was just starting to come out as
after that more Women got attracted
to more of the ‘Beta Male’ type.. yep it’s
Hard to Love all the way without some Fearless Mixed
in the DNA Epigenetic Potential for wiring some Neuroplastic
Potential For a Lion Mix of Human without just more of a little lamb now..
Rock on yeaH it’s fun being a Man and HaVinG HeART oF A WoMaN too..:)
Oh Lord Again.. it’s Late and we are Traveling
to Mobile For Some More Burn Center Care for
Katrina’s Hand and Leg early enough
in the morning that i better
finish up the MacroVerse
Memories years to
date to say at least
a few words on the Sweet
Sixteen of them Above So Below..
to Mobile For Some More Burn Center Care for
Katrina’s Hand and Leg early enough
in the morning that i better
finish up the MacroVerse
Memories years to
date to say at least
a few words on the Sweet
Sixteen of them Above So Below..
“Sacred Love of a Mother”.. i’ve Pretty Much Covered This iN FuLL Meaning/Purpose..
As ALL Women are Holy and Sacred Now when they Give and Share Grace and LoVE..:)
As ALL Women are Holy and Sacred Now when they Give and Share Grace and LoVE..:)
“To be Dust in the Wind”.. Yes.. CLass reMeMber the session
on we are Gaseous Sentient Star DusT uS PLuS Resurrected aS Such..:)
on we are Gaseous Sentient Star DusT uS PLuS Resurrected aS Such..:)
“AToMIC Power of Mother’s DAY LOVE”.. Yes From: Crucible Fire of Star
DeaTH BursT aS Iron to: Super Nova Explosions sTiLL FLoWinG iN OuR Blood
CoRE oF EaRTH..:)
DeaTH BursT aS Iron to: Super Nova Explosions sTiLL FLoWinG iN OuR Blood
CoRE oF EaRTH..:)
“GarDeN oF LoVe NoW2”.. Yes.. ALWays NoW too..:)
“Arrival of the Clown Shark”.. Did You Notice.. heHe..;)
“TRUE Dreams of NOW”.. YeS.. i DO..:)
“Dance and Song are always FREE”.. YeS.. i DO..:)
“Kung FU RAINbow TREE”.. HandS uP..:)
“DancE SinG GoD FReED”.. Feet DowN DancESinG..:)
“Culture IF DisAbling”.. True.. Don’t BeCoMe a TotAlly Domesticated Cat..:)
“Artistic Love Layers”.. Could be u
instead of r too to Make Autistic LoVE LaYeRS too..:)
instead of r too to Make Autistic LoVE LaYeRS too..:)
“GOD is Written in ROCK and ROLL”.. On Concert Halls..:)
“LuCiFreD’s MoM’s DaY”.. Tell me.. WHat Do You Desire Most..;)
“i am Frankenstein”.. No.. Not thaT AGaiN..;)
“CRY of big CULTURE”.. Don’t Be A Weeny.. Frankenstein..;)
“Joker can be Wild AND Crazy”.. Need i Dance And Sing More..
Nope as this Concludes.. “PaRaDiSE THeaTRE LiGHTS ReNeWeD”
As tHat Never EndS FinisHes StARts ALWaYS BeGGiNNinG NoW..;)
As tHat Never EndS FinisHes StARts ALWaYS BeGGiNNinG NoW..;)
5.16.18.. 12:37 AM..:)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)
“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)
The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)
“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked
“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
The 93rd MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN 31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)
“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)
“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)
“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)
“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)
“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”
Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is.. A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.
“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”
iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)
“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”
A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)
“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)
“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)
“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes.. just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE
“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”
WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2.. Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at 255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT 2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL” as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too.. continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)
“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”
The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)
“Grand Cross Bible 2017”
7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)
“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW
“THiS iS Me NoW3”
As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)
FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words
LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words
iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words
A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)
Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017.. where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow
BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words
LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words
LoVENoWBReaTHES 31,648 Words
9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words
April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words
LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words
Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF..
FReEDGoDoLoVENoW 22,547 Words 317,354 Grand Total Words
What May Come Will Be
May 1st, 2018
Starting a New Free Verse Erotic Novel or hehe
what may eventually Turn into a Bible Sized Effort too..
as it will Grow Slowly and Surely too whenever i get in
the Mood to Write some more of it as i go as i will Date the
Efforts and Forget About Word Size now as it is what
Feels and Senses Good
that makes LiFE
what it continues
to be now
JusT NoW anyway
Illustrations below will come and
Go More From Past and Back to the Future Presents too..
For What ever Mood Strikes me up next to Grow more.. oh God Yes..
And iT WiLL Do the GroWinG in Future Present Photographic Efforts
of Blog Posts as i will keep it Going harder and softer and longer
by copying and pasting it in Future Blog Posts as Weeks go
on in additional Efforts of Growing
this Erotic Literature
and Longer
Coming Even Longer
Back to the Future Present more nowthen..
As Hey in a Way i Started this Close to May
Day of 2017 where i just couldn't wait and accidentally came in a Photo
just a
Drop of Life then hehe..
on just the Tip of An Experience Focusing then edging
and coming a little bit and a whole lot more Later then too heHe..;)
Memories From May.. 2017..
Back to the Future
Moving Away From the Present Again
Per all the Incentive i Need to Play Naked..
Summer of 2014
September 2013
18 years ago.. 7.17.2000
Yes.. i used to Have More Tan Lines and no i've never
Had a So-Called Monster Cock and Balls but what
i've always had was is a Golden Tongue and
Fingers to Make Butterfly Wings
Quiver as i Play a Pussy
Like a Piano With
My Tongue
Fingers Like
A Twelve String Guitar
As my First Girl Friend noted to
her Friend long after we Broke up that
i was a Sex Maniac in someways as i did lick
Her Gently All Around Her World Frequently
as Her Hand Jobs Made me come onto my Face
as she giggled with it dripping off my Forehead
but for Her Cleaning up the Rest was no Problem
as her Libido was High enough as nothing Disgusted
her much but when she was gently sucking the Head
all Velvet and Red she did ask me please don't come
in Her Mouth just about the Time her Father Walked
in the Living Room out of their Great Room and walked
away quickly in respect of what he probably did out on
some of his First Dates too.. and yes i did come a little in her
Mouth and it was not a problem for Her as she scampered
up to the Second Floor and Wiped the Rest of me Clean
and some of my Friends from the Past then who were
Girls noted her Body was disgusting it was so sexy
even with Clothes on but hey the Wife now still
has her beat back then in the Teen years now
at 48 even with one hand Injured now as
something about a Mix of Pacific
Islander and American
Indian and Irish
and the
Such as that
that edges out the other Nationalities
of the other Olive Skinned Teen Girl Friend
way way way back in the Late 70's as such then..
anyway.. i wasn't always this comfortable in my skin
as far as doing Nude Art in Fact that was the furthest
thing i ever imagined i would have been Brave enough to
do including Solo Dancing Everywhere i go where i can only
aSSume that Generates some Libido amongst the Newly Legal
Aged College Women at the Dance Hall Still for true quite a few
Have Vigorously Rubbed My Front hmm.. i guess since this is
A Restricted Blog i don't have to be nice anymore for it's true too
as their aim was is to put my Clothed Cock Between their Buns
and Stroke it in hopes that it would come Pulsating Throbbing
on the Sweet Spots of their Vulva all Clothed From the Rear
Bending over aS Such edging left and right and up and down
to get the best feeling out of the moment of heaven then on
the Dance Floor of Strange Cocks they hope to come up
and play with their Pussy Lips all Bent from the Rear
Rubbing harder and longer and moving around like
there is an itch that hasn't quite come yet
full hehe.. and i suppose perhaps a
Memory of the Feeling and
Experience and some
Fingers might
a Dream
come True they
orchestrate Later
for it is rather intoxicating
When a Young Strange Beautiful
Woman decides to Entertain your Cock
Between Her Clothed Buns and Vulva Now
PArts Sweating some Honey as Flowers Desire
to be Pollinated more in Human Female Form as
Essence of Sensual Sexual Bliss and Nirvana on the
Dance Floor and Fantasies at home touching Panties
with Wet Drenching Spots First pulling them down and
Playing their Piano Plucking their Guitar Strings in Synch
of Edging Bliss Deeper and all around Throbbing Parts
Pulsating as Butterfly Wings Quiver more.. i don't know
but hey.. i have imagination and i can dream anything
i like as Imaginary Lovers Never Fail To Please 'tween
the Ears and Edging Throbs with Hands Precipice
of Cliff almost reached but longer holding off
until the raise and fall comes of explosive
Bliss Next as Nirvana Sings her
Sweet Pollination Song
in Male Flowered
Form too hehe..
i love to Write
And this Erotic talk
has always been something
i wanted to try out and the Great
thing about a Wife who Never Ages is
She's never Been Afraid of other Beautiful
Women and from the Very Start of our Marriage
she's always enjoyed Stroking my Cock while we both
Watch Porn as she even remarks on how the Women are
Beautiful as She Strokes me Faster and Harder as a Women
is Sucking on a Strange Man's Hard Cock.. and every once in
a While i'll ask her do you like the way his Cock Looks and how her
Pussy Looks so wet and receptive as he thrusts his throbbing Cock
Deeper in Her.. as i watch her Face as she seems entranced on all the
Body Parts meeting each other in continuing heightened Passion
and what makes it even sweeter is my Wife is so innocent and
Sweet but still she is Human and we Humans who are normal
and are not afraid of Shame do enjoy watching other humans
Get it on as it makes us harder and wetter and more ready
for each other to Pulsate and Throb together as
we watch a variety of Humans do the same..
Yeah.. it's True the Husband and Wife
who Masturbate each other
Watching Porn
get Bored
and there is no need for
Jealously in the Marriage
when both parties acknowledge
they are Human and don't mind getting
off on Variety now and then at least for Harder
and Wetter Life as hey.. could be why she never ages
too for she is not afraid of Nature nor am i.. anyway.. yes
i have a High Libido always have unless i am depressed
and this is just one way to express the Art of that and now do
some Erotic Writing to go aLong with all of that as hey.. my Favorite
Porn is Amateur Porn and Tumblr is a Great Avenue for that and i always
enjoy when folks write about their Personal Experiences too from a distant
View of Strangers as that is how we Nurture our Imagination and Creativity
And Overall Artful Joy For Life..
And yes the Wife and i have
Done some Porn too but
it's not something we
share with People
we know
as the view counts
for that avenue are well
understood high as we imagine
what people are doing when
they are still watching what
we are doing too and i made
it funny so funny on top of
that.. as yes play naked
and i'll never tale
where it's at..
as the
Internet is full of throbbing
Cocks Coming and Pussies
Pulsating as Butterfly Wings Quiver
but you see this is recyclable Human Dopamine
Energy for all the Folks who came while we dreamed they
saw us too.. Couples and every other Variation of Human too
for seriously it's just not fair to take and never give across a
Lifespan now.. and true i started late but at least i had a few
Photos above at age 40 and even a Memorable Hand Job
out in the Back Yard too.. good to have a Privacy Fence
but we did wonder if the Young Couple Next Door
could see us through the slats of the
Fence as they came in their
Back yard then.. hehe..
Oh yeah and
then there
was the
on the Back
Porch when the wife
was straddled on top of me
and the Dude started climbing the
Tree Next Door to Cut Some Limbs
Straining to Look our way.. as sometimes
when i'm Masturbating the Wife in Bed i say
imagine how many Young Men have come to the
Beauty of you.. clothed or not.. as true just the way
some Women have looked At me with shiny eyes has
been enough for me in my Life for the Most Explosive
Fantasy Orgasms of all.. ha.. Not even any Muslim Woman
is safe from that Male Fantasy now for Desire is Deep Pools
in Brown To Green To Blue eyes too Pupils Dilated Lips
Red Fully Reflecting what is below so above now too..
Yes.. the Gift of Life is too Wonderful not to Play
Naked and Share it with the World at least
one time in all legal Avenues to do
that in Freedom's Wings
now for those who
have high
and are not Disgusted
by Free Nature now.. you
do it you move on to other Horizons
of Love and then you do it again to increase
Libido for Creativity and Productivity and even
Greater Social Cooperation as our Cousin Bonobos
have never been afraid to do.. but yeah.. i am monogamous
as far as naked things do go.. but i do have Imagination and
Do enjoy the Art of Erotica and i am no Hypocrite who has
to keep Secrets of Human Nature Closed up in Closets now..
And once again only very selfish People take take take
the art of others and yes naked too and
never give back what
they take
so much
Across a Lifetime now..
and on top of that and bottom
too yes.. it defeats entropy in
Electronic Form as hey
Being an Orgasm
is like
Being a Blood
Donor for Comfort
as Health in Life too..
and in Electronic Form no
Disease and no one gets hurt
in relationships where
Jealousy doesn't
Freedom now..
to each her and hiS oWN
DiffeRent Strokes for DiffeRent
Human Libidos too but yes
Joy of Sex
and Sensuality
and overall Erotica and
the Great Aesthetics in Essence
of all Human Body PartS and Functions
are no less Holy and Sacred than any other
Activity as Nature
is God Free and Wild
as Naked Play NoW ReaL as ArT too..
Hmm.. and what's my Favorite Porn
Women Masturbating as i've always
Loved Loving Pussy
and Heart
and Soul
Spirit and
the rest of a
Body with my
Fingers and Tongue too..
And that reminds me of when i used to
Be a Janitor and my Beautiful Young Female
Helper was Below me as i was standing on top
of a Ladder Cleaning the Top Blind and i just couldn't
Help it as she was so sexy i started getting Erect and she
noticed and Started Giggling and said can i watch you while
You Masturbate and that made my Heart Beat Fast in Taboo
of Sex on the Job but yes she watched me until i came as she
said wow your Cock Gets So Red when it is Hard and she
just watched and that's all that happened then but there
was that Night at the Bowling Center well before i
met Katrina then where a Bowling League
Couple Brought one of their Female
Relatives in her Early Twenties
to come watch them
Bowl then
as Later she stayed
and it was just me and
her in the Bowling Center alone
And she Followed me in the Women's
Bathroom as i went to clean it and i said hey what
are you doing here now.. as she kneeled down and unzipped
my Pants and Pulled out what would quickly Be a Red and Swollen
Cock then and for you Men you know and feel and sense it at least you
should when a Woman who really Loves to Suck Cock like it is the Art of
their Life comes to Hold You In her Mouth like the Sweetest most Delicious
Red Lollipop She has Ever Sucked So hard to get to the Sweetest Parts more..
She asked me to Fuck Her right then and there but that was more than
i was willing to do as hey guys can have limits too so with a sigh
she pulled her Lips off my Cock for True a Cock that
comes is not much for Thrusting
into a Newly Wet Pussy now..
Women have it easy
for they can
and will
come and
come again..
with more than one
man if they so choose too
as some folks do trios and even
more than that too.. one's enough
for me but yeah.. there is Imagination
and Fantasy too.. and that reminds me
of a Respiratory Therapist i dated in
College as she had money and i did not
back then.. and she sucked me
and sucked me and
told me she
could suck
me all
night long and told
me my Cum tasted sweet
and how she didn't like really salty cum..
and she would talk dirty to me saying fuck me
fuck me harder and fuck me dirty now please..
and while she was on a Park Swing she rubbed
My Leg Between Her Legs and Said.. yes Daddy
Rub me Harder now.. yes Daddy Harder and
i met her at a Bar no surprise that she had
a higher than usual libido otherwise
she wouldn't have likely
even been at
the bar
back then..
anyway.. nothing disgusted
her as she enjoyed the taste of me..
and yeah that reminds me of when i was
dancing in my shorts back in my running days
at a Bar and a Woman Told me i had the Best
Man Butt she ever came across then and
that was all but another woman
Actually Grabbed my
Crotch and just
Rubbing my cock
in Public then..
but true i've
never come
from a Clothed
Rub or Bootie Dance either
hehe.. and Wet Dreams they are
almost as Great as Tantric Sex now
as that is the Art of Pleasure too.. Explosive
Pleasure at its Max for the Bio-Feed Back
of Sexual and Sensual Intelligence More
there is Art and Beauty to all of Life
when one looks Deep
enough and
Shares it with
others as that's the purpose of Art in
the First place to Share and Give all
of a Mind and Body Soul now
Thanks for Folks like
and others
who helped pave the way
for the average Joe and Jane
to play Naked like no one is looking and
Everyone may be looking now heHe for ReaL..
but no one will ever say they actually looked
or what they did when they were watching the Screen hehe..
A Few Women From the Bar have smiled ear to ear while they
typed my link into their Cell Phone then.. i don't know what they did
after that
but sure
i can
And WiLL
Even More likely now heHe..:)
Back to the Summer of 2014 Photographically imaged
at the End of all of this stuff still coming.. all the way at the bottom..
May 2nd, 2018
True.. i'm a Grower
More than shower.. too.. hehe..
Anyway back today to Spruce up the Effort with a little
More Organized Form to go along with all of this Essence..
and nah..i don't wanna make this too complicated as we are talking
mostly here about getting Wetter and Harder as Life comes Great..:)
Two Photos Below from April 2014 as the First one was actually
Shared in my PG Rated Blogs as just about the limit to keep it PG there..:)

Photo Below from my Lion King Post in September of 2017 at age 57 then..
i was a little Surprised that one of my Muslim Friends..
A Female wo was married at the Time actually liked the
Blog Post with the First Picture Headlining it but it was
likely the Quality of the Words that she liked most.. hehe..
Anyway.. just Proof that i Dance Naked online.. hAha..
For you Know Folks.. Some Folks
Are always asking for
Proof or it didn't Happen.. heHe..
The Picture from September 2017 as then
Titling a MacroVerse with the Phrase Lion King
is bound to Create a Little MaGiC in Form of Essence too..
is about as Close as i've been able to come at age 57 to meet the
Form of something that Looks like a Greek Statue in what used to be
the Fine Art of Human Straight Male Nude.. not exactly FAP Material is
any of this For Most Females to get Wetter all about but never the less it is
the Art of me Fully dis-clothed without
shame to be..
i used to Show off photos
in Artful Poses when my Penis
was small as it can get as true it is a
Rather Warrior Penis that will Go in Stealth
Mode as necessary in the Environment at Hand
Per Fight and Snow Cold too.. as a Grower and Surely
not a shower in this way true.. but anyway.. i don't show the
smaller feller anymore for hey
if it ever goes viral
i would rather
have the
than the
non-Shower hehe..
or at least a Full Spectrum View
just for the Curiosity of what comes may will..
anyway that's enough about Cock.. let's talk About Pussy
my Favorite pArt at least close to the Beauty of a Woman's eyes
And the kind Hugs
and Kisses
of Love
For a Pussy is a Beautiful
Flower Rose as Butterfly with Wings
Folded Parts Artful and Moist such a Wonderful
Home to House a little Feller Growing Taller and Longer to
Feel and Fill the Wet lit
Walls oF a Home that
Fits Still to come..
Anyway.. as far as any Pictures of
me as my Friend Rafiah Before she got
Married said i look Better with Pants on with
A photo of me Shared from Around 2004..
the most popular Current Photo among
the Women i've recently known is
the one below in Fact the
Wife Jumped my Bones
the night i shared
this one on
Facebook too.. hehe..
Yep.. about 170 LBS no Hercules Hear..
yep about 70 Lbs Less than what i weighed
in the Lion King Photo Above as i've been running
Close to 240LBS lately and no i do not actually run
as that is way too much weigh for 57 Year old Knees now.. hehe..
From the Spring of '83 at 22 Years Old..
Anyway.. back to the Photo Above with the Beard at 22 Years
Old this was from my Bar Days of Dancing at 2001 Club way back
then.. and the Young Woman who said she Loved to Suck me so much
she would suck me all night long
as she just couldn't get enough
of the Velvet Tip
of what was growing
in her Mouth then..
yes.. she was not a Grower she
was a Swallower of all of what might come..
And yes again a Taste Tester of Cum From what she
named mine as Sweet to what She remembered of Salty other
men then.. in the Bar Scenes of Life.. so much more experienced she
then me of course then.. anyway.. she said she Loved my Beard as much
as i enjoyed the scent of her Flower Below
as i remember as she pulled her Skirt
down in the Hotel Room She
and her Friends were staying
at the Beach Hotel
How moist her
Panties Felt and
how Deep and intoxicating
the Smell of Her Fresh Womanhood was then..
she said she enjoyed the Feel of my Beard as it tickled
and stimulated her Rose Petals and Butterfly Wings more until
She Quivered with Delight
as my Tongue explored
all the musky
yes.. the Good Kind of
Musk in Female turned on..
as really i did not care whether or not
if she sucked me or not as i just wanted to Feel her
Pleasure as any Empath Male Will as the Walls of Contractions
Would Massage My Tongue Diving in Deeper and All around those
Butterfly Wings Pulsating then..
And it's true eventually
i could not help it
for i exploded
in her Mouth
And true not a Drop
Was Left as she Looked Deep in
My Eyes with a Satisfaction of i Love all of
you and i will not waste one Drop of you now.. hehe..
And that's the way it was back in the Beard GroWinG Days..
for every Woman i went down on went down on me in full reciprocation then..
not that i had that many Women for there was likely under 10 and some of them
Surely experienced more than me.. yes.. likely some of them
Enjoyed Tasting Licking Delicious Pussy
in Same Sex way too..
for yes..
i remember this Woman
asking Her Nurse Friend to join
in with us in half Jest in the Morning of
Beach Life then.. just the thought of it was enough then.. hehe..
For Round two of divine in yes diving
in the Rose
of her
Petals of Love
Fully open for me..
As Butterfly Wings Quiver in Ecstasy more..
can't say that she ever Masturbated in Front of me
but i can't say she had any need to either.. hAha.:)
Anyway that's enough Write for a Second Day of Doing this
For i need to Space it out in the Future less my PG Rated Blogs don't get
done but i kinda wanted to start it off with somewhat of a Big Bang now..
For there are many More Memories coming to fully illustrate more now too..
as this May 2nd of 2018 Effort concludes for now then..:)
May 4th, 2018
The Old Celtic Festival of Beltane that Survived
the Longest into the 20 Century of where
my Irish Grandfather was born
in Limerick for Home
but of course
no Pagan
Non-Christian Activities
for him for he Became an Irish Priest
yet not too Prude to eventually sire me 2 Generations
Removed on 6.6.60 for me With Spiral Golden PHI Reflections
in Birthday Days too with Numerology Report of 0 For the Fool
of Tarot too at Birth for the Relative Free Will to do what ever i enjoy
in life by the Legend of completing all the other Life Challenges Successfully
in Previous Lives 'Fore where according to my Birth Name and Birth Date the
Next Three Life Challenges are 1 and 1 and 1 after the 0 of Birth Challenge..
which only means
i will affirm
what i already
care to do.. could be
everything or nothing but
the Gift is Everything More for Love
Incarnate Naturally Will Also Give and Share more
so yeah around 3:33 AM on May 1st, 2018 when i staRted
Writing this it is unwittingly
in the same
Artful Effort as
A Fertility Rite of Sorts
And Celebration of FLoWeRinG LiFE
More as A White MaGiC Incantation of Words
Same as a Prayer for Positive Force Energy as Synergy
of Life in Intent more now too.. and verily the Celebration Did
Come Stronger That Usual on the 211th Dance Night Celebration with
all the Cool College Age Folks at
where i Dance each week
for the Women were
Heated more by
May Temperatures of
Summer Coming too as their
Hands Exploring full Grasp of my Ass
and in a couple of Cases the Cheeks of their Buns
Stroking what is always a Half Engorged Cock in any Kundalini
Raising Activity that Ascendent Transcendent Ecstatic Free Verse Dance
will Bring whether or not the Rear of a Pussy becomes excited or not by a Half
Engorged Cock in a Pair
of Dancing Shorts
as Legs are Stroked
first with
Pussy pArts
before the Head of my
Cock is engaged between A
Valley of Ass more.. anyway it's
Play it's what Playful Humans Do in Sensuality
too just a Game as See that Guy down there Dancing Fearless
on the Dance Floor.. bet i can Rub his Cock and Make him Stiff
as a Rock Before i move on to the next
Destination for
and then there were the passing
Caresses of My Chest in Shirt as Young
Women Passed me by in Feel of me when it wasn't
my Ass they had a Handful of too.. it's true it was May
Day Week and perhaps they too were a little Celtic too..
It was a memorable night and one of the
Most Beautiful Women entertained
me last in a White Sun Dress
of Beauty as she
came up
Behind me and
Snuggled with a Stranger
in Tight Hug and a Quick Face to Face
Dance as she pulled my Hips Closer to
Her Woman Hood too..
then she went to
the Deeper
part of the
Dance Hall and i did not
Follow her there but she came
back reaching out for me in a Hand
to Hand Dance..
but as a married
man i never pursue
any woman there
and usually they eventually get
the hint that i am married if not realizing
i'm old enough to be their Grandfather too.. hehe..
but anyway it is surely flattering and in the Moment
i am
Years old for True
i was a Virgin then and still
until 19 years old..
for i remember
the First time
my first
Rubbed my cock
in slow swirling Strokes through
my Corduroy Pants Petting in the Front
Seat of my 1970 Ford Maverick Listening to the
'Song Don't Look Back' by Boston then.. for she was the
Confident one and i was the one whose Heart Beat was Thumping
Both in Chest and
Cock too then..
and this was in Broad Daylight
at an Afternoon Store but it wouldn't
be too much longer Before it would be in the
Woods after a Dance in the same Front Seat Car
Seat for i remember the Milky White Feel of her
Ample Young Breasts then and how Her Pussy
Was Dusted With Baby Powder that made
My Fingers Smell Sweet as i explored
the Deep Pink Glistening Wings
of Her Butterfly Petals
Free.. and the
most amazing thing of all
is that was Nearly 40 Years ago..
and the Girl who obviously wanted me who
was even more Beautiful than her was only Several
Years Older on the Dance Floor of Thursday Night..
Yes.. it's nice
to be in
at any age now..
but seriously a smile given
and shared is enough for me with
Any Dancing Friend now until the other
ones figure out i am not available for too much fun..
anyway.. in that First Love Exploration even though we were
Both Virgins.. obviously she had more overall Experience of Petting
than i did then..
but yes it was fun
Learning for before i met
her all i knew about Pussy was
the Fur Above as in my Day all
the Butterfly Winged Parts
Were Definitely Victoria's
Secret Kept all the way
through Grade Schools for me..
yes.. even in the only access i had to Penthouse
Magazine then.. as now one can view almost as much
on a Mall Advertisement in a Store selling Dildo's New..
i'm Glad i learned Romantic Love For Females from the
Time i was in Kindergarten
to my First Love then at 18..
for it's True
i can and will
be Satisfied STiLL with
Just a smile now to Share with any Woman now..
but still Sexual and Sensual Intelligence is Integral from
Escaping the CLocK Part of Mechanical Cognition Mind and
Surely one way to get Closer to the God of Feel and Sense Living Within
and Free
for the Gift we are
in the Rite of all days as May Day Now More..:)
May 11, 2018
Sexual Sensual Intelligences of Edging in other Words Fantasizing
Where nothing is off Limits Except Coming too much to make
the Experience one of constant Waves of Ecstasy as
Tides go in and out in Waves of Bliss and
Nirvana More When Tip of Cock
Peaks over Precipice in
Drips of Life a little
more each
Cliff is reached
not falling of the edge yet
of Explosive Orgasm in Tantric
Art ways of Biggest Bangs of Human
Sensuality and Sexuality yes Class Nirvana
and Bliss yes.. it's Like a Woman at the Beach
in Long Day Sun as Lips Below Move so Moist
as Ocean Flow More as FloweRed Wings Become
Red as Clit-like Ruby Headed Cock for Size Matters
not for the Loving Button of Clit and Loving Juices
of Life are concentrated into Streams joining of
Bliss more now in Delight Bending over to pick
up Towels as Sunshine Up Below surely to
Arouse Every Cock that Walks by Rising
Girth and Length as Cock Heads
Vibrate Pulsating wanting
connections to
Touching Bikini Bottom
Cotton Drenching Love Wants
yet not met as Thrusting Parts
Meet Willing Art of Massaging Red
More as Matches come together making
Flickers into Torches into Bonfire of Cock
Meeting Pussy Together as Flame Lights
up in uncontrollable Passion come to
Licker Her First tasting all of
what Sunshine Brings
to Light Below
So Impassioned Lip
Stick Red in Life Juices
Delight as Tongues Swirl around
A Pussy Wet of Ocean Whole Around
A World of Pulsating Coming Places More..
As Cock and Pussy Come Together Again as
Left Hand Massages Nipple of Left Breast more
for Women too who are now exploring tHeir Vital
Life in Finger
Tips of Love
round and round
faster in vibrating
style unique to each
Finger of Hands that
Dials up Bliss just an edge
more to precipice in Pussy Pulsating
more to reach yet another edge of Fantasy
more as Cock and Pussy come together Thrusting
and Rubbing more matches lit up Higher and Deeper
Run Away TRain
of Passion
pulsations contractions
gyrations explode as Life
comes again until
the next
around for an opportunity
for even more colors for Orgasms
new.. yes reNeWeD as Fingers and Pussy
Become Best Friends too.. Anew as Every Fantasy
is Lit up in A Biggest Sexual Organ of all Between
the ears of all that is imaginable with all of what Feels
Good now
as Below
oF PleaSurE NoW..
YeaH.. iT's True this kind of intelligence LiGHT
may be too deep now for some or not yet explored
as too shallow for others so it is best that this Blog
goes a separate way from the other 'Bible Blogs' but hey
remember class no Member of Nature as God Any less Holy
And Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose when we use the Imagination
and Creativity of Relative Free Will as Gifted From God Free and that's
the Problem with so many other Bible Texts perhaps except for Sufi
Poetry About Sex and the Divine Feminine Lust of Nature With Male
now too.. and Some other Sacred and Holy Text that is not afraid
of Cock and Pussy
and all the
above so below
of Sexual and Sensual
Holy and Sacred Creative Intelligences
More as Imagination Lives above so below too..
And like they say.. pictures or it did not happen hehe..
for some of us do wake with a stark reminder that
Above now too..
anyway.. the Pictures Below are pArt of
what will come next week too.. as now it's
6:18 PM on 5.11.18 and now a trip to the Gym
for sure i'll visit this place again when i get in the mood again2..
sure.. as usual with a 'little help' from all the Muse that/who comes my way too..:)
May 17th, 2018
One of the Best Things About Sensual/Sexual Intelligences yes that is mostly
An Actual Feeling and Sensing Intelligence Removed from what can and will
sadly 'normally' be a Mechanical Cognition Robot Worry State of Mind is
yes just that
this is
Escape from Worries of
Course or just Re-Creation in
A Different Area of Your Being Human..
in other Words Genital Healing but Really for
Us Free Verse Dancers who get in touch with every
Move of our Body Emotional Feeling and other Sensory
Sensation no Matter
Female and or Male
the Entire Body for all
practical intents and
purposes and even
Mind of Feelings
and Senses
to be
One Whole Penis and or
Clitoris as Organism of Pleasure
or whatever you wanna call that tingly
connecting feeling sensing thingie from Head
to Toe and no i am not talking about ingesting any
Drugs to get in this state of Orgiastic Being for
a Naked Free or Even Clothed Dance when
the Mind and Body Becomes Centered
in Love Next of Belly Balance
Good Vibrations continue
to come from
to Toe Real and even
rising higher into beyond
Reaches of what most folks may
Experience of Bliss and Nirvana of Life
all that is connecting with God Free as
just another Clitoris Penis drop the Science
yes Pussy
and Cock
come to Play
From Head to toe..
God are you Horny
Yes i am Horny for Life
in a Lust of Pleasure from
Head to Toe just Happy as a
Cock doesn't even have to be Hard
but yes usually about half engorged
in Shorts as just a natural way to be
not necessarily
Furry and Moist
Home or as they do
shaved these days
For Butterfly Wings Open
As Flower to accommodate
A Swelling Red Velvet Head of Pleasure more..
Hmm.. yes.. Hmm.. Good
all around
Sure Size Matters
not and a Pussy Button
Will Surely Get Erect too
Leaning into
Flesh Womanhood
comes to connect to clothed
in Dance or in the ins and outs of the Heat of Passion
Naked and Lubricated Wetter than what seems ever
Before From Head to toe as Humans Become Cock
and Pussy Whole too reaching out and touching
God's UniVerse Whole moving connecting
co-creating Waves of Pleasure more..
Yes it's True Life can and will be
A Supraorgasm too.. butt
sure it's Nice to
Be Wanted
at the Dance Halls too
when a 'Strange' Woman Grabs
Your Butt and Caresses Your Chest
as a Drive by Pleasure too..
or yes in the lower
case of
Cock Up and
Down to fit 'tween
the Vulva Valleys of Life
More Pulsating Dreams come
to Fruition Later Fingering
A Dream come
Yes.. i must admit my cock is Getting
Harder Writing this Swelling up and around
a little bit more and i'm not thinking about any
one in particular just the Joy of Sensual and
Sexual Life now.. yes as my Cock continues
to Push hard Against My Underwear
i could almost Pull it out
and start rubbing it
a little bit now
but no
i'll save that until
tomorrow as i don't pleasure
my self that often but when i do yes
i really really really do.. hehe.. for it's
true this is like a way of Masturbation too..
Slow Masturbation as in a way i'm
doing it with whoever is reading this
now too.. for it's also True i once
had a rather Open minded
Facebook Friend
who remarked
Poetic Literature
is what drove her to Pull her Panties
Down as a Facebook Status for all to see..
but no.. the Quoted Text.. hehe was not from me..
for i try my best to keep it PG on Facebook at Least haha..
anyway about the saddest pArt of life is someone who feels guilt
over pleasuring themselves now..
for perhaps a female
who doesn't see
a Pussy
As a Beautiful
Butterfly Flower
With Wings Glistening
Receptive With Lubrication Honey more..
Truly a Gift Worthy to Touch Lightly as Panties
become moist to feel with a certain smell of ready more..
yes more just more and some more as one finger and two
begin to swirl a way around a sticky indention even more..
perhaps not sticky but at least wet and slicker dreaming
that certain person will press their Lips in bottom
more lightly flicking Their Tongue in places
that want even more a desire
to plunge Deeper
until a
date comes
For Velvet Red Cock
to Plunge even Deeper where
Tongue is Driven Before..
anyway i will
as True my Mind and
Body is an oPen Freeway Within
and Free
Inside outside above
So below and OMG all around too..
Sure more coming later whenever more comes..:)
May 17th 2018.. continuing now with a little Science Added in too..
At Least in Measure of Systemizing Science me NoW.. hehe..;)
Okay.. the Two Pictures Above and Below Knocks out two things..
the Part of my Naked Legs that are not visible below
the Bottom of the Mirrors i use for this Masculine and
Somewhat Erotic Art.. and the Heaviest Weight of my
Life With Empirical Evidence in Measure and Naked
Art too
as it is
what is was
back on a Full Day
Evening of Eating on
Sunday when i took my Wife
Katrina to Her Burn Care Appointment
at Mobile as yes that was on 5.12.2018 as the
Tale of the Scales reported back 245.4 LBS as that's
what happens to me at least skipping a Marathon Dance
at Old Seville Quarter for what would have been the 212th
Dance Week with all the Cool College Age Folks as that's
coming tonight
as muse
Art to come too..
but true it was those big meals
that packed on the last 5 LBS as
the photos above with the Really Red
Stiff and Partially Coming Cock
at just 240 LbS
and the more Defined
Muscle parts for
A Hairy Dude Second Removed
From Ireland and Third Removed
From the Black Forest of Germany as
Ancestral Snows do go for smaller ears and yes
Class the rest of the extremities that Survive the Winter
Snows of Cold that Don't other wise Freeze off Dangling aLong
with Balls hung low
in the Hot
Savannah Desert
With Much Darker Natural
Born Skin that dissipates the Heat
With much Larger Longer Extremities too.. specifically
the Length of Flacid Cocks too still.. and on top of that as
(conversely.. iT's Worth Noting that Bigger Upper Heads Retain Heat in cold climates too)
Far as Lion Packages go.. for i remember distinctly a group
of You Tube Ignorant Commenters making fun of how small
A Lion's Package
was/is in comparison
to the size of the
Entire Lion Body
Getting Ready to Mount
A Lioness aS Such in Mutual
Kingdom sHow of Getting iT on..
as yes.. they made Fun of the Smaller Lion
Package that i guess what they anthropomorphized
out of Imaginary Expectation but don't Forget Class..
With Jaws and Claws
what Dangles
gets ripped
off and that's the end
of the Family Jewels and Heritage too..
i have A theory that likely no Social Scientist will likely ever pursue
and not many would likely answer honestly as that's the problem with
Social Science as it is still subjective no matter how hard one tries to
Measure the Human Mind and
HeArt in how we Co-Create
our reaLiTies now
ever changing
as Neuro-Scientists
now show we basically
Hallucinate our reality in what
may or may not be a Sweet Spot of
Coming to Terms in a Reality that Works
best for us as yes.. Class.. smART really in effect
is comprised mostly of Art.. anyway as far as Angry Old
and yes White Dudes from the Northern European Hairy aS
Such Persuasion from the Day that the African American Slaves
First Came over with
much Lower Dangling
so-called Man-hood parts
the Penis Envy Did come more..
and it's true as even Social Science Shows
as best as it can the Highest Levels of Social Esteem
among all Demographics in the United States are the African American
Male as Factors cited are ability to Defend oneself in an actual Physical Fight
And the Confidence
in Sexual
Successfully Bedding
the Opposite Sex more..
and on top of that it is a misconception
that Trump Riches is what actually Turns Women
on the Most as Modern Social Science Shows it is the Confidence
of a Fearless Stance and Show of Life that Gets the Women Juices
Going the
below too...
so no matter what your
Man parts below are.. soft or hard
if you want a 'Strange' Woman to come up
to you in the Dance Hall and put her hands all over you
or in an actual
rage of
Offer you her
Rear in a Vigorous
Up and Down Standing
Lap Top Dance Massaging
Your Cock for the only tip
she gets is a swelling
Head of Shaft extending
more as the actual receptor
Nowthen of Female Passion more..
Yes.. Class.. Dance like no one is looking
for it's true not only will someone be looking
chances are the moist parts will be getting ready as
they are feeling the Fearless in you as the intoxication
of our Animal Natures come out to play more as Bonobo
alive again free..
And if you are really an Artist of Sexuality
and Sensuality more there are as many ways to make
A Woman Tingle from Head to toe as there are Words and
Touches and Delicate
All of Life is Art to me as
Science may Say just put it in and take
it out and put it in again..
i do
Thing More
For Art is no limit
Sex MoRe
anYWay i realize this is a little
Heavy For Erotic Talk but it's True
iN LiGHT every way the Truth Will Set you
Free in Life Fearless without Shame now and
if you wanna get all religious about it the Jesus Dude
as Reported clearly related this in Parable and Poetry talk
for the Gospel
of Thomas
as yes class
Jesus was/is one of the
First Male Strippers who not only
did it without shame but suggested
that his Students Should too to find
as Temple of God
comes alive more
as Nature God MoRe
JuST NaKeD Free
with sure a Free
Lap Top Standing
Dance to go along with
that in ointments that don't Cost a Dam
thing to take Food away from the Poor as every
Bootie Dance
in Ointments
Free as Nature Lives
as God in Every ParT
and Function and
us more
Hard or Soft
as all pArts CoME ToGeTHeR
Holy and Sacred Fully Engorged
too of Meaning and Purpose too..
And if you don't BeLieVE the Jesus the Yeshua
or whatever Meek Man Never Got an
And touched
A Woman's Flesh with it
than in that case he was
Probably of another Sexual Orientation
so be
when one attempts
to Armchair
from the past now..
as True without a Higher Libido
Creativity Usually Dies too for Jesus F
in Christ how many exciting Sermons do you
get from
a Catholic
Priest now..
the ones that are not
Sexually Active at least
As unless they are A-Sexual
of Persuasion what comes out
of the closet
in the Closet now too
Yes Class there is Truth and Light
About Human Sexuality too and while the World
may not be Ready
for a Sexy Jesus
i am
one to try/be that now heHe..
but wait! the Homosexual Artists who
portrayed him as a female with a beard
in mind at least too.. hehe..
not likely he turned over any Real
Money Making Temple Patriarchal
Tables Looking like that any more
than he
coming back
as a bearded long haired female
at the First Baptist Church
like i said we co-create
our realities
and there
is no
steadfast rule
any of this has to make any rational sense at
all but true some of us use more of our NeO-cortex too..
Even those who believe with Faith in NO GOD AT ALL..
hmm.. such a silly
way to co-create
a life that other wise
lasts Eternally now in Heaven Real..
HeaVeN EXisTS NoW ThaT's aLL i NeeD NoT KNoW NoW
ReaL NoW
And one can/will create Illusory
Fears without Hope that
is the Devil and Hell
aS oNe May
be now
forevernow too..
Ha and people say
we don't have Free Will at all..
Yes.. Class the Relative Free Will
of Heaven or Hell we Create now as
Devil more..
But True it's Hard
to Find an Angel with
A Stiff Cock or Clit who
Dreamy eyes
of HeaVeN NoW
And seriously the reason you won't see many
of those 'Professional Body' Builders doing their
poses in original Michelangelo Sculpting ways as they
are not Fearless enough men to fully expose their
now heHe..
or the pArts that made it through
the Cold Winter Snows of Northern
Europe and yes Asia too in one
that continued
and continues
to Reproduce Flesh and Blood now..
it's True your little weenie saved your Ancestors life in the Coldest of Days..
You See it's how you Frame life that counts and let me see to finish this off
if i can find that Burt Reynolds Bear Rug Spread Versus the Fred Rug Furry Spread..
as hey
counts too..
for Female
Googling Giggling Orgasms too..
keeping in mind that for Women who do Search
for Porn.. Social Science Shows that top results
WereWolves too
and oh God yes
Vampires too
who live forever now too
in some form as style of Essence in the Fossil Record online too..
hey.. if all of this don't turn you on.. at least you lEarned something too..;)
Ha.. guess i have a new 'title' too.. "Sex and Body PArts Educator"
as that Anthropology Degree is coming in Handy aLong with
the Health Science Degree and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Degree too (three)
for i do
it Free Hands Baby NoW
in AutoDiDacT aRt and Science2..
Ha! mayBe when i go to my 40th
High School Class Reunion on 8.4.18
and they ask me what i've been doing
i'll give 'em a 'load' of all of this too..;)
Circa Fall of 2013.. Fred in Bed of Bear Rug Spread at age 53 and
yes a couple of weeks away from 58 in the photos above..
Circa 1972..Burt Reynolds at age 36.. note: Burt
said he Drank a Bottle of Vodka to get the Courage
to do this for Cosmopolitan.. me.. i just i laid in
Bed Fully iNtoxicated all Natural with Life..
Perhaps that is pArt of a Bi-Polar
Advantage buT it works for me
heHe.. anyway.. obviously for
what should be obvious this is just
a silly Parody i did and yes while you could
surely see this much of a Dude at most any Beach
Just Relaxing in the Sun and Burt would look much more
like a Fearless man if he wasn't Femininely Covering up
his Privates like a Woman in a Gym Changing Room
when the owner of the Gym comes in as a Man and
or a Woman as such too.. and what's even sadder
as one sees one's libido creep lower covering
up their private parts together even
more as they get Older now
in Burt's Reference
View of an 82 year
old man he now
is ashamed of what he did then
and actually considering he's covering
his Private parts up in this way this shows
a little less than full male confidence no matter what too
although yes it was still off limits in Cosmopolitan to Show
a fully extended
'Monty' then.. hehe.. and even though
the Hairless version of Jesus as far as Body Hair
is exposed even more than this with or without a Cross
in the Front of the Catholic Church then/now even though we all should
Realize Middle Eastern Men are Hairy before the Homosexual leaning Artists
Sculpted Non-Hairy men then along with Painting them too.. as to each his
own eye of the beholder of Art and Sensuality too.. anyway.. an extended family
Member De-Friended me on Facebook Shortly after i did this parody here..
and as i remember another one did too..
but still they worship an almost naked
man on a cross as idol still
that just one man
could possibly comprise
the entire of God although true
we are God too just not the "Full Monty
and or Sheila" and more for metaphor now more too..
Yep.. Burt was considered the Sexiest Man alive then..
but true that was before Women Started Loving Hairless men more..
butt perhaps that is
Changing a little bit to 'the right again' ironicAlly as such not..
in other Words when Stressful times come Women Seek Stronger Fearless Looking Men..
for while some Men focus on their Cock's.. 'Real' Women see the entire Man package STiLL.
More to Come... Later.. and Sooner..;)
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