Second Poetic Erotic Novel Volume
"What May Come Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel2"
Second Volume
After completing over 40k Words in the
First two Volumes of "What May Come
Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel".. Volumes 1 and 2..
the 3rd Volume
Continues Below as :
"What May Come Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel3"
Growing to a Span of 61,316 words Total Concluding Volume 3 as Linked Below:
"What May Come Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel4"
Starting Here for A New Titled Link Adding to it Whenever i get
in the Mood to do it as hey there are Different Muses for Different Styles
of Writing and after Dealing with a Common Cold for a Few Days
i'll Wait to Feel/Sense if there is Greater and Healthier Overall
Libido to move Erotic Words of Free Verse Poetry
Starting this Volume 4 Perhaps
as early as tomorrow that
is already after
at 12:08 AM
now on 9.25.2018
Butt considering in the News these Days apparently as usual
Some Folks don't keep much Mastery over their Shadow Sides of
Lusts and Aggressions all Natural too oh Boy a Great Song by Enigma
Song Named Sadeness Part II to start a FLicKeR of THiS FLaME uP with
Some Rather Shadow Style Mix of Photos too From Winter Storm Days
Back in December of '17 for it's True as they Say Colder Weather Will
Raise Male Testosterone Higher when Nuts and such as that Get Chilled hehe..;)
236 LBS in These Photos According to the Record Book in the Macro
Verse These Photos Were Taken From in December of 2017
And Sure i'm Happy to See Visitors Here And Coming
Below i'LL prove it as you know.. feel.. sense what
'They' Say.. Hehe.. Photos or 'it' didn't Happen..
Nah.. i'm not the one ya wanna play
Truth or Dare or Spin the
Bottle With
at least not in online Fantasies Just
for Fun that in someways seem more
real than real depending on how you feel
and sense things within now too.. sure.. inside..
outside.. above so below and all around Your World too..
Yes By God of Nature this is the Very Fully Artful Home of my Human
Shadow in other Words the Snake Brain and Limbic System more Fully
Portrayed in Arts as that relates to Basic Passions of Lust and Aggressions closely
Associated with each other in Mind and Body Balance and Best Regulated through Bio-Feedback to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses Better and of course when it
Comes to Sexual And Sensory and Masturbatory Intelligences as Potential in Arts
of Mastering Those
Varying and Pleasingly
Edging Talents allone allone With
Nature or With other Folks in Flesh and
Blood or Vicariously Through Fantasies now too..
This is the All Legal Adult Warned Material Provided
As An All Free Avenue to Express this Version of Human
Intelligences and Arts in this Blogger Platform now as Long
as that Privilege Provided Commercially Lasts for now as hey
i Do respect the Fact and Art that not everyone is open minded
and bodied as me as i dam sure wasn't either until i more fully
Set my Full Mind and Body Free in Arts Achieved Like this..
i wanted to experience all of Life Naked and Free and
Fortunate am i to Currently Live in a Culture where
that is even allowed at all so.. sure.. Enjoy
the Heaven when those who
come Before provide
Avenues to
Heaven Even More Real Now as done
in Mutual and Consensual Ways that Do Not interfere
Now With the Right to Life and Liberty and the Pursuits in Happiness that
other Folks may do that may not include Getting Naked in Arts in Pics or Words
Ever iN a Lifetime Now to Give and Share with other Folks Free even if they have
Consumed Tons and Tons of Porn.. denied it kept it secret.. And Never Given and
Shared iN Their Gifts of Human Nature Free with others too and to each his or her
own on that for it's true If I was still employed For Pay or Had any Children this
would not be part of my Human Play for Arts nor if i had to keep any of this
Hidden from my Wife for Verily in the Flesh and Blood of Life i am
as Monogamous as a Human can and will Get as Far as
Naked Body Parts touching each other now
however it is no lie i have
Been Provided
quite a Few
Bootie Dance
Advances by Young Women
at College age in the Dance Hall of Life
i have been enjoying coming up on my 230th
Dance Week Night This Thursday Night with all the
Cool College Age Folks there for it's true if a Beautiful Young
Women Vigorously Rubs Your Cock with Her Buns up and Down
when you are all Sweaty and Hot as a Man will be in a Free Style
Exercise of Dance Nature will Takes its Course in a Rise for Life
Down Below too
but all is covered
No Disease
No Flesh and Blood
Contact buTT Vigorously
Rubbing Clothed and Strange
Cock Up and Down Forcefully
As Young Women most definitely
Do These Days for their Versions of Cheap Thrills
Real yes Standards Have changed in Many ways
as I would Never Ever Advance a Bootie Dance or any
Dance on any Woman as i Am Married and Just there For
Dancing although i am no Liar it usually Feels Good for a Female
Butt to Stroke Your Cock up and Down Vigorously for Her Version of
A Night on all about the Town As such.. Hmm.. as an empath i do enjoy
the Pleasure of others most
any idea of
approaching another
Person Against any of their
Will does nothing for me but disgust
now and sure if I was those Women i would
at Least Ask is this Okay Before i started doing it
but that's the way i am always the Gentleman with
or Very
Hard Cock Now
as sure a cock will all
Naturally Be Like a Divining
Rod Heat Seeking a Moist
entrance of home
now.. it's
nothing to get worried
about as Long as You Master
Your Shadow Parts in all the ways
they come and go now.. it's sTill true
though although tHeir are not many
True Life Cases of males
not touching their
for the
All Natural Joy of Masturbation
Some Women over the Course of HiStory
have been convinced that their Butterfly Wings
Glistening with Rose Red to Brown to Pink with Honey
is something Less than a Beauty for Males to Lick all Mutually
And Consensually of Course with only wanting to give and receive the same
yes it's easy to tell in Porn Arts of Sensuality Sexuality and even Masturbatory
Arts whether it is just for Pay or Passion Led for the Great Turn-ons can and Will
Be Just Average Folks exploring their Fantasies For Show for others to Join in on the
Mirror Neuron Art of Touch and Feel what other Folks in Art So as well.. Like the
Ocean of the Hips Motions when a Thirtyish or Fortyish Woman is Excitably on
Her Husband or Boyfriend's Friend's Cock Nervously and Passionately
With Taboo exposed for all the Audience Members to See
while the Husband or Boyfriend Slowly
Strokes His Cock
for the
Audience to see
Fantasy for them real
and perhaps even more than
Real for you depending on how Enhanced
Your Emotional and Sensory Imagination
in Co-Creativity of Intelligences are to match
and even Exceed the Passion Felt and Sensed on Screen
And Screams too of Pleasure Felt and Sensed now even if not
Heard in Moans or Groans except for the Passionate Excitement
that Hips Bring to a Cock Thrusting Deeper and Faster inside
for all to see..
does it make
to think about
that is it tempting to
unbutton Your Pants
or Lift up Your Skirt perhaps
Pull Your Panties Down or at least
Enjoy the Wetness in the Soft Spot of Panty Bliss..
for it's True any Empath Will Feel Your Passion too
Your Inner Most Dreams and Fantasies Unleashed Below
So Above now too.. for True you have Wild and Unleashed Hips
that will Gyrate with Heaven's Beat Faster and Faster with
the Rhythm of the Heart
Beat in
the Button
of Your Clit
Hot and Turned on
even more now to
Release the Heat
of Womanhood's Passion more
for sure this is Your Neighborhood and
only mine to Visit or is it mine or does it matter
for what you feel and sense is all yours and none of that
Belongs to me as it is all yours to do whatever you Love to do to you
Now all for Free.. Lord
Knows Feels and
Senses you
Are a Woman
i am a Man
Surely and Verily
You have Greater Fantasies
than i can and will Imagine to Share
And Give for you.. butt sure it's fun so why not and it allows
me to open up my Libido Unleash my Shadow Release it and Play
with it here to insure i always have Mastery of it when it engages in Public
Life too.. but true
i ain't dead yet
and even when i get
90 if Freedom of Expression
is still allowed i'll have the Historical
Photos to go along with the Present Stories
of Shadow Life then for Keeping the Libido and
the Shadow Young Same is a State of Being Same
no Matter outward Form now but yes it's true
when you set a Cross to do Nude Art every
Week no Matter Physical Challenge
at hand in the Environment
You Live It Will
Dam sure
Motivate you Better
in Bio-Feedback as Nude Photos don't
Lie as to just how well you take care of the
Full Form and Function of Your Temple of God
Set Free Now to Give and Share for Free too for all of those
who See no Separation with God Nature anyway Fully For Agape Love
now so sure if you like Pull Your Panties all the way Down.. Spread Your Legs
open up Your Butterfly Wings and Let them Sing a Joy Full Hymn unto Nature
for this Gift of Life
Play Your Clit Key
with Your Choice
of 10
of Your choosing
All Free of Yours explore all Your
Beauty d0n't be shy this is Your Musical
Instrument for you to Play 'till Pleasure's Desires
are met in Fantasy Mind with More Colors than even before
for this is Your World Within You Can and Will Take This wherever
And With Whomever You Like Your Mind is Free Your Body is Free
and so are Your Hands to Play with Your Pussy that is God of Nature's
Pleasure all Great
to Please
All About You Now
No Form or Function Less
Than Essence For Free..
i Realize that's kinda
Wordy but the tips
of Y0ur Fingers
are all
And Blood Sticky
and Wet Soaked with the Honey
of Your Love now.. yes Spread Your Legs a little
Wider Explore the Cavern of Your Love with one to two
to three or more fingers if it fills and feels Great to you now
to Absorb all the Pleasure of Your Inner River Now Streaming even
Mountain Mound
Yes the Top of Your
Pussy just striving to
Meet the Choice of the
Cock You Love next
or the tongue
to taste the
Flavors Fully Expressing
the Pleasure of you next
For This is a Post Modern World of Pussy
Not something Locked up held up tight
Never let Loose to Dance Life Fresh now
and its' true if you've given up on Men there is
always you and who knows perhaps her too.. for
if i was you that's dam sure what i would do too haha..
Oh God Pussy is so Delicious i verily can't Blame you if you
Seek another Clit and Vagina to Dive into now.. but if not yes
Dream of Cock all Sizes Shapes and Flavors too whatever turns you
on more than one if that is what it takes whatever positions that makes
two or three or less than two and just you too.. hehe as long as you are happy i am
happy for all my Happiness is Based on Giving for i will never receive an ounce of
Your Flesh for any of this..
Your Pleasure is my only
Desire and i don't think
the Wife will Agree
for me to be
a Massage
Specialist to Help
Women with their Orgasms
hehe.. so Words and Photos will have to do it
as best as i can and will To Help ya out the best i can and
will more as they say practice does it even better and i've been doing
this Erotic Poetry Art Since May 1st, 2018.. just as Novice HeaR still
WorKing Toward the Nuances of the Colors of Pleasure more.. so is the
Heart of Your Clit Beating Deeper now do the Walls of Your Vagina Feel
Like they may Be Closing in Sooner than Later have you Quickened Your
Stroke are the Hurricane Winds of Your Fingers Swirling Faster
on and all around Your Erecting Clit even more for
some reason and perhaps you are not
sure is one of Your Little
Fingers Slightly
Feel the Heart
Beat of that other Entrance too..
for is all of Your Motor Humming is the Breath
of Your Life Thumping Harder are the Shores of the Ocean
Closing in on all of Life's Worries are Stars coming Soon Exploding
in Your own Big Bang as Above so Below as the UniVerse of you Feeling
and Sensing all of Life the Birth of you ReNeWeD JuST for You as Temple
of Oh God
Fuck me Please
for it is thrusting even
Deeper in Your Swelling for all
Your Pleasure Velvet Head wanting
so much to Explode the Big Bang With
You Hold it inside you forevermore
Never Let Go
with you.
Until NeXT TiMe butt until then this..
Cock Pics Rising From September 13th, 2018:
My My Me Me Myself too.. Oh Lord how Days
have Changed when a Young Female PopStar Can and Will
Dance and Sing to the General Audience all about the Masturbatory
Feeling Good even
to the extending point
of Edging Around an Orgasm to make
it more Explosive with Imagination and Fantasy
of Emotions and Senses even more and EverLasting
Forevermore now
True these Younger Generation Days
A Woman is Well Acquainted with Her Clit and Vulva
and Overall Labia Lips too to the pointed touch of Big Bang
Ecstasy More than Centuries Before as Oh How the Art of Erotica
is Expanding even more
with Freedom of Expression
And as Said and Done Many Days
of Before and now when it is
All Mutual Art in Consensual
Ways to Be Given and Shared for Free
this Erotica in Words and Images
in Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose
even more as Let's Get Naked i Mean that with all Practical
Meanings and Purposes All Holy and Sacred too Let's Play
Ourselves too
as i Love Myself is Free
to do too and so am i as Naked is so much Fun
to do when one Feels and Senses Comfortable all the Way From
Head to Toe Hiding No Members and or pArts or and Functions
of Bodily Ways any less Sacred and Holy than any other including
Fertilizing Nature
too for more
as let's not Lose Focus
on Nature Consumes Nature
as God Consumes God for the Greater
Good of all now too.. key is not to take more than one gives
so voila
i too
and share
in the Art of Erotica
in Images and Words too
Call it Sacred and Holy Porn Full of Meaning
and Purpose if you like too for Porn is just another Word
For Human Passion Erect and never Hidden for all to See Hear
And Oh
God yes
Feel and
Sense even more
so some more illustrations coming on all about that
now too
as First
Soft Erotica from
the Summer Solstice of 2014..
Well yeah.. You've already Seen me Spurt a little Cum when i was Edging
Around a Big Bang on September 13th 2018 From Above so i really don't
Have anything to Hide or Keep Secret now as i guess it's okay if i really
Show my Ass too as that Reminds me of all the
Nice Young Women in the
Dance Halls and Beach
Bars of Life
who have Grabbed a Handful
of my Ass and Squeezed as hard as they
Can and Beat about my Chest too as recent
as last Thursday Night too as i didn't get a Picture
of Her Smiling Face then but excited by my Dance
she obviously was in Just an Automated Response of Joy more..
in all the ways that Naturally Comes in Shadow Ways too in Beating
the Chest of
'the Warrior Dancer too'
in Female Ways of Respect now
all Primitive yes Primal in Human Raw
Shadow Energy even more too as it's true it's
Nice to Escape to the Raw Naked Shadow of our Humanity too
as that sure is a long way from Base Ball Statistics and other Ways of
Measuring Life in Abstract Construct Ways
So far away from
Flesh and Blood
and Quite Frankly and
more Specifically Tip of Throbbing
Cock and Throbbing Clit coming edging even
Closer to a much more Powerful Force of Orgasm now
with all the ever Greater Potentials of the Mix of Emotions and
Senses that move us to the
Groove of Loving
and all others
too from Head to Toe now more
as yes You Can and Will and Do upload Your
Soul in Flesh and Blood as many Folks Do Do now
in Just about any Fantasy Imagination will Bring to the Onscreen
Life as Art of Erotica
and Hot Clits
and Cocks
Porn as Art of Porn when Mutually
And Consensually Provided For Free to Exchange
Human Energies in Defeating Entropy for now in the Online Record
as Sensuality and Sexuality even more now too so now that i have explored
the Softer Side in Sun Shine Let's Move on to the Harder Growing Shadow Side too..
From December of 2016..
So you are at the Nude Beach and a Couple of Nude Women come up to say
Hello to you as their Natural Beauty is intoxicating with Nipples Erect
and Ample Breasts Staring at your Hairy Chest
as you try to look eye to eye and the
Beautiful Green and Blue and Brown
eyes as yes there are three
Naked Women
Before me
on the Beach now in the heat of the
Summer Rising as my Soft Cock Starts to Engorge
with Life Rising up to Meet the All Natural Beauty that and who
is Standing Before me in Three Sets of Breasts that are just waiting
to Be Caressed and Sucked on as Hard Erect Nipples just waiting to Touch my Lips
and it's like one of my Female Beach Mates
said to me as she went topless
and i went Bottomless
in the Gulf Emerald
Green waters as the Waves
washed away from my waist as
my Cock Engorging with Blood more Rose
out of the Ocean Pulsating and Velvet Red with the
Sun above as she was Crouched Down enjoying the Flow
of Water Around her Breasts So Close to my Cock as she said
it would be so easy
to Put Your Dick
in my
Mouth now
it would Slide right in
as Oh God i thought i was gonna explode
when she said that as i was pretty sure we were still
just friends in this way where Look is okay but no touch as
yes we managed to keep it that way but she didn't mind watching
me Jerk off at the End of the Beach Day as she Said Fred Your Cock is Pretty
and it sure is Red too..
and oh You Came a lot
too as she Giggled and was Smiling
with Glossy Brown Looking Eyes too so
okay out of the Shadows and into the Light more now..
And yes.. While i realize it is only October as the Temperatures Still come Close
to 90 F Where i Live in Florida buTT iT is also True i Can and Will Get you on my
Naughty List too as these Photos Come From December of 2017
with a Trickster or Two Cartoon from that Same Time Frame too below
as above

Well it's True i must be somewhat of a Joker and or a Trickster to get all Naked
on the Internet and Write Free Verse Long Form Erotic Poetry now too covering
it all and even more as my Imagination and Fantasies continue to Grow and
to Protect the Innocent this may
be Based on True
Stories or
it may
not as Fantasy
is Colored to make you
Eventually Come now not later
and not Before as it's like when i Finger
my Beautiful Wife While she Watches Porn
as i ask her Which Pussy Looks Best and which
Cock she Loves
Best too
as just a
a Review of what she
Likes and Loves best in the Same
and Opposite Sex too.. as that's the way Taboo
Will Grow and Pulsate more in Hot of what might Normally
Be Restricted with Jealousy and Shame and Regret too as for now you
have your Legs Spread Open and i am Probing Your Clit and Entering your
Cavern Just a little more as you Get even Wetter as i ask you if you Like and
Love what he is doing
to her/you next
as He
both of her Ports
Below with a Tongue
than seems to Never end
as we move to the Next Computer Screen
Production as i get a review from you on what you
Love Best as this Woman is Being spread open by a Huge
Cock now as i ask
do you think
all of
would fit in you as you
say oh Hell No Yours is all i want
to Deal with Now and besides Your Cock is
Pretty and that Big Thing Looks Gross and Ugly
i wouldn't want that Huge thing touching me anywhere
as i feel Your Pussy getting wetter now as the Heat on Your
Clit is Expanding Further Around Your Cunt Lips now.. as i do
Love watching Your lips Get Fuller and Your Eyes Gloss over so Shiny
and Deep in Lust as the Wonder of the Bodies before you Enhance the Lust
Rising Wetter
as Your
Clamps around
my Fingers tighter
as you Start to Move your Hips
Around and Up and Down a Little like you
are Imagining my Finger and His Cock is doing this to you
now or perhaps you are thinking about that Beautiful Pussy as you
wouldn't lick it as you say that would be gross but still you think it's Beautiful
and you are not sure why you Feel so Attracted to those Beautiful Butterfly Wings
of Cunt Wide Open
and Filled with
Cock Pumping Thrusting
Harder now as my Fingers and
His Cock is about Ready to Spill
an Eruption of Lava Cum Hot into your Cunt next
hehe.. talk dirty to me as my Girl friend From Youth College Days
said Fuck me Fuck me i could Suck your Cock all night Long cum in me please
Fill me up let me Suck your
Sweet Cum
as i Suck it down
My Blonde Haired throat
so as 'they' say How Hard and How Red will my Cock get next.. Thumping to the Beat...
Photos Also from December of 2016:
Yeah it's True i Can and Will Get Stiffer and Redder Than That like This From
December of 2017 too.. in a closer up View:

So She yes whoever she is Wraps Her Lips around my Velvety Red Headed
Cock as Pre-Cum it already Has a Sheen of More Passion too
as it is just about gonna Match the Red Accent
of these Nike Shox Shoes
as Oh God
you Turn
me on that much
yes you do Please Lift Your Skirt a Little
Higher and Bring Your Panties Closer to the Head
of My Cock now just let me Rub it in the Wet Nest of those
Bikini Panties and or Bikini now
as i will do it to you while
you are clothed no
worries about
me coming
in you
at least but true i am just
about ready to Explode in the Scent and
Wonder of Your Soaking Panties more as my Pre-Cum
is Mixing in with your Womanhood More.. i can't Help it i saw
you Standing on the Nude Beach and i Swear i could See Your Pussy
Getting Wetter as you Bent over to Spread Your Towel a little Further
as you Were lying there as the Breeze was Sweeping around
the Heat of Your Pussy Lips as Salt Water Winds will
do to Purify all of Your Soul From Head to
Toe more true Your Pussy is Holy
and Sacred and Never
Dirty to me now
doesn't matter
how many Cocks have emptied
their Seed into you as you are even more
Beautiful Down there than ever before as True
My Cock Salutes you as it stands even Higher to the Sun
of Attention now
we don't have to do a
thing let me just look
at the Beauty of Your Pussy now
Spread Across the Sugar White Sand
only a Towel Separating you from Mother Earth more..
as you Spread You Legs a Little More and Squirm Your Mound against
the Earth in Wanting more.. we could just lay here together and Rub our parts
together she says if you don't Mind as i don't think i can stand it any more
i just want your Cock to touch my Cunt a little now
let's just rub each other
a little please
as my Cunt
is Heat seeking
a little comfort now
please come down here now
please get on top of me and press your Cock
on top of my Pussy Just Rub My Hot Wet Lips
let's start a Fire between my Legs.. so i comply as i surely
don't wanna hurt anyone's Feelings as Nature takes over and
My Hips Drive my Passion
all around as
Between us
and i am gonna explode
on Your Belly Soon it surely
Seems as you Grab the Shaft of my Cock
and Push it inside you now Fuck me Faster Fuck me Harder
you say you can't do it too Fast For me Hump me until i Ache for your
Come now let me Hold the Velvet Cock
inside me forevermore now
as i want your come
all of it to
me uP as Ocean
Spray over Shores of Love
as by now we've forgotten we have a Pussy
and a Cock or even a Body as we are lifted up together
on the Wings of Love never to fall again as something about Sex
as Love on the Beach will do that to you Day or Night Sun or Moon Light or Dark
As All
becomes us Free
until the Next Fantasy and Dream of Life Comes True..:)
A Couple of So-Called G Rated Photos From: 2014
Photos From: May 2017
October 9th, 2018
Human Sexuality is so Colorful and Complex
and yet even when unwanted in Words of Connie Chung
A Virgin Like Her so young can Enter into a Gynecologist
Office where the Doctor Takes Advantage of Her as she
Described Entering Her Vagina with a Finger
And rhythmically Stimulating Her Clitoris
with another one of His Fingers
Quickly Bringing her
to a Jerking
she Never experienced
as a Virgin before.. a rather abuse
of Power by Medical Authority in Charge
yet the fact that we are Human Animals and Respond
to stimulus whether the Neo-Cortex is involved in wanting
a Jerking Climax or not..
it's true it's like when you
are at the Dance Hall and No Matter
who the Woman is who Arrives in Your Dance
Space while you are doing Your Solo Dance Trance
as she Forcefully Grinds Her Hips rubbing up and
Down moving into the more Sweet Spots of Her Vulva
in a Satin Thin Dress with Panties or not up and down
and all around and all about the Territory of Your Cock
as her Masturbatory Tool if not the Firm Front of Your
Thighs as her toy to play with more so free without even
asking and assuming you want even more now as Her
Hips and other Body parts from Rear become the
Best of Friends with Your Cock whether or
not you particularly wanna get a rise
out of the activity or not
for once again
we are
Human Animals and while one might
think yes think that the Neo-Cortex is actually in control
well no no no.. it's true that Neo-Cortex is only a servant to
the Limbic System Brain and Reptilian Snake Brain too
and if you don't master those other Brains first in
Bio-Feedback of becoming best Friends with
Your Shadow Side that is truly in
Charge of the overall
Game of
Your Life True not only will your
Neo-Cortex so-called Rational Brain be
Servant to the older much more Dominant
Evolutionary Status Brains True that Neo-Cortex
Brain can and will actually be Slave to those other two Brains
in Addictive Ways
to Environmental
Stimulus in all
the ways
comes where the rest of what you might
otherwise do for Stimulation in Light of Life may
be severely Limited by what you become Slave to next
in the Stimulation of your Environment as whole..
hmm.. true i love Writing Erotic Poetry
it puts me in another
Different State of Being
as i connect to my Shadow
and Play with it as Words become one
with Shadow more now too.. Free to be
Lustful with not a whole lot of Love to Go along with
that Just Lust just raw passion just the Stuff that Grows in Girth
and Length and for Women Relaxing in the River of Passion
Yes the Wet Cunt Lips
and Valley
of Lust
and Love
that is opening up for Bliss
and Big Bang Orgasms as Release to escape
all Worry States of Beings so true considering all of this it's
not really all that Surprising that Connie Chung after having her
Gynecologist's Finger Enter Her Vagina with His other Finger rhythmically
stimulating Her Clitoris Bringing her to her First Sudden and Body Convulsing
Orgasm in Jerking way
an entire new
of Being that she neither
asked for or Neo-Cortically Wanted either..
but once again it's Human Nature and i swear when i started
reading about her Experience in the G-Rated News i never expected
such a Graphic and Strangely Sensual Description as it is true the Taboo ofthe Unexpected and not Social Appropriate Parts of Life that come to be are of
the Highest
Aspects of our Reality
too as the Guilt and the Pleasure
is what Brings Taboo to even higher
from lower levels of Simulation more..
a mix of dark and light life is and
sometimes literally
Hard and Wet
and Explosive with
Orgasms trying to figure out
what is truly right and or wrong about life..
but the thing is to understand that your Shadow has a Mind
of its own too to understand the Nature of Your Human Being is not to experience
the other wise guilt that might last for Decades because Your Gynecologist Molested
you Bringing you to an Orgasm
you Never Expected
and in this
Science and Rationality
in General may Temper and Better
Master the Shadow Brains within a little
better than just Pure ignorance of the Fact that there are things
in Life we cannot easily control with our Neo-Cortex alone now..
anyway.. never the less I don't feel Guilty when a Woman Rubs my
Cock and it Rises to attention as any 'normal cock' does regardless
of what the Neo-Cortex
says but what
is even
more true is i have Mastery
over my Selfie Pleasures and i can satisfy
all those Shadow Needs later without leaving
the Bar with someone other than my Wife who doesn't
come anyway.. with me.. or being conned into buying a Drink
for someone who will go to those kinds of Lengths of Desire for
a Free
but that's rarely likely the
Case for it's true some Women Enjoy a little Power Play
over Men in a Real Life Fantasy Like that as Lord Knows and Feels and
Senses there is a little comfort in reversing the Normal Societal Social Standards
where Men are much more often doing the Power Plays as Sex for a Weapon of
what they wanna
out of life
as just that
as they haven't learned
better how to satisfy their Shadow
Side without imposing their Sexual Will on any other Person now.. well
it's true this Art of Sensuality and Sexuality is Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and
Purpose to me and it is true when i was Young i was taught it was Dirty to touch my
Self Down there..
as oh Lord that can and
will be even be more Dirty
in what Females are taught
in my Culture too but true
well before those
come in view Young Folks are Playing Doctor
with each other and Exploring their Feelings and Senses more..
Oh Lord mixing that up with the other story with the Word Doctor
Brings those Feelings of Guilt associated with Taboo too for
where i was from at least the Girls were much
more Aggressive with me in this
way than i dam sure
ever was
with them
as i didn't wanna get in trouble
if i ever touched my Cock in a Pleasurable way..
that's really sad if you think about it when Pleasure
Becomes Evil for what that surely leads to is a screwed up ability to even
get Happy in Life.. oh Lord when anything but a Virgin in Church is considered
a Four Letter Word of Slut and that's why i Love Ms. Grande's Video So Much
for She makes in
Art a Soupy
come of
in all the Variations that
comes as Holy and Sacred
instead of a Slutty Human Stew
In Mud to go so far down from what
should other wise Be Butterfly Wings
of Love
with want of Seed
for all Human Creativity and Productivity
and Social Cooperation more yes do come as much as you like
and as much as you can too and it's kinda sad how some Women never
do for they cannot relax the Beta Waves in Worry State of Mind long enough
to get anywhere
Heaven in all the ways
Heaven comes now for it is also
true until one becomes Friends with their
Passions of Aggressions and Lusts more it can and will
be very Hard to rise up to Unconditional Agape Love For All
until one truly sees all the
Forms Functions
and Essence
of their Bodily Systems
as purely Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and Purpose for Life is Good Now..
And considering in my cultural upbringing.. Sex was off topic until
Marriage as soonest.. i am Very Fortunate at least that i was able to
Vicariously Experience Sex through the Art of Soft to Hard Core Porn
true provided for Pay by others but so much better now in a World
where Folks Volunteer the Art of Sensuality and Sexuality
In Porn
where everyone
doesn't always
Looks so Air Brushed
and Barbie Doll-Like on Tumblr
as that's the way i like it folks who Give the
Art of Porn to others giving and sharing free
for there is no Prostitution of Ownership by others in Slave
ways of Life when all of Love in Lust too is given and shared for Free and that
reminds me one of the hottest things i saw this week was not a so-called Perfect
Woman these days but a Very Healthy Hispanic Baby's Got But with Huge Saggy
Breasts too..
as she went to what
Looked Like a Protestant
Church in the Pews Covered with
Old Timey Bibles.. Pulled Her Shirt open
with Huge Breasts and Huge Brown Hard Erect
Nipples for all to see.. Massaging her Right Breast
Rhythmically with Left Hand as she was Covered with Sweat
and then reaching into her
Purse and Pulling
out an
Average to Small
Sized Vibrator Pulling Her Pants
Down Violently in Passion
Spreading what did look like a Perfect
Pink Pussy Plunging that Vibrator Deep into
the Cavern of her Love with only a Hint of the
Lower Part of her Hispanic Face for the Audience to
See as all was focused on the Pleasure of her Breasts
and Sweet Pink Cunt
for all to see..
she could have been 20 or 30 or 40
but that did not matter at all nor did the Fact
that she was a very Full Figured Women and no Tooth
Pick Model Barbie now.. for she was truly enjoying Herself
for Free and Appreciating the Fact that Her Audience Was
Enjoying Her
of Taboo more
for Her message was clear
Sex and yes By God Playing with Yourself
is what God does when God is you too just wanting
to Share Pleasure a little more with Open Minded and Bodied
other God Friends from Around the World.. so free so Free to Be
no more Guilt no more Regrets from those who would otherwise
and Abuse
and Neglect the
Holy and Sacred
Nature in Full of Meaning
and Purpose in all of what Sets Human
Free to be from Head to toe to throbbing Clits
and Dicks to Cunt Lips So Wet And Delicious to Plunge
a Tongue in too.. so please do too.. true Imagine whatever it is Free
all the Colors More in the Universe
that Light Your Clit
and Cunt
up more
In Rivers of Wetness
Expanding to accept whatever
Cock or Your Ten Hand Cock Fingers next..
true you can and will go anywhere from here..
and true you can let go of Control too to get Control
for Imagine a Good Looking Doctor who actually Helps Women
Arrive at Orgasms now at Your Choosing for true you can and will
Let your Fingers do the
online Trip
of Selecting
whatever Doctor
you will Love to Help you Next
true does this Control of choosing whatever Stranger
in Dr. Who will Help you next make you a little bit excited
and a little wet now.. for true this could be a Massage by that Guy
that always Massages you with nothing But Panties on too under that
Towel as you cannot help
it but your
Pussy Gets wet
as he massages oil all around your Thighs
on the Lower Part of Your Back Just Massaging
the Top Fleshy Part of Your Hips swirling his fingers
down to Your Toes Pressing His Hands down and around
Your Shoulders and the top of Your
Tummy Just
Below your
Covered and
Naked Breasts..
true you are paying for this and you would Never Let him touch
Your Breasts and Cunt but true this is your Fantasy now as you direct
and control it
and can and
will have
anything you want of Pleasure more now..
so as he doesn't expect it you Spread you Legs now
as he doesn't expect it you ask do you mind if i take my Panties
off now it's kind of warm in here
and i just want to
let all of
my Body Relax and Breathe
a little more as somewhat Hesitantly he says yes i guess
that will be Okay as you Slide Your Panties off uncovered from the
Towel as he Does His Best to avoid the Glory of Your Pussy Glistening and Wet..
and then you Boldly Ask have you Ever done a Pussy Massage as i've Heard that
some Massage therapists do that and how
about you..
and he nervously
and desirously says
well i could do my Best
if you want me to try
so then you
uncover Your Breasts
as Your Nipples Feel so tingly
and Erect so Taboo and Exposed Freely
to the open air of the Rather Dark and Candle
Lit Aroma of the Massage Parlor now..
yes.. please Massage
my Breasts
First as he swirls
Oil all around Your
Nipples and lightly touches them
erecting them Harder more in electric feel
of Pleasure more.. oh God this is already Heaven
and he hasn't even got to Paradise yet.. for true his Hands and Fingers
Feel so Good through the Taboo of touching you like you know you are not
supposed to do nor him too.. but still oh God it feels so Good His Hands all over
my private
top parts
as his hands start
Wandering slowly
down Your Tummy now
swirling the Aromatic Oils closer
to Your Heaven Path more.. Oh God
My Pussy is Aching you want his Hands all over
Your Cunt now.. but only slowly ever so slowly he comes
Close to
the Mind Field
of Your Pleasure Below now..
it's like He is really in control
like he does this all the time..
no rush and confident
so confident
he seems
of the Pleasure Exquisite
in every Color of Sensual
Stimulation he will Bring to you Next..
and there it is His Finger Tips lightly stroking
Your Vulva and Labia Lips now saving his approach
for Your Clit lightly Feathering Your Pleasure Point now
and True Your Cunt
is so relaxed so wet
so Wanting His Fingers more..
as true first and yes rhythmically he starts
to Simulate Your Clit more sliding one Finger
the Palace of Your
Pussy just hoping that he
Thrusts you Faster oh please
do me now with
all your
as then he slides another Finger
in and Oh God thanks yes he plunges
those Fingers in and out and it's true all you can
think about is his Cock now and true it does seem
like there is a Bulge A rather Huge one in his Pants now..
should you touch it well you want it so just reach out and touch
it now what's
he gonna
do say
no i can't
imagine that now
so you Grab that Bulge and Start
your own Clothed Massage Session with
it now as he continues your Pussy Massage
with even more Special Attention
now as you Grasp
the Bulge
with Your
other Hand
Reaching the top of his
Jeans unbuttoning them reaching
Deeper to Pull his Zipper down now
and you don't wait you reach up with Both
Arms and Manhandle His Jeans and Underwear
Down as His Huge Red Velvet Head below is looking
Directly at
Your Lips
now for
all you Feel
to Wrap your mouth
around his Pleasure more
for true you wanna make him
Explode into a Frenzy of Spurting
Cum as much as he is helping you now..
in fact all your attention is directed toward his Cock
now you feel
so tingly
so electric in every
part of your body to Give even more now
as You Grasp that Velvet Head and draw it close
to Your Lips Circling the Edge of it with Your Tongue
and Sucking all of it Forcefully Down Your Throat..
Oh God You've Never been
this Horny Before
oh God
you want him to
Explode all over you in
Ecstasy more as You Scream
with all Your Female Passion Fuck me Fuck
oh God Please Fuck all of me now as He Plunges
His Cock
all into
the Depths
of Your Heaven
Below as you wanna be taken
Prisoner by His Cock Never Released
from Pleasure's Holy and Sacred Grip
within the
of Your
Pussy Closing
in on Your Universe
now as you Start to Feel the Walls
Contracting already all around his Cock
as you Start Convulsing now rhythmically Jerking
now for it's true this is the First time you've ever Cum
what Holy
is this
New Big Bang
Experience of Heaven now..
but true it's worth noting you aren't on Birth Control
now so you Quickly Grab his Cock and say Please oh please
come in my Mouth now
but instead
he continues
to Thrust
and Deeper
into you as the taboo
and the Danger of Him Coming in you
is Exciting you even more as you decide to release
and just let all of it be as He continues to Thrust you Deeper
even more as the
Waves of
the Submission
all unto Pleasure brings
Depths of Ecstasy more as You Feel
His Cock Start to Bulge even more and Start
to Throb as the Lava of His Hot Cum Explodes
all inside of you
and true
oh my God
Your are Exploding again
with him too.. and true nothing to worry
about as it is only two or three of Your Fingers
Thrusting now hoping to come a Third Time to release
all of
into the UniVerse
of within Freer now
just think now just imagine
it can and will be anything you Desire
within the Bounds of Freedom of Your Imagination More..
and it's True it is somewhat therapeutic to Write it all down as you
for me..
for i intend
to increase my Human
Potentials in what comes
around goes around even more..
but for now Hurricane Michael is coming
yes literally
to Drench
the Panhandle of
Florida now with Winds
of Coming Faster sooner even more now
as that is what Nature does as Nature comes alway again
in the Circle of
Life in the
of Heat
and Cold
And Luke Hot Red..
true as the Wife is saying as she is fully aware of what i am doing
now let's get ready to go to Super Walmart for You have Fully Clothed Dance
a few
pArts of Human now..
i hope you enjoyed the photos as my old Female Facebook Friend
once announced to the Facebook World for Free it is the Poets
who write
that i read
that make
Pull my Panties down
most as it's true i've see at least
one or two 'evil' grins of the Women i dance with
too as they smile with pleasure as they watch my Very
Hairy and Tanned Dance Legs move..
True i don't
that Much
as my Mirror only goes so low..
but true there are Mirrors in other places
to bring that Art i bring too.. for this takes a lot of work
this art of Sensuality does as i get the Wife's Input on what's more
and less Sexy now as well as the general Audience on the specific
Blog Posts
Countries they continue
to go back too most for sure
it's obvious what that means
they have a favorite
like my
last Week's
Favorite with that totally
Free Woman Vibrating Her Pussy
at Her Protestant Church Covered with Bibles all for free..
are starting
to get wide awake away
from those who would other wise
own Women control Women and tell Young
Men it is evil
to touch
selves too..
but you feel better
you sense better for you understand
all of Your Pussy Cunt and even Your Ass is Holy
and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose with Your Nipples
all Erect
now too for the Honey
Wetness of YouR Pleasure Mound
will be Free to Be Heaven more now too..
and yes if you like cum again
as i tend to do too just for free whenever the urge rises
again but true there are so many other Fun things to do in life
but whatever i do in the Moment
i do to the Best
of my
Human Potentials and
Give it my All whether that is Dancing
or Capturing that First Glimpse of Seed
as i edge
Heaven even more
for you to share too if you like..
for i am not one to Force my Will on anyone but Free.
Have a Nice Day
And Do Oh God Please Do Come With Me Again..;)
Photos from 10.6.18:
Well.. this 4th Volume of "What May Come
Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel4"
Continues on here at this
Point not Yet gaining
a Link of its on
as i am
Writing it as i go each week
and will link it later as i grow toward
the Limit of what one Blog Spot Blog Post
Will Allow in Fully Illustrated Erotic Poetry now True..
and true not too many
Folks catch themselves
Cumming in Selfie way
with their own Smart
Phone i'm just guessing
as i haven't seen it on any
Private Tumblr Adult Related
Blogs to this point at least.. as true
it takes quite a Bit of Coordination to
get in the
to get
that First Spurt Edging
Around the Top Before the Full
Force Explodes as sure could be a little
Spurt here a little more until all the Hours
of Edging
have been
Accomplished in raising
Mindful and Body Full Awareness
in a Kind of Tantric Meditation involving
Sensuality From Head to Toe that will increase
Creativity and Productivity and overall Social
Cooperation in a Desire to Reciprocate Social
Communication as that comes to Dance
more now too for a little Sex
Magic in increasing
Creativity Enhancing
Neurochemicals and Neurohormones now too..
true.. while you might think and feel and sense this
is somewhat 'Low Brow' it dam Sure is as far as Shadows
of our Being that are truly
in control as our
Neo-Cortex comes
to be Servant or even
Slave to Behavioral Addictions when we find
no Practice of Meditation to Regulate all Emotions
and Senses now in Mind and Body Balance more
so yes
this is
moving up the
Bottom Floors of Maslow's
Pyramid to continue to Scale
Self-Actualization a little later after
This Trance
Inducing Sensual
and yes Very Sexual MaGiC
Experience where eventually Ascending
Transcending Agape Love For all comes in a totally
Different part of Maslow's Pyramid and Fowler's
Pyramid of Faith too
unless you
are at the
Dance Hall and some Young
Woman Forces Her Hips up and down
on Your only Half Engorging Cock Making
it Rock Hard
and Voila
the Bottom of Your
Maslow Pyramid gets all lit up
in Bliss and Even more Ecstasy too all Natural
in Dance Hall Days and Nights of Trance Dance More now too..
but true you don't get to Spurt Cum until you are alone where no
one gets
in any
of Trouble As Such As Sure that's a
Common Practice too where Woman Grind Strange
Cocks and by the time they get Back to the Parking Lot
Perhaps they Pull their Panties Done a little and do a few
Clit Strokes
Before the Long
Drive Home with their
Friends as then it's their
Boy Friend or Husband who Stayed
home who
will get
the Full
Force of a Wet
Pussy Lit up to Please next..
just guessing of course just imagining
as at least and most a little Fantasy can't
hurt me and or you as long as it is just Your
Private Parts
and Your
Hand Cocks
doing all the Talking
in Swirling Your Cunt Lips
and Plunging even Deeper in 'tween
the Butterfly Wings of Your Pussy Palace now
even faster
and deeper
now sure
one or two or
three Fingers Free
to go Deeper and Faster now
more as i lost where you are at
in the Car in a Parking Lot with Your
Friends or alone or in Bed with Your
and Very Substantial
Other Now Free to
Envelop Naked
as Love
to Cum..
Anyway these Photos where taken after a Long Day
at Biloxi Beaches as it usually makes me a bit Horny after
i Dance all Day at the Beach in Public Particularly with somewhat
from 'Strange Women'
too.. as hey in the Heat of the
Moment Day Dreams do come Closer too..
as once again it's Trance Dance and the Primal
From the Bottom
of the Chalice of
Humanity now True..
Wow.. just Wow this is a Tremendously Better Art of Sensuality
in Human Creativity and Productivity versus Just Looking at a Gazillion
Fresh and Perky Tits and Juicy Wet Cunts on Tumblr And other Places too..
For Creativity
Breeds More Creativity
like this slowly and surely
in a rise a Steady Rise of Passion
more as remember the Human Brain is
the Biggest Human Sexual Organ of all both
in Size
Function in all the colors
to Kingdom Cum More NoW in
Heaven and yes by God all the Flavors
now even more just Dreaming of the Taste
of that Beautiful
now with those very
very nice Butterfly Wings Spread open
just for me and
her if
that Happens
to be you know too hehe
as far as feeling and sensing it all
in Imagination's and Creativity's
Fantasies all Lit up even more
NoW iN Human
of Slow
Rising and Wetter Ecstasy now even more..
True Erotic Poetry can and will just Be a Feather Light
Touch Swirling Lightly around Your Clit now more
just touching your Cunt Lips
Lightly too
opening them
to Test the Heat and
Wetness of Your Pussy even more
just to enter a little more with a Finger
Rhythmically Exploring in Tandem with
the Other Hand MaNiPuLaTinG YouR Clit now more
with Finger Tips
Lightly Dancing all around
the Imperial of Your Pussy Palace
more and darn i've already forgotten are they
Your Finger Tips
my Tongue or Her Tongue
if you are doing it with Your Best
Girl Friend for the First Time she
has tasted Your Pussy now True..
Hey.. whatever turns you on
is okay with me as this
is my Shadow
on now
No Judgements for whatever
Tickles Your Bottom Parts and Your
Erect and Brown Nipples even more now..
anyway if nothing else if you haven't even pulled
Your Panties down now or unbuttoned Your Tight Jeans
to Breathe a little more or Perhaps Pulled your Skirt up
Aa Little just to rest
the Palm
of Your
Hands in that
Very Wet Cottony
Place in the Center
yes at least these
Word Shapes
are a bit
Elegant too as that is what a Fully
Functioning Brain in Bliss and Ecstasy
in Get Away Trance will Do in a Sex Magic that is Real
Now Driving the Force of these Words in FloW iN ZoNE
Now Free
while you Stroke
Your Clit Just a little More
through Your Soaking Panties by now..
and true i could be Psychic too depending on how
Wet your
Pussy is
For Real by now
depending on how far Your
Legs are Spread Dreaming about one or two
Cocks coming Closer to Your Love Nest or
Just the Favorite
one you
about while you were
Looking at the Ass of that Dude
at Star Bucks Yesterday oh so True..
was that
for i saw you out of
the Corner of my Ass
while i was Dancing then too..
anyway as far as all of that goes there ain't
much to hide about
that here
Secrets as all of it is
Hanging out in the Open and Erect now true
all Velvety Red if that will be your next night night Dream too..
just for 'someone' to Spoon Your Delicious Ass more Probing Deeper
Might Like Next..
Oh God this Totally Free Speech
is so much Fun for not even the Sky is the
Limit as in this Place there is no Sun or Moon
i talk
about those
Yellow and Silver Orbs
and You can and will Picture that
Beauty in Your Mind Now Real.. too
true it's not the Body Parts that count
unless You are Animal Jacked up
Sexy low and down in the
Nitty Gritty of
Ecstasy Exploding now
for it is the Moves the Nuances of the Body
and Mind Whole that are so Attractive now as True..
for true rarely do i look down from a Set of Female Eyes
that seem interested in me.. for those are the Doors of the Soul
and that's all
i really
from you
anyway is your Soul now true.. hehe..
as sure Vampires don't really wanna have to
Bite Your Neck and Neither Do Grinning WereWolves
either all they want
to do is
Your Eternal
Soul and Join some Light in you..
within.. above.. so below and all around now..
and ha! you thought that Vampires and Werewolves
Are so Shallow
now oh
now so
Deep so
Eternally Deep we Vampires
And Werewolves are for sure so true..
hmm.. i suppose i could put some Shakira and Her
'She Wolf' Song On Now too.. But Ebony with Ivory
Ciara is
Still Singing
Her Sex Magic With Love Song Now Real..
God.. i'm sort of Tired how about you.. Have you Cum
yet.. not me for today i am even too tired to touch myself i'd rather
just let you do you
and i will
just observe
And take notes
for you sure do have a Lucious
Ass all Spread out on that Chair and or Bed now
the Beauty of your Thighs as they Meet the Nest of Your
Love all 'tween
or Bald
if you Shave
Your Love too..
just waiting for the Next lick
as you get a Touch Wetter now..
as your Fingers Explore all Your God Given
Solo Talent
Potential and Fantasy
Making Tools even more now true..
yes.. let me think back to the Fresh Pink Pussy of my First Love now..
soft Milky White Ample Breasts and Nipples that move soft through Erect
now with just the right touch..
staring at my Naked Legs for the
First time with my Jeans in the Fall
Pulled down below my Knees telling me
Wow Your Thighs are so Big but i'm not sure
i like the way Your
'Little Freddy' is
Looking at
me with
what seems
to be one eye now true
as little (name redacted) is kinda shy
now too.. but true with the scent of Baby
Powder all Fresh
for you
to Explore now
as she didn't mind a Hand
Job at all.. as she grabbed a hold of
me stroking me and watching me and even
letting me finish me off
in my own
of what i was much more used to then..
hehe in the Privacy of My Bedroom with just a Spread
of Fur in a Penthouse Magazine as now i was learning about
all the Soft
of Paradise
between all that fur..
wow.. i remember going to College the Next Day
Wondering how all the Women can keep from touching
those Wet Parts all through the day wondering how many
Times they Got
Wet through
the day
Like i used to get Hard
Spontaneously Day and Night no matter what back then..
embarrassing perhaps in Class but it sure felt good not unlike
i guessed
as the Girls
in Class watched the
Crotches Arise from the Guys in Class
hmm.. not likely the Girls way back then admitted
to touching themselves when they got Home with their Eyes
Shut Dreaming
About their
Imagined Cock set loose
from Siting Still in Tight Male Jeans then..
hmm.. i never asked my First Girl Friend about that then
as i wasn't nearly as open about Sex then in Maturity
and Security as i surely
Free now..
hehe.. at least on my Shadow
Blog and continuing Erotic Story now True..
anyway.. it was always like Paradise when me and my First
Love went Parking in the Woods
before we went
back to
Her Two Story Family Home
as she always had a little Bottle of Baby Oil
to Slicken my Cock all up for her hand exercises next..
anyway.. there is nothing
Quite like your
First Love
Sensual experiences or Your
First Four Part Erotic Novel to Relate
all of what
is Hidden
inside arising now Free
as it is 1:06 AM on 10.16.18 and for now i am Going to Bed For Real.. hehe..;)
Photos from: March of 2017
Photos from: March of 2017
Yes.. as i will likely complete this Chapter of the 4th Volume
of 'What May Come
Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel'
in the Wee Minutes of 10.18.18.. actually Starting
this at 10:55 pm on 10.17.18 as really the Series of
Numbers in Date Way Short as 10.18.18 now
is Rather Special to me for 1 and 0 and
One Standing Tall iNFiNiTy Eight
Twice as hey i will make all
of Life as Holy and
Sacred Full of
Purpose as i will even do this
with Several Profile Pics of my Body
including Cock in variations of Erect
just set Free as the Art of me is to be
so just imagine what Life would be like if more folks
were not afraid to Share the Art of all their Humanity like
this for all their Imagination and Creativity to come as Flesh and
Blood Free From Head to Toe with no Doubt no Fear no Regret or Shame
just to be Human where
Cock and Pussy and Tits and Ass
are just all Natural no matter what
Labels are attached to all that Beauty
in Form and Function and Essence
of Fleshy Sensory and Feeling
Desire From Head to toe
Exposed so much
Open to Experience Even More Gifts of
Heaven Free to Be on Planet Earth as and with
Humanity even more Free now for it is so sad that
while many Male Folks have Mastery enough over their
Pleasure to release a Free Orgasm Practically at Relative
Free Will.. Many
Women Struggle
With this around
the Globe for
their Private
that truly Should Be Public
at least to them have been hidden
below for either Baby Making or so-called
Slut-Shaming now for desire of Pleasure Free
That Most Humans Do All Naturally Love to Be
Butt sure there is always what Happens
Behind Closed Doors under the
Sheets Late at Night
with Panties
With Desire For Deeper
And Deeper and Faster Dreams
At Hand For Fantasies as Fingers
Drift Below to Lightly touch
the Pleasure parts
so wanting
be Loved by You Now
whoever you are as Your Pussy
is a Work of Art to be Cherished with
Butterfly Wings and Pink to Red Tints
with Brown Shades too a Work of Art
yes a Mona Lisa Cunt just waiting
for one more of Your Hand
Cock 10 Fingers to
Her that is You
deep deep below
Exploring More of Paradise Pussy Real
True.. what will be covered up will be explored
with Free Hands lifting Panties away from Lips of Freshly
Scented Natural Cunt Opening up Spreading Legs a little more
Wiggling Hips Around
Forcing Mound
of Delight
Deeper into
Bed and Pillow Delight
Dry Humping Pleasure to Your
Hearts Desire Below Fulfilled even
more just wanting to be Turned over
with Pussy Played with even more..
truly sad when anyone has been
taught it is bad to be Free
this Way for
Pleasure is the Gift of Life Struggles
that no one should be turned away from Free..
So.. sure.. it makes me Rather Happy to See Younger Women
These Days Express their Sensuality and Sexuality So Much Freer
on the Dance Floors of Life for True when they back up into me Aggressively
Stroking Whatever Blood Flow is Currently residing in the Fluctuating Life
Engorging my Living Cock..
With Satin Dress and Heated
Vulva and Labia
from the Rear
their Pleasure Points in General
Area of Pleasure more all around
the Velvety Growing Red Head of my Cock
True it might Look something like this if i was uncovered
And exposed on the Dance Floor as Naked as Pleasure will come to be
for True a Fertility Rite in Art on Naked Display of Natural Life for All to See..
And Oh God Thank Goodness for at least Short Shorts and Silky Skirts
even if there is no
for there are innies
and outies that likely would other
wise plunge in and out of each other
all naturally if not covered up by
Natural Clothing Condoms
as limited this
by Dress Code to stay out of that kind of trouble
for sure for sure at the Dance Hall i for one do attend
For a Solo Trance Dance where Hips on the Hunt for Strange
Cock come up
to stroke
and get
a rise
out of me
similar to this
as that is the Art of Human
Sensuality and Sexuality Set Free too
as it is not likely that 'those' Women have trouble
Bringing themselves to Orgasm Time and Time again
Now With A Whole Library of the Fantasies they partially Create for
themselves on the
and continue with either
their Partner at Home or all
Ten Hand-Cocks ready
Standing at
Never Growing Soft
to enter and exist deeper and
faster as Fingers will Plunge in an out of Now
so Free to Enjoy all of Pleasure that the Mind the Greatest
Sexual Organ
of all
help to bring based on
Past Experiences of Partial Fantasies completed
with so many Colors more brought by Imagination
Sensual And Sexual Free from Toe to Head with
Sexual Organ Free to Play Whatever Symphony from
Orchestra of Hand and Fingers comes next if not the Swelling Head
of a Flesh and Blood Cock Friend or a Vibrator of whatever Fits
And Feels
in Down Below
to Thrust in and out
Sweetly and Forcefully as you like..
Anyway.. i can't really tell you what i was
Dreaming about For Real when i was Mastering
These Photos in March of 2017.. even if you were ready to Hear
all about that Next
as now that is up
to Your Imagination
Creativity and
All Set
Free For You to Do
And Be Now more too..
for there are many Art Pleasures in Life
And Writing Erotic Pleasures is one way to focus
Deep yes Deeper and Faster and Stronger too
in the Present
of the
now as that
Transfers from Virtual
Experience to Flesh and Blood still
to both Metaphorically and Literally come next now
And this is also such a Great Way to Move into a 'Transient
Hypo-Frontality' in FLoW iN ZonE to Dampen the Baseball
Statistic Keeping Neo-Cortex to Set the Rest of Your Mind
Innately.. Instinctually and Intuitively Freer for all the
Pleasures of Human KingQueenDom Come
Heaven to Come to Dream's
Fruition now for
out of the Darkness of Doubt.. Fear
and Shame into the Light of Fearless
And Free to Be wHere an Orgasm
is to Enjoy in Ever Colors more
in Feelings
Senses even more is just another Prayer for Real to Bring Positive
Energy to you to Give and Share With others even if that Product
oF LiFE iN LiGHT FoR Free
iN Libido is transmuted
in Alchemic other
Arts to Pursue Your Human Potentials even
more now Self-Actualizing to Fully Love Yourself
Yes Those Beautiful Rose Petals Butterfly Wings
to Love Next as Pussy Pretty too..
Ascending and
in Altruism
of Agape Spreading Love
As Yes You Spread Your Legs a little more
and Lightly Feather Your Cunt Lips with
the Love of Acceptance for all You are
as a Fertility Goddess with Your
Legs Spread Wide open
Butterfly Wings
For All to See on the Beautiful
Nude Beach You Currently Bask in Sand and
Sun on such a Soft Beach Towel as it is Damp with
the Lovely Scent
of Your
Dripping Love onto it now
As Oh God it Feels so Beautiful to set Your
Cunt Free in Salt Air Breeze Fresh as Pussy will Please to
Be as True it doesn't matter what your Body Form is as
Pussy is always
Beautiful for
all to View
and See
As You Spread the Freedom of Your
Legs even Wider for all the Nude Crowd to See
Walking by Catching the Beauty of all of you down there
As Cocks Begin to Rise in Passing of the Magic
in Desire All Natural
As Cocks start to Engorge more
As it sets off a Chain Reaction now
of Lustful Feelings and Senses of Life
Even more as two very Attractive Men
stop to say hello
as you don't
Feel Vulnerable at
all Open Wide for all to view
in Pleasure in all of what you are
As A Child of the Beach Set Free
As Cocks continue to Naturally
Rise Stiff as the two Young
Males Say well my
God your
Beauty Below just makes the Nature
of the Beauty of Desire Rise in us without control
As Nature Brings Pleasure even more.. as you can't help
it as you say well there is a Dune up there and i probably can
Help you Guys
with the
tide of you Below..
As You Don't Mind if they Enjoy
Your Beauty for the Service all Free you Wish
to Bring to them in the Delight of Your Desire to
Pleasure others
rising even
more now
in Your Largest
Sexual Organ Mind
Playing a Tune of
Nature Free
More Now.. as You Get Up
Leading the Young Men with You Behind
the Dunes to Do what you will Do Free to Help them
out.. as you Let them Move Ahead watching their Naked
Butts Grind ahead in Sand of Rising Dunes as you continue
to Soak
As Your Cunt
is literally on Fire from
Sand and Sun of Desire
as you Feel the HeART
BeaT of Your
As a Drum Beat
of Passion A little Nervous Now
Just heightening the Feeling of Taboo
a little more as this is the thrill of Your
Life now Set Free from any inhibition
And worries that otherwise
Might Flood
Desire of Free
Head to toe now..
but true You have a Bottle
of Coconut Sun Tan Oil
Carrying it with you
to help You
the Desires of Both Young Men Next..
Vulnerable yet free to be Fearless
in all of what you Desire to do now
so now you arrive and spread
Three Beach Towels
As You Are Ready to Take Their Love
Tools in Hand in all the Glory of their
Stiff Erect Cocks Pointed so Hard
almost 90 Degrees to Sun
and Sky
but they say no..
we just want to give
you attention now
we want to
Your Feelings and
Senses in Beauty in whatever you
will Love for us to do next for we Love
all of you as a Work of Art from Head to toe
and we will Love to Delight that Work of Art next
so you say go ahead do whatever you Love to do
to me as i am
ready to
down now
and enjoy it all
as your Ample Breasts
with Erect Nipples point Higher
toward the sky Legs Spread Wide open
as Clam Shells in anticipation of whatever come
next as one Young Man
Gently Swirls his
fingers around
your Nipples
Bringing them even more Erect
against the Soft Sea Breeze taking
the heat off of what continues to grow Hot
now from
Head to toe
more.. Electric Feelings
Senses now from Head to toe
as the other Young Man is gently Feathering
the Entry to Your Cunt
lightly Stroking
Your Clit
now too
With his Other Hand-Cock
Fingers Playing the Piano Pleasure
Strings of You as then their Tongues
go into Action sucking your Breasts
Like any Child Desiring Milk Lavishing
Your Pussy Palace in Heat of Tongue Strokes
all around Your Clit as the other Young Man Puts
one finger in sliding softly
deeper into the
Your Love now..
moving in and out a little
Faster now as you reach
out and grab one Cock now for the Hell
with Hand Jobs you are ready to Swallow Both
Red Head
Velvet Cocks
now whole
and even at the same
time if they will let you do that next
but true these Cocks are Huge only one will
Fit Your Mouth in Tandem now with a Quick
Suck so tight of the other Red Head Cock now
Salty and Sweet Man Hood and Seabreeze too..
Wanting something Sweet of the Seed of
in Manhood now..
so you suck and suck
one cock next one next
Pre-Cum has
but Your Pussy is wanting Cock now more than ever before
yes please both of you.. do take turns now please with all of you and all of
me so the
First Cock Plunges
in Swelling out the Walls
of Your Cunt now more
Thrusting Wildy in
Passion so
as Young Manhood will surely
come to do as they do take turns
and the Next Cock that is Substantially
Larger comes to Play
in all the
of You next
Stroking Deeper and Wider
and Even harder as you take
the other Cock to Swallow even
Deeper now but you want the Seed inside
you Deep Deep down below from both
so you say and even beg please i want
both of you to Explode in me
for i want to be filled
with the both
of You
In Seed of all Your Desire
so the First Young Man Mounts you
Again and You insist no.. turn over i want to
Ride Your
Cock on top
so he complies
as you Wildly Gyrate
Your Hips up and down
while His Friend Watches at
Your side with Glossy eyes
of who will come next
in You oh so free
just so free
Naturally Free to Be..
as if no one ever said this
was wrong at all ever in your Life Now..
so you Pump his Manhood Harder and Harder now
as all the Taboo comes to Light as suddenly you cannot
believe you are doing this now
and that's just enough
to Convulse the Woman
in You in Orgasmic Jerks
as Your Pussy Walls close
in on his Manhood
Violently Contracting uncontrolled now
and oh God that's enough for you Feel A Tidal
Wave of his Seed Exploding as Big Bang inside of
You as You Feel all the Manhood of his Contractions
Throbbing inside of you
and oh God if
that isn't enough
Another Rock Hard
Bigger Cock is coming
To Flush his Seed even Deeper
and Free into all of Your Womanhood more..
so you Mount Him too overflowing from Nature's
Love of who came before.. as the Heat of You Pumps
Him Even Stronger in Lust and Love than the Young
Rode Before..
Up and Down Faster
And Harder you Pump His
Rock Hard Rod Like a Race
Car Shifting Gears even more
as you Whisper in His ear i
want all of Your Seed
in me please
cum please
Please cum all of you into me..
True.. You are not ready to cum again but
You are in Lust to Feel all the Seed of His Young
Manhood now..
So You
Pump Him
Even Harder
You Feel the Head
of His Cock Engorge Even
More and then comes the Throbbing
of the Contractions of His Cumming Big Bang too..
and there it is all Filled Up and Dripping with His Living Seed too
as you Take Both Hands and Freely Swirl and Mix all the Seed spilt
out from the
of all Your
Pleasures now
as yes Proudly
Just like that
With Seed
still Rolling Down
Your Legs Holding Hands
with the Two Young Men with Relaxed and
Satisfied Cocks you Walk to the Gulf Waters
of the Beach to Spread the Rest of what remains
of their Seed
into Living
Oceans Whole of God
Free as You and them and the Rest of Nature now..
for true.. You've met two New Friends of Free today
as you relax in Your Bed and Enjoy what's Left to
Stroke of You
with all
Hand Cock
Fingers You Master
for whatever Fantasy
You Freely Imagine
Co Create
Practice Next
For Whatever Brings You
the Greatest Freest Pleasures of All
For Bottom Lines of You You Are Free to Be Basking In Bliss
NoW iN
of Your
Flavor of
Heaven More
Always Changing to the Next Colors and Flavors of Bliss even more..
Anyway as i Say.. Help Your Self to the Buffet of Your Pleasure more..:)
in the Wee Minutes of 10.18.18.. actually Starting
this at 10:55 pm on 10.17.18 as really the Series of
Numbers in Date Way Short as 10.18.18 now
is Rather Special to me for 1 and 0 and
One Standing Tall iNFiNiTy Eight
Twice as hey i will make all
of Life as Holy and
Sacred Full of
Purpose as i will even do this
with Several Profile Pics of my Body
including Cock in variations of Erect
just set Free as the Art of me is to be
so just imagine what Life would be like if more folks
were not afraid to Share the Art of all their Humanity like
this for all their Imagination and Creativity to come as Flesh and
Blood Free From Head to Toe with no Doubt no Fear no Regret or Shame
just to be Human where
Cock and Pussy and Tits and Ass
are just all Natural no matter what
Labels are attached to all that Beauty
in Form and Function and Essence
of Fleshy Sensory and Feeling
Desire From Head to toe
Exposed so much
Open to Experience Even More Gifts of
Heaven Free to Be on Planet Earth as and with
Humanity even more Free now for it is so sad that
while many Male Folks have Mastery enough over their
Pleasure to release a Free Orgasm Practically at Relative
Free Will.. Many
Women Struggle
With this around
the Globe for
their Private
that truly Should Be Public
at least to them have been hidden
below for either Baby Making or so-called
Slut-Shaming now for desire of Pleasure Free
That Most Humans Do All Naturally Love to Be
Butt sure there is always what Happens
Behind Closed Doors under the
Sheets Late at Night
with Panties
With Desire For Deeper
And Deeper and Faster Dreams
At Hand For Fantasies as Fingers
Drift Below to Lightly touch
the Pleasure parts
so wanting
be Loved by You Now
whoever you are as Your Pussy
is a Work of Art to be Cherished with
Butterfly Wings and Pink to Red Tints
with Brown Shades too a Work of Art
yes a Mona Lisa Cunt just waiting
for one more of Your Hand
Cock 10 Fingers to
Her that is You
deep deep below
Exploring More of Paradise Pussy Real
True.. what will be covered up will be explored
with Free Hands lifting Panties away from Lips of Freshly
Scented Natural Cunt Opening up Spreading Legs a little more
Wiggling Hips Around
Forcing Mound
of Delight
Deeper into
Bed and Pillow Delight
Dry Humping Pleasure to Your
Hearts Desire Below Fulfilled even
more just wanting to be Turned over
with Pussy Played with even more..
truly sad when anyone has been
taught it is bad to be Free
this Way for
Pleasure is the Gift of Life Struggles
that no one should be turned away from Free..
So.. sure.. it makes me Rather Happy to See Younger Women
These Days Express their Sensuality and Sexuality So Much Freer
on the Dance Floors of Life for True when they back up into me Aggressively
Stroking Whatever Blood Flow is Currently residing in the Fluctuating Life
Engorging my Living Cock..
With Satin Dress and Heated
Vulva and Labia
from the Rear
their Pleasure Points in General
Area of Pleasure more all around
the Velvety Growing Red Head of my Cock
True it might Look something like this if i was uncovered
And exposed on the Dance Floor as Naked as Pleasure will come to be
for True a Fertility Rite in Art on Naked Display of Natural Life for All to See..
And Oh God Thank Goodness for at least Short Shorts and Silky Skirts
even if there is no
for there are innies
and outies that likely would other
wise plunge in and out of each other
all naturally if not covered up by
Natural Clothing Condoms
as limited this
by Dress Code to stay out of that kind of trouble
for sure for sure at the Dance Hall i for one do attend
For a Solo Trance Dance where Hips on the Hunt for Strange
Cock come up
to stroke
and get
a rise
out of me
similar to this
as that is the Art of Human
Sensuality and Sexuality Set Free too
as it is not likely that 'those' Women have trouble
Bringing themselves to Orgasm Time and Time again
Now With A Whole Library of the Fantasies they partially Create for
themselves on the
and continue with either
their Partner at Home or all
Ten Hand-Cocks ready
Standing at
Never Growing Soft
to enter and exist deeper and
faster as Fingers will Plunge in an out of Now
so Free to Enjoy all of Pleasure that the Mind the Greatest
Sexual Organ
of all
help to bring based on
Past Experiences of Partial Fantasies completed
with so many Colors more brought by Imagination
Sensual And Sexual Free from Toe to Head with
Sexual Organ Free to Play Whatever Symphony from
Orchestra of Hand and Fingers comes next if not the Swelling Head
of a Flesh and Blood Cock Friend or a Vibrator of whatever Fits
And Feels
in Down Below
to Thrust in and out
Sweetly and Forcefully as you like..
Anyway.. i can't really tell you what i was
Dreaming about For Real when i was Mastering
These Photos in March of 2017.. even if you were ready to Hear
all about that Next
as now that is up
to Your Imagination
Creativity and
All Set
Free For You to Do
And Be Now more too..
for there are many Art Pleasures in Life
And Writing Erotic Pleasures is one way to focus
Deep yes Deeper and Faster and Stronger too
in the Present
of the
now as that
Transfers from Virtual
Experience to Flesh and Blood still
to both Metaphorically and Literally come next now
And this is also such a Great Way to Move into a 'Transient
Hypo-Frontality' in FLoW iN ZonE to Dampen the Baseball
Statistic Keeping Neo-Cortex to Set the Rest of Your Mind
Innately.. Instinctually and Intuitively Freer for all the
Pleasures of Human KingQueenDom Come
Heaven to Come to Dream's
Fruition now for
out of the Darkness of Doubt.. Fear
and Shame into the Light of Fearless
And Free to Be wHere an Orgasm
is to Enjoy in Ever Colors more
in Feelings
Senses even more is just another Prayer for Real to Bring Positive
Energy to you to Give and Share With others even if that Product
oF LiFE iN LiGHT FoR Free
iN Libido is transmuted
in Alchemic other
Arts to Pursue Your Human Potentials even
more now Self-Actualizing to Fully Love Yourself
Yes Those Beautiful Rose Petals Butterfly Wings
to Love Next as Pussy Pretty too..
Ascending and
in Altruism
of Agape Spreading Love
As Yes You Spread Your Legs a little more
and Lightly Feather Your Cunt Lips with
the Love of Acceptance for all You are
as a Fertility Goddess with Your
Legs Spread Wide open
Butterfly Wings
For All to See on the Beautiful
Nude Beach You Currently Bask in Sand and
Sun on such a Soft Beach Towel as it is Damp with
the Lovely Scent
of Your
Dripping Love onto it now
As Oh God it Feels so Beautiful to set Your
Cunt Free in Salt Air Breeze Fresh as Pussy will Please to
Be as True it doesn't matter what your Body Form is as
Pussy is always
Beautiful for
all to View
and See
As You Spread the Freedom of Your
Legs even Wider for all the Nude Crowd to See
Walking by Catching the Beauty of all of you down there
As Cocks Begin to Rise in Passing of the Magic
in Desire All Natural
As Cocks start to Engorge more
As it sets off a Chain Reaction now
of Lustful Feelings and Senses of Life
Even more as two very Attractive Men
stop to say hello
as you don't
Feel Vulnerable at
all Open Wide for all to view
in Pleasure in all of what you are
As A Child of the Beach Set Free
As Cocks continue to Naturally
Rise Stiff as the two Young
Males Say well my
God your
Beauty Below just makes the Nature
of the Beauty of Desire Rise in us without control
As Nature Brings Pleasure even more.. as you can't help
it as you say well there is a Dune up there and i probably can
Help you Guys
with the
tide of you Below..
As You Don't Mind if they Enjoy
Your Beauty for the Service all Free you Wish
to Bring to them in the Delight of Your Desire to
Pleasure others
rising even
more now
in Your Largest
Sexual Organ Mind
Playing a Tune of
Nature Free
More Now.. as You Get Up
Leading the Young Men with You Behind
the Dunes to Do what you will Do Free to Help them
out.. as you Let them Move Ahead watching their Naked
Butts Grind ahead in Sand of Rising Dunes as you continue
to Soak
As Your Cunt
is literally on Fire from
Sand and Sun of Desire
as you Feel the HeART
BeaT of Your
As a Drum Beat
of Passion A little Nervous Now
Just heightening the Feeling of Taboo
a little more as this is the thrill of Your
Life now Set Free from any inhibition
And worries that otherwise
Might Flood
Desire of Free
Head to toe now..
but true You have a Bottle
of Coconut Sun Tan Oil
Carrying it with you
to help You
the Desires of Both Young Men Next..
Vulnerable yet free to be Fearless
in all of what you Desire to do now
so now you arrive and spread
Three Beach Towels
As You Are Ready to Take Their Love
Tools in Hand in all the Glory of their
Stiff Erect Cocks Pointed so Hard
almost 90 Degrees to Sun
and Sky
but they say no..
we just want to give
you attention now
we want to
Your Feelings and
Senses in Beauty in whatever you
will Love for us to do next for we Love
all of you as a Work of Art from Head to toe
and we will Love to Delight that Work of Art next
so you say go ahead do whatever you Love to do
to me as i am
ready to
down now
and enjoy it all
as your Ample Breasts
with Erect Nipples point Higher
toward the sky Legs Spread Wide open
as Clam Shells in anticipation of whatever come
next as one Young Man
Gently Swirls his
fingers around
your Nipples
Bringing them even more Erect
against the Soft Sea Breeze taking
the heat off of what continues to grow Hot
now from
Head to toe
more.. Electric Feelings
Senses now from Head to toe
as the other Young Man is gently Feathering
the Entry to Your Cunt
lightly Stroking
Your Clit
now too
With his Other Hand-Cock
Fingers Playing the Piano Pleasure
Strings of You as then their Tongues
go into Action sucking your Breasts
Like any Child Desiring Milk Lavishing
Your Pussy Palace in Heat of Tongue Strokes
all around Your Clit as the other Young Man Puts
one finger in sliding softly
deeper into the
Your Love now..
moving in and out a little
Faster now as you reach
out and grab one Cock now for the Hell
with Hand Jobs you are ready to Swallow Both
Red Head
Velvet Cocks
now whole
and even at the same
time if they will let you do that next
but true these Cocks are Huge only one will
Fit Your Mouth in Tandem now with a Quick
Suck so tight of the other Red Head Cock now
Salty and Sweet Man Hood and Seabreeze too..
Wanting something Sweet of the Seed of
in Manhood now..
so you suck and suck
one cock next one next
Pre-Cum has
but Your Pussy is wanting Cock now more than ever before
yes please both of you.. do take turns now please with all of you and all of
me so the
First Cock Plunges
in Swelling out the Walls
of Your Cunt now more
Thrusting Wildy in
Passion so
as Young Manhood will surely
come to do as they do take turns
and the Next Cock that is Substantially
Larger comes to Play
in all the
of You next
Stroking Deeper and Wider
and Even harder as you take
the other Cock to Swallow even
Deeper now but you want the Seed inside
you Deep Deep down below from both
so you say and even beg please i want
both of you to Explode in me
for i want to be filled
with the both
of You
In Seed of all Your Desire
so the First Young Man Mounts you
Again and You insist no.. turn over i want to
Ride Your
Cock on top
so he complies
as you Wildly Gyrate
Your Hips up and down
while His Friend Watches at
Your side with Glossy eyes
of who will come next
in You oh so free
just so free
Naturally Free to Be..
as if no one ever said this
was wrong at all ever in your Life Now..
so you Pump his Manhood Harder and Harder now
as all the Taboo comes to Light as suddenly you cannot
believe you are doing this now
and that's just enough
to Convulse the Woman
in You in Orgasmic Jerks
as Your Pussy Walls close
in on his Manhood
Violently Contracting uncontrolled now
and oh God that's enough for you Feel A Tidal
Wave of his Seed Exploding as Big Bang inside of
You as You Feel all the Manhood of his Contractions
Throbbing inside of you
and oh God if
that isn't enough
Another Rock Hard
Bigger Cock is coming
To Flush his Seed even Deeper
and Free into all of Your Womanhood more..
so you Mount Him too overflowing from Nature's
Love of who came before.. as the Heat of You Pumps
Him Even Stronger in Lust and Love than the Young
Rode Before..
Up and Down Faster
And Harder you Pump His
Rock Hard Rod Like a Race
Car Shifting Gears even more
as you Whisper in His ear i
want all of Your Seed
in me please
cum please
Please cum all of you into me..
True.. You are not ready to cum again but
You are in Lust to Feel all the Seed of His Young
Manhood now..
So You
Pump Him
Even Harder
You Feel the Head
of His Cock Engorge Even
More and then comes the Throbbing
of the Contractions of His Cumming Big Bang too..
and there it is all Filled Up and Dripping with His Living Seed too
as you Take Both Hands and Freely Swirl and Mix all the Seed spilt
out from the
of all Your
Pleasures now
as yes Proudly
Just like that
With Seed
still Rolling Down
Your Legs Holding Hands
with the Two Young Men with Relaxed and
Satisfied Cocks you Walk to the Gulf Waters
of the Beach to Spread the Rest of what remains
of their Seed
into Living
Oceans Whole of God
Free as You and them and the Rest of Nature now..
for true.. You've met two New Friends of Free today
as you relax in Your Bed and Enjoy what's Left to
Stroke of You
with all
Hand Cock
Fingers You Master
for whatever Fantasy
You Freely Imagine
Co Create
Practice Next
For Whatever Brings You
the Greatest Freest Pleasures of All
For Bottom Lines of You You Are Free to Be Basking In Bliss
NoW iN
of Your
Flavor of
Heaven More
Always Changing to the Next Colors and Flavors of Bliss even more..
Anyway as i Say.. Help Your Self to the Buffet of Your Pleasure more..:)
10.18.18 00:08 AM
Linked as a Titled MacroVerse for the 4th Volume as this
"What May Come
Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel4"
October 23rd.. 2018
With Yes
Come Later...;)
Yes.. As Promised.. Back Again on October 24th.. 2018 as this
75 Thousand Word or So Total Effort of "What May Come Will
Be Erotic Poetry Novel".. Continues on in the Now Linked
4th Volume As In About 5 Thousand
Words or so it will Be
the Appropriate
to Start Volume 5.. Perhaps
As Soon as my Next 'Regularly Titled' Nude Blog Post
Starts or a Little After than in the Next Nude Blog Post
as i may not have enough 'Juice' Within to
do 5,000 Words
Now For this
4 to Finish now
as that's up to the Muse
at Hand and Creating Coming Memories on the Page now too..
Anyway.. Photos Here Shared Below.. Recently from Festival Dance Day
at the Mullet Festival in Niceville
October 21st, 2018..
Still Weighing it at a little over 240LBS
Here Full of Soft Drinks too from the Festival
in the Heat of a 3 Hour Marathon Dance
where i did
my Best
to Muse
Trio oF A Nashville
Women's Christian Band
On The Grand Stand there
As True they were Musing the
Dance of me too.. With Reciprocal Smiles Shared
There.. iN Considering i'm the only who was Dancing..
'Those Smiles' Were Not So Hard
to Determine
Directed at me..
As the Record Shows i do
Muse Women when i Dance Free this way
Just to be Free in all the Ways Women Love to Be Wild and Free enough
to Enjoy
Free in other words i am not suggesting
i was making them Wet 'Down there' although
Full Joy of Dance
is often
that way
in at least
Somewhat Damp Panty Way
And Somewhat Potential in
Engorging Cock too..
so.. let
skip down through the
Photos at Hand as i was doing
the Vincent Van Gogh Go Version of Batman too..
Stripping As Such After A Very Sensual 3 Hour Dance
As that's what Naturally
Happens after
A Full
Public Day
of Dance in Ascending
Transcending.. yes.. Trance Dance
Way as Feelings and Senses are lit up from toe to top
And all points
in Light
in the 'Tween
of Top to Bottom Now and Then too..
And Sure.. Also Edging A Bit in a Holy And Sacred Tantric-
Like Activity at Home ..a little Seed was Spilled aLong the
Way as that Lasted as Long as i could Hold it all back
to experience
what often Feels and
Senses like Waves of a Few Hours Long
Orgasm as such coming in and going out
the Tidal
Wave of the
Big Bang Finally
Lends a Happy Story to the
Ending and This Beginning Now More too..:)
Anyway.. That Was Certainly a Pleasure And As Any Empath Will..
iN Male and or Female Form Now..
Hopefully.. i will Help
The Beautiful Wings
of Your Pussy
uP iN Pastel
Shades of Pink Closer to
Deep Red of Pumping Blood to
Eventual Ecstasy More as True
You'll Do Enough to Show Within
as i do edging around the
Top in Visible
of Life Giving Force
Of Human Pleasure too..
And remember.. just 'cause your
Clit is Likely Smaller than my Cock..
Doesn't mean that the Jerking Spasm of Your
Big Bang will be any less Pleasurable than
mine and
in Fact
you might
do it more
in Multiples of 3 before i even
Get Back in 7 or so Days and Probably by
my at least once a Week Tantric Edging 2 to 3 Hour Orgasm
on the Regular R and R Day of Thursday Before i Dance
tomorrow with so many
at the Club
to get all of that 'other stuff' out of
My System to Insure the Dragon of my
Shadow stays well tamed there in the Potential
oF eXtra Dance
at my
Cock with the Potential
of Wild Hipped Beauty Dances
Set Free As Any Fresh Flower may do on the Dance Floor too..
anyway.. i can and will only imagine now what i will be imagining
A Next
oF wHat coMes Next..
Meanwhile.. Let's Talk about Sex
Sex Sex
And A Grandest Sexual Organ
Our Brain That Sits Atop Our Shoulders
that Makes Fantasies of Sex Sex Sex oh so Good
And True all the Restrictions that are put upOn us by Culture
Keeping us
all Zipped
and Buttoned
Up and Down
just adds to the
Taboo of what comes Next
for 'We' all 'Know' what Happens
when the Guys and Gals go to Catholic
And Christian Schools.. Particularly when they are
Restricted to Just one Member of the Opposite Sex
Women are more
Likely to Lick Women
And Males are more Likely
to Talk and Do Masturbation too
But Never the Less and Always more
Don't Hold Back and Repress the Shadow
Below for even
it is
Cock and Pussy
Will Force their way
out of the Culture Dungeon
to come out
and play
as let's
Remember.. No Matter How Long the Skirt is
or How High the Zipper Goes all it takes
is one lift
And one Zip
Down With some Manipulation
of Underwear and Panties and Voila
Creativity Below is in all Thrust of Love
And Receipt
of Love
Wild Wild Wild
Passion of Fucking more..
When one Party is Bent all the Way
Over And the Other Party is Focused
As Cock and Pussy Meeting in and out Just for Fun..
Yes.. Taboo can and will just about Be the Hottest Stuff ever as i for one
Will Never Forget
When my
Innocent 'Looking'
First Love First Stroked My
Cock through my Late 1970's Corduroy Jeans
as Oh My God My Cock so much Wanted to come out and
Play but hey that was in Broad Day Light in My '70 White Maverick in a
Small Down
Place then..
And Oh Lord Movie Maker Memories
as i still Remember My Pants Were Tan..
the Smell of Her 'Babe' Perfume and the Song 'Don't Look
Back' in 'Eight Track Way" From
and my
Heart Beating
out of My Chest
in Nervous Cock Taboo
From my Then Innocent First Love
Diving right into her Innate Instinctual
And Shadow
Self unleashed
Released and Set
Free to Master Cock Next
No..Not just to Debate it to Master it next..
True.. You'll Never Forget Your First Kiss.. at least not me
back in 8th Grade when the Neighbors Had their Cousin over to
Visit in Her Short White Shorts
then as she
Leaned over
to French Kiss me
and i swear i never realized
Just How Hard my Cock could Get
Pushing up on what was verily a Paradise
of those Short White Shorts
then.. but just
a Kiss
is all that came
Still a Pleasure equaling
what a First Kiss will only do..
but interestingly the First
Thrust in Vagina
Was a little Awkward Much Later
As After all.. All i had experienced
Was Masturbation from Age 16 through Early 19
With a Consensually Legal 16 Year-Old First Love at that Point in Life at 19
(although as i was totally Naive about all of it with all that Passion Growing
Below at a Very Young Age as i used to Pull it out in the Car of a Dimly Lit
Parking Lot as i was waiting for my Mother To Come Back from
the Store as back then for some reason
i dreamed that the Women Walking
by might like to Catch
A Look of what Was
Pointed Toward
the Ceiling of
the Car
but of course
i kept it underneath my Shirt
but Instinct Innate will
Do what Instinct does
all Naturally as such)
as true i had plenty
of Virtual
in just
the Fur of Penthouse
At Age 16 and After.. but oh all the World
of Vagina Once Pussy Palace of Heaven
is open
and Ready
to Play
for all to See and Do..
particularly me with my
First Love way back then too..
Anyway.. Sweet Memories those were and as an
Empath still then i just wanted her to Feel Good as Good
as Love
Come to Be..
As i Still Remember the Sweet
Baby Powdered Scent of Her Loving
Vagina Way Back then.. Such a Flower she was
and i'm
she still is..:)
Let's See.. Yes.. Let's Feel Sense and Do in all the ways
Love does Come and Go From Head to Toe more as some say
and i do too
all of
Bodies are Wonderlands
too as we learn this soon when
some of us Play Doctor way Back then too..
Just more Taboo Verily True when everyone says
don't even
Down there now
as i when i was a little Boy i didn't
even get close then to what i was told
i was not
Supposed to Do..
As True there are some
Very Precocious Human Beings in this
World at Young Ages then and i'm sure now too..
Oh Lord.. it's so much Easier to Write about it Fully Monogamous
And Married
as Fantasy
now is
Just for Fun
Never Messy.. no Chance
For Transmitted Disease
Or Unwanted Pregnancy
As True so Much Easier and Fun This Still is to Do..
As There is A Rather Exciting Taboo Element to Writing Erotic
Poetry too.. Particularly.. the Mystery as you never really know what's
Coming Next.. Sort of Like the Dance
Hall as Lord only Knows..
Feels and Senses
Hips May Come
Forcefully to Gyrate
Up and Down on Your
Slightly Engorged Cock
Just For the Wild Shadow
of Doing that in an Exhibition
In Public
Yeah.. it's true.. in the Real World it's nothing like
Fox News or CNN or MSNBC or Even Church
in Boring Pews of Folks Falling Asleep early
On Sunday
too or
School or Work too
As Yes the 'Real World'
Is Play Naked.. Dance and Sing
Lose Your Mind uP Top and Engage
Your Pleasure from Head to Toe even more..
And True.. It's Verily More Spiritually Centered From
Head to Toe With No Distance.. Space or Even Time
iN Dance
And SonG
Found As God Nature Within Now
More JusT Free As A Best Way to Get tHeRE
is to
Your So-called
More Restrictive Zipped up
And Buttoned up and Down
Mind Now as YeS oNce all the Taboo
Has Fired Down
all that's
is Union with
All That Is Forever Eternally
Now With God Nature Whole
but how
gonna step
up if Cock and Vagina
Are Relatively Locked up and mostly
Come to Life
Yes Literally Come to Life..
True.. Not So Much Horny Talk Here not so
Much Brain Organ of Fantasy too butt True tHere
is ReaSon iN the
of the Art
of Sensuality and Sexuality too
and on top of that there is plenty on Top of this
that Might just Stimulate Something Below if You Move
up more in the EXtra Transforming
X WaY of Read
In Orgasm Kingdom
Come Still to CoMe AGaiN..
Anyway.. as i Love to Say and Do i More Often Enjoy
the Art of Sensuality and Sexuality More in the Visual
And Worded Version of it all Free and done with No 'Prostitution'
for Pay
in all the
ways Art
For Pay Comes now
too.. not just Limited to the Art of Porn too..
For true there is no Greater Beauty than the Pleasure of
Human Set
Free and
in Fact for me at least
the More 'Imperfect' and Brave the Person
is Enjoying Life's Pleasure Unafraid to Give and Share
that with all others Free too is yes what Natural Empaths
Do who Feel and Sense
no Separation
from the
Rest of Nature
as God as that Includes me
and you too as in other Words
if you are Having an Orgasm now and i am not
for whatever practical
Reason now
for all
Natural Intents now too..
That Orgasm if Part of God Whole as you
and i are too at Essence of what it even means
to Be Creative in Holy
Spirit as
Libidos when
Free to Play Naked Are Naturally
More Lit up for coming Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and Purpose Activities of reaLiTY
even more
As i Still Enjoy what is Shared and Given for Free
on Tumblr now still for just the Somewhat Full Figured
and Breast Jiggling Way Just another Woman Enjoys
the Pleasure of her Husband
As He Watched
Her Being
in Taboo From Someone Else
For True you could See the Nervous Pleasure
on Her Face intensifying in Excitement
as she Looked Down to See
the New Strange
Cock Thrusting
So Deep in and
Out of Her more
for True her Husband was Just
Waiting to come over Next Watching Her Being
Filled Up With Seed as this Excitement Brought Contractions
and Orgasmic
More In Pussy
Raging Ocean Waves
of Big Bang Way all open For
Business more she was as he took her like
the First
all over again
like someone
who had been
Covered up From Head to
Toe Suddenly Revealed on a Wedding Night Again
Deep Deep
Below So Above
in the Ecstasy of Living Life
Totally Free Come to be in Origin
of all Higher Levels of Holy and Creative Spirit more..
just depends on how you View the Religion and Politics
And Philosophy
of Pussy
And Cock Play now
in Fantasy or Reality whatever you may be Comfortable with now
bottom lines though is Orgasm doesn't Care if it is Flesh and Blood or Just
Fantasy Now
as There are No Limits With Fantasy or the
Duration and Intensity of Edging Waves of Ocean
Come Still to Play again..
For true whatever you Imagine and Visualize
You can and will improve on Even more now True..
True Don't Hold Back even when 'the Jaws' Music is Playing
in the Back Ground
for True
Whatever Cock or Cocks
or Pussies or other Parts of Whatever Come
You Love in Life Can and Will Not Hurt you now
no matter the Size
of the Shark
that is
coming up and in and out
to Devour All Your Pleasure now..
sure.. toothless too.. let's hope unless
you like to be nibbled
on from
to Toe too..
True.. don't Hold Back Press the Pleasure Button
of Your Pussy even more now too.. for true too you could
Be in the Back Woods with Your First Love too.. in the Fall Before
Winter Dreams
Exposed now too..
for True he's never seen Your Breasts Before
and the Moonlight Feel so Right coming through
the Side of the Window now for Your Flowered and Long
Dance Dress is Feeling
Sensual in the
Skin underneath
with Nipples Erecting at
the thought of Being Exposed in
Total Surrender
to Your First Love now
so he puts his Hands Gently on Your
Soft and Warm Breasts.. just spiraling a Hand
and Fingers around Feeling the Hardness of Your Nipples
Between Satin Sheets
of Dance
and Tan Shaded Bra now
as he's Swirling Harder all around
Your Fleshy Breasts now starting to Probe
Deeper the Top of Your Dress now as true
He is starting to Slip it off from around
Your Shoulders now as a Cool
Draft in his Car
is making
Her Nipples Nervously
Erect more as he slips
his Hand underneath your
Bra sweet Jesus he's actually
Touching Your Nipple now as you've
never been touched
there by
A Young Man now..
as he reaches back and unhooks one
Part of Your Heaven now as Breasts come out to
Play in Rush of Sensuality in Pleasure More Now Real..
True.. You Can Feel and Sense it is a New Playground for
Him so Old and
Young You
Maturing Now
Suddenly in a Rite
of Adulthood Come Real
for it's true both of you are 18
but you are as Old and Young as You've
Ever Been
in Fact
now you
are no age
at all as distance
and space and time are drifting
Away as Yours Pussy is Growing Slick
as You See the Bulging Top of his Pants Rising
to Red Alert
of Being
Human Nature
in what we've always done to Live..
True.. there is only a Zipper Away to Find out what
is Pushing up Higher to Meet
the Pleasure of
Your Breasts
more for it is no longer
His Hands now Entertaining
the Bliss of Above for he is delicately
Sucking Your Nipples and Swirling his Tongue
around the
of Breasts Set Free..
Oh God that Feels Good there really
are no Words to Say but Hand Play now down
to meet a Zipper
to do your
Best to pull
down in
Crowded Space now..
so.. true.. he hasn't come close to touch
you 'down there' but you do want to return
the Favor for all of
what you Feel up
Top so sure
you Unbuckle his
Belt First not so hard to do..
but True all there is is Hard after
that Reaching Up to the top of a Zipper now
as You Navigate Your Fingers Traveling Down the
Bulge now as the Ridge of is Hardened Cock Head
is pressing out of
Underwear now
as he doesn't wait he pulls
His Pants down next and then
You Reach Down and excitedly
Help Pull His Underwear Down
as what comes Next is a Velvet Head
of Love Fully
With Blood
Reaching up with
a Shaft of Love even longer
More than you imagined when
it was trapped and reaching up from Pants..
So.. sure.. you take it in Your Hand and feel the Warmth
of his Flushed Life now
You Feel the Heart
Beat of
His Love Throbbing
up to meet your Hand
more so slowly you circle his
Velvet Head with Hand of Love more
as by now he's reached down between
Your Legs and Lifted the Long and Satin
Dress as all that's left between his Hands
Are Now A Soaking
Panty Crotch
just waiting for step two and more below
so yes you quickly Pull Your Panties down
and Start to Spread Your Legs Free as His Hand
Wanders up Your thigh
and Meets
of Your Fleshy
Crotch so Wet and
Full of Desire now..
as Your Butterfly Wings
are Fully Lubricated for his
Hand to entertain as it's like any
other Play Ground for an Adult to Enter
now so
Free so
Young so
Old so out of time
and distance and space
so true his Hand is so much more
of Your Pussy Set so Free now in River
of all Your
up for the
UniVerse WHole
God to Be as true at this
Point You are the Mother of all now
as the Throne of Life is part of Your First Love's Hand more..
Swirling around Your Pleasure
Button.. yes he's
Your Love and
is Pressing in Wild
Passion even more
as You Continue to Stroke his
Cock Slow to Faster Now as he Swirls His
Fingers slightly Entering Your Cunt now with
One Finger
and Thrusting in
and out more as you
Quicken the Speed of the
Stroke of His Cock now
As His hands are all
Over The Ecstasy
of Your Desire
now and
You too.. To Bury Deeper
the Love at Hand With Two Fingers More now..
as truly this Feels Good and You feel a Sudden Desire
to Pleasure Him even more so true Lips are Replaced
With Cock Stroking Hand
as you Take the
of His Velvet Head
like the Best Lollipop
You've never Had
And Suck IT
Desire that is Real
to Pleasure all of him you can
and will more for True at This
Point you will endure freely whatever comes
next that you've never experienced Before and only
Heard About as this is a Day
in the Distant
Where no Hard Core
Porn was available to See..
in Fact.. you've Heard about Guys
coming vaguely before but you have no idea
really what it is but that is beside the Point as all
is His Pleasure now for you to Give More as True
His Cock Seems to be bulging More as you
Suck it Deeper
in Holding
it with
both Hands more
as by now you've forgotten
all about you as Your Lips and Mouth
and his Throbbing Cock are now one
for it's true there
is an odd
And Feel in your
Mouth somewhat slick
like you've never tasted
and felt before.. but
true its only
you all Naturally want
to suck his Lollipop so Engorged
on this Huge Shaft Stick now.. so You
Suck Harder and he is starting to Moan
just a little and
all of
the Sudden
he Feels you up
as You are Overflowing
with his Life Seed now...
True You are in the Mood
So nothing about this
is bothering you
as you've just brought Heaven to him
and all that's Left is for Him to Bring Heaven to you
Next as True He goes down on You Next as you are so primed
For Pleasure now
the Soul
of your
Pussy is all lit up
and Your Pleasure Button
is Loving all of what his tongue
is doing as Art of Love to you now more..
for He is using his left hand and unashamed
You are Helping too
as sure
you play
with Yourself
under the covers
no matter what folks
tell you not to do about that
as we have your Hand and Fingers
and His Hand and Fingers and His
to light
up the Rest of your Pussy
Free for Passion more
as true you can't
Hold back
Stars of UniVerse
Surrounding all out of time
and distance and space more
this is it this is Your Big Bang too
as you Start to Jerk to Convulse
in Full Body
for all of you
is gripping Him
With Contractions of Love
As More Paradise in the Woods
So Nice So it's time to drive back to Your
As the Family
Dinner is waiting for you
there again.. and True You are alReady Full oF Love
More for Real..
So.. Not Likely That was 5
Thousand Words but it's time to
Eat and Work-out so have a Nice Night too...
True.. Remember
Back Galvanize Your
Pleasure And Press Your Button More..;)
November 2nd, 2018
Wild Abandon From A Higher Viewed Audience
Favorite from March of 2017
Close to Saint Patrick's Day