BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Ha! perhaps the best thing about ‘this
memory’ from a year ago is it is possible
to open up with the average computer..
memory’ from a year ago is it is possible
to open up with the average computer..
whereas.. my ‘last blog post’
only on Word Press iS EPIC..
as it melts the
capaCity of Google
Blogger Blogs that
are usuAlly much faster
to open than Word Press..
But beyond that ‘this post’ is
part of the dArk Fire that inspired
an entire journey of responding to all
links and all prompts on the dVerse website
over the course of an entire year in poetic
micro to macro expression response then as
well.. as well as direct named interaction
with poets on the journey in real time
then.. so yes.. perHaps the first
reaLITy sHow Super Epic
Poem in Three Hundred
Thirty-Eight Thousand
Six-Hundred and Thirty
words with 300.. or so photos..
from perhaps the most beautiful
beaches from my Katman Beach..
only on Word Press iS EPIC..
as it melts the
capaCity of Google
Blogger Blogs that
are usuAlly much faster
to open than Word Press..
But beyond that ‘this post’ is
part of the dArk Fire that inspired
an entire journey of responding to all
links and all prompts on the dVerse website
over the course of an entire year in poetic
micro to macro expression response then as
well.. as well as direct named interaction
with poets on the journey in real time
then.. so yes.. perHaps the first
reaLITy sHow Super Epic
Poem in Three Hundred
Thirty-Eight Thousand
Six-Hundred and Thirty
words with 300.. or so photos..
from perhaps the most beautiful
beaches from my Katman Beach..
and Cyberian Tiger Beach Blog
posts.. respectively from
And Navarre
Beach.. most all
of which are suitable
for framing as a frigGinG
giVe aWay.. so yes i credIT
the folks at dVerse who put
out a prompt that was supposed
to have the specific words “I am
From”.. where i wrote “i am One”
as metaphor that i am both
from and One with God
as well as a place of
overcoming bullying..
and they could not
F iN understand
what something
like that
as apparently
they see God as something
separate from them and Nature..
example given.. the man
Jesus.. in a frigging
literal supernatural
way.. if that makes
sense and no it does
not so tHeRe.. why “i am
ONE”.. works even better
than “i am from” in this
way of providing
a clear message
for those folks like
Jesus said.. who see and
hear it.. and so they
deleted my
Blog post
without even
waiting on me to
stick the word “from”
in as i even did to appease
tHeir nit picky poetry form..
and instead of getting angry..
i got inspiRed and ended up doing
even more.. as truly theiR real complaint
i and God only liVe
now so we are ONeNOW
so free.. so F in Epic.. and
not afraid to BoldLY Go
as God wheRe no
pARt of God here
has gONe before
as Art
of NoW..
at least
oN EartH
iN Epic way..
so this WiLL be the opening
oF mY Epic but much easier
to open up bLoG posT titLED
“BEfore and After Novel PartY”..
a Celebration of Going wHeRe
no poET has gONE before on
the fAce oF thE eARTh noW..
and like my wife sAid..
no body wants to
go tHere but
wELL thE fACt
iS.. iT IS A refLecTion
oF mY heARt.. mY SpiRit
eXpreSsinG aLL the
emoTioNs noW and
seNses oF mY bEinG
iN mInD and BoDy BaLanCinG soUl
iN whaT iS termED very loosely
and FReED as Free Verse Free
Writing.. Stream.. of Conscious
poeTry that has the tiGhTest most
meaning impact oF brevity iN poetry
aS small little piEces and a tapEStry
oF aLL of a year’s eXperience of JuSt
Doing iT thAT iS a reflecTion oF an epiC
miNd and BoDy BalanCinG exPerience
Of a perSon literaLLy liVing iN HEaven
oN Earth.. noW.. so iN otHeR words iF a
Real EarTH Angel could sPeak
hE or sHe
would liKelY
speaK somEthing
siMilar anD as EpiC
as GodsUniVerseNovel3
aLL FReED iN HaPPy UNcoNdiTionaL
Fearless Loving waY expLoRinG aLL
oF tHe pleaSurAble pArts iN liGht
OF God liVinG iN uS wITh
a feW oF thE dArk pArts
iN Heaven as yeS..
thAT little or
BiG doT oF
YinG and
dArk iS
aT least
a sMaLL
pARt oF thE
experience oF wE
HUmans liVing wITh
tHe God of NatUre
dArk and liGht
iN SonG and
DanCe oF wE..
heARt.. SpiRit
and creATinG
miNd and BoDY
soUl noW iN
Epic God
So yes..!..:)!
noW i..:)!
i WiLL I
no.. my friEnd(s)
i did noT write like
normal human bEinGs..
338,630 words in one
F iN Novel.. i wrote an entirely
new way of sPeaKinG iN LaYman’s
terms.. and yoU WiLL gET thE iroNy
of that if you kNow mY real last nAMe
as an epic keeper of the land in feudal
gerMAN meaNinG
imaGiNe no heaVen
anywHere else but
heRe.. it’s not hard
to do iF yA
live inside..
outside.. above
so below.. and aLL
arOUnd liKe wE mE
And God do kNow
FeeLnOW.. hehe..
and haha.. someone
anonymous.. of course..
with no face tOld mE to
quit typing ‘retarded’ and
‘kill myself’.. sorry baby.. i’ve
only jUst
beGun to
liVe noWiN
EpiC wAy aS
alWays noW..
but no.. i just
ignorED him/HER
as for some duSt..
the dArk Force
iS where
‘they’ choose
to stay and
yes that iS pARt
oF God too.. the uNhappy
pArt iN hUman form that
only seeks the dArk
in discontent..
and hate
as both fearing
the dArk.. and cynical oF the LiGht..
many journeys.. many patHs.. but noW
trUly the poTenTial of never ending
liGht wiTh only tiny sPecks of dArk
and tHere
as only duSt
iN the WinD
that falls
so lost..
of Now..
so sad
so sad..
beyond even
words oF Y i…
but on a positive
note!.. yes..!! tHeRe iS
tHeR otHeR plaCeNoW..!!..:)!
And i will be providing the first 8928 words
and nine photos in this next blog post
that will be now titled.. “BeforE and
after Blog pARTy” at the end
of the post before my fun
dancing photos come
iN dance celebration
of the the new Epic
FuLL Novel titLED
per this
posts.. respectively from
And Navarre
Beach.. most all
of which are suitable
for framing as a frigGinG
giVe aWay.. so yes i credIT
the folks at dVerse who put
out a prompt that was supposed
to have the specific words “I am
From”.. where i wrote “i am One”
as metaphor that i am both
from and One with God
as well as a place of
overcoming bullying..
and they could not
F iN understand
what something
like that
as apparently
they see God as something
separate from them and Nature..
example given.. the man
Jesus.. in a frigging
literal supernatural
way.. if that makes
sense and no it does
not so tHeRe.. why “i am
ONE”.. works even better
than “i am from” in this
way of providing
a clear message
for those folks like
Jesus said.. who see and
hear it.. and so they
deleted my
Blog post
without even
waiting on me to
stick the word “from”
in as i even did to appease
tHeir nit picky poetry form..
and instead of getting angry..
i got inspiRed and ended up doing
even more.. as truly theiR real complaint
i and God only liVe
now so we are ONeNOW
so free.. so F in Epic.. and
not afraid to BoldLY Go
as God wheRe no
pARt of God here
has gONe before
as Art
of NoW..
at least
oN EartH
iN Epic way..
so this WiLL be the opening
oF mY Epic but much easier
to open up bLoG posT titLED
“BEfore and After Novel PartY”..
a Celebration of Going wHeRe
no poET has gONE before on
the fAce oF thE eARTh noW..
and like my wife sAid..
no body wants to
go tHere but
wELL thE fACt
iS.. iT IS A refLecTion
oF mY heARt.. mY SpiRit
eXpreSsinG aLL the
emoTioNs noW and
seNses oF mY bEinG
iN mInD and BoDy BaLanCinG soUl
iN whaT iS termED very loosely
and FReED as Free Verse Free
Writing.. Stream.. of Conscious
poeTry that has the tiGhTest most
meaning impact oF brevity iN poetry
aS small little piEces and a tapEStry
oF aLL of a year’s eXperience of JuSt
Doing iT thAT iS a reflecTion oF an epiC
miNd and BoDy BalanCinG exPerience
Of a perSon literaLLy liVing iN HEaven
oN Earth.. noW.. so iN otHeR words iF a
Real EarTH Angel could sPeak
hE or sHe
would liKelY
speaK somEthing
siMilar anD as EpiC
as GodsUniVerseNovel3
aLL FReED iN HaPPy UNcoNdiTionaL
Fearless Loving waY expLoRinG aLL
oF tHe pleaSurAble pArts iN liGht
OF God liVinG iN uS wITh
a feW oF thE dArk pArts
iN Heaven as yeS..
thAT little or
BiG doT oF
YinG and
dArk iS
aT least
a sMaLL
pARt oF thE
experience oF wE
HUmans liVing wITh
tHe God of NatUre
dArk and liGht
iN SonG and
DanCe oF wE..
heARt.. SpiRit
and creATinG
miNd and BoDY
soUl noW iN
Epic God
So yes..!..:)!
noW i..:)!
i WiLL I
no.. my friEnd(s)
i did noT write like
normal human bEinGs..
338,630 words in one
F iN Novel.. i wrote an entirely
new way of sPeaKinG iN LaYman’s
terms.. and yoU WiLL gET thE iroNy
of that if you kNow mY real last nAMe
as an epic keeper of the land in feudal
gerMAN meaNinG
imaGiNe no heaVen
anywHere else but
heRe.. it’s not hard
to do iF yA
live inside..
outside.. above
so below.. and aLL
arOUnd liKe wE mE
And God do kNow
FeeLnOW.. hehe..
and haha.. someone
anonymous.. of course..
with no face tOld mE to
quit typing ‘retarded’ and
‘kill myself’.. sorry baby.. i’ve
only jUst
beGun to
liVe noWiN
EpiC wAy aS
alWays noW..
but no.. i just
ignorED him/HER
as for some duSt..
the dArk Force
iS where
‘they’ choose
to stay and
yes that iS pARt
oF God too.. the uNhappy
pArt iN hUman form that
only seeks the dArk
in discontent..
and hate
as both fearing
the dArk.. and cynical oF the LiGht..
many journeys.. many patHs.. but noW
trUly the poTenTial of never ending
liGht wiTh only tiny sPecks of dArk
and tHere
as only duSt
iN the WinD
that falls
so lost..
of Now..
so sad
so sad..
beyond even
words oF Y i…
but on a positive
note!.. yes..!! tHeRe iS
tHeR otHeR plaCeNoW..!!..:)!
And i will be providing the first 8928 words
and nine photos in this next blog post
that will be now titled.. “BeforE and
after Blog pARTy” at the end
of the post before my fun
dancing photos come
iN dance celebration
of the the new Epic
FuLL Novel titLED
per this
aLong with
the first and
only American
Indian 6 hours
of flute music
in YouTube way
and the first 9
and Beach
photos flYinG
Free.. as yes..
this WiLL be much
easier to open..
and a small cLip
of what i do in the
Novel.. as yes.. per
full perspective.. the
entire Epic Free
Verse Poetry
is 38 times
larger than
8928 words..
Go wHere no pARt
of God Goes before
here on EARtH.. after
aLL isAid and dOneNoW
thAT my friends iS N0W what
the reported man Jesus then
sAid and Do iS possible for
other hUmans wHo juSt do iT
wITh tHe Help Of God oF ALLnOW..
oh yeah.. and for the record.. of lINks
here are the linKs to the first two Novels
the first and
only American
Indian 6 hours
of flute music
in YouTube way
and the first 9
and Beach
photos flYinG
Free.. as yes..
this WiLL be much
easier to open..
and a small cLip
of what i do in the
Novel.. as yes.. per
full perspective.. the
entire Epic Free
Verse Poetry
is 38 times
larger than
8928 words..
Go wHere no pARt
of God Goes before
here on EARtH.. after
aLL isAid and dOneNoW
thAT my friends iS N0W what
the reported man Jesus then
sAid and Do iS possible for
other hUmans wHo juSt do iT
wITh tHe Help Of God oF ALLnOW..
oh yeah.. and for the record.. of lINks
here are the linKs to the first two Novels
i ain’t doin’ this
for money.. but a
‘little’ birDiE
and or sEaGuLL
mE tales
Me to promote
aLL tHree lInks
plus ‘this one’ at
the bottom of all
my posts as KinGdoM
coMes NoW aS ReaLiTy..
ObtW.. thE ‘Long Poem Form’ is nothing
new.. and to date before i came along
the longest one was/is.. “Mahabharata” at 1.8
million words.. well in fAct.. now.. at 662 lonG
chapters.. the epic poem KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
now at 662 chapters.. including this coming one on Word
Press noW is almost twice as long at over 3 million
wordS now.. written in a style that has
i CAN wITh
the help oF
God.. end and
beginning oF EpicNoW..:)
for money.. but a
‘little’ birDiE
and or sEaGuLL
mE tales
Me to promote
aLL tHree lInks
plus ‘this one’ at
the bottom of all
my posts as KinGdoM
coMes NoW aS ReaLiTy..
ObtW.. thE ‘Long Poem Form’ is nothing
new.. and to date before i came along
the longest one was/is.. “Mahabharata” at 1.8
million words.. well in fAct.. now.. at 662 lonG
chapters.. the epic poem KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
now at 662 chapters.. including this coming one on Word
Press noW is almost twice as long at over 3 million
wordS now.. written in a style that has
i CAN wITh
the help oF
God.. end and
beginning oF EpicNoW..:)
And here’s the lInk to the longest
poem in recorded human history
once again.. nOW..
“SonG oF mY SoUl”..
and trUly bY N0W
thAt shOuLd bE heIR
apParent.. to those
who ‘see’
FeeL and
and thaT’S aLL
i for ONE
coMe to bRinG..
wITh steps
oF Dance
oN course..
as without
dance.. words
are DEAD..
aLiVe mY
oF steps
and words..
aS i WiTh GODonE
noW KinGdoM CoMe..
And yes.. i have hope..
faith.. and belief that technology
wiLL finAlly catch up with mE..yes..
perhaps before i die.. the sooner
the better certainly to give
and share aLL of i as and
wITh God and y O U
miGht ask
wHy i have
thiS hope..
this faith..
tHis beLief..
iN hUMaN
WeLL thAT iS
simple YOU are
the greAtest poTenTial
of God expreSsinG as God’s
eYes and ears.. FeeLinG
SeNsinG and kNoWinGnoWoN
planEt eARTh noW..
i oNly have
five words
for you..
LOSE iT’..
in other
words just
F iN
like Nike
says too..
anyone and
everyone iS
eMploYeD bY
theY reaLiZe
iT iN aWaKeNinG
aNd EnliGhteNinG
waYs Or noT iN N0W..
so aLL i have is FriEnds..
dArk and liGht oF aLLnOW..
ThiEf iN thE niGht arT wEnoW..:)
poem in recorded human history
once again.. nOW..
“SonG oF mY SoUl”..
and trUly bY N0W
thAt shOuLd bE heIR
apParent.. to those
who ‘see’
FeeL and
and thaT’S aLL
i for ONE
coMe to bRinG..
wITh steps
oF Dance
oN course..
as without
dance.. words
are DEAD..
aLiVe mY
oF steps
and words..
aS i WiTh GODonE
noW KinGdoM CoMe..
And yes.. i have hope..
faith.. and belief that technology
wiLL finAlly catch up with mE..yes..
perhaps before i die.. the sooner
the better certainly to give
and share aLL of i as and
wITh God and y O U
miGht ask
wHy i have
thiS hope..
this faith..
tHis beLief..
iN hUMaN
WeLL thAT iS
simple YOU are
the greAtest poTenTial
of God expreSsinG as God’s
eYes and ears.. FeeLinG
SeNsinG and kNoWinGnoWoN
planEt eARTh noW..
i oNly have
five words
for you..
LOSE iT’..
in other
words just
F iN
like Nike
says too..
anyone and
everyone iS
eMploYeD bY
theY reaLiZe
iT iN aWaKeNinG
aNd EnliGhteNinG
waYs Or noT iN N0W..
so aLL i have is FriEnds..
dArk and liGht oF aLLnOW..
ThiEf iN thE niGht arT wEnoW..:)
WeLL.. mY friend gigoid.. to the
advantage of resting those feet
that did the dance of 30 or so miles
over the weekend at beaches..
boardwalks.. malls.. and
all places ‘tween..
i staRted on
my first
rehash oF aLL
the micro-poetic
expressions i’ve been
making at the dVerse
online poet’s pub.. for an
entire year.. April 2015.. through
March of 2016.. and at ‘this
point i’ve perused 4 months
of blog posts.. several
hundred thousand
62K or so..
in the developing
Novel as is now..
about a third of
the way through..
so.. 200K words
or so iN total poetic
close to make
the Blog Novel..
iN Free Verse fashion..
titLed.. GodsUniverseNovel3..
iN what iT wiLL come to be as i reflect
on the ongoing process of developing
it here today.. so yes.. well over a million
words or so.. to peruse.. before this thing
is done.. but haha.. meanwhile.. the feet
are propped up and resting nicely..
while steam
off my
brain.. i rather
do the poetry than
Bring the overall organization
required to keep track of where
i’ve been and wHere i’m going..
but hey.. as they say.. a
balance.. and
the mechanical
cognition mind is
kind of a necessary
old friEnd.. iN a dArk way to
make the liGht seem briGhter later.. yes..
oh.. so fresh.. in moving.. connecting
creating way.. so.. off to see your
next post now.. as i gather seed
and floWers to make
the next blog post
after the epic
one coming
soon.. hope you
are resting great as well..
my friend.. and i will certainly
make another milestone heRe
noW for what i am trying
to do.. to test
human potential
as a guinea pig of sorts..
to leave some guidelines.. hopefully..
for some folks to go wHeRe they have
never gone
before too..
as thErE iS no
sky thaT iS a limit
wHere i for one liVeNow..:)
advantage of resting those feet
that did the dance of 30 or so miles
over the weekend at beaches..
boardwalks.. malls.. and
all places ‘tween..
i staRted on
my first
rehash oF aLL
the micro-poetic
expressions i’ve been
making at the dVerse
online poet’s pub.. for an
entire year.. April 2015.. through
March of 2016.. and at ‘this
point i’ve perused 4 months
of blog posts.. several
hundred thousand
62K or so..
in the developing
Novel as is now..
about a third of
the way through..
so.. 200K words
or so iN total poetic
close to make
the Blog Novel..
iN Free Verse fashion..
titLed.. GodsUniverseNovel3..
iN what iT wiLL come to be as i reflect
on the ongoing process of developing
it here today.. so yes.. well over a million
words or so.. to peruse.. before this thing
is done.. but haha.. meanwhile.. the feet
are propped up and resting nicely..
while steam
off my
brain.. i rather
do the poetry than
Bring the overall organization
required to keep track of where
i’ve been and wHere i’m going..
but hey.. as they say.. a
balance.. and
the mechanical
cognition mind is
kind of a necessary
old friEnd.. iN a dArk way to
make the liGht seem briGhter later.. yes..
oh.. so fresh.. in moving.. connecting
creating way.. so.. off to see your
next post now.. as i gather seed
and floWers to make
the next blog post
after the epic
one coming
soon.. hope you
are resting great as well..
my friend.. and i will certainly
make another milestone heRe
noW for what i am trying
to do.. to test
human potential
as a guinea pig of sorts..
to leave some guidelines.. hopefully..
for some folks to go wHeRe they have
never gone
before too..
as thErE iS no
sky thaT iS a limit
wHere i for one liVeNow..:)
“If a cat spoke, it would say things like
“Hey, I don’t see a problem here.” — Smart Bee”
“Hey, I don’t see a problem here.” — Smart Bee”
At the bottom of my many
illnesses.. in perhaps the
of my life.. 2008..
our cat Arthur.. a
brown tabby.. then
15 LBS of power.. just
14 years old.. young..
alWays strived to
enter the home..
but no go..
as cat
closed air
ways for me then..
but it didn’t matter
as i had become so
weak that my calves
of legs withered away
and Arthur the Noble
Wild one passed
right through
my shins
for a
warm day
in shelter way..
and since i was
already long past
ready to die.. i said
fuck it.. and gave in to him..
but the strangest thing happened..
i did not sneeze.. and perhaps
it was more ’cause
i was already
at the
point and no
longer cared enough
to sneeze.. hehe.. but anyWay..
perhaps that cat actuAlly strengthened
my immune system.. or better yet worked
it away from destroying my own body
in auto immune system
disease way..
i will always
have a
cat and F iT
i’ll bE oNE too..!
Da miT as they don’t
need a book to survive!
and they don’t need any
fucks..! they just do it.. and move on..
but anyway.. when i try to explain to the
dudes at the gym.. that my gorilla sounds
are just me unleashing.. releasing..
mY inner beast
as i cannot make those
kind of LOUD decibels
bY the
with the ‘alpha’
head in the general
public.. iN fAct.. i tale them
i am mild mannered.. more
easy to believe when i do the
ballet act in moving grace..
and then i ask
them.. have
you ever
seen a
Lion walk or
measured the size
of their testicles.. weLL yes..
they walk very gracefully like
a ballerina with a heavy chest too..
and let’s just say the weaker parts
are easier to rip off in a fight with
claws and
for sure..
Adapt to challenge..
change.. or perish..
the laws
of the
do remain
for those who
are smARt enough
to remember the Art noW
oF the animal kingdom within..
oH.. the sanitary napkin of culture
you do take.. Wild and Free.. Grace
and Strength.. Compassion.. Sharing
Giving.. Moving.. Connecting.. and Creating
Away.. oh.. to forget you is bliss.. oh.. to live
is to remember and JUST DO iT noW OG! yeS!
to bE
aNd Free aGaiN..
BEast i was.. BEaSt i am..
Beast i WilL bE iN hAIR oF Y i..:)
illnesses.. in perhaps the
of my life.. 2008..
our cat Arthur.. a
brown tabby.. then
15 LBS of power.. just
14 years old.. young..
alWays strived to
enter the home..
but no go..
as cat
closed air
ways for me then..
but it didn’t matter
as i had become so
weak that my calves
of legs withered away
and Arthur the Noble
Wild one passed
right through
my shins
for a
warm day
in shelter way..
and since i was
already long past
ready to die.. i said
fuck it.. and gave in to him..
but the strangest thing happened..
i did not sneeze.. and perhaps
it was more ’cause
i was already
at the
point and no
longer cared enough
to sneeze.. hehe.. but anyWay..
perhaps that cat actuAlly strengthened
my immune system.. or better yet worked
it away from destroying my own body
in auto immune system
disease way..
i will always
have a
cat and F iT
i’ll bE oNE too..!
Da miT as they don’t
need a book to survive!
and they don’t need any
fucks..! they just do it.. and move on..
but anyway.. when i try to explain to the
dudes at the gym.. that my gorilla sounds
are just me unleashing.. releasing..
mY inner beast
as i cannot make those
kind of LOUD decibels
bY the
with the ‘alpha’
head in the general
public.. iN fAct.. i tale them
i am mild mannered.. more
easy to believe when i do the
ballet act in moving grace..
and then i ask
them.. have
you ever
seen a
Lion walk or
measured the size
of their testicles.. weLL yes..
they walk very gracefully like
a ballerina with a heavy chest too..
and let’s just say the weaker parts
are easier to rip off in a fight with
claws and
for sure..
Adapt to challenge..
change.. or perish..
the laws
of the
do remain
for those who
are smARt enough
to remember the Art noW
oF the animal kingdom within..
oH.. the sanitary napkin of culture
you do take.. Wild and Free.. Grace
and Strength.. Compassion.. Sharing
Giving.. Moving.. Connecting.. and Creating
Away.. oh.. to forget you is bliss.. oh.. to live
is to remember and JUST DO iT noW OG! yeS!
to bE
aNd Free aGaiN..
BEast i was.. BEaSt i am..
Beast i WilL bE iN hAIR oF Y i..:)
Katrina.. decided ‘today’..
if i could do “women’s
work” of writing a one
to two hundred thousand
word F iN EpiC Free
Verse Novel..
she could dam
sure do
my other
job that
only she and
the gardener do now..
yes.. barefoot and
armED wiTh
washer..wink emoticon
if i could do “women’s
work” of writing a one
to two hundred thousand
word F iN EpiC Free
Verse Novel..
she could dam
sure do
my other
job that
only she and
the gardener do now..
yes.. barefoot and
armED wiTh
washer..wink emoticon
i seriously never F iN reaLizED..
i have green eYes.. until the selfies
came along.. and in some photos
blue.. some green.. and science
says only green eyes change
colors.. so the stARt/
final eye color
verdict is green..
and my
DL is a lying
card for that piece
of trivia today.. and that
reminds me.. my mother.. an
actual published print poet..
unlike me.. who is
just hanging
the E-World spHere..
wrote a poem about my
Father named “Green Eyes”..
about how she working for the
County judge.. spotted his bearded
beverage agent style for yes.. the ATF
way of catching moonshiners and all
that ‘deliverance’ kinda stuff back
then in the backwoods
of the Northern
parts of
Florida Counties
then.. anyway.. she
was attracted by his looks
to reader’s digest her poem..
but he didn’t say a dam
thing.. after the
marriage until
i’m gonna
divorce ya now
@3yrs… ’cause ya
wanna stay home
and raise those kids
instead of making the
big bucks.. like my other
relatives are doing now..
hmm.. i got
the good part..
from my mother..
in a way oF Love
then bride to be
of A Devil in blue
jean law enforcement clothes..
yes.. the Love pArt and the
green eyes too.. mesmerizing
the most beautiful woman2now..
in the world now too at 46..
and no.. not much
talking for me in
23 years of marriage..
but now.. haha.. shut uP!
Fred! is what i hear most..
if ya can imagine that.. hehe..
when the Devil’s spawn finAlly
to speak..
as metaphor
only please..
as you do know
that the really feminine
women.. are most always attracted
to the most masculine man around..
often named as bad boy Devils
IF THeY are not
taking birth control..
as that makes women
seek the beta males according
to modern science.. and that
my friends.. is why we have
so many battles of the
sexes going on now..
at least in part..
as opposites
are no
attracting as much..
and the balance of
human nature and culture
is changing.. all around us..
as the Aeon of the me generation
comes to forefront over strong armed
patriarchy.. and even the Matriarchal
leaning ways of distant 10K to 12K
so-called primitive cultures.. and
some that still exist in
Rain forests
and other
areas today..
A Me generation..
is one who even loses
interest in reproducing as
as is already evidenced in
Japan.. along with the
cosmetics revolution..
in South Korea.. for
young males..
and metro-sexual
ways of being.. wHere
gender lines are blurred
heRe.. as well.. but here’s the
thing.. iT’s juSt NatUre and
CultUre hOlding hands
as God wiLL do free..
to reduce the
over populating
killing machine out
of balance with the rest
of Nature.. to get the job
of Balance better done iN
the fUtUre.. when aLL iS sAid
and dONE.. iT miGht bE a tough
road to go.. for we humans but
oF wherE we go
as a species
next in the Aeon
of the child.. the me
generation.. arriving
now.. ironicAlly enough..
to save the F iN Balance
of Nature.. in lesser reproductive way..
tRuSt mE.. if i had gained my inner
beast when much younger..
more than likely there
would be few words..
and chances are
i would be
supporting a family
like my father did from
far away.. as what comes
in the genes stays in the human
when set free.. away from the chains of culture..
but i for one am just fine with how iT aLL tURNed ouT..
iN fAct i aAm
so dam happy
mY father left.. as
i am not stuck in a polarized
view of what iT F iN means to
be hUman.. Living can
be much more than
just reproducing..
iT can be
other stuff that
will give more than
take away from limited
resources of human and other liFeNoW..:)
i have green eYes.. until the selfies
came along.. and in some photos
blue.. some green.. and science
says only green eyes change
colors.. so the stARt/
final eye color
verdict is green..
and my
DL is a lying
card for that piece
of trivia today.. and that
reminds me.. my mother.. an
actual published print poet..
unlike me.. who is
just hanging
the E-World spHere..
wrote a poem about my
Father named “Green Eyes”..
about how she working for the
County judge.. spotted his bearded
beverage agent style for yes.. the ATF
way of catching moonshiners and all
that ‘deliverance’ kinda stuff back
then in the backwoods
of the Northern
parts of
Florida Counties
then.. anyway.. she
was attracted by his looks
to reader’s digest her poem..
but he didn’t say a dam
thing.. after the
marriage until
i’m gonna
divorce ya now
@3yrs… ’cause ya
wanna stay home
and raise those kids
instead of making the
big bucks.. like my other
relatives are doing now..
hmm.. i got
the good part..
from my mother..
in a way oF Love
then bride to be
of A Devil in blue
jean law enforcement clothes..
yes.. the Love pArt and the
green eyes too.. mesmerizing
the most beautiful woman2now..
in the world now too at 46..
and no.. not much
talking for me in
23 years of marriage..
but now.. haha.. shut uP!
Fred! is what i hear most..
if ya can imagine that.. hehe..
when the Devil’s spawn finAlly
to speak..
as metaphor
only please..
as you do know
that the really feminine
women.. are most always attracted
to the most masculine man around..
often named as bad boy Devils
IF THeY are not
taking birth control..
as that makes women
seek the beta males according
to modern science.. and that
my friends.. is why we have
so many battles of the
sexes going on now..
at least in part..
as opposites
are no
attracting as much..
and the balance of
human nature and culture
is changing.. all around us..
as the Aeon of the me generation
comes to forefront over strong armed
patriarchy.. and even the Matriarchal
leaning ways of distant 10K to 12K
so-called primitive cultures.. and
some that still exist in
Rain forests
and other
areas today..
A Me generation..
is one who even loses
interest in reproducing as
as is already evidenced in
Japan.. along with the
cosmetics revolution..
in South Korea.. for
young males..
and metro-sexual
ways of being.. wHere
gender lines are blurred
heRe.. as well.. but here’s the
thing.. iT’s juSt NatUre and
CultUre hOlding hands
as God wiLL do free..
to reduce the
over populating
killing machine out
of balance with the rest
of Nature.. to get the job
of Balance better done iN
the fUtUre.. when aLL iS sAid
and dONE.. iT miGht bE a tough
road to go.. for we humans but
oF wherE we go
as a species
next in the Aeon
of the child.. the me
generation.. arriving
now.. ironicAlly enough..
to save the F iN Balance
of Nature.. in lesser reproductive way..
tRuSt mE.. if i had gained my inner
beast when much younger..
more than likely there
would be few words..
and chances are
i would be
supporting a family
like my father did from
far away.. as what comes
in the genes stays in the human
when set free.. away from the chains of culture..
but i for one am just fine with how iT aLL tURNed ouT..
iN fAct i aAm
so dam happy
mY father left.. as
i am not stuck in a polarized
view of what iT F iN means to
be hUman.. Living can
be much more than
just reproducing..
iT can be
other stuff that
will give more than
take away from limited
resources of human and other liFeNoW..:)
SMiLes.. my friend.. Candice.. oh.. the Neurodiveristy of
humanity.. a term i might ADD.. or ADHD..
created in the online Autism Communities..
WitH an extreme propensity for numbers..
but without a social cue
to say what to
feel next
from grade
school to college
to work and on until
my 40’s.. yes.. adversity
comes for those who are
different.. particularly when
they are so odd and there is
no label for it..
other than
with danger
for getting
before adulthood
for simply being
S T R A N G E..
or NOW the ones
who moved from Asperger’s
to So-Called Higher Functioning
Autism.. but not really fitting
my Autism still.. in terms
of United States
away from
Gillberg criteria..
as i did not speak
until age 4.. then..
and often sat iN
an office in my 40’s
at work wondering
if i would know what
to say at all in a conversation
as i rose through the ranks from
three college degrees at the top of the
class.. no expressive writing skills or coherent
paragraph speaking skills.. until decades later..
after passing out shoes at a Bowling Center..
ruling Computers.. Supervising and
Managing.. Administrating
in paint by numbers
micro SYSTEM
IZING manage way..
additionally.. the last
kid picked on sports teams
in grade school.. eventually
becomes the overall strongest
dude in an elite military gym
at age 55.. the boy the other boys
called the F word and Queer..
marries perhaps the
most beautiful
46 year woman in the
world.. and the one who folks
made fun of in expressing themselves
as the quiet one with no words is finishing
up close to a 200K word all free verse poetry
Novel.. in the next day or so..
but you kNow who i Love
most.. all the folks who
told me i did not
deserve to
for my ‘short’ comings..
the one’s who said you have
bird legs.. your hair is so full
and your lips or so full you should
have been a girl.. even in my Frigging
40’s.. albeit less hair on the crown
of my head then.. hehe..
anyway.. my friend
i too wear
the crown CROSS
of adversity.. but here’s
the thing.. i took the blows
and chose victory over vengeance..
refuSinG to become a bully
let Love
die even when
it did after all the
stress took it away..
SO survive and never look
back.. a new now will come…
hold your head high.. and dance
the game of life.. oh yeah and they
told me you don’t even know how
to walk.. now named a dance legend
by the
of then..
the human condition
is one of miracle for those
who continue to
and that my friend
is the SonG oF mY SoUL
theRe is
no sky of limits
when imagination
and creativity come
on board in awakening
and enlightening way..
liFe is more
than a numbers
game.. of likes..
followers and
shares.. and sadly
the systemizing
ways of the
Zombie Apocalypse
is creating a world
of left brain only thinkers..
Art is the answer to a fuller life
my friend.. so continue the inspiration
as Art WiLL be the savior of humankind
and the rest of liFe on this planET overALL..
mY Neuroextraterrestrialdiversity WORlD..;)
humanity.. a term i might ADD.. or ADHD..
created in the online Autism Communities..
WitH an extreme propensity for numbers..
but without a social cue
to say what to
feel next
from grade
school to college
to work and on until
my 40’s.. yes.. adversity
comes for those who are
different.. particularly when
they are so odd and there is
no label for it..
other than
with danger
for getting
before adulthood
for simply being
S T R A N G E..
or NOW the ones
who moved from Asperger’s
to So-Called Higher Functioning
Autism.. but not really fitting
my Autism still.. in terms
of United States
away from
Gillberg criteria..
as i did not speak
until age 4.. then..
and often sat iN
an office in my 40’s
at work wondering
if i would know what
to say at all in a conversation
as i rose through the ranks from
three college degrees at the top of the
class.. no expressive writing skills or coherent
paragraph speaking skills.. until decades later..
after passing out shoes at a Bowling Center..
ruling Computers.. Supervising and
Managing.. Administrating
in paint by numbers
micro SYSTEM
IZING manage way..
additionally.. the last
kid picked on sports teams
in grade school.. eventually
becomes the overall strongest
dude in an elite military gym
at age 55.. the boy the other boys
called the F word and Queer..
marries perhaps the
most beautiful
46 year woman in the
world.. and the one who folks
made fun of in expressing themselves
as the quiet one with no words is finishing
up close to a 200K word all free verse poetry
Novel.. in the next day or so..
but you kNow who i Love
most.. all the folks who
told me i did not
deserve to
for my ‘short’ comings..
the one’s who said you have
bird legs.. your hair is so full
and your lips or so full you should
have been a girl.. even in my Frigging
40’s.. albeit less hair on the crown
of my head then.. hehe..
anyway.. my friend
i too wear
the crown CROSS
of adversity.. but here’s
the thing.. i took the blows
and chose victory over vengeance..
refuSinG to become a bully
let Love
die even when
it did after all the
stress took it away..
SO survive and never look
back.. a new now will come…
hold your head high.. and dance
the game of life.. oh yeah and they
told me you don’t even know how
to walk.. now named a dance legend
by the
of then..
the human condition
is one of miracle for those
who continue to
and that my friend
is the SonG oF mY SoUL
theRe is
no sky of limits
when imagination
and creativity come
on board in awakening
and enlightening way..
liFe is more
than a numbers
game.. of likes..
followers and
shares.. and sadly
the systemizing
ways of the
Zombie Apocalypse
is creating a world
of left brain only thinkers..
Art is the answer to a fuller life
my friend.. so continue the inspiration
as Art WiLL be the savior of humankind
and the rest of liFe on this planET overALL..
mY Neuroextraterrestrialdiversity WORlD..;)
“in the attic
voices scream
nothin’ seen
real’s the dream
leaving the things that are real behind
leaving the things that you love from mind
all of the things that you learned from fears
nothin’ is left for the years
[repeat chorus]
toys, toys, toys
in the attic”
voices scream
nothin’ seen
real’s the dream
leaving the things that are real behind
leaving the things that you love from mind
all of the things that you learned from fears
nothin’ is left for the years
[repeat chorus]
toys, toys, toys
in the attic”
THeRe are two ways of liFe iN bEinG..
one relative will that we mosT aLL share
and can continue to perfect as practice
over the course of liFe
from A to
B alWays
A for ALiVenoW..
Positive thoughts.. feelings.. senses..
as that relates to all receptors in all
cells of human body as mind and body
interrelate and become
oNe force of positive
and neurohormonal
iON energy.. no less
tRuLy than metaphor
oF Sun shining
above as
as US..
or the other way oF heLL..
negative thoughts.. feelings.. and senses..
so how to regulate.. for emotions.. integrate..
for senses.. WeLL trUly iT is not rocket
science iT iS noW to Now a practice
of MoVinG the hUman body as
Art to reinforce regulaTion
of emoTions and inteGraTion
of seNses.. connecTinG wiTh
others to increase neuroHormone
connections oF social bonding
as oxytocin touch.. and
Serotonin Trust..
iN neurochemical
and the
iNherent iN
lEArning and or
creating something
new.. sadly though.. wE
live in a world of pre-planned
input output data garbage of
remembering step by step
word by word
of what
is spoon-fed
to us to fit the
COGs of a society
that has grown from
tools of comfort for survival
to instant gratification sources
that take away the adversity.. challenge..
and adaptation to do MORE MORE MORE than
‘THEY’ CALL IT Neuroplasticity
for groWinG new connections in
the wiring of the bRain.. and Epigenetics
for unpacking dormant DNA and becoming
strong and smart as our ancestor apes..
when facing environmental challenge..
in successful adaptation and change..
but that’s not all as all
cells of the body have
receptors for correct
pleaSure that says now
you are doing things
in A positive way..
or discontent
of negative
feeling.. sensing
ways.. with or without
thoughts as associations
for feelings to guide us
on the way to liGht away
from dARk.. theRe iS
rhYme and reaSon to
ARt.. oF uS..
and a science
Of LiVinG pleaSure
iN Balance that WiLL
work when tailoRed In
each iNdividuAL preference
oF liFe.. however.. withOut
the practice.. the worK
oF EnHanCinG
reLative free
WiLL.. in ACTUaL
OFF OF F iN 2 dimensional
dopamine enhancing light
box screens of screams
that leaves out
the fully social..
the neurohormone
and yes.. estrogen
and androgen
of Being
feminine and
masculine whole..
in yes.. oxytocin
social flesh and
blood.. and
fluid Loving
ways of free
floWinG iN Stars
oF eYes that
meet and
do more
than hear
and see.. theRe are
smells.. therE are tastes..
tHere iS touch.. therE
Is propRiocepTion oF
FeeLinG mother
in a dance of moving
wHere one connects without
the other five senses aT
aLL to Mother
so above..
below.. inside..
outside.. and all around..
Toys are in the attic
true but they are also
all around the body
just waiting
to be
and practiCED
as Superhuman Real
the way we were meant
to be..
we become
2D liGht box
screens away
more fully human..
oh.. intelligence of Standard
IQ.. you mEasure so little oF
whAT humaNiTy even means as ISreAL
vibrant star six pointED bEinG
A TriAnglic oF Male
and V TriAnglic
oF fEmale
As sTar
oF David
oh Art..
you expand
on UniVerse oF
i’s in myriad
the only
thing thaT iS
stopping uS from
groWing iS ironicAlly
the science that says
less than
Science IS A way
buT ART iS FReEDom..:)
one relative will that we mosT aLL share
and can continue to perfect as practice
over the course of liFe
from A to
B alWays
A for ALiVenoW..
Positive thoughts.. feelings.. senses..
as that relates to all receptors in all
cells of human body as mind and body
interrelate and become
oNe force of positive
and neurohormonal
iON energy.. no less
tRuLy than metaphor
oF Sun shining
above as
as US..
or the other way oF heLL..
negative thoughts.. feelings.. and senses..
so how to regulate.. for emotions.. integrate..
for senses.. WeLL trUly iT is not rocket
science iT iS noW to Now a practice
of MoVinG the hUman body as
Art to reinforce regulaTion
of emoTions and inteGraTion
of seNses.. connecTinG wiTh
others to increase neuroHormone
connections oF social bonding
as oxytocin touch.. and
Serotonin Trust..
iN neurochemical
and the
iNherent iN
lEArning and or
creating something
new.. sadly though.. wE
live in a world of pre-planned
input output data garbage of
remembering step by step
word by word
of what
is spoon-fed
to us to fit the
COGs of a society
that has grown from
tools of comfort for survival
to instant gratification sources
that take away the adversity.. challenge..
and adaptation to do MORE MORE MORE than
‘THEY’ CALL IT Neuroplasticity
for groWinG new connections in
the wiring of the bRain.. and Epigenetics
for unpacking dormant DNA and becoming
strong and smart as our ancestor apes..
when facing environmental challenge..
in successful adaptation and change..
but that’s not all as all
cells of the body have
receptors for correct
pleaSure that says now
you are doing things
in A positive way..
or discontent
of negative
feeling.. sensing
ways.. with or without
thoughts as associations
for feelings to guide us
on the way to liGht away
from dARk.. theRe iS
rhYme and reaSon to
ARt.. oF uS..
and a science
Of LiVinG pleaSure
iN Balance that WiLL
work when tailoRed In
each iNdividuAL preference
oF liFe.. however.. withOut
the practice.. the worK
oF EnHanCinG
reLative free
WiLL.. in ACTUaL
OFF OF F iN 2 dimensional
dopamine enhancing light
box screens of screams
that leaves out
the fully social..
the neurohormone
and yes.. estrogen
and androgen
of Being
feminine and
masculine whole..
in yes.. oxytocin
social flesh and
blood.. and
fluid Loving
ways of free
floWinG iN Stars
oF eYes that
meet and
do more
than hear
and see.. theRe are
smells.. therE are tastes..
tHere iS touch.. therE
Is propRiocepTion oF
FeeLinG mother
in a dance of moving
wHere one connects without
the other five senses aT
aLL to Mother
so above..
below.. inside..
outside.. and all around..
Toys are in the attic
true but they are also
all around the body
just waiting
to be
and practiCED
as Superhuman Real
the way we were meant
to be..
we become
2D liGht box
screens away
more fully human..
oh.. intelligence of Standard
IQ.. you mEasure so little oF
whAT humaNiTy even means as ISreAL
vibrant star six pointED bEinG
A TriAnglic oF Male
and V TriAnglic
oF fEmale
As sTar
oF David
oh Art..
you expand
on UniVerse oF
i’s in myriad
the only
thing thaT iS
stopping uS from
groWing iS ironicAlly
the science that says
less than
Science IS A way
buT ART iS FReEDom..:)
For a Beaver
theRe iS alWays
a dam to make..
for a human
there can
be dams
not to give..
Ah.. but the Busy
Beaver of the ‘Turing
Machine’ wITh heARt
i choose to WiLL.. and i’m
fAIRly sure that when the
Beaver is on the path and
journey to building dams
the beAver both gives
and shares and
just does a dam…
The Beaver.. one of the largest
Rodents shares a Rodent
ancestor wITh mosT aLL
DNA hUmans.. 75
MilLions oF years a
go too.. the Beaver
never kNows what the
end result of the new Dam
Will bE path and journey.. beGinninG..
enDing.. fiNish.. stARt.. NowOnoW..
AnyWay.. see ya later friend.. wITh MaKinG
more dAMs alWays SharRinG.. GiVinGnoW..:)
theRe iS alWays
a dam to make..
for a human
there can
be dams
not to give..
Ah.. but the Busy
Beaver of the ‘Turing
Machine’ wITh heARt
i choose to WiLL.. and i’m
fAIRly sure that when the
Beaver is on the path and
journey to building dams
the beAver both gives
and shares and
just does a dam…
The Beaver.. one of the largest
Rodents shares a Rodent
ancestor wITh mosT aLL
DNA hUmans.. 75
MilLions oF years a
go too.. the Beaver
never kNows what the
end result of the new Dam
Will bE path and journey.. beGinninG..
enDing.. fiNish.. stARt.. NowOnoW..
AnyWay.. see ya later friend.. wITh MaKinG
more dAMs alWays SharRinG.. GiVinGnoW..:)
Another Day iN..
aS.. WiLd oF NatUre
wITh and As FReED photos.. words
and other stuFF noW to giVe and shaRe
WiTh thE WORlD iN WiLd WiDe WeB..;)
aS.. WiLd oF NatUre
wITh and As FReED photos.. words
and other stuFF noW to giVe and shaRe
WiTh thE WORlD iN WiLd WiDe WeB..;)
Well.. now through the month of August starting
September of 2015.. perusing and joining up all
the poeTry from dVerse prompts and links through
the 14th link of the 169th open prompt.. March 31st..
‘GodsUniVerseNovel3″ is noW at 123K words or so ..
so yes.. considering i have about 7 months more to go..
to get it all gatHeRed toGeTheR as iT were and iS to bE..
200K words pluS WiLL likely be the final recipe for this Epic
Novel.. of a fuLL year journey in so many paths of poeTry
as branches to UniVerse of I.. in Myriad MultiVerse way..
anyWay.. coming up with 200K words plus means i WiLL
have to peruse a total of One Million plus words as
typed iN mY blog over the year of efFort.. and yes
i read fast.. VERY FAST.. AND write that way
in typing too.. but tHeRe are a few human
limits wHere iT WiLL take more than
an hour to finish the joB wHolE..
so a little Sith help iS in Order..
as i’LL take aLL the assistance i WiLL gAIn..
from both tHe dArk Force and liGht aS WeLL..
and BalanCinG oF Course.. wRite oN Course..:)
September of 2015.. perusing and joining up all
the poeTry from dVerse prompts and links through
the 14th link of the 169th open prompt.. March 31st..
‘GodsUniVerseNovel3″ is noW at 123K words or so ..
so yes.. considering i have about 7 months more to go..
to get it all gatHeRed toGeTheR as iT were and iS to bE..
200K words pluS WiLL likely be the final recipe for this Epic
Novel.. of a fuLL year journey in so many paths of poeTry
as branches to UniVerse of I.. in Myriad MultiVerse way..
anyWay.. coming up with 200K words plus means i WiLL
have to peruse a total of One Million plus words as
typed iN mY blog over the year of efFort.. and yes
i read fast.. VERY FAST.. AND write that way
in typing too.. but tHeRe are a few human
limits wHere iT WiLL take more than
an hour to finish the joB wHolE..
so a little Sith help iS in Order..
as i’LL take aLL the assistance i WiLL gAIn..
from both tHe dArk Force and liGht aS WeLL..
and BalanCinG oF Course.. wRite oN Course..:)
Yes.. i aM soLiCiTinG
HelP from the Entire
Force Works to gET
thE Novel JoB dOne..
fOr sAgeS iN
EpiC Bard Way..
but i have to admit..
i muSt noW ask mY
Force Team mates
HelP from the Entire
Force Works to gET
thE Novel JoB dOne..
fOr sAgeS iN
EpiC Bard Way..
but i have to admit..
i muSt noW ask mY
Force Team mates
oKAy.. i’M 100% sUre
i aM Super-Hero poWeReD
uP enough to finish the Novel..
perHaps as soon.. as the end
of ‘Morrow niGht!.. yes.. aLL 200K plus words
wITh Awesome Beach photos to headline each
separate prompt across the Mult-Verse Journey
and paths oF 12 dVerse months iN poeTry waY..;)
i aM Super-Hero poWeReD
uP enough to finish the Novel..
perHaps as soon.. as the end
of ‘Morrow niGht!.. yes.. aLL 200K plus words
wITh Awesome Beach photos to headline each
separate prompt across the Mult-Verse Journey
and paths oF 12 dVerse months iN poeTry waY..;)
And here a couple of topic appropriate
Facebook two year old memories
as suggested by
the Facebook
THAT has
been doing
a pretty good
dam robot job lately..
for free.. hehe.. one of
mY many online all free
Secretaries and personal assistants..
heLL who even needs the Robots from
Star Wars
when ya
got free ONLINE HELP..
trust me i don’t do Superman
without help.. haha.. FOR REAL..:)
Facebook two year old memories
as suggested by
the Facebook
THAT has
been doing
a pretty good
dam robot job lately..
for free.. hehe.. one of
mY many online all free
Secretaries and personal assistants..
heLL who even needs the Robots from
Star Wars
when ya
got free ONLINE HELP..
trust me i don’t do Superman
without help.. haha.. FOR REAL..:)
Gospel of Thomas
3) Jesus said, “If those who lead you say, ‘See, the Kingdom is
in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they
say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you.
Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you.
When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and
you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living
Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty.”
in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they
say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you.
Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you.
When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and
you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living
Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty.”
113) His disciples said to Him, “When will the Kingdom come?”
“It will not come by waiting for it. It will
not be a matter of saying ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is.’ Rather,
the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men
do not see it.”
“It will not come by waiting for it. It will
not be a matter of saying ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is.’ Rather,
the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men
do not see it.”
Luke 17:21 King James Version (KJV)
21 “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
John 14:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”
Problem with most all Sacred Texts is folks
cherry pick what they like
and leave out the
rest.. and yes..
often the same
applies to ‘religious’
text in science abstracts…
cherry pick what they like
and leave out the
rest.. and yes..
often the same
applies to ‘religious’
text in science abstracts…
For me.. i go by what i experience..
by what i taste.. touch.. hear.. smell..
see.. propriocept.. and feel through emotional
heARt.. and eXpreSsinG/Interpreting/Mirror Neuroning
those emoTioNs/senses/kNoWinG wayS
of i and otHeRs
what science
describes noW as
cognitive and affective empathy
and associated sympathy and
compassion in “Layman’s”
terms as iS sTiLL
iN/aS A ‘common’
human way..
some folks
do not experience
empathy in this way..
either by choice or innate
reality.. in brain structure
and other body way..
and then tHere
iS soUl iN miNd
and boDy BaLanCinG
MaKinG the arcHetYpe
of feminine and masculine
iN innate human being one
aGaiN.. after separatED by the
language of culture if indeed that
language separates the innate unITy
of what can be a BalanCinG hUman
animal.. anyway.. LiFe is Good when
real and natural as evolVING FREE AT
the heiGht oF ALL experience
we kNoW.. SeNse.. and FeeL
that CAN be the human
one in the KinGdoM
oF NatuRe
noW God
oNe and sAMe
as aLL.. but yes..
the tool of written language
IS A bRain washing tool iN both
mind and body way whEtheR or not
wE reFuse to see thiS reaLITy from
cultUre to religion to politics
to philosophy
or not..
NatUre has
all the answers
iN uS.. outside Us..
above us.. aLL around
US as by GOD.. GOD iS
God oF dArk of LiGht..
Of Moving Dance
and InsPiRinG
SoUndD oF
thaT iS real LiVinG noW
as pLay of liFE… so noW
when i want to view/sense/feel MORe
of God iN action than dead words Now
oF Print.. and Walls.. and Ceilings that
do not breathe and bleed.. or eat..
sleep.. sense.. feel.. and
MoVe and SinG A SonG
oF LiVinGkNoWinGnoW..
i leave the Condos
of the Beach behind..
the Buildings in front
of Forests gone..
and Breathe..
Dance and
SinG wITh
Fly WinGS that
can flow WitH God
at 60 miles per hour
wITh WinGs of Magic
more than any hUman
has ever seen senSed or fELt..
i can only imaGine thiS experience
and eXpreSS whaT those of NaTure
do so much more than i.. but anyone
with half a FucKinG ‘iF yoU sEEk iN God’ bRaiN..
sees/feels/kNoWs the star duSt oF
God they are and worships
the God oF Nature STANDING
FROM WinGs oF Dragons Flying
to the
spiny legs
of cockroaches
StiLL surviving after
300 to 400 million years
before we ARE an after
Dance and SonG
oF the
Seed oF aLL
of NatUre that iS
God.. sTiLL BLooMinG
STiLL FloWeRinG iN poTenTiaL
when WiLd and Free and wITH
all thAT said.. friEnd gigoid.. i’m
up to 123K words of my
newest Nautilus
SHeLL or so..
through August
of 2015.. 7 more
months to go.. over
200K.. before the now
of that milestone comes..
but by God i am more inspiRed
by the WinGs of 300 to 380
million year old
sETs oF
Fly WinGs
that can flY
60 MPH.. at
tHeir minuscule size..
than sky scrapers that
takes billions of humans
in collective intelligence to
produce as many humans
cooperating together now..
the Dragon Fly is already
without any
written language..
culture.. religion..
politics.. or philosophy
in collective so-called
F iN Intelligence that is
raping the resources of the
Earth.. wHiLE God SPeeds aWay
Dragon WinGs..
wHere the Love oF wE
iS the God dAM thing
that makes uS advanced over
the Dragon.. who cannot hug
and feel
the clouds
oF comfort iN
noW SinG SonG
oF heARt iN SpiRit
waY.. but by God thAT
Dragon fly has perhaps
tHe greATest LonGest proVen
MiNd and BoDy soUL iN Balance
oF aLL tHe
creaTioN oF iS
wE FLY foR NoW..
wHom has alReaDy
iNheRitED thE Earth
aS MeeK WitH
oF SuperGodFReED..:)
by what i taste.. touch.. hear.. smell..
see.. propriocept.. and feel through emotional
heARt.. and eXpreSsinG/Interpreting/Mirror Neuroning
those emoTioNs/senses/kNoWinG wayS
of i and otHeRs
what science
describes noW as
cognitive and affective empathy
and associated sympathy and
compassion in “Layman’s”
terms as iS sTiLL
iN/aS A ‘common’
human way..
some folks
do not experience
empathy in this way..
either by choice or innate
reality.. in brain structure
and other body way..
and then tHere
iS soUl iN miNd
and boDy BaLanCinG
MaKinG the arcHetYpe
of feminine and masculine
iN innate human being one
aGaiN.. after separatED by the
language of culture if indeed that
language separates the innate unITy
of what can be a BalanCinG hUman
animal.. anyway.. LiFe is Good when
real and natural as evolVING FREE AT
the heiGht oF ALL experience
we kNoW.. SeNse.. and FeeL
that CAN be the human
one in the KinGdoM
oF NatuRe
noW God
oNe and sAMe
as aLL.. but yes..
the tool of written language
IS A bRain washing tool iN both
mind and body way whEtheR or not
wE reFuse to see thiS reaLITy from
cultUre to religion to politics
to philosophy
or not..
NatUre has
all the answers
iN uS.. outside Us..
above us.. aLL around
US as by GOD.. GOD iS
God oF dArk of LiGht..
Of Moving Dance
and InsPiRinG
SoUndD oF
thaT iS real LiVinG noW
as pLay of liFE… so noW
when i want to view/sense/feel MORe
of God iN action than dead words Now
oF Print.. and Walls.. and Ceilings that
do not breathe and bleed.. or eat..
sleep.. sense.. feel.. and
MoVe and SinG A SonG
oF LiVinGkNoWinGnoW..
i leave the Condos
of the Beach behind..
the Buildings in front
of Forests gone..
and Breathe..
Dance and
SinG wITh
Fly WinGS that
can flow WitH God
at 60 miles per hour
wITh WinGs of Magic
more than any hUman
has ever seen senSed or fELt..
i can only imaGine thiS experience
and eXpreSS whaT those of NaTure
do so much more than i.. but anyone
with half a FucKinG ‘iF yoU sEEk iN God’ bRaiN..
sees/feels/kNoWs the star duSt oF
God they are and worships
the God oF Nature STANDING
FROM WinGs oF Dragons Flying
to the
spiny legs
of cockroaches
StiLL surviving after
300 to 400 million years
before we ARE an after
Dance and SonG
oF the
Seed oF aLL
of NatUre that iS
God.. sTiLL BLooMinG
STiLL FloWeRinG iN poTenTiaL
when WiLd and Free and wITH
all thAT said.. friEnd gigoid.. i’m
up to 123K words of my
newest Nautilus
SHeLL or so..
through August
of 2015.. 7 more
months to go.. over
200K.. before the now
of that milestone comes..
but by God i am more inspiRed
by the WinGs of 300 to 380
million year old
sETs oF
Fly WinGs
that can flY
60 MPH.. at
tHeir minuscule size..
than sky scrapers that
takes billions of humans
in collective intelligence to
produce as many humans
cooperating together now..
the Dragon Fly is already
without any
written language..
culture.. religion..
politics.. or philosophy
in collective so-called
F iN Intelligence that is
raping the resources of the
Earth.. wHiLE God SPeeds aWay
Dragon WinGs..
wHere the Love oF wE
iS the God dAM thing
that makes uS advanced over
the Dragon.. who cannot hug
and feel
the clouds
oF comfort iN
noW SinG SonG
oF heARt iN SpiRit
waY.. but by God thAT
Dragon fly has perhaps
tHe greATest LonGest proVen
MiNd and BoDy soUL iN Balance
oF aLL tHe
creaTioN oF iS
wE FLY foR NoW..
wHom has alReaDy
iNheRitED thE Earth
aS MeeK WitH
oF SuperGodFReED..:)
SMiLes.. i’m into
Nature.. all the rest
is illusion and
Nature as
No Real
Unless we
Create that
Of Real..:)
Nature.. all the rest
is illusion and
Nature as
No Real
Unless we
Create that
Of Real..:)
A long
No beginning
Or end but now..
Now.. What a breather
A long
No beginning
Or end but now..
Now.. What a breather
i do not thInk i would have experiencED
almost complete dissolution of ego..
if not for life threatening illnesses..
over a period of 66 months..
Emotions Drive ego..
in terms of
social conforming
for most all social
animals.. in terms
of hierarchy.. in dominance
and submission… for gaining
reproductive rights.. and subsistence..
including Food.. Water.. and Shelter..
The tool of those who dominate
others is shame and
fear.. and Lord
knows i for one..
was truly dominated
most of my life.. in that
hierarchy as i neither was
comfortable in my own skin..
in ways of regulating emotions
or integrating senses.. in a life spent input
more in Books.. Lectures.. Electronic Media
and Entertainment.. more than moving.. connecting
and creating output of something new.. Pain taught
me the silliness of staying with the same.. and change
was the best solution oF aLL.. in new.. however.. how
to lose the shame of the hunch back of Notre
Dame.. locked in a bedroom for
66 months.. without contact
with humanity
whole in flesh and
blood.. weLL.. i decided
i WiLL Survive.. at all
costs.. according to
Donna Summer..
folks like
Miley Cyrus
and other artists who finally
go out on the branch oF a TaLLer
tree and take a chance at bEinG
so much more free without
shame and fear
of what others
might think
or feel about
one’s different freedom than
they.. but truly the ability to gain
a Zen Art of Changing Ego to suit
one’s self esteem of feeling good..
in Serotonin comfort.. is also an illusion
away from Nature that technology provides
for we who no longer depend on others
as much for the
Relationship for survival
now.. i’m truly not impressed
with the Zen and Buddhist
leaning goal
Ego Dissolution
as a way of being..
sure it can work in a bed
room closed in or a monastery
but Social Survival for an animal
in the Wild or Work World Working
with other folks requires it in the
pecking order of Social
animal hierarchy of
dominance and
and all the ‘tween
for subsistence and survival..
all the Ivory Tower talk of Monasteries
and Basements of Mom and Dad’s living
arrangements.. will not change
the fAct of Nature
when social
is pARt of
the Social Animal Game..
So.. i’m Financially Independent
and can sWinG the gAMe of Zen
Ego.. howEver which way oF loose
i choose to go.. but i have no
illusions of what would
have to be
if i entered
the Government
Work World of tightly
white collarRed ways
of Social Norm BeInG..
so.. truly this aberration of
liFe of free makes folks like Eckart
Tolle.. Miley Cyrus.. and Lady Gaga..
and yes me.. and so many other folks..
N0W possible.. but this aberration is coming
real greater as another illusion of reaLITy
REAL.. AS WE no longer depend
on each other as much
for subsistence
and survival
but oh no..
we ‘normal’ hUman
beings.. per se.. STiLL have
the innate.. instinctual.. and
intuitive need of acceptance
for the human touch.. And that
my friend is part of the reason.. at
least that suicide rates.. are much higher
in so-called technologically advanced first
world countries.. One can think they escape
Mother Nature in submission to what is tHeir
Nature.. but Nature is the Realist Deal of aLL..
one can balance this Nature within with relative
free will.. but when one thinks they can
escape iT with
like total
of ego.. aWay
from emotional and
sensory needs.. desires
and all the sweet stuff that
drives life.. usually tHeir is a
REAL Karma iN Now of Action
Consequence In terms of Sweet
and SoUr LiFe.. trUly what is good
and what is bad is all relative
to nature..
to master
iT iS juSt
an ongoing
practice of what
Maslow describes
as self-actualization.. it seems..
and that my friend.. that balance
of what Nature iS iN me.. iS an ongoing
education oF Art and Science that is getting
fUn more aS i lEarn to master iT iN a balance
of Dancing with the PLaY as WiNd and
Water and
Zen Art of Ego
in feeLinG and senSinG
all the healthy Social Animal
Will do in a liFE WiLd and Free too..
My God iS Free and so i am.. but sure
i have a healthy respect for that God of Nature
wHere iN mY opinion the true ego would be to
that no
ego is a goal aT aLL..
iT’s much more fun to walk
with head held high in the gyms
of life and jungle sidewalks too..
than to live life in submission
of false
humility too..
To give and share
is humility to me..
and pARt of that is to
walk tall and fearless with
close to zero shame of what one
is at core.. free and balanced..
it was very hard for me..
to finAlly
lose those laughs
that were at me.. as silent
utterances of someone who
likely would never feel or sense
the Freedom i have now.. but sure
once one becomes truly free in Loving
Fearless Balance oF aLL oF liFe.. including Zen
Ego.. as metaphor of course not to offend
the so-called Zen officials
of this
way or
that way
of bEinG now..
one tries to help raise
others up no matter who
they are or what they’ve done
as one understands they are just
duSt in the wind too.. whether Floating..
Sinking.. Soaring up.. or even Epic like ME..
but i earned iT friend.. every FucKinG grey hair..
word.. step.. smile.. laugh.. so
i have zero
for what
i am now..
and truly that
advice for whomever
wrote the Gospel of Thomas
about treading on one’s clothes
and getting back to Nature.. iS the
best advice for me.. butT after
i already
did it..
all innately..
and intuitively
too.. Culture is complicated..
Being a social animal in a very
complex culture is even more complicated
but returning back to Nature after escaping
is not that
hard if one..
sTiLL to me.. at least..
moves.. connects.. and creates..
now.. leave any pARt ouT iN Flesh
and Blood liFe.. including healthy
self esteem and Ego.. and theRe
is a price i for one.. see.. to pay to the
oF uS likely
wiLL ever escape..
at least for what i kNow
and FeeL oF iT noW.. in tHis
little illusion.. and sliver of Heaven
that iS REAl.. and more real than these
2-D letters and words.. that ends as FriEnD noW…:)
almost complete dissolution of ego..
if not for life threatening illnesses..
over a period of 66 months..
Emotions Drive ego..
in terms of
social conforming
for most all social
animals.. in terms
of hierarchy.. in dominance
and submission… for gaining
reproductive rights.. and subsistence..
including Food.. Water.. and Shelter..
The tool of those who dominate
others is shame and
fear.. and Lord
knows i for one..
was truly dominated
most of my life.. in that
hierarchy as i neither was
comfortable in my own skin..
in ways of regulating emotions
or integrating senses.. in a life spent input
more in Books.. Lectures.. Electronic Media
and Entertainment.. more than moving.. connecting
and creating output of something new.. Pain taught
me the silliness of staying with the same.. and change
was the best solution oF aLL.. in new.. however.. how
to lose the shame of the hunch back of Notre
Dame.. locked in a bedroom for
66 months.. without contact
with humanity
whole in flesh and
blood.. weLL.. i decided
i WiLL Survive.. at all
costs.. according to
Donna Summer..
folks like
Miley Cyrus
and other artists who finally
go out on the branch oF a TaLLer
tree and take a chance at bEinG
so much more free without
shame and fear
of what others
might think
or feel about
one’s different freedom than
they.. but truly the ability to gain
a Zen Art of Changing Ego to suit
one’s self esteem of feeling good..
in Serotonin comfort.. is also an illusion
away from Nature that technology provides
for we who no longer depend on others
as much for the
Relationship for survival
now.. i’m truly not impressed
with the Zen and Buddhist
leaning goal
Ego Dissolution
as a way of being..
sure it can work in a bed
room closed in or a monastery
but Social Survival for an animal
in the Wild or Work World Working
with other folks requires it in the
pecking order of Social
animal hierarchy of
dominance and
and all the ‘tween
for subsistence and survival..
all the Ivory Tower talk of Monasteries
and Basements of Mom and Dad’s living
arrangements.. will not change
the fAct of Nature
when social
is pARt of
the Social Animal Game..
So.. i’m Financially Independent
and can sWinG the gAMe of Zen
Ego.. howEver which way oF loose
i choose to go.. but i have no
illusions of what would
have to be
if i entered
the Government
Work World of tightly
white collarRed ways
of Social Norm BeInG..
so.. truly this aberration of
liFe of free makes folks like Eckart
Tolle.. Miley Cyrus.. and Lady Gaga..
and yes me.. and so many other folks..
N0W possible.. but this aberration is coming
real greater as another illusion of reaLITy
REAL.. AS WE no longer depend
on each other as much
for subsistence
and survival
but oh no..
we ‘normal’ hUman
beings.. per se.. STiLL have
the innate.. instinctual.. and
intuitive need of acceptance
for the human touch.. And that
my friend is part of the reason.. at
least that suicide rates.. are much higher
in so-called technologically advanced first
world countries.. One can think they escape
Mother Nature in submission to what is tHeir
Nature.. but Nature is the Realist Deal of aLL..
one can balance this Nature within with relative
free will.. but when one thinks they can
escape iT with
like total
of ego.. aWay
from emotional and
sensory needs.. desires
and all the sweet stuff that
drives life.. usually tHeir is a
REAL Karma iN Now of Action
Consequence In terms of Sweet
and SoUr LiFe.. trUly what is good
and what is bad is all relative
to nature..
to master
iT iS juSt
an ongoing
practice of what
Maslow describes
as self-actualization.. it seems..
and that my friend.. that balance
of what Nature iS iN me.. iS an ongoing
education oF Art and Science that is getting
fUn more aS i lEarn to master iT iN a balance
of Dancing with the PLaY as WiNd and
Water and
Zen Art of Ego
in feeLinG and senSinG
all the healthy Social Animal
Will do in a liFE WiLd and Free too..
My God iS Free and so i am.. but sure
i have a healthy respect for that God of Nature
wHere iN mY opinion the true ego would be to
that no
ego is a goal aT aLL..
iT’s much more fun to walk
with head held high in the gyms
of life and jungle sidewalks too..
than to live life in submission
of false
humility too..
To give and share
is humility to me..
and pARt of that is to
walk tall and fearless with
close to zero shame of what one
is at core.. free and balanced..
it was very hard for me..
to finAlly
lose those laughs
that were at me.. as silent
utterances of someone who
likely would never feel or sense
the Freedom i have now.. but sure
once one becomes truly free in Loving
Fearless Balance oF aLL oF liFe.. including Zen
Ego.. as metaphor of course not to offend
the so-called Zen officials
of this
way or
that way
of bEinG now..
one tries to help raise
others up no matter who
they are or what they’ve done
as one understands they are just
duSt in the wind too.. whether Floating..
Sinking.. Soaring up.. or even Epic like ME..
but i earned iT friend.. every FucKinG grey hair..
word.. step.. smile.. laugh.. so
i have zero
for what
i am now..
and truly that
advice for whomever
wrote the Gospel of Thomas
about treading on one’s clothes
and getting back to Nature.. iS the
best advice for me.. butT after
i already
did it..
all innately..
and intuitively
too.. Culture is complicated..
Being a social animal in a very
complex culture is even more complicated
but returning back to Nature after escaping
is not that
hard if one..
sTiLL to me.. at least..
moves.. connects.. and creates..
now.. leave any pARt ouT iN Flesh
and Blood liFe.. including healthy
self esteem and Ego.. and theRe
is a price i for one.. see.. to pay to the
oF uS likely
wiLL ever escape..
at least for what i kNow
and FeeL oF iT noW.. in tHis
little illusion.. and sliver of Heaven
that iS REAl.. and more real than these
2-D letters and words.. that ends as FriEnD noW…:)
Back in the days when i was most aLL scientist and
and little to almost no poet.. hmm.. stUFF changes..;)
and little to almost no poet.. hmm.. stUFF changes..;)
This was one of my first early
poetic sparks..
and yes..
can grow
into real Nautilus
Shells.. that last..:)
poetic sparks..
and yes..
can grow
into real Nautilus
Shells.. that last..:)
Posted on April 28, 2016 by katiemiafrederick..
WeLL.. here’s the link above for GodsUniVerseNovel3
spanning the highlights of a full year
in writing poetic expressions in
response to all the dVerse
Online Poet’s Pub
offerings in every
prompt and every
lInk from April 2015
’till the end of March
2016.. but truly it
requires a fast computer
and broadband access
to open the Word Press
Link and unfortunately the
Google Blogger Blogs do not
have the capacity to house a
Novel that is as epic as this..
as yes.. believe it or not..
it is 338,630 words long
(close to double
the size of the
New Testament)
with around 300 or
so eXtremely gorgeous
beach photos to accompany
ALL the journey and paths
of poeTry therein.. as an
anthology of sorts
too.. anyway..
if nothing else
i just did it..
hehe.. and
i’m sure it will
at least make a conversation
piece on the street for folks
with iPhone6s and above
with an LTE connection
who WILL be able to
open it up as already
tested on mine.. but i
have to admit.. opening
it up on my close to 3 year
old iMac Desktop workhouse
takes a couple of minutes..
and true that is much
too long to
wait for what
most folks are
willing to wait for
these days to see
if they even wanna taste
it as it were and as it is now..
But haha.. this is just a hobby
and dam sure not something i
could make a living at for BUCKS..
Posted on April 28, 2016 by katiemiafrederick..
WeLL.. here’s the link above for GodsUniVerseNovel3
spanning the highlights of a full year
in writing poetic expressions in
response to all the dVerse
Online Poet’s Pub
offerings in every
prompt and every
lInk from April 2015
’till the end of March
2016.. but truly it
requires a fast computer
and broadband access
to open the Word Press
Link and unfortunately the
Google Blogger Blogs do not
have the capacity to house a
Novel that is as epic as this..
as yes.. believe it or not..
it is 338,630 words long
(close to double
the size of the
New Testament)
with around 300 or
so eXtremely gorgeous
beach photos to accompany
ALL the journey and paths
of poeTry therein.. as an
anthology of sorts
too.. anyway..
if nothing else
i just did it..
hehe.. and
i’m sure it will
at least make a conversation
piece on the street for folks
with iPhone6s and above
with an LTE connection
who WILL be able to
open it up as already
tested on mine.. but i
have to admit.. opening
it up on my close to 3 year
old iMac Desktop workhouse
takes a couple of minutes..
and true that is much
too long to
wait for what
most folks are
willing to wait for
these days to see
if they even wanna taste
it as it were and as it is now..
But haha.. this is just a hobby
and dam sure not something i
could make a living at for BUCKS..
“Not every soil can bear all things.”
~~ Virgil ~~
SMiLes gigoid.. i’ll take
this for the Wisdom of the
Day.. plus all the lEarning lesSons
that tHere are limits in life.. perhaps
not for me.. hehe.. but yes for the
state of E-Land.. potential.. as
what was once thought
by me to be
a 100K
turns out
to be 338.63K
that just barely meets
the constraints of WordPress
and didn’t come close to fitting
into the Blogger Blogs.. but write
and expand.. lEarn and narrow..
i guess..
and it’s
just as WeLL..
’cause it’s jUst for Fun..
and the fun iS iN the dam creating..
the putting the pieces together that
are already created.. is what i used
to do over and over.. noW
at least allowing
me to visit a
little of the
hell i used
to live in
and appreciate even MORE..
the creating free environment
thaT iS the mainstay now.. oF
my heArt.. mY SpiRit.. mY soUl..
as trUly iT iS easier for me to halt
that pARt.. than the systemizing
sTuFF that will go on for waking
hours until the job
is done..
without any
to bE FREE.. iN MoVinG..Connecting
CreaTinG.. and i’m gonna wash that
systemizing science RIGHT out
of my hair in the
of NiGht..
with all
the cool
age folks
my 108th week
of doing just
that at Old
hope you are
doing WeLL and
the issues that arose
have aLL Fallen aWay uP to Peace..:)
this for the Wisdom of the
Day.. plus all the lEarning lesSons
that tHere are limits in life.. perhaps
not for me.. hehe.. but yes for the
state of E-Land.. potential.. as
what was once thought
by me to be
a 100K
turns out
to be 338.63K
that just barely meets
the constraints of WordPress
and didn’t come close to fitting
into the Blogger Blogs.. but write
and expand.. lEarn and narrow..
i guess..
and it’s
just as WeLL..
’cause it’s jUst for Fun..
and the fun iS iN the dam creating..
the putting the pieces together that
are already created.. is what i used
to do over and over.. noW
at least allowing
me to visit a
little of the
hell i used
to live in
and appreciate even MORE..
the creating free environment
thaT iS the mainstay now.. oF
my heArt.. mY SpiRit.. mY soUl..
as trUly iT iS easier for me to halt
that pARt.. than the systemizing
sTuFF that will go on for waking
hours until the job
is done..
without any
to bE FREE.. iN MoVinG..Connecting
CreaTinG.. and i’m gonna wash that
systemizing science RIGHT out
of my hair in the
of NiGht..
with all
the cool
age folks
my 108th week
of doing just
that at Old
hope you are
doing WeLL and
the issues that arose
have aLL Fallen aWay uP to Peace..:)
Yes.. now.. i can say i did..
have fun dancing tonight
i also can say.. i should have
never stopped at age 29 when
i got married.. truly i lost
quite a bit of the
skip in my
step that
i own again..
albeit a little
stiffer in the
morning and
closer to the ground..
no hopping and running
for me.. just flowing.. floWinG..:)
have fun dancing tonight
i also can say.. i should have
never stopped at age 29 when
i got married.. truly i lost
quite a bit of the
skip in my
step that
i own again..
albeit a little
stiffer in the
morning and
closer to the ground..
no hopping and running
for me.. just flowing.. floWinG..:)
Oh.. Latin.. Dancers..
have rhythm.. perhaps
a stereotype.. but true..
and yes.. my paternal
Grandmother.. was as
Cajun as they do come
and that and the Sioux
And Cherokee.. is why
even with pale green
eyes.. i do tan brown..
yes.. free in sand/sun..
without the cloudies..
oh yeah.. and they
had zero idea they
were celebrating
an After Novel
of a third
of a million
words of Epic
Free Verse style..
in blog way all free..
but it was too loud in
there to spread the link..;)
have rhythm.. perhaps
a stereotype.. but true..
and yes.. my paternal
Grandmother.. was as
Cajun as they do come
and that and the Sioux
And Cherokee.. is why
even with pale green
eyes.. i do tan brown..
yes.. free in sand/sun..
without the cloudies..
oh yeah.. and they
had zero idea they
were celebrating
an After Novel
of a third
of a million
words of Epic
Free Verse style..
in blog way all free..
but it was too loud in
there to spread the link..;)
And yes..
tonight’s dance..
brought on by
the pale green eyes
of a wolf shirt.. kinda on fire..
i had a ‘nightmare’ last night
that i was heading to dance
in a flannel looking shirt and
long slacks.. ugh.. something
i probably would have done
‘back then’.. in the nerd days..
now i’m crazy cool like Fonzie Einstein..;)
tonight’s dance..
brought on by
the pale green eyes
of a wolf shirt.. kinda on fire..
i had a ‘nightmare’ last night
that i was heading to dance
in a flannel looking shirt and
long slacks.. ugh.. something
i probably would have done
‘back then’.. in the nerd days..
now i’m crazy cool like Fonzie Einstein..;)
Facebook Friend Cortney and long term frolicking
dance friend from Seville Quarter shares a video
defending millennials as inheriting a
very difficult ride from
the baby boomers..
in terms of
Jobs.. the environment..
and other assorted challenges.. and i say..
dance friend from Seville Quarter shares a video
defending millennials as inheriting a
very difficult ride from
the baby boomers..
in terms of
Jobs.. the environment..
and other assorted challenges.. and i say..
Big problem for ‘kids’ of all colors from the ‘backwoods’..
particularly with single parents..
and close to zero resources for
except for the
ones.. one calls
in late to.. as
college cogs
in machines
of service.. don’t
get me wrong.. service
is great.. but don’t expect
to make a living off of it in the longest run until retirement..
and as far as blame goes
everyone is responsible
in a so-called
where folks are afraid
to make waves by disagreeing..
but yes that too is social animal Nature
conform or get outcast.. and starve.. getting
free as an individual is doable.. but turning
the titanic
THAT is for
everyone to do..
as a team coming together..
possible on the individual
level when folks fearlessly hold hands with different as
different is the
ultimate norm
of all
And quite frankly
from A to Z
real iS Real..
and so are humans
once they shed tHeir
clothes and or labels of culture..
A person who is truly fearless fears no different as REAL..:)
particularly with single parents..
and close to zero resources for
except for the
ones.. one calls
in late to.. as
college cogs
in machines
of service.. don’t
get me wrong.. service
is great.. but don’t expect
to make a living off of it in the longest run until retirement..
and as far as blame goes
everyone is responsible
in a so-called
where folks are afraid
to make waves by disagreeing..
but yes that too is social animal Nature
conform or get outcast.. and starve.. getting
free as an individual is doable.. but turning
the titanic
THAT is for
everyone to do..
as a team coming together..
possible on the individual
level when folks fearlessly hold hands with different as
different is the
ultimate norm
of all
And quite frankly
from A to Z
real iS Real..
and so are humans
once they shed tHeir
clothes and or labels of culture..
A person who is truly fearless fears no different as REAL..:)
And truly one of.. if not the biggest problems
of millennials and everyone in modern
societies.. is sitting on their butt
and typing away.. Home
Entertainment.. Video
games.. screen
addictions.. where
i am no exception..
you are an athlete..
you know the benefits
of great health
but most
are in really sad shape..
price for that one third of
school age children who are
type two pre-diabetic.. close
to 50% of adults on some kind
of pain killer and sky-rocketing
rates of psychotropic drugs
to feed folks from an
emptiness of poor
health.. non-regulated
emotions and non-integrated
senses.. without that LIFE REALLY SUCKS..:)
of millennials and everyone in modern
societies.. is sitting on their butt
and typing away.. Home
Entertainment.. Video
games.. screen
addictions.. where
i am no exception..
you are an athlete..
you know the benefits
of great health
but most
are in really sad shape..
price for that one third of
school age children who are
type two pre-diabetic.. close
to 50% of adults on some kind
of pain killer and sky-rocketing
rates of psychotropic drugs
to feed folks from an
emptiness of poor
health.. non-regulated
emotions and non-integrated
senses.. without that LIFE REALLY SUCKS..:)
And final note.. and don’t
worry.. yes.. this is just a fluke..
i’m not going to write Novels
on your personal Facebook page
in the future.. but yes.. folks in general
and particularly in the last several decades
as science shows in empirical studies have
at the college age.. in studies.. lost around 30% of
measurable amounts of empathy.. hell.. ask
some folks what the difference between
affective empathy and cognitive
empathy is and they
will not have
a clue even
when it is explained
in detail.. anything but
face to face flesh and blood
reduces human empathy.. fact
of Nature where upwards of 90%
of human communication is non-verbal
in the empathic sense of emotional contagion
as flesh and blood.. standard procedure these
days for many folks is totally ignoring other human
beings in the ‘real world’ as passing objects and no more..
real problem.. ’cause the flesh and blood connection is supposed
to feel good.. when folks have not lost the ability to feel that.. and
once again.. anything but the flesh and blood stuff is anti-thetical
to that.. and again.. i am no exception.. i spend more time behind
this dam screen than almost anyone.. but i dance to make it up..;)
worry.. yes.. this is just a fluke..
i’m not going to write Novels
on your personal Facebook page
in the future.. but yes.. folks in general
and particularly in the last several decades
as science shows in empirical studies have
at the college age.. in studies.. lost around 30% of
measurable amounts of empathy.. hell.. ask
some folks what the difference between
affective empathy and cognitive
empathy is and they
will not have
a clue even
when it is explained
in detail.. anything but
face to face flesh and blood
reduces human empathy.. fact
of Nature where upwards of 90%
of human communication is non-verbal
in the empathic sense of emotional contagion
as flesh and blood.. standard procedure these
days for many folks is totally ignoring other human
beings in the ‘real world’ as passing objects and no more..
real problem.. ’cause the flesh and blood connection is supposed
to feel good.. when folks have not lost the ability to feel that.. and
once again.. anything but the flesh and blood stuff is anti-thetical
to that.. and again.. i am no exception.. i spend more time behind
this dam screen than almost anyone.. but i dance to make it up..;)
Cortney says.. and i quote..
“I do agree people tend to ignore each other more than
they did “back when”, my dad always taught me to smile
and greet people.. I smile to every person who walks
by me and will sometimes ask how they’re doing…
I can be too friendly at times.. smile tear laugh
they did “back when”, my dad always taught me to smile
and greet people.. I smile to every person who walks
by me and will sometimes ask how they’re doing…
I can be too friendly at times.. smile tear laugh
And i say..
i think athletic folks tend to be more confident..
simply ’cause they are comfortable in their own skin..
more so.. than folks who have not ever had the
opportunity to be challenged in it..
and yes.. ha!.. i can be too
friendly too.. and yes..
my mother who raised
me IS A Saint..
i’d probably be in
Law Enforcement iF
dad didn’t leave at age 3..
but friEndLY equals happy
and happy is much better than
sour frowny face all the time.. Winks..
i respect you and your friends.. moreover..
as you don’t discriminate against the different
among all.. and you know how to put your freak on.. sTiLL..:)
simply ’cause they are comfortable in their own skin..
more so.. than folks who have not ever had the
opportunity to be challenged in it..
and yes.. ha!.. i can be too
friendly too.. and yes..
my mother who raised
me IS A Saint..
i’d probably be in
Law Enforcement iF
dad didn’t leave at age 3..
but friEndLY equals happy
and happy is much better than
sour frowny face all the time.. Winks..
i respect you and your friends.. moreover..
as you don’t discriminate against the different
among all.. and you know how to put your freak on.. sTiLL..:)
Facebook Friend Rafiah from Pakistan
shares a poetic Facebook Status..
and Lord kNows we
need more
and practicing
that as an art
on Facebook to
share a SpiRit oF
Love more than worry..
strife.. doubt.. etc.. and i say.. after she says..
shares a poetic Facebook Status..
and Lord kNows we
need more
and practicing
that as an art
on Facebook to
share a SpiRit oF
Love more than worry..
strife.. doubt.. etc.. and i say.. after she says..
Nights are beautiful. There are no outwardly
disturbances. You can embrace yourself
by being on your own.
disturbances. You can embrace yourself
by being on your own.
and yes.. then i say..
i like going far out in the forest.. or the beach
away from footprints of culture
and stressful energy
from humans
as the plants
and animals
live with the
Peace of God Free..
and i surely feel it.. with
bliss of open skies and free earth..:)
away from footprints of culture
and stressful energy
from humans
as the plants
and animals
live with the
Peace of God Free..
and i surely feel it.. with
bliss of open skies and free earth..:)
And even though i never see Rafiah in flesh
and blood.. whenever i interact with her.. even
if i have to wait for her response.. i get that
warm human connection feeling per
oxytocin that ‘normal’
folks feel as Love
regardless of
any degreed relationships
or flesh and blood ties..
AS human
and sisters
who share
the same
basic dam DNA..
PoeTry is a bridge to increasing
the connection of human language
and emotions associated with both
affective and cognitive empathy..
and while it doesn’t always
match the flesh
and blood
it dam sure
comes in a close
second with other forms
of art.. including music.. etc..
The heart is a muscle in terms
of human empathy and Love that
must be exercised no different than
the ones with form.. the essence noW
of SpiRit iS free floWinG emoTioNs
and senses.. regulated and
integrated well..
as such..
We have a real deficit in this
country and all modern so-called
first world countries.. far beyond
economics and the work
ethic.. as well as
for subsistence..
deficits in moving.. connecting..
and creating.. where one actually
touches.. gives.. and shares the
products of their life of work
in subsistence
of surviving
truly changes
humans into the tools
they have created for comfort..
They are losing tHeir basic innate..
instinctual.. and intuitive humanity
in moving.. connecting.. creating..
in giving.. sharing
ways.. theRe is a
crisis of humanity
but it is much more
than a dollar bill.. it is
a muscle of hEart.. SpiRit
and soUl.. that is increasingly
withering away to tools of liFe.. instead of LiVinG
in moving.. connecting.. and creating ways oF Free toGeThER..:)
and blood.. whenever i interact with her.. even
if i have to wait for her response.. i get that
warm human connection feeling per
oxytocin that ‘normal’
folks feel as Love
regardless of
any degreed relationships
or flesh and blood ties..
AS human
and sisters
who share
the same
basic dam DNA..
PoeTry is a bridge to increasing
the connection of human language
and emotions associated with both
affective and cognitive empathy..
and while it doesn’t always
match the flesh
and blood
it dam sure
comes in a close
second with other forms
of art.. including music.. etc..
The heart is a muscle in terms
of human empathy and Love that
must be exercised no different than
the ones with form.. the essence noW
of SpiRit iS free floWinG emoTioNs
and senses.. regulated and
integrated well..
as such..
We have a real deficit in this
country and all modern so-called
first world countries.. far beyond
economics and the work
ethic.. as well as
for subsistence..
deficits in moving.. connecting..
and creating.. where one actually
touches.. gives.. and shares the
products of their life of work
in subsistence
of surviving
truly changes
humans into the tools
they have created for comfort..
They are losing tHeir basic innate..
instinctual.. and intuitive humanity
in moving.. connecting.. creating..
in giving.. sharing
ways.. theRe is a
crisis of humanity
but it is much more
than a dollar bill.. it is
a muscle of hEart.. SpiRit
and soUl.. that is increasingly
withering away to tools of liFe.. instead of LiVinG
in moving.. connecting.. and creating ways oF Free toGeThER..:)
SMiLes.. gigoid..
yes.. i’VeNoWbeen
pRAncing all around
my metro area since
i gave up shy.. and quite
honestly.. one of my many
milestones.. to bring the statue
oF Apollo.. literAlly and physicAlly
to liFe iN the flesh.. yes.. the mature
version closing iN @
age 56 on June 6th..
but seriously.. what is
better.. a role model oF liFe
as money.. or one of athletic
youth.. poetry.. music
and healing..
not to mention
the darker side
oF destruction
iN case things
get out of hand..
as there must be a dArk
pArt oF aLL human archetypes
to muSe the liGht aS iT were and iS noW..
strangest thing though.. Apollo.. perhaps
the most common of ancient human God Archetypes..
through out cultures.. seems to be played by the
same nude model.. who does the
David statue.. and even
the Statue of Liberty
in drag of course..
in the harbor as such..
with a torch.. not unlike that
of the flame of Olympic Victory or Nike Swish
sTiLL to carry on across the ocean of poTenTiaLs
in human progress iN lands oF freer.. at least.. noW
anyway.. i’ll choose the Sun over a green back anyWay…
sAnd.. poetry.. music.. and dance.. so yes.. on the dance
pArt and away from destruction.. i’ll one up Apollo
with the assistance of modern technology
of course..
where by
noW.. anyone
whose been paying
attention… some of
anyone.. at least.. should
achieve the Apollo human
archetype iNow as folks who
have been shooting aT iT.. to be
as free as free can be in the pursuit and attainment
of happiness… otherwise known as heaven now..
Go Apollo.. Go.. and
never look back
at the folks
who chopped
off an almighty pen
is writing now as free..
iN only mythology real.. my friend..
FucK thAT bowInG sHit.. God doesn’t
liVe iN LioNs that way free or i foR Now..
poeTry iN SonG and Dance as music
bRinGs a bELL..
FReED.. juStiCe..
aS Liberty foR All..
And ps.. as talkED to iN
latest poeTry volumes
Mut.. Nut.. and Isis..
all played by
that same
woman who
looks almost
just like my wife
down to ear lobes
and shape of breasts..
who would have figured
life could be this strange..
Mark Twain was correct..
Fiction has to make
sense but FucKinG
reaLITy is no hOlds
barRed wHere
when a wish
is repeated enough..
sooner or later a self-
fulfilling prophecy
comes true..
and that’s
all prophecy truly
is.. careful what ya
wish for.. as that is the
crux of action-consequence
the desire
one and same
in idols of symbols
no matter word or statue
what comes may WiLL..:)
yes.. i’VeNoWbeen
pRAncing all around
my metro area since
i gave up shy.. and quite
honestly.. one of my many
milestones.. to bring the statue
oF Apollo.. literAlly and physicAlly
to liFe iN the flesh.. yes.. the mature
version closing iN @
age 56 on June 6th..
but seriously.. what is
better.. a role model oF liFe
as money.. or one of athletic
youth.. poetry.. music
and healing..
not to mention
the darker side
oF destruction
iN case things
get out of hand..
as there must be a dArk
pArt oF aLL human archetypes
to muSe the liGht aS iT were and iS noW..
strangest thing though.. Apollo.. perhaps
the most common of ancient human God Archetypes..
through out cultures.. seems to be played by the
same nude model.. who does the
David statue.. and even
the Statue of Liberty
in drag of course..
in the harbor as such..
with a torch.. not unlike that
of the flame of Olympic Victory or Nike Swish
sTiLL to carry on across the ocean of poTenTiaLs
in human progress iN lands oF freer.. at least.. noW
anyway.. i’ll choose the Sun over a green back anyWay…
sAnd.. poetry.. music.. and dance.. so yes.. on the dance
pArt and away from destruction.. i’ll one up Apollo
with the assistance of modern technology
of course..
where by
noW.. anyone
whose been paying
attention… some of
anyone.. at least.. should
achieve the Apollo human
archetype iNow as folks who
have been shooting aT iT.. to be
as free as free can be in the pursuit and attainment
of happiness… otherwise known as heaven now..
Go Apollo.. Go.. and
never look back
at the folks
who chopped
off an almighty pen
is writing now as free..
iN only mythology real.. my friend..
FucK thAT bowInG sHit.. God doesn’t
liVe iN LioNs that way free or i foR Now..
poeTry iN SonG and Dance as music
bRinGs a bELL..
FReED.. juStiCe..
aS Liberty foR All..
And ps.. as talkED to iN
latest poeTry volumes
Mut.. Nut.. and Isis..
all played by
that same
woman who
looks almost
just like my wife
down to ear lobes
and shape of breasts..
who would have figured
life could be this strange..
Mark Twain was correct..
Fiction has to make
sense but FucKinG
reaLITy is no hOlds
barRed wHere
when a wish
is repeated enough..
sooner or later a self-
fulfilling prophecy
comes true..
and that’s
all prophecy truly
is.. careful what ya
wish for.. as that is the
crux of action-consequence
the desire
one and same
in idols of symbols
no matter word or statue
what comes may WiLL..:)
Facebook Friend Himali..
shares a Video illustrating
27 Life goals before
one settles
down and
i say..
shares a Video illustrating
27 Life goals before
one settles
down and
i say..
SMiLes.. Lovely video..
on 27 life goals to do..
before settling down.. done all
but 1.. 2.. and 12.. but yes.. i travel
the inner Universe.. and always go
somewhere new in that infinite journey
noW alWays.. and in that way too..
i live somewhere else from now
to now ALwayS in new
inner/outer/above/below/all around experience..
and truly a secret to life too.. is to marry both a
job and person.. if so inclined.. that allows one
to never ever settle down.. my friend..
but of course that excludes having
children.. but true that is
also an answer to the world’s
over-population issues.. if more people
decide to create light for the world in terms
of that liGht my friend.. Himali.. Life is beautiful
in moving.. connecting.. and creating.. in aLL
ways that comeS in giving and sharing freeLY..
as earthly Angels will do with terrestrial wings..
oF Fearless emoticon..
on 27 life goals to do..
before settling down.. done all
but 1.. 2.. and 12.. but yes.. i travel
the inner Universe.. and always go
somewhere new in that infinite journey
noW alWays.. and in that way too..
i live somewhere else from now
to now ALwayS in new
inner/outer/above/below/all around experience..
and truly a secret to life too.. is to marry both a
job and person.. if so inclined.. that allows one
to never ever settle down.. my friend..
but of course that excludes having
children.. but true that is
also an answer to the world’s
over-population issues.. if more people
decide to create light for the world in terms
of that liGht my friend.. Himali.. Life is beautiful
in moving.. connecting.. and creating.. in aLL
ways that comeS in giving and sharing freeLY..
as earthly Angels will do with terrestrial wings..
oF Fearless emoticon..
And then Himali shares
a Kurt Vonnegut
Quote that says..
a Kurt Vonnegut
Quote that says..
“Go into the arts. I’m not kidding.
The arts are not a way to make a living.
They are a very human way of making life more bearable.
Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to
make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower.
Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend,
even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can.
You will get an enormous reward.
You will have created something.”
The arts are not a way to make a living.
They are a very human way of making life more bearable.
Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to
make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower.
Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend,
even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can.
You will get an enormous reward.
You will have created something.”
And i say..
One Word..
plUs oNe..
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